The Clinton New Era, 1888-12-21, Page 8t.
Brilliant !.
Economical !
Diarner es Oxc.l a'l others
in Sti cath, 1 .41.ty and Fastness.
None other are just as ,rood. Be-
ware of imitation';, hecausl.
are made of t , :all end in;. riur
materials, and p'ive 1•••'r,
crocky color,. '1.0 I ; i • of
success, use only the 1 tl,\>r^Nn
DYES for coloring Dre';:e•' -;tock-
ings, Yarns,- C.IIi ; ts. Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., fe:. We warrant
them to crier more goods, pack-
age for 'package, than any other'
dyes et cr in :rile/ to give more
brilliant and aunt] ;e colors,. Ask
for the 1.)/i rimeand take no other,
A Dress Pyed FOR
A COCl Co /o,'CrtJ 1
Carn:� °et;etved CENTS.
••••/' A Child can use them!
At Druggist, and Merchant,. Dye Book free.
Montreal, P. Q.
The First Symptoms
Of all Lung diseases are much the same :
feverishness, loss of appetite, sore
throat, pains in the , chest and back,
headache, etc. In a few days you may
be well, or, on the other hand, you may
be down with Peeumuniaor "galloping
Consumption," Run no risks, but begin
• immediately to take Ayer's Cherry
Several years ago, James Birehard, of
Darien, Conn., was severely ill. The
doctors said he was in Consumption,
and that they could do nothing for him,
but advised him, as a last resort, to try
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine,, two or three months, he
was pronounced a well man. Itis health
remains good to the present day,
J. S. Bradley, Mrili(en, Mass., writes :
"Three winters ago I took a severe cold,
which rapidly developed into Bronchitis
and Consumption. I was so weak that
t could not sit up, was much emaciated,
and coughed incessantly. I consulted
several doctors, but they were power-
less, and all agreed that .I was in Con -
gumption. At last, a friend brought me
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
From' the first dose, I found relief.
Two bottles cured me, and my health
has since been perfect."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass. till JJruggiste,, Price r$1 ; six bottles, tail/
t't a13 .\ Nt,I'; til'' A • ,t()13131i1a.. child succumbed to the disease,.
There •Mein; no Vatholic cernetery
thaw a Reputable 13•ini'e' Wean • at St, If.tambert, the cartel', it is '
I;u.•lhe �.,.g
!,alleged, decided upon en inexpeti,
I sive burial at ° TLougaeuil. 'fie
I'tv•: t'„ •il., ;,, .,' ;`;500,110o, serve I wrapped atn�` his dead child, and
r • prison 1 coming to 1Vil• SE Glo ' a' f 1
Term in prison •uli Llumutols rm ln, roars
director, purchased a coffin after
a good deal Of haggling, about the
price, and wound, up by; asking
the undertaker to keep the body
in hie house aver night. The, fol-
lowing morning the hither came
after the corpse, and reaching the
,raveyard he loft the coffin there
while he went in search of the
sexton and asked him to have a
e"• grave dug. Two days after he
lost a second child by the same
•]/sense and wont to work to have
I l'b
ill -
Ilecorne ]1lilbouuires.
\ Inc tilt/', 111+'•r tar 1!1. .e lu
,t• la,.t Aiii cricalieeas, about test,
ici ales aLe), New Yo' I. wits st:trtl-
ed by the news that a lie ghboi-
mg bunt( had been ruui,cd of near •
v $510,000 in money told negoti
able securities. No clew could bi
•-I n,n•'t to the' robber's, and (1
W. Matsell, then chief of poli
worried hitnselt in o tileglav'e
'cause he could to I umavet t
I ntysIery. Soon aft c,• Makei the officers got on the nee
e ;,',.ids y e p it e t leo 1
,.I,be,s, They were I. t.,.1, c,
t ..tial alld Sella/Beet' It,, 10 vets
lit lief~ :)frig. '1.1 'r,nlftlntly
, , ie..' e• r Ir• _r Iheir
iiiii, ,11 ,1 it le,,,..
I .a t!n•t dill
\ ,r,caleat.s 1
l•isa,ii the t•i.1
pries was admirable and they re-
ceived the usual commutation._ of
mew .terms. 0.1 the day of their
.ir charge a ream,,,• clot 'let oleo
completed her term of service.
She was a beautiful woman of
French extract/ ni, ,end had been
sent to prison/ for swindling.
Being friendless and homeless,
this woman readily accepted a
proposition =rue by the two
men that she should masquerade
Its the wife of the younger man
until they had aecouiplished what
a,1 o"urse,
les eel the
1.1. cub
They desired to do, when they
agreed to pay her $ 10,000 and let
her go her way. 2ahe trio had but
$35 among them. With this they
made their'way to New' York,
crossed over to Brooklyn, where
the younger man and the woman
set up housekeeping in a modest
way under an assumed name. The
older man disappeared. The bank
officials had not yet abandoned
hope of recovering the lost money
and detectives were employed to
shadow the released convicts.
Soon after the older robber clieap-
;'eared, the pair remaining re-
marked that the shadowers were
uemselves being • watched by
otherdetectives, who after several
months finally succeeded in se,rd•
i ng'the bank's detectives off on a
wild 'goose chase. During their
absence the woman let't the cit
nddenly, in' re..ponsn to a tele-
grant from a Connecticut ;town.
,he •'tow nothing of her .mission,
but when she returned her bag
gage had been increased by the
addition ora heavy leathern trunk
I' whose contents she was ignor-
The day following the woman's
return the older Robber reappeat'
ed, the woman was given het!
810 000 and she wont away. 11cr
eubsequen t t} hereabouts have
barer been known. During her
stay in Brooklyn she dressed
elegau:ly', conducted herself' mod-
stly and was received in • good
(laving rid themselves of this
emelt) the taco men lost nn time
II perfecting their' plans fin. the
Int tire. It is needless to say that
1 he •mysterious trunk contained
he proceeds of the bank robbery.
'he robbers proceeded at once to
Jordon, where, under ari assumed
ntinie, they established a banking
and brokerage business. They.
.]cult largely in American seenri
ics, made several lucky hits, and
in a few year's were millionaires
tend among the leading speculators
Edrope, They • est aidished
branches in Paris,lBerlin, Vienna
and New York, and their names
.became as fitntiliar on the street
as were those of the Borings,
Kidders or Peabodys.
'�•;:�l,tl'�l�i•�fs'�rrk�st.�t �.•tt�'
Atlantic• dufitig the storrtry see -
son, the younger member of the
'firm, not .yet 50, contracted a
severe cold and frill a victim' to
galloping consumption.. On one
of the most 'commanding hills in
Greenwood stands al miniature
chapel with a towering spire and
ainbition,s ininar'ettes and costly
carvings, with a gilded entrance,
over which is carved a scriptural
tribute. Within this, splendid
tomb is one vrult settled with a
rnarl.,lc slit],, Within which rests
the bolls of tht,t ex -Sing Si rig coh-
ciet, The (name on the enflin
plate is not the nam° ort he prison
hooks, lint one which has . linen
<nown and honored in hintedal
circles from \civ York fu St.
Petersburg and China, a name
still quoted I,v the magnates of
all street.
The costly monument was pine -
there by the sine iving partner
the dead man, the older of the
it which so mysteriously dis-
pensed a dozi'n .years ago. lie
not yet 60, but a prematurely
ed, gray-haired, wrinkled, in-
n ohs -neon, He .pend° lour
nths o'. or'y year in 1r41ti'ol)e, but
en be is Iters his bent; wasted
in rail he seen creeping to his
vn town office, seldom speaking
pe'rs'ona lie meets, and tipper -
Ira omens, to avoid the gaze of
ry one. .Ile is accounted mod.
and. •'et'ti•ing of those." who
w r'i�espt'Wealth.
h I ']'f t he • lciteW his history!
3 y
the body disposed of in the same
once emonious manner as in the
first ease. This time, hot�r, ever,
Mr St. Germain's wife become
alarmed and would not keep the
body in the house,so the inhuman
father coolly carried the coffin to
the graveyard and left it all night
to await the action of the sexton
the following morning. Two days
I hen elapsed, and Mr the third
rime the man made his appear-
ance at the undertaker's, as a
third child,a girl of thirteen years
had just died of the same disease.
Tire father had not brought the
measure of theyietim, but wanted
a cheap coflin,attd said if the later
happened to be a little short he
could put the body in all right.
Sure enough, the low-priced coffin
,,,as six inches too short, and
when the carter returned 'to
Lnngueuil the, next day he had
been unable to screw down the
lid, and both feet of the dead girl
welt) projecting over the end %ref
Ihe" coffin. ' In this manner the
ghastly load was conveyed to the
cemetery and left unprotected
within the gates to await the good
l,lertsuro of those who wore sup-
posed to perform the burial. Fri-
day a fourth child was buried in
the same cruel fashion. It is also
alleged that the man refused to
procure medical aid for his child-
ren, yet as soon as Dr. Moquin, of
St. Lambert, heard of the case he
wont, unsolicited, to the home of'
the heartless carter and adminis-
tered to the wants of' the family.
National Review.
"1 paid a visit to Sayol's camp.
A scaffolding of' beams at its en -
3 trance was ornamented with fifty
hewn -off right hands. Musket
'shots later on proclaimed that
the leader of this gang was pruetis
ing musketry at his ' prisoners.
Sonic of my men told mo that the
victims ,of this cruelty had been
cut up immediately to furnish a
.,cannibal feast; for Tippoo • Tib's
Iiuxiliaries from the Lomami, the
Bene.Kalebwe, and the Batetlea
are cannibals," Reading these
words one would think that they
were part of some romance, due to
the vivid imagination and .genius
of Mr Rider Haggard ; but no,
they are, alas I an actual narration
of facts witnessed by the famous
African traveler, • Lieut, Wiss-
mann, and related by him in a
paper read before the' Royal Geo-
graphical Society on the 25th of
June, 1888. It may be urged by
some that surely this horrible and
diabolical conduct of Sayol, the
lieutenant of Tippoo Tib, is a solit-
ary and isolated instance, and that
other shwa- dealer's do not behave
so atrociously. y Itmay, perhaps,
be the 'worst easowhich es has up to
the present been witnessed and
described by a European, but itis
unfortunately only a fair sample
of what is daily oeenri1ig in tropi-
'cal Africa, where murder and
rapine are destroying whole tribes
of negroes, the few and scanty
survivors s being dragged away as
ee aveee, Accoldip '. Lo cited tulle
d ra im ed of 2,000,000 h d ffr iT beings
by the slave trade. Not a tithe
of these ever come to be dernestic
slaves, "who after all are not so
badly off," as is so commonly said
by people who wish to plaster
over the prick their conscience
gives them when they say they
are not the neighbor of the op-
pressed negro, and like the priest
and the Levite, pass by on the
other side. POP every slave they
carry off the slave raider's murder
about 20, and of those they do
drive away not a fifth corn° into
the hands of the humane (?) slave
owners of ,Morocco, Fez, Tuat,
Tripoli and Arabia. j The ivory
trade has been blamed with cans-
ing most of tete slave hunts ih
Central Africa. This is nb Fenger
the case, In severall regions the
stock of ivory is nearly or quite
exhausted, and still villages arc
hourly burned and their inhabit-
ants murdered or put into slave
chains, clogs, and forks. The
only difference is that now, the
ablebodied men being no longer
required for the painful and labor-
ious work of ivory porters, they,
along with the aged of both sexes,
are sitiughtered 'ill cold ,`'bleed,
while their wives, sisteil,'2t'ti`'h``t-
ors and young children are drag:.
ged away to become the servants,
concubines, and worse, of deprav-
ed and debauched mongrels..
`T 114°k Q)lii e
I<epairng-of all kinds promptly attended t.•, �\
rcasonab.e rates. A trial solicited. ' i
YOUNG MAN, you can't invest money bet -
cr than by g,tttng a thorough business edu-
cation, and you CAN'T FIND a course else-
where in Ontario equal to that of the Forost
City Business College, Loudon, Ont„ whicri
has a sexcaAr,'c'Otiicsit fdr tense who intend
to remain on Nle Nolo. catalogue free,
Address wvestterve CT At YOlta, Loudon,
Oirl. t
Eureka. iL;Ikf'ry
The subscriber desires to Yiiru,k the pee -
phi of Clinton for their very liberal patron,
ago in the past, and at the same time. he
would intimate CO them that he hasfemoveri
to the more convenient stand in Smith's-
Block, directly opposite the Post Office
whore ho will be pleased to supply them
with bread, Cakes, etc., of first class quality.
anti prepared in splendid style.
.1. .1. krNO. Bak or.
7`la coat
nrut Ling Surgeon,
"r• TuitoNit,
x heat the
Ra Ie lblll'y' I ltsc
;1C I•; i i N i':, IIA V
DEC. 19th
• in, Ile f, q•o n,vnt.
Chronic Bronchitis ('iir'd.
,An En,tllrh Church C.'lertcyntatt yma6+.
Rectory, cornaall, Out.
Da wasnlSoros,–
Itcas `lir—i nm gild tnhe slit' to Inform i nu
that my daughter (. (mile well n'tnim. As this
is the seemul tin,,' sire has horn rnred of grave
1,ronch'ml troubles under you '+ Otero utlult, when
the usual remedies failed. I a rite to express
my gratitude. Please accept me sincere thanks,
S',eirs teal u, I', II, l'ET'frT,
ntsv.tses'I'n,:\rt.u,–Catsrrh of the heal and
Throat, Catarrh, •Uanhims, Chronic Bronchitis,
Asthma and Cenirutu rtion. A1,0 loss of voice,
mire throat, eithe¢erl tocsin. l'nl'l.prrs of the
nose removed, Como earl}', ISniw,ltaliot free.
A few of the many rnred by Pr lion ,inglo,,r•
net,• method.
II aStort•v,'1 Story .t Sot, manufacturers,
Acton, Ont, also Pr'end Jbandactnri,g A'r,, et cut
('anuria. permanel'l l ,v cnrrd of Catarrh, by Dr
1Yashington, pronouncu,l lueuraido It, ogee
specialists ht this eonntry nail Enear c, �tVrlt
him fur particulars,
Mrs .luhn McNelvy, Kim:-I'.It ant, Cattitth
anri Consumption,
John McRetvy, Sing.toIi, ,,Catarlli,
Mrs A Ilnppirlat, rei,g•"Pn, rant, Broncho Core
stipiptinn .
S1r 1 brute, lcine,tmr, Imo, catarrh, head and
Mrs John Bertram, If ier a math, 014, Ca-
t srrh, head and throat.
Miss Mary A Ilumbourr;, entierrlii@, OS0,
Catarrh, head and throat.
JamesMu ,,,, , P Master, Arin,, f)nf
A E Fish, (lents Fnrntshinv', lic•llcrale, bict
.nurfd of l.'att,rh, threat.
,lolls phtl•pin, Sandhurst P (l, Oat, (near :co-
ronae) of Catarrh heard fir oat and lungs,
!rend c'If.ce 215 Tonga rt,ert Toro! to: Con
doll ration rr,,.
ECON0s1i 1 AS '1'0 FUN Ell.1114.
A. earth. has meeently "rented
any am t. of talk in the town of
T,1 ,,;'leis Quebec. The other
day it ion 1 ,,;nnht, type of diphtheria
hrt,lr, 1,1 the mrtn' ' rad' t
nn'l ii, '1 time lire , Alfli4
I Our .stock is replete with the -Very b. ;at the J. , , I. t NI:\V
RAISINS, CUIUD NTS, FIGS, and It t'rt a, t~ s \ 1 Alt I-' t,' • ''I I.I,I,Ii'rt3
and tENGILISH WAI;NITTti. 'ENGLISH" ('1 .III I, I,i,\Ire ,, t„t''•;(,l. arid
CITRON PEELS. Don"t buy any other. our In l•4' I.0 t,,• •' "nil the
quality of goods tl:, b
Families called upon for orders, if desired, and gm,+.l., or,,,alit
Clearing SALE
.fhe extremely Iniad and open weather has been decided-
ly against the movement of Heavy Winter Goods, and
as our stock is larger than usual, we have determined
to clear it out, and to -day commence a Clearing Sale at
such sweeping reductions in price that we feel confident
our stock will be completely riddled before thirty days
have rolled by. .
be included in this Clearing Sale. We cannot here quoit, I,• i, e•.•r, b, t will
say do not spend a dollar in Dry Goods until you see what we a',' ufb•'it.g
I We have received a fine lot of FANCY GOODS suitable ger
Christmas, presents.
1643,9– FRESH FRUITS and GROCERIES for the Xmas trete
Car The sweeping reductions in price will be FOR CASH OR
PRODUCE. Positively no goods charged at (lie reduced pric,•. No
trouble to show goods and quote prices.
Qr. Do•.riot miss this opportunity of buying goods at net Wholesale
Pr ices, •
W. L. OUIM Ffi"T ;,
While this is now the great question in the political arenas of ('tlnaila
that people of Londesboro and surrounding country are asking "Where
can I got the best value (be'my stoney ?" •
Come to -DAMS', Emporium
1_.0NDE: 130.1-1, 41(
Which is well supplied with
AND ..
'Some extraordinary values in TWEEDS. •
-Great variety of FLANNELS, PRINTS ek COTTONS.
0W HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter Use.
-' iLQj ,jj m in connecct P.Kkt) foriatittty,gltcl-,gess,_
1t.r i beillli i1t Paber, a grand-
son of°A. W. tabor, whose name
is: stamped oh so many pencils,
told a Chkeigo reporter recently
that at a low ostirnitto the United
State's use 50,000,000 pencils eve-
ry year. The house of the Fa-
bers dates back to 1701, when
y darted a small 'factory near
RorIin, Germany.
opt full, 1888.
Calbick Reith,
.1IN 1)
In our line of undertaking we fear no competition,
ras we carry a very large stock of Good
and as Funeral' Directors, we are bound give satisfaction. A call re;
spectfully solicited.
lig Bock famituro shore
l7LY .1 ()N
CALBICK & R T 4 t+
S. PALLfI E 1.. • g, O.,
Family Grocer, TOPTA to Tewn
A full ttssut•,'t t rat
Gong �r��a
For Fall Wear, juac &Tent„ 1,I.
it it,
A Fine Assortment of
Not to be excelled in the Nounty
Itl'`,11IEMBE1t 'fill: Pi t'AR f) -.- One door north of the Dry
(serials l'•ttrtee, Albert Street, Clinton.
New a Furniture stock
( .t in lal.liZIOTTS BLOCIE,
=; I•:.ti 1'
t..,•,,,, , . i'1(i: call' BOOK STORE, CLINTON,
A?:1•, A iiE FURNI
Jr( .b tea- C H I DI., E Y.
The old reliable Tea Store sill! leads
Having bought the Grocery. Stock of T. Cooper Ss Son, and being in a position to
buy my goods for cash, I am bound not to be undersold by anyone in he trade.
I have just received a magnificent stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY,
GLASSWARE, HANGING LAMPS, and all the novelties of the season.
I ant offering Stone Tea Sets, •44 pieces, for $2.50 Printed
Sets, $3.75, worth $4.50. Decorated Stone China, $4.75,
worth -$5.50. Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, 85 pieces,
*10. Dinner Set 97 pieces, $11. Combination Set, 100 pt's,
$18, worth $20. China Tea sets from $5 up. Decorated
Chamber Sets from $2.75 up. China Cups and Saucers, 10e.
worth 25e.-
and everything to be found in a first-class Grocery.
t.A.M.EJS 1./100RE
(Successor to T. Cooper ce Son) ,
COR -'ER STORE ire. Searle's . Elcc] .
J�hn son &Armour
Having bought the business and stock of GEO.- A. SHARli AN. we are prepared
•'to fill all orders in our line at the Iowest living prices. We are both practical
workmen, well known to the people of Clinton and vicinity, and i',ui guarantee a
superior class of work at moderate rates. The material will always ba found of
best, and by strict Attention
to busi
ness and honest dealing, l„
to be
favored as liberal patronage aour predecessor. We/lave
a sl,lundiel line of
SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and ]sire, cannot he
surpassed. Full stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to.
i\TewTailoring Establishment'
__The.-ltticl��”sianad_11xs_epeaetl�I�G-it�the:takpo�i�if'�ess�iis;bk,3 �,tese..>.;:_.� �—. _ .
.-� 01/t yt3:frif1� :;II lent] r'�31�= (311ti IitT:& -
English, Scotch •& Canadian Tweeds, French
Worsteds, and all the latest patterns
of Pantings.
Which be will guarantee to make up at the lowest possible prices.
,Workluanship of the best quality, and a fit guaranteed out no sale.
A call solicited.
T SREPETERI3, Albert St , Clinton.
Positive Cure.
A Painless Cure.
AISEA -i~rS of MAN.
Wr• " V_ ?..t-CTT3C7:N"ns 237.0CIPIo E
'l1iE CIiEilir 11fl,"•4fi, TP1 RP,';si2'I,f, ri'Eld,
Marvel of Hearl.e,. ail Mincer of Metriclneee,
the to...Ati oeostse'rittoneo. nf[toliaeretion,
awr Eyrpa sura cared Overwork.
`Z'O`LTNC't f ML'b=z,.:rC-A0-=T7 .A.:N'7J n7CntT.i M�
Who are broken down from the effects of ahuse will Mid in No, e a radical cure for nervor
debility, organic weakness, involnntaryvithl tosses. eta.
gruprous Pon wirwa No, a S rocr.n nit tsar,, --want of allergy, vertigo, want of putpoc
dimness of sight, aversion to society, went of couti,lcncs, avoid>eu:e of conversatiot
desire for solitude,Iistlessnent ethil inability to fix the twentiesensparticularsubjoe.
cowartlfoo, depression of spirits, t:Iih',iuoaa, fries of memory, excitability of temper, spe
nratornccoa,orloss of the seminal 11:i,1 -the i'e';nit of r,elf.abn'ao'r marital excess—imp.
tency, innutritiou, emaciation, ban•onness, Isilpitatantt of tin, boort, hysteric feelings'
females, trembling, melancholy, dir•tmnhiuq cite,nna r to., aro null e n plomsot this terrib,
habil, oftentimes innocently acqui 'Oi, In short, the e} riv,^,' C vital force having lost I
tension, every function wanes in er unnrluenee. Soicatlrc 'Sal,, ...and the superintondenn,
of insane asylums Lucite in asct'il,a'nrl to the e'rforti of t u ,' ,,e the great majority
Vested lives'whloh come nudcr time' noun. If y:ne un., in on,peteutfor the arsInnn
duties Of bnsfuess, inenr'ttritator' let ills n,,;nqu',"Itrof 1 r.', ,, rioffers anescape %rons
the effooto of early vice. If you n to advance I in soars, r., i. :11 give you fell vigor an.
strength. If you aro broken etle••tvn, phyara daT eel morel:v, m early indiscretion, the
result.ot ignorance and fou v, sent] ;,'oto' s Alls, a•, acid to cc ' , , «- ramps -for M, V. LnsrN'e
Treatise in Book Porte on Diseases of loan, Ea.' -t .1 , ON from obsorvaitv,,,
Addretsall cemuuuica,i'ticsto. l.. t', s.Lr.OtS', 17 Y.'••! •eglen St. E..'j„I.AInto
A Man w,thoutWisdom (Ives In a Mors paradise. CURES (1',W10,,, rim, HEAL THE SICK.
f! .,r.,ii:rr .
Peril/anentPeril/anent 11111 ,'t