HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-11-30, Page 8rf• se Clinton tgligrea ,j'R1DAY, NQV. a0, }6E1.7 •„ ,. "», Tr 4,604)441`1'OT7OES. ; Ruled Scribblers, two for a vents, to ear them out, at the New Era office. A nice, NEW stook of Wall Parer just arrived at DICKSON'S BOOB bTORE I Clinton. Clans ROSES. — Buffalo, Bear and Goat Robes, very cheap, at J. Twitch- 1 ell's, Clinton. Buy your Overshoes and Rubbels from W T4Yion & 8oxs, and have them plete ;ffith"the Celebrated '"Doney" heel'"plate machine, which is a sure protection against falling on ice_ No more swearing to be clone —Perfect fitting, Steel Plate Stove Pipes. Same price as ordinary pipe. A boy can put theist up. R. M. RACEY, Iron and Hardware Merchant, Al- bert Street, Clinton. -gown gooks. COUNTY •EXAr1L ERS. — Messrs Adamson, Turnbull, Halls, Tom and Mallocb, constituting the Board of Examiners for the county, met in Clinton, last week to arrange for the Model examinations, which will be held from the 3rd to the lith of Dec.. that of Goderich commencing first. OLD BUT ACTIVE.—There are not many couples in the county who are as active for old people, as Mr T. O. Cooper and wife, ofthisplace, who are aged respectively 80 and 74 years, and are both as lively as can be. They have spent 51 years in this country, and their friends hope they may spend many more. THEFT.—On Saturday last a tramp who gave the name of Lauson, stole a turkey from the front of Moore's store, and was making off with it, when be was collared by the proprie- tor, who handed hint over to Mr Tedford. The fellow was afterwards committed to Goderich jail for one month, for vagrancy. BAZAAR.—The ladies of St.•Paul's. church contemplate the holding of a grand bazaar,on Thursday, Dec. 13,. in connection with a tea and concert in the evening. Last year's bazaar was the biggest kind of a success, and this year promises to equal if not eclipse the one held last year. A large number of useful and handsome articles will be offered for sale at•very reasonable figures. Full particulars later. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE.—On Sunday last the wife of Mr Halliday, who re- sides near the river, made an attempt to commit suicide by drinking some Paris Green. She has been in. de- pressed spirits for some time, .which was evidently the cause of her action. Het husband noticed her taking a drink, and being suspicious of what she was doing, be struck the cup in her hand, and prevented her getting. as much as she would otherwise have done. Medical assistance was prompt- ly called in,emetics administered,and her life saved. PECULIAR ACCIDENT.—A. commer- cial traveller, representing a London wholesale hardware house, met with a peculiar and painful 'accident the .other day, while showing his goods in a store in this vicinity. He had on the counter a row of pocketknives exposed for sale, all open, and the proprietor asked him if they were all Rogers', when, with a wave of his hand across the glittering articles, he remarked that they were, at the same time accidentally striking a finger no one of the blades, which cut thenail clean off. The wound was dressed up, but was exceedingly painful. , THE SEASON.—Whije:irr this much favored pottlon of Canada we are en• joying fine open weather, iu other portions of the Dominion winter has begun in dead earnest. In many por- tions of the Northwest there is ex- cellent sleighing ; at Sault $te, Marie .and other _north shore .noint. there has been a heavy fall of inow; in the Ottawa region lumbering has been commenced, with good sleighing, and at Quebec, on Thursday afternoon,ice formed so rapidly on the St.Lawrence that the ocean steamer Oregon had to clear out without completing. her • cargo. Lake St.Peter,above.Quebec, is nearly wholly covered by ice. - —MISSIONARY.— Froin the annual missionary report of the , Methodist Church of Canada the following con- tributions are credited to places in this locality:—Wingbam, $176.18; Wrox- eter, $75; Walton, $116; Blyth,$1.82.- 51; lelgrave,$100.29 ; Listowel,$177,- 95 ; Attwood, $95.48 ; Ethel, $84.60 ; Clinton, $652.70 ; Lucknow, $93; Teeawater, $73.28 ; Brussels, $98.68 ; Londesboro, $193.50; Auburn, 8203.- 80 ; Bluevale, $75,50; Gorrie, $161.46; Henfryn, $41.53; Goderich, $365.12; '.Seaforth, $260; •Whitechurch, $83. Total amount for Guelph Conference, $17,896.07. The total receipts for the Society were $219,480, and the ex- penditures $195,400.54. The mis- sionary cause evidently has a warm plate in the hearts of the Clinton Methodists, 3s the contributions from this place are larger than from any other within the Guelph Conference. A CASE FOR THE LAWYERS.—Mr D. Cantelon left here last week to look after the disposal of some apples that were to go to tbe old country by the steamer Pomeranian, of the Allan Line. After he bad left a telegram was received here from the managers of the Line, asking that some one go t$ Montreal and look after the apples, as there was a possibility of them being lobt, but this was refused, as the apples were virtually out of charge of the shippers. It seems that after the vessel was loaded, it was found that too many apples were on board, and about 400 barrels belonging to Cantelon & Steep were taken offend placed on the dock, where they got frozen, The vessel started, bat got frozen in again at Sorel, four tugs got her out of the ice and took her to within 85 miles of Quebec, when she anchored and was again frozen in (the weather being very severe). She is still there, and it is feared that Ler entire cargo of apples will all be lost. Whitely & Edwards,Godericb, as well as Cantelon & Steep, have a lot on board, and it is expected that the law courts will be called upon to 'settle the damage and place responsibility on the proper shoulders. TojQQOAN .(FLUS —A meetlog of the g1i,11tolvl . Tehenfli} .(7tuli milt :40 held on Monday: evening uext,8 p.m., at tile: stare cti,,J.acksop BrOt0- imimbeci are,recrosted to attend. Jagkson Se9;etaky, pre tonV A WILD OAT.—Mr John B: Little, Of the 1314 gen. of Hullett, was in town on Wednesday, with the carcass of a wi)d cat, or lynx, which be bad shot. It measured five feet from tip to tip, and had a leg on it like a yearling cait. AN IAti'ROVEAIENT FOR RUBBERS. —Wm. Taylor & Sons have purchased two of the celebrated "Doney" heel - plating machines, for the purpose of putting heel plates on rubbers and overshoes, thus preventing slipping on the ice, and making them wear very much longer. They -have one in each of their stores, in Clinton and Blyth. We think it is a decided im• prove went. NEW. TEACHER -11r Ethelbert Hill, of Guelph Collegiate Institute, and an Honor man in Science of Tor- onto University becomes the Science j Master in the Collegiate Institute here next session. Mr Hill is very highly spoken of and comes amongst us with the very best recommenda- tions. Mr Prendergast, who has been filling the position since midsummer, with great satisfaction, will take a position elsewhere. SUWIDE.—A telegram from Eat Saginaw says :—Witlam Herbert, a painter, 24 years old, died last night from a dose of ,poison taken with suicidal intent. His parents live in Seaforth, Ont. The reason was des- pondency, resulting from inability to support his wife, whom he married five week's ago. [This paragraph has interest for Clintonians in the fact that Herbert was one of the principals in a rape case that occurred here a few years ago, and which caused a feeling of righteous. indignation be- cause of the particularly atrocious nature of the crime.] SUDDEN DEATH.—Our readers in town will learn with surprise and the deepest regret, of the death of Mr Wm. C. Ross, of the firm of Beattie & Ross, livery keepers, which occur- red on Wednesday evening, after three weeks' illness. Deceased has only been a resident of town for a comparatively short period, but dur- ing that time he made a great many friends by his uniform. good nature and kindliness of disposition. He was born in Tuckersmith, his father, the late J:.mes Ross, being one of the most highly esteemed men of that township. Mr Ross lived with his mother, and she has the heartfelt sympathy of all. The funeral takes place to -day (Friday) at 12:30 o'clock, to Egmondville cemetery. °LITERARY SOCIETY.—The regular meeting,.•.,. of the Collegiate Institute Literary Society was held in the As- sembly room last Thursday afternoon. Principal Turnbull occupied the chair. It was decided by the meeting to have a "bric-a-brac" and consequently three editors were appointed, viz : Messrs Bowery and Ross and Miss Fraser, Mr Bowery to be chief editor. After various other items of business 11 were discussed the following pro- gramme was rendered :—Instrumentalj solo,, Miss Reith ; reading, Miss Carr; recitation, Master Plummer. Debate. resolved that Welliogton was a great- er general than Marlborough. The affirmative was supported by Messrs Shortnreed and Graham the negative by Messrs Ross and Budge. The chalrmap,after summing up the are -u- ment of both sides, left the decision to the meeting, which decided ih favor of the negative. OBTAINING. Goons UNDER FALSE PRETENCES.—On Wednesday even- ing a young girl about 20 years of age, went to a store and stated that a certain lady had sent her to procure tome goods. The proprietor asked for a written order from the lady, but the girl stated that it would be all right, as the lady was busy, and she would bring the order in a few min- utes. Being thus assured, the mer- in position tq make things pretty Little Legal ]tens Couucil meeting neat 'Mondoy blies Alasgje Doherty rete e to Alma College, oh Monday. Rev A. A.icY,ean and wife f Blyth, were .in. town on .4I,opflay„ Mr E, Ialtnslay is' buyip ,large;, quantity,ol?'"por fqr stFlp44ent. r" tiues, are on a visit to .their son here. The weather for a week past has been beautiful for this time of the year. Mrs Elcoat, er , of Tuckersmith,has been spending a few days with friends in town. Mt Harry Dennis, of Brussels, was in town renewing old acquaintances, on Monday. Mr C. J. Stevenson, undertaker, famished the o.t tits for three funerals on Monday. Mr John Riley, of Hullett, lost a goat robe while coming to town, last Wednesday. Mr W. Robertson has store lately occupied by Anderson. It is reported that another medical man will take Dr Horsey's place here. There's no room for him. Stapleton cooperage supplied in the neighborhood of fifteen thousand barrels for apples this fall. Bight Mc W,. Pp4 and wiife, of St. Catha4:' rented the Mr James have alp 'elegant stock of .ZV ew Window shades,Pulls, Spring Rollers, Etc., PRICES RIGHT COMPLETE STOCK:OF School B�oks & Supplies Mr. Geo. A. Sharman is now work• 1 * X s: ing at his trade id -Chicago, he hav- ing obtained a situation there. A plated door key was found one Only 1 Baby Carriage Left, Isaac street, on Thursday. Owner 1 * :t: can have the same at this office., Mr W. Gauley, who has been in charge of a blacksmith shop for some time down at Centralia, has returned home. Two of the sons of the late Wm. Wallace, of Hullett, who are living in Dakota, arrived here on a visityester- day. The wife of Mr R. Stoneham has been seriously ill for a short time,and is yet very low, but is thought to be improving. Mr Thos. Cottle has bought (from Mr Robt. Welsh) a small lot to the rear of his new • house, paying there- for about $125. The town hall has earned more money from shows this fall, than it ever did before, in the same time, $70 during November. Mrs Alex. Welsh, who was ser- iously ill for some time, shows signs of improvement, of which her many friends will be"pleased to hear. We are sorry to learn of the death of the youngest child of Mr David Elcoat, of Ontario, Cal., formerly of Clinton. It was ten months old. A waterproof coat, advertised for in last week's NEW ERA, was found by Mr Matt. Sheppard, of Goderich township, and returned to the owner. Mr W. S. Lawrence, of Clinton, has been re-engaged as teacher of S. S. No. 11, Goderich township. Mr Lawrence is a first-class. teacher and gives good satisfaction, Mr G. 11. Cook, of this place, was one of the invited guests to the an- nual dinner of the students of To- ronto School of Dentistry, held on Thursday evening last. Mrs Melaley, who has been a per- son dependent on ber friends for some time, died on Tuesday, aged about 65 years, Shp was buried at the expense of the corporation, One month more and 1888 will be only a reminiscence. And this is leap year too. But very much can be accomplished in thirty days, pro- vided that every opportunity is used. No less than 14 cars of apples were shipped from this section to the Old Country on Saturday last, and each car was furnished with a stove. 10 belonged to Mr Askwith, and 4 to D. Cantelon. 'The Goderich Signal has just added steam to its equipments, and as an- other "devil" has been added to the editor's family, that office should now chant allowed her to have goods . toiv ^'n a the v6la0 of fil °Nt 12t t not coming, tite merchant grew sus- picious. and made enquiries of the lady whose name the girl had used, and found she had left the employ of this person, and had no authority whatever to procure the goods. Se- curing the services of Mr Tedford,the girl was hunted up, and the goods re- covered, she being in the act of using some of them at the .tine. She -was let off with a strong reprimand;. and left'toivn yesterday: A FINE' WORE.—We have rec.ived from Mr John Lovell, publisher, Montreal, the prospectus of a national publication, "Lovell's Gazetteer and History of the Dominion of Canada," in which it is proposed in nine, possib- ly eleven, volumes, to give a concise h'story of 10,000 counties, districts, parishes, townships, cities, towns, villages, and descriptions of over 3,- 900 islands, lakes and rivers. It will also contain tables of railways, steam- boat and stage routes, with a key ; list of the postoflce with their money order offices and savings banks ; an account of the parcels post system list of the newspapers,magazinee,etc., with the nanlres of their editors, pro- prietors and printers, subscription rates, when and where published in each Province, general statistics, etc. It will embrace a wealth of inf.rma- tion,with maps and illustrations. The work will be issued in a couple of years, after a sufficient number of subscribers have been secured. It is a ponderous undertaking. FOR FURTHER SECURITY Or LIFE —The Provincial Treasurer has called the attention of license inspectors to Cie provisions of the Act passed last session entitled "An Act for the pre. vention of accidents by fire in hotels and ether public buildings," and which came into force November 1. It provides, amongst other things, that a hotel exceeding two storeys shall have attached to it an outside stairway or ladder from the landings o • floors, and extending at toast to the first storey. In each bedroom there shall be a fire escape which will be sufficient within the meaning of the Act if it consist of a rope long enough to reach from the room in which it is kept to the'landing below, and to be three-quarters of an inch in thickness. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Act leaves the hotel - keeper liable to a fine of $20 for each offence, and if not paid, to a term of imprisonment in the county gaol for n period not exceeding three months. The order e q, The friends of Mr John $'ar'row, mail clerk, L. H.&B., will be pleased to learn that he is improving in health, and that it will not be neces- sary to amputate his leg, as at first intended. A meeting of the creditors of Mr Thos. Welsh was held in Goderich, last Thursday. Mr W. W, Farran was appointed assignee of the estate, and Messre Paisley, of'Clintoii, andWilson, of.Goderich; inspectore. An= other meeting will be held in Clinton shortly. Mr Nelson Carson is buying a car load of stock for the North nest and has already purchased two thorobred Durham 1:Ulls,atgood prices, one from Mr H. C."Cook, Huron Road., Gode- rich township, and the other from poor James Gledhill,of Colborne. Mrs M.Hovey,wife cf Mr M.Ilovey, St. Thomas, and mother of Mr C. E. Hovey, Clinton, met with a painful accident -Wednesday evening. She was .steppi g across the floor of the woodshed and in the darkness slipped apd fell tp the ground, a distance of a couplef feet, breaking both bones of the let leg close to the ankle. The if Coneert Company met an icebbrg here, unfortunately for them. pecial church services kept away p rt of the number they might otherwi a have had, and the many comps 'es that so recently preceded them, ok ourwhat surplus cash the others ad. The programme render- ed to very email house was a good gone. We ee by a recent isaue of the ()hies o Inter -Ocean that Mr Ed Wort ington, late of Clinton, and son o Dr Worthington, has been chose Secretary of tbe Book-keepers' Assn ation of.that city. Ed is well quail t ed for such a position, and it shows that his abilities are appreciat- ed when so young a man is selected in a city that must have so many good men in it. Mr Robt. Wiseman also an old Clintonian, was appointed a member of the Managing Commit- tee the same Association. When the McGibbeny family were here sometime ago, Jackson Bros. did a large business with them in their line and have since received many orders from them, mostly for sprinteeo well pleased were they with their first orders. They have also sent, unsolicited a most complimentary letter expressing themselves as being well: plowed with their clothing. This firm also did a very large busi- ness with the '•F•torm Denten Co." last week. AND A FEW EXPRESS WAGGONS, Which will be sold very cheap. Subscriptions taken for all the Daily and Weekly Newspapers, at lowest rates - PURSES—We have a nice new stock, away down in price Eggs taken in exchange for goods. 25 Cords of Wood Wanted Ch ri s. Dickson,Clinton Furs 1JRS Furs r,?; —= 6"--s td�"A .L Q A81" IT ' , Tile Op'portnuity of Getting rens Goods Away Down As this is always a large department with us, we wan to reduce it. Come and see the cuts we have made in the prices. Everybody can get a bargain. BLANKET_ We have them at almost all prices. All kinds, all prices, and all Nvool, at 15 cents per yard up. See them CHF'�9.P MTL,ITONS The.: best value we ever had. HOSIERY & GLOVES, and a case of Girl's, Misses, and Boy's Mittens. A nice range of MENSICAPS, cheap 1Men's Shirts and Drawers a good range, from 25c. up. 'Don't think for one moment we will not protect our. ,customers. We will give you as Cheap Goods as anybody else can or will GEO E PAY & ..CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OFCL]NTON 1 IT IS A GOOD THING TO BUY I+ASHIONABLE AI GOODS AT Doesloy!s - Millinery our stock of Furs for IFANCY Coot BMPOR!IJM this season's trade is nowifull and complete and we show an as- sortment of HighClass FURS that is rarely seen in this section. Those who appreciate good goods should see our selection before it is broken ZA.73 I E S FUR CAPS, FUR MUFFS, FUR COLLARS, FUR BOAS, FUR COATS In S.S. Seal, Beaver, Persi- an Lamb and Mink. All the latest novelties it LADIES FUR COLLARS M M N' S FUR GAUNTLETS, FUR GLOVES, FUR COATS, FUR CAPS. We show the largest as sort- ment of Fur Coats in this section. All the very latest shapes in AI CAPS. No buyer of FURS should miss seeing our great selection JACKSON BROS., Hatters and Furriers, Clinton. - Provided the quality is good and the prices. reasonable. Every one knows that our styles are light, and our cus- tomers wilt find our Millinery Department well assorted 'with the latest novelties. Cofflpleie Stock Ladies :and ChiIdrdll's Gnderoar Woolen Hats, Caps, Hoods and Tuques, Fine line of Cashmere GLOVES and HOSIERY. JOB LINE IN WOOL HOSE. SPECIAL IS OUR.. HID GLOVE In Black and Colors, with the Great Improved Lock Fastener, away ahead of all others for wear and elegance, and while you are in, inspect our GREY AND COLORED FLANNELS And take a look through our stock. There may be finer= goods than we offer ; we know there are poorer ones,— bxt we offer the goods our experience has taught us ale )the most popular. We say of these goods that quality 'for quality, there are no better goods nor lower prices than ours, and behind our promise stands our splendid stock of Millinery and Fancy (foods. Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium. The Ladies Favorile Estaliiish nen t