The Clinton New Era, 1888-12-14, Page 311, v, I .. . I . . -111- .- ---.-.. -. ,": ... .... -- — -,---" ` ",- --*P� 111171-11i;;4111M I -C"4'%W1-WW, -,,F, "W9
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instance,, down in the Sip .madlio� utas both were dead, poisoned by puitished of an who have barn 7!IQTES.
P10Uty Of lJeard 1'@maul to x120 \IPORTAx'r TO HU1tSLMEN. -THF,
0410va r �� lnulu on state.4 Illanti. . T sold the•hand of that physician whose visited. Dill a is accused of steal-
, "'
Pl'OV1nC8 Of u6bec. ACCOl'dln ltudersigne,i guurauteea to cure Spaviue
thtjm.` two of my eleetirical cloQks,, brain was clouded and mind road- rrlg eox'n. The raiders have creat- I It is estimated that the value of I Q g Onrbe, Ringl,olts, Pte., without loavilhiq ,a
{ y y g of the report of Mr�Gotus Lapointe blentfeh, by using it uIntnlentI for which
FRID4'Y, DE.C.'14, 1886. quo ipf vfhich is. placed ingldo the et ed useless b the whtslie ho ed the re,atest.•terrgl' among the buildings effected in Toronto this bl alone is agent lit this suction. r euro
-T- ho>; olttside. of'tt,. had taken. Ilere were two lives colored people, who say that year is X2,000,,000. forest ranger. for the county of no pay, v G. POPE, Lot I9, Con. 2, Huuebt
T— I,L'Islet, them have been killed this
tomb and the of
SCtENT1.'0 MI$C�JrLANX• Every fifteen minutes each clock lost, a happy home Shrouded in 'many of the people punished are nl0 THE PUBLIC THL UNDERS[tINI:I)
Aurele Pacaud, brother of Gas- year fifty-six bears in the forests of 1 desires to intittiate to the people of this
DELICATE MEASUREMENT.— The t visited by a Pinkerton aptly detective, sorrow too loop far WOl'da t0 a%• good Citizens. The whites appear , vicinity that he has bought the Blacksmith
two of whom aro constant) on Press, and his own life to be for- indiffereut, PP pard Pacaud, M.Y.P., has receiv IGarneau,Lafontaine and I'ou,•nier,
new radiomicrometer of Mr 0, V. Y P d ed the ointment of license in- g basilicas formerly carried c ort ut Mr Potter,
guard. One of these detectives ever haunted by the terrdbledeed, PP 'and In the sot nor of St. ltoch atHolmesvine, and will colttiuue�ho same '
BL 6— a therm0 eleCtl'iC CIPCUit S eCt01' f01' North Essex, t0 act in des AulnuiN. Seven of thorn NyQrc t he foal» ,ontldont of giy igsatisfacction
Y patrols outside the tomb, while and yet, possibly, ho was in no p
suspended by a torsion fibre in a NEWS NOTES. the absence or sickness of the killed b Mat loire Carron eight in all work entrusted to hint, an,arosyetcrut• •
the other is looked in and sits be danger of becoming a `dl t1nkA1'd. y g
m agne,tio field—shows a tempera• hind the iron bat a with a loaded These facts are strict) true—a + -'— present inspector, Thos. L. Elliot. r ly asks for a fair share of patronage. Hors, -
by T. Logras, five by Nicholas shoeing aspecialty. T. LUBB, Hollne_svillu
tore tigiiieof one ten -millionth Of repeating rifle on his knees, ready member of the family resides Jn At I;dis J., laboratory in Upon the retirement of the ;Launiere and Seven by M. Jones. BOARS Poll SERVICE
a Centigrade degree. for instantuse. It would be next Des Moines at the present time. Orange, N. J., on Friday, H. P. President and Mrs Cleveland from 'Their skins are valued at x$1,000. _
the electrical engineer, the White House there will he QPFCLK BOAT{ Volt 5rltvicb:.-SUit-
FIITURE SCIENCE.—'CVhat would to ilnpossi•ble for Any robber to The fate of Dr. F. I do not know. Brown, g , J,, telegram from �Vinnipog o,t �f scnunlas keeps for service, on his protnis•
one not give,' Asks. Lubbock, 'For get Away with the remains' of The father and mother, weighed made experiments on A Couple of two ex-Presidents—Hayes and TdurSday says :—"Implomen.t "e, roc ls, Halon road, Guduricli township, a
Calves and a horse, which were Cleveland—and five wives Of ex- dealers re )ort that the past; Pea- thoronred snfTont Boar, of first-class peril-
a science primer of the next cen- Wm. H- Vanderbilt, 'so long as down with grief, refused to pros 1 i glee. Terms -$1 at thno of service, with
tury? for, to paraphase. a, well the tomrb is roteQtecl as it is now. acute, as nothin could _ester entirelysatisfactory. Fivesecond13 Presidents—Mrs Tylor, Mrs Polk 'son's business lips privilo a of returning, it necessary. T. J.
1: 1.:..- _.. __ ,,. _ ..:__ _:: _ rr..r p .... -..w_._._.; . _.w.._ ....;__. _ .._... _, _ .,. »•s ?4. nu_ oils ,.. ' ',.been rile largest
y werelequired to MR one of Mrs FI g 1o1T1.R.
"'known rayl ng,even the boy at IIIc Tho IIilniierlon men Are hired'• by their lost darlings to them, and I�y6a, 1Vltrs (xArfield and Mrs ' oxperieneed For `3 eat e, Co!- L. .
plough will know more of science the year,and there is quite a little they left them in the hands of the the calves, while it took 35 seconds Cleveland, lections have been much botter BOAR Pict FOR shluviui..-THF, sols
than the wisest of philosophers do colony of them established down Lord, and he wont forth from his for the deadly alternating current An Ohio farmer named Gray ' than they Could possibly have ex- coo of HullettCRIBRA ia targedtrooil ico tStilTolic Boalc
to do itq work on the other. It 1S Yu11 bred, raised by that woll known breedt r
Flow.' there on Staten Island, very near home a wanderer, to boar about had a stack of wheat fired about petted ; in fact they had been bot- mr John Govier. Terms, $tat time of a,. i:
l thought that electrical execution
PHOTOGRAPHIC PROGRESS. — the mausoleum. I think they with him forever the thought that b fifteen years ago, and the other ter than last year, even consider- vice, with the privno�eof returning If nee
will be entirely successful. essary. HENRY PithHMAN,HULLLTT.
Among recent camera achieve- keep eight or ten there all the he was a murderer, although on- day he received a letter from Iowa `ing the vast increase in the pro- ..-------__._- - .
menta is a portrait copy taken by time, so that those On duty at the ly a "moderate drinker." The daughter of u ..Bellsvillo• inelosing x$100 to make good his portion of business's. Ono or two BOAR PIG FOR SERWO:.--sullecribar .
p clergyman, handsome And well keeps for service a'1'llurobc"a I3erkahire
light of a Cuban fire -fly in thirty grave aro relieved at frequent in- gY loss. It takes some men a long admitted that tile), scarcely ox• boar, whose pedigree cannot be beaten iu � '
seconds, and a hotogra h of the tervala and are therefore not W IIAT RUSSIA NL+'I+;DS. educated, did not care for teaching' time to of their consciences leav- acted )a mentis tO lice) u 1-s0 Ontario. Ilas taken several first prizes.
P o P i ' ' g P 1 Y 1 } Terms $1 at time of service, with privilege
school but thought she would like ened u well after Christmas. The had of returning.
�i, aurora borealis. To obtain the liable to fall asleep at their poste. -- + p. % y
latter had been declared an utter It costs more to look after the old What a pity it is that the Czar to study law. Her father con- A Canajoharie (N. Y.) despatch particularly TitonN'r0N \\'Ar.r,Aci,,,
Articular) noticed that in dis• .Lit s1, 7th Con. Hunett,
impossibility. man now that he's dead than is of Russia doesn't spend some of sented, and straigbtway she left says : As the fast mail whizzed triets where the crop was good oAR colt SrRv7cN.-'r1iE uvniat.
s ont •b mostmon mon who)► the 'ro his money building a Pacific rail• to consult members of the Bar. Payments had been corres pond- Bs1G.,FA has it yoint • Berkshire boil for
Y Y through Herkimer last week twb P Y I t
She wished to be articled, but, ;in 1 good. . In tl few districtP service which ho' froill Mr nol-
WA9TE-OF ENERGY. - Li the or girls were on the trach: and in Y g r brid"e of Wiuuhelsoa. He has agooti pudi"ree
A ive. way; instead of wasting it on
dinary sixteen candle power in- maintaining ,an immense army. lawyers discouraged her, and after 1 where the frost had been most se• and liasbeen aprize winner at settle of tile danger. Flagman Wo.ver, seeing leading Exhfbitious iWtho oottuty-this fail.
ean:escent lamp, according to MEAT TO FAT. I The despatches mention that the visiting three or four gentlemen, their peril, _rushed to tbeir rescue _ vere the farmers were unable to Terms $1 with priviloge of roturning if uec-
Prof. B. Merritt, only from four -- soldiers are busy building a Pon- concluded that a 'trust' bad been and saved them, but was himself PAY much, and would have to to essary. A. T. C' RB . ttT Htolott.
to six per cent. of the energy ac- Of the vast development and toon bridge to cross the Danube organized to thwart her ambition. cut to pieces. carried over another your. Upon rn HOROBarD BOARS. -I have now pill--
tually expended is available as producing power of the great and got into Bulgaria, How A Utica, N.Y., telegram says : P the whole they regarded tiro out- i (,based a thorobred Berkshiro Boar, and
light, the remainder being wasted West it is scarcely possible any- much better it would be to Pet De Frederich Longenhager, a pro.
One of the most successful ad• on,keep slim, tLo:li in as a t ises,,l'T Terms
for IODIC as most encouraging." one, for sot•vice on un• premises. Terms far
. as heat. To lessen this loss is one where else to obto in as vivid an them to building a railway over minent physician of this city, aged vertisers a man who uniformly service, al, with 1)rMlego of returning, if
made advertising a had A rrac- necessary. Rings willbe ptitiu uosoof solvs,
of the greatest electrical problems idea as in the Chicago Union the Ural Mountains and across 27, died suddenly to -night from �' P. y' P PROPERTIES FOR BALE to prevent rooting, froo of eharge, if noses.
now awaiting solution. Stockyards. Inelndin Dexter Siberia. The articles now run- blood oisonin the result of a tice of bargaining for a half-inch sary. GEORGE A. COOPER, lot 40, con, it,
r g nin In the Centur describe til@ in i ick on the haled of blank space above the first line HOUSE TO RENT -THAT LARGE AND , t%oder - towushirr.
ONE YEAR CLocxs.—An impor_ PaJ;li: and the packing establiall- g Y p p' , Deceived comfortable brick dwelling House on — "- 188,x. - -- ` �-•--
of his advertised announcements. Rattenbury Street at present occupied by lib'
taut improvea.ent in clocks has ments, they cover the greater hardships of the exiles who have in caring for a diplltheretic pa- It is true remarkable how el-- Calbaek, will be to rout on the lst of Nov.
been shown the British AS90Cla- pari of a mile Square of territory, to tramp thousands of miles tient. ' He had refused to take Y P Will be let at a reasonable rate. Apply to
tion for the Advancement of the stock yards proper occupying through mud, or to be jolted in precautions at first, wishing to sistently an advertisement to set ROBERTFITZSIMONS, Clinton. 1-farpe1r°s Young People -
the eastern half and ' Packin tele as overrou h corduro loads watch the result of the accident. catches the eye which glances WILL BUY THE HOUSE AND ,AN' ILLI'STRATI•eD WFFliLY,
Science by Mr ii. Douglass. The g- g g Y roads, 1350
over, the page where it appeal's. Lot owned by the undersigned,
now feature is the torsion pond-)_ town the western. About 200 on their way to Irkutsk. Many He was A Swigs by birth, and An and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St. --
of thein die b the wa and those enthusiast in medical experiments, Mr Rufus Wickens of Kimber- Clinton. Hard and soft Water and good stn HARPER' Y,n No PROPI,K bei n9 it, tench vol•
lum, which, with lever and es ,BCI'Oa Al'0 actually COV01Cd with Y Yr r bre. Torm8ofpaymenteasy. Apply toJNO,
ens laid Out like a city with ave-, who Teach their destination al's le has a 2 -year-old sow which GALLANDER,24 Stanly St., London Sotith ume with th" first number in November. llui'-
capement, may be applied to ordi- pens, 3 The frequency of horse stealing Y+ Y Ing the year it will contain five serial stories, lit -
nary works, and by its slow rate nues and lanes. Twenty railroads so worn down as to be unfit for downs the record. Within ei h- cludiug ^ Dorymates," by Birk Munroe; The
CAaea ]n the lOUllty Of Essex has fi UNE ACRE LOT FOR SALE. -WELL SIT• Red Mustang," Iry O W Stoddard ;and "A Lac
. of vibration makes practicable the have direct communication with labor. These same men might be aroused the farmers and the Say teen months past she has given UATr,D for building lots in a very dosis•- in dMust ng, by R K bfu Codd ck : "Nees Thur.
g = tr Set t0 1'Adin a •`1'Al1wA The ' Y Y able part of Clinton with about 75 choice low's Trial,' by J. T. Trowbrid •e ; "Tho Three
conversion of an eight-day clock the grounds, receiving in„ and tie- grading Y if they do not get aid in detecting birth to, and raised, thirty-seven fruit trees, some pears, Y p Wishes," , by F Agate nod B, Rn ey Matthews; ;
Ural Mountains are not as high t cherries, grape vines, and black and rod cur- yy
livetin stock at the Sidings porkere. She is now Barin for serjes nt fairy tnlrs\vritteu and urn+traced by
into one requiring winding only g g g and ferreting out he thieves, they g rents, For further articalars. apply at the
once a year. chutes. Any feeder may ship to as the Rocky Mountains, over will form a buckshot Com an litter often. The sow herself is NEW ERA OFFICP� t. f, Howard Pyle; " Home Studies in Natural Iii:•
p y, - -^� tory," by Dr 1' elix L Oswold ; Lb tie Export11
- the yards, the Stock Yards Com- which the Canadian Pacific Rail, and take the law in their' own black, and the pigs are pure __�- ments," by Sophla B Herrick: "Glimpses of
THE ELECTRIC AGE—Pl'Of i!illallftUrals
P 5 p VALUABLE FARAL FOR SALE.- THAT Child -life 1roin Dickens," by blargaret, E. Sang. .
)an acting as warehousemen, way passes and beyond the Ura s hands, Monde night th@ barn white.—Flosherton (Grey Co.) valuable farm prepare), composed of lot
til'a remarks that el CLI'iCAl Y y ' ' Y g Number 28, in the 7E Concession of the etei ; articles on various sports and pasthues,
Y C eing paid for storage and feed is avast plain, extending for thou- of Ludwell Lee, living back of Advance. Num
Township of theft. Well situated, extol- short stories by the best writers, and humorous
science has made a rester ad- sands of miles much 'of which is b loot land, Food barn. Apply to Papers and poems, with many hundreds of it] its -
lout till the cattle, etc.,.are sold to r Walkerville, was broken into, and. London's famous proaeher,'tho MANNING'& SCOTT, tratto Is of subjected quality. st ri lite bI the
Vance ill the last twenty years dealer's and go t0 slauc,bter of- fertile. It is traversed b l'iver's Barristers,Clintou. Pnperls subjected to the most rigid editorial
r, c Y his valuable team of horses with Rev C. H. Spurgeon says that h0 scrutiny, 3n order that ncthing harmful may
than in All the 6000 historic years shipment. trent. The business done is which need bridges. There are ' ' enter itscolumds:
preceding. More is discovered in P b harness And waggon were stolen. is always preparing his sermons, HOUSE &LOT FOR SALE. -SITUATE
P g enormous, and its, progress has considerable towns, productive No trace of them can be found, on Osborne St. The house contains s};x An epitome of evcrythbt that k attractive
One da' now than in a thousand reading and thinking, but the rooms andgood stone.cellar; there are oil and desirable nn juvenile literature.-Dostun
3 been marvellous. The total value mines, some timber• and lent of 1VI1's John A. Tedford specific preparation begins at G p
plenty the ramices, hard and soft water, a number Courier.
Cala Of the middle ages. We land blit the writer in the Con• ,of Ennis P P f3 of fruit trees and good stable. The lot con=
�� b Of All animals dellYel'ed at the rA weekly feast of i;nod things to the nnya and
find all sorts of work for eleetri_ more, has kept an account during o'clock on• Saturday evening. talus } of an acre, and will be sold cheap, , giris to every fainly which ib vkits-Brooklyn
yards dui ing t'he 22 years of their tury describes the peasants as the past summer of the profits His great difficult is to find a W. ROBERTSON, Pop Works, Clinton. i ,lien,
citylto do. We make it carry our existence reaches conaidorabl be. harvesting their wheat with the P P Y �• , , It 1s wonderful in its Wealth of pictures, i;l-
Messages, drive our engines, ring yond $2,500,000,000. Beginning sickle. The money 'spent on accruing from six.cows up to Aug. text, he having preached so many .jClsscit Bun offers tow FOR c teLproperty fol9nat1in111tti illteluA --t:hristinil!iivtc.te, N.r .
our door bell and scare the burg. 15th. and seven from that time sermonsr°in the course of his life. known as the Railwa Hotel Clinton clost , ,
f; with 1867, 830,000 cattle were re. keeping soldiers in readiness to His published sermons fill 33 to the grain storehouse of Mr R. Irwin, which TERDIF: Po r,ru; PurrAln, fb tea YF:,r,
lar; we take it as a mediciiae,ldght ceived, but in 1887 the numbers invade Turkey or Austria would on. Besides keeping a family of P isalicensedhouse and doingagood business. Vol. N. begins Novoinber 6, 19x38, .
our as with it see b it hear r seven, a hired man and servant' volumes and these he keeps on a This is a good stand'and will be sold on easy
g 1 r Y r bad increased to nearly 2,500,000. pay for a railway which would shelf near hand so that ep on terms ofpayment. A UxacoryStore in con- Specimen copy sunt ua receipt. of it two -cont
from it, talk with it, and now we As many as between 18,000 and bring to Western Europe a great girl, and having a daily supply Y nectfon, can be bought with; the hotel, or stamp, .
are beginning to tench it to write. ,0p,d 20;000 have been received in quantity of "wheat and of animal and sufficient to do over the co look back and see that he does not sopp�r�te]y. Full particulars oil application,
ing winter. She has netted 150: repeat himself. MRa M, KELLY Clinton. Single N umbers Five Cents each,
INTELLIQENT 1 VFLUEN('M; OF 1'HE N hour's. In 1857 there were products, and which would -open -- -- Remittances should be made by Poet Otgce
44, Alld raised lolls' Calves, wh1Ch Sa 'a the ti , , ALUABLE FARMS FOR SAL1:-being Dfnney Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
(r 22 tip a most extensive market For' y St. Stephens Rt N lc w, `%
'Dae I N L the risme Dl' 1'eCCIPC(l i), i70,t)t)0 hogs, OI' Irl lot 9, con. 9, and lot 9, con. 8, 'Township \ewv papers are not t„ eopv thisudvertisement
average l$4 each making a total of London En land: 'An Auleri- of9talilev,eaelieontainiu 100acre.s. Therew•illi-)ntthetXli'Cnserdill•-IfllAlii•,;it&11ROTIl Ms
(;uye of Amsterdam chooses for 5'ears nearly 100 000 OOU. Last the manufitctures of Britain, Ger- g 9 t
' , r, Of $16G44. rlhe number Of are good buildings and abotl487 hetes clear- Addres.; ii.,itrLkSl:itUTIIF:Lti-\e%v A',n'It
year there were also received man and France. The climate ' can correspondent tells me that ed on each lot, and both are iu a go(trl Butte
inattentiveness, and he quite sin- y Y pounds of butter sold was 705. P
gularly find. 11361 000 shee p and 46,000 horsey of that )art of ,Siberia through the richest woman in the Staten, of cultivation. hunches, School,
ss rlirin9, --
that, the n0�e is one + + 1 +' r 1 g convenient to Churches, Suhtul, Sc., fent)
eause of it. A. dull bo , became or of the latter class of which such a railway would na- It bas been discovered that in so far as jewels are concerned, is wIllbesoldoiieasytorins, togetherorsepa- ]KN,;),
y 227,0x)0 911100 Llle mtely, M, MoTAGGART, Clint(in.
. quick to learn after cortnin turnors yards were ea- turally inn is said to be much some parts of the Pacific Ocean; Mrs Lifland Stanford, whose pre -
had be n tartan from the nese and lablished. In consequence of the like iho ,liulato of New Fnglaod, under which it i9 proposed to lay cions stones are valued at X1,000,• BRICK COTTAGE FOR SALT, -.TP.F, HARPERS Magazine .
subscriber offers for sale that very cont- I L[.I'STRA'L1•:D.
a man \ lO had been troubled with enormous) demand fur packing A Russian Pacific railway would the cable line between Canadaund 000. Site possesses sufficient din- lettable cottage on .Dunlop Street, at pre- —
Anatrlilia b sent occupied by Mrs Hrowulve. rt contains
vertigo and buzzing- in the cars and for use in Chicago, shipments supply a now routo for the trans- , bottom is not reached monds, rubies, and other valuable HARPe.r.'s iL,-).,z+.,: is nn,:mnyt nsen,l, curt,.
y six rooms and pantry downstairs, and large tainiug and lxnutiful periodical ie the world.
asC of course much smaller than ortation of the products of China till five miles of line have beet stones to fill a wart measure. room to stairs. The lot is a corner ualtur
for twelve ),Car's fOUnll mental + + P 1 cE �' q Mitotic the attractions for 1839 will be a now
receipt! S eifliiag Of 9h1 mCnts slid Japan. VVlih it In operation g $74,000.1 acre,11 th hard and soft water. \\'ill bo sold novel --an American storv, entitled "Jn
P p given out. Think Of water five One of her necklaces costontermstosuit urphasors. Forparticulars pion''
labor Sas After t )ilio operation. 1 P + miles deo and et it is possible to Pp
Y 1 , � a ]yy to D. DICKINSON, Anttioueer, or J. Light -"--by Constance F. \Voolsml ; illustrntion;
In a third case, ft it student the Mlclilgan Cet.trfd railway the trip -around the world would p/ Y P Horses become indignant at scu O. ELLIOTT, Clinton 6d of Shnkcs}u'•nrc's Comedtrs by E. A. Abney ; a
last not be a formidable undortaliin securer la a cable at this (,nor 9or:esef artieleseli l{ussin, illustrated ny't, fie
was singularly relieved. Dr Guye year carried to the markets g Y Y ing other animals abnsfd. One of _ _. _ Thulstru tier., on the nmuinlon of Canada
b y , o oUS-E AND LOT FOR SAL],,"' P ; papers
67p OSCa that these 91ABnl troubles of the Last' over2U,t)UO CAP loads mous depth, and even take it lip �� on tb(+south aide of 7bvvnsmttl street. and a characteristic serial by Charles Dudley
r the most recent illustrations Oc-
P again for repairs, should It OC The hoose, which is new, contains aria, 1Varner; three"Nurweginn Sludica;' by Bjorn-
aflcct the brain by preventing the of 9heepalone, That the demand TARRED, FEATHERED I g g p •tjcrne tl3orti4on, illuArated; "4'ommodu9;' a
k i curred near Bir•min ham England. dining roam, kitchen, a number of nod
Cerebral lymph from Circutatinn' fUl• paC ing and fol' consum doll r OIiL Of 1C})all'• rooms and a stone cellar, the. plain part hiatoricN play by the author of "Beo•Hur," ,
3' 1 b P AND ROASTED. A horse and a goat were in the beingfleatedwithafurnace. Harcinndsoft uluvtratedby,I.R.we„uelfn,etc.
The Editorial
reel}'. in Chicago -is enormous may be It has been stated that the error- habit of grazing In the same field.:"coater iu abundance. The lot•contains one Depnrtmsnts are conducted by George R'illinm ,
realized tion the fact that in mous use of postal cards in the r g quarter of au acre, and the prollorty will uo Curt -14, William iiean Uowells, and Charley
Ho.%iEs of AGES.=Ail interesting '1t3S'j it ftbsorbod more than 1,G00,• A despatch from Chattanooga, , P A ganf, of young roughs amused sold oil reasonable torsos. Apply to MRS.C. Dudley Warner, .
feature of -the Paris Exhibition Tenn., states that J. A. Johnson, United Mates has hada serioarlly themselves b throwing stones at CARTER, Clinton. ITAItPER.IS �I� ,,�,.,.,,,„; ,. �, I :;
000 cattle, 3,G00,000 bogs, and , . dot>im.epltz}l efleuLuPiln- e�rF;'a tit t1a i>lttty" f'"f11 .. id "'° `.""_",� :.^._. :, men- it m -- _ -axe
will bo'1...a,.' rrou ),_of felt -nine rum k�fe�.wlesaL@� oetl _- •'tet ��+��:
r .. €� _..' m(p,t arOQ0;000>heen:. - r t' tam > o oltraYor1"'!ttis- - H a - ,,,
-' r�..� ,a-,....., .. ._t_.. _ _- -,. t,. t...»•�?^ :W z9 + .: :� tifaLtkliEzCtYc%elft@'1'^UIt13Ci' ntbMri`i`vihwihnw inn.. 'wrf `� �`, ;..
�i tieCClflEli'Sstt7ltt7t?ih'tr" m'"" •tom r" .__ ;
- tVrJ-V.-.1r.V "...,ri....,.,,.....e. .....,
different types of sholters repre
T --
..,. ... w .., .,»....u,.......- ..,...,y
counties. He. says a vcratable
is. said, loses 7'rom $12,000,000
rented will include those of the
panic exists thele over the opera.
to $15,000,000 a year from this
cause. The is doubtless
prehistoric period—tender rocks,
I never hear the words with.
tions of a band of Regulators, by
greatly exaggerated; for the use
in caves, on water and on land;
and from later titres those of early
Out their recallingto mind a
tragic event that took )lace in
whom negroes alone are molested,
The organization appears to have
• of letter paper has also increased
historic civilization, oe Aryan
Pennsylvania several ears ago,
Y Y b
its headquarters at Carthage, in
with that of postal cards. But in
Holyoke, brass., 4,000,000 postal
civilization, of Roman civilization
in the East and in the West, and
Dr. F. was it ih sician in a
1 Y
small inland city, a man of intel•
Smith county, but others assert
that they are located in Tompkins-
cards aro produced daily, making
P • y'
of redo civilizations disconnected
]act and culture en o In the con-
vino, Ky., just over the border.
a total production of 1,400,000,00
from the general progress of hu-
fidence of the�'communit.y, fir3d
About two months ago notices to
a year.
manicy—the Chinese, Japanese,
having only one blemish upon.
leave br stop certain practices
The Territory of Dakota, which
Eskimo, Afrioan,Aztee, etc. The
his otherwise good reputation—
were chalked on the doors of many
will undoubtedly be the next di-
interiors, the customs of the Co.
he would indulge occasionally in
colored people, Particularly along
vision of the States to be received
eupants,and the Surroundings will
a,aocial glass, and ]le was often
the bottoms of Cumberland river.
Into the sisterhood, has a greater
Lo those of the different epochs
spoken of as a "model etc dl turret"
No attention was paid to the
arca than New York, Pen'nsylvan-
' -- 41,
One who vv in no danger of be.
notices. Last week a Score of
mon surrounded the house of
in) New Jersey, Maryland, V ir-
ginia and Delaware put together.
(il'ARDS AT';S'
coming unkard. As a ph
clan he was sought fbr far and
tricks Smiler*, nearGladdico, and,
It measures 430 mills from its
near, grid had a successful and
calfin him out tied him to a
northern to its southern border,
' It's flit ill wind that blows no.
lucrative pla'etico. Residing in
the same city was a family by the
tree and ]guilt a fico .about him.
rhe flamow were not allowed to
and extends 370 miles east and
w0fit. ffhe whole area of Dakota
body good,' said a well-dressed,
name of U. The youngest of ill
Conch him, though he was heated
is 1.19,100 Square miles, although,
active looking young business
family group were two lovely
up pretty, well. Ile was then l-0_
a9 it is Well known, a consider•
• roan the otllor day. ' NOW, it
t\vin girls, tit this time abet}t nine
leased and run intohis house with
able section of the territory con-
may sound strange in ,)'on, but
months old. One morning'3 they
a dozen smart licks from a whip
lists of the "bad lands." Texas
the robbery of Stewart's body has
seemed to be slightly ill, and the
`m his le -s. Tile very next night
has an area of 265,780 Pquare
been of great benefits to me and a
mother, anxious for hot- darlings,
Jiot Thompkins was enticed
miles, and Calif irnia comes next
great many other peoJ,lo whom 1
sent for Dr. F. He came speed•
frons his house, foto• miles far her
with an extent of 158,36)0 square
could name.'
ily, and though she noticed .the
-(town the river, his head shaved
miles. °
' In what way ?' inquired the
ungtend3 hand and flushed face,
find his back tarred and feathered.,
. The weapons of warfare Contin.
friend t0 whorg file, remark wrt-4
yet 110 thought Of foal' 01'..i311altib,
110 Was told to WArn his tltiCVilltr
tie to multiply in dostructivedoss,c
of the terriblo xesult, bPdSsed het.,
neigbbors to look out. The ,fret
At Woolwich Arsenal, at the
' Well, it opened up an entirely
mind. The, botor rep' aurid some
mail. -severely whipped wa4;;' V1,htt
present time, there is in colli -So of
new line of business, and created
medicine., i"or the childron, and
'fenki:)3P, a tenant 0Jt,rfW T`Akfii"-'l.of
construction a monster gnn, in.
demand lips my goods in a guar-
after , lt�itig directions, departed,
L. liaddoclr,yntr` 13titlb
tended t0 be 200 tong in weight.
ter that. I h.ld never thought Of
ovi(d, Iitci'�` Seat awaro where
ing. Ile Was gl'ven'2b lashes .on
The special machinery used to
befog@. 1'on know L mnnnfletiilC
he Wtt9 OV, What' ho was doing,
on thoeg9 Pqr ihoguC pbtlsossiOi�*
lift it upon its carrinfo will cost
electrical watch clocks, deslj,rl.ed
tlieantinio :�`',Olnoth@f' mixed the
of •fowl8i, and told, he would lie
hanged" next
gtiite .x'111,000, Its projectile will
for use in tnetortes nnd,obth'eir'
:-.medicine an `., each little girl
R . g.
the time. Molly
Pow ll �6 10 , .d 1 hose
two tons, and lVhen i is
,large buildings where ZitcltMon
1, W
it e. ,A fob - \
A-.�Ytnrnenls . ;Q�st,d,
o.,r o t@ ti:3s, v to
.. �.,....
n on ,.
tllouiltcd a. same point o
are employed. Well, ever 4n1'44
and.4 stt`hngo soniirl'ti•�YAA16et'ilp ,putatioh1s
OftFto best,, was fled
Et1 lith, coast it iP expecte(to
grave robbdr r ihor'e
the Ste will t hl j
' they '; •
wllol0 Choy lay caused Iter t45ttYtn
tri'S 1f sk inulo and galloped, al,
.. p ,
rb . nt4i 'the Son 4,000 It's, lit'
has boon a denlnud 't 1, ffirpse
and- tit them when ltt5t°
Most;nud@,'ta;dbzen miles up atidi
'8hrap'nel of4e • ,five minutes to a
watch clocks in every ph rt ofthe'
_ 1 .. ,.
rotr.l�pr 0 Of then, was ire 1l,h6''doiWJt
- •. '
the rorid near Co11nA. She
dlstanee bf, illi miles. Tills will
counts for use is eam4`tt!lcig. Fitt
tri *o'0 tel 1 rn I. ' I
i til.h b L nVU 9101, And
it' threatened with tar and
make,an in"y#tsion more than er45r
g lave ofd nearly Cvcry_Sfcll...ot .
oIntrb0.tilil co4lld I)e rondered the
feathors'and a dd,6lt ilg: In the
a thing of Oo .lutu're whon the
,' d 1 iiotne
obits man i3 Plot,.Ltc n
face tnrnetl to n Haid fine,
Cumberland if •I did,
she 1 not ' o t
it ,l; o
I.n 1]alt chatltlol call be swept
g l
1 way, find I could tell •On of
cl 3, 3
and death • v , -
](,nth rt�lrra,c(I rt from its sof
A` nshville. Tho latest vioiim is
from tbo'I�ho1'as near) till the way
grilses that, aro watched night
ferings. The mother ti~tl to
Henderson Duke, tt verb old
t0 Cr'raiirlsr'' _Y Hurl },yo perhaps,
v n,
anrl dna Ly private. v atchrne
iho siker oils to see Otho 'Fame +
colored mnn residing noa'fr Carth. rhondon
and Iltu•is wi I I li(1 1 om-
) I
' TIA t•'s N-anderbilt's grave, for
scene onnctoil, and in fifteeY,;;min-
ngc. Ile wni tho moth severely„
,' k-
hitiA ig enols other.
scue and seized one young rascal
by the coat 'collar* and•flung tim
clear over the hedge into the road.
Mary Murphy, a 16 -3 -car old
waiter -girl' in Newton, Conn:,
died reeentlyof a peculiar malady.
which is calculated to alarm ha-
bitual gum -chewers. Miss Dlur-
phy was addicted to the nl3tica-
tton of gum, even earry' mor-
sel between her toot n she
wentto Sod. While she Asleep
a short time ago the piece of gum
slipped down her throat, lodged
in the entrance to the stomach,
and caused a fatal ulceration.
Buffalo Courier :—A little Carl.
adian town many miles from
Buffalo is populated chiefly by
lIigbland Scotch.' Tfiey have two
chnrcheT or kirks, one of which is
new, alid was built to take the
place of the other, but such i:4 tho
veneration of the worshippers for
the old kirk that, once a month
they repair to the old .building
and hold' religious services. On n
recent Sunday the sermon had
lasted an hour by the sand glass.
At.last• the final words had been
spoken; and, though the Scotch
Presbyterians in theirs stern sense
)£duty would not admit it, yet
nearly all breathed a signed of
relief as the choir began to sing
the closing hymn. Suddenly the
Pastor arose and stretched forth
lis hunt!. "Exouse me, excuse'
ne," ha said, "i hat somothinn
nair to say." The ehoir dropped
nto their rents and the congrega.
.ion did likewise, and for half an
lour Inncrer the good old man eili-
ied his henrom with boa:itis
isions of the lifeto conw. While
Ireeisely •lush an ncwurr0nc•0 had
lever Imppen.'l before, the con
;romilion tool: it AS n matter of
•mirse, and listonal altorok-ol\•,
n�nrn or Its., Spell hound.
-Mee bl'iKI _ ',' 7th _ Co4i q t- e., ,
"Ya•liiii'laim vt age81'Voin"Us'noro. A71'olear-rHARPEWS
A'RPCR•S W EKUY ::... :::''4-00... "
ed. Good frame house and outbuildings.
BAZAR...,.,,• ....... 4 00
Will be sold on reasonable terms. Plenty ofARPER'S
water. Excellent one for pasturiu". If 'notPoste)ee
Vito to alt subscribers In the Vaitedsold
will be rented, Applyy to JOHN 1TARK-ites,,
Canada or liexico.
volumes I brgin
WELL, Clinton, Ont,
The of the AOAZINK With the
numbers for June and December of each year,
When tie time ill specified, subleriptions wlff
acarDEa for reasonable'
begin with -the Number current at tinic of ror
offers sale, on
terms, the hotel'property and busin0
ceipt of order.
Bound volumes of HARPER'9 .\fAnAzrNK, for
known as the Prince of `Vales Hotel, Olin
and enjoying a good iucrative farming b si-
three years back, fit neat cloth binding will be
gent by mail, 'poet -paid, on 1 eceipt of $:3.00 per
Hess, and well furnished. Stabling aeeom•
modation for 80 horses. Posseaeron given at
Cas e for binding, 50 cents each
Lolume. Cloth Case,
any time. Premises can be inspected canon
mail ott
y + P
desired Fpll lartieulars on it Alcation to
GEORGE SWARTS, Clinton,Analytical,
h)dex to IIAarsn'9 .NIAOAZIsK, Alphabetical
anti Cln9sifned, for Volumes Ito 70
ineli,sivo, from June, 1850, to .lune. Is85, one
vol, Svo, cloth, $4.00,
subscriber offers for sale that excellent
Remittances shnuld be mule by Post -Office
farm of 100 acres, on the Huron road, Hullott
Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss,
being lot 18. There are 90 acres cleared, au(f
nearly all fit for cultivation, balance good
Newspapers are not to copy thin advertisement
hardwood bush; the place is -in good shop",
w:thoutthe' express order of IlAsrslt & BROT11KRa
Stone House 24x90, with frame woodsbed.
2 good Bank i!iarns and outbuildings, 8 acres
Address: IfAnPFP. (t BROTiiERS, New York
of bearing Orchard. Pty of spring water.
Only tbxee miles from Minton. $2,600 down,
- _ - _ _ .._—_,
and any reasonable time for balance, at 6%
1889• .
interest. EDWARD SIBBEN, on the place,
or Clinton P. 0. _ -... _.,--.-- ....
offers for gale that excellent property at
preRstit occupied by, hi1119elf, on the toi,ner
Princess and Raalan Ssreets•
If 4ili m"l A3'KPK1,1' rias a woll-osteblished place
acre of land all set out with eliolee fruit
n+ thn loading illustnited newspaper in Alnerien.
'rhefnir,less of its editorial euminent9 nil current
trees and grain vines, pleuty of lind and
soft water. The llouse colltaltls tliree rooms
peritics ban earned' for It the respect and cnnii.
down stAirs, and fora• above, ,vUll good cul.
4ence of all impartial readers, and the variety
and excellence of its 11wrniy emitents, which '
lar, closets, &e. ibis roi,erty in very Coll-
Mithide serial and short stnrin9 by the best mlrl
venient to schools, anerin In nin, of, the best
locations it) town. Will he sold Pntire, or
most popular writers, fit it for Clio perusal of
peoplebf the wldclit range (if tallies and pnrsults. '
the lots divided, Teringreasonnlile, JOINT
STEEP, Clinton,•.--
911p}ilcinMl9t al's frequently prmIded, and un
expense Is nparod to bring the bJp'hest miler of
arti9t.ic ability to hear upon the illustration of
That desirable
the changernl phases of Home and foreign his-
most property , just. out-
erste the corporation of Clinton, on till' Lon-
tory. A hew work of fletion, from the pal of
don Road, 100y nectipierl by ltrv. .10111,
William Dean lion and one by Capt. Charles
Kh,g, will he among the. leading renture9 of the
Gray, and consisting of 14 acres, with good
11•1;1,Kl.v for 1880.
franc) Homo, Barn arid Stables, splendid
Orchard, and plenty of water, l9 offered for
sale, Being in Stanley township, thn taxes
aro low. Very desh•ablo property for it
PER Yl'lAR : -
farmer who wishes to live retired. Will be
HA11PF111's wrEKLY.....•........... ..•34 00
sold on rennunble torins. Apply for full
EIlarticulars to T1I09. LAST, Parkhill.
HARPF,R'S JIAGAZINE............ ... 4 00 '
ITARPER S BAZAR ... .. ..... 4 00
^- =T -- _ -. '---'=
HARPER -9 YOiTNG PEOPLF ....... 2 00
wrloE lot enrnTTon9 --• PEnso\s
PnAtw free t•o all Puh9crlb(r• in the forted
1\ Imyhlg elairils (1,911111114t1101111,11T ROBERT-
0", lath of file TownWilp of HL1Hett, yeo-
n,, n dreoa9o(l, who (Ito(] on the 14th day of
9taloq, Gallatin or \iexien. --
Thr eolun,rs of thr WF.mmt bo¢In file first
OctollPr, IRKS, np thrsaid 'township of fr,n-
Nntnbr•r fur dnnnnry of ench 1 err. 11'hel n0
(o Joni,
lett, are hereby notified to srnd partieulars
time iwi,
e.o 1,
snhorrlptlnt,e rill kWh wilt]
of their oln.fnns to -John Wilson and R illfnnt
the inn muss,, little of rcrrl t of order,
,rael,ann,Aninu'n P.O., or toeitl,Prof thein,
Pmmlv")•nresofTllnrrr' A1'KRKI.v,fnrthrar s
the 1')xftelltor9(if the last will of thr 9aid late
h' 1.1(, ri t,,%I ,'lout Minding, will be scut
Robert lioberton, on or before the f1rNf, dpnv
h,; nmil, p 9t. ,tir 1,,4 1. • r h• rvpres9, freo of ex.
01 January )text, aftta• whh•ll flair rvid
peu, v Iprs,vided the fri 1 1,t dues not exceed Ono
exn(utors will prueetil Ivith till- division of
dollar per'volumr), fur , }it,r villunne. .
the Ani(] egtntr arnuligthe parties l-7ttitl`'r1
thereto under iho said will, lftil
CIMh •t'nsrs fm rush vulumr, snhtiblc for
only to rlaim9 of which thry vhall hilus hFrn
binding, will nr sent hp mail, pnst 1,.1111, oil tc-
eript or dl ench.
dnl'v notifle,l nc the tion rforrNni'l, null they
w•ili bill nr ni+swerAblo fat• ally Markt not
Rotnittanees should bo innde I,, fust -Office
sent in brfore tlnnttime
Honey order or raft, to avlit miee of lose
Ilytrdnt Hnllrttth,_rth,lnl f n•!01(n, xPwspapevsnrenot fncnpyt1t19Advertisetnout •'
IK'` `' tyithu„t the express order of IIARPBR & nit0tl3tllt8 ., I
1,1TN R'll,y,p\.' F:eevutnr8 ,,++ st
\A'yl r t4•K140\. , rktidvbm. IIivni l"'n &'r•1 oftlnus, Now York "'
-.',,---Z .... ,.moi.... .,l4" ° ..,.