HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-12-28, Page 70 . r Anion 1�'RIDA`$, DEO. little ohatever we take o'tt'- �a 014 f whatever some red herring, it i"t of cbppso, a+ sup of beer too 28, lass. • many of us administer mental and rt RA,ItaWAY AMALG4kMATION. It has been our opinion fby' a t;QQU while.that it is only it matter ,Of time .before tho.Canada Flwifie wlll'absorb the Grand Trunk, -and thus •secure Practical control of the Canadian Railway'system,and matters keep shaping in this di- kretian. The, latest move is to. • select liar Duncul� McIntyre, ex - 'vice president of the °Canadian Pacific Railway company,. to act as mu: iator between that company and the', Grand Trunk, with tint view of bringing about a cessation • - of the i'ivali-y between tho two groat corporations named. It'Mr I IdcIntyrq•sueeoeds in his negotia- tions it is probable that a pooling ' arrangement,n by agreed upon, and 'all competition between the two companies for traffic will be at an: end. The prospect of nuch- a union .Will not be viewed with u+w.ssv...s;,w...,,,..• ..aM1_•r.«akar.w •d.Bina:.,...-,.•.,..:..c..T...:,,�......-.. favor by the people of Canada, • *be have made such great sacri- gene to secure not only railway (Construction• but railway corn- -, petition. When the- bill grant- ing a loafs of this ty millions .of dollars of public money to the Canadian Pacific company was passing through the, House ,of Commons in 1881, Sir- Charles' Tupper moved, when the measure was about to be rear a third time, to add a clause- prohibiting the Canadian Pacific company from amalgamating with the Grand Trunk.. Tho clause was added mid the cheers of the goverr•- merit's 'supporters. That -provi- sion against amalgamating or pooling is stilton the statuteebook, and the supremo court is vested with power to enforce obodinnco to it. If, however, an amalgama- tion or poolin"�g arrangement is agreed upon, the companies will be strong enough to got the ob- stacle removed' by an amendment to the law, or perhaps 'they can easily find a means of evading the statute by agreeing pa-ivately upon a common tariff of rtes. At the time Sir Charles proposed to in- rert the claus3 against pooling Mr Blake expressed the opinion that it was of very doubtful utility. • SELECTIONS FOR SUNDAY. now To MAKE A HAPPY HOME'. Learn to govern yourselves, and be gentle and patient. Guard your tongues, especially in seasons of ill -health, irritation and trouble, :and soften them by prayer and a tense of your own shortcomings and errors. Remember that, valu- able as is the gift of speech, sil- ence is often more valuable. Never retort a sharp or angry word. 1t. is the second -word makes the' quarrel. Learn to speak in - a -gentle tone, of voice. Learn to say kind pleasant things whenever opportunity offers. Study the character of' each, and sympathize n ith all in their troubles, however small. Do not neglect little things if they can effect the comfort of others in the smallest degree. Avoid moods and pets and fits of sulkiness. Learn to deny yourselves and per- - feet other's. Beware of meddlers and tale -bearers. Never charge a bad motive if a good one i-1 con- ceivable. • 8UP1lEA1E MOMENTS. Vast interests affecting tho wel-. faro of society aro often ponding when the hour -gland on the dial - plate approaches a fixed point.. Decisions can be postponed. • While no human skill may then change divine purpose, yet human capacities are never relieved of' the burden of responsibility, but must be always ready for any service that infinite wisdom may appoint. At such a time the true Ivan bends his attentive car to- ward the skies above him, if per- chance ho may catch some unmis- talfable word : "This is the way; walk yo in it." But no one can then expect to ear only as he...lives in close nion with God. If his life has been up to this important crisis , wayward, or even lukewarm -to- ward his God, ho will hardly be prepared to Interpret correctly the voice from on high. What a mistake fur U8 t') brass days or months without intimate fellow- ship with him since we are all inevitably Balled to meet grave responsibilities, not ono of which '.we can discharge without strength from God.— [New York Christian Advocate. WISE WORDS 'TO PARENTS. "W'e' ;]lost learn and piaetice ottrselvos what_wo want our child- ren .to learn and practice," says the author. of "How to bo Happy bough Married," in his new honk;-' Tho Five Talents of We - man," just published by the Serib- . nel's. "Sotne Ot' Us 'may have smiled sadly at Ole recount of the poor young mother who wonder - ..ed why Iici baby" shott`ltt bo such a ta'v'ol;ing`,-'when tV I giv'o n1o1'lLI diet quite as inapplop 'atok The number of babies born annus 1 ally into the world is about 43,- 000,000.; daily, 117,08; per minute, SO. It is sant, to reflect' bow many of these helpless ones who never asked to be born are dragged up anyhow, rather than brought up as immortal beings should be. Rove all, we should be truthful with our childrer. The popular practice of teaching them to seem, instead of to be, and of cultivating 'company man- ners,' destroys the frankness and transparent candor which consti- t oto the great charm of childhood. Never promise your child. CONSUMPTION CURED., An oldhyysicag, retired from rae- tice, having had placed in hie kande by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human -suf- ifi'g;°'T=wttrnebd1ree of clia er :run - who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoxEs, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. Ilse Barllwell's sure Corn andWartCure Pullman Vestibuled Train - It is -universally conceded that, not- withstanding the advent of old and new lines into the field of competition for passenger traffic between Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway maintains its .pre-eminent position as the leading line, and carries the greater nortiou of the business between these points. It is not .hard to account for this, when we consider that it was the first in the field, and gained its popular- ity by long years of first-olass service. It has kept up to the' times by adopting all modern improvements in equipment and methods, the latest being complete" PullmanVestibuledtraiae running daily between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and its route being . along the banks of the Mississippi, through the finest farming country, the most populous and -prosperous towns and villages, it offers to its patrons the very best service ;their mcney can buy. Its dining cars are celebrated through- out the length and breadth of the land as being the finest in the world. Its sleeping cars are the best belonging to the Pullman company, being marvels of elegance, comfort and luxury; its day coaches are the best made, and its em- ployees, by long -continued service in their respective capacities, are experts, courteous and accommodating to all. It is not at all strange, therefore, that an intelligent and discriminating tra- velling public should almost exclusively patronize this great railway, with its separate through lines running between Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Min- neapolis; Chicago, Council Bluffs and .Omaha; Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Joseph, Mo. A. V. II. CARPENTER, G. P. & T. A., Milwaukee, Wis. A. J. TAYLOR, T,,1'.A., No. -1,1 31mer House r Block, Toronto. A NEW HOME TREATMENT Mt,TE CUR i.QF CATARR$ CANAT• R IIAAYDFEV FEVER. DI The ni eroecop(lhaa'proved. tbatthese teases are conta;rnus, andthat they are eothe presence of living parasites in thP. interlining membrane of theupleer air paaexgee and enstacblan'tubes. This emi• neat scientieta, Tani Huxley ties and Bcannotea- le endo=w this, be disputed. The regulagi method,of treat - hag three diseases ball, been to at) ly an n apt rgmetlp. weekly, qnd e' :alpaily,thus keeping the delicate membrane in a con- stant state of rration, allowing it no than• ce to heal, and as a naturaIconsegdence of such treatment not one permanent cure has. ever been recorded, ilt is anabsolute fact that these diseases cannot be Inured by any application made oftener than once in two weeks for the membrane must get a chance to heal before an application is re- peated. It is now seven years since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh and formulated his new treata.:nt;- and' since then his remedy has become a hauee- ho 1 word in every country where the Has lisp language is,spoken. CURES EFFECTED BY HIM BEYEN TEARS AGO ARE CURES STILL, THERE RAVING BEEN NO RETURN OF THE t)I- SEASE. So highly are these remedies val- ued, that ignorant imitators have started up everywhere, pretending to destroy a parasite, of which they know nothing, by remedies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- on's remedy is applied only once in two weeks and from one to three apf,lisatione effect a permanent cure in the most aggra- vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- let describing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to pay postage. The ad- dress of A. H. Dixon & Son is 303 King Street West, Toronto, Canada —Scientific Amercan .4 When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was i Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Mise, she cln4 to CaetorIs, IWhen she had Children,ahagave them Castoria "Did n't Know 't was Loaded" May do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but what can be said for the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want of a tonic and blood -purifier? Formerly, a course of hitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well -regulated families ; but now all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and 'effective blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton str., Boston, writes : " My daughter, now 21 years old, was in perfect health until a ';year ago when she began to complain of fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, indigestion, and -loss of appetite. I con- cluded that all her complaints originated in impure blood, and induced her to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon restored her blood -making organs to healthy' action, and in due time reestab- lished her former health. I feud Ayer's Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for the lassitude and debility incident to spring time." J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., says : "Asx Spring Medicine, I find a splendid substitute for the old -tithe compounds in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's Bilis. After their use, I feel fresher and stronger to go th 'ough the summer." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY • W. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass 'Price $I; six bottles, $5. Wort I, $i a bottle, HAT AILS YOU ? Do you feel dull. languid, low-spirited, life- less, and ,ulescrtbably miserable, both physi- cally and .nonaa..,•; - 'xperience a sense of fullness ,sr `coating 'after Pitting, or of "gone- ness," or emptiness of stomach in the morn- ing, tongue ceater.., bitter or bad taste in mouth irregular appetite, dizziness,' frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, floating specks" before ,he eyes, nervous prostration or ex- ,austion, irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp biting transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, - indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend- iugg calamity? If you have all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, you are suffering from that most common of American maladies— 'Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease bas become, the greater the number and diversity of symp- toms. No matter what stago. it has reached, Dr.•Pierce3s Golden Medical Discovery will subdue it, if taken according to direc- tions for a reasonable length of time. If not cured•, coin_plieations multiply and Consump-, tion of the Lenge, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner of laterp,� induce a fatal termination. Dr. P,ieree'e Golden Medical Dle. csfirery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood - purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im- purities, from whatever cause arising, It is equally efficacious in acting upon tho Kid- ne and other excretory or ans cleansing, strengthening, and healing their di easesA an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful mC111CIne has gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and }ever, Numb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Piereo'e Goideu AYedlcal Dlkt. eovery CURES ALL IUli1IlORS, from n common Innteh, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula. Salt-rheinn, "Fever -sores," Sealy or Rough Slain, in short, all diseases caused by had blood tare conquered by this powerful. purifying. and Invigorating medi- cine, (trent Eating Clots rapidly heal tinder itn 1'in!go influence. Especially has it mani- fested its potency in'ouring fetter, Eczema, f•;rysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Ryes, acrof- ulous Sores and Swellings, Hip -joint Disease, white Swellings," Goitre, or 'Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. . Send ten cents in stamps for a large Treatise, with colored •,l;:r,'s• 011 Slain 1)lseast:s, or the came mount i,.r a 'O- ntiso on Sei•ofulous Afreetions. " FOR THE BLOOD it IS y THE LIFE." re Golden Gulden Discovery, and good diprition, n fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength uud bodily attach will be e$trtllfabed, CONSUMPf'It N, which is Scrd:iufa of tlho Lunge, Is arrested and-oured. byAthls ,remedy, if taken in the earlier btagea°of the disease. From its mar- velous xlower+'ovor this terribly, fatal disease, when first offering this now World -famed rein- ed), to the pubife, Dr, Pierce thought serioutly of ttllhig,it'his "Cb8S ()lt•Cerny," nut abrutddned that natio ds to'redtt`Ictivo for a medicine trhtoh, fro'hD its wonderful Qomk, or blood--cl�eansingb autti-big one, peck tOrnl Ladd Ss it retetle4q for CCINlitmption,l bit forball Chronic. 1s s -.of tbo• 4 Liver, Mood, and tun s: Por Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, a'1ol t- ness of Breath, Chronle Neal Catarrh, Bron- chitis Asthma, Severe Coughs,' and kindred ff[ectlons, it is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists at $1.00, or Six Bottles for >d5.00. ESD Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, rer'Id's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Plain 'Rt., BUFFALO, N. It. C�I1 TON 'EIV NkA. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. tr 4 .A, A. k g e t k ;e k k (c to • One of the best quippedr-in - ing Offices in the district. OUR' AIM IS NOT TO DO Having contracted for several hundred dollars worth of Stoves at a bargairb we are in a position to TO. (EEP WARM Sell Stoves Cheaper than ever The Stoves are bought and the Stoves must be sold, so call and get our prices before purchasing. If you want to have comfort in your home and to save money in fuel, get One of our New Gem Furnaces LONDSBORO BARESS and G10311 Dtp�t • FIIII';taH 11.9141I.4.'1' ruSIaNTI . and ober goods constantly arriving, wbicls will be sold cheap during December, In circler to give every persoli a chance for a holiday present, will, during December, give to Query person rtaakim a pile- ofu of$2,an one chase goods at ono time, for cash or produce, to tbe•amo >1t _� o .. for: each additional $2, a draw ticket which will entitle them to one of the 100 pre • - Bente which 1 will give during Deo, The presents are all useful articles averagtpg over 10 per cent en goods purchased, and you are sure to draw one of them. A box contan.ing envelopes will be handed you to take your ohQice, and whatever number the draw contains, the corresponding number on the presents will be: yours. Also, for each $10 paid on 1888 account, a draw will be given. I would also call specialtattention, to a few lines which 1 have, such as ROBES'r HARNESS, BELLS, BLANKETS, GLASS, NAILS, PILES, HAM?4ERIlr RULES, HINGES, SAWS, AXES and AXE HANDLES. IN JEWELLRX BROOCHES, CHAINS, PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, DANGLES, STUDS, &e GROCERIES—Currants, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Canned Peaches, Peas, Corn, Salmon) Sardine, Herring, also Codfish and Salt Herring. My stock of TEAS is unsurpassed in the county for quality and price. OYSTERS anti FRESH SAUSAGE in season. Call and inspect goods and presents before buying your Christmas supply GEO. NEWTON, • LONDESBORO CROSS C'U'T"'SAWS, AXES, COW CHAINS, away down in prices. SEE- OUR NEW EMBOSSED STOVE PIPES, something new_ and nice TRY OUR PARLOR LIGHT COAL OIL, it is a No. 1, and same price as Common Oil, 15 cents per gallon, or two gallons for 25 cents. HARLAND BROS. STOVES and HARDWARE, - - CLINTON • INA HALL. To make rooni for New Importations, we will, until Dec. let, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AN1Y TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. . Parties in need of anything in this line shouldnot miss the opportunityl;of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth 60. We offer NEW SEASON BLAOZ TEA. at 25 cents, worth 40. We cffer NEW SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25c FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING. BLOATERS, itc Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. :-1 DR. W. N. GRAHAMS 'British American Medicial & Surgical Institute. 170 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronic and Private Diseases. AllDiseases of the Throat, Nose. Lungs & Hehrt. cif the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, etc., quickly cured. ;Iie'as,:s and{al DNeasesfBothe hnsindicated by Headache,Dizzi- ,c•!; !,1 dii stomach, Liver and Bowels characterized by Indigestion, 1) .p•• I - i, •1 t::•nii,, . (a:'-nsive Breath, &C., 1 • ,r::h ,•.,. t c, l„•s, files. Tamers, &c., • c 1 •. i drievs and Madder. I' ..:1 i r .:..-,e:.:u.! ,Ifdca ex rif a' private nature as Impotency, Sterility, ..F yn•r„tftil .').;.• and exeosas) Gleet, Syphilitic affect. •-e, 1 , ..i! 41,;..;11i0;1. • 'r:l.ticl. ;•to.l.ae ut a1pr ascJ Menstruation, Len. ',r••1 •i• it::: anti all Disphtceulents of tite Womb. Office hours. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p.m • CENTRAL- GROCER P. R01E113 Old tfun cd• The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting o .GROCERIES,CROCKERY,GiLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. CIHEAP, RUT GOOD WORK. ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-:a,Wol HAIEN t EMPLOYED * NEW LETTERS, NEW BORDERS NEW ORNA;fIED;TS,FINE PAPERS, FIN E INRs, NOVEL COMRINATIoN9, Business{{ Circulars —A .CTECIALTY- N EAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. ra-S E E OUR S A M P L E S`iaA 8 U 0 be w H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. • GOQD,' FANCY DRUGS, HOOKS & STATIONERY, BEAUTIF-iJL XMAS GOODS 'of every description. PLUSHES, SILKS, and all lines to finish fancy work. STA:1'IPING .of every description. LARGE ASSORTMENT , OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS, TICKETS AND UNARY BOOKS A. -WORT F LTN G-TON,olinton MG Tr FOSTER &RITER WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON. .TO THE PTTBLIC. We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recently started by J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the Store OH Boor west of C. C. Rance & Cols Tailoring Establishment We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irisl, Distilleries. We will keep in stook the productions of the best Canadian and English Breweries. We will keep in stook the best FRENCH, SPANISH anA CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. OUR PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as Montreal' oon- don or Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices. Goods deli "Ired to all parts of the town free of charge. DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS UR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. FOSTER Gro BITER, CROSS -CUT SAW s We have the sole agency for the "President Cross Cut Saw" universally adinitted to be the BEST IN TIIE WORLD. We are also Sole Agents for THE REXFORD AXE, the choice of woodsmen and 'the best in the market. Full stock of CoaI 11(1. --Wood STOV HARDWA.114`, CUTLERY; LAIIIPS, OIL$ PAINTS, &c. ' . D AV I S, • Mammoth Stove Hou;e, CLINTON. J. C.STEVENSON MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN HOUSEHOLD_F-URNITURE. Just to hand alot of New Furniture, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Fancy,. Centre and Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, &c. Special lot of PICTURES, in oil, Gilt flames, hand painted, cheap. General assortment of Household Furniture sold cheap for cash. Tho Dii.eounrtsSale has 'run off -most of•my old stock. A lot of PICTURE MOUL DING. Frames matle_to. order. J. C. 61191317- ls1 SON RESIDENCE OVER STORE. FURNITURE STORI . -+-- °OPPOSITE' TOWN HALL. 0 -FOR THE HEATED TERM 1 - - rf JUST RECEIVED ' PureWest IndiaLime Juice THE FAVORITE SUMMER 'DRINK. " 3. Eno's FRUIT SALT CITRATE of •MAGNESIA. q0+0•Mol310, CLINTON, ONT - WE BEG TO iNFO * THE PUBLIC THAT OUIt STOCK OF is complete in alike, crlieer_..We guarliatee our TEAS to bd bbeape iht1 he ohaapait, quality oohsi e1eri. 111 St'GA•RS,''Ore a8'lnw ire iii '. fn tone;;. CANNED e OOf Art great variety. P17 tE . , S ICES - &' PEELS. NE* PRt•` J ITS ;of all kroner. Ali kind's e1 'cA;NY»Es, at the lowest price In •town. CR(C ,EE," '--Speeltil intlueements iq ,to and \I neer, SOUL ti RING;-, CODS fad •stYlokand away (town irl I�Oa of • ItSO1\T nld:'t11111 and examine my stock as litetit styles. 'DEAVER, BLOCK. "ERT STREET, CIA NTON. ,I}d�}Qr4S;si: I