HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-12, Page 7FRIpA ► 00. tial `Fo " Sunday Reading.' If you want to lift ale you must bo above ale.,-ril>41'eou Thu highoa.t ex4c;i, cf .ohtt,ilt i,; charity is tgward tele uncjlnrr. table.—Dr blelaren. • There ►s a bettor thing to aSk 496 -Seventh et., South .1Sosiea, Mass. ' than extant -Won or eseapo from Tho nsiessment of ills arty Qf Toronto just com,pluted shows an increase of $L4,885,927 and an increase in the popt►lation of 11;- 981, the. total .population 'tialy °be• • being 13$,14Q. Xt. . ilitOTESA I .nn. J•:l#ltas resttthpd„no- tive practice.'' "For years I suffered from lose Of appntir apd indigestion, bat failed to fi:UUtl r itit `until 1 i► n taking Ayer'e §IkreAnattilla, Thin medicine. entirely Olgetilne., My apnetite and digestion are amt perfect,". -Fred. G. !lower, sorrows, oven grace to beau them rightly,—Dr Maclaren. Ile who comes up to his own idea of greatness must always havo had u very lower standard of it in his mind—Hazlitt. • We often excuse. our want—of Mr, : V.tl► Qt ilvie,;' bend(' of tt►o grsac MOO tel asifling Orin, philanthropy by giving the name ' says that the rises in the pi leo of of fanaticism to the more a?dent wheat, caused by short,,erops the coal of other:.— world over, has come tp stayofor to It is in length of patience and thQstttl�oi',.11it `lwp-ndthinig endurance and forbearance flint -foe a ►ort,' a.utf' liQffi►f lir year is sa much of Wliut is good in inuti)1- „cu..actlwill bear found tliat the U. kind and womankind is shown.— nitedStatos has nothing Dither and Arthur JIelps. thorn will be wailing in massy When the risiit sun fell on farming circles which have sold Memnon's statue it awakened grain that ought to havo been re - music in the breast of stone. lie- totained. ligion does the same with nature. ..11� hat's female beauty•but an air —Theodore Parker. divine, - , Tho true Christian is like theThrough which the mind's all -gent - sun, which pursues its noiseless ler graces shine." track and everywhere loaves the This may be good logic in, •poetry effect of his beams in belssings but in real life the '.`the mind's all - a ec the bo around hint,— gentler graces shine'' to better advan- I rage when enclosed ig a sound phy- 141ther. gigue. Dr Pierce's'Favorite Pres.- You will tit,d that the . mere re- cription is a positive cure for the solve not to be useless, and the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhea excessive flowing, pain' honest desire to help other people, will in the quickest and most deli- cate way improve yoursolf.—Rus- kin. The Church of Christ, which is partly militant and- partly tri- umphant,. resembles a city built on both sides of a river—there is but the stream of death between Grace and Glory,—A. M. Top- ladp. There is always a best way to do everything, if it be to boil an. egg. Manners are the happy way of doing. thine; each wants a stroke of genius or of love, now re))eated and hardened into usage. —Emerson. Apostles never wasted a mo- ment on a gospel of patchwork. Their twofold text was, turn to the Lord,which meant repentance, and cleave to the Lord, which meant a lite of faith and holiness. —Theodore L. Cnyler. There is more 1,1' power to sanctify, to elevate, to strengthen and to cheer in tho single word 'Jes'ns,'• wwl ich means 'J,chovah- Savior,' than in all the utterances of men since the world began.— JirCItarlt•s 1 ,alg:, There is no knowwletlgo Pr which so great. a price is paid as a I:uow-ICdge of the %world; and no one ever heeanle an adept in it airxcep1 at 11,e ex•penseofa hardened and Wounded heart, ---Countess of Iilcs iII'level. M , on Your beard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely rum into Catarrh, when you can be cured fi,r Tie...by using Dr Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure. A few applications cure u- sipielt catarrh; 1 to 2 boxes care ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 3;boxes are guaranteed to cure chronic oatarth: Try it., Only 25c. and sure cure, lSol.t by all druggists, fur menstruation suppressions,prolap- sus,or falling of the womb,weak back, "female weakness," anteversio4, re- trovetsiott, bearing down sensations, chronie congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb,iuflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, ac- cornpanied with "internal heat." French anti -tobacconists point with no small satisfaction to one Frenchman who has just celebrat- ed his 102nd birthday and has never used tobacco, and to an- other phenomenon who has never used tobacco and has reached the ripe old age of 101. The latter centenarian was present at the battle of Waterloo, does not use spectacles, and has his hearing and other faculties -ii Inot. • A young mannamed McRoberts, of London township, met with a severe accident a few clays ago. Ito was attending a throshing,and was up on the scaffold supplying, the machine, and by a false step missed his flailing and fill to the floor, alighting on a stake, a part of which penetrated his thigh to a deyth ofsome iurii0s, breaking oft' in the flesh and causing an ugly wvound. lie is now in a fair way to recover. A sating of _:, per rent. gni the i,nrrhn,r of tt first-class pin no i; 101 iuiportamt. item, Kul such i, the ull'rr of Oetttvieus Newcombe S Co., whose now Piano Factory, 1 liwoods avenue, Toronto, (just oomph:rod, is the Tim est in the city, and equal in its machinery and equipment to the latest aid beet iu the United states. Intouding purchasers. will do well to emu nuuicate with theta. T110 fitillu•c of the harvest ill (fr01'Iltaltl�' is I111)ai'.11tl;.; 'Cri011s Its tteutiou, say's a Berlin despatch. 'There is a poi. crop of Will cer,- eats and potatoes. •Che 'price of bread is rapidly 1•isirtg. Since 1887 rye has ,-ct,'uneed 48 marks, and wl'eat 31. (narks,' In some districts the bakers have' raised .him for particulars. i Mrs M, Kingston, Ont, catarrh the price "broad ten lit per and ConsumJobAption.cKetvy pound. Herr Richter, Ill all a1'- John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh. 1tfn A (lopping, li.ingstnn, Ont, BronehoCon. liClo ill the Liberal ',cittutg cal- sunihtimt, culates that GermattyN .!l require thmaD Scutt, Tungsten, Ont, Catarrh,head and 13,000,000 hectoliters of 'tail) 19 Mrs John Bertram, 1larrowamlth, Ot,t, Ca- tarrh, deficiency.• tarrh, head and throat. Scioto' three weeks ago a most dastardly attempt to wreck a, train_Wait attenl)Itc(l at (.sham's bridge, about 1?i miles east of I,uwl:n)1w. 'ritis bridge spans a large gully about iwventy•five filet deep, and one of the rails on the east side of the Structure W11S torn up and the fish plates put `under one`olid'of it.hetwvet3u Ilio sail. and the steeper. ' The irdettifm tppnr- entlywas`to throVvihesitighttrail) oft the track, as the track was all 'right whoa the freight train passed over it that evening about six o'clock. At the request of the railway authorities, in Abe hope that the perp1trators 0 )old bo found out, the a011tii- was( 'kept a secret, but t lc. company have now offered a r•+ww Itrd of $.0) lot their conviction. Use 13arkwvell's sure Co at and ure A F11' C1' TEIOUSAND DOL- i,All MISSIONAPY. Me Arthur L, Shumway,a well- known American newspaper. cog- 3'sst)orvlen1, writing in the, Chris• • tiap'Union in anawef• to • the crit- icism.: on missionaries, which have recently- appeared •in the Atlantic Monthly, says:— (low . shall I .separate "from a largo number of similarly conspicuous proofs of the worth of missionar-' ies, •soma ells'.ile reminisecn;te that will s0)Ve to 'vindicate easy own rospoet for the class, of peo- ple•liotittleii blr Mr Hiauea? One day as I was walking the streets of Canton, China, with Mr Charles Seymi nr, our' American Consul General in that great city, w,; mot and. p used a quiet, mod• .est -mannered man on his way to the city. Said Mr Seymour— 'Do you see that, man yonder?' pointing in the dir2ction of the reeeding stranger. I assented and he continued, 'That is D.' Ke.—.He has charge of the great missionary hospital yonder. it was founded in 1838 IS THE BEST For Young Infante it is s perfect.substitute Far mother's milk, often saving life; for the Invalid ,r Dyspeptic it is of. the greatest value. It la THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PALATABI.E. FQOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS' FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. len Moats for an Infant for 01.00. Cabinet photo. of •Mas. Wars Taman—three beaotlfit) ehildrrpa.reent to .the mother of any babe born within a year. Also a valuable pamphlet oa the Care o! Intuits and Invalids. Sold be Druggists. 250.. 000,4 111.00. WELLS,RICHARDRON&CO., MONTREAL,P.Q. MISS FOXTON LATE OF THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, TORONTO. Is prepared to .take pupils in music. For particulars apply at residence, RattonburySt. Eureka Bakery ! Opposite the Post Office. The subscriber desires to thank the peo- ple of Clinton for their very liberal patron- age in the past, and at the same time he would intimate to them that he has removed to the more convenient stand in Smith's Block, directly opposite the Post Office where he will be pleased .to aapply thew with Bread, Cues, etc., of first elasu gUality. WEDDING'CAKES A SPECIALTY and prepared in splendid style, J. 'A. KING, Baker. Dr. Washington's Throat NEXT VISIT and Lung Surgeon, OF TORONTO Winn beat the It&ttcnbury buss THURSDAY OCT. 18th until .the 4 P.M. Chet/Die 11ronehitiS 011'ed, tI1 a C 1g t0 our Buil Maio .Glee 000DS HOUSE `N 1J SE3ORO, We,do a large and increasing trade in this line, anti this fall show :,ester value than ever before. We show a line of TWEED SUITS from five to twelve dollars, and a line of BLACK and .COLORED WORSTED SUITS, from ten to fourten dollars. These, goods are equal in Cut, Style, Fit and Workmanship to emits made to order, and you will notice there is a vast difference in the prices. If you buy one of our Colored Worsted Suits, at fourteen dollars, and do not give away the price yourself, no one will suppc se you bought it for less than $25. IN,. OVERCOATS WE LEAD THE TRADE, We commence them with a Common Union Coat at $3.00, which we do taot recommend, but if you must have a coat, and money is scarce with vou, why hero is the coat. Next comes p5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $.8.00, $9,00, $10,00 lines, improving, of course, in quality •as the price advances, and all serviceable goods, well cut and well made. Our WORSTED OVERCOATS are selling rapidly. We have them in Black and Brown, first class Trimmings, Velvet Collar, bound and cut and made ae neatly as any coat made to order We sell them at prices ranging from $6.00 to $12.00.' We want you lu see these goods, look at them, examine the workmanship, if they please you, and you want a coat, ',uy them, if yon do not want one, you will perhaps tell your friends what we are showing. We want you to see them, anyway, and will not press any one to buy. Don't ask how we can sell them so cheap, it takes time to explain, and with us time is money. The coats are hero, and when you want one you will have it at the low 1'i ice at which it is marked An English Church Clcr,;yuuyu Rectory, Cornwall, Out. Lha WAsmNur(s,— . DEAR Slit, -1 am glad to be able to Inform you that my daughter IS quite well again. As this is the second time she has been cured of grave brou,h'al troubles under you'strea•mhnt, when the usual remedies failed. I write to express my gratitude, Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, C. 11 PE•TTIT. MIRKAseS TIMAi't;n.—Catarrh of the Head and Throat, Catarrh, Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus ei the nose rem ,wed. Come early. Consultation free, A few of the many cured by Dr Washingtons new nut:al, 11 n Storey, of Storey .< San, manufacturers, Acton, Ont, also I•resd Manufacturing Ass., of t'auada.. permanently cured of Catarrh, by Dr tVashiugtun, pronounced -incurable by noted speelalltts'in this country and Europe. Write Miss Mary A Borobourg, • ntreville, Ont, Catarrh, head and throat, James Mathews, 1' Master, Acton Ont. A E Fish, Gents Furnishings, Belleville, Qat eure,I of Catarrh, throat. .+ - John Pltippht, Sandhurst r 5), Ont, (near Na- pauce) of Catarrh head throat and lungs. Another spo;ial lino we are showing is a very heavy 1t'ULL CLOTH, or Etoffa, in plain and check, at 00 cents a yard. Ask to see it—it's a bon- anza. Ve have good value in CARDIGAN JACKETS and UNDER- CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SUOES And for the ladies we have KNITTED WOOL SQUARES, in a variety 6f beautiful shades and exquisite texture, WOOL FASCINATORS, very attractive. DRESS GOODS, in the leading fashionable shades, Plush ane Satin trimmings. A good range of Dress Melton Cloths, at 10c., 12ic. and 20e. Ileal -Dense 316 Yon„ a Street Toronto. Con- sultation Free.' _ BOOTS, BEIGES, RUBBERS, and .HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use. DO NOT FORGET OUR SPECIAL DRIVES IN TEAS We sell yon 10 pounds of tea for five dollars, we guatrantee the tea equal at least to any tea you can, buy in the county at the same price, and you have the chance of winning a 8EWING.MACHINE, worth $60, or a DINNER SET of 85 pieces, worth $15.00, or a set of MRS. POTTS' POLISHING IRONS, worth $1.00 Remember you get good value for your money, if you get the tea only, and some one is sure to win the prizes, it may be you, your`cbance is just as good as that o`' any other person. Try it. W. L. OUIMETTE, L,ONDESBORO www FALL 000DS A full nsiortment of Gcnti TI1n gi For .Fall Wear, just opened up A Fine Assortment of FUR:- 60005 Not to be excelled in tl e countyc3 ] 0 GLASGOW IKE111EMBEIil THE STAND — One door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. „a. .. , ., ,►,... ,F. w,,., .. New : Furniture : btock Opened out in ELLIOTTS BLOCS, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS* PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANIS A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE FURNI TURE AT R.AsoA•BLE PRIEK8. J()S.. C11:1131.Ai Ems'•. Family Groc3ries. A FRESH AND FULL STOCK',. WHICH' FG'L.UDES FRUITS. CANDIES,. NUTS,. FISE1, &c. —1?E81DES A FULL STI.ael':: OF— Ch i F Choii I y E. via vi .Chitlin,, Crotetre.ry and Cr1.1a,stivw A11 ft t. Bottom ---A CALL SOLICITED.— :x: N, ROBSON, CHINA HALL. While this is:now the. great question in the political arena of Canada tate people of Londeshoro hit 1 stir rounding coautry arc asking ''Where can 1 get the best value for my money' ?' Came to ADAMS' Emporium 1A)NIAE�HOfl(>. Which is well supplied wvith G000S 'FALLSome AND MINTED erttaordinary values in TWEEDS.' I BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. liPTGreat variety of FLADINELS, PRINTS & COTTONS. Want of Sleep Iain lias81rettdy 11081011 1111•c° is soidiug thousands annually to the 1 111)rtet•s td a (811110)1 cases, 1 Do. 1 insane asylum ; and the doctors s'. this helievo. I consider 111111 trouble is alarmingly on the increase, 11to 1'0er• 01'ili'v living surgeon in 1 Tile usual remedies, while they may give temporary relief, are likely to do More Hann than good. What is needed is an Alterative and Blood -purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably the hest. It corrects those disturbances in 5110 circulation which cause sleepless. 0(50, gives increased vitality, and re- stores the nervous system to a healthful condition. Rey. T. G. A. Cate, agent of the Mass. Mune Missionary Society, writes that his'stoutach was out of order, his sleep very often disturbed, and some in1- ptirity of the blood manifest ; but that a perfect caro was obtained by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frederick 'W. Pratt, 924 Washington street, Boston, writes: "My daughter Was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored nor to health." William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa,, was mired of nervousness and sleeplessness by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for abont two months, during which time his —• • a • *— weight increased over twenty pounds. Many forget that the hair and scalp nett( cleansing, i:xtensive nue Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of Ayer's Hair Vigor has prof e t aha' it is tl,o hest cleansing agent tr,r the PREPARED RV hair, that it prevents dondrufl and Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. stimulates the hair to renew 'd Said byat!i)repairtr 'Mimi 41'eta snitlee,QS. growth. the world tu-tlay. To my person- al 1: nowledlre he undertakes, al- most daily, cases which our most (1,-tingutsuett' surgeons at. home do not dare attempt, even in Phil. ndclphia, 1110 medical capital of our country. i suppose that humble man might just as well Its not he enjoying an income of from $50,00(1 to $75,000 a 3 -ear, instead of hi's srIt('sen S111RIl Salary if lie was only ptaelisin;; in the city of New fork on his Own ac- count. And 1 suppose he knows it too.' And when eve afterwards passed through the hospital, inspected the photagrttphs of oherntion:. al. ready porfoi n1Cd, and viewed the array „f cloforniities to he treated that afternoon, I cou'd not doubt that what ho had Fnid WITS literal ly time. • SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL KiNDS OF GROCERIES TAILORING in connection. Iligbest price for putter and EggF. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla: Dr. Chase tt:isa world-wide reputation as 'a physician and author. [las Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure Is triumph df medical skill, caring all diseases o the Its 1 ey and Liter, Symptoms of • 1311►NEP (10 11.1.41N 1'. Distressing sante In the back a tht11 pain or neeThasi the. b t and base of the nbdoinen; scalding urine often 0')strucn,t1; frequent desire to m•tmttr, especially at night, mmeng aged per - v Its; hot, dry skin, pale complexion, .red •and white dc,,o,fts, drnp•dtaaiuess,sour stomneh,con- stipation, plies, liver s:Ual swellings, u. SYMI'[OMS OF 1.1 'WEIR (1+1!111•I.A1N'L;. Pain •nndtr the„ shoulder blades J tuudicc, sallow complexion, a weary, tired feelieg, no life or energy, he tduuhe dyapep•ta, h)11Igestom, spots, plrnplbs, &c. HOWCtulil:D. Mandrake and Dandelion are nature's Liver cures and Whenewitibiiica With K'klney ru+hedies as in - Dr. Ohane's Liver Clare, will most pnsltivelycare all Ktc)nee Liver troubles. It ams like charm, sttniulathrg the cragged bra', strengthen ing the kidneys, and invigorating the w•hule'bod y. Sold by all dealers at 41, with Receipt Book which a Ione is worth the money, IiIONEY LIVER PIN.LN. Dr. Chase's Pills nrethe only Kidney -Liver Pills made. May be taken dnr,,.g any employment. They euro, Kidney -Livor tont ,10 , h,,.i,c,e, MI110msucss unstiveness, Nr. One fill n Mite. sold by all, d, stere Price •'•'' cent.. 'r. I D 11A 51140N .1E 4'41.. Uam.thu l.tirers, 11rielier,.011t.ndo. 9. ADAMS Calbick Reith, LEADING -7:: • UNDERTAKERS EMBALM ER.S GLIM 0N In our line of undertaking we fear no ccxnpetit.ion, as we carry a very largo stock of Good Goo((,, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound to 'give satisfaction. A call re• spcctfully solicited. _• The Rank rait tere, tint Cr INTO CAL1391O K tl&R E IT H i DR. W. N. GRAHAM'S British American Medicial & Surgical Institute. 170 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronic and, Private Diseases. All Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Lungs d Hearn. Diseases of the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, &o., quickly cured. Nervous diseases and Diseases of the Brain indicated by Headache, Dizzi- ness, Sleeples'sness,and all Nenraligia affections. Diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels- characterized, lay Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Offensive Breath, &o., Diarrhoea, Costiveness, Piles, Turners, dc., Diseases of .the Kidneys and Bladder. Private Diseases and diseases of a private nature as Impotency, Sterility. Varicocele (the result of youthful folly and excesses), Gleet, Syphilitic affect- ions &o., receive special attention. Diseases of Women, Painful, Profuse or Suppressed Menstruation, Len- oorrhoea,.(whites)'Ulceration and all Displacements of the Womb. Call or write for particulars. Office houss.,— 9ca.m..to,S pm. Sundays 2 to 4 p.m NewTailoi ing Establishment Tile' undersigned has opei.ed out in the tailoring b)tsir.ess in the store lately Occupied LY Mr E. Floody, and will keep a fine stectit of English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds,` French Worsteds, and all the latest patterns k of Pantings. Which he rs ill guarantee to make up at the lowest possible prices. Workmanship of the best quality, and a fit)guaranteed or no sale. A call so3icit ed. __ F''. SHEPHERD, ' Albert St,, Clinton. NEXT I)OOIt TO WATTS'; DRUG STORE. A Painless Cure. Positive Cure. ?ACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES DISEASES Or MAN. V'_ Z.ITTo rs s =CIVIC NO. e THE GREAT IIEv LTl RF.MEIW ER, Marvel of Heeling, and Knhinoor of Medicines, a je the terrible consequeneos of fntltaeretione Expo.uro and Overwork. £-1,- MI0=Zt�'1-AC+ES7 124.11M OT�..M MEAS Vho are -broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radical cure for nerve' debility, orgsnlo weakness, involuntary vital losses. oto. 14MPTOHe non wawa NO. 8 saouLD nit Datta.—Want of energy, vertigo, want of pumr'ppoe dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidav o of oonversatlot desire tor solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on particular•twbjec cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, ape matornccee, or lose of the seminal aid -the result of selt•abuse or marl stows—lmpt tenoy, lhnutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hyenas.. titaling. i tamales trembling, Ibrelanoholy, disturbingreams oto., are all sym.ptomsof this terra). habit, oftentimes innocently acquired, In short. the spring of vita force having lqpet tension, every funomutes nes in coneednonoe. Scientific writers and these ptenden•w of insane sesame unite in ascribing to the effects of self-abuse the *eatkutiorlty wrested liveafthioh coriie under their notice. If you are incotapoten fon Meant—for. elates01 business, incapacitated for the enjoyments of life, No. Sofforsaaescape trot': the effects of early vice., If you aro advanced is years, No. 8 will give y ten vigor en, strength. It you are broken down, physicaliy and morally, from early fndisoreltof, th' result d! itneratee and folly, send your addroee and 10 Deets in stamps for (ILL, V. Lenore. Treatise in Hook Form ou Diseases of Mau. Seated and secure from ebsoreati., Address all ceremonies:ions to M. V. LIMON. 47 Wellington, ill. 1E'.,'kasObto. A Nan wiihoutwisdom tivcs in a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. WAAL INE SICK, Peru nefht (Wm, )4' A Plesagant d' urr