The Clinton New Era, 1888-12-07, Page 54111b 01,00017 .r Call and see my l tock of STONE CHINA TE: SATS USEand GLASS SEQ.'am S, which I aoff ring very lo�v Also, JAPAN TEA at 30, 3i and. 400. exf ellent quality. My COFFEE cannot be excelled in town. Everything as low as any other house. Ct001)S DELIVERED. Cr�i'DSV1vT.c N'r N vn-VT FALL GOODS A full assortment of Gents Ti:hn ods For Fall Wear, jttst opened up A Fine Assortment of FUR-: -GOODS Not to bo excelled in the county a - no G-DASG-O REMEMBER THE S'1`1 ND — One door north of the, Dry • Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. New : Furniture : stock Opened out in ELLIOTTF a3LOCic, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANN A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. 5()S. € FLIDIALt Y. BTJSINESS CHANGE. I have purchared the grocery stock of T. COOPER& SON and will carry on the busthess at the old stand. As I am in a position to buy FOR CASH the public mai relj on GETTING GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES. Ma. OGLE. COOPER will remain with me, and I hope that the patronage extended to Messrs Cooper & Son will be continued. jr.t_S MOORE, Late of the Commercial Hotel. W -7T HAR •T333S P=R•M Johnson &Armour PRACTICAL HARNESS and COLLAR MAKERS Having bought the -business and stock of GEO. A. SHARMAN, we are prepared to fill all orders in our line at the lowest living prices. We are both practical workmen, well known to the people of Clinton and vicinity, and can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate rates. The material will always be found of the best, and by strict attention to ,business and honest dealing, we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We.have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. NewTailoring Establishment • "41swe a --int Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical ! Diarnoncl Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other ::1 j ar.t a5 good. B.: - ware of inlit itit,a.<, because they are nide of cheap and inferior 111 c•'I Sand � c• .,1. al 1 .d 'it's• .t> i 1',d.. crocks calor,.. "io I)c wrc of success, lege Lilly the I)r.tNIc;sn D1'C� ft,r coloring] )res,,:s, Stock- ings, \';,• e , C':;,•Itct:;, Feathers, Riblh L ,, c`': . &c. We «•arrant them t > c :. .::are goods, pack- age G,: ; •. , than any other dyes , .1 ;;nd to give more brilii:u:t : is ! uurahle colors. Ask for the 1,,.;,' nz.iand take no other. A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat C;;;Ie 'ed Game 2 Renewed CENTS. A Child can use them! At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO„ Montreal, P. Q. d® The First Symptoms • Of all Lung diseases are much the same : feverishness, loss of appetite, + sore throat, pains• in the chest and back, headache, etc. In a few days you may he well, or, on the other hand, you may be down with Pneumonia or " galloping Cousumptiou." Run no risks, but begin immediately to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Several years ago, James Birchard, of Darien, Conn., was severely ill. The doctors said he was in Consumption, arid that they could do nothing for him, but advised him, as a last resort, to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine, two or three months, he was pronounced a well man. His health - remains good to the present day. J. S. Bradley, Malden, Mass., writes : • " Three winters ago I took a severe cold, which rapidly developed into Bronchitis and Consumption. I was so weak that I could not sit up, was much emaciated, and coughed incessantly. I consulted several doctors, but they were power- less, and all agreed thkt-I was in Con- sumption. At last, a friend brought the a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. From the• first dose, I found relief. Two bottles cured me, and my health has since been perfect." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED IIY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottles, ♦b FARRAN&IMA ,I) 13A.Nr1(EItS CLINTON. ; r Advances made to farmers on their own notes, at low rates of interest. 'A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. Important Notice. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE.—In the Brown sub -division, lots facing on Huron, Rotten - bury and Princess streets, the most desir- able property in the vicinity of the active and rapidly growing town of Clinton, beau- tiful residence sights can be bought at very reasonable prides and toren to suit any one contemplating a purchase, Apply to JAB. 13ROWN, Huron Roan. '2m Eureka Bakery ! CANADA'S NATURAL) AND A1067.' P xC1klTAliI.1': Ottawa Free Press. A dodo returns of the United States for the nine months end- ing with September lust show an increase of about nine pillions t•f dollars in the total imports compared with those of • the c•orre&ponding months of 1887, while the exports show a decline of over thirty-six millions. The total value of exports for the eine months was $445,855,256, while the impel Is amounted to i544,- 511,633. Excess of imports, near- ly ono hundred million dollars. This is a practical exposition of the folly of the "balance of trade" theory, and the idea that an -ex- hort ti ado can be built up and a favorable balance of trade muin- tallied unc er a highh tariff. When r introducing his tariff resolutions in 1179 Sir Leonard Tilley, then iniuister of finance in Sit' John 1luctlunald's government, made, the nss:ertion that the prosperity oft lie United States as compared with Great Britian was duo to the fact that the exports of the United States exceeded the imports into that country, while in ] iigla;.cl the reverse way the ease. Apart from Sir Leonard's "disloyal" and unpatriotic etfoi 1, to extol the United States at the expense of Great Britain, and the utter fail- ure of his attempt to regulate trade su as to produce a constant excess Of exports over imports, What has he to say now, when the United States returns show such an erormous balance of trade against that country? If Sir Leonard's reasoning was of any value the Americans would bo ex- periencing an era. of great com- mercial depression, while tho fact is they are fairly prosperous, not- withstanding the enorrnous bal- ance of' trade against them. If Sir Leonard and the other Tory theorists had any practical exper- ience- if they had any sound knowledge of the principles of trade --they would know that an excess of imports over exports often represents the profits made by exports upon their shipments abroad'. Opposite the Post Office. r ht"s� errt ca.r ,_ he eub 174412-1-11-4211- ibe`dthe �a�T age41e4hespast,..audestt.the:eame-.onto-h would intimate to them that he has r,tnoved to the more convenient stand in Smith's Block, directly opposite the Post Ofiioe where he will he pleased to .supply them with Bread, Cakes, eto., of first Maria quality, WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY . and prepared in splendid style. .1, A, KING, Baker. But aside from their success in exploding the balance of trade theory, the American trade re- turns for theecurrent year afford abundant proof of the value of the United States market to Canadian producers. During the first nine months of 1888 the Americans imported live stock to the value of $5,831,801. Of eggs they im- ported 9,059,212 dozen, valued at $1,258,154; fish $3,260,482, lum- ber $10,988,326, hides and, skins 517,354,245, barley 3,278,099 bushels valued at $2,379,972, coal $2,765,739, flax • $13,670,311, vegetables $5,730,863, wool 59,- 916,705. In the face of these figures what is the use of assert ing that there is no market for Cana- dian products in the United States ? Could not all the articles before mentioned be supplied by Canada to advantage ifthe restric- tions upon trade between this countey and the United States were removed ? They are suppli- ed to a considerable extent now, notwithstanding tariff restric- tions ; but, as Sir Charles Tupper admits, the duties collected by the United States government upon imports from Canada come out of the pockets of Canadian producers. The American trade returns also show that the importation into the United States of articles which could be produed profitably in Canada if a large market was obtained, is on the increase. The imports of litre stock, eggs, fish, lumber, wood, pulp, vegetables, poultry and other natural produce increased largely this year. The value Of the barley imported in the first nine .months of 1888 was the ..---,-1.....,.. orresponding period of •the preceding year. Of coal the Americans imported 832,005 tons in 1888, compared with 599,040 tone last year. Then of articles which might be manufactured cheaply and profit- ably in Canada, 'if' a market was obtained for the output, wo find that the Americans imported in the past nine months of this year, wood pulp and other paper stock to the value of $4,027,813 ; buttons 52,895,313, cotton goods 521,508,- 711 ; earthenware 54,680,493 ; glassware 55,897,811; leather 55,226,864, leather manufactures 53,045,815; woolen and knit goods $40,454,162; besides lime, wooden manufactures, sewing machines, agricultural implements, silk goods, iron and steel manufactures and many other articles in the production of which Canadians are able to compete with the world in a free market. Dr. liVashin ton's NEXT VISIT Throat and Lung Surgeon, OF TORONTO Will beat the Rattonbury Rouse WEDNESDAY NOV. 21st, 1i the forenoon. Chronic Bronchitis Cured. An English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Cornwall, Ont. DR WAsUINorON, Dit.Aa Stn,—r am glad to be able to Inform 1 ou that my daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time silo has been cured of grave hrohbhta1 troublesqundsr you"tree,' mhnt, when the usual remedies failed. I write to express my gratitude. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, C. 13. PETTIT. DIMAREa TREATED.—Catarrh of the Head and Throat, Catarrh, Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Adtbma and Consumption. Also IOss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Como early. Consultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr Washington,s new method. 11 H Storey, of Storey & Son, manufacturers Acton, Ont, also Pree'd Manufacturing Ass., of Canada. permanently cured of Catarrh, by Dr Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Write him for particulars. Mre John McKolvy, ,Kingston, Ont, Catarrh and Consumption. • John MoRelvy, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh. Mrs A Hopping, Kingston, Ont, Broncho Con- sumption. Mr D Scott, Kingston, bot, Catarrh, head and throat, 'Mrs John Bertram, Harrowsmith, Or.t, Cs- Olrrh, head and throat, Miss Mary A Bomhourg, entrovllle, oat, Catarrh, heal and throat. James Mathows, P Master Acton Ont, A E Fish, Gents Furnishings, Belleville, Ont :owed of Catarrh, threat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P 0, Ont, (near Na. nanoe) of Catarrh head throat and lunge. Ifead.ollice 81 Yomgo Street Toronto: Cor, +ult.atioa FrPc. The fact that Canada's exports to the United States aro steadily increasing, notwithstanding cus- toms restrictions, while our ship- ments to Great Britain and o5htr countries are 013 the decline, is most substantial proof that Cana - clans find it profitable and con- venient to trade with tho Ameri- cans ; or, in other words, that Canada and the United States aro natural customers, each of the other. In the face of the customs returns showing the classes of merchandise now being imported by the Americans, tho man who repeats the assertion that there is no market for Canadian produce in tho United States simply writes himself down an ignoramus or one who has not the slightest re- gard for the lrtttli. FflO) TH0 .131 NCtt TO Ti1;1',"4 GU'TTE,R. The Chicago Inter -Omit, N ' ember 22nd, says : The shadows of tbo evening were lengthening, and lights: from tile' din"y street lamps and the dingier shop win- dows were beginning to plume the rough and broken sidwalks and dispel the gloom of the street, when an old man, clad in little else than rag, turd tottering with the infirmities ot'age, errtored one of the lowest of the many drinking houses on South I)esplaines street, at the corner of School. He entered by the side door, very quietly, with the evident intern ion of being left unnoticed. • Aii* sc.) it was. The bartender hardly glanr•e,l up frr,ln his seat behind he eouulcr, :end the old pian dropped into a chair near the bat- tered stove in the corner. Ile sat quite still t„r several ntiuutes,with his head inc•lincd forward, and his chin resting upon his brcas'. Then his hand, dropped listlessly to his sidles, the nlust'les of his limbs .relaxed, his body slipped downward Oil 0113 aisle, fell of a rude, limp heap to the fluo,•, and Wm. 1V. Drurnnlpnd, who once 'yore the judicial online of the United States and was recognized as ono of the eminent jurists of his time, was dead—dead in a barrel -house, the resort of a great city ; dead among people with whom he lived ter years—yet he had once been n Chief Justice for the United States. A DREADFUL DEED. RUSSIAN ROBBERS MURDER A (GIRL TO GET HUMAN FAT FOR A CANDLE, A London cable says : A min- der has occurred at Graivoron, South Russia, which is one of a series resembling in many'respects the Whitechapel butcheries, ex- cept that in 'connection therewith there is a vein of superstition not yet revealed in the motives actu- ating the London fiend. The corpse of a young peasant' girl was found in the woods, several parts of the body leaving been re- moved and apparently destroyed. A day or two after_the discovery two peasants were arrested for burglary. The dead girl's hand- kerchief was found in their room. The culprits confessed to having murdered the girl, and stated in extenuation of their cringe that they had slain her in order to procure fat with which to make a candle, believing thatthe burning of a candle made -from the fat of a human body would secure them immunity from detection. This is a common superstition. among the inhabitants of Southern Rus- sia, who believe that the posses- sion of a human hand or finger, or a candle made from human fat, is a perfect safeguard from detec- tion of crime. AN IMPROVIDENT PRESI- ' ENT. ODDS LON D H.SBORO The The rush for our RE--WV-MADE CLOTHING and OVERCOATS continues. We never had the opportu- nity of offering such good value as we have this season. Every Suit and Overcoat we send out is a splendid ad- vertisement for us. The demand for some lines has been so great that wo have had to duplicate orders, although the season has just opened. - THAT LINE OF BROWN and BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS at $9 50 and $11 is a great favorite, and the TWEED SUITS at $8 50 and $10, have taken the lead. We have this week received the second lot of both Overcoats and Suits, so that our stock is complete We claim that you will save from one to four dollars in buying a Suit or Ovellcoat from us. Come in and ex- amine goods, hear our prices, and then determine whe- ther our claim is well founded or not. The irresistable bargain we are showing this week is a line of FANCY CHECKED WINCEYS. beautiful col- orings, neat patterns, heavy weights, worth at least 14 cents per yard. We offer this lot at 12 yards for $1. If you want it come now. We cannot replace them at less than 12f cents. The Washington Star : "I don't think I ever knew a plan who was more improvident than Gen. Garfield," said a gentleman who was on very close terms with ( the late President to a Star Penn" - ter the other night, "His friends all knew the General's weakness in that respect," he continued, "and were always willing to as- sist him when he got into a 'tight place, which, I must say, was quite often. He was such a gen• ial, companionable man that ev- ery one who knew him liked him, and those who wore his intimates positively loved him. Garfield knew that he had no head- for business; that he could not keep money, and he often joked about it. Sometimes those ofhis friends vwh ulle te:hi- tea sol niffiritt qu'fi' s"ii° ue'n'fl ; f came irritated, -1511t they always ended by giving him what ho wanted. I'll tell you a little story which is as true as Gospel. In 1881 there was a large party going to make the trip across to San Francisco, and Garfield want- ed very much to go. He bad been invited, and had his railway pass- es there and back. But such a trip costs money, even if you don't pay railway fare, and Garfield was hard up. He was talking about the trip one day with a banker here'and myself, and ex- pressed regret that ho could not go. The banker asked hien why, and he confessed that he hadn't any money. The banker said he would loan. him 5500, and Gar - field's face lit up with pleasure as he asked when he could have the money. Tho banker,, who, knew his weakness, said he would not give it to him, for if he did he would not have any by the 'time the train should start, but he agreed to give it to me, with the nnderstanding that I should give the General $250 after he got on the' train, and take the other 5250 to Mrs Garfield, to keep her while ho was gone. Ile agreed to the terms, and I filithfully carried them ont. Do not forget our prizes. Every one purchasing five - dollars worth of Goods for cash, or trade, is entitle! to a ticket. Five tickets out of two hundred will draw prizes, one of which is a Sewing Machine valued at $60. Try your fortune. We guarantee you as much at least for your five dollars as you will get at any other store in the county, and you have,a chance of the Machine W. L. OUIMETTE, L.ONDESBORO CIAL White this is noi'v the great question in the political arena of Canada the people of Londesboro and surrounding country are asking "Where can I got the best value for my money ?'' Come to ADAMS'. Emportuuj IACINIIERSniC.tj. Which is well supplied with FALL AND WINTER GOODS 'Some extraordinary values in TWEEDS. erBEAUTIFUL AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. 'Great variety of FLANNELS, PRINTS & COTTONS. ' BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, and HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use. SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES TAILORING in connection. IHighest price for Rutter and Eggs. Mothers Castoria is recommended by physici- ans for children teething. It is n pure- ly vegetable preparation, its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is (Peasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, re- gulates the bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays feverish. ness, destroys worms, and prevents con. vulsions, soothes the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is the children's panacea—the mother's rend. Sri doses, Sfi cent,, 2:3 12 1 Tho BuIllockir rurnitan store, Allot st. Calbick Reith, -THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS CLIN70N u.. in our line of undertaking we fear no competition,. as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound to give satisfaction. A call re- spectfully solicited. CLI\ CLI Y'4)N \ I'()N CALBICI6 8r, REITFi CALBICK & REITHmagatumeStaliliMMIIMINIMINMM The undersigned has opened out in the tailoring business in the store lately occupied by Mr. E. Floody, end will keep a fine stock of En lis 1 Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, French of Pantings. Wl.iah he will guarantee to make up at the. lowest possible prices. Workmanship of the best quality, and a fit guaranteed or no sale. • A call solicited, T. SI3EPRERD, Albert St,, Clinton. NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. A Positive Cure. 71llt".l�ll; 31'1 A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN ' OF ALL AGES ,b DISEASES OB' MAN. M. 'P'. S.MTBON'S E C1PIC ATO. E THE E R Esil T td Eel b 7741 f EJ6".E WER, Marvel of Healing, and Kohinoor of Medicines, �' ZiYrE!t'i the terrible consequences of indiscretion. Expo.nre nerd Overwork. 2-0'L7I•TC4-1 .41.N=0 OT -ZZ) MET Who are broken clown from the effects of abuse will find in No, 8 a radical cure for nervot debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. 8vMrrirbxs son,,WHIOR go. 8 FinOucn D6. UMF.D.—Want of energy, vertigo, want of parpos 'g dininehe of ah't;'av eidn to society, want of confidence, avoidance of oonvexeatia • desire foterlltnde,listlesaness and inability to fix the attention en3particular aubjec cowardice,' depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, ape reatorrh0ea, or loss of the seminal fluid—the result of Reif-abnso or marital excess—imp: tenoq, Innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitu, ion. of the heart, hysteric) feelings i females' trembling, melancholy, disturbingdreams r to., aro all sympt0maof this terrib; habit, Oftentimes innocently admired, Ishort. 1 ho spring of vital force haVing lost 1, tension, every function wanes in couse0uenee. 5oioutifie writers and the snpertntendens, el insane asylums unite in nscrit.ju Y to the efi,•.cts of f-.t,use the groats majority wasted liveir+whieh come ander cher. notice. if yon are htcotnpetentfor the ardnoe. • dutitrao! business, inoepeaitated for the enjoyment. of life, No, 8ofergan eicapefrot: the efeote of early vice. If yon are advanced in years, Nd. 8 will give yon full vigor an; strength. If you aro broken down, physically and morntly, from early indiscretion, the reitul of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 coots hi stamps for M. V. LvDoN'r Treatise in Book Form on Diseased dI.Man. Sealed nod secure from obaervati&,. Address all communications to Ill, V. LIMON. 47 Wellington St. E., 'wronto A Man without wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. Pertrpaple nt ti''t tvr.