HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-12-21, Page 5,c t■.narr, s L''tlll 1' D1!;(' ht,: Ib89. ' ,, V ,N.. .1 Ila�it:tlti(sli. Vols i . o. , ntauy people t,11p, every t•+ a t +•, .td the adat rt•se- inent, tr ‘,^t. -t' c;uldeu .^,fedi:ul Dfscov, t s , t'.• .. ,,, a Y, t ,ee. ive+ l.'ull .:, and Pas esti, Ps. -s nt'.i et, know that the De.,Lo.. ,.hot. u.+tie • 1, eu use as a trade mai le and gu.aratit• of ,Ofllo o icy. is at the le ad of one of t lin most reliable and crieretully syetei, .etucdutedical iu- et't'uti' us i, ;he ,%Oi1.l. It is located in the City of iSt.;ftalu, wL..e. to separate, though adjoinine buileUnge of giant pro- portious, i.,, all ate taco vwi and cared for, and his is, la e,tel inediciuesunanta lectured n ,.l , .• l: ea f..r Si:iptneot. The esl'hl.:sanieut is !mown to the whole ciailize.i wtela as the World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel and ijurgieal lute:tete , and seine little idea of the wagait.tde of its operations may be gathered fnxn the significant fact that cuiitraots with Eight Thousand l ewspaperb supply the public with ad. vertisements of its universally admitted excellence as a health resort, and also of the time•attested virtues of its cur- atives. Two hundred and fifty opera. Lives daily lend their utmost efforts to theo ood work. and under a system y d of perfect disoip'i•te which makes a visit tithe Hotel and Dispensary a matter of pleasure and astonishment. The Hotel structure is the first one in- spected by the visitor and presents a pic- ture and fulfillment of solid comfort and luxury which almost engenders a distaste for robust health and a desire to conva- lesce in the midst of such luxurious sur- roundings, for all time to come. Splen- -didly decorated and elegantly furnished reception and reading -rooms and parlors together with handsome offices and wide halls, grace the ground floor", which is surmounted by an array of surperbiy equipped sleeping apartments, Turk- ish Baths, LadiesParlors, and all the numberless features that go together to create a veritable Palace of Health and Comfort. Eighteen prominent physi- cians and snagoons are in permanent attendance. By the time thatthe visitor reaches the open. passageway which connects the Hotel and Surgical Institute with the World's Dispensary building, he will have become inured to the elegan- cies of the establishment and be in con- dition to express no suprise at anything he may see. He, however, will certain„ ly see and hear enough to astonish ally- one uy- one unacquainted with the minutite of this noble institution. On the fifth floor we find the immense Laboratory, peopled with careful chemists and an army of assistants actively engaged in the preparation of the "Golden Medical Discovery," "Fav- orite Prescription," and other world - famed preparations, which are trans- mitted by a perfect system of tubing to the bottling and packing department in the great basement of the Laboratory, you see everywhere the matchless swift- ness and dexterity of skilled labor, and listen to the song of ponderous steam . pounders, grinders, crushers and mixers. Fourteen large printing presses, and innumberable folding, pasting and trimming machines, that yield ready obedience to the fingers of scores of young ladies, who conduct this industry as a means of comfortable livelihood, as- sured them on a basis of short hours and good pay, are also marked features of the establishment. The career of Dr. Pierce shows just how rapidly and surely a man can mount the rocky steep of success when the dual forces of persevereuce and skill are always at his command. This grand institution as it stands to- day, an honor to the science of medicine and surgery, and a blessing to suffering humanity, is one that every citizen of. the States has a perfect and legitimate right to feel a pride and interest in. It is a great enterprise and is :skilfully performing a great work, and we honor •ourselves in recommending its many excellencies to public attention and in- spection. N Ews NOTES. The member of Sir John Macdonald's_ family whose death. has recently been recorded was his sister, Miss Louisa Macdonald, of Kingston, not his daugh- ter, as many people 'have supposed. Reports come from the Northwest that about 70 per cent. of the wheat crop has been marketed. It is stated that the C. P.1•1. will not haul eastward over 5,000,000 bushels of the season's crop. A joke is told of a prominent man near Chatham who had made a practice of taking a little whiskey toddy every night with his housekeeper., A few days ago he discharged her, charging her for her share of the toddy. She paid the bill, had. it receipted, and then laid an information against him for selling without a license, producing the receipt as proof. He was fined 50 and costs. • J a.'DTose, of Coldwater, , bah r c,tt,ad 1 t C l ounds of Morse radish this at tt, and, pcin to raise five times as ue.i ut .L reaaou. IIc runs a faota.ry, 'ahcro the,job of grinding and bottlinj;, 1 ( rerioaned. .i,tiero in a ;;Rat demand in Ca.facttl foe tie., au 1 t'lcatp'aph voice for Aner- io a coni tuts , In October and No- v,nitbcl• tosis•tt L'ailwiyHeti-were shipped to (':tie Vi . c: t. 'I'hnnsazds more are being ,;.;•u o1, i t t' r, ar of Front :uaa county, One mot has an order for GU,gOU,de1ivere 1 ,.tst deeaoti et Oi;dv,uo. burg. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old p`tysi-iii, retired from pre - tieo, having had plated in his halide. by an East India missionary the forum's) of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure ofconsump- tion. - Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung Affection, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers.in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- e and a desire to relieve human suf. fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail lay addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A, Nona, 149 Power's Block, .Rooheeter,, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. In Russia, last, year, 80,000 deamshops were done away with by law. A Buffalo restaufant displays this sign :—"Frosh Laid Eggs to Order." New South Wales employs neai)y 1,300' persons in her tele- graphs and 8,000. in her post - offices. Use Barkw ell's sure Corn and WartCure Pullman Vestibuled. Train It is universally conceded that, pot - withstanding the advent of old and new lines into the field of competition.jot" passenger traffic between Chicago, ran. waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, tae Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway maintains its pre-eminent position a'. the leading line, and carries the greater oortion of the business between these points. It is not hard to account for this, when we consider that it was the first in the field, and gained its popular- ity by long years of first-class service. It has kept up to the times by adopting all modern improvements in equipment and methods, the latest being complete PullmanVestibuled trains running daily between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and ins route being along the banks of the Mississippi, through the finest farming country, the most populous and prosperous towns and villages, it offers to its patrons the very best service their money can buy. Its dining cars are celebrated through- out the length and breadth of the land as being the finest in the world. Its sleeping car's are the best belonging to the Pullman company, being marvels of elegance, comfort and luxury; its clay coaches are the best made, and its em- ployees, by long -continued service in their respective capacities, are experts, courteous and accommodating to all. It isnot at all strange, therefore, that an intelligent and discriminating tra- velling public should almost exclusively patronize this great railway, with its separate through lines running. between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Min. neapolia; Chicago, Council Bluffs Omaha; Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Joseph, Mo. A. V. H. CARPENTER, G. I'. & T. A., Milwaukee; Wis. A. J. TAYLOR, T.P.A., No. I, t almer House Block, Toree;o. 4413.S.S nItai?r ; ttgass tasSet i ilt e's inan in Caftada has beenof und.. He lives in the township of Nassagawaya. When the great fire took place at the Model Farm last week, the glare lighted up all the country for forty miles around, and' ten miles off it was light enough to read a newspaper or pick up a pin. This Nassagawaya farmer, who lives ten miles from Guelph,was shingl- ing a barn, which he was very anxious to get finished before winter ; and when the great glare burst forth, he turned out with all bands, and got in two hours and a half of shingling, by the light of the big fire. The Model Faypi was established for the purpose of en- lightening the farmers. It did it that time. We have received a copy of thebumf,- nilpremium, "Frills of Niagara,"photo- lithographed and copyrighted by the publishers of the Western Advertiser, London, Out. They give this picture absolutely free to every subscriber, The premium is alone worth the amount of the subscription, but the Advertiser is bound to keep its position as the most largely•circulated journal in West- ern Ontario. His circulation is now more than double that of a ty other Ontario journal outside of the Toronto press, while its num( ryus editions daily —Morning, Noon and Evening—are circulated far and wide. We are as- sured that the combined circulation of the Advertiser is larger at present than ever before. It has it prosperous look about it and deserves its increased suc- cess. • The result of the presidential election turns out notao have been art endorse. tion of the principle of cast iron protec- tionism by the voles of the people, , but the very reverse. -Although Mr Clc% e and was defeated by a majority of the antes in the electoral college, his plural- ity of the public vote over that cast for Mr IIarrison was no less that seventy- nine thousand four hundred and odd votes. Protectionism, therefore,secured an artificial +majority, created by that fiction, tbo 'Eilectora1 college, lett tariff reform secured a majority of that ne Lu- ality, -the votes of tete people. W the American nation was a people g.,verne.,l by it own •majorify Mi. ('lo.r•lanl would have beets its next l'residfnt and, fr oeordatcewith the tvill°of Ole i sapless t •.orm wend(' have takuu place: A N'L' \V IfC»SE TREATMENT TOR. WS CURE OF CATARRH, OAS. AllAlli tDBAF S8 A,1sip Il�tl,X' EEYr T e R11dOtY Q4llN9 fisc i ed r14.t 4 a dlieswea are ccntagtous, .4$ that they art.. duo tP rile °presence of �i1 an laaraaitca .111 the.interiking metpaabr+la►et.et ,.the4pas• passages, and eustachian, tubes. The ems - Dent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bear 1)e endorse this and, the, authorities cannot 1, be disttlited; this, regularulethod o#treat. fug these diseases has been to apply an ir- i itant remedy weekly, ,and even -ailJf,thus keeping the delicate Mninllrene m' 0.-oQ41 - stant'Stateo4 irgtion,ai4illlgwing•rt•nopherk- ce to heal, .sad }a a natural aon4acg enrtq of such treatment 'not rine permanent cure has ever been recorded. It is en absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cared by any application made oftener than once in two weeks for tlia membrane must get a chance to heal before an application is re- peated. .Itis now seven years since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite ii catarrh andformulated his new treats.. sat, Wine - hold since then his remedy bee. become a,house- hold word in every country where (be Eng lish language ie spoken. Gums EemimTEt) BY HIM SEVEN YEARS AGO ARE CUrtV•l, HItt.t., THERE HAVING BEEH,NO RETURN of THE Pi- SEAbE. So highly are these remedies val- ued, that ignorant lrnitators have started up everywhere, . pretending to destroy a. parasite, of which they know nothing, by re,redies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix - ores remedy is applied only once in two weeks and from one to three applications effect a permanent cure in the most aggra. vated castes. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- letdescribing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to pay postage, The ad- dress of A. H. Dixon & Son is 303 King S +Set West, Toronto, Canada—$cientifib Arne c.in When I3ab jr was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoris, When she became Miss, she clung to Cabtoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castorie "Did n't Know 't was Loaded r May do for a s lipid boy's excuse ; but what can be sd for the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want of a tonic and blood -purifier? Formerly, a course of bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well -regulated families ; but now all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., Poston, writes : " Aly daughter, now 21 years old, was in perfect health until a year ago when she began to complain of fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, indigestion, and loss of appetite. I con- cluded that all her complaints originated in impure blood, and induced her to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon restored her blood -making organs to healthy action, and in clue time recstab- lisheel 'her former health. I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for the lassitude and debility incident to spring time." J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., says : "As a Spring Medicine, I find a splendid substitute for the old-time compounds in'Ag•er's Sarsaparilla, with a few dose, of Ayer's Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and stronger to go thought the sunier." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, • rntLPni(eu nv Dr. J. C. Ayer. & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. HAT AILS YOU? Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited, life- lesa, and in.iscribablymiserable, both physi- cally and u.en:u,... Pxoerience a sense of fullness `!citing iftet seting, or of "gone- .ness,".or emptiness of stomach In the morn- ing, t ngue comes, bitter or bad taste in Irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, " floating specks" beferr ah. -vet, nervous prostration or ex- auetion, irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly- gerfsations, sharp biting, transient pains bete and there, cold drowsiness after meati, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend- ing calamity? • If you have all, or any considerable number of these symptoms, you- are suffering from that most common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more flaxenheated your disease has become,. the 1 A�AAtt .�• Nt.-a ag e uc "e'S GOIderr'i teawa Dfa-davt-i. will subdue'It, if takeni;.aceet-ding to direc- tions for It reasonable length of time, If hot cured, complications multiply and Consump- tion of.the complications Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Kitlne Disease, or other gravo maladies are. quite liable toast in and, sooner or later induce a fatal terininhtion. Dr. Pierce's Golden medical Dis- covery acts powerfully upon•the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im- purities, from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid- neys, and other excretory organs cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotesdigest on and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. In malarial districts; this wonderful medicine has gained great celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis. covery CURES ALL EIUiORS, from a common Blotch, or Erurttion, to the worst sevenths Salt -rheum, Never -sores, Sealy- Or Rough Skin, iii short, all diseases caused by had bleed are, conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medi- • ciue. (neat Rating Llixas rapidly heal tinder its brnirq influence. Especially has it manl- f sled Its potency in en-ing fetter, Eczema, stilt ,lits, Bolls, Carbuncles, Fore Byes, Scrof- e sits times and Swellings, Dip -joint Disease, lute Dwellings," (goitre, or Thick Neck, old l rilarged (lands. Send ten cents in ' c.r...1-s I' or a largo Treatise, with colored • ' n -k In Diseases, or the same amount .., „lisle on S.refuIons Affectirus. CLIN TO) EIV ERA. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN TE -IE COUNTY. One of the best equipped JobPrint- il�Offi he OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. *.x,* — ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: Woi ltaiEN ` * EMPLOYED * NEW LETTERE_, NEW BORDERS NEW ORNAINENTS,FINE PAPERS, FIN E° INKS, NOVEL COMBINATWNS. -�-- Business Circulars --A SPECIALTY—' - NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. r 71 THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” trills olennse it icy using Dc'. Pierce's OUR SAM P L E S`&xt a;:.1 e it Medical Discovery, and good n,.,stint], a fair skin, buoyant spirit!), vital srrougth and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, Is arrested and cured by this remedy, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease. From its mar- velous power over this, terribly fatal disease, when filet offering isle how world -famed reins cdy to the public, Dr•. Pierce thought seriously of calling it his "CONst7MPTION CVna," but abandoned that name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from its wonderful com- bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative or blood -cleansing, anti -bions, ectoral, and nutritive properties, is rtnequaied, not only ea n remedy for Consumption, but for nil Cllroute *seamen of the, n Liver, Blood, and Lungs. rot. Weak Lunars. Spitting of Blood, Short - noes of limntit, ('Throttle Nasal Catarrh, iiron- chitist Asthma, Severe loughs, anal kindred affections. it is Rn oniblent rentedy, Sold by Druggists. at $1.00, or S ix Bottles for 'f 5.00. t:7 ^Send ten e, nfs in stumps for Dr. Pierre's book on Cons';iit;+ti,nt. .1r1•I1•ess, Todd's Dispensary Medical Association, .1"iG3 Malin l„ lleFI'AI.O, N.Y. • sale by Worthington and Comb $suing contracted for several hundred dollars wer,h of Stoves at it taro's we are. in a position to • Sell Stoves Oheapertlian ever The Stoves are bought and the Stoves must Le still, so call and .ge our prices befoia pui'cheging.If you want t3 have com.°ot in your home and to''save money in "Pe', get ne of our New Gem Furnaces CROSS CUT SAWS, AXES; COW CHAINS, away clown in prices. SEE OUR NEW EMBOSSED STOVE PIPER, something new and nice TRY OUR PARLOR LIGHT COAL OIL, it is a No. 1, and slime pike as Common Oil, 15 cents per gallon, or two rail',' -s for 25 cents. HARL.AND BROS, STOVES and HARDWARE, - - CLINTON INA HAIL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Pat ties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stook. We offer;NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA:at 40tcents,Lworth 60. We. offer NEW SEASON ELAO&• TEA at 25 cents, worth140. We offer NEW SEASON GREEN1TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25o FRESH Fi -"AN IIADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, &c Coeds pi outstay delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL. DR. W. N. GRAHAM'S British American Medicial & Surgical Institute. I70 KING KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronic and Private Diseases. All Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Lungs & Heart- ;>i- ,rice of the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, &o., quickly -cured. ;casos and Diseases of the Brain indicated by Headache, Dtzzi. .r,�. r'c and all Neuraligia affections. ,. •, s of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels .characterized by Indigestion, `+.• ..;,l,:k. Janndieo. Offensive Breath, arc., ; . • ('e,i :'•ucsv, Piles, Turners, &c., of. she Kidneys and Bladder. ,,;,r,e!•.•v alit' diseases of a private nature as Impotency, Sterility, •!,• .;;tf• ri:rnit of youthful folly and excesses) Gleet, Syphilitic affect - c•, ;5•r• s1cicci al attention. is• ••:••i '.11,nnon, Painful, Profuse or Suppressed Menstruation, Len. Go; '!ar.:+. I '' nes, tlii••eration and all Displacements of the Womb. ror u,crtica,ln rc. Office hours. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p.m CENTRAL GROCER E . R,OSD'S Old tared. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb consisting o _EsV, .JV 'E„TrAss.virAlt ReWb Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very cies est prices Patronage respeetfullyIaolicited. All owlets promptly filled. Rooms to let. . H: R. WALKER, CLINTON. ., e FANCY GOODS, DRUGS, BOOKS & STATIONERY. BEAUTIFUL XMAS GOODS of every description. PLUSHES, SILKS, and all lines to finish fancy work. STAMPING of, every description. • LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS, TICKETS AND LIBRARY BOOKS FTGT Old, (.Minton iiiit0 GIIOCERY DiOl n.ia$11 U''l.sPAT p1;I $EElvvi..poxiLoiime csJe. onr.tantly arriving, yyh eh. cvill be s.il, ' tt•' tld during December. -i •1 ,nrclor to stivu ever? person a chance for a holiday I.:, : 'it, 1 will, during Det ondr.i', give to OVety petTiOt'ma,hing a. pus. chase of .,cu,l:: at one time, for cash, or produce, to the t'tuouut of 02,. and .one, for each addit,o,o1.l 59. a draw ticket whish will entitle thew to one of the J,00 pre. seats wirici, I will give during Deo. The preecutssusruslluw.ful artielea,,av9raging over 10 per cent en goods purchased, and you tire ours to thaw one of them•. A box containing envelopes will beheaded yu't to take your choice, and whatever number the draw contains, the Lorre > ponding uuuiter on the presents will be. yours. s eto, for ea. tt ';10 raid on l388 account, a draw will be given. I would also call special attention to a few lines which I have, 'such as ROBES, HARNESS, BELLS, BLANKET'S, (.1 LASS, NAILS, 1FILES, IiAMMI;RS, RULES, H1NGEs, SAWS, AXES and AXE HANDLJ;H. 1N JEW fLLRY - DRooCITRS, CHAINS, PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, DANGL) S, STUDS, &c G.ROGE R I+ S—Currants, Paisina, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Caaaed Peaehes, Peau, Cern, Salmon, Sardine, Herring, also Codfish and Salt Herr ing. My stock of TEAS is unsurpassed, in the county for quality and pike. O!'STEILS sad FRESH SAUSAGE in season. Call and inspect goods and presents before buying your Christmas sapply Grin. NEWTON 1.ONDESBORO FOSTER &RITER IINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON, .TO THE PUBLIC. We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recently started by J. Sheppard, and have -removed the same to the Stere , Ooo Door west of C. C. Ranco & Co's Tailoring Establishment - We will keep in stook the productions of the beat Canadian, Scotch and Irish Distilleries. We will keep in stock the productions of the best -Canadian and English Breweries. We will keep in stock the best FRENCH, SPANISH and CANADIAN WINES, for -medicinal purposes. OIJR PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as Montreal, Lon - ,cion or Toronto. HOTELS SUyPLIED at wholesale prices. Goods delivered to\all parts of the town free of charge, DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. FOSTER c& MITER. WERE; TO INL'Ol.l\I TIJII PUBLIC THAT oi.m STOOD, OF 0-.1R)00 Oo: Is eiifnplote in all its braueh°e;, We guarantee Mir zgAS to 'he cheaper ti,pn h i ahsa eat natii . co teldiltei1. ' toit i' p n y t3' S't'Gg,R�� We�Y4 ds lots as any in town CANNED GOODSlt1 great Variety, lt''C'Ry"ySpTCES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS bf all kinds.. MI' 'hinds. ct[.CA`DIES at the lowest price in town. CRO JER'y'---Spaciel indUcernehts in Ten and Diinner gets, ....13..Z'C -'it' ,' 0' • A.1,, 1:2,T ST CROSSCUT SAW S ''ire' , • We have the sole agency for • the "President Cross Cut Saw" Universally admitted to be the BEST TN THE WORLD. ..AXES We are also Sole Agents for THE REXFORD AXE, the' choice of woodsmen and the best in- the market. Full stock of Coal and \Vood STOVES, z HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LAMPS, OILS, PAINTS, &c. S. DAMS • CLINTON. Mammoth Stove House, J. C. STEVENSON Al ANUFAC'TURER OF AND DEALER lv' • HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Just to hand a lot of New Furniture, Parlor Extension Tables; Bedsteads, zureaus, Cane,, and Wood Seat Chairs: - Lounges, &c. Special lot of PICTURES, in oil, Gilt frames, hand painted, cheap. c neral acsortn-tent of"Household Furniture •old cheap for cash. The Discount Sale has run ori' most of my old stock. A lot of I'IC'TURE MOULDING. Frames made to order. iT. 0. STMIVMNi SON" RESIDENCE OVER STORE. FURNITURE STORE. ---- — OPPOSI'T'E TOWN HALL. le -FOR THE HEATED TERM JUST REC'EIV ED Pare West India Lime Juice 9 TIIE FAVORITE „SUMMER DRINK. no's FRUIT SALT. FFEIRVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. JAA/ H . DONE JE, ,Y CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. OoDs Thai<:.;Hie hall right in cgtialWW.y and style an(1 away (lo W11 in price-, .. 01\T"- wanting something nie;c'.in this line shpt ii Cnil1 and examine Illy arch: i .y it is now/ am the latest styles. 01 ' AO1IIO WA V. B E A `FE R B LOCK ", o8i-rr; 'l'.\Vr.nll's, .\t,llharr �rl;l:l;l'. (r.] y•f11\.