HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-05, Page 9lei ler elephaieService,. khool Grunts, Are opics At *inloss Federatioii Annual Holyrciod Hall was well filled, r the annual meeting of the - loss Township Federation of , riculture on Wednesd'a r of st week, • Mrs, Ross Cumming of Lucknow ayed piano music while the • owd gathered and during the. • -dinner which was catered to by. membersof the Holyrood Wom en's; Institute. -;Head table guests included' Murray Gaunt, member of the provincialparliament for 'Huron- Bruce; Mrs. Leo Murray,. Mrs, Evan Keith; -Leo Murray; secret - •ary of the Kinloss Federation; Evan •Keith, president; George Gear, Bruce County Agricultural . Representative; Cameron' Mel Auley of Huron township, pres- ident of the Bruce Federation; Mrs. Cameron McAuley, Mrs. -.Ronald Slade; Ronald Slade., Bruce,Federation Fieldman In his remarks to the gathering, president ,Evan Keith said that. • the farm picture is not so blue now, but that farmers should be n sini- •. , : brides-. - kham ,' Miss-' f Kitch , 4acDoil were. uver, esbury Coronet. r chose . embroid- ' champ - t match - ries were.' as•an'• cked rchid s ;. se a crepe . rith gay, e of e wore i wo .piece a :match - =own• mor. '(PHONE 528-2126•• FOR FREE'; PICKUP ',SERVICE) d Our Agents at'oc ; Halyr6od, Helens, Kinlough And Kinloss ARE YOU FED -UP ON THE CONSTANT FRIG INCREASES? HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE UP TO 30% ON WINTER CLEANING BILLS WITH NO' LA(KENING OF THE $ERVI CE OR QUALITY CLEANING YOU ARE USED TO .; we ow so REGULAR Sciand Tic. .'(*DOES NOT INCLUDE CURLING' OR BULKY .KNIT). lore. Sechelt•;• ars' -- Ctpre Lac�cw Men's Sbuthafl boats REGULAR i1.7i and UP Children's Wear At Special Prices according To Size These Are A Few Samples But ;All Prices Are: Reduced Don't Miss Out On This TOCK, fix « q DRY 'CLEANING PRICES 'ARE., ON THE. • INCREASE IN MOST: AREAS Special Ends .Monduy, Noon January 31 it KINCARDINE CLEANERS FOR' QUALITY AND ' RELIABLE' SERVICE in a better position and di¢ not ' feel that there was to much room for optinl.ism yet. He com-. pared the purchasing power of today s: chinawith that of a+few years ago as it is related to the. earned dollar by the. farmer, The .rirchasing power had de- creased sharply while the dollars earned remained much the same. President Keith outlined var ious phases of Federation actio- ity; He referred to -the incon- venience of ,having five telephone;° exchanges within Kinloss Town - Ship, Bervie, Ripley,, Teeswater., • Lucknow and, Ripley and of the told. charges .involved in.:phoning • within the township, HEAR MURRAY, GAUNT Murray Gaunt outlined: steps taken in regard to improving telephone -service in the area. - Mr . Gaunt said.the subject was .: first brought to his . attention by members of the'St:. Helens Women's Institute who were also concerned by the unfavourable calling areasfor phones". in the district. He stated that he had been in :touch with the'Ontario 'Telephone Services Commission • who advised him on the steps to • be taken to protect this service, Mr. Gaunt 'said 'he;had also been •in.touch with the area•manager for Bell telephone who stated - .. • that..plans were already' underway to improve this, service and that`. letters asking subscribers of'their opinions in .this matter "would` shortly be circulated'.; `..Present, plans of the phone companies can for free dialing between Lucknow and Ripley• and between Lucknow and Wing ham,. The: entire 'project would bg' completed: •early irt967 . :Costs would .increase 150 'per month:.for rural subscribers, 25.¢ .per month for. urban and $1:•040. per' Month for business.'.. Before ., this move would be taken, the approval of`a large number`of : subscribers -is required and hi this regard, a quest.ionaire will be 'sent out. ` QUESTION. SCHOOL GRANT .Considerable discussion cen,`. tr•.ed around the provincial grant for the constructionof new schoolsas being $20,000 per ,classroom; It was felt that .this.. . gr nt, in view of present day cots was very Much out of line. It has not been changed since the 1950's. This grant is based ion' ' 35 pupils classroom while. other departmental heads are advising the schools to riot have - any morethan' 30, pupils ;in a classroom. As a 'comparison, the grant on 105 pupil enrolment world be for three classrooms while it would' most likely take four classrooms to accommodate • Cameron McAuley, president of the 'Bruce County Federation.. of Agriculture, ,spoke brieflyas did Ronald Slade, Bruce Feder-:• eration fiieldman., Mr, Slade , • noted that more young people ''were in attendance at the Kin- lossfeetirig•.than at mosttmeet- ings throughout the county. Others called on were Don. Thom- pson; Mrs.' Evan Keith, Bruce , South W I : representative to ' the • - Bruce Farm Safety Council;, P. A, Murray, Kinloss Township Reeve. and aspirant for, the Bruce County Wardenship for 1966. Best • ° wishes were extended ..by many at, the meeting to Phonse in this quest for this office.` Frank Mc- Kenzie thankedthe ladies who catered the 'rneal. and Mrs. Alert Percy responded. • P. A. Murray introduced George Gear, ;guest speaker for the even Ing. who showed slides on. phis trip last sunnrner to Irel°acrd , Scott- land, England, Denmark, Swed- en, .The Netherlands and France, Play was completed on. Thurs- day last, for the Championships of the °Christni,as draw, at the Ripley Curling Club; Eight rinks had. ''qualified for the playoffs and • played' the first round on Tuesday. evening. Results were as follows: Gordon .Roulston; 20, 'farry•Scott, 5.f Bert Elliott, 10, Gordon Mar- tiri, 5, Pon Gaunt, 9; Carl Fun ston, 8, Jack Scott, 9, Toward' Hodge, 4. Two, semi- final garnet were played at 7 p:n Thurs- ,day with thefollowing results; .. Bert' El ott, 8 • Gordon Roulstdn, 5, Donad• Gaunt, ' 8, Jack Scout, o 7 This brought pollGaunt and. • Bert. Elliott together in the final which Bert won by a score of ' 12'to 5:.. Bert's rink,which consisted of Norm Barnard,. -vice; Murray Cul- bert, second;; and, Douglas •Mnrtyn, lead, has qualified for the playoff for • the Club Championship • and the -John • Bell Trophy late. in March:; Playing with the losing rink, with skip Gaunt,, were Ralph Hunter ' vice; David Courtney, second, and ,,Sandy MacCharles, lead,a b A rink, entered by Bill Har- ris, assisted'by Donald MacTavish, 'Gordon Patterson'•and. Gordon Roulston, played., iii Brussels last Wednesday, :for 'the Brussels Com-.• munity Sales Trophy,' and won: • second place' in their draw.. A most successfulNew‘years . 'Eve Dance.; was held in the . Town sh.fp .Hall on Friday. • John Dodds., was the big.:winner Of the booster draw, with Ambrose -Gamble,: Win.! nng second, and: Murray Camp bell, third Winners of the $25.00 • awards were, Mlss Barbara Fun= ston Delbert.'Stewart.,`'and. Ronnie Funston. ' The following won con- solation awards of $10.00 each; "The :Five kids", Allan.Colling,.; Gordon:Brooks, Lucknow; .Bob «Lyons, Lucknow and. Ripley Huron Legion. Play is now. underway : in the Mid-season draw in both the lade.• ies andgent's clubs,.` It. will .con- tinue Until, the first week in Feb • , ruary: and Will be followed by; .play. -offs, for the qualifying rinks. Mr. Gear.accompanied Ontario Junior; Farnrs'on the exchange program,which has been carried on for several years. The slides • were of rural life and were quite interesting' and Mr. Gear's hum- • orous commentary kept the aud,- ience.amused. Herb Buckton - thanked Mr.. Gear. ' . • Lloyd Ackert was appointed chairman for .the election of off- 'icers • Evan Keith was returned as president forthe thirdterm • and.. Leo 'Murray was returned. as "- secretary- treasurer . 'Herb Buck- ton is-vicepresident and direct- ors•are Hugh Lane, Frank McKen• - zie Lloyd McDougall', Wallace Conn, Lloyd Irwin and Leonard. McInnes, The,:president,vice, president • and`secretary treasurer serve as representatives to the•county: -executive. ` ; ' TWO RESOLUTIONS n ' Two resolutions were passed before the meetingadjourned to v be forwarded to, the county Fed- eration. On a motion by Allis ter • Hughes and Frank'M cKenzie, resolution in regard to the in- • creasing of grants for the•cons ..y truction of new schools Was to ' be forwarded and was to include wording to the effect that the, : ,per pupil"per room figure at 35 be also reviewed.... ' A motion. by Lloyd Ackert and. Duncan Campbell that the Fed eration endorse a move its have telephone service•extended the area. x