HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-12-07, Page 601,al\TWQN IS THE 1;014$0i1 )OOPERS TS TITE SPOT TO BUY YOUR IHOLIDAY GOODS We have just received some *ice new lines iii English Church, Presbyterian and 1VIetbodist HYMNALS and PRAYERS, suitable for presents. Some extra value in BIBLES. Our stock of BOOKLETS is especially good, and no per- son shnula miss seeing the charming joint pro luctions of pen, pencil and brush . We have a splendid stock of CHRISTMAS CARDS, which are very artistic, low in price, and nearly all new. Children's Cutters and Sleighs in great variety PLUSH GOODS, LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S The balance of my Christmas stook w in COMPANIONS, SHAVING SETS, TOYS. BOOKS, be found at Coorr;R's Boos Brous. i DOLLS, FANCY CHINAWARE, Etc. Don't filrget that we have moved to our new premises. We COOPER, COOPER'S BLOCK, CLINTON. .. ,�\\VR\�,Q\\.��. p�\\\ \\o.� l\Q\@��ti.�l;4*.wt;��i.� ...ter for infants and Children. •"Castorisissowell adapted tochildren that eastor1a cures Colic, Constipation, t recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Uiarrboea, Eructation, known to me," H. A,. ARCHER, 31, D„ Kills Worms, gives sleep, and proiaotes di- estion, 1118a Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. THE CEMTAr'R ('oi,PANY, 77 Murray Sir..et, :C. 1 OreatCloaringSale DRY COODS, GHEAPSIDE. CLINTON MARKETS. a Corrected every Thursday afternoon, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1888. Wheat, fall,white and red 1 00 1 08 Wheat spring, - 1 00 a 1 05 Oats - 0' 32 0 33 Barley 050a060 Peas 0 58 a 0 59 Flour, per ant 3 00 a 3 25 Potatoes • 0 30 a 0 35 Butter 0 18 a 0 19 Eggs - 0 18 a 0 19 Pork 0 00 a 000 Hay 12 00 aid 00 Hides, 5 00 a 5 50 Wool, - - 020a020 Chickens per pair - 0 30 a 0 35 Ducks per pair - - 0 50 a 0 60 Geese _ - - - 0 40 a 0 50 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported 'Specially for Naw IEA every Thursday Blyth, Deo,. 6, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 0 97 1 03 Spring " . new . 1 00 1 05 Oats 31 a _32 Barley 45 a 60 Peas 57 a 50 Potatoes, per bus 35 a 35 Eggs per doz 18 a 18 Butter,rolls . 17 a 10 Hoge, 6 50 7 15 Beef - - 450 a 550 Hay - - 12 00 a 15 00 TORONTO MARKETS Toronto, Dec, 6, 1888. Wheat, fall - - - 1 03 a 1 04 Wheat, spring - - •1 03 a 1 04 Barley - - - - 0 (i0 a 0 65 Oats - - - - 0 37 a 0 37 Peas - - - 066 a 067 Pork - - - 6 50 a 7 60 Butter, pound rolls - 0 22 a 0 24 Butter, large rolls . 0 18 a 0 20 Eggs, new laid, per dos 0 21 a 0 23 The undersigned has decided to clear out at actual wholesale prices the new stock .of Dry, Goods at the above establishment. This presents to the people of Clinton and sur- rounding country a magnificent chance to purchase goods at a discount of nearly 25 per ct, on regular° selling figures. The stock is almost entirely new, and comprises a fine selection of all the latest -goods The sale will commence on Sat- urday next, and be continued till • the stock is disposed of. AN -Remember, everything will be offered at whole.ale prices, and good buyers will understand that they will strike something that they don't see every day. Fetch along your BUTTER and EGGS, and ge', Goods at cost price. T. JACKSON, SR , r, at vz �zsx ct :Wl�z uy ;gip- l e, t 1n on I@.ffi•oYSu. CORN FOR SALE A'r THE Clinton - Mills. WEOLE OR GROUND. PRICES REASONABLE. JAS. FAIR, - CLINTON. 1•4 FIRM. PLUMSTEEL& GIBBINgS 000 ---- We are now ready for the Fall Trade'', with a full assortment - in the following lines:— Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Woollens, &c Extra Good Value. Cloihs, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Very cheap and good e CLOtT'IIING l Itea(•ly ('oats, prices. All kinds of Clothing made to Gent's Farnishilgs, &c, nality. - Made, in Suits and Over - Small advance on wholesale order and guaranteed. HATS, CAP, FURS, &.c. --all New Styles 07800TS and SHOES, RUBBERS and FELT GOODS, at near the Toronto wholesale prices. in all lines, Var STAPLE LiNES IN GROCERIES as cheap as the cheapest. 1tl-ONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- GAGER, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. McTAGGART, t:lintou, Feb. 24, 1885. \Ve are in a position to boy our stock right, and we intend to sell at the lowest po'sible paying prices. In fact we intend to take the load for good staple lines at the lowest prices. Come and see our stock and get our prices, Searle's Block, Clinton PUMMEL & GIBBINOS NE\Y GOAT ROBE LOST BETWEEN Snell's corner and the railway track, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 22nd. It is lined with black and trimmed with yellow. Find- er will confer a favor by leaving the same at the NEW ERA Ottiee. 'Int iUFFOLK BOAR FOR SALg,- A FIRST - L7 chess Thoroughbred Suffolk hoar, two years old, tor sale; reason for selling is that the owner bas another, and does not require both. will be sold cheap, Apply to SAMU- EL WALT1;11S, lot 29, Huron Road, Holmes- vi11c, P.O. Ism. 'DOORS FOR SALE.—SUITABLE FOR 11) Public or Private Library, being balance of a_ minister's library. Will be sold for cash at the rate of 65 cents on the dollar, They are all standard books, and in good condition. All the above are veld except the following which are almost new: -1. Webster's, Una- bridged Dictionary, bound in sheep, cost ill, offered for 710. 2, Spurgeon a Treasury of David, a complete commentary on the Psalms, 7 vol., cost $14, offered for $S. 3. Thirty Thousand Thoughts, illustrations taken from the literature of all ages, 3 vol., cost $10.50, offered for $6. Apply immedi- ately to J. M. S„ This Office. STRAY CATTLE ``TRAY HEIFER — CAME • INTO SUB - k7 SCRIBER'S premises, lot21, London 'toad, Stanley, about the.leth of November, a Red Heifer, with a little ,white between front e desk t? &ffirges a d51 <P$remortne way. F. TOMLINSON, • `'ITRAY CATTLE;—Came into subscriber's 47 promisee, lot 28, base line, (Forks farm) about the let of October, two head of Cattle one being a red Helfer two years old, the other a rad Steer, same age, Tho owner is hereby notified to prove property,pay charges and take them away. T. DRPER STRAYED OR STOLEN—Light bay Mase, 16 hands high, star on forehead, nigh hind foot white. Left my premises in Ailsa Craig on October 16,1888. Any person giving information ,aa to the whereabouts of said mare will bo suitably rewarded, GEORGE D. ARNOLD, Ailsa Craig, . ``ITRAY CATTLE. — CAME INTO SUB- 1..JacRinER'a promises. lot 12, let con. of Col- borne, E. D., sometime during the fall, a couple of head of cattle, one a Red Steer, rising three, tho other a spotted Heifer ris- ing two. The owner ie hereby notified to prove property, pa" charges and take then away. L. FELKER, Bennnllor, P.O. gm The above Heifer has since been claimed. lTRAY CATTLE. - CAME INTO SUB- ecrirnrri s premises, lot 12, Maitland block, Hullott, sometime during the summer, four head of yearling cattle, being 1 bluish :colored Heifer, 1 Red Heifer, 1 Red Steer, 1 Lino back property, pay is herebynotified to prove pwIOORGE aBEADLE Auurn, them BOARS FOR SERVICE, BBOS BARUA1NS- L4RGJINS The Istat.c John Eodgcns COFFER THIS MONTH Over 300 Remnants DRESS GOODS 5 to 10 yards, at halt thei' original cost, also TWENTY DOZ. WOOL SHAWLS At 50 and 75 cents each, former price $ 1 and $ 1.75 JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. I-1070CENS. Near Ye ! Near To Be it known unto all the Loyal Subjects of Queen Victoria that ROBERTSON -- GR, E AT f J.C.DETLOR&Co GIGANTIC '.' GIFT '.' SALE Commences on SATURDAY, DEC. 1st, and continues until MONDAY, DEC, 3.lst. This Hale is of vital interest to Mothers and Fathers of families; to Young 'Men and Young Women, to Boys and Girls, for it is conducted during that season of the year when every one is expecting a memento frons a friend, and directed by BOAR P10 FOR SERVICE..—THE SUB- 1Je(.11114ne keeps for eorvice,onh.sfarm 2nd Con. of liullett, a large -breed Suffolk Boat, full bred, raised by that well known breeder, Mr John Govior. Terms, 81 at time of ser- vice, with the privilege of returning if nec- essary. HENRY FREEMAN,HULLIITT, VOA1'iO FOR SERVICE.- Subscriber keeps for service a Thorobred Berkshire boar, whose pedigree cannot bo beaten in Ontario. line taken several first prizes, Terms ? I at time of service, with privilege of returning, 'ft-twnt:'roN WALLACE, Lot 31, 711i Con, fintlett, BOAR fust Si:l1VicC.—TUE UNDER- $IGNI31tae a young Berkshire boar for service which he purchased from Mr Del. bridge of IV iuchelaca, He buss. goon pedigree and has boon it price winner at some of the leading Exhibitions in the county this fall. Terms 81 with privilege of returning if nee - °Mary. A. T.CARISE''1T Mullett. THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND Who grapples with the immense importance of having nice, tasty articles at a very low figure. . agr Remember, we give a present with EVERY CASH PURCHASE f'ronl 30 cts. up. Give us a call. Robertson's ['tog hi a04e. The old IBLIIBLL T!M for Cfl TTThT5 I IIOR0BRRD BOARS. -t hare noir pur- chased a thorobred Berkshire (tear, and will keep hin'i, aawen as a thorobred Suffolk one, for service on my ,remises. Terms for service, $1, with privilege of returning, if ne weary, Rings will be put In nose of sowi, to prevent rooting, free of charge, if neeos- sarv, GhORG11 A. COOPER, lut 10, eon,'), (loderich township. Our stock is replete with the very bast the market can produce in NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, FIGS, and DATES, S.S. ALMONDS, FILBERTS and ENGLISH WALNUTS. ENGLISH CURED LEMON, ORANGE and CITRON PEELS. Don't buy any other. Our prices are the lowest and the quality of goods the best. Families called upon for orders, if desired, and goods promptly- delivered. HAVE JUST OPENED � DRESS GOOD 9Cho�cclotiof BOUGHT AT A BARGAIN, a af ALSO, A FRESH LOT OF A 1� R ES it LOT O l� tie ClOthS) And Dress & Mantle, Ornaments. 1iA CUT FREE 01' CIHAP(i1';. NOVELTIES in MILLINERY S. PA.LLISER & CO., Family Grocers, next to Town Hall. .8) GOTS and : SHOES AT CHAS. C UICKSHANK•'-S... n ,.a. I`"'Ii9 eF4` `,� t'' i "il t fhe 'o eGideaf=; i'ery' .ow for, Cash, See nib Mens& BoysCrlcket&Lacrosseshoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL. FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH, EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON J C Tletlor& Co Clinton BIGCLEARING SALE: OF Groceries,Crockery &c The undersigned desire to intimate that they have bought out the en- tire stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &C.,, of J. B. CROSSEN, and will offer the same for the nest ten days at wonderfully low prices for cash. The stock is first•class in every respect, and embraces all goods usually found in a Grocery Store. Wo are bound to sell the goods, and pricer will be placed at a figuie that will make them go Call and see us at once. C.ROSSEN BROS., Victoria St., near the Post Office, Clinton. ti N1 «,s P LU ws I temper eel Anlouldc-tbo rdsa. The Hub Grocery SINGLE&DOUBLESULKYPLOWS • All kinds of repairs for W. H. Verity A• Son's flows, Cutting Boxes, &c Call and see my stock of STONE• CHINA TEA. SETS and GLASS SEfS, which I ani offering very low R:. M. RACEY Also, JAPAN TEA at 30 05 and 40c excellent quality. r My COFFEE cannot be excelled in town. f Iron and Ilardware Merchant, Clinton Everything as low as any other house. GOODS D1 LIVERED.° Gi-EO, S1% AIL ()W, CLITVTON The old reliable Tea store still leads'. Having bought the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper & Son, and being in a position to l 1,41 buy my goods for cash, I am boun(i not to be undersold by anyone in .he trade. I have lust received a magnificent stook of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, IIANGING LAMPS, and all the novelties of the season. I am offering Stone' ea Sets 44 pieces, for $2.50 Printed Sets, $3.75, worth $4.50. Decorated Stone China, $4.7+5, worth $15.50. Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, 85 pieces, $10. Dinner Set 07 pieces $11. Combination Set, 100 per $18, worth $20. China Telt, sets from $5 up. Decorated Chamber Sets from $2.715 U. China Cups and Saucers,10c. worth 25e. FSii;3tl 1'I.ELS, FIGS, DATES,_ NUTS, CANDIES, CANNED NE1' GOODS, and everything to do -fund in a first-class Grocery, OVERSHOES 81 RUBBERS JAM.EIS MOOR (Successor ti T. Cooper & Son) CORNER STORE in, Searle's Bleck, R Sons. CLINTON AND BLYTH Buy your Overshoes and Rubbers from 'us, and get them Plated with the Celebrated Doney HEEL -PLATE MACHINE, which is a sure protection from slipping on the ice, be- sides making them wear very much longer. We have a macbino in each of our storey, at Clinton and Myth. W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AN BLYTH