HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-19, Page 3••••••44 44-
/470 Fcus. , ,
ii,,litet Delid$ideltitivel*IteD •jilry kV:-Ibe.gniphic ' 7 tke °till*
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,40,, '1i ,41144 i:4 14144444t:" : 4 '44'.'4414,4' and't13,67.(!":iltac.etti) With' ' Whyttk, ' the. :Weer.-
*tee My, !mat:v4504,40101040. !:144tit the, ;444 .who entered jlw ,,4?120P,.0 !,1i4. .w#4essts .:fir,..tbs.,44ft . 0 ,4444:01.0*,4494044 rtni.,..on:440.0*,
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the tiMS:1 palm oe4,,, Ivo, * Th# iliaPP9144alt thel.:::, the prisoner 1#09E'0 '09.01.C.I#ON' 04 did; not,
',. Jatr Fitzgerald' llveat'gt 0Th140),titOtl,'
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04 the ixttph" 494 to eke' if it ;POO and '0.0 . ,g400.. p000u, 'icgititt 4'91 '"4)"i'!''''')-'' 44!''''44-0"0•9'•'014' ''.*..' . the: 00II$13. .Annlaii knil .,thti. lotak
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4ty ',1,0tehi. -J .feand that the eleek '"‘"?' 11"4144i le41'9' 4114g4 1".. 44' 09i:sr:lir ,:elAirg'', )tvii):le, 1. .tlitlils1Tet.r1-77-s;.1., 'L;IlettiOttft7; Tet:141tt. tgenfit.l:
tv2R. t„,,, ,ra,-,1„i„,. ea.o.. „,,,,,,„ „,m,...i, T. INI.lezittdOYAI1/4j1HIglIng COM tia OWII
''.''"' '''''."'' ""''',, ',""q 'Pr-"" Y" * '- Al- -
,,Ii0t;# APC1 Inulated tt p..o., ."01.031, ACit in '4,14 ,it,' to ai,„ „met their.yerdit Mpen''' th*IdattitatvatrproliO,04,-;,Kiiiii-Otihe je.tioeei.j,,
but Oa jaPt.iaklali.vt O. R4wiiaft
i fl; 04 wit4vgi; 4;4; itat.'ail end t,O. all
put it illOt?
' Witness-latoen o'clock. '
,Oaltert,,lietweeo that time and
in the morning, was it r possible fw
• the 0104 to,gairt minUtO
Witnesss-,-No,it Was not possible.
Calton -.Would it On at all?
Witness -Not *stamen 8 filal
o'clock-4-th° time., was not long
enough, - 4'•
- ti"-Pliolt • bAttWeen Wen Who fact/ trhe, qtige! a'04' they
whet time did yeti bai/e4 th9 ciAki\an't the 64'9 `54° Aqt they cQuIft 1?4'.4t1 rat. bringing
means 9( dtdordform4 therefore, IVI)eP Ck14"1.;t4t.'41"1"'"§11144ed I he. misteken for avt thing Molt
in, The crime was committed Iv ;fl a YerdOPteet'ge ' 4904 in egsime th
the prisoner wee guilty, • he menet 11100,_Irc of -_!!P,P-41-410--. beard, the Elbe neeitiVelY ewere. the;
have pufrOhaeesi the chlorcform in ,w,_1",u ,vtaa;in041ROY s"Pl"."4",104 Ur Fitzgerald wati in One of the
seine sbop or obtained it from some..44° judge began'W.' stIO' 4p; Oda; Omits, Off 13.9nritik street, between the
' : ‘a , ,,,,„,
friends. At all fevente,,00 p yck .he did rum*. ill of liOttEff-.4 440 2'9n Friday tek?rnitnr,,
oeeptieu not boogbp'foryord aid. Thejury theretired;, Wwhichtime the murder WAR cOm;
single piece of oviaatioa to allow how .imilrdia01$1'' tlulte 1* 4 '-daad mittect Under these cireueititances;
end where, the ehloreinent woe ob, Irnea in the 40144 00Ort,refte. ,tbe jury unallimetudy agreed in the
tained., With regard to the glove natural silence, tutch as inuat baVe voidiet4/sIot guilty,* an:4 the prigs.
'COW -IV -Did you see ,out aunt :belengiag to the aaurciered Mult
that night?. . found in the prisoner's,,he picked it
witoss_yes, mumd tiii she up off the ground at the time when
canto in, be first met Whyte, when the de-.
Calton -And did you tell her "dsell vi'as 13411,g cironk. 'War -Ow
Scotch church. Certainlytbere was
you had.put the eleck right?
no evidence to show that the pris-
Witness.,--No, I dicl not; I forgot
°Herbed plotted it up before the .de -
all :sheet' it.
:6,14)11_1:hen v,„8 eon older emoted entered the cab; but, on the
ether hand, there was no evidence
the impression that it was ten min -
to show that it had been picked up
utes fast./ . ,
in the cab. 14 was far more likely
Witnef•e---Yes, I suppose so.
Afte, Dendy had been cross-ex-
amined Felix Rolleston was called,
and depoeeil'as follows: -
I am an intimate friend of the
, prisoner. I hero known him tor
five or six years, end -I never saw
him wearing ring during that time,
He has feequehtly told me he did
Iiot.care tor rings; and would never
wear them.
In cross-examination:
Crown Prosecutor- You have
never , seen be prisoner wearing. a
diamond ring?
Witness -No, never.
Crown Prosecutor- Have you
over seen any such ring in his pos-
Witness -No, I •have seen- him
buying rings for ladies, but I never
saw him with any ring such as a
gentlemen would ,wear.
Crown Pt•osecutor-Not oven a
seal ring?
' Witnesa-No, not even a seal
that the glove,and especially a white
glove,would be picked up under the
light of the lamp near the Scotch
church, where -it was easily notice-
able, than in the darkness of a cab,
where there was very little TooM,
and whore it would be ouite dark,es
the blinds were drawn 'down. Th,e
cabman, Royston, swore positively
that the men who got out of his
cab on the St.. Kilda road wore' a
diamond ring on the forefinger of
his deli hand, and the cabman,'
Rankin, swore to the same thing
about the man who got out at Pow -
lett street. Against this could be
placed the evidence of one of the
prisoner's most intimate friends -
one who had= seen him almost cleily
for tbe last five years, and hf had'
sworn pceitively that the prisoner,
never was in the habit of wearing
rings. The cabman, Rankin, had
also sworn that the man who enter-
ed his cab on the St. Kilda road
alighted at Posvlett street East Mel-•
bourne', at 2 o'clock on Ptiday
Sarah Rawlins was tlien placed
morning, as be heard the hour
in the. witness box, and, after beincr
strike from the postoffiee clock
whereas the evidence of the prison-
er's landlady showed plainly that he
entered_the house five minutes pre-
Melboerne club, at a rpiarter to 12
viously, and her evidence was fur -
o'clock on Thursday, 2teh July.
did not know what his name was. thei supported by that of the
waechmaker's, Deeds,. Mrs &unp-
ile met sborlly er 1, at the
eon saw the band of •her kitchen
corner of Russell and Bourke streets,
clock point to five minutes to 2',and
where I had been told t wait for
thinking the clock was ten minutes
him I took him to ruy grand -
slow, told the detective the prisoner
mother's place, in a. lane tif Little
not did enter the house till
Bourke „street. There was a dying
woman there,whO had sent for him. &its minutes past , 2, • which
He went in and saw her for about would just give the man who a -
twenty minutes, and then I took lighted from the cab, presuming
him to have been the peisoner, suf.
him back to the corner of Bout ke
and Russell streets. I beard the ficient time to walk up to his lodg.
three-quarters strike shortly after iDgs• The evidence of the watch -
1 left bini: tuaker, Dently, however, showed
clearly that be had put tbe deck
Crown Prosec u tots -You are (mita
eertaits that the prisoner was the right at the hour of 8 on Thursday
night, thet it was impossible for it
man you: mct on that night? .
we to gain ten uiinutes .before dn
Witdess-QuIte certin', s'clp
• • Friday morning, and, therefore, the
Crown Prosecutor --And be met tine, five minutesto 2, seen by the
landlady, was the correct one, and
you 0 few minutes past 1 o'clooki •
Witness-Yek'bout five minutes; the prisoner was in the house five
1 'card the clock altrikin' 1. just minetei before the other man
alighted frOm the cab in Powlett'
D.fisre he came clown the street,. and
when 1. leaves 'im tigin, it were Street.. These peints in themselves
about tlenty-five to 2,rcause were sufficient ' to show that •the
me ten minutes to git 'ome, and 1. prisoner was innocent': but the evi-
'eard "the clock' go three -voters ;dense -of the warmit''Rearlins Must
justaa, gits to the door.- .prove donelustirely to the jury that
Crown Prosecutor --How YOu .the prisoner was not the man who
know it. was exactly twenty-five t3 °I)Wolittixtrthe atitaP.- Tim wititose
2 when you left him? • Brown had proved that the woman
Witness -'Cause I stisVr,,-;th.v:: "Rawlins had delivered a letter to
clocks. left 'im at the eornerof 'him, which be gave to the prisoner,
Russell street, and comesl.tiown and that the prisoner left the club,.
13ontke street, so I could dee .tlie personally,' to lceti the appointnient
postorffice cloak as plain as day,: an' spokort of in the letter, which letter,
wben gets into Swanton street, I or rather the remains of it,had been
looks at the town 'all. premiscus put in evidenee. The woman Raw.
like, and see the same time there. lins swore that the prisoner met her
Crown Prosecutor - And you at the corner of Russell and Bourke
never lost sight of the priiener the streets, and had gone with her to
whole time? ono of the hack slums, thole to see
Witness -No; there was only tbe writer of the letter. She also
one door by the roonl, an' I was a- proved that at the time of tbe coin-
sittin' outside it, an' when be comes rnittal of the crime the prisoner was
out be falls over me. still in the back slum, by the bed
Crown Prosecutor- Were you of the dying woman, and, there be -
asleep'? • . ing only one door to the room,could
Witness --Not a. blessed svink, not possibly have left without the
Calton then directed Sebastian witness seeing him. The woman
Brown to be called, who deposed: Rawlins further proved that she
I know the piisoner. Ho is a left the prisoner at the corner of
member of the Melbourne dub, at Rnsaeli a" 13Gurke- streets st
which 1 am a waiter. ' I rtnitember twenty-five minutes to 2 o'clock,
Thursday, July 26th. On that whi2h was five minutes before Roy -
night the last witness came with a eton drove his cab up tbe St. Kilda
letter to the prisoner. It was abeint police station, with the dead,body
quartcr to 12. She just gave it inside. Finally the woniart Raw -
to me and went away. I delivered line proved her wards by stating
it to 'Mr Fitzgerald. Ile left the that she both heard the postofilee and
club at about tett minutes tO the town hall clocks,_' and supposing
This closed the evidence for the the prisoner started from the corner
defense, mad after tho MAIO- of Bourke and Russell, streets, as
miter had made his speeelhin which she says he did,he would reach East
he pointed out the strong evidence Melbourne in twenty minut,es,which
against the prisoner, Calton. aroae made it five minutes to 2 on Friday
to address .the was a fine Morning, the thee at which, Accord -
speaker, and maltiT-a splendid de- ing to the fluidlady's statement, he
fense. 'Not a single point tesicapou1 tr.tered ths house. .4.11 She
him, and that brilliant piece of donee given by the different wit.
oratory is still retnembennt and nosh' agreed completely, and form.
npoken of admiringly in the purlieus a a Chain AVIiich thawed the whole
of Temple Court and Ctaneery, ink Gf the prieoneria illoiterliOntS the
'He began by giving a Aolvid des. titue of the committal of the murder. unwearied dilligence, was able to
eription of the circumstances of the Therefore, it was absoluthly impos- discover the last witness end prove
intirder-of the mooting ol the trier. Sit& that the murder could have been
en alibi. Had it not been for this,
sworn, deposed:
I know the prisoner. I delivered
a letter 'addressed to bun at the
fallen On the blotaidoving ,Beroaa ouer wart forthwith acquitted: We
popnlace when they sawtheChris " have to ectragistulate his counsel, DIr
Oen IllartYre kneeling 0.11. theyellow Calton, for the able Speeob made
IIu sends of the wenn, and watched the for the defense,and tileo Mr Fitz -
bong, 144.0 (9,uto or ,She' lion and
panther oreepteg stealthily toward
their prey. The boor beteg late,the
gas had been lighted, and there was. purushMent. He leavert the court
without a stain on his character,and
a sickly glare through tbe wide hall, with the respect and sympathy of
which added to the eingularity of
the scene. Fitzgi raid bad been
taken out of court on the retiring
of the juey, but the spectators star-
ed steadily at the empty dock,which
seemed to enchain them by some in-
describable' fascination. They con-
versed among themselvas only in
whispers, until even the whispering
ceased;lita nothing could be heard
but the steady ticking of the clock,
and now •and then tbe quick drawn
breath of some timid onlooker. Sud-
denly a• woman, whose nerves were
overstruns,e shrieked, and the dry
rang weirdly through the crowded
hall. She wee taken out, and again
there was silence, every eye being
now flied on the door through
which the jury would reissue with
their verdict of life or death. The
hands of the clock moved slowly
round -a quarter -a balf---4hree
quarters -and then the hour sound-
ed with a silvery ring which startl-
ed every one, Madge, sitting with
her bands tigbily clasped together,
began to fear that her highly strung
nerves would give way. "MY God,"
she muttered softly to herself, "will
this suspense never end?"
Just then the door opened, and
the jury re-entered. The prisoner
was again placed in the dock, and
the judge again resoled his seat,
this time with the black cap in his
pocket, as every one guessed.
Tbe usual formalities were gone
through, and When the foreman of
the jury. stood up every neck was
craned forward, and every ear was
on the alert to catch the words this;
fell from his lips, The prisoner
flushed a little and then grew pale
as death, giving a quick, nervous
glance at the quiet figure in black,
of which he could just catch a
glimpse: Then came in the verdict,
sharp and decisive, "Notguilty.'
Oa blearing this a cheer went up
from every one • in tile court,
strong was the sympathy with
In rain the crier of the court
yelled, "Order!" until he was red in
the face. In vain the judge threat-
ened, to commit all present for.con-
tempt of court -hie voice being in-
audible, it did not matter much -
the enthusiasm could not be retrain-
ed, and it was' five minutes before
order was obtained. The judge
,having eecovered his cotuposure, de-
livered bis judgment and discharged
the prisoner; in aecordance with the
verdict. Ca ton had won many
cases, but it is questionable if he
had ever heard a verdict which gave
;hint so much satisfaction as that
which prsclaimed Fitzgerald inno-
And Brian, stepping down from
the dock a free man, passed through
a crowd of congratuling • friends to
a small room off the court, where a
wonian wet; Waiting for him -a wo-
man who oiling round his neck, and
sobbed out:
"My darling! My darling! I knew
that God would save you."
The morning after the trial was
concluded the e'folloWing article in
reference to the 'matter appeared in
The Argus:
"During the past three men:he we
have frequently in.our cioluiliee cum-
mented on the extraortlinma case
which is now so widely known as
'The Hansom Cal,---Trauerly ' We
can safely say _ that it is the in at
remarkable case which hes ever
come under the notice of our crimi-
nal comt, and tbe verdict by
the jury yesterday has enveloped
the matter in still dr.eper myritary.7
By a train of strange coincidences.
Mr Brian Fitzgerald,a young squat-
ter, woe suspected of having um-
dered Whyte, and had it no been
for the timely appearance of the
woman Rawlins, who turned up at
the eleventh hour, we feel sure that
a verdict of guilty would have been
given, and an innocent man would
have suffered punishment for the
crime of ar other. Fortunately for
the prisoner, and for the interests of
justice, hie counsel, Mr Calton, by
Hook It inW
b n$0, -W* no ye '4410k* With
veringhth Planing PwitrIT
und it. 000) g,r0.04. were
bung between ilia the Pillars le keep
Asa Atft. *war ittld' all " tdang Ifet
gestered. 104404 -91;;;:k0,cf,Notvo
work with rtigs,novoli, emptzsoda
hatilea IPA 06'9Wezi'014010Ilectl
that Mr Fretelajrla poets hod hoop
wlaaand' attlad inside dttring the
tioendoy heat, Mode Was seated
in. Onci of these cordorteldla chairs,
atttkl divided het a.ttention betvreele
the glowing beauty of the world ow -
side,, which she could we Tilt ongh a
llar ow in the blind, enti a nun
novel from,'Mnilen's lying open on
her koee. She was not /ooklep
well, for the trial through .which
he had plumed had been ,very greet
4114 lied left it i itoPrese'of rorro4
on her beautiful, Coco. in her eyes,
teo, usually' eo' ;alai, there wis
troubled look, is, leaning her head
'Von her hende, she thought of ea.,
bitterness of the pest year
gerAld, for his providential escve „I haver had a silk dress spice I
from a dishonorable and undeserved was married, nor a new bonnet for thre.,
seasons," complains Mrs C.V. R. She
declares she is bound to have a new
bonnet, if she has to work for it herself
This is. true grit but many ladies wbc
would gladly work hard to attain a de-
sired object, are unable to do so because
they are almost constantly afflicted
with diseases, peculiar to their sex
Dragging -down pains, displacements ,
leucorrhea, and other uterine disorders,
are the bang of many women's lives
but Dr Pierce's Favorite Presoription
will cure where all other compounds
It is the only medicine for wo
'men, sold by, druggists, under a positiv,
guarantee from the manufacturers, that
it will give satisfaction in every case, or
money will be refunded. • This guaran
tee has been printed On the bottle wrap
'per, and faithfully carried out for many
all A.ustralians, for the courage and
dignity with which be comported
himself throughout, while resting
under the shadow of such a serious
"But now that it has been con•
elusively proved that he is inneeellt,
the question arises in every one's
mind, 'Who is the murderer of
Oliver Whyte?' The man whocom-
witted this dastardly crime is still
at large, and, for all we know, may
be in our midst.
"There seems to be no possible
clew discoverable at presOt w, hich
can lead to the discovery -Of the real'
murderer. The man inthe light
coat who got out of Rankin's cab at
Powlett street, East Melbourne, (de-
signedly, as it now appears, in order
to throw suspicion on Fitzgerald),
has vanished as completely as tbe
witches in 'Macbeth, and ler; no
trace behind. It was 2 &cloak in
the morning when he left the cab,
and, in a quiet suburb like Eat
Melbourne, no one would be about,
so that he could easily escape un-
seen. There seems to he only one
chalice of ever tracing him,and that.
isle be found in the papers which
were etolen from the pocket of the
deactrnan. *hat they were, only
two persons knew, and ope knows
now. The first two were Whyte
and the woman who was called 'The
Queen,' .and both of them are now
dead. The other who knows now is
the man who commhted the crime.
There can be na doubt in the minds
of our readers that these paPeis
were the motive of the crime, as no
money was taken from the pockets
of the deceased. The fact, also,that
the papers were carried in a pocket
made inside tbe waistcoat of the de-
ceased showed that they were of
"Now, the reason we think that
the dead woman knew of the exis-
nce of those papers is simply this:
It appears that she came out from
England with Whyte as his mistress,
and after staying some time in
Sydney canie on to Melbourne. Bow
she came into such a foul and
squalid den as ' that she died in, we
ere unable to say, unless, seeing
that she was given to drink,she was
taken up -drunk bysome Samaritan
of the Blume and carried to Mrs
Rawlins' humble abode. Whyte
visited her there frequently, but ap-
pears to have made no attempt to
remove her to a better place'alleg-
ing, as his reason, that the doctor
said she would die it taken into the
air, Our reporter learned from (tee
of the detectives that the dead wo
man Was in the habit of talking to
Whyte about certain papers, .nd on
ono occasion ,was overheard to say
to him: "They'll make your tor'
tuned you play yoar cares well.'
err:de:1104a. at! cit
MANNING & i4110TT,
Barristers, Sdlicitors
ConruniSSIOnera tor Ontario d 41.1i
T-1. F H11-1.14•-'0.
Successor to F. R. Powell.
BARRISTER soLiorrori
PRIVATE FEINDEI to loan at lowest
Moe Sear/es Sleek, opposite lark,. t.•
1ttOtY TO LOAN Nl • • irr • \'
az Bought. Private Puede r • til(W"
Onkel over St .uru 1, • ' •
Off the undersigned the fahrstry
JAMES SCOTT, Clinton,.
Ti Residence at afre R. 11. Reid's. certif.),
of Huron and Orange Streets.
LIff. undersigned, at'resiience or drug store.
JAIL Small suins•on gond mortgage Reenr1l1.
moderate rate of lnL.'rest 0 RA.LE,ClInttatt
i.; DEMOB on On term street. Minted", .up•
posits English Church. Entrance by side
Provincial and DominfonLand Survey-
or, Architect and Draughtemaim- PARRA./
Swim, Clinton.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at
araided to. Office -Londesborough, Ont.
- — -
13k• Murray Rook, two doors east of
Hodgens' entrance Realdenee opposite S.
Army Barrkeks, Huron 8t, Clinton. Office
le TIMBER for the enmity of•Rurpn. Sale
attended any where in the MU my. at rea-
sonable r es. , Reifideeee Albert Street
• it -STA N RY, ft&DUA Tk., OF .TFIE
If m,•dinal Ueparthoent ' Of VictoriS UM-
ve sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitale
and Dispeneariee, • New York, Coroner for
the -County o?004tw. Bayfleld, Ont. • •
• W. WILLIAMS. B. A., at. D„ 0 /UM -
Ls, AIN^ ot Toronto University ; Member of
the Lloltege of PhYsielane and Surgecins,
Outs OFFICE & RESIDENCE the house for-
merly ()coupled by,Dr Reeve, Albert Street
I -I Surgeon. Aecolleher, Licentiate of the
College of Physicians, and Surgeons of
Lower Canada, and Provincial Licentiate
and Coroner for the County of ffnrori. This NM told to the detective by ifimeceuapuidedrebssidmenre,reh,--wTaihteesb,
the woman Rawlins, to whose pro- Clinton.ja0.10. um.
vidential appearance Mr Fitzgerald
owes his escape. From this it (Ian
be gathered that the papers -what- '
ever they tnight be --were of valet,
and sufficient to tempt another to Edinburgh:
commit a metier in order o olaatia aeut NI! Lit
them. Whyte, therefore, • 6,4 ng wilco 'at 13rneefild:
dead, and his murderer esa
only way of discovering the secret
which lies at the root et this tree of
crime is to find out the laistory of
the woman who died in the slum.
Traced back for sOme years, circum-
stances may be discovered which
will reveal what these papers con-
tained, and once that is found, we
can confidently say that the tnur-
deter will soon be discovered. This
is the only chance of finding out the
cause and the author of this mys-
terious murder; and if it fails, we
fear the hansorn cab treed/ will
have to be relegated to tho list of
those undiscovered crimes, and the
assassin of' Whyte will have no
other punishnient tban the remorse
of his own conscience."
A hot December day, with a
cloudless blue sky and it sun blaz-
ing down on the earth, clothed ia
all the beauty of' summer garments.
Such a description of snowy Decein-
ber must sound etrange to English
ears, and a hot Christmas day must
strike thorn AS being 'as fantastic AA
14,itici; plot., M. D., cWi)?tdiri;b%ul.rEglg,I.LIt..
O. ., Edinburgh, 1.1-
eentiat, 6f the Mid-
wifory,Edin Oillee,on
corner of ()finale and
William Ste., Clinton
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gradu
ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas adntinistored for the
painless extraction of teeth.
Offloo over Jackson's Cidthifig Store, next
to Post Office, Clinton.
Will visit every 'Thursday at Dixon's Hotel
Brucetleld, from 8 to 10.30 a.m., Varna from
• 11 a.m. to 1 pm., Swart's Hotel, Bayfieid,
from 2 p.m.
ar Night bell answered. ly
POOING done very neat and to suit
every person.
0 FIN BABES. • Smith's Block
Imo & Inveatment Co'y
This Company is Loaning Money or.
loarnt Security at Lowest „Rates of
3, 4 and 5 per Oent. Interest Allowed
on Deposits,according to amount ,
and time Wt.
OFFICE -Corner of Market Square end North S
Oodorioh, August fith 14st
Go( PO
'NNW 00 GPI Ant, Si
lttgrlrOitTi•W?.fiMttdtcPthST.IE. '
411.4 4P:
APT , fff
. %gent JW,D011igito
„ S041 litilin'Ot oln:019:001ti,
• .
In coon, and coooncipicid CY .AriNito 1'4 bos:tiblitelt Mai*
/01010.00100, at (YhOtt dilly end fr giet is psis)
s IP 170 t:a0.0
Per et. less l!actionse
3.crAvous sEvicorsag it. co.
107409 ellerob Street Tomlin),
rhe Ullaton Branch Bible SOotety 'nave for
aTons. Amen street, a doe assortluent of
iilbIo and Tes tam e n ts.
folds the eicelusive right for the county for
he Hurd prooese of administering (*mai-
catty pure Nitrogen afosioaide, wbleh In She
safest mid beet system yet discovered for
the pan:lees. nomietiou of teeth. CharRee
,notleritte. se fislite tiosi gUalullitlt. d. Office,
ELLIOTT'S RI,(e.',K, over Bailee% Tailor
4hop, Hun of Strom "Linton.
s. the great Medical
Work of the ago cm Man-
iod, Nervous and Physi-
cal Debility, Premature
fooline, Errors of Ymth
oid the untold in i(mties
doneequent thereon, WIO •
pages 8 vol., 1,25 prescrip-
tions for . all discatws.
Oloth, full gilt, oni, $1; 1ym
.)y ad, sealed. Il-
lustrated sample troo to all young and' raid-
ile aged men. Seu(1 now. • The Gold and
awelled Medal awrciod to the author by
o National Medical Association. Address
s . B. • 1895, Boston, Mass., or l3r, W. H.
P. ' KE , graduate pf Harvard Medical 001-
eg. 25 ears practice in Beaton, who may
o ulted oonadentially, Specialty, Dig -
ase of Man, Office, No 1 Ilultinoh St.
hlb ‘.0 ()Will nil n ke
• ucorum eted 11, A.,: ••C Ps rhea -tent, I.R55.
CAPITAL, - $2,000,000.
rtIOMAS. WORE SIAM„ ..... President.
5, H. R. 1101.8i: . . .. . Vice -Pres.
woLFERSTA N 'ffitOMAS, Goseral Manager
'Imes discounted • 'olleetterts made, Draft;
smied. *grant/ tad A merican
,q- breulio: ra • 0 I el al lowest
e • ••
nterest at 4 per erni alloired on deposits.
fr, ,f ,
t.n•ty advanced to ftt,rinert t•n t heti- It notes
-it one or more endoreers. No etorttrege re.
eltred AR surity.
11. . RUE ••LR, tianager,
ono nen 1147.. lit•toe
141bAtry as
4uvrx SliIlrs. Abou03000 Vc,
in tAli Library 104 all the X.oadiog Newo,
'mere end rertualcala Air to 401'• en t'.4
%bier Membership, meket at POI" 000001
0PO4#041:9114109 gilts 004 fT(M1,140 0 P-
$ENA1 1.4.441t.Nvitsvity
.IIIIIT'.',AnnVitlIttiElITAtt TERM,
AORWAY SPtV�E4 $4:01•Cii
41.4111 As'PAP44;N. ?gig,
P4TTRA *.AP71,4 ,4444 p.pg4414Tx.,
T-4.4,gerR, STOO lc ON LA.ND,'
rhe above ornemontal trePI1 n4 Chrg1420Hf•
bp sold at very IOW •Priollos 444 Allem( wollna
;nYtililiff in tide efffIncf8011 irfl1 88Y.ff woe-
purchAvitpit 4ero, ,
n, •
1/.2%Tera by Mail ynee 4o:Pr.004111/ attena
;0,, Address,
J01111 STRITAftt
ficl(illot Nutria', Josorance Co
isolated town and vil/age property, as Well
ee feria buildings and stook, insured. Uttar-,
enees effected against stook that may be
killed by lightning, If you want insurance
drop a card to the above address.
The undersIgnoddesires to intimate to the
people of Clinton' and vicinity that he has
returned to town, and intends to ten:mist
here pe manently, and is better prepared
than ever to (lo anything whatever in the
painting or paper hanging line. AU orders
entrusted to him will receive i2rompt and
careful attention.
GEORGE POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton.
COFFINS, CASKETS, &c,, (1,0.
On the shortest notice and at
reasonable rates. The best
Embalming Fluid used
splendid Hearse.
. n
eilfff WI Post "fp.... Tino Tao .
Mala, re due for dcd:v• ., , ed CIIIM! ft.)} (IC8p0.1411
•at the Clinton ve-f toffee as follows:—
I CLORE f evit 011 cs oro Roller
Hamilton, T,rento, Stret-
ford, Seatorth, (;rikl1(1
Trunk east and intvrtne-
&late offices0.30 a 1,50 pm
Toronto, Stratford, iea- I
forth, T. and S et , 1.55 p.m. 8 am
Goderich, Rolmesville and •
" Grand Trunk west ... . 1 p.w. 8 am
Goderloh, I 8.45 p.to. 2,40 p.m
Hamilton', Toronto, , 4.15 p.m. 10.10 a,m
London, L., IL & f8. south:a.m. pan, a.m. p.m
and Intennediate offices, 7.35 4.1510.1e 7.00
Blyth. Wingham 'linear-,
.north and interinediatci a 91n2.0 pcmis. p m
Suprnriary12.111, Tuesday aud
British raalb,Monday,Wed-1 5.80 p.m. 8.25 5.05
5.30 p.m
nesday, Thursday 0.30 a.m.
-Money orders issued and Deposits received from
one dollar upwards.
Offide hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Savings ,Bank and Ileney Order Office close
Clinton, Atig.T181117°.631.3: ,S11.FrnA: IR'
Menufaeturer and Proprietor for the beet saw
um Dow id use. Agent ler the sale and
Application of the girFunieft.Paultr AUTONATIO
-Boman CLEANER.. STEAM. FITTINGS furnished
and applied on short notice.
litilleres Engines:anti au kinlip al'
maeninery repaired expeditions!?
and In a sattaraetory manner.
'Ram implements manufactured and repaired.
Steam and Water Pipes furnished and put in
position. Dry Kilns fitted up on application.
Charges moderate.
$50000 to Loan at 6 per cent.
Why pay others 7, 8, 9 and 10 per
Oenb, when you can get money from us
at 6 per c.
First•olass loans 5i per cent Large
loans 5 per cent.
TERMS made to suit borrower're-
garding payment and period of loan.
Apply to
ones Hair Remover
ess, instantaneous and the mily de -
pia v in the world which does not Were
the skin, Pride 52 per bottle. B. G. LEM-
A/TRE, 2.150 Queen St. West, Toronto, Do-
minion Agent.
yea Watch &Clock Maker
JEWEta.alt, Sc.,
Where be keeps41, Behan assortment of
Watches.. Cloaks, Jewellery,
Whiel4 We Will nil at Teaflottable rates.
Repairing Of every description promptly
awaited to, and all work warranted.
Clinton, Nor. 1881,
After being thoroughly overhauled and re -fitted
with NEW MACHINERY of the most approved
kinds, these mills are now in splendid running
order, and will not. be surpassed in the quality of
the work done, by any mill in the country.
Special Attention given to GRIME
Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting any-
thingwhatever in this line will find it to thew
interest to give U3 a call.
E. HUBER, Proprietor.
RICHLY Rewarded are those who read
this and then act ; they will find
honorable employment that will not take
them from their homes and families. The
profits are large mid sure for every indostii-
ous person, many have made and aro now
meklilg several hundreddollars a month, It
19 017 for any _person to maim ea per day
and ttpwarde, who is willing to work. Either
sex,yonng or old ; capital not needed,weetert
you. Everything new No 'medal ,ability
required; you, reader.can do it as well as any
one. Write to us at once for full particulars,
which we mail free. Addrese Stinson & Co.,
Portland, Maine.
Tire rnssurance.
All kinds of property insured at lowest toe
rates. First-class companies,
ALSO by all rail linos over the GRAND 'MUNK
and CANADA PACIFIC to any point on that
line, Winnipeg, Brandon, &e., Dakota, Kansas,
or any point reached by rail, local or foreign.
Come And see me before you buy tickets any-
0 14 TN -I' ON
Planing Mill
Ham and furnished his new PI/10(W *II
with maeirinery of the west Improved patterns
is now prepared 56 attend to an orders rams
Line In the .nost prompt and satisfactory manner
end at rem amble rates. He Would,aloe totem
thanks to all who patrowdtheotm wore
they tore burned out Lod nolo being Ina bet-
tor pennon to excel:to orders ospoditiowdy
fdels coufidont ho oat sly satisfie tion to all.
rACTORY-Near the Grand Trunk
Railway, Clinton.