HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-12-28, Page 6i CAS ORIA for Infants. and, Childre,l. !Quterfalagowell adaptedtochildren that Castoria cure8tolio. Constipation, recommend it as superior to anypreacriptioa BOW Stomach, DIarrheea,Eructation, lgWwa t R me.'! $ ¢ dncasa, ]II. D., guts worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- Bestion, 11180. Oxford 8i , Srooklyo, N. T. 'without injurious medicatlon- Tnn Ci.NTAIIa COMPANY, 7411Iurrpy f'u,•,•:, :'. OroatclearingSalo DRYCOCDI E APS! The undersigned has decided to clear out at actual wholesale prices the new stock of Dry Goods at the above establishment. This presents to the people of Clinton and sur- rounding country a magnificent chance to purchase goods at a discount of nearly 25 uer ct. on regular selling figures. The stock is almost entirely new, and comprises a fine selection of all the latest goods The sale will commence on Sat- urday next, and be continued till the stock is disposed of. WE—Remember, everything will be offered at whole,ale '.prices, and good buyers will understand that they will strike something that they don't see every day, :Fetch along your BUTTER and EGGS, and ge Goods at cost price. T. JACKSQN, SR Cheapside, Clinton. The IT.J Grocery Thanking the._ _p-ublic..for the liberal patronage extended to me since commencing .business, 1 would,- wish them all a Happy New Year. I will always keep the best of Stock on hand at lowest prices for cash, and will try to be in the. shop to oblige, hoping by close attention to business to merit a still further patronage in the future. GEC), S'W AI.LAC, CLINTON See our 106., Window. Diaries for 1889.A - Canadian Almanacs. COOPER'S Book Store, Clinton. Tuckersmitl a Nomination AA meeting of the Electors of the Township of Tuckeramith, will be held at Dtxow'8HALL IiRUCEFIELD, on Monday, the 31st day of December, 1888, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of nominating a Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and three Councillors, also five Trustees for the School Board. And if a poll be demanded polls will be opened in the re- sppeetive polling cub -divisions on Monday, the 7th day of January 1889, at 9 o'clock a m. arid bo kept dpen until 5 p.m, S,t1MUEL SMILLTE, Clerk. Mcliillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company • 9 -The Annual Meeting of the members of the \lclilllop Mutual Fire Insufan1e Company, will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on FRIDAY, JANt7ARY 18th, 1889, at the hour of one o'clock, p.m„ for the purpose of electing Directors, hearing and roceiv ng'tho Annual Statement,and the transaction of such other business as may be deemed necessary. W, J. SHANNON, T. E. HAYS, Secretary President TELEGRAPHING One of the nicest and mast comfortable positions is operating. A good operator can always command a good salary. We have a special operating room for students and our charges are very low, Come and see us and we will give you all information. W. JACKSON AGENT CLINTON Sale Register. Mortgage sale of farm in Colbgf118, 4I Martin's Hotel, Dungannon, on Ward day, Jan. 5th. Manning & Scott, Vend. or's Solicitors, Clinton, T. M. Carling. Anctionoor. 5 Executors Notice to Creditors Tho creditors of Mrs Jessie Smith, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 5th day of Dec„ A. D.,1888, letre hday of March, 1889,b lettn er, postpaid, to the undersigned Executors, or either of them, at the said Town of Clinton, their ohristian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claim, a statement of their account, and the nature of the securities (if any) helcby them and that immediately after the said let day of March, the assets of the estate of the said Jessie Smith will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received, as above required. R RANSFORD, 1 Executors Dec.19, 1888 J RIDOUT, S The house and lots on Albert Street, lately Occupied by the said Jessie Smith, will be sold by the Executors. The house i a good frame cottage, of six rooms The lot com- prise ovor 1g acres, well fenced, good ga , o with ab.. t twentyflve fruit trees, stable, . •c Apply . JOHN RIDOUT 0IiINTON 1t1A iiKET8, gprre.004 trial Tl airadpy . Ft ernopn, Thor440yr Pep, 97, 1888. Wheat, ta11,W1100 ling real ,1 00 1 00 W4c0t spr,infi, • ey* Pea4 Flour, per owl Potatoes Butter Eggs Sark Hay Hides, Wool, - - Chickens per pair - Ducks per pair - - Geese - - - 100 a 1•.03 0 02 0•82. O 50 a. 0 60 0 08 * 0 58 800h300 -030a035. O 18 a 019 • 017 a010 660 a 075 12 00 a14 00 500 a 550 0 20 a 0 20 - 030a035 050 a 060 - 040a050 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for Naw Ea4 every Thuredu Blyth, Dec,27, 1888, Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 0 97 1 02 Spring " new . 0 97 1 02 Oats ' . 30 a 31 Barley '45 a 58 Peas 55 s 57 Potatoes, per bus . 35 a 35 Eggs per dos . 18 a 18 Butter,rolls . . . 17 a 18 Hoge, . 0 50 7 00 Beef • 4 50 a 5 50 Hay - 12 00 a 15 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, Dec. 27, 1888. Wheat, fall - - - 1 03 a 1 03 Wheat, spring - - 1 02 a -1 04 Barley - - • - 0 60 a 0 67 Oats • - - - 0 37 a 0 38 Peas - - - - 0 62 a 0 63 Pork - - • 6 75 a 7 00 Butter, pound rolls - 0 20 a 0 22 Butter,4arge rolls - 0 17 a 0 19 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 21 a 0 23 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There were about 110 head of but- chers' cattle four calves and one sheep offered at the East End abattoir. None of the cattle were of extra quality, and very few butchers visited the market as they had previously bought all their Christmas supply of beeves. Sales of, cattle were from two to four cents per lb., live weight, common stock- bringing rather better prices than theyjhavedone here lately. There have been ng, fancy prices paid for 1 Christmas cattle this,' season. .Good mutton and veal critters are in active demand at advancing rates. Live hogs are scarce, the last sale re- ported was at 5c per lb. Dressed hogs are dull of sale owing to the mild wea- ther, they bring a little over 7}c per lb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: CORN FOR SALE AT THE Clinton - Mills. CHOLE OR GROUND. PRICES REASONABLE. JAS. FAIR, - CLINTON. IIONEY TO LOAN.—INTEREST 5,1 AND `. 6 per cent., payable yearly. Also money advanced on approved notes. C. A. HARTT, Solicitor, Clinton. pd TONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- 111. GAGES, or personal - security, at the lowest current rates. M. McTAGGART. Clinton, Feb. 24, 188S. I��HORTHORN BULL FOlt SALE—ROYAL 1J Pilot =10536= Dominion Short Horn Herd Book. First prize winner at the North Western Exhibition, red and white, calved March 5t1,, 1888, sired by Impt. Excelsior =2693= (51233), and his dam is the celebrated prize winner, Matchless' of Elmhurst 6th, etc. Pedigree and terms sent on application to W. J. BIGGINS, Elmhurst Farm, Ciinton, Ont., one mile south of G. T. R. Station, Loudon Road. lint, STRAY CATTLE `ITRAY HEIFER. — CAME INTO SUB - 1J scatusis'e premises, lot 20, 10th con. of Hullett, about the middle of September, a smallish red Heifer. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay lchaarges,,land take it away, JAS. CAL `.TRAY HEIFER. — CAME INTO THE ►J premises of the subscriber, lot 15, can, 9, Hullett, about the middle of November, one light Gray Yearling Heifer.. Tho owner is regneeted to prove property, pay charges, and take it away. 1i. CRABS. 94t ``TRAY RAM. — CAME INTO SUBSCRIB- tDEa's promises, lot 37, 10th con, of•Hullett, the first week in December, a young Rani. The • ey �pay owner` is hereby notified to prove prop- ASHWIyc arges, and take it away. GEO. TRAY CATTLE—Came into subscriber's kJ premises, 1ot26, base line, (Forks farm) about the 1st of October, -two head of Cattle one being a red Helfer two years old, the other d red Steer, same age. The owner. is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take them away. TT DRAPER ``.TRAY OATTLE. CAME IN,TO SUB- 1JscBn3En's premises, lot 12, let con. of Col- borne, E. D., sometime during the fall, a couple of head of cattle, one a Red Steer,' rising three, the other a spotted Heifer ris- ing two. The owner is hereby notified to prove property,paycharges and take them away. L. FELER, Benmtller, P.O. ¢lm The above,Heifer has since boon claimed. ``1TRAY CATTLE.— CAME INTO SUB - /7 scutnsn's promisee, lot 12, Maitland block, Hullett, sometime during the summer, four head of yearling cattle, being 1 bluish colored Heifer, 1 Red Heifer, 1 Red Steer, 1 line back steer. • Owner ie hereby notified to prove property paycharges and take them away1, , GEORGE EADLE, Auburn. 81m SUNDRIES FOR SALE.—CUTTER AND BUFFALO Robes for sale, apply to .1, 11, COMBE Clinton. `CISSORS AND RAZORS SHARPENED, IJ Umbrellas repaired. Articles to be left at S. Davis' Hardware Store, Clinton, E. FINCH. CATTLE FOIL SALE. — A COW, CALF and 1 year old Bull, all rod, thoro'hred and registered In the new Dominion Herd Book, GEORGE NOTT, lot 40, boneession 3, Tucker= ith. N EW GOAT ROBE LOST BETWEEN Snell's corner and the railway track, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 22nd, It is lined with black and trimmed with yellow, Find- er will confer a favor by leaving the same at the NEw ERA Office, *1m 41,3 FOLK BOAR P00 SALE.— A FIRST - ass Thoroughbred Suffolk, Boar, two Yd 4 d,, sale; reason for selling is that he •'*noY Another, and does not require both.' Wiltbe etild cheap. Apply to SAMU- EL W Tlt10$,lot 29, Huron Road, Holmes• Ville, P8, ' llm NOTIQp�•-'td DEBTORS. — THE SUB sen1BEB having disposed of all his bus,.,. nesse interests and,tesirous of closing up the same, requests the payment of all but stand- ing accounts before the 1st of January. Ac- counts then Mit paid, will bo placed in the hands of Manning & Stott for oelbection. J. B. CROSSER Clinton. K1PriN SAW CHILI, D. D.11tot1A; wishes to iniorni the public that lie has how gel • the Eippen Saw Mill In hid Own hands and is prepared to do AU. KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK. Fhet in, first out, All 6iistefn togs attend - t0 1#rst. Cutting dodo for 83. and 83.50 D. 13, MOTigii1V', IIIPP11:N BILRGAINS e Estate n Eodgeu.. OFFER THIS MONTH',--�, Over 3Q0 Remilani t �s DRESS GOOPS 5 to 10 yards, at half TWENTY DOZ. At 50 and 75 cents each, JOHN WISEMAN Manager. • their original cost, also WOOL SHAWLS former price $1 and $1.75 Estt. J. I-10DCENS. ROBERTSO.Nw THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND Wishes everybody a very b Mery Chrisi�as aad Happy Nev Year, DETLOI & CO,S GREAT MILLINER;-:SASE BEGINS SATURDAY, DEG. 15. LADIES FELT HATS, at 25, 50 and 75c,, former prices $1 and $1.50 He is gladdening the hearts of thousands this Festal-'- Another laL.of DRESS GOODS just received, bought at Season by giving particularly Goocl Presents during his a great sacrifice. A lovely line .of FRENCH All -Wool DRESS GOODS, at 20c, regular prices 30 and 35 cents C R►�AT 1 case FRENCH CORSETS at 60c.; former price $1 1 case of PRINTS, job in price. 81 GIGA-NTIC'1GIFT ',' SALE Call and get one before they all go. xtr Three more bales of that WONDERFUL GREY COTTON, at 5 cents, worth 8cts. You ought to have a few yards to show your Great Grand -Children in years to come, when they are crowing, over you about low prices. Robertson's roit Cash elan, CLtNTON TF -IE POPULAR BOY'S OVERCOATS, New and Nobby. J C Detlor& Co,Cli top BOOTS ;and ;SHOES HT1, CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S. Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. I See my Mensa Boyse. i ncketcQLacrosseshoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL. RY 1IIIIOUSE FIVE PER CENT -DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, IIMMI__l. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT S11REET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON .4_ L,ON DESBORO R,JSU IST OF ■ • lCornpotition '1 Below wo give the names of those persons who got the prii s, also the numbers of the winning tickets. No. 200-1 White Sewing Machine—Mrs. J. G. Medd, Hullett. No. 9-1 Dinner Set—Mrs Joseph Lyon, sr., Hullett No. 167-1 Set Mrs Pott's Irons—Mrs Oliver, Hullett. No. 98-1 Caddie.Tea, 5 lbs—Mrs W. Cunningham, Hallett. No. 23-1 Faneyl,Lamp, Mrs Moon, Mulle+t. Our Great Clearing Sale Meanwhile goes along bravely. People are clllighted with the bargains, and are ad .'sing "their sisters, and their cousins and their aunts' to come and secure• the. goods while they are being offered at such ridiculously low prices. See the All -Wool Tweeds at!40 cents a yard See THE BARGAINS INIGREY FLANNELS See the Special Drives:inl Grey and White Cottons, Shirtings andtCottonades. If ou want`�a Suit or Overcoat, come xight here;, We will give you these goods atprices that will; Tease you Baigains all along the line. Do not fail to secure them W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORo - The People's GROGERY CORNER HURON AND ONTARIO STREETS, Is the place to get cheap CHRISTMAS GOODS. We are receiving a fine new stock I • RAISINS—New Valenciti.s, Su1ti nas,.Black Basket, Layer, Layer Valencies- CURRANTS—New Barrel. Currants, new Box Currants. ' PE)�LS-Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels- NLTTS—Soft-Shell Almonds, Brazil, Filberts, Ileacaus, Peanuts, English Wal- nuts,,best qualities. , CONFECTIONERY—Our assortifient cannot be surpassed.. • LEMONS and ORANGES—Fresh Sweet Russell Oranges, California • Oranges, Valencia and Malagas. GRAPES—White Malaga and Rodgers Black Grapes CROCKERY and GLASSWARE — We are giving bargains in this line, and a liberal discount for cash. ' FISH, ate.—Wo also constantly keep in stock Oysters, Middle, Bloaters, Ciscoes, &c SUNDRIES—Cranberries, Bermuda Onions, Common Onions. TEAS—Special values in Teas. We have them as low as five pounds for 8, and as high,,as 70e. per lb., and we can guarantee the quality to be the best Oar assortment is too .large to enumerate, and we only mention a few lead•{ng articles, Come and see far yourself. We will give you good vrlue and a lib al discount for cash, Cuninghame & McMurray, THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY, CLINTON OVERSHOES & RUBBERS TAYLOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLYTH Buy your Overshoes and Rubbers from us, and get them Plated with the Celebrated Doney HEEL -PLATE MACHINE, which is a sure protection from slipping on the ice, be- sides making them wear very much longer, We-havo a machine in each of our stores, at Clinton and Blyth. W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BLYTII