HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-13, Page 5INV MIP11 IR I • 0101%141 CAWS i • To 0 , D004, -` •$aea„loy et 11' 41414. P44100 ( l , ._.1, ••• .•..,.) , .,. 4414 4tr S• iiuti‘rvilA4. on , ..filudl4all In oldomoiog IA gain seems,' Reotpx. , to the human 0010, )11011 are wont xtrxxxspay. Sri x (Methoaitat),',,--, to approach the tont doer of the Seedy services et 11 eau, arta 7 P.41. 114014 .which _thoY not • seldom 8.13;44Y 80400 at 2.30 p.m. ggir. Jas. .tin4 barq,d, and guarded. At• uvingoone, Paot", thiS,bigh portal they are stopped ,IVitirmi (Preebyterian)—BendaY etet:- by the red tape, doubts and 'ciscs vart,-,,,,,.,1t,.. lit 41,4,0m4,1,4,01,...littaa4x tions of the keeper, and aro pee. t "R.% , 40Y04, s-towatOt 0 pastor. „ hors ileyOr Adixtited to the liuter • 0 g 0ii if, a. ) 4,1: ,N.., TA0,... o 14 •-r;p1,1R x sttlettunt .1.".„ (111,f0ertet la Abe , Mai. services at 10.30 a.m. and, 7 ,p,m, San. pertuteet ita*.ega: better way. '• , 'day Whoa' at 2.30 p.m. Bev, Joseph stead orrleybio(*tli(;thetirt Edge, Pastor. Jett, the approaeh .the' 000' 'door jp7Trin---$„,aa4AY •Ber#1910 at lt si,,r Of the heart, where the porter is ar".P.m- PAndayliebeetat2:00p,m. MRS.DART$ TR, IP. TS‘1.i-a---y, J,.., t dawn, •••-•—•-• teueltes 11,0Vtil IN -01111JRCE. iresident Cleveland% Pt* tor the ittiren het* the threshold, tO Oat -the sym• - 1 bies at the Aurora Coun:Tul'air la P8T W011 ' " ite ;nitwit "'Last August the litt e ones w . ay, dayt, pathisint,tnquiver, le the re yThe A eter. Two§ 04 SUndaY IrtOrelPfl early May, became veri to these triplets, e and" llama 0T MP. &IL parks ligfeburgb, i 00 and peivileg ea ithin be'uhful, sutinquiet 'very Sick, and as I couldiget no other food that advice °fiord CheSteefielcl ft hitt And ell the village, old and young, of Luta ed Vend. It helped them inimediatelY, tton is based on an jutimate know. ,Had,trooped to ehercli when theAurch tiderit very largely due to the Feed that they end they were soon as well as ever, and I con- -1 edge of harnan nature---,Snaooth bell rung. ere novr so well" ,,‘ our way to the head through The windows were open. an the breezes ltyloRfAete, qf foss friprelt dentiree 0 ehe mollin ', he heart,' W. rOte the.' t Worldly sweet , , . qt any Paby ecru Oa year • wouldar ee with them commenced the use wise:Man.. ,The way ofreason fs Lactated Food a good one, but it is commonly Fluttered the hymn books from seat to seat. 1 [Z. d Fven the birds in the paladeaved birch • Jt the best Food for bottle-fed babies. n keep. somethtng longer, andperhaps when they are eick. Sang as softly as if in church! • them well, and is better than medicine not so sure.— tons era . 114E 14I1)5T PACATA, BLEA rillefITY Right" in the midst of the minister 's NUTRITIOUS, and flhfrrniE FOOD. Some time slim) a woman do- prayer • EASILY PREPARED. I iv ered a lecture in. Lancashire There calm a knock at the door. "Who' At Druggists, 25o.,81.00. against Christianity, in which there. .. " Tuz;Inter Ara MOST rcogoficm poor, she. deelarecl ,that the CiOPPO1 nar .1 wonder ?" the • gray-haired sexton 150,0eractor an Infant for 81;00, • rittie of.thelife of Christ was a • thought, Istr-A valueblelp phlet on "The Nutrition myth or fable. One of the mill As his careful ear the tapping caught. Of Manta antlInvalids," free onAPPUSS0037, C., hands who listened to her, obtain- Rap -rap, rap-rap—a louder sound, IIERAIDS0111 CO3. IIONTIMLU. • FoxTox LATE OF THE CONSEavATORY, OF MUSIC, TORONTO. Is prepared to take pupils in music. For +particulars ap ply at residence, RattenburySt Etireka Ilakery.1 Opposite the Post Office. The sulisellitir irgitEA pis of Clinton for their veryilbersi patron- aafii 4114 Past,.nad at the same time be woulaintithate tolltem that he Wigton:loved to the more convenient stand in Smith's Block, directly oppose the Post Office where be will bo pleased to supply Oran with Bread. Cakes, etc.., of first class quality. WEDDING CAKES A sPECIALT andprepared in spietidid style. J. A. KING, Baker. ;•, Di rf: Washinotote's NEXT VISIT and Lung. Surgeon, ON TORONTO Will be at the lattenbury House Throat THURSDAY OCT. 18th until the 4 P.M. Chronic Bronchitis Cured. An English Church Clergyman speaks. • Recti.ry, Cornwall, Ont. Dit wesniNOTON,- . DEAR Sia, -1 ain glad to be able to inforM ,- that my daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time she has been cured of grave broncleal troubles under you ',theft mhnt, when . the usual remedial. failed. 1 write to express my,gratitude. Please accept my sincere thanks, • JP. . Yours trail', C. 5 PETTIT. dint* TnEkrith„-Catarrh of the Head and , . Throat, Catarrh, Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and C..nsumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged toqsils. Polypus oi the nose removed. Como early. Consultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr Washingtori,s now method. • H tl Storey, of Storey dz Son, manufacturers, Acton, Ont, also Pres'd i'vlanufaettiring Aos., of Canada. permanently cured of Catarrh, by Dr Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Write him for particulars. Mrs John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh • and Consumption. • John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh. Mrs A Hopping, Kingston, Ont, Broneho con- sumption. • Mr D Scott, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh, head and throat. . Mrs John Bertram. Harrowsmith, Oi.t, Ca- tarrh, head'and throat. a Mies 'Mary A Bombourg, • tntieville, Ont, Catarrh, howl and throat. James Mathews, P Master, Acton Oni. A. 18 Fish, (lento Furnishings, Belleville, Out cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandl,tirst I' 0, Ont., (tear Na- • panee) of Catarrh head throat and rungs. Head office ii.g.'Yontre Street Toronlve. eft- suttation Ft* • ed limy° to ask e„ questem. • 'The • The •boys on the back seats turned quefiti011' said he, 'I want to ...tiskl. around. the lady i's this: • Thirty years What could it mean? for never 'before ago I was a curse to this town, . Had any one knocked at the old church and everybody shrank from me door. that had any respect for himself. . I. often : tried to • do • better, but , Again the tapping, and now so lona • could do, but though they all A big black do. -With a solemn jog tried I was ,nothing better, but Bight up tietodnre aisle he pattered, rather worse.: Now, you say People might stare, it little mattered, that Christ is a myth. But when Straight it went to a little maid, and the teetotlers, the po- Who blushed and hid, as though afraid, •, 110e, the magistrates and the war- And there sat down, as' if to say, dens of the prison all tried in vain, i'm sorry that I was late to -day ; then Christ took hold of rnei But better late than never, you know, • touched my heart and made me a Besides I waited an hour or so, .new man. And now I ask, if And couldn't get them to open the door Christ is a myth, how omes it to pass that myth Is stronger than Till I wagged my tail and bumped the floor. all these forces put together? Now, little mistress, I'm going to stay, 'The lady was silent. • `NaYOniss'' And hear what the minister has to say." said be, 'say what you will, tbe Gospel is the power of God unto The poor littlegiri bi,1 her f ace and cried! salvation: • ' But the big dog Tamil -,(1 to it er side, And kissed her, dog f aRlit , Iendenly, Wondering what th t COnill be. The clog being la y hr•I the s.-xton He sat through the sermon and heard it all, • As solemn and wise as any one there,. With a very dignified, scholarly air! And instead of scolding, the minister said, • As he laid his hand on the sweet child's head After the service, " I never knew Two better list'ners than Rover and you 1" WANTED:• TO. BE HEARD FROM. If any Orison had ever given Dr Sagel.fr Cattirili'•*iiaecly a fair trial, and, hart not been perfectly and permanently cured, that person should write the pro- prietors of that wonderful remedy, for they are in dead earnest 'and "mean business" when they offer $500 reward for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The remedy is sold by druggists. at only 50 cents. It is mild, soothing, deodorizing, antiseptic, c!eansing and healing.. • Dr- Chase Haack worldwide reputation as a physician and author. MN Mandrake Dandelion ,L,Iver Cue is triumph of medical skill curing all diseases o the ,Ithi eir and Liver. Symptoms of I ON tY 100 Mi PI. 4 INV. Distressing aches and pains in the back; a dull pain or weight in the bladdet and base oi ibo abdomen; scalding urine often obstructed; fiequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among rived per- sons; hot, dry skin, pale complexion, rod and white deposits, drop-dizzitiassoniar stomacivon- stipation, piles, liver ste.it swelling, d e, SYMP OMS IF LI V E it C4. Xi P1. 1 • Pain .under the shoulder blades, 1 dindle , sallow complexion, a weary, tired feeli g 15. ..r energy, headache dyspepda, inds: • t• pimples, &c. 0- IP it Mandrake and D41iThifou, ar,• nature's Liver cures and when coiiiim e wtf • [(Armreieedies, as In Chasel- iv, , moat poditivelyoure all Kidney-Livv, tr ohl. • It .t -'.s like a charm, stimulating the el.. ..tti ngthen Ing the kidneys, and intr,4 hod y. Sold by all dealers 4, St, with ••., • hook which a lone to worth thy u. blivw ott od!.•-i or. Oliasei Pills are the lyKbl - 1.. r toad°. Ma: be taken elurl,.g inetit They cure, Kidnm -Liver • OHS eestivenesa, tc. •, 1,SO -Id by all dealera , Prism 28 el: • t a . ED 11A IgnywN et ell.* MBnittrietnr• ,dfOrd, Ontario, aqamoo- pug tro42arquo,ix aie- 0.1 clIRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. 'Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.' For ho that is warm to -day and cold to -morrow, zealous in his resolutions and weary in bis practices, fierce in the beginning and slack and easy in his pr,gress, hath not yet well chosen what side. he will be -on; ho sees not reason enough for religion; and he hath not confidence enough for the -contrary; and therefore he is, as Si. James calls him, of a doubtful mind.' For religion is worth as much to -day as it was yesterday,and that cannot change though we do; and if we do, we hav left God; and whither he pan go that goes from God, his own sorrows will soon enough in- struct him. The firs must never go out, but it must be like the fire of Heaven; it must shine like the stars; though sometimes cov- • eredwith a cloud; or obscured by a greater light, yet they &eel', forevoe in their orbs, and -Walk in their circles, and observe their circumstances, but go not—only out by.day nor night, and set not when kings die, nor are extin- guished .when nations .change their' government. So 'Lust the zeal of a Christian be a constant incentive of his dilty; and though sometimes 1ij#Tiand is drawn back by violence or nee4 and hif prayert3 shortened h‘. 11•0irnphr Utility of business, and some petit; omitted Eby necessities and just compliances, et still the fire is kept alive; it burns within when the light breaks not forth, and is eternal as the orb of fire or the embers of the altar of' incense.— (Jeremy Taylo. - "Unless a mon ilsq vsilled him self for his (.1m:. N., 1110 f•h Wee will only 111:1 k' '1' rn i.1;0111(m,,, A. great 000:1-, 1i wo 11 to a man exactly what his ecdORIS have enabled idol to make of' it. — [Wm. Matthews. We novcr know through what divine mysteries of compensation the groat Father of he universe may bo catrying••out Ills sublime plan.'but the words God is Love,' ougbt to contain to every doubt- ing soul the solution of all things. —Mrs Mulnch, • CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physioan, retired from pram. tice,haVing had, Rleeed in his hands by an Eatit India minima* the fortimla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent ate of COliStithlt. tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical Mire for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf. fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human But- tering, I will Rend free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and lifting. Sint by mail by addressing withotanip, naming this paper, W. A. Nana, 149POWer's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 180121.e.o.w. Children Cry for CANADIAN HORSES. wlitrelitereilr"t-ets 135 HOUS, 4 roll. , amertmeot ,"774•0#1•10#10# PPIIIMP.11‘1Ro41.••••••••. Boyt_ •Fig Fall Viredrp jest epeeed opt , 1111101•11 Cil DO tally Mill ii1010g ..A..Fine Assortment of III •• We do a jarge and increasing trade in this alli/ tale fail show hatter value than ever before. We show a line ef TWEED.• SUIS from five to twelve dollars, and 4 line of BLACK and COLORED WORSTgp SUITS, from ten to foprten dollars. These geode are equal 11 in Cut, Style, • . Fit and WOrkmauship to suits made to *artier? and you will notice there s a vast difference in the priees. If you buy Dine of our Colored Wnrsted tilts, at fourteen dollars, and do nob give away thelnice yourself, no one will suppoee‘ you bought it for less than $25. IN OVERCOATS WE. LEAD THE TRADE We commence them with a Common Union Coat at.$6.00, which we do ot recommend, but if you must have a coat, and money is scarce with ou, why hero is the coat. Next comes $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $9.01), 10 00 lines, improving, of course, in quality aS the price advances, and all serviceable goods, yell cut and well made. Our -WORSTED OVERCOATS are selling rapidly. We have them in Black and Brown, first class Trimmings, Velvet Collar, bound and cut ipd madc as needy as any coat made to order. We sell them at prices anging from $0.00 to $12.00.4 We want you to see these goods, look at hem, examine the workroantihip, if they please you, and you want a coat, ny them, if yon do not want one, you will perkaps tell your friends what we aro showing. We want you to see them, anyway, and will not press any otte to buy. Don't ask how we can sell them so cheap, it takes ime to explain, and with us time is money. The coats are here, and when y ou Watt one you will have it at the low price at which it is marked Auother siiciaial line we are showing is a very heavy FULL CLOTH, or Etoffu, in plain and check, at nO cents a yard. Ask to see it—it's a bon - We have good value in CARDIGAN JACKETS and USDER CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES could not succeed: The teetotlers The minister paused 1,thqugh his head got bold•of toe, but' I, br3ke the was bowed), plodge so often,fl)at they said it Rappety-tap. This will never do, was tto• utie trying me ally lOng- The girls are peePing, and laughing, tool er; then' the •police took hold of so the sexton tripped over the creaking me, and 'I vies taken before the floor, . , magistrates, and they tried; and . Lifted the'latoh, and opened the doer. next I was sent to prisoe, anci the warders ' tried what they In there trotted, it big blaok dog,,, Anil for the ladies we have KNITTED WOOL SQUARES, in avariety of holm t shades and exquisite texture, WOOL FASO1NATORS, very a t t rtit•l i DRESS GOODS, in the leading fashionable shades, Plush ii.o Satin trimmings, A good range of Dress Melton Chiths, at 10c., 124c. and 20c. - D0 ROT .FORAET OUR SPECIAL DRIVES IN TEAS Wo sell you 10 pounds of tea.for five dollars, we gnat rantee the ten equal at least to any tea you cairbuyiii the county at the same price, and you have the chance of winning'a SEWING MACHINE, worth $60, or a DINNER SET of 85 pieces, worth $15.00, or a set of tVIRS. POTTS' POLISHING IRONS, worth $4.00 Remember you get good value for your money, if you get the tea. only, and 'some one is sure to win the prizes, it may be you, yourfehance iii just as good as that of any other person. Try it. is KlPeri• &inland fee fiyot-elats .htireeesT in England at- ll'illresen recnt shipment sent there fdi cavalry service shows that our horses are on a par with the best English bred stock Tho truth is for a long time now Great Bri- tain has been drained of' her best class of both males and females. Every year Canada and the Unit- ed States Lily up largely of their prize steek, until at the, present time, England has to import horses to fill her own, require- ments. While she may • supply us with breeding borees, oto send hack the results nf these importa- tions in t he shape of working and enri-iatre horses By mem sys- tematic brreditil,, ;IA breeding for the propel markets, this trade might easily he indefinitely ex- tended. The English market at present wants heavy horses and remounts. A remount means a short -backed, gamey saddle horse, fit for either artillery or cavalry purposes There is a limited market for first-class carriage horses and horses for. street rail- way uses. Ontario at tho pre- sent time has grand prospects for remunerative horse breeding. Outside of' Kentucky there are no bettor pastures and no more in• viting fields for breeding typical horses. Send a 2 cent stamp to J. C. Ayer dc Co., Lowell, Mass., for a set of their at- tractive album cards. A Toronto citizen who had been summoned to answer for a breach of by-law, found ho could not appeari.so telephoned the fact to head quarters. Tho ease was set - tied by the citizen acknowledging hisguitt through the telephone and being fined $1 and costs through the.same medium. PitCher's Castoria: W. L. OUIMETTE, LON DFSBORO Rel Wiii'o this the great question in the political arena of Canada the peol)10 of Lonilesboi-o and surrounding country are asking t‘Wbere can I get the best value. for my money ?". • Come to ADAMS' Emporium 4(4I3OIR.t.). Which is well supplied with • a 00 Ds Not to be excelled in ti o county GM C+1.3.A.S(31"01.7q- ItEligAIBER TIM STAND — Otto door north of the Dry Goods lValuee, Albert Street, Clinton. New Furniture : tock • Opezved. out CEI. XialoZOTT5 .1314001E1 NEXT. DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK ;VIVRE, CLINTON. BEDROOM. SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES. SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANI' A. GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE vRicY BEST MADE FUNNY TURE AI REASONABLE PRICES. 3( )fAit. 40 11 1 1 Family Groceries. A FRESH AND FULL STOCK, WHICH INCLUDES FRUITS, CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, &c. —PESIDES A FULL STOCK FamilyOF— oceriee4,Clhintl, Croek4.ry rind (lawre. 411 se t lEgottom --A CALL SOLICITED :X. N. • R0a$0N. 'CHINA NALL.. DR., it H. GRAHAM'S FOLL AND, WINTER GOODS Itgr Selma extraordinary vabiesin TWEEDS. tiErBBAUTIFUL AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. WGreat variety Of FLANNELS, PRINTS & COTTONS. 4W BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, and or HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use. SPEDIAL ,VALNES' 111 ALL KINDS Or GROCERIES ;Alf11-0 ittiWin' connection. Highest in•i-ce for Butter and Eggr. • Sept 6th, 188S. R. ADAMS. allnek& Reith, LE' AD IN G UNDERTAKE 'S 1 EMBALMERS LIN1 ON In our line of undertaking we fear no competition, as .we carry a very large stock of Good Goods, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound td..give satisfaction. A' call re- spectfully solicited. 4 Tho Wain radon don, iliort IL ca_Arvrt IN CALBICK & REITH • British American Medicial & Surgical Institute. --•*.sof100.• 1:70 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronio and Private Diseases. ° All Diseases of the Throat, tiose, Lungs & Heart. • , Diseases °film Shin as PimpleUlcers, &c.t quickly cured. Nervous diacitieeenitd:Disettses 01 the Brain indicated by Headache, Dust. ness'Sleepleasnesti;luid Neuraligia affections. Diseases of the StOmeoh,Liver and:Bowels characterized by Indigestion._ Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Offensive Breath, &L. Diarrhceie.Cestivenesei Piles, Turners, Etc., Diseases.of the Kidneys and Bladder. • • PrivataDiseases and diseases of a private nature as Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele (the result of youthful folly a4a, excesses) Gleet, Syphilitio affect- ions dm., receive Special attention, Diseaseaof Women, Painful, Profuse or Suppressed Itenstruation,„Lint- sorrhoea, (whites) Ulceration: and all Displacements of the Womb. , Call or wantrefor particulars. Offiriehrines.-7-9 a.m. to 8p.m. Sreaditylie to 4 p.m NewTailoling,,BstablishmOnt The Undersigned' has opened out in the tailoring bOness, in the store ° lately occupied -by Me Floody, and will ket p a fine stock of - English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, French Worsteds, andrirthe latest patterns ' of Pantings. . Which he will guarantee to make up at the lowest possible prices. Workmanship of theihest quality_,_end a fit guaranteed or no sale. • A call solicited. T..SIISPECENtp, Albert $t., Clinton. NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. PasitIve 94tIhni )3Z4 A Painless Cure. DISE.ASEIS OE' WAN', NC. V. AT I3,9CDINTIS SPECIPiCi wt:). 9 THE GREAT 'REAZTEI REXEIPER, •46 Martol of Heallagtand Kehineor of Medicines, jutze4ess, the terrible consequences of indiscretion, Vrpo4ure and Overwork. ZOTTINTC1-1 IvsEca:a.,=..a.c4aanz ..6.1\73:> c)=.72 244:3m •Vho ate broken down from the effoots of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical cure fOr nerves debility'organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, de. , 'iltIWPTOMS P018 waren No. 8 UL SHOD ars Urren..-,Want of energy, vertigo, Milt of 'Malay dimness of sight, aversion to sooiety, want of'confidenee, avoidance of cOnversittiot desire for Solitude, listleamosa and inability to fix the attention on .8 partionler inibleo aoternenia,d'epresston of spirits giddiness, loss of ruemor excitability cftatapea•spe maroneew nn•PV loof the seminal fluid -the result of Mkt Imo or instiateillestr-ixripc tenoy, innutritien, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the, heart, hystierhaeisitm k temeleedata:ding, melancholy, diStilrbitig dreams, oto., are itll twrimionisotthieleir4b/ habit, eitentimeginnocently acquired, in 'theft, the eprIng of vital foroel(avin !Waif iendOnc ovorY function wanes in oonoogoonoo. Scientific) wistersand thesaparia edam% ..,1 insanet ehylinna unite in ascribing to the effects' of self-abuse the graf eat Orley .. waited litetiewhich tome under their notice. If yon are incompetensfer the liedtrom. dtitioitof Witness, ineapaeitated tot tho enjoyments 01 1110, No. Sorrereid eankalpfrott the.eiteotiof early*lee. if you aro advanced in years, No. Swill give you Wolin* OW strength. If yed are broton dewn, physically n3 and orelly, from early incl tion, ilic relltilt Offloranilootol folly, Sends/our addren Eind 10 emits in Otattpe fOr lt, adilsON't. Treatise. it Book Form on Direases,.of tian. , . Sealed and secure from Obitervnui. AddTIMIB all cenintunieeM2. ons to ,11 V. LUSO , 47 Wellittigtoil St. XII 4:_i..44111ster, A Manwithotit witeinh lives in a lora paradise. RES GUARANTEED. HEAL TIM SICK. PerIMArlent CUM, 110 172'102P' (*Alio • , 0- 41e 0 • •