HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-11-16, Page 5CASTOR IA; for Infants and '.Children. . 40C istorisiasowelladaptedtochildrenu st Castorla cures Colic. Constipation, L recommend it as euPeriorteeny prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, nhctation. (mown to me." E. A. Manna, M. D„ Kills Worms, giF. ves sleep, and promotes di 1118o, Oxford St, di- gestion, Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. TEE CENTAUR COMPANY, 17 Murray Street, ::. OF DRY COOD AT ----- -:.0 i bT Q.N Moi nd,:- a " 01;trreatad every 'Thunday'atternoon. Thursday, Nov, 8, 1888. rain, which llpt been prettir ,firm for eever+t1 t1ay4„ 4.:0x1400 easigr, the qquotatignp having taken, a oughts rope At I4ondort, .00 0.0e0 price being Paid i4:.;1 17, while Toronto is only *1.20, theteame a:Clinton? Wheat, fall,whiteland red 1 18 1 20 Oats - • -, - 0 34 0 34 Barley . - u 60 a 0 75 Fetus - - 0 62 a 0 62 Flour, per owt - - 3 00 a 3 25 Potatoes • 0 35 a 0 35 Buttes • 0 18 a 0 19 E4gt% - 0 19 a 0 20 Pork 0 00 a 0 00 Hay 12 00 a15 00 Hides, 5 00 a 5 50 Wool, 0 20 a 0 20 Chickens per pair - - 0 30 a 0, 35 Ducks per pair - - 0 50 a Q 60 Geese - • - - 0 GO a 0 60 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for NEW ERA every Thursday Blyth, Nov. 8, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. 1 17 1 20 Spring " new 1 16 1 20 Oats 33 a 35 Barley 55 a 75 P,eae 58 a GO Potatoes, per bas 35 a 35 Eggs per doz 18 • . sal a 18 CH EAPSIDE. The undersigned has decided to clear out at actual wholesale prices the new stock of Dry Goods at the above establishment. This presents to the people of Clinton and sur- rounding country a magnificent chance to purchase goods at a discount of' nearly 25 per ct. on regular selling figures. The stack is almost entirely new, and comprises a fine selection of all the latest goods The sale will commence on Sat- urday next, and be continued till the stock is disposed of. )Remember, everything will be offered at wholesale prices, and good buyers will understand that they will strike something that they don't see every day. Fetch -along your BUTTER and EGGS, and get Goods at cost price. T. JACKSON, SR Cheapside, Clinton THE POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE i.ON DESBORO. The rush for our READY-MADE CLOTHING and ,OVERCOATS continues. We never had the Opportu- nity of offering such good value as we have this season. Every Suit and Overcoat we send out is a splendid ad- vertisement for us. The demand for some lines has been so great that we have had to duplicate orders, although the season has ,just opened. TFIAT LINE OF BROWN- and BLACK WORSTED OVERCOATS at $9 50 and $11 is a great favorite, and the TWEED SUITS at $8.50 and $10, have taken the lead. We have this week received the second lot of both Overcoats and Suits, so that our stock is complete We claim that you will save from one to four dollars in buying a Suit or Overcoat from us. Colne in and exp amine goods, hear our prices, and then determine whe, • tiler our claim is well founded or not. The irresistable bargain we are showing this week is a line of FANCY CHECKED WINCEYS. beautiful col- orings, neat patterns, heavy weights, worth at least 1.`4 - cents per yard. We -,,offer this lot at 12 yards for $1. If you want it conic now. We cannot replace them at less than 121 cents. Do not forget our prizes. Every one purchasing five dollars worth of Goods for cash, or trade, is entitled to a ticket. Five tickets out of two hundred will draw prizes, onepf which is a Sewing Machine valued at $60. Try your fortune. We guarantee you as Much at Least tor your five dollars as you will get at any other store in [tree county, and you have a chance of the Machine W. L. OUIMETTE, LON DESBORO Butter,rolla . . . . 17 a 19 Hoe, . Beef - - 400a500 Pork • - 5 50 a 7 00 Hay - - - 12 00 a 16 00 TORONTO MARKET: Toronto, Nov. 8, 1888. Wheat, fall - - 1 20 a 1 20 Wheat, spring - - 1 18 a 1 20 Barley - - - - 0 68 a 0 75 Oats - - - 0 40 a 41} Peas - - - - 0 65 a 0 67 Butter, pound rolls - 0 23 a 0 24 Butter, large rolls - 0 19 a 0 21 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 19 a 0 20 TORONTO DAIRY PRODUCE Butter—Dull and easier. Receipts continue large. The range of prices continues the same, but it takes a very fine tub or roll to bring top figures now. Choice, as a rule, sold at 20c, though selections occasionally brought 21o. Very few lots moving. Sixty packages of good dairy sold at 18c. Pound rolls are in good demand at 20 to 22o. Med- ium dull and hard to sell, Creamery tending easier under a lighter demand. MONTREAL DAIRY PRODUCE. BUTTEL—The situation is unchanged Fine butter is very firmly held. We quote :—Creamery, Sept., 25c to 26e; do. August, 19c to 22io ; Townships, 17c to 220; Western,good to fine, 16c to 180; do, poor to medium, 12c to 14c. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK, MARKET There were about 750 head of butchers' cattle, 125 sheep and lambs, and 25 calves offered at the East End Abattoir Trade was slow and prices rather lower all round; only a few choice animals were sold at about 4c per lb.;pretty good stook sell at from 3c to 3}o do., and common cows at from 2 to 20, while some of the worst cattle sold for little, if any over lie per lb. It is probable that a large number will not be sold. Good calves, about two months old, Bold for a much larger sum than if they had been a year older. Mutton critters are lower all round, excepting good Iambs which are rather scarce, and bring pretty high rates. Sheep sold at from 83 to 15 each and lambs at from 82.25 to 14.25 each. Fat hogs are in good supply and sell at from 5]c to a little over bio per Ib. CORN FOR SALE AT THE Clinton - Mills. WHOLE OR GROUND, PRICES REASONABLE. JAS. FAIR, CLINTON. MONEY TO LEND- ON GOOD MORT- eAGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. MCTAGt ART, (liuton, Feb. 24, 1888. TO LET. -A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE on Huron Street, 10 rooms, bard and soft water, good Stable, large garden. Possession 1st November. Apply to JOHN RIDOUT, HOUSE TO RENT -THAT LARGE AND comfortable brick dwelling House on Rattonbury Street at present occupied by Mr Calback, will be to rent on the let of Nov. Will be let at a reasonable rate. Apply to ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Clinton. BOAR PIG FOR SERVICE. -THE SUB- scRIHEa keeps forseryice, on hat farm 2nd Con. of Hullett, a large -breed Suffolk Boar, full bred, raised by that well known breeder, Mr John Govier. Terme $1 at time of ser- vice, with the privilege of returning if nec- essary. HENRY FREEMAN,HULLETT. ONE ACRE LOT FOR SALE,-,WVELL SIT- IIATEn for building lots in a very desir- able part of Clinton with about 75 choice fruit trees, some bearing apples, pears, plums cherries, grape vines, and black and red cur- rents. For further particulars apply at the NEW ERA OFFICE. t, f. ``s TRAY SHEEP. - STRAYED FROM THE 17subscriber'e premises, in July last, two Ewes & two Lambs, all marked with two notches under the right ear. One of the ewes has along tail. Finder will be suitably rewarded. THOS. J. POTTER, lot 10, 14t1i con. Godcrich Township• f tTRAY HEIFER. -STRAYED FROM THE 17subecriber's premises, about the let of May last, a three year old, all red Heifer, small size. Any ono giving information as will lead to its recovery. will be suitably rows •ded. PETER PERDUE, Huron Road, (xode0ih Township, ' OAR FOR SERVICE. -THE UNDER - .1 -/SIGNED bas a young. Berkshire boar for service which he purchased from Mr Dol - bridge of Winchelsea. Ho has a good pedigree and has been a prize winner at Rome of the leading Exhibitions in the county this fall. Terms SI with privilege of returning if nec- essary, A, T. CARBERT Hullett. TVNDALL-BROS DAIRY. -THE SUB- CEinEEs desire to thank the people of Clinton for the very liberal patronage ex- tended to them since their establishment here, and would intimate at the same time that they aro not leaving the neighborhood, having secured another farm. All orders will receive prompt attention as heretofore. TYNDALL P1005. Clinton. TOUIINITI'I111 REPAIR^ SHOT'. -SCR- 11' scnmra'e health not allowing him to work outside, he has opened a Repair Shop on V ictoria street,directl,y opposite Globous() of Mr George Tedford, where he will repair all kinds of Furniture and household articles generally, Trunks, baby carriages, etc &c. at the lowest possible rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders solicited. I'ersons can leave nrdors with Mr Croesen, grocer, or at snbecriber's place of huslness, and all sneh will reoeiv' prompt attention. .TOIIN I'OW- Ey.L, Clinton, Important Notice. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE.-Tn the Brown Autrdiriaion, lots facing on Huron, ilalton- bury and Princess streets, the most desir- ably property in tho vicinity of the active and rapidly growing town of Clinton, beau- tiful residence sights can be bought at very reasonable prices and terimt to snit any one contemplating a pnrche.'-. Apply to ,IAF, BROWN, Huron Roagi ;lm Offer this week, and until all are sold, 0 pieces ofDress Goods USUAL PRICE 20 and 25 CENTS. CLEARJ .NG PRICE 8 and lOe. Stock of :7 tie . Cloths and Trimm- ing; , _ very complete. *Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in our Mantle Dep't. Five per cent off for Cash. 'JOHN WISEMAN Manager. coon W.H 1'FRITY1 ON EY.ETEF.ONT. Estate J. 1-10DCEN'S. J.C. DETLOR &Co HAVE JUST OPENED £hi1tf DRESS G.000s BOUGHT AT A BARGAIN, ALSO, A FRESH LOT OF �f I1 I HILL'S PLOWS } temperedteztt»ith best ettl'a ards. SINGLE &DOUBLE SULKY PLOWS All kinds of repairs for W. II. Verity At Sou's Plows, Cutting Boxes, Ate M_ R.A..CEY Iron and Hardware Merchant, Clinton FOSTER &RITER WINE- AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, CLINTON, TO THE PTTBLIC. We announce that we have bought out the Liquor Business recently started by J. Sheppard, and have removed the same to the Stern Quo Door west of C. C. Rance & Co's Tailoring Establishment, tle J j S9 'Arid Dress & Mantle Ornaments. MANTLES CUT FREE OP CHARGE. NOVELTIES in MILLINERY J C Detlor& Go,i`.linton �7EW FIRM= PLbMSTg!L &MRS We will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian, Scotch and Irish Distilleries. Ws will keep in stock the productions of the best Canadian and English Breweries. We will keep in stock the best FRENCH, SPANISH and CANADIAN WINES, for medicinal purposes. OUR PRICES will be as low for first-class goods as Montreal, Lon- don or Toronto. HOTELS SUPPLIED at wholesale prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town free of charge, DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT, AS OUR TERMS- ARE STRICTLY CASH. FOSTER ced RITER, 000 We are now ready fbr the Fall Trade, with a full assortment in the following lines:— Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Woollens, &c Extra Good Value. Cloihs, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Gut's Furnishings, &g. --OHEIAP Very cheap and good quality. OOT : and :SHOES AT CHAS. CRU iCKSHAN KSS. Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. See m) Mensa Boyser cketcLacrosse8hoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL, FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNTIFOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON The Hub Grocryi IIas a now'arr'ival of C1ROCKEIIY k 0LASS\VAR1:. ('all and see the TEA SETS, TOILET SE1S. GLASS SETS, very cheap Don't fail to ask for my NEW I3LENI) Oh COFFEE. ('AS�I 1.'011 FIRST CLASS TRIS iBUTTER. (00DS DELIVERED. GEO, SW 4.LL.4C1W, CT.INTON Boots and Shoes TAYLOR & Sons Our Fall Stock is now complete. We have the best goods in the market, and our prices are as low as the lowest. Five per cent discount for cash. W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BLYTH CI.tO'2'HINC-i- Ready - Made, in Suits and Over- } Coats. Small advance on wholesale prices. All kinds of Clothing made to order and guaranteed. HATS, CAPS, FURS, &e. --all New Styles • BOOTS and SNOES, RUBBERS and FELT GOODS, in all lines, at near the Toronto wholesale prices. STAPLE LINES iN GROCERIES as cheap as the cheapest. Weare in a position to buy our stock right, and we intend to sell at the lowest possible paying prices. In fact we intend to take the lead for good staple lines at the lowest prices. Come and see our stock and get our prices. Searle's Block, Clinton PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS Wools and Yarns DIRECT FROMIGERMANY. BERLIN WOOL, 2, 4, and 8 fold ANDALUSIAN WOOL FLEECY WOOL. POMPADOUR WOOL ICE WOOL SAXONY YARN BARKER Fingering BALDWIN Fingering PYRAMID Fingering PEACOCK Fingering Our customers may depend ongetting the pore and unloaded Yarns from us,-atit we buy only the very best and import direct from manufacturers. W,Cooper,Clinton,Stationer& Fancy Goods dealer CHINA HALL To nralce roam for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TEN PER ('ENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH on our large stock of CROCKERY, CFIINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS. 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se, curing cheap bargains, as we aro bound to reduce our stock. We offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 canto, worth 60. We offer NEW SEASON BLAOK TEA at 25 cents, w,lrth 40. We offer NEW SEASON null TEA at 25 cents, worth 35. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap. 2 EEC OiS for 25c FRESH FINAN HADDIE, SISCOS, EERRING, BLOATERS, &c Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. C ave tie It call. BUTTER ANI) EGGS TAKEN AS ('ASII. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL.