The Clinton New Era, 1888-12-28, Page 3U � ' 1 � . t `, �^ ,. , n � STQPQINQ RUNAWAY HORSES. J► i[oni1.: rolksemw� Teu4 #Iow ic Id Do«e , Diost Etfeotively. A$ogxon gai;Y�ecpon�iQnt tells bow a young policeman, �harie�a�taynes, sLopa a runawny a hogse: �'1Nhen y.ou sae � runaway comtng, douot try to qheck him by u rush tro�n thp oppo�i�,e�direc�foz� or tbe side, L.o¢ y'pu will he ip�npedlntei9 t�noc$ed SaG by the collisiou, bu� A�tea�l pfie�re yours�lf Por a shart run �itth the lwr�e, Il�ea¢nxre with your ase cnd ' distanoe, pnd sGsrG for the run wLile he iy ., yet aqme way oSx perha�s ten teet [n the c�se o! fair tp medium runawaya You muy '� depend upo� Lis keeptng e strsight lme, for ` �, really Prlgbtsned qorse is halt blind and �vould not veer tor a steam engine. IIe will go stsaight ahead until he smashes into some- thing. , _....... . . Bodo qou get closa to the line on whicL he is rnshin6 snd, as he passes you, grab Lke . reine ueer the eadd�e.� G}aLher ,the reins ;, Srnily, and t6en, leaning backwsrd as you run, give them a powerEµl yan$. You may ba uble to brace yowr§elf. 'somewhat as qou .• �lve thie yank, hal! slidingon your PeeE. The atron¢ jerk ou tba bft tells, the hoise that he ��ae a r�aster, and prepsres him ior the g�le. A step or two torward alter �� th� flreG yAuk, do iC aguin This ie tIle flnishing etroia lt never Pails when givon . , by a determiued man. The Lorse is on its Launcheo. �eep a Srm pull ott the reins till � �ou grasp the horse by the noatrils, and hold him so Lill he L+ pacifled." ��PP�B s aP�► of horser Maynea tries �'�' to get on the side of the wilder one, es, if pulled to its eenses, the other one csn be , v wanaged. Tho tesk ie easier iP the horse L�e s enrb bit. A ranaway may also be sCopped by the driver in the same mannei•. '�If you pnll steadily with all your strength oa a curb bit," says Maynea, "the eSect on t6e . " horse's jaw iy just what iE is if you tio a cord tiehtly abouG your St�er. The Ulood doesn't Sow, and theSnger becomes numb, After a . Srm pull hes been maintaiqed on the horse's . mouth Por o whil� it ePases to have nnp eP- fect. You eannot the:� foree him out of n run iP ho is frightene;l. But give him hiy � l�eud a]ittle till the xuoutli recovere from Sts numUness, lash l�im with i�o wqip if you hsve a free roud, ui:d t�en give a audden yank. He will com� do�vu. ' Ie tl�e &rst '� yank isn't euou�l�, give Lim ono more. T6ere isn'.Ga Loree ou earth which cun run awey with a competent driver if the Larness holde." 14feynes hne risked his life t� number '� of times, end has had somo perllous encouu- tere before aubduing frightened anlmsls. fio uas received a medal fi•ow tl�e Humane so- ' "'� ciety ¢nd $50 from the cab cnropany,-. Woonsocket Patriot. Contr�ctors to b'bpply Health. Perhaps the most intaresting siogestion ia D1r. Edn•in Cl�adwick's pr��dentiel address � to tue Sanitary etssoci�tion was that ubout "Health Contr$ctora." �1r. Chad�vick ie a ve,teran iu the cause of public Lealtb, uud Las the old mau's privllege of looking iuto the 4uture. . A timu will come,,ve c�ems to thinl:, when commun}�jes will invlte tenders for the suPply o1 public kealth jusE es they ^- dp now !or the supply oP more tangible com- modlties. "Banitationist�s" (�will thqt be tbe terrible word� will contrset to snpply so much puUlic health per 1;000 Yor so much u yee.r. Even now, eaid hir. Chadwick, "a contractor witb enlarged �nd co�meneurate �, po�vers might contrnet for the redaction ot �� bhe deatb rate oP Manchester from $7 to 30 in 1;000." No doubt he might-iP he ware giv� «corumensuruto pawere.�� It all tnrns � on'that. Anil ns tha po�cers woukl l�e iikely �o trench otx;n�oueSe:i iateri��;tsatevei•y tunr, �' xt �v,ill Uo soaio tin�3, n�c f0ai�, l�efore hlr, Chuut�ic_'� di•e:rit is CU]911et1. Tho ]cr,�c:il t.�rsiy Oi :�Cr. (,'l�a�ltt'icl:'s tu'n - - meut w2�� 4he moueGary caluc uP saviug a 6umau ]if.��. Pcor�� hunian liein� in Ll�a land is �coiK•L, tie §ayP, �15:�. L'at ie t6is really �od 11Ir. Chadtnick niight remernber tLe story told of a Uishpp, �vho is �vell knocvn for LiF dislilio oP cart aud hiy n};ill iv, snubbing tvoSe �vho �ractico it. �1 pioux lady ap }uq 1_ - iliocese �cns )lIl1�Ci'tLLlll� tliu �loc`.riva oP epP cial I'ro�`ide�ico l>y a c:u;u i±� tiei• uxperipnee, .�u uunt of l�er �>nn ��:i, settiiig out on u sea voyagc, �vlien sho felt "iL «•arning from on Ligh.° She r,be}•ed iue �caruing and did aot . ssil. 1�e�t dsy tl�� �;hip �cas �creekecl and all tha passengers perished. "{Vns not that eav- iqg of rny auntb liYu u c;ear case, my lord, ot , llivfne �Providencer' "i cauuot say;� re. p'lied tl�e bisUot�, '•for l du not know 3•our flunC."-Pull ,11.n11 (inzette, ` Tl�e French �i'omni�•a Rtrict iToneFty. ' Frenchwomeu 4re lionest. Ther� is a eoru mesketevery Saturday at CL•artrea, Lhe must important iv France, w12h tho eaception of Paris, It'is n•orth �•isiting> for the sa6-a of seein� the �peratiuns oY tUe �comGn, to whom � ' bheen�ire,duiyoP measnring tho.corn, deliv- cring iC t'a Lho Uiiycrs, receicing the prioe anci - �,�ti _ a in 1L ovo1:'to Lho �elle�� is confi��,,�'�� x.w�..a - �..�-+�.-„-.-..�. - � ._,.. - - - - • --=wontetr� •�"�"f e "nto "" - re'ea�e5.§It'fl}"�S't".�n ��l�ntl j+;�`'=` termed ,'leveuses de euls de poches,i' pocbo wignifying in tbe dialecL of La 13�ce tlie " sack irn which the graic� is brodght to �nur= l:e� These wol�en form an orgnni�r.d cor- poration which hes existed for eavecnl ceii- turies. They enjoy a reputuCioii 1'ur tUo strictest inte�rlty, which ia, in3eed, Sufli- � riently attested by the fact tl�at ti,o whole " trausnetions of the mzLrket, as aLcaso s'„ated, 4 are entrusied to them. � Nor m•e'they under any snrcietlasiec'it Ln"t- soever. fihe bvyer nnd seller aliko put ex- l�licit conIIdence in t6em. T6e latur, witeu � ho has pitclaed his eorn, leuves it eutSrcly iu thoir hunds, goes about liis bn'siriess or plens- uro in tho town and returns-iii tlw eveuinfi to receivo LUe n.mouvt oS tbo``snle, ���itl�out waking any innuiries or takla�g -nny Purther � trouUle nbout it. The;,nmount of couiidenco placecl in tUo l�onesty oPthese H•oruen and tUe � ��rtaure uP t6e charg� cuufl�led to tl�em m1y bo cnt,imated from tUe fsr.t fhnt ]O,Q00 � �yt�ii�tal� o�coru is t,}• �tv nienns au unusuttl �1nnLity f cUun;e LanQs i�� u�:o inm�L•cb 4::y , �t Cl�nrtre�, t.l�� rvt�olo i�f �cLtc�i� iiivui•i;�h;y �lisPosedof Por rc���iy n:o::c,l' c;:� tho s��vC. � L L•now oP no pai•alle] csamnlo, cit�cr in"�;iq- {zn1 or Arncrica. s 4tr,a. 2�'�:znk Iti�lie. Salvatlon crC L•'n�li'yh ;;uc•iefc. , ' Thero is i•eaQon to belienU t:mt the ricl� j;ugltsLmuai Gn�is f2� ui�a chil�ruu iu tl�o �n•eat ^ ��ub1fC sctioole the bea� ntitidoto for tUo �ner- vating intiueraces of �rcaitlr, lt �tuiy Ixj n ccUoolmfastor's vie�v; Lat 1 l�np� n ilrm cun- victfou thut tUesQ scl�oolx ha�e long t�pen, " rnd nre, LUo real snlvHtiou of t,ho tnPer eloasas of I:nglish society. � Iiero n t�py clrups runL-, wealtl�, luxurc, nn�i Pur eigliC or te'fl ysnra, nnd 1'or tho grentc+r ��,zrG of c�et� oP +/'' 'r the.ao qeaiw, lives nmong k�iv 'E"�I1Ai9 1I1 eu ' mosphere oP steady ctlseipline, �shich i�s Iy� ; o l. cmesnsimie nd � a I nrd lifo a' P P Y rid � co?nmuuity wheuro th� °prizea un1 �it��1�11�p ' sro <livi�l�d nUnut ��r�ually tyetwec , �tkiital e energq and pt�ya(cul F igor. Eiere x XY�fit; k�rie� obedtenro Ueco�n� habitue�l tor.}�id1; l�t� i,c+�risg to regnrd Li�o rig}�te oP oLhe�'d'lt�lci i�''t1�+Ei?ritl his own, t, stand upon L�`feet 3u t'�� tut±sE " deroocrstic of all societies+►���y i�e�iullSlf�: � �krove-wll, h � escapes tbo 3n69iY�11'i6p �iu%rbl s�ro�t'ton n-o�, wui�b ic,s wv�u �g� u`St��;. .� eiblo to guard boye in i$� t►#�d,1t13c'utjbtis Lames.--i�eorge R. �'arl:in in !X'b� 1j�'�'i11�. .a ,• IL is c►e.imecl thht tho Isabollo ttnd.�� �' • grapes 1'iotlr originateci in Nortli (���1�nd, , •• r►nd �rero cultivated tliere fi55� yettTs iiefm•u thoy bocamo l:no�sn to ?n.ma ■ � a r� ��- , , , . „ "� p , ' - - � .. ..r a .� '�..,. , _.-.r�....� . r , ''— �. .. . . ^ :.... . . ._... .. i�.,.� , � _ . .� � ..:.. . + ..—.�,�,..�:,,�..,ri+,y,,,,,..:..,a.rw. .n,� . . _. � . _ . " ° � ^ r r.R� .. .» .T. ! t .'nd�F„ 7�5 0 � � . f ' : . ......., .,-- _ .. �� x r: i .. .y . . � ...i. .. . i� w,-..., Y �.MC . .'�.��i� ... .:5 . ... , ,. . ....:, ....:...... ..: ...... .. .... ... . . � _ .. .._ ... . , .. .... .. ,. .., - , . .. ._ . . . �. . .. ._... . . ...I.. ... . �UI��.L I.NDUSTI��S, A��n pPEe��b� a� NEED�D, T��+; SyPISS,VINTAGE: BL�4CI�S OF �USTI�.�LI�i. �UIY�RAL �t�F � 3 q . 9A �anitaary Gronnda. , � `�QATH'S" CHA7 ABOUT &OM[ QF OUR A�' �'`au' �OME OF THE pANQERS OF LIFE IN � The. Cllux•c6 or ���uua Buriai, I�uueral AN (JCYQBER DAIf AMONG THE SP=9ALL MANUFA��TUR[RS. nnd Mourt"�Eng Refox•tp association utvi its VIPIEYA�iQS QF SWITZERLAND. • TME BUSH. ---- friends believo that the,.time has nrrivpd 7che W s„on,ma�cer ot an obecwre v(tlw,ge, �beu a deterruined and un�ted eSorC shquTii L>a tnnde qn the pnrC qP ministera, PhYqicia�,w � Mtrry 1'srty O� tbr a$oli�luy-Qetting �low Prugrus» u[ Clvlllzatlon Amun,n, LLe 1►mer��un 3lecLuolcn tu Conntry Towup, and stu•geous, snuituTiane qpe� po�yon@ of in- tLo (irapea I`,,eoay for Che Praae-A Bit NatJvee - Wouncled Ly u Iic„veng�tht I The f�oddler, Chloken MerehanG, Eta ' flµgnsg generally to put n Qtop as Par as pps- pp r� , j•�o� o� � �r�yeytti+d-Tturee ��Gtn"-Cudrtrhlp ' Among tho 8uvugce, Why f'eople �t!ent wept, sible to LLe prevelattt and vyhat is pructically ��er ot tivme� a'be echoou, ot Auetrrua, a'egurded as ►�epuleive anc� ntterly indeten- I wus nbout to eay tLaL I take �n interesE slble practice oY 6Goring up in the neighbor- A 13wIss villnge, a brigt�t October tuornin� "jt �urprises me tLat your b3nekrs al) seom in the•small manuPaeturers of tqe land� and l�ood of great populatione vast accuuwlatioue nnci a full wa on� We were aU oin to so civilized. They appear tp worlc jusp,Jilw I raa ugon one of tLese� only yes�erday at nn oP Luman remains in evel�y stago ot Arrested Monsieur Y.'s iV ne nrd some miles distgnn� whlts people. I see tLaL they ull cvoar clothea, obscure vi la e wLich !s about touryeen miles te } g nnd prolonged dacay, �o the great detrimeat . It �vas the flrst day oP tha Veddangea, there- Rnd some oe their womeu ard esceedingly � frpm an� railrund, and s� thst diet,�nce 6as ot t66 public hepltlt, fore the &rst oP a three duya' holiday, ao- �� in xiicir attira" � three diRerettt ��ilxoade tantalizingl� de. The society wug organ3zod eleven �eai•a, eordio to the ennton lawa whoa business ia � Johii R. Ro9d, o! Townavillo, New scribing'a kind ot diamondaraund it, bnt noti ago in York, ono oE the promoters being tlau abando ed and ever ono � south tiVplea, Australia iested 6er hunds in one dravvin un ne�rer. The co �' Y � grown people and � B 9 nsequence late Arehdeacon tIey. It had to encounter cbildi�en, fall to and pick grapes in their owu ber Iap and lool;ed st the reporcor. with n pair hse be�n that the ertis�ua ot Lhut llttte vil- deeply rooted ptejpdice, _ Lrade interesta, or their ix�ighbors' vineyarda of eyes aa black as her aelvet robe, About lage have adher�d to t��cralts oP their tore- ignoraace and lukews�mness, but eneoui� A merry paa�Ep ou�s, even sober b�ottsfeur the collar of 6er gown wap n massiv�neok- fathere. Diy w i� a wanted a wagon and had ng{ug pra�s }� � m�e. The work P, looking ulmost jovial, for how conld he � of 8outh Australtan gold. Her dsrk Lair bee� to this villa�e to aee the wagonmaker'e hns �ecessarily been lsrgely edneationnl, tbe help it with such a lively crqwd of boys and °�'�� in litCle ringa ocer �T►er lorehead, and asaortment, and I drove eleven miles to look uim beit�s to tQaoh th� rich,and iptelligent so. , girls a,Il prom}sin �o work lilze , her white teet,h showetl �ver so little tbrou h into her selection. There ' was n platn m�.n ' thnb tGey uiay geE ezarripies to the middle ench a day Por ttie gnther�ng. �vers aqd her red Itpe. ; 86e is e Landsome br.unettge, who had llve�l througb Qll the civil war a nnd loW�r cl�gea, In a brosd eense, th� ob- Wagons big and llt4le, wit� many snd the verq eqibodiment ot healtl�. VPit� her Srm Unionist�, �ud" manufactured 'irotri Lie ject ia }A rotqote a fulle'r sppreoiation of the with fsw, we psssed, Iiere. q whole tamily, hueband and fourteen-year-oid dau�4ter, Mi�. youth up Lhe diHerent kinda of riding P idea of l�hrl6ti ,an, Durial, to siinplify aud baby nn$ all, with the n�othsi� olicl.-�ng �.• R�id F�ae been visiting r�latives on P'uJle'rton wagons, and was atill mal�ing them between I chea n ltuibr�l mo � P•e �d , u;ning ceremonia[, needles over the never loTgo�ten stqcking; +�oenue. Born in Lhe bue� of IQew �7outh un Ghe intervals ot his job work, Livin� re- , to encoura,ge t1m61� burtal in perishable there a small fsot[on.oi tw.o.;ox tqi�eq, bt�t a11 'wales, this is tLe Srst time tLat Mre. Rei3 mote trom a raiL•oad, in a country o4 coffins iu sirhpb erirth, pnd, to discouruge � out on t6e same iptenk ;{YYYQ •p�sed }nany �e bebeld ottier tLan Au9tralian s4ares. abundsnt lood snd wood and leather, he vaults nnd spie0pl►Agt. ' scred vineyards add tiny , s�qpee� where sA `�T�?o P�ce ot my birth is u�on tho Jolm- could a8ord Lo a�nka a wagon tor 2A per Rbine ot the epeciflv refortns ttrged ara ulike were worliin,g, �nd Bn411y we reached �n river,�� ehe said. "llty father yvas _th� cent. less Lhsu city work. Iiis litt,le warehoue8*° the'se: The nsa of plqin hesrsea o� wheeled ` 3lousiet�r P,'s v�neyatci, �hd wbnt a vtn� $!'� ��er there. He hae s gret►t pluntattion �ntalned ten or twelve new wogons, snd bie�, the avoiding o! 0xceesive IIqrgl decoia- yard was thi�. There was aone to oacel iL in an the bknk� of that etrea�n, Be .i� pinet� one of these whfch had been trausformed had tionst t�e disuse ot crape, searP,s, feath�rs, that parE oY Ehe country, yeaas old mow, snd no one could get Lim bo been drtven nineteen yeare Dp ite purchasar, velvet trnppings snd the like; tlie meeting in e vi�w o8 a viNEYexn. go awuy 'lrom that eQu�try. And xt )e a who then sold ,it back again o,nd got s new th0 eburchyai�d or cemetery instead oP at the Far�ack it tltretoh 000eu3n the slo beantiful cqun wq t�ye, you one. Here, for $80, you could et a hand- �. $' pe in �'S' peoplebere 6 house oP moui�uing; the early iutermeut even, well trimiued rows, the huge white bnow os:lIttle of ue, o! our ways aud custom�s made wagon quits as cheap as tho oheapesE ! 01 the body in aoil stiifficient and suita,ble bunches oY chasselee and tLe dusky purpie +�s we do 04 yours. It seems �trunge, for wo puttern made wagons in the westei�n states, Por ite resolutioa Lo ita ultimate elements; mnscat bearing dowu. ttie vinea with tlieir '+u'e each sucli grea6 countriee, We hqvo a For E80 you could buy what is called a Day t�e nse of sucb mat� rials Por tho coffin rich �eSght. A ema]l; lude board Loase, beeuti4ul land, too, mucL iovelier; I think, tou wa;on with two eeats; Por S10 you could us will rapidly decay after n�ture; tho en- �vherein were stored all th#nge p rtaining to a than America, an�l I Lave been frorr� san buy a tangue made to order, and accordin� courayement, on ea,nitary grounds, of tho re- the vintsge, �vas open� snd Ehe�we put our �'��lsco t0 BostOA since I e&IIZe to thQ statCs. to the dimensiona yov migl�t leave, thQ moval in crowded districts of tha body to o lunch baekets. 9, number o1 men wer0 pict- Our climete ie more agreeable ADCI I jIAVO - tongua being set with all its naraphernslia, mol�uary lttersnd oY reitaini►�g it in the inS and alreadp great heaps of the fruit were ��b� on no sroener}+ �ero to compnre with 'with front and rear. For $4 you could have roome oocu tea v the livin the aubstitu- lyiv on the ours. u bru6e put on any wagon. OE couise the tiQn of burinal lots surroiwded�b co in tor bciskgets, �'3•oupd aad ln bsrrels 8IId DAIP6ERS OF THE HPpB. eprings of these wagons are mede at d�fferent p�y vaults, nud the impressing uinion offi- '�e llt,tle folk began working wiCh a will, "�y fatUer'e Louse wns seven miles from plac2s, auch as Wilmington DeL; the wheela cials ttie cla,ims of tho pow�est to proper and each trying to outdo the other in epeed �nd that of our nP.a►•est aeighbor. OP course, we ore generally mado in the �djacent country, i�evereut burial. numberot basket� IIlled. IG was fun till we �ad cottage� foi our help, wbich, wlth t�e and sometlmes coma from the west. All the One of tbe pointa made must corne l�orpo to beg`sa`to tire, theu anot6er part oP the work stsbles, �nado quito u]ittle sc�ttlernent. }3ut rest oi the machinery, esoept the iron�8x- insny re�ideuts of thie city. It is tha evileof c�leimed onr sttention. On tho roadeide bq �L was in the wild busk� �vhere I grew up, tures, like the steps, is macle on the spot. eapensive �Punarals, it ie a matter oY everg :the storehott'lvo'.tLey were cruahing the grapes. P�P1e�1 by wild natives. It you could • see tiVa are constsntly saying that there are no day eaperience thnt wbon tl�e Lead ot ��'�sni- '" �'!de .brnuches �ve3�e thrown lnto hogsheade. a�' blacks you wouldn't wonder bbnt Pm Ameirican mechau�ce, but wo ara only tniti- ily dies the widow nnd childreu are found the dilierent varieties bp themselvea, end +�niahed when T behold Yolk o[ ttint color ing abottt the towna. In tho c,�uutry towus ��n ��• in s Btate of destitution, though a then pounded �vltU a big �sood@n dasher till '�ho b@t}av� like human beinga. Wo haoe of the United Statea there are jtL.w ::.: riany lnrge sum has been received by benevolence, •, -; , tAe were weA b�-�ised und thus macia �n ublo to aceoraplish cei•y little yoward Llo,eksmit�s, wheelwrights, ete., as thcro• most oP which+M� epent on e,u ostentstiQus ,i; for the preee, Thi� waa ra're sporb, civilizing our nutives. Yet they ure Yar ever were. These men, working alouo and funeral and mourning. Muny workingmen aud �ve be�an pouniling wlth all ou!• might, better t6an wLen I wue u cHil3. Then �ve making all parte of a flnisheci produet, not burden themselves with debt to honor tueir .;�j 8p1+wDin� tha rich �uice about, 8iret in our Wereobli�ed to keep ncontinuul guard aga3nst dividivg thnir laU�tr iuto a series oP singio I dead� bub whlle the society does not desire to '' frantio ed'ortq to show our sktll, and then, them. At auy moment they might fall upon drudgeries, �c�come iutelligent aud otr cl�couruge �iving honor to tha, dend, it trom very mie.ehieP; into each other's face3. tli9 eettlere and murcier thdcn. Do qvu see servant und l:eop their eyes upon tl�e manu- t�� that the dead can be better honored In webt the grapee, higher and higher rose thls scard (pointing to one peai� her epe.) A facturing centers oP the country und L-now I by the survivora uiming at 6igHer and the juice, und with it our .spirits� till Jeaa, `Bin' gave mo the►t. What ia +i 'gin?' Th6 wheneve"r a nevv Fpring 1�}g_s�gpu�tr p�• �p � I nobler lives.-I�e� Yor Tzme�. , miQeLievous boy, Lit upou' u delight- bluck_women.are cAlled �gins+ i�1ie cL•ove n v new putent is better' adapte to toe purpose -., than un old obe. In this wny the old G}er- ful plun, Se�rclung by tho roadsfde, LniPe ipto m�y hea<1 pne Lurvest timo. Yoii manio i�egions oP tbe United sto,tes through �' �O�On �cott's vegetariuniem. be found e►ud Cut a lon� stem ot seo, ot barvesC time the nutiyes loiterecton erastern Pennsylvania, .middle Muryland and �'• �nnedy e rocent Concord rznceclotes hallon jointed grass, end, dippirig it iu tLe tLe outskirta o! fields, atole up nenr to Lhg e s Gave tuou�Lt to Tho Listener's t�bpper tha h�ly lull � barrel, began suckin� np the �ables an�l watcl�ecl all the time to ruake o8 central Virginiu keep up thetr little shops of follo�ving story about A. Bronsott� Alcott; �'+�'*�t uq�� ti�o were uot elow follow- �� �� u� f� ns it wea gsrnered. �Vork sll descriptions,, and on emei•gency you u� could collect a emall army oP couutry mo- �r' �0�� �°� �own to Ue utterly opposed �8 �+ �P�, �d how refreshing it aas thep would not. Do you think oae ot these cusnicsi every oue of tLero old in this soil to the enting o! m�sE-n strict vegeto,rinn. � onr little tblrety throstst An innocent naked savnges w.ould so demeon ' bicpeett� � n,nd etock. Nothing would� ;aroucg bis indignat�on b�Se� •�ely; in ita 8rct unPormented weli, this day in my p3ay I ran close tq.one ,Agnan you will aee, about twico n week Quicker thau to bri�ng Porwaa�d ths.idea that �a• � ot .the Larna pucked full o! xLo newly gatL- + ibwaa the design d! Providencp for man to �� �t e tLe way you help, ie it3'qeaid ere3 grain: rrom oub u lo�v growin c2um tbtroiigh the dist�•ict I t�ave� described, the ���� p��� �� a, ,. � S D chickon merchant come past with l�is wngon 5��� �n °II� r°°d• ge even refusetl to B B ith u frosh latd, 04 bruaLwop'� up roso a big gip. Bhe,beck- constructed to put chickens in tho body, t'� °t �°�g• �0me twetve or Sfteen years bu� 6e l4u�hed, eo we knew it was ull righ oned me to her. More fenrinl to 6urn than turL•eys towards the Pront A�nd otber sorts oE � ago he �vae n welcome visitor in tn&ny of the d 83T os eroaT. to face lier; I advnnced. When I aeurod ,her; Pawl iu about the reur. He goes surroundeii citie9 of tbe west. H1s coming way 1�ailed Do�n �vent my bead for aaother sip, but she drovo tLe knife in�Go my head, Then, she with cackling and crowing, and his little ,� �� delfght. Dinnera were given, snd clubs 1��- utter gurgle, �waIlow, choke, ran. My taLher sen0 men ior the Aeareet o�tended their invitations. He wae read to A P� °� IAU�bte�' h'om the children, s physician and for s uad oi ga�e is to forward the said chickens to the Y e9 police. �'he ciCy market in coops nnd crates inado Tor th�t �+ �d otIlers wvre glad to listeu. �m ��W� npol0 from mfsohievoua Je�n, knlfo etsyed ia my lorehe�d till �lte.dpptpr Dur ane o! bhese oisits he �vus unusually m�T��m the pul2ed it out. Luckily the '�toint ell�. . ing rosy liquid with came an3 , pale snd Feary. FIig hostess i�liied him dripping hend snd sbouldera: It was too a�ne nnpotsoned. Tho pollce s1�ot Bevon ot Abo:nt ti�-hce a, we�a, ;�1So, yov will seo tho uPon his facorite theory oP �egetable ciiet. ftwny uot to lnugh, so wlptn� off ury fnee t the b]oeks in the bush tLen, for n�henever anp egg r. :d Uut.er ivan come along in o�vanon „�, ��� � o� joiuod iu at my.own es ensca, de redation• ie oommttt muunfnc•�tn•eci for his setvico lt , Y u ottld ouly lice as we „ P P eri all in tLe vxcinity coutains a I ., i do you «ould cooa bo stron nud robust" Ol�, no1 it did no vnrm, an,id the viut- are sUoG on :�i¢lst like rnbbitP. tiVe� don't refrigerfltur pm•t for the buttor and a sasv- � ytie snicL And tho old ent�lemau �cith �u vere, "only n I1tE�0 AIDE37CAt1 Ilavorin�; be- , adopt tt�e lenient policp to�vard tIle� thaL I dust Lo<ly fw• the e�gs. Iio Uc�ys chiefly lacid smile tnado his usttgal re 1 ' eides,�it �coitld bca pui•itie� iu ti,e ferment�- lenrn you do tqwa.rd �our Indiapa frotu tiic poor, nnd thosa who fvant reu�iy P„ ' p�'' tion. "Our Lleicl:ei ara di8erent iss t n�oney, wUo wotild otherwise put in thcii• And be in dauger oP Uecoming a brute?" ypo fram,�Le FIo �us a connoisseur in the cookin oi oat- �e�er tvna,frugal menl of Uread nnd cheese African. TUeir Uair stauda up, wTry and butter nnd egys 5,t tho couutry storo in tho � eaten with keoner tspnetites, ull sitting about busL like tLat of tUe Circaseian womon in meal, � oY whtch he always partook in the Y+ wny oP Unrtering, nnd thu� su�er two shoves; mornin At this time tho lady feelin in trne ptenic faal�ion. An Uour'a '°uooniug" your dime n�ttseums. � In the �us6 they wear a�st tlie Fha-v� o� tUeir product, and, se� �' � g was nllowed, tLOII dII iB�IoVlopl'UlISIj' LO NUl'Ii no clothes, Uut when they cozno In town the oudl tUe sl�avo u ov tue �, suro 4hnt hia health Fcas seriously imp&ired, S', p product Lhe ea- ���• nuthoritiea com ehan o for, Tuo e �olved to t�ke charge hesselP oP liis Ureak- pe! them to be • clad. The SS gg and butter mun PA3'9 �� Sb0 senC for A mh�� �A3 II1Y011 r01• a novi<•f� to 1e�ru. Be- 'git��' oLject most atrenuously to dotfiing, ,IF religiously bt�t S ceute e pound for butter to pound of beee, Iin�l it foro tl�e day nae orer �vo kne�v tunt bbo ou.. ive n'�ii' p sli�htly cooke�i, Lhe jui,c6 extre►etel and well Y S g' n go�vn ehe will eeldom ut tho country p�ple� n•ho keop a cow or twa ,erushed gray�q went throngd tho �vine press t�ut one arm in a eleevo 1 $e a s 8 cents u dozen Por e °�� �tO & dish oP ostmenl. 1lir. Alcott , etting LUe ggrmenE P 3' ggs at nearlq not once otily, bu� twice nnd .thx•ico, t6e last han fi•om hei• shoulders nnd di nte with unusua] relisb',�snd ,discourseci ola g eplaying oue ell times of tli� year. He soves the wuyside pressing mQking u thin, inEerioc• rnine, de- slde of Ler bosrnn. Tho blacka flnd an abUnd- quep$ly upon tIIe virtue oP grai� thaE wAveci cidecll n wulk oP two or tUree tqilaq to the neat vil- � p eour. Also th tlie m�ut or inust, ance of food, nnd t�ere is thus no incent�ve lagv storo. At tha pmsent time eggs are 18 � the cun Anci ui'r. The next mornin Ll�a�- vphen only o few l�o � ld, was a 3elicious, for Lhem to accapt civili�atiou nnd }eatv _to oents a doze:i �,t the stores, and therefore ��0 �^ae r¢peated, and thi•oughout his , ep��;ling Ueverng ot unlike cider, und also work. Tho couiiEr awarms with every time the e�p mnv surrouncis n doeen �y ��O°r °t the puddivg uud Uoef e, most exCellent Ist1t fertiHzor. 1Ve foun Y kangaroos, juioe� a wal�urbi� (au animal sim11ar Lo the kttu�g$- egga ho ha� inude 10 cents, ont, too, tbat nothing R-as wasted, nud thnt roo), rabbita and birds. Then tho blaoks You might not snppose that theru �verr� It wue potla3sUle t}�at ho gained rxpidly in � drled skiqs and e�ems were ��resced iuto e Leaith txnd Aosli, and became thoroughly sat- ��es and u�ot9 for fuel. mako n large part vE thoir diet of snakes avd - couutry potters nny more in this i�gion, but y&ged rvith tLe n�teu�u climsto. Beforri, l�o ��� worms. 1Voi'L119 t11C3' 6�3E raw, just as tvoy yov would Ue misWiken there. Thoy hnvo an left he remsrkeci: �, Poor incleed is tl�o peasar.t Lhroughout LLe d1g thRm froin tho eurtU, They oeit anakos of uld pottery nt I3ageiBtown, which is more ��ya�. �olerxl hs►e beeu ver stren�*then- ' SrApe gxowiug reoiou wuo cannot i�qaSC oP ull l;ind�. ttia�� 100 yexi•a o11, aud I l:aow oP one i❑ an y a et least n strip oY'vineyard, he it ever �o' s�vnaE co�nT�IIir: obscure part of the country �vhich hos sup� �ng. You must tell me just how it is made, small. According to his wealth so ia his "Th� blacl:s aro not proliBc, n rouplo r>el- and I mitst tulte u�ay a, ptictage of'the meal." �tt�y�.a. Then the thing i�to get the fruit dont Uuviiig threo cl�ildren, Tho �vomen, ot ported two or th�•eo generntions ef the same • ���.. �lcott," wae tho replv, there is ge- f:imily i:i i�espeeCable iudependence. That ie gathereci for the vintage as soon as possible, � cunr,e, nre bS•ntally nbused by the mAleqand to s:iy, Ll�ey inay make $500° n,year in ensh �� 1° So�d-cooking,'snd iC is hord to`ini- por there' ie alwnya dangei• of hnil '�torms, ke t in tt�e raost de roded state oi pArE 1t. Only oomp a�ain, and you sUnll which ofUen lay waste � g �ervitude. upoa ttieir'pots, jnrs, ote. The man gets hia acr��s �,e_�;in�yanl,..,.. SVLen�n-Lla�ka�au =a:. 'Pe: e-f , .. hndthe_dishequnUy;pnlateUle.n - �-. :.... ,. . �.s � p alls..upon _ wAcla�#r.om�=somo'-i�;istaaec�,atttd-�ae-a }t�le•�1i�n� . . =- •, .. - _ . _ _, �isii s. xn�.�ent loss. ., -:w ,...,,_....._._.-,�.�.-_ ..,� . . �-.-�t�me-dA�-�ttEsx.��.-trad�,a,sti�m�l�au� , ..:�...., __ . � . _ _ , . _._ �t��39}��'-�ke�t�r:.-sc�:st��'Na�~ which you would Lurdly X.hink to Uo more Iti'ivAs "n"i[ erl �i5rty: tha� tod'e �uck thal�� cry out nnd runa witl� l�er ivto tbo bUsh. ,reasted and refreshed, 111ra. $, relAted tho than o Duteh oven, ai�d he i�as u small shop ��r� ��st glee to k%r own ,�luli -Bostou evening, but there was mueh that was de- Thero I�o must •stny wit� leer i'or three or Wbere'l�c siLs at �is whael and mal:es tus pot� Transcript.. 1►gbtful to recounC oP the day's experience, four moutb�. FIo c.wnoE rciurn to t�ts oa•n. and jars �JometimeS ho delivers thefn at th� in opito of acLing bncks nnd blistered t�nnds, tribe nntil t l�e espiratiou of I,l�ts period. railrond ststion, aud at other timesthoParm- . ? -�velpn Csrol7u Home Journal. WUen Ue dvea tnk� �er Laek, if eho uttors no ers come with tlieii• own teAp]e aud place tho s���$�° peaean�B' I,�nd B�uygd, A repurt jusE publlahed from the Britiak complaii�t of ht:nger nguinet liim-tUaG � pots in the s.traw. and tsL•e ther& hottie to their conaul �enernl nt VI'wrsQw contaibs the traus- �'��'ests Preserve tLo Molstnx•c. is, it bbe �loes not sl�ow Lhnt he has wives, who SIl the snid pote with pickela, pre- }ation of o aow lpw eatendih with ceTtEtih' 'fl�e importan�o ot preaervin�; fo: ests Ue- uttu•ly fniled W supply her with cufficient serves, catsup, appte butter, eto. iteally our ��tiotla, tbe achapze ot p'e3aants' 1� cou�es ovident iu 13outh Au�eraea. J, aC}, ��•orms, kan�ru•ov uie�t and snakcs-ho cau lurgest mnuuPacturera 6uve coine from thesA`. 36 G}amblo, in the "I'roceedings of the Institute l+cep Lor. I�ut for a yeur he �nust stay ont oY littte beginnings, Tho msjestic worke oP �Y� °G�'u�'� itt Rnesig sineo is�, to tlie op Civil En ineors " kingdom of Poliwd. Under it peasants of �� , Points outthatthe soil di tUo �vny oP ker, tribe, for if they cat�ch him t6is couutry, tiv�ich em�loy 1,000 liands, Fre• Africe Uecomea dryer every year., .Althouoh they �sill kiU Lirti nnd tmk0 Liao young 'gin' Russi¢n, Polleh or Lithvnnian estraction ` gn o£ the man•ied stat.c� acto quently Uegan witl� u rurttl blacksmith. the nmount of precipltation i�s not decreas- Uack, 2►�c�'si Not ]on� n o I drove to, the onl count ma�' �tib the approval of tko locnt commis- P� ' s � � S sioner for pes�atit�' nfl4lrsy obtuin lottps for , ing, tk�o springs bocovie less �t�•ong, and bq tho wumen is Lho pullin; ont of ono front ReaC or court l�ouso town �in Pennsylvunis the pnrchase of lande wLich do not belou to rivers t1�at used to flow permonentlq arp dry tootb, 'V4 hen the male Tiecomes a 1�enodict 60 wherp it is said the whole coiuity io dostituto g during mimmer., C?urublo considers t6e do- indientes tt�e joyful Pnct by cuttiu� o� tl�e, peasante, and whieh are not burdened �vith oP railroad fncilities. 1 riad to cross a mount� caetatiou of fu�rsts e�nd tl�o gruss nnd bush littlo finger �f Lis right hand at Llio IIrst nin to get into thfs county, und ther0lny the anerous servltudes, such loans not to exceecl firea tt�e princ:ip�i reaeons for t�is etata o! joint. 7 hey live in low skin covered huts court houso clu$tered in a beavtiful but ns►r- I ��'�t. of tho valuntion mucie Uy tUo a�pftjrs, And besidcs this LLe trails med� b nnd I tbink nre in ever i�e officers oP tUe bank. Iu Ruasi3 proper tho + Y y spoct beneath tHe row �'t�lley, with abundant etrenms, The nnimalseu•etransformad into ca,qonA of con- Norl:h Americun Indian in intelli�eoeo. whole� eouuty was walled iu by natnre, like I ��mum is 7G per cevt., and in the ceso of �}aerable de;�ths by rudden rainfalls. Iu "«'e L�a� o r;ecerul kinds of ticl� �inknoH�n • .some parts of tho Alps. For fifty ycmrs tve �'oland tha additiomal ]5 per cent, is to corue tliese canyune, «�hicU are iu sop�e ensc� moro Lei•o, uud delir!aus frnits that are not grb�� n eo lo lind evncoived ths�` railroarls would i �rOII1 ° special Pund instituted for tUzt coun- LUan 4Uirt,y feet deep, iho surface �vater. ivns � o.i )'oLr soil. .Neat is very cl�enp. ': ho l,c�t P p try in 1880 Lo freo sants from de . endence huve to come to them soule. dn9, Ueonuse ! � P o8• fore it has time to percolat4 the soiL cut; of Lecf and tnutton nre bst I,in•o�� ��nta u L�Ay �cero on one of tbo great lines of coip• on the landlords. Tho brilance of thRt fund, Trip� h:ts madc oUeervn,tion& ou tHe amount �ound nn�l jxrz4c fotu• cents. Gnme i. t,o Uo 'runuiCati�n Lrotwean Lhe edst nnd s•est. �1; Nhic6 nmounta now to' ,p00,ppp rouble.4, is to ot evaporation nnd found tDnt on tho l�igl�- lind for thc tsL•ing, nnd �ve I�avc gnino Lirds I bo handed ovcr to Lhe lanci bank, The land lnst eamo ot tho Pitteburg peoplo vnitecl ivitli I lands fnlly ono-hatf of ULo Palling rau�s run of ever5 ilrsrription. Liviug lsmnch cahea cr purehAred in this wnp cnnnot bo xold unGil r tve VRUC�Cl•bilt Pa�mily to run n razlroad oft wit4�out peneirnting into Lhe soil, Thie tLan Ucr� :�ucl wages higUer. Tho lo�vest the dabti m thA Uaa1c is clgarod olY, nor.esu � �hrough t.Unt rt+ginn, and spent n gi-�nt deal pe�� �tlo aro noc �yPerlanco emphasizos tl�e Pnrt tha,t the utti- �rag<�c pa i�! � or�:ruon lnl�orore uru g„ n dny, poAsants under the deS- oP money in beginning tLe tunnels nnd bnild• mAt,�j alw of rationnl forest cnituro, so far as . 1Po hn�,p < oitimon sehoole now, iiltUou�l� nition oE the lsw becomo purc6asers or own- 1ng the b�eCl towere to cross tLe ch.�sz;�s. 13r.t its influence upon agriculture is coneerned, edncarion is not co�Ypnlsorq. In tl�o byduey the esi euciea ui ruan rnihroAds Q� b9 ��erl�etiee or gift. In eithei� af t�e � y ruuited to �att�, �,� �� � u�$e� is tho incr�nsa oP tU8 poo�'er oP Lhe �rovnd to �istrict it is con�pulsOry. �t�r pri�nto sehools 4 q person into whose withdraw nll tvis enterprise just�s;t�o cou- hold molstw•e, and thus"to preVenC the ap9�� n�•e esce]]ent. T was never in ncl�ool. We Rummntion seemed wittiln reae'li�'"�1�po �iou Che lnnd may come is bound to se11 floA•in off oi the u eci rtated rrsiu.-�ci��rre: liaQ niastcrn nt he lnntation. 1Vc mre n�or� �>. wvithia n ywu•. Phc limit.of RII(1CTTIQIItB {9 g 1' P� L A ple there h:�ce Fettled ci`own o tiie'�ebn��tidld" ,�� ha.cpiLnble thnn AmerieanQ, less eUnry of .x , eigLt nnd one-fifth ncres.-London.Timea. that now tUey wil] ney,er�sUe:vd any rui�roRrl " nog C�n•e for itLeumat�sm. cunrtesy, and more generoue in outertnit�ng, wLutevor � '= ___ ._._. _._ .____ '' An Iwmi�ru�iou of Muaquitocn. � Dr. Pitice, of Uconeo county, Cin., sufFered �h%r cliildren, Loo, nre• more irspec��,Pul to The isyalti.�s Feqn it� the moning of e�erq � . tor yeags the paiiga oT rheuivatiam, vninIq their seniora, quiotc+r, dqd fu17y os ipislligeut, b�A'it�oo waa �Qer troi�l�led by rousnuiYoes 3�ifg;` thap• Y,o li,unsns, DakoG9 t►�i8 tl�e far . trySug ndl remedies. 8is ears a o one of areorciing to tho nge, us L�c�e 1've �uet 1� r�i.'" i6o..b.' �`lid ottn tuen atti etl asround gs lvn utlt�i�. "ttile 8o�s�rt ��'> �1�8('ir..Nnd efuc•o tuen . s g �• � g q, B � � liis Rons in 7exas I�em•d tUnt a huirIe�s Meai- -�hic:+go Her:�ld. u'N'tT�ti4'e tan� a chonco to wnrk on thm riuilroecl t4�e. �t►O�ii� ]ittld�' iii�; . Bnva beon _..r... ,-- - -- - '1 ezut dog, it allonaed to sloep nt the fec+L oi a i�t► eu o tvo fz;uste oP' tts ' copstrnciion ���' �'���'"'�`�"X+ ttot onTp �mt,l,iip efty, bnt IDi.n�nKiu j y et�'�t'@t• from rUcumntism, was a su��e cure. S �h C.�b+ pn�miners. in°•�fiw� t�r'w�l�� q,hd rit�i��° �'�ie51 0� the taUlo n a�� 'l�' An.t�soy Pound thd matfe�� was�l:noCl:ed in r t 1�'b' boi�bUt ii �2og aud �ook it homo Co his Wl:ok�alc� me� anfa iti �ctni3 ot tho' e.net- l 1$hkb.- �$A `�t��, ao. tA �pe�k, t'hey p�►rL•ed t}ielt` ��4 �� A��e',: �o be in- ^�!Athe1�, !1`6e olci' gentleman lpughed et the cru cities ore s�ioUsly tuink9iig "CP doin btitridles itrtd set otY for 6he excitrai�n triiii� Q�� d�►1 pa�et tihet� .i�'etldonvor- q .Whioli# �onco� h w'L�uk or tw1c� u pionth 'C$� iH8 F�.:�xri�i� fhe�why si�� ri��o�e of fhe �^,� `'���� � su�L n em•o, but to plouss his son tried un•ny �vith iLe "eity d�vmmur," aitLoagh t6o �e, �r:� .e,R _o_ c'otnin� � . ', u , ; ,� � a ' y� � � �` �. 'b.tiy� �,�� � ��� .� �;�t-}' w' . � Ym.. � . .. `�.�1 y '.4 . Ml ,1. r.... . b t e c og. T�o necount nn�•e t6at �.s soon as ilie }�art tl►nt funetipnary iilays ih Feeflriafi i. , I: �%f 1,rACses thp si�ii8quitoe�� the tXoctor SAy down in bed the dog "Nprnng trtt'tIe ls�t.ltog2�1,6er too in�port�rnt ti, mako it l'bad dP piiieat�%J,i�e� bi+� EraCk .Ybr �i �v0 nt tlt�+o�n�+'it1'xh�laba "�!►�tbi� �dt, �� ��3 eoiled its"el�, n.r�und l�is feet, !n ]ens advisnb� for one IIrm to diopenso n•1tb I�ia �,1„kiA a�ILj biL6atru� � j���� Q t�H an liaui' tb�' og gat•c l�im evidon t ro� �� vice� u�il�sa n,ll do. 7 tio war�, of i.ho cit,y 41�� iy � ��'���� ���e �� �'� ii1f, nnci in n�h�i•t t imo eflected n cure. �h•umnirrK�oneists in meetin�; cUstomers from a� hi�t'o l�$an� brotlgh$ �o,'tiii� �i��I '� ��X•�'er tite �in�'struck Lim �io ma�le 61�e t�o ronutry nnd "amusing„ tliem until 6hey tv11d 1rlvAtied b7'.nl�lttitdes iri l�tll5, dbg'•Iftt:rtgaivat t1�0 pls+cr�nud tho hoati Proiu �naLo�t•l�eir purchnses nnd nro rendy to �o Lha'hrii'tnnl s baiy d'rew i dut lil;e n roustard homA. As mt�y be imagined CLtl' ti:nuwr �e jyb'st'4 �C'Ll�ld tik�Vi� ),�pfi introd'uce�l y Y��. �jverV t�ighb for six S•�ars t he, cl.or- ?� onts" nro not dltray s t},e mos4 i»noCq»t, nnd qa�+ �8�q t�outt� $r►vq �rvnt��l t�er� ���,y qTepti �estl� L9s•lrtiirle.ca LedCellow, wlio 4+"''a�'�1� unof� t•8o U�A� �l�b' is to sfantl er ��e catt�pl�ti�ri� o� t�e' �2eut�d;n ��.�in�. �y��rns�co st�o�v th� rifeets oe u o,�na Mitghgecl in tltcu� makE� tih9 pt�co a�c+ry r,,� fY �1572� ih otil` op�b8 ,��r fs iHtl�ii Yjy�. �i�9 saq9 �hat nf�r its doath� i f thu �uons hnfl. higU priced ot�A. Uf lato some oi pflrWu'k �b 1�htn 1�p�+ td �eE rid �f tGe �nerahauts I�u�coa enounced tLcwo tnetLti�e � i��eixaral.ie pn�iiY� t��+iil�•n� t�b �vill a.t onre sc:id es unUuaiues[like not to indet+cnt �nl�ot+s t�6sn Co :eicaotilit'ibr �,tleir � sa,9 � und it of!' ior nnotUar r1�Cidnr� tlo�."-;Ic�v yorlc is not improbnUle thaC the practir.a mny PAIl , ��C�cj� nF hiexic6 �u rte�iubYteg. , , �ui;i. . eni,irely into disuse:--Chicago Newe ';� . . B ` . ' <� � ,r . . ,� ` . ,� �+�" . � e �A� , �, f � n .� �w �y . ���`P��'��-;1 . , .. ' .. .. � .. ._ i. ,k. •�� W' � +n , *�. , 1� K7 , . , � � ` . ' :� -y.. • y . ,77 � ��.}. _ _ ,�,in....,..�.:.►.�eN�,.mv6�[. ..,.. ...... ._ ...... . _._.. .___� - .. ., � , . . �.i � '� Y .:..�C�.:.... � � f � '__...-.^ �{. r� � IWQRk AND, AIM.. t�'batr��er 1¢clse purt� ty evtl: a Gap! c�It,t�puL p��DleH breoda aUnie, , „ N�+t auy une NteN nnxli eLnat� fus�totu�i pn G�}e IuQuilestz�ir�vay oP tline; � .. ►dor over �;a,me qooA �vithouc labor, In cnit, or tn � .. �, . ncieuu�, or art; �p _ . it mueb tw wrougAt out tLrou;L ti�o myacley,, lxiro out uP th� sr�ul snd tdu trearG �,^,�'" ' , A I�am ��, ^ oun NovetlsL•e lai�4thzuetic, ,i iu nickeiu�' Chri�tnws uumber, "Dr. Mar�� �� ,� �;u1�Pe NreneripEions," oue oY ttir ta,les, �'To ;tie ' Takeu i�� Water," descrfbea the a,dventuro QM, �� a clerit wiio ivns truveliug Gl�rovgh Fra,nee in � churg� oY ^u quurter of a million^ [n specie, " ;,z: .,� I3o �aii it "i�i t�cro irou boses, inclosed iu �'+� ^, l�atacr tu I��uk li1.e samiil��s." Tixe Frea�ch �'��� I�ortei� soem W hc�ve uoticecl Wut the 'boxes r��,=. were he�ivy� UpL fl]AI173STf(1 GI]CIII IS��I:QL6llgIl, �" Ltivo porW�t� to each. box. Mp copy;,pP "Dr. �'� Murigold" I�&9 A ti1B2'b�213I anaaCr�.tion by au „� impationt reader, "Boshl n qu�rtcr o�'d,mil- ;;y lion in golu eoiu cvoujd woigb uperurd oP two ��'' ° tops," P4P cnleylntiou does iiot seem to be� „.. quite aGcurate, but it wouid cveigh ubouL one tou sev�nWen hunciredcveighL, nvoirdupoie. ' A thieP wLo got at tGe boses Is clescribed in - t6e story ns stopped tn m¢L-inq his vray ont �'' uP n wtndow with a carpet bag 6atf full uP sovereigns TUa a.nnotator recl:ous again, trom tho descriptkon vP the •ha.O1 that it muso . havo wo2ghed fl��o hundreilneight. Une wo�dere t6nt errore so c�sily_ uoticeable es- ���.�ped the eharp editori�l ege oY Chnrl�s i' Dickaila-Notes and Queries. TLe I�lavw• of MatLozw Ti�e yu��tion thut .Uas lons t��ubleci bntch- ore-viz., what cauFes the wool tuste u. mut- ton?-ie agoin the subject oP niucq di.5cassiou , nmong thePruterntty. Thy American Publiu � Health aseociution re�c;nt7y stn,tkd tt�nt tBa ' touc4 oP tba woolly roa,t uirou che dresseci ' flesh imparteci a �90n( t:i6'tE1� e�ci,i t6at thei•a was a, very> >ioticeiLbl� dtfferenc� iii thc� 8ncur ---1 uY mutton talcen ft�om u sheep �v6ich }�as t�een Sur soruo timo deprtveil oY al] escess iu iCs woolly e.ottt nnd Winb tui•:en �rUnl a sheep which hus u hc�acy trzece, TItN Hon, Casstus a AS. Clay, oP Kentuci.y, n•hu id u i�ecognized. aut�ority in matters relating to shc�;p ra,isu�g� conteude tliat t6o nssociation t� wrong, He rocommencle butc��,ia G� sturvo ti�e sLeep fvr � tweuty•foar hom� tmforo Gilling, canfl then tv -�r� cut tue Lhruat u,ll e�i�iuncl to thu bunn, allow- �-,_;;� ing a treo ff�w oP l�i�pci. Tl�a nl�ceji sl�oald <'� L6en bedressed nt �ttc�. The flrsS cYill 6Hen Uo fo�md perYectly n�eet uzi 9 a�lthcut ewp � � p4rceptiblu wool tusta--Chic:�oro ,Cec:s. s .---_ _ •'S' k:tfos6 to An?s tLe E•o',ice ' "Bosa,,> l�o uskeci of one oY tt�o Fistralrzreu ov Lhu mnrket, "ho�•r Ipa; nftcr a pu:�on ar� ,bi6tc3n b�y u, do� Lin he i�un mad�" �.' �''l`f L�eilog was mad tie «�ill �i•obn.utq fc.rol ' it i�i p few �veeka." ' ; i�lIn wi11 iu o year, nny-ho�c f" .t: ` "Yes. Hnve you tM.�en bittend" k' "I hev. Jtst fo'ty S�� Qe �odaT• Keclton '''. I nec�dn't foel.ansus'd° ;' "Not a bit." ' i � ,,, 's• "Can't lw uo dnnd r ixfn ¢'' " „ .,.,.,.,..«N�Y.�r "Mucv obleoged. I si�2a't rec�on deru �res, but I bhought it �,�.f.er tu �» to de poli�. I , hain't one oY dese cero st��cL- vn pussons who �' thinks hA knows it r..11, na' I hiin't too proud �' to stop nn� t311c wld n Pnlicema.n. 1�'o dangei•, `.y, Ah7 Much oUlee���xl u�tii,"=-.I2eb�oit• Preo Press. o Amcrlcr?a P'ratt F�clvstry, r No industry in El�erlcu l�as''grocsn Easter � than Lho fruit iudustry. No mntt�r how ? fast t.hc� Parrien9 anct ..omkta»ci��-+�re planted, L-�. , tho'detn�n�l incren,x� t'_"te� Chtin tb� supp�-. % LVhuL is bottor, thc b�!:, ui c.ztLsuQ:F�iioa i�: '�`+ �" `�;� Uy tl�o I�il;ur�t�g ciu,�: �w. Tt�,, a.^;t.lp l:a:litur. r iiiu E,ti•o:iu�ts gu to �h�� tab:t.: ur th�• �1cli, nut . ,''r t�lle �Wl'r�' CI$F9CS n�L �iT1�j� t+Ut �i`xitrLitiCl�� c: honie i � pru�lucts, bqt ci t:;� � ��runhe r:uu ba��cu�a. �4o evca i;�{,.,r, ui ::ad.11 clutu of labaring n�cu wGo r,er,�i so:it'.i �! ;b+�rdets f�.�r `tc,.:.�, choice o�nn�cs. .1:�rw: �-t ' �:•.:.I. �?�,al��r r, -. j101't8 Lt1Af, 1118 O!Y!uf9 ('!R �l t.I:P gtp;�❑ CU�PIi oY mill eperatives en: n�r�r9 ;;3,'.�1t1 fuP CrAita •. P aud vegetnb(ea in ��•�eir. Ther,� cr� tnu � %, �r-,',! sidos W tM� SRR1te7.Cy p1'�� ic; ;ti —n;� . t$n ��u- moval of tl)tU und �oiv�:�, L:�� �.;h��r t!io lu�- , �iishing of Le:iltti i¢Tvpirin� f��r,'., t:�a�r,ri�;l}• truifs. -G ioue• Dcr.i�u�, ,: t . ' _. �_ � i . . . T`a:t:o:�.�:�: : :or b+`.;cb. It isKlaimca thnL L:�. Iivufir.suo, �a nu��ixu oxporimenLCr, has e.aa�.�rr1:,:i ia ::al:difyiug �etroleur� to Uo use9 gs. Yual, by Lea;tiug it und tnixing it witi� irv�:n` I C� � f�er c�nt. of eoap. Tho luttei• di�,l�'c:�i in t.na uil, avcl �1�� liqutd ia.cuoling for ::; n��ampaat mns� I�ur-- ' f 1ng tho appo;u•ano-� of u�mevt cw:.l th� con- " aistence of tallow. T}ic prcr3;i:•L fs �1:fflcultto ,; ipBamo, bu6 wlien ligt;!e:l barris :=ic�a•7y n�d withoutsmoko, devclop.iud r, l�i;'� t_�:n�;ra• ',° turo, unal loavin� �;rly Z pe� ceut. r�P u h�rd `c blo,ek resi�lnuni. " _._. . . _ , -x- ___.- _� ._ _._ �.�..-- � A` L'.tdg..�i�FT'v��eTse�"!:. - --- '" - - �- _ IL is suggosteil that :� m.ericcui l�; ()7j�Pa R`LIU , rldb sUould no longer Pu1k,�v thu .�,ngliaL ,..fasLioia of eltting on tho ]eft �idu ot t ha 6�i�. . There tho enstom oP turninq to tno laft on the r,o�„ placos thc 1n,1 y u.v� y i ro:n t,he wl�eols uf itfly vehicl�� e�e r:i�y mee�. I3ut • taoro con�mon senso clic,.�.t.�-.; that t:�u ��omen . sit on tha right, Thcy h:;,; o�nod pr2cedent. Tho Priiieeav oY �CoJc>, i',+r• al,eci,il i�asons, ulwuys doce, ni�d the empr,�:,•:; �,f Aus`rie► sita eithcr way.-No}v Xprl, bun. ' �__ .._. . � D�rticular ,4bo�.i Shac::. ` �Voman (tt�trnmp)--I kf� �;ivu ti;,,� a pair uf my old ini�n's crs: t o.ri ,L�:ea. Tiicy don'b han'somo vory muc:h, ku�c yo;rl] IInd them eusy • , Traznp (�lrawivg himee;[ or)-�Lxiam, do yoa tnko ri�0 tor �� t:il.�l��' d'hote n•aiter?- Texna 8ifttn ;R. .._.� .._.. . _ .. � Y A Cnt�locL 1•',:r:C. �- . f� cn!•iuu:� i".act re� enl,rd ';,• t.Lu p:���iT d•apL is LUnt people, generally �iu .i��t t.tiow tl�eir • owu voloev. The husUuUd will rer.,�a,Uzo his �vifo's voicc� in n ph;.r.o�•am, nn:l ttie• �viPo �vlll recognuu CUe hus5and's, but neither will re�ognizo ,t::ei: uR�n srievc:i, - Chtcaqo ' I3ernld. • _._---._- IInuoQe�uruy fi�r Yt to Sle�'In ut Cte� Officc. Broker- I'm eorrn, Unaly Lta.,tus, Lhut I cAn�t do any6Ling far po❑ thiq ntotroing; but ch[eY�ity, yud Irnow, U��*ins nt L•oma -�nclb l�a��s-All ri�ht, sah. I'll enll nt'a11nd i►b yo' houso thls ebenin' 'bnut �even sA6.WTimfi. _ . _ _ ' e � IY�tie 7'he$trea V �'f�o r�lcoi�>t» of tihe �w2�lty-sis Part� tpcs. � iSroe ]us� ydar wore about g;3�;,�,Q00, �vhieli � wdMa a de�rer►so of �350,00� over LU� provious � ybhr. A young� ehild af P�Ir. aud hlis �?epuf• branit or . , �Ei2lnel�oster, .7. II., lia,s trro ne�• Peotly t'orme�i hF.�da, ,joinai t� tho body bp tvSSd'sl�Ot�t bUt tr•oll Porm.,d necl:s, 'ri�o oniid . • is n�}�ci�Wi'sb' oP ntl1•tnnl dnc•�lnrm�ni, and ea� 7rS'g goori hbnitl�. 9'ho AdbroYn of mueh ,succb� in tltfs �rarid � nro enelq cv�lfldenco, etrecartulnesa end coa. "' ntunoy.-I3nitLhorn Amorlmn. � . . '.Che Yt�qu� �Cie�'� C�ei�tstier� iis�yef�,ttqt� " �b�a �a�xc�'��tu�d �� �r,cw���; , �:t �f,dob;bObin �;,�.