HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-11-02, Page 54 ^47''k'' ° --., 7- '7"--7177"137'1'11-"1 or Infante on `Wan, eatatitedeptedteebnilrea010 corer colio5 lonatipatiou ever artoftearypreue Rgoa auntutch, Diart ole prectutton, 46 Asci x. M. Ii„ I 7�,''ge04 oorptns, give* sleeDe end preM0' tea . d8t,$• !wt4lyn►3T Y, WtJou$injuziotuimedtgWun, H#,!tc%'TAp{L GOMP , ,i, iVftunl#'�;, tr.., _,. ;.. f This week:, w'e• are gtvn eXcellet?`t Fslue In:the ,s m following lines: .: , . ,'Cr •fit • .11P.,Wo( At 25c. in all the I1e'twest ;ztril e4'and;c lee MANTLE, • ln. ' We uav4 .a 'large variety. i• o select from, to Ws it everybody in price and stylet t�t�x Our Dress MELTON S At 10c., worth 122,`aill colors, are splendid value OurGrey FLANNELS 411 woo); ;at 256. will'be found hard to beat UNION FLANNEL The best in town for -18 cents. Colored -FLUSHES a From . 50 cents up. Fullzlil ;es in' Ladies Jerseys, Dress Trimm- ing s> 1 ntle Ornanients, Corsets, comforters n !runnels, &c. Mantles. Cut free 'Call incl see the goods and be convinced that we mean business. ACIESON, SR rrrr and Shoes OR & Sons Our Fall Stock is now complete. , We have the best goods in the market, and our prices are as low asthe lowest. Five per cent discountfor cash. • W. TAYLOR &•' SONS CLINTONAND BLYTEE -1-01-nEtAx, BOOTS ;and ; SHOE! CHAS: CRUICKSHANK'S. Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. See m, Mensd BoysCricketkLacrosse8hoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM. WORK AS USUAL. FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT;,FOR CASH, EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on Ce Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK. CLINTON To mate room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. let, GYVE TEN PER CENT'DISCOUNT FOR CASA on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER ANI) TEA SETS. • 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties it need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stook. Wooffer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 cents, worth CO. Ire offer NEW SEASON }MACE TEA at •25 cents, worth 40. We offer! NEW SEASON GREEN TEA M 25 cents worth i. E CURB , 35. NEW ..,,,..ANTS and RAISINS cheap. 2 forS 25o rpESn PINA�N $ADDLE, SIBCOS, MERINO, BLOATERS, &o Cibodleromptlq.. delivered to any part of the 'town. Give ne a call, B•UTTE'ti A14D EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. 8OBSQN CHINi IbILL atfgr„, • AO 7# : 0.62. 6,25 :'.1b ,r, •i 0 85, Edei� 12 60 a15,00 15-00 GWDCheesuoke cke,,nprP-pa'pair 0O6.2d00`ra07.6°8611): BLYT.H. MARKETS. Reported 8Peeislly for 1•islwEaA eros; Thuradey 131ytb, Nov:11 188,0, Spring", red, per, Wuah .1 15' 1`21 .112 1.21 Oatli • ,,, n Barley , " ;: ' .„' 0: a 70' Peu .60 e,'.6/ Potatoes,, :Per bas -'.54k • 5; Egea verde; 10 e 1G 1 uttar,rolle :,. , 17 a ,`1,6 ,BeHoge; t : `. 0 00 440 4 0:00 Hoa 4 .. 247'00 1 90.4 X6' Of.. "''..leTOItQNTO ,MARKER'S r Toronto, Nb 1,1808,' Wheat,•fall • Vx .' 1 23 a 1 23 wheat, spring .1 18. a 1.20 "f640,...;',,,...;.•!,. . m 0 ;sS a '0 75 Oats.•0 42 a 0 4a Peas; 0.66 a 0 67 kButter, rm.-41:011e m11s - 0 264`.',‘9,,',0 25- •utters 14•;Bg4 rods r • , 0'16 a ''0 `�21 .Eggss,,nowl4id, per dpx 0'10'!4:' 0 20 MONT tEdL I E STOCK. Miele Breve ab04500;'bend of bute#iers' cattle,•.900':ltlieep. And; lambs,'and 20 calves offered at th• . Fast E+,.nd Abattoir; There. were no prime beeves..offercd :here and; none of the sales amounted 10 40`. per lb., but really gbdtl, ,cattle would ;bri ng..more. Most of the butchers .seemed to have nearly 'enoughof meat on hand and were notearing to add much more to it at, present, except when they got: a bargain, and -sone- of the sales were .remarkably 'low. The drov ers are loud in ;then 'complaints. about losses sustained�oif' their tate, sales ofcattle although they have• been paying small prices to the, farmers. Pretty good 'animals sold'at frons 2c to :3ic per Ib., common stock at about 2c do.,and several dry cows were sold at $10 each or less than 110 per lb. live weight.• There is an action de- mand for good calves, and choice veils bring fancy prices. The quality of the mutton critters has not been so good late as it was soma weeks ago and prices are lower, but good lani'ba stillsell at - good rates. Sheep sold at from $2.50• to $5 each, • and lambs at from $2.25 to $4.25 each. Hogs aro more plentiful, but there are not so many gond large porkers among them, and .these sell at pretty high rates. Prices were at from' 5} to a littleover G' c per lb. CORN FOR SALE AT THE Clinton - Mills. WHOLE OR GROUND.. PRICES REASONABLE. JAS. FAIR, - CLINTON. u'ONEY TO LEND - ON GOOD MORT- Au GAGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. McTAGGART. (Alden, Feb. 24,1888. HOUSE TO RENT - NEXT DOOR TO Miss Motfnteaatle'a studio Huron St. - Apply to MISS MOUNTCASTLE. Posses- sion given lat of November. 1O•LET.-A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE on Huron Street, 10 rooms, hard and soft water, good Stable, large garden. Possession 1st November. Apply to JOHN RIDOUT. HOUSE TO RENT -THAT LARGE AND 1...comfortable brink dwelling House on Itsttenbury Street at present occupied byMr Whack, will be to rent on the .1st of ov. Will be letat a reasonable rate. Apply. to ROBERT FM'zsrMONs, Clinton. BOAR. PIG FOR SERVICE. -THE .SUB- soaleE& keeps foreervice, on bate= 2nd Con. of Hullett a large -breed Suffolk Boar, 'DM bred, rafted by that well known breeder, Mr John Govier. Terms ei at time,.of ser- vice, with the pprivilega of returning if neo- eesary. HENKY FREEMAN,UULLETT. //O\lc rAME LOT FOR SALE,-WELLSIT- WIIATEn for building lots in a very desir- able part of Clinton with aliout,.76 choice fruittrees, sorimebeprlpgipDpples, pears, Plume cherries. grape vines, and -black and red our - route. For further particulars apply pt the NEW ERA OFFICE. , t f. 6,aTRAYi4HEEP _ STRAYED FROM THE ►7subsoriber's premises, in July last, two Ewes & two 'Lambs, all 'marked with ° two notches under the right ear. One of the ewes has along tail. Finder will be suitably rewarded. THOS. J. POTTER, lot 18, 14th eon. Godericli Township. BROS STORE CENTS,. b fec a isf ,c ion ayran sed r, 0' Er COP JUST OPENED OF CLINTON ASD SIJRRO NDINO ,COUNTRY. a. % ' WOULD RESPECTFULLY ULLY STATE THAT OUR end a :tie .;e:artment BOUGHT ; AT A 'BARGAIN ALSO, A FRESH LOT OF tie Wet Sp And Dress • & 1t1anntIe Ornaments. MANTLES CUT FREE OF CHARGE. NOVELTIES in MILLINERY J C Detlor& Cp,Llinton, Park Lots to Let • Two ten -acre hots in Clinton will bo leased on moderato terms. Possession given im- mediately H. HALE, Clinton' MONEY TO LEND At 6 per cent. T. 1. F. HILLIARD, Barrister, •' Om Clinton. FARRAN&TISDALL BANKERS,. CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own 'notes, at. low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. •• Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. CLINTON OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, NOV'R 2. THE' FAVORITES! aIaENRrMINSTRELS Pre"eenting a Coloesal:and unedrpassed collection of 30 bran new specialties, em-, bracing a lavish expenditure in the pro- ourement of Costumici Scenic,.Melodic,: Artistic! and other, prominent- features,, thus delighting the ear with harmony: divine, while feasting the eye on a gor- geousness of apparel beautiful beyond comparison and never equalled in min- strel history. RESERVED SEATS AT JACKSON QTRAY HEIFER. -STRAYED FROM THE subscriber's premises, about the let of May last, a three year old, all red:Heifer, small size: Any one giving Information as will lead, to its recovery. will be suitably rewarded. PETER PERDUE, Huron Road, Goderaib Township, BOAie FOR SERVIOE.-THE VNDER- sIGxEn has a yottng Berkshire boar for service which he purchased from Mr Del- bridge of Winchelsea. He has a good pedigree and has been a prize winner 4t some of the leading Exhibitions in the' county this fall. Terms $1 with privilege of returning if nec- essary. A. T. 6ARBERT IlUIIett. I'IVNDALL BROS DAIRY. -THE SUB - l1 enwsns desire to thank the people of Clinton for the very liberal patronage ex- tended to them since their establishment here, and would intimate at the same time that they are not leaving the neighborhood, having secured another farm. All -orders will xeceive prompt'attention as heretofore. TYNDALL BROS. Clintdn. L1tJRNITUBE REPAIR SHOP. - SUB - 1' SCRIBER'S health not allowing him to work outside, he has opened a Repair Shop en Victoria stteet'directly opposite the house of Mr 'George Tedford, where bo will repair all kinds of Furniture and household articles generally, Trunks, baby carriages, &e' &o. at the lowest possible rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders solicited. Persons can leave orders with Mr Cresson, grocer, or at subscriber's place of • business, slid all such will rocelvepromptattention. JOHN POW - ELL, Clinton. Important Notice. TOW LOTS FOR SALE. -Tu the Brown sub -division, lets facing on Huron, Betten- bnryand Princess' street,,, the most desir- able pro rty in the vicinity of the active and raps lygrowin town of Clinton boan- tiful roam nee Sights • can be bought at very rem:enable p�prices and terns to sit any ;ntoniplating a pputt:hese. Apply to JAS. BIIOWN; Huron Road, 2m,, • MORTGAGE SALE PAR 110':'�L E::a. N D ,S In Stanley Township, near I3ayfeld Village. • Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale eon- tained In a certain Mortgiigbe (which Mdrtj gage will be 'produced Oh- te day- of sale will be sold by Public Auction, by Thomas M. Carling, Auctioneer, at John Swots :Hotel, Bay eId, At the hour of One o'Clook, P. M., on gat arday, Nov. 17th, The following lands and premises, v'iz:-- ist The north half ofo'west half of Lot Number Eight,in the Lake Read East Con- cession of the Township of Stanloy,in the County of Huron, containing by admepsure- reent Forty-nine acres, more br lees : afid end. Lot Number Seven; in Range K, in the said Township of Stanley, eontai ing Twen- ty n- ty acres, more or less. • TERMS. -Parcel number One will be sold subjoet to a mortgage for e550, made to die William McCaa. The property will be sold in one or ,two ParCels, to suit purchasers. Ton per tout of the purchase Money to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance in thirty days thereafter withoutintereet. The purchaser will be required, on the nay of gale, to sign an agreement for completion of purchase. Further terms and particulars non dayof gale 'or u n appli- cation now, rio pp mad ok the undersi ed. cation to gn MANNING & SCOTT, Vendor's 8olicitora, T. M. CAELiNO, And. Clinton, Octeuer 29fi1,188A. PROPERTIES FOR SALE' .• 42.000 HOUSHI TO RENT OIi-FOR SALEt ; , NJI on Rattenbury St. Tirst-class Farm " goodbuildings, hard and soft water; Di Hui.: lett. Easy terms. R. M. RACEY, Iroi1 and Hardware Merchant, Clinton. 1+1 350 WILL BUY TEE TicIte l AND sPl Lot owned by the underslgn'ed, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St. Olinton- Hard and soft water and geed stn . ble. Terms of payment easy. Apply to MO: • CALLANDER,24 Staply St., Loudon.South. TIOUSPs & LOT FOR SALE -SITUATE on Osborne St. The house contained' rooms and; good stone cellar ; there aroti the premises, bard and soft weter.,a numper of fruit trees and good stable. The lot Son- , tains } of an acre, and will be sold'ohesp. W. ROBERTSON,=Pop Works, Clinton busE AND . LOT FOR - SALE.- WELL' 'situated Frame House oa Huron Street,•' Clinton, contains three good sized'roonis down stairs, and • four rooms up stairs. • Summer t Kitchen, Stone Cellar, bard and soft water under .1 •Cofer, Querter acre lot 'with Stable thereon. Terms reasonable. and popeseico given• at any., time. MBS REDMOND, fil bton. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. -SUB. seamen offers •for salethe property known as tho.Railway Hotel Clinton close to the grain storehouse of Mr It. Irwin which is •licensed' house and doing a good badness. This fa a good stand and will be sold on easy terms ofpayment:. A Grocery Store in con- nection, can be bought with the hotel, or separately. Full,,pparticulers on application, MRS M. KELLY Cliaton. ALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE -.- t -Y lot 9, con. 2, and lot 9, con. 3, Township of 'Statiley, each containing 100 acres. here are good buildings and about 87 acres' clear- ed oneach lot, and both•are in a good state of cultivation. ,These are Ehret-ejase,farme convenient, to Churches, School; &c , ane{ will be sold on easy terms, together or cepa- - rately. M.. McTAGGART, Clinton. - fEYCK COTTAGE FOR SALE - TEE. subscriber offers for sale that very eoie- fortable•cottaggefon Dunlop Street, at>pre- -eeitt gooupiotlbyyMra Srowi lee. It con s llE.;ooma End pantry downstairs, and kW room upstairs. The lot is a corner quarter acre, with hard and soft water. . Will be sold on terms tosuitpurchasers. For paticulars. apply to- D. DIOIUNSON, Auctioneer, or J. O. FTIT,IOTT, Clinton 14 lOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -Situated on the south side of Townsend Street. The house, which is new, contains parlor, dining room, -kitchen, a number of bed rooms • and a stone cellar, the main part being heated with a furnace. Hard and soft Water' in abundance. The lot contains one :quarter of attache, and the property will ne eold on reasonable terms. Apply to MRS.C. CARTER, Clinton: VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.-SUB- scnlBEk offers for sale his farm of 76 acres, being lot 25,11th Con. of Hullett ad- joining the village of Londesboro. All Geed frame house. and outbuildings. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Plenty of water. Excellent one for pasturing.If not sold will be rented. ppl to JOHN BARK - WELL, otrthe place or RICHARD BARK - WELL, Clinton, Oht. PROPERTY FOR SALE” -SUBSCRIBER offers for sale•that excellent property at of Princess and Raglan 19sreet on . There is an core of land all set out with choioe frtiit trees and grappe •vines, plenty of hard and soft water. The hottse contains three rooms down stairs, and four above, with good cel- lar, closets, &e. This property is very con- venient to schools, and is in one of the best locations', 1n town. Will be sold entire, or Me lots -divided. Terms reasonable. JOHN STEEP, Clinton. IOR SALE -THE HOMESTEAD OF THE L late Mrs Finkle, nicely situated on Vic- toria,Terraco, Clinton, and on the bank of , the Bayfield river, close to the London.road bridge, 2; •acre:Lot land, fine orchard and ail kinds of fruit, lemon and shrubbery, car- riage house, stable and woodshed. suitable for retired gentleman 'or any :. person wb'Q wants a good, home at a reasonable price Small payment down end tong time givop for. reit in the faller cent. to :GORDON PER-- BIN ER .. BIN or W. H PERA N. - , FARM FOR SALE Oil TO RENT. -THAT splendid tariff of .110 acro., on ilio Mait- land concession, being lot 77 Godorieb wn ship, situated l} Miles trod ittoolfli`enviiiile, and four miles from the town'of Cliooton. The soil is a good clay lean, with it neva Catling spring creflek running through the plied: ileo. good wells, Thore,is abeei.8'aoresof bnab, which le ono of the bent.ugar bushes in the conitty 4. also two frame barna, ono s bank barn,.one !rain Berth etardef with roans for ton horses, oleo two gcod hearing orchard,, efrg abed ex *three inbw two elm 16g houses: •Abdttsnotes 'Seeded den. Will bo sold en reascnsble tonna or rented to ,tcod tenant, AAEX IlADOUI'l, d0lnieav111m Post Olken Is now complete, colnpriising all the Latest Novelties. We c m_ satisfy you. with Dr ess Goods, from ,5 cents to 51 a yard, and with Mantle Goods= from 35 cents to :$10 per . yard. MISS OURRELI:, ,acknq'iiiedged,by all, as the Leading -Dress and Man- tle Maker in the county, is still. with us. Every order left with her is guaranteed. With her there is no such thing as a misfit, la'WE CUT FREE OF CHARGE every Wrap,. Ulster, and Mantle purehased from us.'. • s Dr,at Gtm. 77c76 FIRM_ 000 GIBBINGS We are now ready for the Fall Trade, with a fill' assortment in the following lines:— tStaple .and Fancy Dry Goods Woollens, &c Extra Good Value,. Cloihe, Tweeds, Tailor's. Tr mins, Gent's Foshlgs, &G. Very cheap: and good. quality. • 014 i a": t Ready - Made, in Suits .and Over - f Coats: Small advance on wholesale prices., All kinds of Ulothtng:made to order and. guaranteed. • EATS, CAPS, •FU:R8, &c.: -all New Styles •J * 1OOTS And SHOES, RUR ERS 'and FELT GOODS, in all. linea,. at near the Totonta wholesale-pncea. - 1r STAPLE LINES IN GROCERIES as cheap as : the cheapeat. ,We are in a position to buy our stock right, and we intend to sell at the lowest possible paying prices.. In fact we intend to take the lead for good staple lines at the lowest prices. Come and see our stock and get our prices. , ' 'Searle's Block, Clinton PUMMEL & OIBBINGS CALL ' AT Thef�ub • Gr�eiyAnd ask for some of the rew arrival of JAPAN TEA WHICH iS SOLO AT 30,36 AHD 40C A LB ALSO, ENGLISH BREAKFAST BLACK, FINE FLAVOR, NZW 'V'ALN Ly''GId RidI$XNS Don't fail to see the TWO .BROOMS for 25 cents. I am prepared to cut prices biose for Cash. Goods delivered 0, S ,At.*,.Uw, 1.*T�T'I'OlV ools and Yarns DIRECT PROM GERMANX.. BE1tRLIN. WOOL, 2, 4, and 8 fold SA ON' li`ARN A 'DAY.1JSIAN WOOUA FR Fiitllgertii FL 3t7 ff WOOS I IADWIN,Pin eri POMPAIiOTIRWOOL MID''iuear l i . ICE• WOOL 0+0KNCi dfir easterners may depend on getting the pareail from tut, MR we bay only the very beat lend topoft alto horn nlanntrete. • W Cooper Clinton stationer Parley GoadP'dealer- ,r, �ti