HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-12-07, Page 8lint Olt VA FRIDAY, DEC. 7, LOCAL NOTICES. Ruled Scribblers, two for u cents+, to clear them out, at the New Era. offiee. A nice, NEN stock of Wall Paper jus t arrived at DICKSON'S BOOKSTORE Clinton. • Dr Washington's next visit to Clin- ton, w ill be on the forenoon of Dec. 19th. CHEAP ROSES, — Buffalo, Bear and Goat Robes, very &'heap, at J. Twitch - ell's, Clinton. Buy your Overshoes and Rubbers from W. TAYLOR & SoNs, and have them plated with the Celebrated "Doney" heel plate machine, which is a sure protection against falling on ice_ No more swearing to be done —Perfect fitting, Steel Plate Stove Pipes. Sante price as ordinary pipe. A boy can put them up. R. M. RACEY, Iron 'and Hardware Merchant, Al-. bert Street, Clinton. NOTICE TO DEBTORS - All parties indebted to us will please call and settle same before the Dec.1 b., as accounts will be placed hi Court after that date. C. C.IIANCE & CO. ];own g011il;L. DxowN\ED,—A nephew of Mr Thos. Trick was`drowned at Point Edward, last Frida', by jumping from the ferry boat as it approached the wharf and miscalculating the distance. COURT OF REVISION. -The Cotirt of Revision met on Tuesday night, when several persons were remitted the amount of their taxes. The ap- peal of James Keane, J. Rands, J. Clark, W. J. Paisley, A. O. Patti- son, J. Ewings and J. Powell, against payment of dog tax, was allowed. DEATH,—Mrs Smith, who has re- sided in town for some years, died on Wednesday, after a short illness. She belonged to the Army, and lived a consistent Christian life. • Mrs J. H. Worsell, of town, and Mrs Robt. Mason, of the base line, were daught- ers, and she leaves a couple of sons alsr: SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES.—At the recent sale 01 County Lands ' for taxes, in Goderich, very few buyers were present. A 28 acre • lot in Howick, with small house and barn thereon, and on which there was about $200 due, was sold for less than that sum ; Mr D. R. Menzies, of this place,bought a half acre lot in the town of Wingham, for about $1,50. That looks like a small figure, but it may be all a, lot in that mud -hole is worth. SHORTSIGHTEDNESS. — The . other day at an auction sale, attended by a very large crowd of farmers, a thorc- bred animal was put up and knocked down to the highest bidder, thepi ice being less than one-half its actual value, and leas than the animal would fetch if sold for beef. On the way home the purchaser refused double what he had paid for the animal, and expects ere long to realize for it at least three times as much as .it cost him. The surprising thing to us is that so many professedly shrewd men will allow an animal like this to go at so much below its actual value, particularly when there are so many at sales who are on the lookout for bargains. GRAN TON FARMING CLUB.—The Granton farmers club met according to notice. After some preliminary arrangements, the President handed in a communication from the Dom -- inion farmers council,requesting this club to discuss the advisability of one expert judge on alI agricultural ex- hibits, also the advisability or other- wise of continuing the Provincial Exhibition, also the township shows, and report eo the council accordingly. But not being unanimous, and owing to the absence of some active mem- bers, it was resolved to reconsider the question at a special meeting to be held Monday, the 106, at the usual hour. It would be well for members, or any that would purpose joining to makea note of this. EHORT L'ROI' +B. PLlIED: Ori t<. �-��`" �""'�",."t.`1`�t'ea't'"i'Fflrl'���g(F:,°agtilrrEB•ffa�'af'_°�L: farmer drove into town' with five Ilmehels of wheat to their buggy, 'which they disposed of to a party- here artehere at the market price. The pur- chaser thought nothing particular about the transaction until, somewhat later on the father of these boys -hap- pened to be in a certain store, and in the course of conversation he remark- ed that, "he didn't know what had become of all bis grain; he thought be would have enough to carry him through the winter, but when he looked into the granary he was sur- prised to see how little there was, and he didn't know, but he guessed some- body bad stolen it,and he would have to buy feed for bis family." The store -keeper did a little mental cogita- tion, and concluded that by putting two -and -two together, he. could • ex- plain the deficiency. OLD FRIENDS HEARD FROM. — We are sometimes surprised to hear how far old residents of Clinton are scattered; some in the far West,snme in the South, others in Australia, Africa, etc. We have just been told that one of the old citizens, Mr Roger Lee, who.carried on the harness busi- ness in this town, is still alive and doing well at bis o)d business, at In- dian Head, Northwest territory ; we hope he will succeed. 'In a letter to an old friend he says he likes the country well, except when the tem- perature is down 40° below zero, but that does not often happen. They have a good farming country around there ; the Bell farm is near, and the Government has established the Ex- perimental farm on part of it. The Bell farm is said to have over fifty thousand bushels of wheat, besides other grain, Wheat is 'worth one dollar a bushel. Indian Head has three large roller flour mills, brick; two grain elevators, a church, three general stores,Ntwo large taverns, but no liquor sold, also other business places. Wood is *3 per cord, coal, $4.75 per ton. It is a good place for sportsmen, as wild geese, prairie chickens and rabbits are abundant. There are four lakes not far off, so that fishing is plentiful. They are putting up some dwelling houses, barns, and stables on the government farm. IIT�ViYAj<.l ,$) ,j VIc s. STILL IN FOILSWWING, AND. MANY BEING CONVERTED Tbe revival cervices that have been in progress iu Clinton, for the past four weeks, are still under way, and show no depreciation of interest. All last week the services were held in Ontirio Street Church, and the build- ing was filled every night, there being eight or ten new seekers after religion every night. On Sunday morning Mr Crossley preached in Ontario Street Church, Mr Livingstone being in Ontario St. in the eveuing. All the Sunday ser - 1 vices were exceedingly interesting and profitable, that of Rattenbury Street church in the morning being particularly so, many testifying to `the power of God to save, who had previously been strangers to his love. The Monday evening service was held in Ontario Street Church, and was one of unusual power, no less than eighteen coming out as peni- tents. It had been intended that Tuesday evening would close the work of Measrs. Crossley and Canfield hero, but on Monday night it was de- cided •that they should remain the rest of this week. - Tuesday,eve'ni►ig saw'h• very large crowd gathered in Rattenbury Street char.ih, and after an earnest sermon by Mr Crossley, several pre- sented themselves for salvation. A very good feeling prevailed in the meeting, but it seemed more difficult to move the bearts of many present than of previous occasions. A great amount of good bas been done by these meetings. Well on towards three hundred persons have come out as seekers of relieion, and most of these have already shown themselves to be genuinely converted to God, among the number being sev- eral in whose hearts any change would necessarily be for the better. Further than this, great good has been done the individual members of the churches, by leading them into a higher religious experience, more closely cementing the bonds of fel- lowship, giving them a higher ap- preciation of their privileges and showing them more closely their re- sponsibilities. Messrs. Crossley and Canfield carry away with them the good wishes of a large number in this place, and their visit will be remem- bered with pleasure by the nurabers who have personally profited by their sojourn here. - The meeting last Wednesday night was not quite so largely attended as usual. Rev. Mr Livingstone gave a history of his boyhood years, and of his conversion, instead of a sermon, the time occupied being about the same as for a sermon. Mr Crossley with a brief exhortation, urging all unconverted ones to decide for Christ. Several persons were forward as seek- ers, and others stood up for prayer, when the meeting closed at 10 o'clock. The meeting last night, (Thursday) was held in Rattenbury St. church, and that of Friday night will be in Ontario Street Church, when the series will likely be brought to a close. The Friday night meeting will be especially for the young converts, and it is desired that all be present. Of course the public generally, are also welcome. The Evangelists go to Brighton on Saturday, where they commence meetings on Sunday fol- lowing. They will be. followed by many prayers, that they -may be pros- pered in their work. Mr Canfield pays this compliment to Clinton :—With a wide experience he does not know a place of its size that can equal Clinton for the numb- er of excellent singers it possesses, and Mr Crossley says that he has ,found some of the best church work- ers here that he ever met anywhere. Local Church Chimes. Eel/. J. Livifigstone will go to Flor- ence (his old circuit) on the 17th inst., where he delivers his lecture on "The Human Voice." Fisher, of Holmesville, made a fiyingjvisit to Londesboro,' on Monday. He lin relative of Mr Jaf- fray, station agent. • The Executive Committee " of the County Sabbath School Aasociatign will meet in Clinton; on the 18th inst., to arrange for the next meeting: -of the e1iQ, ,4# , ?its• The S�unda ' morning service of Rat- ' ''• iffy-tet''=�13Afrek—I iilE _ an impromptu song service, Rev. Mr Livingstone interspersing his discourse with appropriate pieces of music. •• Some time ago Rev. J. Edge promised his old friends at Durham that when they put up a new church he would pre- side at the opening thereof. They made him fulfil thatpromise on Sunday last, when he preached morning and evening. They wanted him to remain for a tea - meeting tiri 1lfonday night, and stren- uously tried to detain him, but he re- fused to stay, on account of the spe- cial meetings in progress here. The following is clipped from the Christian Guardian of last menth, re- specting Londesboro Circuit. In July last we repainted the church,kalsomined the walls, frosted the windows, carpet- ed and matted floor, etc., adding mat- erially to the appearance and comfort of our place of worship in this village. The cost was provided for by cash sub- scriptions. The head of the church has given his seal to these and other ag- gresive efforts by increased spiritual bestowments. In September we held a series of services at Kinburn, and in October we began in Londesboro. During the first two weeks the Rev. C. Fish was with us and rendered moat excellent service. Our November Quart- erly Meeting was said to be one of the best enjoyed for years. The special services continued four weeks, and though the weather was unpropitious, the attendance was good from the first to the last service. A goodly number, mostly heads of families, have united with us, and others aro expected to join. To God alone be the praise. We "thank God and take courage." ✓ sae— SUDDEN DEATH OF A FORMER CLINTONIAN— We regret to announce the sudden death of Mrs Charles Commander, wife of the township clerk of East Nissoeri, which sad event took place at her residence, Medina, last Wedneaday;morning. It appears that she had not been well for some time, but on the morning of her death she arose and dresse herself. Her breakfast was taken to her room by n member of the family, who returning a few minutes after - Wards found her dead. Heart disease was the cause. She was in her fiftieth year. Mr Commander was for years one of the lending business men of' Clinton, and is at ill a rnt.epnyer here. Little Local ..steins. Mise: Fa4•ren ig yi4lt'14g friends at bort Perry. DIr (?alpic)r, pf Iighneaville, wail shortly take ,op his residence in Clin- ton. A 13 lb. -goose was stolen from the front of Moore's grocery, on Wednes- day eyening. Miss Steep, daughter of Mr John Steep, who has been on the sick list for a short time, is getting better. Miss Maggie Hemphill, a resident of town for several years,but recently living at Oakville, is here on a visit. Mr Jos. Chambers is back in town and will likely stay here. "A dey spent here is better than a thousand elsewhere." Mr Rob. W. Coats, of this place, has started a branch store at Hensel], whiet will be in charge of Mr J. B. Rumball. J. P. Tisdall left on Wednesday, fpr Winnipeg, on a business trip, go- ing via the C. P. R., for wbicti. W. Jackson is agent. Miss Muriel Redmond has taken a temporary position on the staff of the Brussels Post,one of the hands in that office being laid up sick. Mrs A. W. Carslake has been called away to Taunton, Mass., on account of a serious accident that has happen- ed to her brother-in-law, Mr C. Wood The wife of Rev. J Edge has been called 'to Owen Sound by the illness of her mother, arid expects to bd absent from town for several weeks. A man named Patterson, who had been begging around town, was last week committed to Goderich jail by Mayor Whitehead, on a charge of vagrancy. Mr Thos. Mustard, formerly of Tuckersmith, but now a resident of Kansas, with his family, is here on a visit to his father-in-law, Mr Hugh McDonald: Mr P. Straith leaves for Chicago in a few days, where he will push the sale of his Mower Knife sharpener. His right covers all territory east of the Mississippi River. The friends of Mr L. P. Davis, of Boston ,formerly of the Organ Factory, will be sorry to ;earn tbat while he was wrestling the other day, he had the misfortune to break his leg. A young woman named Smith was last week committed to jail for sixty days for an assault upon another member of the family. She will pro- bably have to be taken to an asylum. The Montreal Witness, of Saturday last,issued a large 12 page edition,the extra size being required to accom- modate the extensive advertising patronage. This is a good sign of the Witness' popularity. • CORRECTION —A couple of weeks ago we stated that "Mr Currie would still retain his position as manager of the Grand Union." This was not strictly correct, as Mr Tufts is the manager and proprietor of this house, Mr Currie simply being an employee therein. R. Rumford and wife sail next Wednesday from New York, via the steamship "Adriatic," of the White Star Line, for England, and will ar- rive there in time to enjoy their Christmas turkey with their relations. They were booked by W. Jackson, agent of this line. As was mentioned in a recent issue of the NEW ERA, Mr A. W. Mair, formerly of Hullett, but lately teach- ing at Westmeath,, gave up his posi- tion in orddr to study medicine. Be- fore leaving the school there he was the recipient of a number of costly presents from the scholars. Mr and Mrs Angus Johnston, of Stratford, formerly of Clinton, have returned from their lengthy holiday visit to. their relatives and friends in Kansaa and other portions of Uncle Sam's domains. They seem to have enjoyed themselves very pleasantly, but are nevertheless willing to admit that "there's no place like home." We occasionally receive items of local correspondence from parties who are not among our regular cor- respondents.. These items are often. consigned to the waste basket be- cause the writers do not enclose their names. While we are glad to re- ceive all the news we can get, we must know from whom it is sent. Prof. Box Brown, a son of Africa, tiuiionsisreputatt� n.e. jurist," gave a couple of exhibitions in the town hall here, last week, He paid his hall rent, in advance, which was more than some recent shows did after their performance, but we don't think the Professor needed an express waggon to carry the profits of his en- tertainment. LOLIDAY GOODS JV Zcest and best Assortment we ever had, and prices the Lowest x x x Silverware, Plush Goods, tJhristmasCards,:3ooklets Fancy Cnina &Glassware Violins, Concertinas and Accordeons, Toboggans, Sleighs, Picture Books, Albums, Bibles, Purses, Toys, Dolls, &c. A most elegant line of Goods is now on the way from New:York and will be here in a few days. Mr Dickson was in Toronto for three days last week, and bought up, cheap, a large stock of the very latest NOVELTIES for the Christmas Trade. Come and see us, and select what you want now, before the nicest goods are sold • Ch ris. Dickson,C linton he HOLIDAY Trade ivo-NT Elir' zEs b'OR CHRISTMAS From Now FromDecemIei1st to January 1st, We are determined to have our goods at such prices that will meet any and all kinds of sales, no matter what shape or form they come to you in. We have in ids a slaughter in Dress Go�ds And give you a Grand Stock to select from Our GREY, WHITE and RED FLAN -e, NELS are every one leaders in prices. See them_ BLANKETS. BLANKETS. MANTLE CLOTHS; specially low in price, from now till then. See them too MEN'S .UNDERCLOTHING, CAPS, GLOVES, MITS & SOCKS, away down in price. , BED COMFORTABLES very cheap - X We want to reduce the stock, and to • do so the prices must do it. We cannot quote all our prices unless you come and see, but r.;member We are determined to sell them Cheap G E O E PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON Copying our item concerning Mrs W. H. Hine, the Stratford Beacon says :—"Old 13tratford settlers will remember Mr and Mrs ?line as the kind-hearted host and hostess of the old 'rapers' hotel, on Huron street, about -were St. Joseph's church now stands. Mr Hine was a highly in- telligent man, and Us been secretary of' the board of education, etc., of Clinton, almost ever since he settled in that town." We are pleased to state that Mrs Hine is somewhat bet- ter, though not out of danger. Graham Woods, a young man 13 years of age, son of Walter Woods, of the firm of Walter Woods & Co., Hamilton, was riding on a horse Fri- day afternoon, and when near the corner of Ferrie Old Bay streets the horse got frightenegd by adog barking at his heels. Young Woods was thrown off, his t of caught in the stirrup and he as dragged a short distance, and was kicked on the head by the horse an knocked senseless. He was taken to his home, where he died. [The Wa�'ter Woods here re- ferred to Was at one time a clerk in Clinton.1 COLLEGIATE LITERARY SOCIETY. —The regular meeting of this society was held on Thursday evening last, M't Stanbury, President. in the chair. This was one of the best meetings the society has had since it was organized and there i9 a bright prospect of it being a great success. The following programme was rendered :—Mouth organ selection, Messrs Bowerman and Manning; reading, Mr Stanbnry; duett, Misses Gregory and Mures ; imprompt srieeches, by Messrs Mont- gomery, Hauch, Bowering, Shortreed and Blackwell. These speeches were all listened to with great pleasure, and those who spoke showed marked ahility, as iniprom ptu speakers+. Read- ing, 11Ir !lowering ; recitation, Mr Stanbury ; national authem. IT IS A GOOD THING TO BUY FASHIONABLE GOODS AT Beo-siey's - Millinery FA-NCYG-000 EMPORIVM Provided the quality is good and the prices reasonable. EveY-tine knows --that -ou -styles;ara-rigk _ p4,; r nus:. r 1 m all_.fiil. ' lin �.fs � awithQthe latest novelties. men�_we 1. assorts Co�pioto Stock Ladies and Cijildren's Underear We present for the Christmas Trade a beautiful selection of Men and Hop's ARG UNIIII Ia, Oomprising the very latest goods in NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, MEN'S JEWELLERY, BRACES, UNDERCLOTHING, and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. ThcFgrTrado We buy the finest class of FURS in the market. Ladies Fine S.S. Seal Muffs & Caps Ladies Fine Persian Lanib Muffs and Caps LADIES FINE COLLARS in Pos- sum,: Persian Lamb and Otter This,Collar is the latest Novelty in:Furs Men's Fur Coats C 'e and Gauntlets JACKSON BROS., Hatters an4 Purriers, Clinton, 1 Woolen fiats, Caps, Hoods and Tuques. _ Fine line of Cashmere GLOVES and HOSIERY. JOB LINE IN WOOL HOSE. SPECIAL IS OUR tar HID GLOVE In Black and Colors, with the Great Improved Lock Fastener, away ahead of all others for wear and elegance, and while you are in, inspect our GREY AND COLORED FLANNELS And take a look through our stock. There may be finer goods than we offer ; we know there are poorer ones,— but we offer the goods our experience has taught us are the most popular. Wo say of these goods that quality for quality, there are no better goods nor lower prices than ours, and behind our promise stands our splendid ' stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods. Beesley's Great millinery, Emporium. Tho Ladies Favorite Estabiisbnon•t