HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-12, Page 5011 • 4 * Chi &OM 4"Coatorlois so well adapted tO ChildfliDtbSt ClOtitola euree Done. Cofitinatti:Ii,.„ liaoreneermilitmelniPeriOrW ssrWPre'lleliPtiw4 Sour irorrgia, idirtl5rretTI154, Ze 1."'":11:4" (a' traria tivne." tto.CUAO, 11.• Bastion. 11036. 011:14CIB., STeOklytt, T. Without Lujurlota MedicaUon. THE OPMAI! ConeAsr, 77 Murray ..simet, N. A CH EAPSIDE. As4 This week wo are .giving excellent value in the following lines: All -Wool Dress Goods At 25c. in all the newest stripes and checks in MANTLE CLOTHS Wo have a large variety to select from, to suit everybody in price and style Our Dress MELTONS At 10c., worth 12i, all colors, are splendid value OurGrey FLANNELS All wool, at 25c. will be found hard to beat UNION FLANNEL The best in town for 18 cents. Colored PLUSHES From 50 cents up. Full lines in Ladies Jerseys, Dress Trimm- ings, Mantle Ornaments, Corsets, Comforters • 'Canton Flannels, &c. 1VIantles_Cut free Call and see the goods and be convinced that we mean business. T. ACKSON, SR . 41* PROPERTIES FOR SALE 1001) HOUSE TO RENT 011 FOR SALE on Itattenbury St. First-class Fano, good buildings, hard and soft water, in Hid - lett. Easy terms. It. M. It.A.C..lEY, iron aud Hardware Merchant, Clinton, $1_350 ItLor'w n"SYbrylthe 11.112 eSrEs gAnNeY and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St, Clinton. Hard and soft water and good eta . hie. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO, CALLANDER, 24 Stanly St., London South, BRICK COTTAGE FOR SALE — THE subscriber offers for sale that verycom. fortable cottagefon Dunlop Street, at pre- sent occupied bYPIrs Brownlee. It contains six rooms and pantry downstairs, and large room upstairs. The lot is a corner quarter acre, with hard and soft water, Will be sold on terms to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer, or J. 0. ELLIOTT, Clinton §4 11 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. — WELL sittiated Frame House, on Huron Street, Clinton, contains three good sized rooms down. stairs, and four looms up stairs. Summer Kitchen, Stone Cellar, hard and soft water under cover. Quarter acre lot with Stable thereon. Terms reasondble. and possession given at any time. MRS REDMOND, Clinton. I'rALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE — being V lot 9, con, 2, and lot 9, con.3, Township of Stanley, each containing 100 acres. There are good buildings and about 87 acres clear- ed on each lot, and both are in a good state of cultivation. 'These are first-class farms, • convenient to Churches, School, and will be sold on easy terms, together or sopa- rat ly. M. MoTAG-GART, Clinton. • OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-33ituated on the south side of Townsend Street. The house, which is new, contains parlor, dining room, kitchen, a number of bed rooms, and a stone cellar, the main part being heated with a furnace. Hard and soft water in abundance, The lot contains one quarter of an acre, and the property will oe sold on reasonable terms. Apply to MRS.C. CARTER, Clinton. A PPRENTICE WANTED --- To LEARN .LA the blaehmuithing business. A good, strong boy preferred. Apply to T. TITLING Clinton. A1ONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- AOES, or personal seenrity, at tlte lowest current rates, M. McTAGGART, Clinton, Feb. 24, 1868. ittrOTE LOST — Trip PUBLIC HEREBY 11 are cautioned against purchasing a note drawn by R. Anderson, of Hullett, in favor of William Riley, said note baying been lost. WILLIAM RILEY. §2 tv:HYV.7.?ii.,;.:11•! Mi t014 oharges 0'0001W JIb against the taaiia40r4Of The Thin; 1404,.; 0allapd WO Press. :Mgr, W QAPPO, pa4o otbe Pominion Methodist Ohara, 04f1Wtkr bas 1i nail from tbo Kingston First 7$1ethodist Mord. Cross and White, the Raleigh, O. bank wreckers, who were captured in' Toronto, have been sentenced, one to six and the other to five years' hard labor on the public roads. A chariviiri party at Orchard- ville, in Grey county, on getting neither money nor a dance in reply to their detnands, fait fire to the young man's father's home, and it was burned to the ground, with all its contents. HOCSE To RENT—THAT LARGE AND comfortable brick dwelling House on, Rattenbury Street, at present occupied by Mr Calbiek, will be to rent on theist of Nev. Will be let at a reasonable rate. Apply to ROBERT FITZSIMONS, Clinton. IIARESSLIAKING--MISS TREWARTHA, while lJthanking her many friends for their liberal patronage, desires to intimate that she has re- moved to her old preniises, Albert Street, direct- ly opposite the residence of Mr Blackhall, where she will be glad to attend to the wants of all The people of Ramsay County, Dakota, are reported to be in a state ofstarvation and areaappeal- ing for aid. Frosts destroyed , hundreds of thousands of bushels of wheat and left entire townships almost destitute. Tho county treasury is empty, and unless as- sistance is soon received it is feared many will die. The farmers of St. Vincent' Grey 'county, who visited their township show at Meaford Inst week, had to wade through eight inches of snow. If this sort of' thing is to be continued, the fall show will have to bo held in suml mer, as a Hibernian friend of ours suggests. The'Dominion Government has issued an Order -in -Council fixing Thursday, November 15th, as Thaksgiving Day. If the public convenience had been consulted, the selection of a day at least two weeks earlier would have been made. Why wait till winter before being thankful for harvest mercies? Mr Jerome C. Dietrich, of Galt, roars some of the finest Clear Grit, Black Hawk and other hpr- ses. A few nights since ten of his horses got access to the highway through an open gato, and ail ten were badly injured by running against the barbed wire fence on a neighbor's farm. In some cases the whole breast was laid open. Mr. D. estimates his loss at fully $1,000. Ile says that fully $2,- 000 damage has been done near Galt in this way this summer. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. • Thursday, Oct, 11, 1888. Wheat, fall,white and red 1 10 a 1 15 Oats - • • - 0 32 a 0 33 Barley • 0 50 a 0 70 Peas • • 0 62 a 0 03 Flour, :per cwt 3 00 a 3 00 Potatoes • 0 35 a 0 35 Butter 0 17 a 0 18 Eggs . 0 14 a 0 16. Poria • G 75 4 7 00 May 10 00 al2 00 Sheep pelts • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb, skins 0 60 a 0 SO Hides, • 5 00 a 5 50 Wool, • 0 20 a 0 20 BLYTH MARKETS. Repiirt,eil specially for NEW ER A every Thursday Blyth, Oct. 11, 1S88. Fall wheat, red, per bush. 1 10 1 12 Spring " . new . 1 00 1 05 Oats . 30 a 32 Barley . 48 a 05 Peas . . . 58 a 60 Potatoes, per bus . 35 a 35 Eggs per doz - 15 a 16 Butter,rolls . ' . 16 a 18 Cheese . . 15 a 15 Lard . . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. . 2 75 2 75 Hoge, . . . 625 700 Beef - - 4 00 a 5 00 Pork - - - 5 do a 7 00 Hay - - 11 00 a 13 00 ' TORONTO MARKETS. :Toronto, Oct; 11,1888.T Wheat, fall . • . 1 13 a 1 15 Wheat, spring - - 0 91 a 0 92 Barley - 0 70 a 0 80 Oats - - - - 0 39 a 0 41 Peas - - - 068 a 069 Butter, pound rolls - 0 22 a10 23 Butter, large rolls - 0 18 a 0 20 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 17 h 0 18 HOUSE ,A; LOT FOR SALE—SITUATE on Osborne St. The house contains six rooms and good stone cellar there are on the promises, bard and soft water, a number of fruit trees and good stable. The lot con- tainsi_of an acre, and will be sold cheap, W. ROBERTSON, Pop W,orks, Clinton. DRESEI AND MANTLE MAKING— MISS' NOBLE begs to inform her numerous customers that she has removed from over Mr Detlor's store, and is -still carrying on Dress and Mantle making, at the residence of hor mother, Victoria Street, opposite the Mayor's, and will be pleased to bave her old customers call on her. PROPER.TY FOR SALE — SUBSCRIBER offers for sale that excellent property at present occupied by himself, on the corner of Princess and Raglan Ssreets. There is an - acre of land all set out with choice fruit trees and grape vines, plenty of hard and soft water. The house contains three rooms clown stairs, and four above, with good cel- lar, closets, &e. This property is very con- venient to schools, and is in one of the best locations in town. Will be sold entire, or tiro lots divided. Terins reasonable. JOHN STEEP, Clinton. — - FOR SALE—THE. 110131ESTEAI) OF THE late Mrs Fi»kle, nieely situated on Vic- toria Terrace, Clinton, and on the bank of the Bayfield river, close to the London road bridge. 21, acres of land, tine orchard and all hinds of frii1:, lawn and shrubbery, car- riage house, stable And woodshed. suitable for retired gentleman or any person Who wants,,a good home at a reasonable price. Jima]] payment down and long time given for Nr,alance at 6 per cent. Also one house to rent hi the fall. Apply to GORDON PER, RIN or W. FI. PERMS, • _—_- _ _ - FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—THAT splendid farm of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Goderieli town- ship, situated 11 miles from Holinesville, and four miles from the town of Clinton. The soil is a good clay loam, with a neverfailing spring creek running through the place; also good wolle. There is about 8 acres of bush, which is ono of the best sugar bushes in the county; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for ten horees, also two gcod bearing orchards, being about Rix acres in all; two good log houses. About 95 acres seeded down. Will be soul on reasonable terms, or rented to good tenant. ALEX BADOUR, Holmesville Pest Office. - - TWO FARMS FOR SALE. South half of lot No. 29, on the 8th conces- sion of the Township of Goclerieb, contain. ing 40 acres more or less, all cleared and un der a good state of enitivation. There Is on the premises a brick house with all conven ioncee, good frame barn with under stabling• good bearing orchard with neverfallIng wel due. Mao lot No. 28, 7th con., consisting of 80 acres more or less, 15501.05 hardwood bush, balance cleared and under a good state of cultivation, exeellen t well water. Both farms are well fenced. Will be sold separately or in one parcel. Terms to snit purchaser. For further particulars apply to MARY ,CANT83 BON, on the prere:sco, 01. 20 DAVID cAspr.. LON, Clinton • 13OUICDKEEPER'S NOTICE—The tinder - signed has impounded at Clinton, one white two year-old Steer, with piece cut out of the ear, and ono red and white two year old Steer, with piece out out of its ear. If not previously redeemed, they will be sold by Auction at 1 p.m., on SATURDAY, OCT, 13th. F. FOLLAND, Poundkeeper. • Important Notice. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE.—In the Brown sub -division, lots facing on Huron, Batten - bury and Princess streets, the most desir- able property in the vicinity of the active and rapidly growing town of Clintou, beau- tiful residence sights can be bought at very reasonable prices and terms to Emit any one contemplating a purchase. Apply to JAS. BROWN, Huron Road, *21n MISS L. WILSON, ARTIST. BEAVER BLOCK. CLINTON. tUp stairs, oppoeite Foster's Photo Gallery.) All branches of Painting taught, Painting on Plush a specialty. Classes taught at Myth from Wednesday morning until Fri- dayla fternoon. Particulars as to terms, etc., on applieation. E. KEEFER 5 • DENTIST, l'.;oniqn,;; VILLA, 137 toi.3,D;r. S•ruzvr TORONTO. F000lciillEltllyEamily Largestliusical Family in the World „ Offer tins week, and until all are sold, • feces ofDress Goods USUAL PRICE 20 and 25 CENTS. CLEARINGPRICE and 10e. Stock of Mantle Cloths arid Trimm- ings is very complete. Perfect satisfaction guaranteeci in our Mantle Dep't. Five per cent off for Cash. JOHN WISEMAN MaEstate J. gODCIENB.gager. rt ross&Mantle along COTT 0. 11 3011 C. DETLOR & CO COMBINE HAVE ENGAGED MISS ANDERSON, LATE OF KINGSTON, AS THEIR DRESS AND BUSTED 1 MANTLE MAKER. Every SATISFACTION • , AS TO FIT AND STYLE Tremendou* Crash. CeEntlt40111i4 J'utt opened away down. NOVELTIES in MILLINERY A YARD WIDE AT 4 Cents. Novelties 111 Dress & Mantle Ornaments o -THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT under THE MANAGEMENT of MISS McPHERSON x x Wanted, 50 bbls. DRIED APPLES J C Detlor& Co,Clinton When Baby was sick, we gave her Caster*, When the was & Ckild, she oried for Castoria, When aka became Mee, eke clung to Cleated*, When eke had Children, ahs gave them Castor* Consisting of Father, Mother, 12 child- ren, and 2 danghters•in-law. Grand Orchestra—Full Brass and String Band —full chorus. The family travel and live in their own Palace Rotel Car—one of the finest and best.equipped on the road. (INE NIGHT ONLY, TUESDAY, OCT. 23. PLAN AT JACKSON BRCS THIS YEAR'S M -43r.R.0 117 MI M3 ,CUT AND PLUG Smoking TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER, . SEE &BT. /S PROS ZE ON NARROWER AT 3 CENTS. _Also, a large consignment of DRESS GOODS to hand at 5c. Call and see ns air once. Robertson's bit cazton. PLIIMSTEEL &GIBBING'S W. COOPER'S BOOKSTORE. EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE '.W. JACKSON C.P.R. AGENT, CLINTON 000 We are now ready for the Fall Trade, With a full assortment in the following lines:— WALL Staple and Fancy '.Dry Goods, Woollens,&c • We are now showing a new line of This is the season for wools, and wer Wall Paper in Brown Backs, at 10c. have a very leap, and varied Alpiic White backs,121,15 and 19. Gilts of all kinds. Berlin Wool in Clots, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings; GeEt's Forllishiegs, AC. at 25, 30, 40 and b0, with nice bor- and 8 fold. Saxony, Andalusian, ders to match, bought from the best Crewel, Tee , and -other Wools, also. manufacturers, and are very tasty in Fingering Yarns from the cheapest. pattern, superior in quality, awl low makes to tbe best Paul& brands. Paper Wools& Fantey Good For full information concerning trow- el to all parte of the world, consult the above, who will bo happy to furnish fall particulars. CORN 1011 SALE. AT THE Clinton - Mills, • Extra Good Value. Very cheap and good quality. in price. , , WCorne• and see our stock,_a$ CLOMPII1\ra* Ready - Made, in Suits, and Over- I °Oats. Small advance on wholesale w COOPER, -7 Beaver 13lock prices. All kinds of Clothing made to order and guaranteed. 'TITS, CAPS, FURS, New. Styles ile*BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS and FELT GOODS, in all lines, at near the Toronto wholesale prices. $' STAPLE LIMES IR GROCERIES as cheap as the cheapest. We are in a position to buy our stock right, and we intend to sell at the lowest possiblci paying prices. In fact we intend to take the lead for good staple lines at the lowest prices. Come and see our stock and get our prices. WHOLE OR GROUND. PRICES REASONABLE. JAS, FAIR, - CLINTON. 1. Searle's Block, Clinton PLUAISTEEL & GIBBINGS 11-TheilabGrocery And ask for some of the new arrival of JAPAN 1EA WHICH IS SOLO AT 30, 35 AND 40C A LB ALSO, ENGLISH BREAKFAST BLACK, FINE FLAVOR. NEW 'VALENCIA RAISINS Don't fail to see the TWO BROOMS for 25 cents. I am prepared to cut prices close for cash. Goods delivered 4:31;ECP. SW A I....1L4C)1W,C1_,INTINCloroi New Liquor Store The subscriber having opened a liquor store in PERRINS BLOCK, Market Sq., Clinton, with a full stock of Liquors of the very best brands, consisting of French Cognac Brandy, - in woad or bottle. Best Holland Gin, OS •• Berne* Torn Gin, • • 00 *9 19 • Irish and Scotch Whisky, - Finest Ports & Sherry Winos, • )9 is BASS ALE, pts. and qta., GUINESS' STOUT, rte. and qts. WHISKIES Canadian ALES and PORTER, NATIVE WINES, (te. Goods delivered to any part of the town. J • RIX IEVI-3 - —01-1333AP 00118 and : SHOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHAN K'S. Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash, Seem M ens& Boysencket&lacrossahoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORE AS USUAL FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, ' BRICK. BLOCK, CLINTON Boots and Shoes TAYLOR & Sons • Our Fall Stock is now complete. We have the best goods in the market, and our prices are as low as -the lowest. Five per cent discount for cash. W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON ANP