The Clinton New Era, 1888-12-14, Page 6Ifl ID,2:1 D C, I4t .1888. Ir litatloar, or a tato9i a RQs". a who died tdasue'ayy tOf e,fameaRos, xukrmill. (Contributed) C,alin and old, the !noon's pale beauty Platls,ber magic to the gla�o, Stelly:to ouraytxious bosoms °RIP ihp tIdinge,'Wilfanr's [lead, >Itorr•ourbpar01'grew f$int wit4•ao"rrOW, As they ne er have delle !Wale lla, our heat beloved companion„ , in cur raid* will Stand no mere. Flow well Wes our darling comrade, Tbreugljl.t4 eft nwer's evening hours, • aadlY meant our broken circle, While he Sleeps beuuath the flowers. Re net,rie ue weak qr cbAdish, ,. Piet ,our ars <if; Sorrow flow, OCartthepftufpatigk wnekoswor loved Calmly sleeping as an infant, Pulsed ilia spirit to heaven away, 1•savin earth's uncertain shadows For the realms of endless day. lathe arms of Christ. our Saviour, Safely on his gentle breast, Free froth earth's despairs and sorrows, Crowned he etatlds among the blest. • fa his'"narrow bed ive laid him, As the evening shadows fell; Silently, heart -felt tears descending O'er the forniwe loved so well, Grief cannot restore hien to U. We who weep ntay neat be called ; Daily is our Saviour saying " Corno, there's room for all." Still in fancy's dreams we'll see him, As sve have In days gene by. Coming; with a welcome greeting, Givtitg each_agentle smile. 1-ong nt par emorfeSwilra"berTlr Thoughts of William, fond and true, No• will soon our sorrow perish, Though old scenes be changed to new. Dry your tears, den friends and mother t Sista, you should weep no more ; Think of him as only sleeping, -Not as lost—but gone before. You would not wish him back tomorrow From his heavenly home above ; From the arms of Chri.t, our Saviour. God of mercy, peace and love. Rather let us strive and labor in the way of peace and love, so that when the blaster calls or, We tray meet our boy above, And.maywe, when death's cold shtdows, Gather darkly o'er our head, Yield Cyur spirit to its giyer Ceitkly, as dear William dirt. Brief life on earth is but Cur portion, Sorrow pain, and short-lived care. But the Life that knows no ending— Tho happy, tearless life—is there. • Why should we weep, that ho has left us, And goldep crown has won, Oh, help tis, Lord, in each affliction, • Vo meekly say, "Thy will be done." A FEW FACTS RELATIVE TO TOBACCO. We dream it our duty to point out to those contemplating mar - Tinge, the curse entailed through using tobacco. We have heard many assert that the laws of ho- redity were 'all moonshine ;' yet wo only testify of ' that wo do know.' .Years ago, a young; man, well known to us, married. Children were born until they had seven Mons—not possessing, them all at once, though. None of these boys lived to be over three years of age --usually, not over ono—all dying with what physicians term- ed ' brain trouble.' When the fifth child died, several medical gentlemen held an autopsy, de- ciding : ' Brain trouble resulting through heredity. Cause, exces- sive nso of tobacco by the father.' We wore present when the last one diediand we. shall .never for- get the mother's agony as she cried -out, ' Oh, my God ! must • poor little- Georgie go as .the rest have done!' Who can imaging the feelings of those parents as they:stood by the row of little graves — seven of them — only think of it! Could the luxury of a self-indulgence appease the sor- row of so great a bereavement? • Wo know of another family, whojte father ndt only uses tobac- co excessively, but intoxicants also; three of his sons...:can.not walk, having -to use wheeled chairs astheir only means of lo- comotion. These boys appeared to be all right until about the Age of seven, when a slight paralysis commenced-, increasing more ra- pidly at about thirteen, when all use of the lower limbs ceased. These cases have resulted — or have been pronounced to have re - std tod-through'heredity; tobae- _ �lu;xtt eau e. kn2®,.Ia,..tlal li oxcessge use 'of tobacco, entailed kleptomania upon his three sons: The 'father is an honest, esteemed,citizen, de- scending. from a goodly line of ancestors ; -,the mother a most, es- timable woman ; yet the sons Will take tobacco wherever they can find it; and in case they do• not come across • it, take something which will bray it. In the face of these facts would it be wise for a young woman to marry a tobacco Ager? Is it rea- sonable for a young man to form a habit entailing such results? These aro not isolated cases. We know of others whore perhaps there were not so many cursed in ' one family, yet . one victim, at least, was sacrificed upon the altar of self-indalgerace. Tobacco using is not a safe thing to do. Many a young man has his mental fiicul• ties clouded, the ' bright boy' merging into a very common -place man, jest because of it. Wo have had young men confess to us that tobacco had destroyed, in a great measure, their will power. Tobacco has been the first step in leading many a young man to a drunkard's grave. Youths ap- pear to think tobacco renders them manly; they aro very much mistaken, it renders them beastly. It would bo a safe thing to do for young Mi.& to form anti -tobacco societies.—S. Rosalie Sill, ip Un- ion Signal. A serious accident on -Mired a short distance south of Platteville, on Friday evening, by which Alfred,Wright near. ly met instant death. He and his em- ployer, Isaac Batter, were engaged ha splitting wood, and Butler, having struck a stick which split freely, allowed the axe to swing 'behind him, striking Wright, who Was in a stooping posture, on the right side of the neck, making a deep open wound four inches long, close to the jugular vein sad `Carotid artery. :The Topeka Capitol estimates that Bahasa hlys spited less then 112, Owe00Owe11 pro ! ►toff la 'Went i o, oeot 1 , ;:' Paririg:the year lG.88* inatigr liliv� arrived at IViuniP•141, be g less titan .1(1,14x ear to the UM* ate. A novel case has_: been referred, by, .the London city gat to. the-otintOty 3 for settlement. When tile Voters' .list was: 'made oat a young fa�of' the Fourth, ward, who owned eu,, et`po-. party ip her owls nate [?era A0,9,11-1 11 as • a municipal voter, -was prctP* enteredori thedlati. iainoe that O W'f pa married, and had her, name not been , *NEW _,:THS OME TREATMENT TOR YCA t $H. •Q - ' haili io se. ta theintlert• gmembrane, 0 ea per air pas gel and eustaohlim tubes, Tile amt- . bent. acientiate, Tyndall, $axle pod Poi! 1. aadwas tl ,hard thn0 ant po�fes cannot be der >i �'� ' ra'" n th` of trent*' vnf hese dseaae8 SM beefy tq pp �1 as ir. t reined : we�.,atl�l area tr.thN11 _ bbtraa s CQ.tti li».ar !1h,4t b:4 A l!!>:tuyticope!tgaetteri pf, suoh treatment not one ertnauent cure has ever been recorded. it ia, an ablmlute, entered on the voters' hat would .be .din- t1 feet that tbesQ di-seatles, cannot be cured by enfranchised, jibe wanted, .thf► Sap? !•aRy applieation radnnfteaer .„.arty, (We R two weekiforthe membrane Must get a, chance to baalbefore an application is re- Npeated. It is now seven years lien Mr.. ixop discovered the parasite. a catarrh and fern elated' his: flew treato.':ntl and since then his remedy has become a house- hold word in evety country where the Eng 11911 language 1s spoken, Comm ErvaeTEp_ IIY HIM SEVEN YEARS .toe AItE OURES STILL, Tl5Eti5 HAVING BEEN NO BETIJAN Ota` TILE DI- SEASE. So highly are these remedies val- ued, that ignorant imitatgrs have start@d up everywhere pretending to destroy a parasite, of which they know nothing, by remedies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- on's remedy is applied only once iu, two weeks, and from. one to three applications effect a permanent cure in the most aggra- vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- e describing is new treatment on ere- ceipt e- cel it of scam to Det a the !id-. 1 p pay postage, . dress of A. Dixon &Son is 303 Kam Qin the lilt GOO r�#�Iw+. w.ia6 at, �>� oilier husband entered conjointly with. hers, but the glee; refused to do • this, and`told her he doubted if she would be able to' qualify en'; it., She appeared. to; want to exercise her lranebise, and the case was referred. to the judge. a !m Elisha Williams, au old and respected citizen of Taunton, Mass, has been swindled out of $x',000 by two •men. One of them; pretended he was to buy a farm of Williamsaud'went there with a big roll of bills and a companion. While awaiting for Williams to prepare the deed the two pIay',d three card monte and the would-be purchaser vias cleaned out apparently. by hie friend. He aakel' Williams to lend him $4,000 until he got bank his money and tele- graphed to Boston for funds. Williams carne to the city, drew $4,000 aril start- ed for the, house, bnt be met the men •comingdtway�., They proposed "'he put.. $4,000 of their money with Williams' money and kee it until they came again in the eve ing. Williams agreed and the money was all put in a small box and the box apparently placed in Williams carriage,; Night came, but not the men, and during the night Wil- liams inspected the box. It contained a piece of wood wrapped in a napkin. Use Barkwell's sure Corn and WartCure Pullman Vestibuled Train It is universally conceded that, not- withstanding the advent of old and new lines into the .field of competition for passenger traffic between Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway maintains its pre-eminent position as the leading line, and carries the greater portion of the business between these points. It is not hard to account for this, when we consider that it was the first in the field, and gained its popular- ity by long years of first-class' service. It has kept up to the times by adopting all Modern improvements in equipment and methods, the latest being complete PullmanVestibuledtrains running daily between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and its route being along the banks of -the Mississippi, through the finest farming country, the most populous and prosperous towns and villages,; it offers to its patrons the very best service their ntcney can buy. Its dining cars are celebrated through- out the length and breadth of the land as being the finest in the world. Its sleeping cars aro the best belonging to the Pullman company, being marvels of elegance, comfort and luxury; its day coaches are the best made, and its em- ployees, by long -continued service in their respective capacities, are experts, courteous and accommodating to all. It is not at all strange, therefore, that an intelligent and discriminating tra- velling public should almost exclusively patronize this' great railway, with its separate through lines running between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Min- neapolis; -Cliioago, Council Bluffs and Omaha; Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Joseph, Mo. A. V. H. CARPENTER; G. P. & T. A., Milwaukee, Wis. A. J. TAYLOR, T.P.A., No. 4, Ialmer House Block, Toronto. To Paving contracted for several hundred dollars worth of Stoves at a bargain, we are in a position to Sell Stostes Cheaper than ever. The Stoves are bought and the Stoves mast be sold, so call and get our prices before pgroltasing. If you want to have comfort in your home and to save money in, fuel, get 1 es b h t t t th ne of ourNew Gem Furnaces Stree we t To oto ads --Scram fi •41 t Ca 1 ro u c • When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When alto was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Mise, she clung to Caatoria, When she had Children, she gave them Ciwtoria "Did n't Know 't was - Loaded” db,' May do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but what can be said for the parent who sees his child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want of a tonic and blood -purifier? Formerlj, a course of bitteirs, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well -regulated families ; but now all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered, Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st , Boston, writes : " My daughter, now ::1 years old, was in perfect health until year ago when she began to complain of fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, indigestion, and loss of appetite. I con- cluded that all Iter complaints originated in impure blood, and, induced her to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This Medicine soon restored„her • blood -making organs to healthy iction, and in due time reestab- lished her former health. I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla” a most valuable remedy fur the lassitude and debility incident to spring time." J. Castright, Brooklyn Power ('0., Brooklyn, N. l-., says : "As n Spring Medicine, I find a splendid substitti'te for the old-time compounds in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and stronger to go th rough the summer." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ' • PREPARED t;Y Or. J. C. Ayer .Sc Co., Lowell, Mass Price $1; six bottles, $,. worth $:, a bottle. Do you feel,dull.languid, low-spirited, life- less, and in•asseribably miserable, both physi- cally and Inentai.a - exnerienee a sense of fullness •ie sleeting aftoi'seting, or of "gone- nem," or emptiness of stomach in the morn- ing, tongue eoateu, bitter or bad taste in mouth irregular appetite..dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyeaighk"loating specks" before the, ayes, nervous pro@tration or ex- irritability,. x- irritability, ; of, temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly ••seneations, sharp biting transient pains hero and there, cold feet, drowsiness:attter'meals; wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep. constant, indescribable feeling•of dryad, or of Impend- ing calamity? If you,have.all, or ally rbiielderable number of these symptoms, you are sufferin from TITODITTOratantlr s itthp Dyspepsia, or "indigestion. .The e greater the number:•.authdiversity Of•symp- toms. No matterWbfttst� e.•:it had reached, Dr. Pierce's Golden -Medical Discovery will subdue it, if taken-aoeording to direc- tions fora reasonable lengtli of time,,,,1f not nsunip- cured, ilan the-Lungs,,KineltlD sseaso o etgra e Rheumatistn, Kidney maladies' ate Quito iiab1e, to itet,in and;�sooner or'iatLr induce a fatal termin�gation. Dr. Pierce's Golden "itisedicol Din. coVery„aets powerfully the Liver, and through that great. blood=purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im- purities, from whatever, cause Arising.. It is equally el lcacious ih • acting upon the Kid- neys, and other excretory-organs,cleansing. strengthening, and healing:their dseasee., As Rn appetizing; restotatire tonic, t promotes digestion and nutrition thereby building up both flesh and Strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful ntedlotne has gained gloat celebrity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred dl ages. -' Dr. Pierce's Golden Mod'ital Dia. covery CURES ALL HUMORS, from n common Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst 8,V•rot•ula. Salt -rheum, "Fever -sores,' Scaly or hough ,skin, In short, all diseases caused by had blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying and invigorating reed!- etnr. (:rent, Eating purifying., rnpidly heal under its benign Influence. Especially has it mani- fested its potency in cueing Totter, Eczema, Erysipelas, lions, Cnrbuncles Sore Eyes Scrof- ulous sores and Swellings, 1 -lip -Joint Disease, ' white 8wellingqd" Goitre, or 'Thiele Neck, and Enlarged (ilunds. Send ten cents In -pumps for a large 'Treatise, with colored ,Int,•s, "n Skin Diseases, or the eamO amount or a 'Treatise on Scrniuluus laffeetione. F Cfi THE BLOOD IS 'f'HE LIFE." 1) n'nn1rhh' ClemisO it ty using J i PIQ rco s ()olden 1IIedIenl >�isclovery, and `good di,reNtio,,, n full skin, buoyant spittle. vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, a arrested and cured by title remedy. If taken In the ear/ler stages"of the disease. From Its mar- velous power over tide terribly fatal disease, when first offering thls now WOrld-faltfod rem- edy to the public, Dr. Pierce tliottg11tNerlously of calling It his "Coriet11 tsl'fbl/ CV[ut' but abandoned that name a$ ten rd$trlOtlya for a medicine which, from 1G1 wonderful OHMS;. btnntion of tonic, or strongtltoning, altei`itiVtif or blood -cleansing, anti -bit ens, Deofofa t lutanutritive propertir•p., is utietn pled, trot oft ,v as a remedyfor Consnmptioii, but for all Chronic Diseases of the CUM E -\V EAI THE LARGEST, AND BEST NEWSPAPEE IN THE COUNTY- kk k p - - . s !? One Of tht best Liver, Blood, and Lunged For Weak Lungs, Spitting of t'llond, Short - nese of Meath, ( 1101110 N11/441(lntnrtli. Ikon. chitin Asthma, Severe (roughs, (MI kindrr'I affections, it Is nn efficient remedy. Sod by Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Mitten for.00. Sofrct ten canto In stamps for Dr, Pierre's bo(!lf'enConstlrnptton. Address, liorld's Dispensary Medical Association, G011 plain qt., irliVIFALO, N.' St. district. OUR AIM IS NOT .TO DO CHEAP„BUT GOOD WORK. ONLY :-: COMPETENT :r: WOt KMEN * EMPLOYED * NEW LETTERS, ,NEW BORDERS NEW ORNANENTS,FINE PAPERS, FIN INKS, NOVEL CODIBTNATtONS. --o— — Business Circulars --,t SP ECL1t:TY— NEAT. TASTY; ,ARTISTIC. AG'S E. E OUIt SAMPLES -RI � y.. iM; r0 0 0 CROSS CUT SAWS, AXES, COW CHAINS, away down in prices. SEE OUR NEW EMBOSSED STOVE PIPES, something new and nice. TRY OUR PARLOR LIGHT COAL OIL, it is a No. 1, and same price as Common Oil, 15 cents per gallon, or two gallons for 25 Dents. RE�#I $AI,IP.!#.Y �'ItEs�-i•-.-*----+i,�,.0***--;�.h-,,.5. F TS and Ater will be ppldi cheap during December. In o1TaM, . •Ditch* greaextt,1 ijll; tluripg:PeCc n 1tr. gise ebaee•0 'tp345.'atene tithe, tot Paoli or pr dttice, t( sadditional 12, a draw ticket whish wits entit oh le" sent, :what+ f lot g Ire 4nz pg oP ' The preaetato src all • over 10 per centre i 0odq purebaeed? sin•(. rea &r illid to. a n'$ ®'tl• all. >3 a t e l _ d.. VI .. YOM :Dont n X o, ti a tr e�! y ' box i ...n b , number the draw t oiitaine t1teecorfeppgndln . tu*tpber :Pa years. Also, for eaoli I10 paid on -It :,stkloalit,-e•4r4tw HARLAN:D B ROS. STOVES and HARDWARE, - - CLINTON INAH l3 wotildalso gall special attention to a few -Bogs IShioli• 1 butte. -Stiala110RE,; ETAItNESS, BEMs, BLANKETS, BASS.121A1140,GAHMERS, ITJLES, H NG S, SAWS, AIMS- acd{A'B�DBS. IN XE+a r —BIROOC$is„ [f$l-NS,I1Nt OP ,1313 To$S, PAhTGLI$, dio —arrant Raisin14.-tifie, Prunes, Pates, (:fanned Peaches-,, Peas, Corn. Saltnbtl, Sardine, Herring, also,S1odtiOn and Salt Herring. ltIy. )blot; of TEAS is unsurpassed in the countyfor:gkaali y ono prii a Ox,STERS.,and.. FRESH SAUSAGE in Call and inspect goods and presents before buying your Christmas supply To make room for New Importations; we will, until Dec. 1st,GIVE TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS.' 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock. We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN "TEA „at 40 cents,[worth 60. R. We offer NEW SEASON BLAOK TEA at 25 cents, worth140. We offer NF,W SEASON GREEN TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 BROOMS for 25c FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, HERRING, BLOATERS, eco Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give us a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. DR. W. N. GRAHAM'S British American Medicial & Surgical Institute. 170 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronic and Private Diseases. AU Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Longs & Heart GEO. NEWTON, •LONDESBOFtO ER &RATER WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS CLINTON, .TO THE PUBLIC. We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business Monty by --- J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the Store One Door west of C, C. Rance & Co's Tailoring Establishment We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irish Distilleries. We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian and English Breweries. We will keep in stock the best FRENCH, SPANISH and CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. OUR PRICES will be as law for first-class goods as Montreal, LA ' don or Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. 1>iseases of the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, &o., quickly, cured., X•,t•v' is iliseases and Diseases of the Brain, indicated by Headache,Dizzi• 1 ,,,e,„, �I,,e1,lr•asnesv, and all Neuraligia affections. • ''•' i •a -s of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels oharacteriaed by Indigestion, 1 - : ,, , ,,,. t, Aaiun Hee, Offensive Breath, &o., i t�•trr•1,•,•a0, , 1 iyeness, Piles, Turners, &c., ' I',,.,, -WS of till' Kidneys and Bladder. 'a--_ i'r'. .r, i ”.•awys and ,li(iases of a private nature as Impotency, Sterility, � t . r i I• ,1 , • 'vault of youthful folly and excesses) Gleet, Syphilitic affect. i,,, ,. •,•sive• s ,waist attention, i •t•. t tw-uf tVo'n••o', Paipfnl. Profuse or Suppressed Menstruation, Len- j c �TE•E. . so� syr i•;,u o. i .t hit rsl I' Iuer•uion and all Displacements of the Womb. FOSTER circ BITER. CROSS -CUT SAWS We have the sole agency for the "President Cross Cu_t Saw" universally admitted to be the BEST IN THE WORLD. AXES We are also Sole Agents for THE REXFORD AXE, the choice ..of woodsmen and the • • best in the market. Full stock of CoaI and Mood STOVE. HARDWARE, . CUTLERY, ---'LAMPS, OILS, PAINTS, &c. S. D AV I S, Mammoth Move House, CLINTON. • • .••• t" for nnrlisnlorv, Office houre.-9a-m. to8p.m.Sundays 2to4p.m • CENTRAL GROCER OF AND DEALER IN • Stand. HOUSEHOLD • HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. '. ROB Old S Stand. •m)a N., a :-t T . vc0-- as tt� he—subscriber—hire- might"- t""`th'+s`'Stocl� 6f_' P' � Palib, egnsis ug .. - -� - -�--. . _ ,. _-....:. . �. .a-�` Suite. Bedroom :Suites, •Fancy,: entre and. GROGERIES,,CROCXEIT 7 .,. T • . vr- . , . iitcr Eitension — ables, Bedsteads, ureaus, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. Lounges, &c. Which, being bought -at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. •WALKER, CLINTON. FANCY GO a DS, DRUGS; ''BOOKS & STATIONER,Y. BEAUTIFUL XMAS GOODS of every description. PLUSHES, SILKS, and all lines to. finish'- fancy work. Special lot of PICTURES, in oil, -Gilt frames, hand painted, cheap. General assortment of Household Furniture sold cheap for cash. The Discount Sale has run oft' most of my old stock. A lot of PICTURE • MOULDING. Frames made to order. J. C. S'Inari EU sO r RESIDENCE OVER STORE. FURNITURE STORE. ---- — OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. STAD'ZPING of every description. pure 0N -FOR THE HEATED TERM JUST RECEIVED ° West est IndiaLiine Juice LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS, THE FAVORITE SUMMER DRINK. TICKETS AND LIBRARY BOOKS • A.WO]T•ETT-N'GTON-,Clinton Eno's FRUIT SALT. r• WE BEG TO 1N1•'ORMI illi eettO THAT 0t0R STOOK O OPtQC Is complete in all its. branches. We gas:Mateo ottt 414, ',A'S to be eh f;I3er dist ha ohaapost, q'tality o8neidere•1., In SU tittr,ARS, Weare as;low as all town{ CANNED•..O'CODSr in grest variety. PURE SPICES & PEZ"LS. -Etlir F'Itt its of 411 kinds. All kin<le of CANDIES at the lotttest'pwleelti totbti. ' oROC ,Ef2,'"—Speeisl inducements in Tea • •f and Dinner Nets, A..A.1 ra-us, 99 di,. I 1D2Z'Z''t.' t EFFERVESCENT CITRATE 'of MAGNESIA. JATia H. - (J�M13E, E 1141ST A;ism DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT A,LORING; .,-NE-w GOODS That aro all right iti t tta1i sand, style and away down in pt ..A.1\1"-g 801\T wanting something nide 411,610 IiirYd'tilietiilti'Call and examine my stoelo as b b • J wa ' it is"iiew'anf fife latest styles. T. HOLLOWAY, BEAVER BLOCK 'OPPOSITE TAYLOI:'S, Ai.P,FTi,T STREET;' CLINTON, -y D 1