HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-12, Page 6FRilpA. O(1T. 1, X�ll ttbiF C POINTERS ON A.WI WI L- 11.TRE WORTH KNOWING-. 'Useful I1►forinatiou for Tillers of the Soil. Where the tculper:tturc in win- ter does not go below sero, eti- cept occasionally, hate cabbage may be plticed together, heads up with roots attached, trenches be- ing dug for that purpose, leaning the head,: above ground, over which a thiels covering of .trate, leaves and corns -Lock should be placed and the outside ridges banked, so as to turn tho water. In thespring the stalks will throw sprouts for early greens. 1f the climate be severe, however, the heads should Le tlll\ve and the roots up, and the nuptitd well covered, so as to laaep off 1'ro.t as loud) as possible. The color of the liog seems to be a matter of importance. Ex- periments shoos that, contrary to expectation, a'blaek hog, such as the Essex and Berkshire, thrives best in the south, while the white breeds, .alta) ars the Chester, White, 1'0r1:shire and Cheshire, thrive best in the north. The Pol.and'China, a spotted hog, and the Jollies- Red are preferred in the Western States." Plain your immure leap under cover, so as to be able to work i'. over in winter. Ma 118 should ncvor fill] oar the manure at any Season. It is of great advantage to turn over the heap in winter, create heat, and thereby decom- pose the materials, in order to render then fine and in good Con- dition for spreading on the land in spring. The heavy breeds of duels can be kept within an in closure, with a very- low fence, and if given a tryugh for bathing purposes they will thrive and do well if fed on grass and bulky food. . Too much grain is detrimental. The Pekin breed seems best adapted tm farms that have no ponds or streams of water. Foundation walls for barns and stables should go down (tee]) on 10•w Soils that are not well drain- ed. Many walls go to rain by failure to go a litte deeper fbr the foundation. An exceptionally cold winter may cause damage front frost, ant! it is always well to bank up as Hutch -as possible. The Polled )reeds of cattle are excellent. beef' pro1ui'eIs, and should answer' well on furans where hornless cattle are desired. There is no n00(441ty for deltorn- ing the stock when only 8 few seasons are required fin. breeding the horns ori'. As soon as an animal is filly ntatfna•ed it ceases to gain ex(;ept in fist, unless very thiol. It is the young animal tint makes the heavier gain in weigh,. but it is easier to fatten a matured animal than a younger one. Weeds that have riot perfected the seeds can be used for 'bedditlg, after being dried,and then thrown on the manure pile, but if tho• seeds ripen they will be carried back to the land in the manure. Nevefalluw a seeding tree to grow unless you intend to graft it. It is a waste of time, as no dependence can be plateod on the quality of fruit from Feedings. The small potatoes can be util- ized by boiling them for st tek. They are as valuable for •thiat par - pose as the larger ones. Turn the sod under after the frost appears ifyon wish to kill out the cutworms. flaw carrots, sliced, are amine - elated by homes and cows at all times. Lo not put fresh skimmed milk• into the churn unless you want to waste one-fifth' of your butter in the buttermilk. There are many i)1:tam:es where thirty-five brshels ot'grain might jest as well be grown on one acre as twenty,. if the right variety bad Leen sown. Toads are the policemen ef the garden. They speedily trans- port insect depredation to a place where they will do no harm. And this iuteriorjail is quite ca• paci0u•5. The gt eat preponderance of .. testimony shows than. s,�ft Mod is .better fbr cattle than is dry feed, and that in thedairyitianotrouble, with plenty of insilage, to keep np a summer flow of niilk all the year.. In Holland $;1G an acre is often paid as rent for land on which cows are kept. Yet the holland dairymen are supposed to make large profits, They hold their vows at a high valuation—an ctt'- crage of $11,.0. A wheat farmer should be a stock raiser. The coarse cropa. raised on the farm can most pro- fitably be fed t1') cattle, sheep or swine; the manure used to grow wheat, which in turn is consumed at, are the fattened stock, by man. The stunted calf that has been obliged art rob its bodily growth 10 keep from freezing, or spends its Rummer fighting the "gaunt wolf, ' has haat its energies misdi- rectcd, and in after Zito it will rarely ever pay to -try to ma':o a profitable cow. i'.\v•,n1.1 laal,e,rler,rl'lin" to ea' - i eult,Itlou,G,34Q,,00Q years,tq trans, pgt t t r l.e of the 41i4 land anApt,, to the sett. Should the whole •of aha solidi land lira roducc d to QUO lovol under the ocean then t11b surface of t1io4 firth Waaid be covered. by an ocean with a mil.. form depth of about two miles. The reeding places of poulthy tlltould l)esl)adt;tl tap and put itt some kind, of a crop. They HP excellent locations for 'small har- dens, twill usually produce well but if they are not convet)ioltt fur garden purposes, sow oats on the ground, then turn in the fowl when the oats are six inches high. Grain ('rips should " -never be raised iIl a31 orchard, of se and permanent injury to the trees will be the certain result. After the orchard has come into t e tt•ing 1 there is only one crop that can be grown on the land without dotri• meta to the fruit 11)1(1 trees, and that is scare kind of gt•ass(clover, orchard grass,etc,) to 1celarld the eusto in is to milk the ewes for six weeks atter the 11umb.5 au'e weaned, and it is recorded t t 100 well -kept sleep easily realize front twelve to fif- teen pounds of butter daily. At Roquetort.08(11 ewe is estimated to produce twenty -tour pounds of cheese in the year, besides suc•1(- ling her lamb for two month,. The cultivation ul' wariuns cower 01.0p5 is be4i11111ng to receive in• tollige:lt alteation. The idea that c )1'n or p 11 100 or other crops do Sint need etdtivatioi be- cause there are too weeds is a !Ills - take, or that in plowing or c•ulti• Vatting the runts of the ('col); Ought in be broken, and the more that ILA.? bruke:a 1110 1)01101' is another mistatke. 11' the fiLrlu be 011 low, wet laud a Droller system of drainage is of the first importance, and when so dralinc I such a lau•m—other ciroutnstnoc05 equally favo.'able- pays ou an average a larger y(a,t�-•-i ly prof) t 1)8)1 upland or hilly farms, E. 05Si VC wet tveathei• may ruin rite (Tops on the low farms, Lit not the (Torii and Ian,' 10, a. 1s of(cn done on the other. Mothers Castori 1 is reconunended by physici- ans for children teething. It is a pure- ly vegetable preparation, its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is dlettltant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, re. gulates the bowels, quiets patin, cures diarrhoea and wind vinic, allays feverish - ness, destroys worms, and prevents eon- vulsions, soothes the .child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. (;astoria is the children's pauat:ea,—the mother's friend. :35 doses, 3.1 cents. 2;1.1•, 4 NEW ROME TREATMENT FOR '1; Filo CURE OF CATARIt l,, VAT- ,44.1411.,TREATMENT_ AtDEAFNESS AND Lill 31' F ii'.t ll•.: dbgat)si;rowopq. ,q$ prgved that, timediseases are contagious, end tbafr they etre due to the presence of livin' parasite* to the inter1ni,ipg Membrane of the upper air passages and eustachlan tribes. The end. neat 8cieutists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea. las3ntlorse this, and the authorities cannot be disputed. The regular method of treat. lig these diseases has been tp apply an it-, rrtapt r inedy weekly, 40sveu daily,tl�tus keeliirtp.tbo delicate'inttnbr.t}e in a con- stant state of nation, allowing it no chan- ce to heal, and as a natural censequenee of -ttuehtreatulent net ,tint pertnaq int ',sirs has ever been recorded. It is au, ab5ol,tte fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any application made oftener than wive iu two weeks for the membrane must get a chance to heal before an application is re- peated. It is now seven years since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite a catarrh and formulated his new treats nit and since then his remedy has become a house- hold word in every country where the Eng lish language is spoken. Cu RES Er•E Ecce o BY Hill SEVEN YE.\its Atio ARE CURES 5T1LL, THEME H.tt'1NG BEEN NU 1tE'ICRN Or THE 1))- 5EA5E. So highly are these remedies val- ued, that ignorant imitators have started up everywhere, pretending to destroy a parasite, of which they know nothing, by remedies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. :qr. Dix 0n's remedy is applied only once in two weeks and from one to three applications effect a permanent cure in the must aggra- vated eases. Mr. Dixon -Sends a lh ) m) - la letdeseribing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to t,ay p )stage, 'Phe ad• 1 dress of A. H. Dixon At Sun is 3151 King Street West, Toronto., Cana 11, •14ei,entitic Aueercan ! llail1'uud ticket broker.; at Chi- cago have boon aril dle.I out of from S 1,0(10 to iS5,0011 t,‘• it Iran, Mai twins:ua Wl'o have std.' them bogus Illilao:s (reitrad Railroad tickets. The poPulatbnl 01 Il tmiltun is now hilt (lows 1, 11111 atiSesSi l's at -fl,: 0t), ill 111,'1'tti1K .1 411 1.227 ,'N'Cr leal;t yeao'. i remarlcnhle rcli tivas rewit•al has been ;•cin;;• on- in the Mercer Bete aunt !rv, Toronto, fbrwuiinul owing th(1 month. 111c, par- o_11(1!lars :14re told by ex•\laayor !l'1mwL.ud, who is superintendent or the hulidav'school at 1111 i1Ier• tel 1)nring tiro past three weeks over 70 inmates have I r)f'essed conversant. A Famous. Doctor Once said that the secret of goad health consisted in keeping the head cool, the feet warm, and the bowels open. Had this eminent physician lived in our day, sand known the merits of Ayer's Pills as an aperient, he would certainly have recommended them, as so many of his distinguished successors are doing. The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth,. of Norwich, Conn., recommends Ayer's Pills as the best • of all remedies for " Intermittent Fevers." Dr. I. E. • Fowler, of Bridgeport, Conn., says: "Ayer's Pills are highly and universally spoken of by the people about here. 1 make daily use of them in my practice." I)r. Mayhew, of New Bedford, Mass„ nays: "Having prescribed many thou- sands of Ayer's Pills, in my practice, I ('1111 unhesitatingly pronounce them the best cathartic in use." TheMassachuseits State Assayer, Dr. A. A. Mayes, eertifies : " 1 have made a 1 careful analysis of Ayer's fills. They ..nttain the ,active principles of well- mrw•n drugs, isolated •froui inert mat- t,'r. which plan is, cllemically speaking, uI14re: timportance to their usefulness. It insures activity, certainty, and uni- formity of effect, Ayer's ]'ills contain nn metallic or mineral substance, but the virtues of vegetable remedies in skillful combination." Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mase. • Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. _�'�� •�tzst't �ii 411111111)d) 1 01 I 7�1 ,�,i I;i IIilrH!H3, 41111Il ifaftytate,aasisil tlfftliII+ 1 The. treatment a. many thoi sande of cases of those chronic Weakness a and, diatreseing ailments ,peculiar to females, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., •has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Flei'oe,s Favorite Preeerlpt1ion is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo- • nigle, received from patients and from physf- mane who have tested it In the more aggra- vated and obstinate cases which' had bellied their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of enffering women. It is not recommended as a "pure -all," but as a most perfec iSpeeiiie for woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful, lav/ora ligtonic, it imparts strength to tqe t1' leL'sy'stern, and to the womb and ire lap'pinttiagee to particular. For overworked, wore -out," run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, **shop -girls," house- keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women iseth generally, reatteesst earthly boon, being Favorite equaled as an appetizing cordial and rceteantlt•c tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, "Favorite Prescription" is une- qualed and is invaluable in allaying and sub- duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex- halation, prostration, hysteria, massifs and Other distressing, nervous symptoms com- monly attendant, 111)011 nine( 111)1 mend oretanie d3scaFe of the womb. tt iruhu'es refreshing elPrp Illt(1 reliev"s m'') 11*l rn7ii1'))• end de- spondency. Or. IPteree,a F'It.orite Prescription 15 a fegi11111HIY t18C711( 1111', (Ytl'ettlllyy eOntr,hnad'vl d.t- an , «1 :ami ),)labii phy'si' inn. mu3 adapt, r?, to wuu'tnl'•s delicate u•r:unic. hill. 11 is i argil;: 1. grtnhle lit its (•001)' • all ,(1 Ltid { : rig'•11;" Launches in itr• (-11''')' ba MO' coat•::tR tit,thr' 1381 ll1. For nnu^>fia: $leknraa,, .: .1..14Q111, 111,111 whatever rnu" 10') -liar, w'.•ak( ,n,!ig'(811011,dys- f.eira , ;.:el kln,11' '' Fy o'3't,.t:1P, iL n."', in f•lunit nn+,•<. gal ur\'e h. *'t)i•tat. .( i.•11t•orite Prescription!, 1a4 a poet. (live Chi ce 10 a' aha: ;.ar•F; o,•niplicated and uh- zt,llnt ' ,1...n "1 1. ur,,rrhr:;, ,'5(','4:41ce flowing. painful 1111111t•u,Ii ".., rill.: turn) supprrssi0ns, r.rohtpruq, c r ta.!li•.y • 1 Ila nnud,, weak hick, ••fc'mi,k wt•alcnelr;," ;;Ulei 4,114nn. retroversion, bearing-'l1',(rn 51'II5)100es., chronic eonlmstion, inflammation end 1,lrt'rntirnt o1 11' w;ulllrt, in - [lain matfun, pain 111111 is ntc•rnma in evasive, nec01111.11nMed with "1)11(v•nal bent." Aa 11 regulator and promoter of fune- tlonal notion, 10 t hat 1 i itical period of change from girlhood to wiimanhno,l, -'Favorite Pre- 6:r3ptinn" is a perfectly safe remedial intent, and can produce 0111• • good results. It 18 wrually efficacious and valunble in ire efeete when taken for Luise stir\orders and derange- ments Incident to that later and most critical period, known as" The Change of Life.' ' Favorite Prescription'', when taken in connc('tic n with the USC of Dr. I'terce's (,lnlden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Ur. Pieree's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver 1'1110, cures Liver, Kidney and. Bladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood faints, and abolishes nancerous nnd Scrofulous humors from the system. to Favorite Prescription,)qth( Toil?medicine foe women, sold by drnggi5talutotl r a positive guarantee, froniNtikv naw fnetlalrra, thilt 3t will Rive satisfaction iia . 1' 1'v case or money will be refunded. This gin ratf- too ]ins been 'printed on the bottle -wrapper. nod faithfully carried out far many years. t,nrge bottles 000 douse $1.00, or .ix bottles for $5.00. For large, illustrated Treatise on llisenses 0t Svcmnn (160 pages; paper -covered), send ten cents In Stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 -Ivo., rt.. tiffiii4Ai,0. N. Y• CLI\TON THE LARGEST AND BEST a NEWSPAPER INT THE COUNTY. T . # 4• k kr c One of the best equipped JobPrint- in Offices in the district. OUIt AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BU'l' GOull WORK. ONLY :-t COMPETENT :-: WORE MEN ;e EMP1.Ol•ED * N Ew• LETTERS, NEW BORDERS NEW UINA)1 ENTS,F, N E PAPERS, FINE 151:5, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. --0---- Business -0—_ Business Circulars --:1 S1' /0'1.) L1'Y -- NEAT. TASTY; 11 ARTIST/IC. SAM PLES- r' • OW GNI Wood Furnar� Something Entirely New. A I''owert'ul & Eeoltomleal neat- er. Thoroughiy Tested. Stlit- itl+le foe medium sIecT lttrell- lugs. Having had several year's' experience sits si ,-„, in putting in Hot AirFurnaees, and the ' ' it 01 increasing demand for a first-class Fur- nace has caused us to introduce something new. Wehaze taken into consider. ation the weak points in those now in the market, which fn our new Gem we have fully overcome. Embodying all the requirements for a perfect heater, and combining durability, simplicity and efficiency with perfect safety and great economy of fuel. ITS ADVANTAGES ARE :— It can be put into low cellars or basements. It has a caseiug of plate steel around the fire -box, making it perfectly gas and smoke tight. It is easfl c leaned out,which is a very' y important feature, as it insures the furnace heating as well in the latter part of the winter as when first started in thefall. Immense radiating surface is given and great heat obtained by utilizing that which is usually wasted by passing into the chimney, The fire door is double, taking cold air in at the top and carrying it down into the fire, preventing heat and sparks escaping into the cellar. It has expansion bands, allowing furnace to expand and contract with- out any danger of cracking. It is easily regulated by damper rod in front of furnace, causing the heat to pass down side flues, clear round tire box,making a saving -of fully one third in fuel It is the most economical and dheapest first•class.furnace made. The cheap. est furnace to buy and use for the economy of fuel. Every furnace warranted to give entire satisfaction. Call and see it and got prices. HARLANDBROS. STOVES and HARDWARE, - . CLINTON OT3It, SYECIAI4TST LACK'- BLEND - TEAS HAVE NO EQUAL. S. PALLISER & CO., Family Grocers, next to Town Hall. NEWTONS Harness & Grocery DAN. `�t111 iii tht' 14'r•ont Bank'. After thanking my many ;uStomers for past favors, 1 beg to announce to the gener- al public that I am pflpared to sell all goods in my -lines as CHEAP as the Cheap- est. 1 am still offering No. 1 Gold Medal Soap, 12 1IAIIS FOR 25 CENTS; No. 1 Electric Soap, FIVE BAPS FUR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low pr ices. (DAT. 011. AT T11 E LOWEST PRICES. 1 hale on hand A till stock of Field .and Garden Seeds Of the very best quality and at lowest possible figures.' A full Stock of FLOUR and FEED always on hand at Mill prices F11iS'l' CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND. I have a few sets of White and Colored CROCKERY and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices atemi that will astonish the closest buyers, • ']E3'ARN SS• in all stockrc harness,sucis complete in a'.l branches, such as Trunks, VALISI•. l tVHIPS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES, HALTERS of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS a specialty,, Call and inspect my stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere. All Kinds 'of Grain andFarm Produce taken the same as cash. I have a full stock'of IIARD'tVARE, such as Forks, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Nails, (class; Petty, Saws, Squares Rules, Pig Rings, Ringers, Ilammoll's Braces land Bits, dc, GEO. NEWTON, - - LONDESBORO \VE l,h:: '1',) 1 NI'', ilt 5l TUE i'li J;LIC '!FIAT OUR STOCK;OF G��CERI�.S Is complete in all its branches. We guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than he chsapest, quality Considered, In (s`, DGARS;'weare as low as any in town CANNED GOODS' in great variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUJITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town. CROCRERY-1 pecial inducements in Tea and Dinner Sete. it- X A-A1•TG-U'S; 99 LI3E3E T ST 1R • cones Fro Thomas ,ver Ikon W! II.A.Vg PIA JoAligrZ+l T, 01,#E , TEST AND BEST Aa* ' ' SORTED STOOK' of In town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and We Warrant everything first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOP '' tS BA K - ING POWDER,," Bost brand of CIGARS 113+ the Box or 'ti Oil an Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us 5. call. Thos COOPER& & SO.l CLIINTON. • Change of Business ttttttittttttttitttitt t'it,ttltt1111 'rhe •lndersig.,ad begs to notify the people of Clinton and rieinitr that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on byW. L Newton. And that tat he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars,!hips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first -clams Harness Shop, At the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my stock of Ltonr HARNESS, which I will make a specialty, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my customers,' hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing else. Where. REMM BEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET G -333O. A, BEAR X111 A1�T CENTRAL GROCER Y. II,oasB'S' cid eiiitancl. The subscriber 'has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting o GROCERIES, CROCKERY ,GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All ot•de18 promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLI NTON% NEW GOODS EVERYWEEK SPECIAi. ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST FANC' ARTICLES. WE MAKE .A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper, Ueiiing Decorations, choicest pat/ terns, BOOKS & STAT14NERY,-Egreat variety .. EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND ENA,M. A.WORT'F[TN c3-TON,Clint0ss. NEW 000DS That are all right in quality and style and away clown in price. ANY IDMRSON wanting something nice in this line should call and examine nay stock as it is new am the latest styles. A J. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's Old Staid, OPPOSITE THE POSOFFECE n f,t NTON. The Great Clearing Sale MIL uo oN Thirty days more. Heavy discount for Cash. to run off ofd Stock to make room for 'New, A lot our own manufacture. 'Good value. At fool 11B'y FURNITUR E Coming in. Now is the time to buy at T. C. ST�7ViNSON'S IIESIDENCE OV"ER STORE. _ r�URNITi;i{E STORE. -- -- OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. 1 Rakes,Scyths, Snaths, Hoes, Spades and a l l' kinds -of arvestTools at lowest prices. PARIS GREEN, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, &c. Clinton, The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed House. • vr`FOR THE HEATED TERM JUST RECEIVED Pure�estIndiaLime Juice THE FAVORITE SUMMER DRINK. Eno's FRUIT SALT. EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of' MAGNESIA. JAMES I1. ()C1113I , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. Subscribe for the NEW ERA now