HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-12-07, Page 2A-
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FRIDAY, VE -0. 7, 1808, .". . r, � - I. - . . __ 1, ----.- , , . .. I I .1
; 71,1_1 � " m. 1P ... __*l-, - - - I—- . --
, �u 'h, " ;li '04y" his sort, I . 1. . � I
thought thitt my, 100% Amo otopa,to t. v-p-PPIA0
� , , )O'CIPP �.t�4 k , 4 !
- - ___._ ,. . , _o, W 'r
.----- . no more than 0A of a Wi0#ks%,*nd ..O*�l* . 14! 1 ow. VoWe, '�.bllt.yoqj Bp'q I (( the. Will tiq I I 11 7 , 4_1 ! � 1.
, l;*��K- 41o'gitiql4py, It , eull), where I
. - 0 JJ0,t � 0040t 1.0 A d -P - , . . . 40or- " 1: 1C, - V 114" � - I I I I
, - 4� ,'' - 4 gqrqug, grist ,, T 140W Y( I I I ,
.0 t', " �., j'L Aj� L # bit' WPj$ - e*4 . ,p qj , W - I I ,, 11 : I ''.. 11
1 7 _ 'y 414,40 *pe for a inere i�attpr .9 ,y f I , I . � .. � �, -1, ,
,� 11 I I .'e'. I ,
I .
I . I I r fused ,tq ,. , arry. blut A , , q f ojp,ti, � vlep�s b � , ) vA, ft- . � " �
"Ito hjTSt8rV 01 a. &PSOM C04 ' vor 4m,',_4;,#rriod, ao 4r awe A44 rq804 badge. 6he, bqwqv�rj men , . r# At the , ,
Tpoo _1 to , hp ,Vj�je'li 0� I -,
aeon, began �to dollb,t tha _
. ,t T'�bB,4 opa
, � 6 � .
0 ,w i , boa 111-40,04 *44 torn, .W .1 a
. ., to X ,, Ond 0,ftLife,
vj4j_,.A -ry did L e�tr r . , t", . ".%, , �. *-V il I - , I ) , 'L L
. *
- . ,. tory life of the. ,V - . , 'm '04 told' Me $'Of WAT64 00,1 said Vit?,gpra - , OL I __ I it, , I I I , I ; .. I'll � . TIOWAA�:
p vionswwo. I 1. - -4 - id, ,q " _ 1� �, 11 � : #-
46 #L ., TA"T", Qf'IN
I ' _b;, _ * Ajoleland mlla,4 I , - , , 1� I L I , . Tt
Bi: 14;RGUS W. Humo. to , . I vQlatinnedtoy fa -0 9b4,",0 qrl$990, to V6g*litjd il 4ny � 0
'L, , , ,go shir 21,14, jostappear4acis 0 ,)I;,
1i ,.. months, y?'be 1. �". 6 . ,be AL kr. �, 'Ouppq ,� 1*1 I �_ . I
feJor about six L ii tod; 'fto r: it, is Iib, mYse I reotfid rig off," qe,0 OA,j(t qgt�ll, 0, 'It", 6 , ' 11""'Plig'f$�%j�,;tj PrQn
,.,� ,* , t;lveW 41`1,199 A V, , , little #j.0 , L .;Pt)j 44n,404 op
, . . *
. .races; * tris sq,ifr
, "o L � , J,4it.
Whyte that X W M,41%Wbil L ' '
COMINUM -p . ...Or ANP
fit, ly I waii arrested upon th `�,k I .Vela ' OrAellyt It tav#,be co�eqpg�d. -
, g br;
sold 1. I . ould noi al. ",]But he, will ,Confess evei-ytt . " 0 6, I -
l - I , -
"141 lk,mvitt land whenever I could of tle4truptjon by -an angel-, I - in.g," , .--- 'j _'� , , "I , .. �' •- , .
- '!$,W _' 1 ,
hen . 1"11, "T 0 , VIXAMIO M$TVrtin,
.-S.�?'A:,v the inoney together, and, at this advisedly, for if ever, there was give him whatever sutra lie would A , Cco () .4ing Reouts, wqwu
, say low hit* to inarrl Xadge,h'ut would said (. 6:�r1loilit re4i-kinod soat, s 01 , I .
Alton, angrily, ,4&rld' t ed in his chair, hurnulibi; all opera. Ina, T013A Mow Arld, go*
I know about t M I all, (to . pip• A. Aoill; XQW �,vvlumep
t'_�e tialu of the gold rush, was con- an angel upon earth, it was she who like to name. Oil the i - every one
his first tic air and chinking the hardens I In b 1. -%r a L Id all toe Leading $ewp
I a It 'a -, lit he was I marriage. � FINER THAN ,9VAR, papery an erloolicalit otthoL ,
1, -ed, w wife. "Let t;, )) together by w4y of 4"oulpaniment. , der ID14 tb o
, . ,
itlek well to do. Wheti,however, afterwards become my She murdered 'be came to see tile, and I em retorted Biian xabl% .11 erallip, ticket si'�o,i alamuln
I ) .,
the ety that gold was the daughter of a doctor, and showed t certificate of near- 'toliv 14AS, soon 4B she is well I L
. I had been discover- d Die he ce , bit- He felt intensely pleased with him. , L pe f 0 2 to 9 p M., and. friiiii 7 to'9 p,
-) I - .' M. p licationsfor lueWtf0r1;WjP;;,e0QlVe4
& B ay a ibrarianiathareoul.
-y at once, and this capture he would be ranked fa . _ I —_ _. ____ — - .
ed was -raised and the eyes of all it was her influence which drew we riage between myself and Rosanna arlough ave will marry self, the more so as he raw that by "'
the nations were turned to Austra- lowk from the dreary path of pro- Moore. He reftised to'take a Blim 1 leave .r — -
lia, with her glittering treasures, fligacy and dissil.ation, which I waB of mot ey, and said unless I consent, ; Coll Australia forever." above, Gorby. "And what would
men poured in from all parts of the thou leading, I paid her great at- ed to his marriage with I But-- Gorby say! Gorby who had laugh- I 1JENWILLEZ NUItSERY
Madge be ' "I'know T a
,vorld, and the 'Golden Age' com• tention, find we were, in fact, look- would publish, the whole aff,til-, ber b"ttc?" than YOU do," ed at all his ideas as foolish, and IN
1 1$ttid the young unin,doggedly ; "and FRUITAND ORNAMENTAL TUEEI
0 0 she would like an end made the first if only__I� AND ASTRACHAN PINE,
.Jvllcvtl, I began to get rich rapidly, ed upon as good as engaged, but I implored him to give DIG time to , I know r who had been quite I
and was soon pointed out as the knew that I was still linked to that think, so he Said lie would„ Die: of this whole miserable business at . ' . Till% LATTER OF Willell WE MAKE A SPSCIA4TY.
-wealthiest man in tho colonies, 1 accursed wo-tian, arid coul,l not ask two days, but no more, and left the once. �"Husbl" said Calton, holding tip EAC-H.PLUG ANDIPACKAGE
- and le, , as steps were .heard encho- —
,Atiu�, , aving the her to be njy wife, At this second house, taking the marriage ce titi- hill, Suffer for his orinio." I
,ought a st I? n, .r Ariest the munk.'rer and let his finger, LARGE STOCK ON TIAN-D
ingoatheflagsont,jido, ,-He D.
I iotous fever6h Melbourne life,wcut crisis of my life Fate again inter- tate with hill). I was in, despair, "Well, I suppose it must 1) S)" 1 re be. 4AEWCQMBE
-�o live on. it. I enjoyed myself vexed, for I received a letter from and saw that the only -way to 88 e 1. is, I believe." . - -,,
' . save said Cilinston, with a sioll, 11 The above ornamental trees unij shrubbery wl
:here, for thO Wild. Open air life had England, which informed me that myself w � but it Kilsip a"OE,e front his chair, and be Id at Very low prices, and tbu.,e walit 11
A11,09 in this Coll otion will save uju;jo
. its to obtain possession of seems very hard that this slur stealing softly tothe window 0 PIANOFORTES ! - 5"
,,great chavals for we, and there was Rosanna Moore had been run over the marriage certificate ond deny should be cusi upon j Oked purchasing here.
*.cdoln to which I had Miss Frettlby.11 cautiously out, Then he turned
.4 sen -,e of fi-, in the streets of London, and had evervthing With this idea lit lily Brian turned a little pale. Elegant in 'Design, Orders by .1fail ivill be promptly attend
'hitherto been a stanger. ,But man diej in an hospital. The writer mind I followed him it[) town and i round to those inside arid, nodding Solid Ili Construction, ed to. Address,
"The sins of the father is visited his head, slipped the handcuffs ititco' .
-is a gilegarious animal, and f, grow- i was'a young doctor, who had at- saw him meet Moreland, and drink I upon the children Excel.lent In Tons.
7m, weary of solitudo and commun- tended ber,oaud I wrote.bome to with him. They went into the ho- dren of the world," he hispocket. Just as be did so,there I JOHN STEWART. BenMiller.
- , M . said, bitterly. "But after the first was a knock at the door, and, i Pronounced by Artists to be the Finest made .____ -_ ---.-
3 0 . 11 in Canada. and equal to the best United States
own on it visit to Mel bourne, w here certificate of be� death, so that I Whyte came out, a Be to Calton's
�llas with .Mother Nature, came him, begging him to send out a tel in Russell street, and when pain is over, in new landS among response . invitation to instritments, at (when duty and freight is paid)
, at half past 12, he new faces, she will forget the bitter . NOMPOP Mul losurame Co.
with a companion as gay its Myself, ajiblit be sure she was no more. He was intoxicated. r saw him go out past.,, enter,, Thinton J, Tarbet's clerk I
I -spent my money freely, and, as din so, and also enclosed an account along to the Scotch church, near came in with Roger Moreland. Per et. less Expense - -
"Now that it is sett!ed Moreland latter faltered a little on I Before Purchasing communicate '
-Confessing that I loved the pure life in a newspaper. Then, indeed, I arid cling to the lamp post at the w hold, when be saw Calton was with the Manufacturers T; NEILANSj HARLOCK
.fbe ,phrase goes, saw lifo. After of the accident, which had appeared the Burke -and Willis monument, is to be arrested," said Calton, 11b0 25
. " is it to be done? It, he still in Mol- not alone, and seemed inclined to OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE & GENERAL AGENT. .
,of the country, it ,sounds strange to fa!t that I was flee, arid closing, as corner. I thought I would then be bourne?„ .
n Co' Isolated town and village property, as woll
say that I enjoyed the wild life of I thought forever, the darkest page able to get the certificate from him, retreat. But, evidently, thin!cing 107-109 Church Street, Toronto. as farm buildiugsand�tock, insured. Insur-
I "Rather," said Kilsip, in a satis- there was no danger of his secret ------- antes afteeted against stock that May be
ATCOST killed by lightning, it you want insurance,
- drop a card to the above address. A
I married gentlemon in a light coat -I did him for the last two -months, and together, and advanced into the The Clinton Branob Bible Society nave for - - ----- ---- --
a Joseph nor a St. Anthony, and I forward to the future. BIBLES & TESTAMENTS
the town, but I did. I was neither of my life's history, I began to look as he was drunk, when I saw a fled tone. "I've had my eye on being discovered, he idled himself
was delighted with Bohemia, with again and my domestic life -its a not know it was Fitzgerald -come some one is watching him for me room in an easy and confident wan- 8TORE, Albert 8treeta tiiie assortins, lit of PAINTING. PAINTING.
its good fellowship and charming singularly bappyone. As tho col- tip to him and bail a cab for him. now. Trust me, be can't move two ner. . Bible$ and Testaments. — . .
slippers, which took place in the ony grew greater, with every year I I saw there was-notbing more to be steps without my knowing it." TEsTAMENTS PRO'.[ sets. TJPWARDS , ,-The undersigned desires to intimate to the
TO BE CONTINUED. . Binl,Ps FROM 25(5tis UPwARD.-j. People Of Clinton and vicinity that he has
-s-mall hours of the morning, when became even more wealthy tLaij I done at that time, so, in despair, "Ah, indeed!" saii Calton, quick- . - CO,jfE AND SEE. DR WORTHINGTON, De. returned to town, and intends to remain
-wit and humor reigned supreme. It had been, and was looked uv to and went home and waited for the next l.v. "Then, do you know if he has Po6itory. here pe,mauently, and is better prepared
was lit ode of those suppers that I respected by my fellow citizens. day, in fear lest he should carry out been to the bank and cashed that ----------- 0-0-0— -..--- - than ever to do anything whatever in the
' J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST painting or paper banging line. All orders
-f re. ruct Rosanna Moore, the wo- When my deal- daughter Margaret his dt,teraiination. Nothing, how- check for five thousand which Fret- entrusted to him will receive prouipt and
ukan %Oio was destined to ourse my was born, 1 felt that my cup of hall- ever, turned tip, and I was begin- t1by gave him!" . *009001TATOdAther Qrardo Holds tile exclusth e rig -1 caretui attention.
. - - - __ � * it for the county for GEORGE POTTS, Kirk St" Clinton.
,laxist-crice. She was a burlesque piress was full,' but suddenly Ire DiDg , -A the Hurd process of administering cheint-
Cally pure Nitrogen moaoxide, which id the
to think that Whyte bad "Well,now," observed Kilsip,after MANNING & _16COTT, safest and beat system discovered for --- - --- —___ � -- - --- -
:aotresq, and ,ill the young fellows in ceived a disagreeable reminder' of abandoned his purpose,when I heard a pause, "do you know you rather Y.11f, Char
sea , 0 extraction teeth. Cha sea
,Lose days wei-o toadly in love with tile pist. Rosanna's mother made that he bad been murdered in the Startled me when you told me be painless
fistaction guarau teed. onice
I)er. 0 h Barristers, Solicitors, trT",L.OL?i�aol-Tt"�T'I'S.11-BLOCK. over Rance's Tallut
She was not exactly w66 was her appearance ono disre- hansom cab. I was in great filar had received a check fur that .shop, Huron Street 111inton.
-:ailed beautiful, but there was a potable looking creature,.smelling lest the marriage certificate would amounts" I __ - _
C. 0 .
I o- be found on him; but as nothing -_ Coulln8sinners for outarionud mawtoba EXHAUSTED - VITALITY.1j
nfilliancy and fascination about her of gin, and in whom I could not rI r
"Why?" J4 Cj����'Si N�ON� -
- "It's such a large one," replied _______.____. __ --- the great Medical . .
which few could resist. On first cognizo the respectably dressed we- was said about it I-bogan to wonder. OFFIC'H NEXT DOD Ii To NEw ERA, CLINTON' HIE SCIENCE of ],its
-�,ceinc, her .1 did not admire her niLin who used to accompany' Ros. I knew he bad it on him, so came tae detective, "and bad I known - Work of the age on Man.
: , 0 , T- I. F. HILLIARD. - T -THE LEADING-
Aueb, but laughed at companions anna to the theatre. She had spent to the conclusion that the murderer, what sum he had paid into his ac- hood Nervous and II)Avsi- .
cal obility, Premature
as they raved about her. On be- lon,, ap all the money I had given whoever be was, had taken it from count I should have been suspicions." BARRISTER, SOLT-CITOR, &c. Decline, Errors of Youth
coming personally acquained with 0 0 tnt I hPRIVATE a untold miseries I I
hot-, and sank lower and lower, i i the body, and would sooner or later "Then he has been to the bankl" Fu's- to roan at lowest rates:of and the UNDERTAKER
interest. consequent thereon, 300
: her,howeverj found that her powers she now lived in a Blum off Little come to me to extort money, know. "To his own bank,yes, He went oince, coo pages for 125 prescri )- I
,sear I 'D
' 'r Now Block, Ground floor. tions for all d , -AND-
of fascination bad not been ovel, Bourke street. I wade inquiries ing that I dare not denounce him. there yesterday afternoon at 2 VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON, ONT. Cloth, full gilt, only $1, laMmP0.11 , scaled. 11-
. 05.
-rated, and ended by failing desper- after the child, and she told me it Fitzgerald was arrested, and after. o'clock -that is, ,the day aftar be lustrated sample free to all young and inid-
. d M1111 TO LOAN. MORTGAGES d d -on- Send now, . Gold and . EMBALMER.
- Olin . Bought. Private Funds. RIDOUT, t, Modal awarded to theauthor by
ately. i.i,i love with ber. I made was dead Rosanna bad, not taken wards acq6tted,so I began to think got it -,so it would be sent .r . j,',6,a�l",,d Th
enquiries about her private life, and it to England with her, but had left the certificate had been lost, and to Mr Frettlby's ba'ak, and would Office over J Jackson's Store, Clinton, he National ]Medical Association. Address
Box 1195 Boston, Alass., or Dr. W, H. ,
:,,round that it was irreproachable, as it in her mother's charge, and, DO mY troubles were at an end. How- not be returned till next day, and MARRIAGE LICENSES.- APPLY TO P�0� r_R, T�.,..l. of Harvard Medical Col. A FULL'LINE OF 1.
Z'he ever I was always haunted by tile u Yes . practice
- , was guarded by a veritable doubt, neglect and want of ,proper lideral 1.4. stilted confidentially.
in Boston, who may
a as be died in the meantime I fx- JAMES SCOTT,gned at, the Library Rooms, be.;. ially specialty, Die. .
-dragon of a mother, who would let nourishment was the cause of its dread that the sword was hanging pect it hasn't been honored, so Mr Clinton. -_ ease of Man. Office, No. 4 1;ulfinch St. -,I .
,fro one approach her daughtee. I death. -There flow seemed to be no over my head, and would fall sooner Moreland won't have his money RS WHITT,-TEACHER OF MUSIC, - GOODS KEN in STOCK
I M Residenceat Mrs R. H. Reid's, come
,need not tell about my courtship, as link to bind me to the past with the or later. T was right,for two nights yet.$, I of Huron and Orange streets, The 3folsons Bank. ____ . 1.
— Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. ,
those phases of a man's life are exception of the old hag, who knsNv ago Roger Moreland, who was an "I wonder what he'll do," said ARRIAGE LICENTSES ISSUED BY THE I -
�renorally the Same, but it will be nothing about the marriage. I did intimate friend of Whyte's, called Clainston. M und The bestEmbaltning Fluid ti -t- ! .
I L, I
MRS TiVied, at'r idenco or drug store, CAPITAL, - - $2 ; . .0
.sufficient to 1),Kovo the depth of my not attempt to undeceive her, but on me and produced the marriage "Go to the mdnapr and kick tip A. WORTHINGTON, '000,000. I
� 0 REST FUND, - ,�--I,000,o(,L) I �
passion for her when I at length agreed to allow her enough to live certificate, ,which he offered to sell a row," said Kilsip, cooly, "and the END N -
determined' to make bar my wife. on if She promised never to trouble to me for five thousand pounds. In manager will no doubt tell him he'd MONEY good mortgage security, HEAD OFFICE, TiTONTREAL. 1 SpIndid lleayst% J
0 -him of murdering better see the executors," crate rate of interest. H HALE,Clinton THOMAS WORKMAN_,
It was 011 condition, however, that file agait), and to keep quiet about horror, I accused mod I
R .. Pr"i,lent. I
APPLETON-OFFICE- AT RESI- J. H. R. 1,101,80N ............ N'joc,pru., I . I
the marriage should be kept iecret everything which bad reference to I Whyte, which be denied at first,but "But my good friend,the manager DDENCE on Ontario street, enutoll, op. F. WOLFBItSTAN THO-NIAS, General Maliag' ALBERT ST., CIANTO-N, �
antil Buell a time as I should choose my connection with her daughter i afterwards acknowledged, stating doesn't know who the executors posits, Lugliah Church. Entrance by side !!;wager
-.10 reveal it. My reason for such a She promised readily enough, an that I dare not betray*bim for my are," broke in Calton, impatiently, gale. Qee8 discounted,Co-Ilections mnde,Draf�ti! Residence over store.
� � P i
.'OtIrse was this :—my father .Ns went back to her sqnFilid. dwelling . I was nearly mad "You forget the will �
-eslv'eriall, %vould g: , n1v own sake. — dSurvey 4ssued, Sterling and Ameril�17111�11,e,Te_
- . as- yet to be ff B. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL ENGINEER c 4 xilge bought and sold a OPPOSITE TOWN RALI, .
itill alive, an(l he, being R li""Id I in the slnni,,,, wl;(wv, fo-, all I kr,oNv , With the horror I was placed in, road " or, Arcliltept awl Dratightsman -
I -%er b.,1%,ft � shf� still lives. its money has beei , � 8 � , , b 6 ,I'll Provincial and DOlninionLan I PERRIN " current rates. e ?X I �
PA . ti( 11 I , eithel, to dellounce, illy daughter a, I "Tht'll he'll t"11 Li 1) to "() I t . IMorit, Nintni), Interest at 3 per cent allowed on �iq)_jt_ I
. I .. _ -
-orgivell lue for hating 111,11-lie(i : e I let �r e , - � ; _ � ��Iw_ ___Z=_____1___M11�1
0 t � paid to hf-r regularly every mouth I illegitimate or let ,, ,,)Il,( ,( -
. . 0 a- lijte _11r Frettlby's solicitors. I .
" ,"I)- j 'T. W,�";i;-:a, vi'l rgla,� kj�v suw,xo�, , V A I .- m_j I " I I , . f
,vonian of the Stage ; so, its he w, I
0 is ; by Illy solicitols. I heard nothing ) cape the penalty of' ld.,s crime. At i pojo be knows' who - they art," re- OraHulloof Lhu Ontario I'L."cri'llary uoi- I A:,nv', ,�,j,eod t,, mrmvr�.'ut� tlf,;r,,� I;.
0 -d to keep silent. l -n,j, . ,
'j"d and feeble, I did not %vish hilli 111011(i about the matter, and now w fe Ct last I agreed ent and lego. TA,.!_n Ilie �'.!l
lt-3 learn that J had done so, fearint, I I ' 00. I 11, I tol,t,ed Ki'sip. - J:11�11i,Mgt,, pl.)ijillei, at ! w1u. �, - , in -ore v;).j,.j,., r-. -,--X,i ii,j, �, -,•
l I -1 ... I
wit'lo'l to. 011ie,, — ,,))),JL�, -oilq),. 0"E. I wi;rokl ,u:urtt.% ,
qnito,qatistie�l tb;�lt I had heard the I 1141)(10d hitt it Check- fUL' ,C5 ( rk�- .l'ljiiton&Tai1wt," si,i(l(.,,,lt6u, . I __ ., .---..--,, ____ . I 1. I ', J: h l" %� jell L, .N].,,, �-,
P ) - , - , 1�11�
"'.hat the shock, would be coo 41112 last of Ro's.1.1inkt. As years rolled oil' in return the -,)(,Iy, ,,Ijllt it,, questiol,;kblo if' LEV", �' Orl-,!(,l-_ R'%1,L`j'l.,N,lj[,, _y I Janu,ry ib, 7. 1 - L'i . ,,, � �, U - 'I' ,,, 0,
Tar hint in his then present state of . I . . C5 marriage cer. � ull,-i " Mill-ra ljl.,-h-1 t%",) 111,01-r uastliof t,011110,iin) 011� ,,, �
last prospered %% ith me, and so '. tificate. I then made �jorejand I Mul-eknd wouid go to then)." t,T,!Ill"",�""Fi*elltl"tllc(,. R(,-hl(.n(.f,(1jWl)08j"-4 I .
Army Harraelcs, jljlj'()jj "'t. ('1intoiji. ojjj,� I - ce Time Ta - —
17bealth. J told i�*osanna I would fortunate wiv,; I iti itil speculations swear to leave the colouv, which be " . 101111tan post afflj% M
. ,"' Why shouldn't lie sir �" ,-aid hours, 8 it In go 6 p ill. After lwhl,' t),,,rtm-,,ii1%- ,,%,erlialile,l -ai,; n., - 11 t tc
.Qarty her, imt I wanted hLr' to that, my luck bl-eame- proverbial. readily agreed to du, saving Mel- K, l8i 1),9 ,licit ly. ,,I[e (10' . .- I I .11 -Li'l, are, due for -Toliv�r� ai,a cios, f"?, th:.!,L�,-!, wall xy.w m.k(lljNl.,P.y of it
" os tiot know - - - - - . . i at tile 0 Won IN"t 01100 ft.i follow,: - . %;1,.1" thelt:111111i Are now. . .;e ril—t avl,rm ,,:11
- bourne was dangerous. When I r1111,1011AS BRONV'N' LICENSED in cplmdid rannin
, who was a poifitet Then, al'as! when all things Seemed 5 16 anything Atitit this," laying his gA 1-:1,"It to . - ,.ni,r,ami will ma iw,tirpas,"lfii Omqu.,jilty.)"i
"cave her mother, � i " I AUCTION- , - i
'fury, arid not till Rgreeable person to birii!e upon me my wife died, and left I reflected upon the au fumes hant, 0. 0 , ,,,,,,, condr the counties of Huron & Ilertli - "s �' W.F. 'the work done, 1)�, an) will in the country.
_ n the,coll ted it, all parts urn comity, - ; "'
fession, "and as the at j-,a.5ojjjt10 1, lmow',Z,
lo live with. As I was rich, young the world has never seemed the Of lily position, I 'Ne rates. Addre" , I llailliltull, T,,ronto, Sirat,:
0 � " '11, Seaforth, Graj,i I
. sition, and had almost do 1 check is st!mllino enough he'won't I �_ � Trujik e;v,t and int'na..
M llox'.311, S Moroi. orders l,.,'jt (ct ,;F,�v 1,ftA I ful
'0�"" L."'p.11
C, �0 flice prolliptly attellott'(1 to, 111�04 ......... .. 6.�, S ?
rented, and, -it (lie," 0 , ' ollate ' . 111P6,tl AlWfln gim lo GRYINIG
and not had looking, Ros;inna con- same to tile since. 1, however, had termined to cornwit .quici,le, but, I ,.(.,t ;C5,()00 fro without sti 1� 1 1
during engagement my deal, daugbter � � �,
I to cot,sole me,and thank God Saved myself froll) that MIE�_'_�_ _— ',,� '�j rovitoo Stratford, se-_
; " I'l I what," observed � OWSON, l,l(,j.,"4 ,j, A f � -
, I wrote out this coil -;l(iNi,,ER for the c,0tjjjty,�rrIt)N)n, Salo,�Fj � GO(lerich, 8 a.in
she had in 'Sydney, I we'nt over in her love arid affection I became crime. ,-tell you I j T _ . I Tu forth, T. ail(i S, es,t_, 1 lj,.j;).j)j. I
llohiie�viwu awij
fession Calton, after a few moments of re- attended anywho,re ill the county, at rea-' Grand Trunk we -it ..... i C110PPING DUNE ON' S110111T NOTILE,
-there and married bet. She never r(c.,nciled to the loss of illy wife. in order that after m -Y death the flcctior, "I'll Send ,word to Thinton '011111)"' r' es, Residence Albert Street , 1p.11i. 6 a. In
Clinton. Goderich 1.111.1 8.45)),ni.� 2 4t) p. n'. Satkfacti, n gLiarantee,j. Plikh'S V�Llllthll' Ajly -
Toront,,, ... .. 4.15 p.m. 10 to aj,i th1n,_,,% hatvver in thk lille will fin't :t "o t)"u"If
., * B. 4mall a in. ijan. a.m. p.nk hiterQ,t t,, girt »; a"ali,
. 61;;,,�.�'�J� ,i;-jaj;CA�f,-E -- Lund,,I), )L 1. &
,told ]ter rdother she had niarrierd A 'young Irish gentleman, called true story Of the murder.of Whyte JL- Tarbe*t,aud when lie calls oil theill 1)F , y, . liamilm, '' * ....... .
tile; Why, I (10 not know, as I never Brian Fitzgerald, cattle out to Ars_ way be known, and that any one � they call s(nd him ill) to file." OF THE and intermediate t
`7 11 any restriction on her doing So. traria, and. I soon saw that n who may hereafter be accuse Meoheal Departinelit. U'r Victoria uni- edia 0 offluv4:74'i 4.1,') lo.lu-,.Lo
I d of the voisity, Toroja to,,foriow,o v,of the H..spi ta I% I Bl%*th 1�ui.12N,kaili. Kinear-1
I Themother merle a great noise over daughter was in lov y "A. vely good idea," said Kilsip . nine, L E. IlUBE11, pmpd,-tor.
him, and d Di'spent)"ril's, 'Npw Y4 rk. Corotior for ow, L , 11,&, 13. � I
F e with 11 minder may not be wrongfIdly P1111- r ibbino Ili,, h inds, "and i lien feall t"I"'O Countv of lluroij, Bayfleld, ont. . north awt intergie,iiatc,A M. T� Ill. a -in, 1) ni •I .
Jtp�% but I gave Rosanna. a that he reciprocated that affection, ished. I have no hopes of'More.' I s " . . - - __ ofilcus ....... ... ... ... U. 2 J 0. I5 8. ,.,.'i ,,Po
'the -riiat
__ I
. arre t lilin," %V. wlf,lAA.',f,s, K�, , &. .D., GRAD[I• li- . Swunierbili, 'rue��i:,%- iii,i --led are those. wh� r,ad
Aai,ge sem Qt' money for her, and whereat I was glad, as I have a). land ever receiving the penalty of ft ,trF. of Torou to un lve n4i ty . 1110 Fri,lm. •5.�� 1"11" 3. " 0 1). I k i
0 . "But the w-Arrunt?" interposed I 111110rof . . .. ........... 1. I A!g H LY l'i, and tht'll Ret; thQv W I I ri tj(j
the eallego Of Physietcum and ,SI Prnishmai1,,,1lmj&j% %k,ud_ I
phis the oldihart�jari ac�-epted and. ways esteemed him highly. I look. his stir e, as when this is opened Oat. OFFICF, & RP irgeons,, i hie e,1,1,1,t),1,oj,i1 ent that will'not talcs
, ,,Tr,p,,, . - � 0, 30 a, ill. � . ; T
left for New, Brian, its Calton arosc and putt '. vcE tile 11 f ile4dav,, Thur�dat ...... them from onies. and familie,;. ito
. , . I nierlyoccupie(I by Dr Reeve, Aibeorlt"A(� or,; 31,pj)c.s- orders i9iLle?i and Deposits recove.i from ' are large and sure for every industri-
Zealal"i. hosanna ed to their marriage, wb'pll all trace of bini will, no doubt,, be his' ll�t. . . street � profits ,
. Clinton. I one [],Mar upwards. .Ouapersou, many have made and are now
went With tile to my statl�n, where suddenly a Series ofeVents occurred, lost- I will not dest�oy the mar- i : iiiakiligseN*ejralbunclre(idollirsanioiitli.. it
- . - _ to 7 P.m
ofe. liv�.d as man and wife; 6 ugh, u hicli'must Lo fresh I o th; memory- at . ' " •. � . . � _ 1 is easy for anyperson to &.5i per (I it
, y bere", said tile detective, pro- ---------- - ____ -_ -_ - Office hours from 8 ami
I, ^ 9M.9"414, PlAQ&-ita-AVith . nR Nvolk�'Hi"; I SaVin"s Bank aTA Stoney Under oru,L,* v!,- � ands *ho is willing to work. Hither
%� . au.01,ogj ' 1* GrON, - PHYSICIAN , a .
sed ,�,), of those wbo read these pages. Mr 16es0papers, so that ill ^ I 1� I a I �'!��'�,�Ilr,%A, iiiit, was 'fluppa, I qe truth of "By Jove, yun. njust have beelLOollcgo ikl---- T110-NIAS FAlR,PA)stjojo,9TL,. I s,D%,young or old; capital not needed,westart�1_1.1.1_1 I _ ..,f�4v, I JL.1Surgeo Accoupber, Licentj�to oft&R ftl 6.30 p.m.illhilygfil r
. U� Aug, Sur eons r' I . - �-*--.-��-UXW6�ok(Ag�"11%3y"t,�kp.,.§Dpgi4..
be my njisij'08, At last, feelitig ,,'.livPV NN'l,vte, a gentleman from my �tory can be seen. L0;vbr CauR i, an rovincla-19oM D
-Tit conclu pretty certain of his guilt," rejoarl- and coro M2 1:_-( Jffiinan�.Aw..�_.Ih�i% �. ...:r -
f _01 __ ,__�-I-;.;- ;,��+00iirre&-,I*_ +rreaAe"*W40-1+,&sVt4
n y of ul ".. Of- ILAM-41--__
Coroner for the count4. �
,one. Write to us at once for full particulars
, .
degraded in5'ruy owil eyva as to the JE�0m,n, called on we and startled cion, I would ask forgiveness of my ed Chin'ston, dryly, flee and residou lie building foruieri.v! ROBE11T DOWN I 11ortland, Maine.
way I was living to the world I me with Q1,o news that my first wife, daughter Margaret lot- ruy sie,s, 9,0 occupiedbyMr(T)P�;allcs, uroustreet. - S, ; whit}) we mail tree.. Address StUtaon & CoCc
, t f course I wits," retorted ],-:il- Clilltull, JR11-10. 1871. i
-vanted to reveal our secret,6at this Rosanna Mof.,-*() was still living,,,d which have been visited on her, but sip, in a satisfied tone of voice. - - * _ — � CLINTON, i - - .
r,osanna would not consent to. I that the slory other death had been she can see for herself that circum, "When I told the niagis'rate where D R -, - E.L L f Of _&- _G _CT,N_iV , Manufacturer and Proprietor for the be�,�, ,,,.,,7 'd,111111
n ' M . — . NIVI 009 it, use. Agent -to 'e �� . .0
Elliot, m. D, I W. Gunn, N.D., L. R. applicatlon 0, ti,r J'ATENTAUT()MATIC I I
was astonished at this and could an inge iotm (abrication in order to stances were too strong for me. May I found the coat, and reminded him H. it. L r. tile . I I
mover discover the reason, bat in deceive me. She had met with an She forgive me, as I hope God in of Morela L.R.C.P., Edinburgh: C -P,, Edinburgh, L,R, J301" Ic , I , M
nd's acknowledgment at lut ChRANXR. STEA.31 FITTINGS furnished I W
his po Ljt.C.S.. Edinburhli C. S., Edinburgh, Lt. And applied on short rotten,
I I � I ��
ond his infinite mercy will, and way she the trial, that lie had it in 8- Licantiate of the Mid- centi t the Mid- ;
imany ways Rosanna was an lgraft accident, as stated in the newspaper, , n "" 0) �
, weary of ifery, Eilitibur5h.• wtrisry,l],�if OP on I ek, 7 tv
to me. She then grew and had been taken to an hospitt,t], come sometimes and pray over my session before the murder, I soon office at Brucefle d. .3. ..r of 0�40,,r% �.d nalleirs. EnOrlues. 419d all kinds of � � .
, Machinery repaired expeditle.nAly I L6
,tbe quiet country life, and longed to where she recovered. The younn. grave, nor think too hardly upon got him to see the necessity of hav- . William Sts., Clinton
cvturn to the c - dead father." . -_ . and In a satisfactory wituner.
glitter and glare of the doctor, who bad sent the certificat'e' het Z � ,
footlights. This I .,efused to let her of her death, had fallen in love with lug Moreland arrested. MONEY TO JjEND F -,m implements mantif *
CHAPTER XXXINI. . 'Iffilf past 4," said Calton; pans- aett".. 1-d repaired, , W
. Stearn and Water Pilies furnished and put it, I
do, find from that moment she took her and wanted to marry her, and . position. Zg
- - I in for a moment at the door and 'At 6 per ectit, Dry Kilns fitted up on application. , , W
..L*dislike to me. A child was born, I lad to�1,1 111 e that she was dead ill I ''TIE IIA14DS OF JVSTICF, looking ,at his. watch. "J'm afraid Charges moderate,
order I - . _____.____ , --- , . _ - ) 0
41nd for a time she was gros4ed that her past life Light be I Calton's voice faltered a little it's rather late•
to .-ateb Moreland T. I. F. TIILLL�RD, Barrister, � be
with"it, but soon w('ari 11I 11 e new bliterated. The doctor, however, � when he read those Wit �!atl words, tc-da); howt-ver, I'll see what Thin- 6m Clinton. BRUCE , :3 CD
� C3
j)laytbing, and again pressed Die to �0.ed before the marriage, and Ito%. and leid the manuscript down on tod & Tarbet know," uni he went ---
-Alow her return � Lowil & Iiiivestmeilit (,(),,y C, <0
- r to rch ,n to the stare. I annit did not trouble herself about the t, -61e amid a dead ailence,which out. E.'KEEF I I - � mmcj
a I � LLS
0 Thiel Company bi Loanin.� Aton,-y 0, ,
again refused, and we became I undocei; iti.- tile. She was then act. was first broken by Brian. The rest sitt waiting his return � =
0 - Of' the buil s(Ille stage under "Thank God," he said reverently, and chatted about the curious end I-
,estranryed from one another. I grew � in, 0 � yp M 1*'�TIST, I Farm Security at Lowost Rat,,q of ;: - ------ --- - - -,
.-loonly and irritable, and was ac.; tile name of 12Nlu.9otte,' and seemed "thank God that lie was innocent of tile hansom cab mystery, when, N ,;FOLK V11j,k, 137 Coij,gnp �, I Interest, - .
gloom! . y . r:UUCT I I . —
,customed to take long drives by my- I to .have gained an unenviable no. of the crime!" . in about ten minutes, Calton rualle'd TORONTO, NIORTGAGEs I Fire ZnsurAucel.
9-eff,frequently being away for d-jys. I toriety by her 4LIxti'dVaganeo and "So," said - - _____ . .- - I - : - PURCITASFI. i -1)
0 Calton, a little cyni. in hurriedly and closed tho dodi* - � An I�Ind4 of pr,,pertv insured at lowe4 tart
G. H. 000K, I 1 SAVINGS BANK BRANCH, I rates, Ar,t:oaa4 companies,
There was a great friend of ruine � infamy. WbyfeVaet her in London, tally, "the riddle which has perplex- after him quickly, Licontiato of Dental Surgery, Hatior Grade ' 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. interest APowed, 11147KETS VIA N. W. T. CO. LINF BOATS
wDo owited the next station, ft fine, 1 and sfic became his .mistress, He ed 118 so is read,and the Sphinx Vate.is playing into our li.,nds," itto of tbo Toronto School of Detitistry.
. I " on Deposits, arror(jill r, to (y 1)),)?, n �, TO WINNIPFG AND ALL LAKE POUVIS
I AL 11 rail llne4 over the GaAN D TRU,NI? �
handsome young fellow called Frank so-emed to harr, a wonderful influence is silent forevermcrr." he said, as soon as he had recovered Nitrous Oxi,10 Gas adrixitilstared for the and tante 11?e. 1 !"T'a"Y'
Kelly, with a jay',sunny disposition, over her, for .4be toad him all her "I kne,7 he was incapable. of such his breath. "Moreland called on painless extraction of teeth, - i C ADA PACIFIC to any point on mrst,
, Ottlec over ,Tfvckqon's Clothing store, next OFFICE-Cornerot Ifarket,scoareanj N,rtii s line, Winnipeg, Brandon, tic., Dakota, Kangas,
and a wondptful flow of liumor. past life and about her marriage a thing," cried Chinston,whom eino- Thinton & Talbot, as Kilsip sur- CoPost Office, Clinton. If ORACE IIORTO'�� or any Point reached by rail, local or toWgn.
When he found I was so much with me. li(-.r popularity being on tion bad hitherto kept silent, mired, and as neither of , 11
4Lway, thinking Rosanna was only the wane in f,ondon,ro she was now � ,W Night bell answere,j. ly OcAorich,,tuawitso, Itis; VANAURR. , C "ne and gee me bofore you hiiv ticketA tiny-
Meanwlifle Kilsip listened to in, said lie would call again bdote I --- - , - , - --- - — ! where.
my mistmas, -lie Legan to console growing old, i-tiol had to make. way tbese eulogistic remarks oil the dead 5 o'clock, I told the clerk to bring! MONEY I MONEY I . -
it tow good loans from p
-(-. mail, and purred to himself, in a him ill) to tit() at once, so he may be fluids (it low rates allot, moderate expense.
Ler, and succeeded s'o' well that one for younger actresseLi, IN'llyte lit *!"Mk� , Private Graham"s 11jift ileal over
Torras inade to suit horrourQvs, Is painless. Instantaneous an(I tho, oiliy an. .j. TH011PSON", Clilltorl.
(Jay, on my return from a ride, [ posed tLat 'they should come opt to satisfied sort of way, like a cat who here at any Monlent." MANNING & SCOTT. - Platory in the world Which does not l6juro
found sire ],ad fled with lbirn, arid the colonies and extort money front has caught a mouse'. "That is, if he's fool enough to . . Clinton the skin. Price $2 per bottle. R. 0. I., FNM - -
I . - — AITRE, Price St. West, Toronto, Do- C-1 1, T.-T'V," �N
had taken the child with hor. Silo I me, and he had come to me for that "You rice, sit-," he said,addre's,unp? come," observed Chinston. UNION St4VING PARLOR, minion Agent.
)I . — - --- . -
Jcft a letter 8.tSing that sho had purpose. The villain told ino all tile bArrigter, "I was right afterall.' ,,()It, he'll come," sqid the detoc I tiUVtNG HAMCUMNO ARb*SHAN. - ' *M R* all
never really cared for tile, but had ; thiq in tli,� coolest manner, and 1, "Yes," answered Odlton, frankly, five confidently, rattling a pair of POOI*G done very neat Mid to 0jult J- 13IDDLECOMBE.
0 ' haridetiffs togethor. ,,He is so sat- OHN, RA ...tevery person. - -
a my dofeat, but .
warried itis for my. money- .41w knowing 110 held the s�cret of my "I acknowledr, . scitaila lilook, Planing M1
.would keep our marriage riecret,and ' I k J
life was till,lblsi-to-t4non-�,it---J-re- I'D----" i,,ified that he lj�,j% made things safe —, �-- - -- - - I..".111." I., 1. T Watch & Clock .1481 -AND- 11
" I
was going to return to the atage. I fused 'to Soo Rosanna, but told "I'm going to arrest Nfort-land that lw'll walk right into the trap." - - - __1 L-Am3- ,Oft% �
:followed my false friend and false Whyte I would dgm to Ilia terms right off" said Kilsip. It was getting it little dusk, and . 5 . F JEWFT.LEV,, .&a,,
1wife down to Metboui � , 0 . - , � 0,� I( mkD R Y R I L N-
, I . I
-ne,, but arriv- which were, first, a large sum of I There' was a FjilF,t,cn f -'r a flow the four men were greatly excited,, , . � P .. OPPOSITE THF RA 1`4K %T 04ti`Afto Offitton,
ed too lite, as they badjust loft for � Money was to be paid to Itosanna, nloniAnt8, awl then Cilton r� ".-)ku thotigh they coner,alod it under nn , . '. I I 19PSUBSCRIBER FIAV)NO JVST (031,
Kngland.' Disgusted with the knotti- I , . Where be keopga,3mi"�t 118.10t1ruefif (it TrIM!, and turnlRhed fits new Planing Nfil
I and secondlV, Whyte wanted to tigain, a"allm*ed none") alt, nce. .. I - 0 witbi'machin6lry of the late.4 lrnprovvl patterns
*1 I. I
- - v .
I r
I t
------------------- � I
Ar W It
� .,.,�
yl� I W
oich I had been treated, I marry my daughter. 1, at first "I st,111,080 it rilloa be )-i-qor "What a aittlation (i I. a (11,4111,1,11 Watches Clocks, Jewelle; ; - Is now preparrd to at t(.11%] to ail orders in hjA
Der in %v' , i MING MAN, you can't l4vestimonoybab- . line in the.noo promm swi satisfactory rolanuej,
plunged 'Into a wltirl of dissipation, absolutely declinod to Sanction the girl _poor girl." . %i6i Brit's, ter than by getting 0, thorough business Coln - ilverware. . and at real onable rates, Be would also return
trying to drow1n rho memory of my latter pryposal, but as be threatened '-I'm very"Onlv", said Chilwov. 'I'lietly, s'Oh, Aln(A �0(1 CAN'T FIND,& Colirso ehip. th1knk,i to all who patroniadthe old th btfore
" here In Ofitkr(oi equal to that of the Forest y were burned out, and now being mina bet
sorry for t�i,, young City Businea,; Collogo, Lobolon, Ont., which Which we will sell at roasouabie, (,&
alarriedlife. Myfrionds,ofootirse, to publish the story,and that meant lady myself, aiiii 'tile detective in "it k as, realistic as in t I tle11111 P-93lon to clecuto orders expeditlonsl
_. . . - --A- lijold days hole A 6111110tkt, COVttsP, for those Who intend I — fdaisconfidentiecan giv satiAtitetimto all.
- .----- to r6rallin on the farra, catitioque troo. Repatri%of ever
___....____ . .- -----..- anti (joseription promptly
I . te y for Pitcher's Castorla. - __ , - —,-- - - __ - PitehervS Castc Addreso W0971ERV11ILT & YORK, Lou,joa, � attested to, an - all Woik- warranted I PAOTOR Y -Near the Grand Trunk
ja&1dren Or Ohildran CrV for I Ont, . J. BIDDLECOMBb, Railtc(ty, Clinton,
I . j Clinton, Nov, 1892, 4 , '111051AN ,V,FQl3
.7l . I