HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-12, Page 3Ise • • tlf eetts"" fttv A0vertiOement0,-- C1othirg Ifergeips -Judson- Brea. Wintlow ebedes-Chres. Bielteop, tookoOles-slewee lavacheil: Mantle- making- 3. C. Peeler * Co. Deese goodies-Betete J. liedgene e Hob grce y -Geo. Swallow Tobitecoe-T. et 13. Oases for sele-Rob. Martin. Boar NW- Ilenry Freetnau. Sham Rhea -J. S. Murphy. Fano for sale -R. Barkwell.- Stray Sheep -Thos Potter. Eitray Cow -W. M. Giffin, Stray Heifer -P. Perdue. Form for sale -Jas. Perdue. , (Minton rtw Ora FRIDAY, OCT. 12, 1888. Additional Local News. Aleteralteillor liateetetaa..) — $0 ljjogro,„„...A TES -sigt 441:40§, 171114400Gli ‘01 got: a:Ay:loch% codt‘ty of OAK% Ix till! Of bolt Was Iserelletween 'We'ek ..vlstttug rerYee Stal4P " leatg.' katktfil) PlovOle4; Ainal PAM' p nd brs daug . Our bOea 'thettglit tbe'ebaneeifor " ter, 3.10 were. the guests ef tOrY very poor ittS theik Attobert yiho hje Petit Campbell, feet tiityie. their opponents ha% a pOI . Quop ViroVIsile working at le the best pleyer, Agents atol Week. team ror the occasion, ut tiseY *6-01 Sittkelm McKwan!e last week % . nobly, ego11) to l7.Ite eire Roes and Cameron with their flew bee returned. to, Toronto Wirer^ steam thresher, ran through 410 isity, and 14 brother Forbes to To bushels of burley in ope haus and routo wheel of medicine Mr Potter,- twenty minute? !bey would like to teacher of No. 6, Morrie, bee left thf' e*know who can beat this -profeseiou and ia pow studying meth- MATiietOesO,- 4 pleasant affair Tornetot we holm he may bare occurred ot the residence of Mr Dun great meccas. in his new labor as his can lilawan, 3rd con., on Tuesday eection is sorry to lose him, and also last, when Mr John Pearson, one ot a wide circle of acquaiutances here tbe energetic yottnte faruaers of the will miss hie good ustured face and tewnohiP. MIA married to Miss Kate rricEwan, daughter of Mee Alex. Mc - Ewan, of Varna. Rev Mr Simpson performed the ceremony, The best wishes of scores of friends are extend- ed the young couple, who have taken possession of Mr Pearsou's new house. IMPROVED STOCK. -Mr James Mc- Farlane, of Stanley, last week sold to Mr W. H. Scott, of the same town- ship. a Shropshire Ram Lamb; to Mr J J.Fisher, Colborne, he sold his first prize Ram Lamb, of the same breed, and to Mr Dickson, of Tucker - smith, he sold a Ram Lamb and two Ewe Lambs, all at good prices. Not long since Mr McFarlane sold to Mr John Churchill, of Goderich Town- ship, his imported entire colt, Glen- lyon. Mr McFarlane's reputation as a stoekrnau stands high„and purchas- ers know that they can rely on any- thing they buy of him. couvereation; his successorove believe, --1 is a Mr Nichol. Matt Brandon has gone to the Michigan "Soo." What is the matter with the Blyth base ball club anyhow? our boys were just ready to go dowd and play thew Saturday last, when they were telegraphed not to come. The fir -t regular meeting uf Rat- eenhury Ileuie Orele iviil be iield t his evening. A eoed programme has Liven prepared. Rev J. Elge preached in Nut th St. rhurch, Goderich, on Sunday, the Presideut of t he Conference being away on his wedliug tour. The Suedes, Setteet anuiversary of Rattenbury St. churcb, usually held in Nevember, has been indefinitely postponed, ou account 01 prospective revival services. • Mr Ralph Trotter, formerly con- oeeted with the Baptist church here, has received lied accepted a unani- t'nous call to the pastorate of the First lleptist Church, Psris, Ont. At the arnittel meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Societe, at CiuslPh, last week, Mrs J. C. Detlor, id Cliu- ten, was re-elected- 'Preasurer. She was also chosen as delegate to the Guelph Couference. -Our, readers will be much pleased to 'earn that Rev. G. F. Salton, who has Oeen so ill of typhoid fever,at Goder !eh, that his life was despaired of on !•::qinday,is now considered to be in a fair way to recovery MISSION Wone.-Mr Wesley W. ?leer, formerly of this toviee (son of Mr D. Baer, Colborne) is now a missiouary at Consox, B. C. He states, in a recent letter, that he ex- periences a good deal of privation and a superabundance of difficuey, and has promised to eoetribute to the eolumns of the NEW ERA something of his observations and experience in :hat section of the Dominion. Anniversary Services. The congregation of the Ontaria St. Mach are to be sincerely con- gratulated upon the success of last Sunday's services. The selection of the -preacher for the occasion gave the opportunity of listening to thoughtful and impressive sermons by one of the foremost edecationalists of the Pro. vince,Dr Austin, Principal of Alma College, by his well directed energies ' toivard the higher , education of wo- eien,has become well known through- eut the whole country. He is still a young men and has before him a car- eer of great usefulnese. The two ser - mous he preached on Sunday were .just such as,might have been expect- ed from a man who thinks Well be. core he utters hf's message. He se - ;feted old time topics and in doing so ineidontally reinarked about the great change tLat in a few years had taken place in the g.ltlerni contents of ser. mons. In the mornings his suLjOeet was 'The General Judgment,' and in the evening 'The Hereafter', and upon these topics he spoke clearly and convincingly. On both occasious -there were large congreg Woos, and on 'everylside there were substantial evidences that this church is making .good progress, In the afternoon there was an op- en session of the Sunday School, svnere addresses were given by Rev Dr Austin and Messrs Tiplady and Manning. The Rev Dr's remarks to the pareuts and teachers were timely and encouraging. The children sang verynicely and an .erjoyable time was spent.. On Monday evening Dr Austin lectured to a good audieuce on the object 'Only a Woman.' The chair omas admirably filled by Rev Mr Stewart,who iu opening, compliment- ed the congregation upon its depar- ture from the usual tea meeting in order to raise funds. He humorous- ly alluded ta the good feeling exist- ing between the congregation over tvhich he presides and that of Ontario St., and expreesed the hope that all the churches in the town would con- tinue to be on the same friendly terms as now existed. Dr Austin's lecture was a very interesting and instruc- tive one, abounding in good common sense advice and spiced with many first clws anecdote's. The choir, under Mr Kay's leader- ' ship, rendered excellent service at alt the meetings and were universally praised for the selections made and their rendition. The proceeds . amounted to $109-- more than the KIM asked for. • • P111. -r Owing to the prize lists published we are cempelled to condense and omit considerable this week. Mr E. T. Ilolnaes is now in Cali- fornia visting relations, and writes that the great west is not all that it is cracked up to be, for those who work for a living, at any rate East Wawanosh. NOTES. -11r Wm. Rath has his new house finished; he will move in shortly. Mr Basil Coultes is having a stone cellar put under his new house, as he predicts a cold winter. Mr Andrew Black and family move to the "Soo" this week. The 6th line literary has again started under very favorable auspices and promises to be even more successful than last year; the officers elected were: -Pres., John Anderson; Vice Pres., Basil Coultes; Sec., Chas.Wightman;Treas., S.Harrison; Comm i ttee-Geo.Con I tee, I'. M. Scott, 11. Black, L. Edwards; door keeper„Ielin Fell. Ilitters -The silently falling of the leaves ol autumn, the short and gloomy da e s, the eblique rays of the sun, the bleak wi id, j ick-frosis' ap- pearance, the crows' serio-cornic eal 1, the random shot of the huntsmaii, the small by' new long boots, hovering around the ki tube., stove, the con - I ciliatery movements of the hen, the migrating of the small birds, the hoggish nature of the hog, and things of like nature are all evideuces of ap. poaching winter. A great industry in apples has arisen in our nik,t, the crop being exceptionally good; each 0116 deems his own welfare of more consequeuce than that of bis neigh- bor, and consequently the demand for barrels for packing purposes is ex- ceedingly great. Mr James Henry I started last week on a yip to Mani. toba, taking a carload of apples with him. Several of Mr Chas. Campbell's sheep were worried a few nights ago. A meeting of the people of Calvin church was held, on Monday last, to bear the opinion of the penile con- cerning the calling of a minister, but it was concluded not to call one just yet. Most of the people of this vi - may went sight seeing; at Belgrave, K nbtt rn. E»OINGS --The revival services in the Methodist church are still being continued with good resulte. The prospect of a number of weddings in this viciniey, is the reason given by oiir cheese salesman for not disposing oi the August make of our factory to the regular buyers; Wonder will he ;ell it 1,, the parties interested at the oiler tile bulk of August cheese testi:gilt the market, or will he be mokiitg for present rise in value. The fartnere are now busily engaged storing their iipp'es and potatoes. Messrs IV Rion and Robt. A rin- stroug recently purchased from the celebrated stockman, Mr Green, of East Z ire, two very fine thorough- bred hogs, tnale and female; Messrs Rion and Armstrong are tvvo of our mom; enterprising and go-ahead far:eerie tied keep first.class stock in every line. Mr J. R. et urray has disposed of the fine heavy draught team that he purchased near Dun- gannon last fall, for the handsome um of $656 ; they were sold at the Stratford Central Fair, to a gentle- man from Boum, whither they were immediately shipped. Weather critics say there has been only two months during the year 1888 that snow has • not fallen in Huron, those months being July and August; thie , would be a rather rough iimnigration on Tuesday. An auction sale is to advertisement -Jr leadetAlr X roger,. 4104 the.. ,4tft.,414P$4940.11opper*, to, whiektoey reeponded 010 ef witleh theT fee' p.artersk, ••• , • •Ptlflganattnis. Baturb,!7,-Thefarmers in this yi- cnavy are busily ensued raising their potatoes, which are a geed CeOp Oslo Year. 4fre J. AL Rebecca retOped tact week from her visit kt Telellte and Muer* Tittle. Mra Walker haa been un the eick list lately. Aliso Anna Anderson, dressmaker, ha* gone to Plinteu, where she is engaged_ in conuection with Mr J. C. Detior'a store. Rev D. G. CalllerOR and Rev W. F. Campbell exchanged palette last Sabbath. The remains of old Mrs Davidson passed through the village Friday last, on its way to tbe cemetery; she died at her residence Oth con. Wawanosh, Weduesday evening. flesevies e9rMinfal4valie •,:),t a.rneIg of the rS Poord et, WedgleaditY aT001-Pg 44 Week, $.4. Porebill expo:flood his inteatiOtt not to re-eugege for the COMIPS year - Oa blOadaY evening at MeetIng Of the board, We* Teylor rem twin -not- ed to the MOM Vacated by Afta5 Rokd. cliffe, who retiree from teaching, Mia Norma was etweeit for the AR" for room. Several applications were, received for tbe princtpalship, and Mr W fl Stewed Ives accepted, pro- viding Isis salary be not overe460 per annum. - MORRIS AGRICULTURAL FAIR. - It le fair to state that.Blyth tural Fair has more than county fame, and although the directors had not seen fit ao. hold it this year for three ofTiitir days, the exhibit for a Iwo days' ishow was exceetionally good. The iudoor department, of 4( 00' which we can now only write, was Bar EFS. -The youngeet child of MT above that of former years, and elicit - John Govenlock died last week, and ed favorable opinion from competent was buried in the Maitland cemetery. critiee. On entering the upstairs de - Mr Wm. Scott is this week in Mout- partment. Messrs Doherty & Co., Clinton, had the first exhibit of four of their superior organs Misses De - pew, of Clinton; Stewart and Kaake, of Blyth, competing in the competi- tion for best playing on the instru- ments. The prizes. were awarded, ist Miss Depew; 2nd, Miss Kaake; ard Miss Stewart. Next came Mr J J. Bell, Clinton, representing the Genu- ine Singer, and on exhibition five of his celebrated machines, showing, among other recent inventions, the improved drop cabinet Mr G Shar- man, of Clinton, showed a set, of sin- gle and one of team harness; he was awarded second prize, and claimed that great injustice was done him, ag of lot 26, 12th con., soon got tired of he has a well known provincial name farming -or, to put it more correctly, for a harness maker. Taylor & Sons, he found that after being in business Clinton and Blyth, were to the front so long, life on a farm was too lone- as usual, with a handsome assortment some for him, and so he concluded to of trunks, valises, boots, etc. The quit. He has found a purchaser in 1 ladies' department was fully filled the person of his neighbor, Mr Little, ; with much that was delicate in work - who pays hiai $3,400 tor the place, ' manship, and perfect in design. The which is the same as Mr Lawrence drawings by Mrs Anderson, Seafortb; paid for it, though the latter has made - Mrs Colin Campbell, Goderich ; Miss improvements. Mr Lawrence will Tanner, Blvth ; oil paintings by Miss push the music business for the win- Pollock. Mrs (Dr) Carder, Mrs C ter, and it is possible that in the spring Hamilton, Blyth ; Mrs C. Campbell, be may buy a furniture business again and others, whose names we could not get; painting on satin and plush, IleusaU real, having taken several carloade of cattle to the market. it is rumored that a young mau and young lady of the 4th con., whose hearts have long been united will join their hands also, next week. -• • Hullett. BARN BURNED. - The new bank barn of Mr Walter Haines, 4th con. of Hullett, with nearly all its contents of live stock, implements and produce, was consumed by fire on Wednesday evening The fire was caused by the upsetting of a lantern. Insured tor $450; loss about $1500. . FARM SOLD. -Mr Alfred Lawrence ' by Mrs W. Potter, Blyth, made a visNitOitLES - friendsl‘i isHhai t tiBeSeIgirtahveer.lanOdui hall The collections of ladies' work, handsome display at one end of the Methodist friends intend having a by Mrs C. Campbell, Miss Nutt, Hui. eveningharyes t homenext;onIh dfri n ti e r t, on ao n elhVaerdnteesro d ayt &f Jett. Mrs Anderson and' Mrs etch : were handsome and varied. In quilts tphreemviouasndenthteertaliisntmoenf entertainmentsgiven by was keen among the specinzens of and counterpanes the competition ingmay en nou nmcedtobepresent,on ga hlai na vtose attendd- ' mos puma, Mrs Anderson, Miss Nott, Mrs Campbell and Miss Mulch, d tBoetybe.LeSb.arlIgeenodfearsaortini er Perieris: display of apples and pears was spe- rtliumcet.e In the down stairs department the ibnyette. r; i aann de h urcoccupiedh ,on Ile' ed. npe as di pa iyt,, 3rd n , potatoes, large in eize and exhibit. daily good; roots, many and choice; Sunday. We have heard complaints . Mr J. Moser, in his collection of of the heavy frost, on Tueeday even- stoves, economic heater, and cooking ing, injuring the hpples. The roof of . utensils,. made a vied exhibit, Mr ate hew Methodist parsonage is com- O. Hamilton was well represented in pleted. Mr McEwen is having his his line with stoves and furniture, on Oct. 17th next. be held on the hirm of Mr Geo.Tyner, • Colborne. cupied by Mr L. R. Evans, merchant new stores fitted up ; one will be oc- general equinment. Both merchants handsome and serviceable boiler and .---••.--- • Itatees.-Mr Thomas Heddle, of tailor, the other by Mr Wiseloh, shoe- made a creditable and valuable ex - Essex, is spendiug a few days under maker, who ha t+ lately purchased the hibit. The attendance was nearly . . the tarental root'. Mr N.D. Morrish Blum. - The boys are talking , left ere last week for Bay City,where about haviug a shooting match, on he intendsstudying phainaJcy, Miss Wednesday, October 17. Rev Mr E. Blake, who has been the guest of Craig preached a sermon specially (Miss C. Fisher, returned to her home adapted to the little ones, on Sunday in Kingsbridge last week. The ap- pointments of Rev Mr Kestle at Zion arid Benmiller were filled by Mr Thos. Heddle, last Sunday. Wm. Blake has put an improvement on his farm in the shape of a No,4 hydraulic ram, for the purpose of supplyidg house and barn with spring water; he pur- chased the ram from R. M. Racey, Clintou, The toot -toot of the thresh - last. MISS A Coleman,of Wentworth county, mar Hamilton, is visiting her uncle, Mr S. Lowery. Mr Geo. Jobneon is again back to the village, he having been discharged; title will probably be a good lesson for him to shun bad company. ' RUNAWAY, -Mr Jamas 111cManue, ing engine is a thing of the past and we look forward to the dim and dig- er., met with a nasty accident while taut future when the genial but dirty going telown the other day. He had the faces of the tbreshore will be with us ona load of bags'and when nearonce more. Despite the drought of railroad bridge the horsestook fright, running considerrble distance, and the past summer the crops averaged upsetting the load and pitching Mr well, potatoes and apples especially McManus out --He i e succeeded n turn- so • hay and straw be somewhat in g them oil the road, and they ran scarce. Many of the residents, visited d the fence, which Goderich on its awakening from its between a post an brought them to a. standstill. Mr lethargy; tbey express themselves well McManus got off with a few bruises. pleased with the show, but some were delappointed by not Beeing the milk • BRIEFS, -Mr Jas.Horton, formerly fed squash; how is this? papa squib of this prace, but now of Sault Ste was there. Mr George McCabe, jr., i Marie, arrived here on Monday, to ie slowly wasting away, there s little visit friends and see about his farm. 1 hope of his recovery. Quite anum- We are glad to see that James Mc- ber Wilted out to hear the evidence Manus, who has been suffering from egainst the counterfeiters, on Monday bruises sustained by falling on a J last. Mr John Halstead has moved stump while attempting to jump off 1 the log cabin he purchased:from B.W. a load of bark, is able to be around Forster, on the land he bought from his brother Albert. As Mrs McCabe was getting out of the buggy,on Mon- day night, after she got. home from, Goderich, she caught her foot in one of the wheels, spraining her ankle severely. Mr Knight, of Aubhen,has the ciintract of erecting an addition to the parsonage, on the first concession. again. Mr and Mrs John Horton and Mr T. Horton returned home on Tuesday, after having spent a few days among friends in the vicinity of Clinton and Brucefield. Harry G. Horton, who is up from Toronto spending his holidays among friends here, left on Friday, to visit among his old scbolars in Paramount. G.H. Clutton left last week for Torotao, where be intends remaining for a time; he will be much missed in this place, both in -our social gatherings and prayer meeting and also in the lodge room. Rev D. McGillivary de- livered his farewell sermon here, on Sunday last; he had with him a chart of China, and drew the attention of his audience particularly to Kanoun to which place he intends going; he spoke of its large population and great need; the best wishes of the vicinity go with him that he may be very successful in his work. .. THE MCGIBENY FAMILY -The McGibeny Family, who give one of their musical Entertainments here on the evening of Oct. 23rd, was in To- ronto on Wednesday night last, and the following from the Mail 'shows bow they were appreciated: - The McGibeny family opened a three nights' engagement in Associa- tion hall last evening, under auspices that paid a high tribute to the reput- ation they have sustaind during the last eleven years all over the Contin. ent of America. It is safe to say that the hall since its opening was never so crowded, it being estimated that over fifteen hundred were present. The appearance of the family is un • ique in the history of musical enter- tainments in Toronto, the father and mother being ably and cleverly sup- ported by thirteen of their children. The applause and enceires given throughout the evening must -have convinced them that the audience ap- preciated their music. The pro- gramme was et a taking and poputer character. •- Holmesviile. BRIEFS. -Mr E G. Courtice at- tended a shooting match in London, on Wednesday last. The Calbick farm VMS sold, on Tuesday last, by auction, Wm. Murch being the pur- chaser; the sum realized was $2000; this is' geoerally considered a cheap figure. Rev F. Nugent, of Listowel, paid Rev J. S. Fisher a flying visit,' one day last week. Mr C. Williams, of the Maitland, has been laid up for several days. Mr C. William's or- chard produces apples between one , ond two feet in circumference, and Mr T. C. Pickard grows mangolds weighing between 20 and 30 lbs. The roots in this locality are generally of a supersor quality. The funeral ser- mon of the late II. Ford was preach- ed in St. John's church, on Sabbath last. F,xestreeteloet. -A public exami- nation of Bayfield school toolc place, on Friday afternoon, and under the management of the the teachers, Mr Baker and Miss Morrison, was indeed good. In the work of examining they were assisted by the Rev Mr Hodgens, and Messrs Ceoper and Grant, teachers. The scholars in the various classes were thoroughly ques- tioned and showed a fair knowledge of the branches they were required to know. A large number of visitors were present and all seemed pleased at the state of the school and the pro- gress which it seemed to be making. As this is Mr Baker's first year in the school he has undoubtedly worked hard to bring it into the present state, and he has proved himself a thorotigh and painstaking teacher. NOTES, -Rev J. Livingstone, of Clinton, shook hands with tote of his friends here, on Tuesday. Our lake- side town was very lively on Tuesday, and the only complaint we have to make is that we cannot keep it as lively all the time. The directors of the Agricultural Society did a wise thing this year, when they prohibited the sale of liquor on the show grounds. entire stock of Roeddiug Bro.. double that of any former year, no , unseemly conduct was to be noticed, Bracetield. and much satisfaction was expressed home from Scotland, Mae IIoeses.-Mr C. .110Inasiolunarer: ! oant thbeygteo hed judgmentdirectors, sh . The nthrough- rived first prize day evening,the 4th inst. He brought with him a five year old (stallion) pony, also a two year old Clydesdale stallion. These are both very fine animals. The pony was brought for Mr E C. Colemam, of Seaforth. in writing was awarded Master Alfred Stewart, 2nd to Miss %elle Comber, and 3rd to Miss Mary Fell. The se- cond day being on our publication day, the prize list had to be left over until next week. There was a very When Mr Mason left Scotland he had large attendance on Thursday, the also a 6 year old Clydesdale stallion, day beieg fine, and some excellent h but this animal died on the way out. horses, cattle and sheep were shown. We understand this was a very ex- o pensive animal and was not insured, K1, consequently Mr Mason will be a very Nores.-air James 11 Whiteman p heavy loser. Mr it.aleaters, of Tuck,. left for St. Paul, Mite, on Monday eremite), also eatne in the same vessel, last; he is a young man of sterling bringins two young stallions and a worth and will doubtless win the eon - filly. vidence and esteem of his employers; BRIEFS. -Mr P. McGregor was in his many friends, by whom he will Goderich last week, acting as judge be greatly missed, unite in wishing on horses, and Mr fr, McIntosh, V. him every success. Last Thursday S., was in Hayfield, on Tuesday of eveving Capt. Copp, of the Salvation this week, acting a like capacity. Army, who is going to India as a Our foot ball boys are beginning .to missionary, led the prayer meeting in wonder if Exeter is ever going to give the Methodist chuach; she took for the return match. Mr D. Hay still runs a stage from 13ay field to Seaforth, and Mr 1,Vm. Dixon has started an opposition between Bruceffeld and Seaforth. Mr Alex. Forsythe's stal- lion, Hazelwood, got feet prize at Goderich. . Goderich Township. Mrs James Colwell has been dan- gerously ill for some time with in- flammation of the bowels. She is recovering.alR i FEsTED -Yesterday MrThos Mason, of the base line, rented his farm for 6 years,to Tyndall Bros. It is likely Tom will move into Clinton. A tea meeting will be held at Beth- el Methodist church, Oct 18th. A mumber of speakers are to be present North St. Choir Goderich will furn- ,ish music. BACK AGAIN. --Mr Eli Bateman has returned from Silver Lake, Indiana, and will; remainlhere for some time. He took about $150 in prizes at the various fain, getting first prize on the Doherty team (a span of drivers he bought from Mr T. C.Doherty) at the Wabash County Fair. GETTING BETTER. -After a week's terrible suspense, and considerable telegraphing Mr W. Murphy received the encouraging information onWed- nesday night that his son in Dakota, was getting better,and would be home as soon as arrangements could be made for his comfort. FARM BOU6IIT.-Messrs II. Swit- zer and W. H. Steep have made an exchange of property. The former owns a 160 acre farm near Bowes. mount, Dak., and the latter has given his 80 acre farm, on the 9th con. of Goderich township, for Ben's Dakcta farm and $3100 to boot. As there is a railroad atatien within half it mile of the Dakota property, and it is right on the edge of a tnriving town. Mr Steep has made a profitable trade. Ben is usually pretty sharp, but it looks as if he got left this time, noNEER DEATH. -Mrs MGM, who died at the residence of her son,Law. son Moore, base line, on Saturday, at an advanced are, was one of the few remaining pioneers of this section. Her husband has been dead some time; she was a woman highly re- spected by all. For years she was a zealous christian womar,being a mem- in place of Mr Acheson who took his her of the Methodist church but lat- appointment in Blake. Mr Jos.Hud- terly connected - with the Baptist son is having a new verandah put church,Mr Geo, Moore, of Hullett, is on his house, which adds greatly to a sonof hers,and Mrs Keroof Clinton, its appearance. Mr Jas. jarrot jr. and Mrs T, Mountain,are her daugh- has moved out to his farm on the tete. Town line. erolts awaseanaa .. • wept. lixterol4 Teet.p.4.0,et•le:. the*Seereise sad spoke in Mush favor .f hoc, Bui r.tt's mottled. A well repreeputed Meeting of the Mr 11. le. Brew0 Introduced a ellas alletbuteI,riugrmion. orie„.00.094begi'qt. PLocitratuipuiAnditteil,, ,(iPii.:04,01#41.4110ette4„ ;RacjiglToilse dElotevrigitieone wataids 044 rrior, sot. 27b and v0; terther carried on by MessreDuff,Tont. Z4g4t..107;,.. Ws different 1044004 UAW' loye First the MibUteet Of tlee nicethe$ dee!. gJoae :,..44Goostrittas4otc,,v,ii.).!riaQtenbitniperyetiv)aaenutclagSotuaraniasnibagnn.g, Tio at too much res.peueibility is thrown upon the teacher to this respect, and that where a laolt of moral training was manifest the hozne influence and general eurroundiuge were in a great measure . responsible. Still it wasethe- duty of teachers to exer !dee all due vigilence in this respect and as faras possible, check all improprieties) in speech or action.. Mr C. Seeger, Mayor, of the town of Goderich, being present was invited to .address the teachers. In a neat TiitS Wept IlUreb Weaeliere' Asereeitle time met iR t14 11Todei school, at 11 it. in. The preisideot in the ehatr, Owlote to tbe email etteudance, the only basi- nen traosseted watt the appointment of the -following committees, viz.e-Sarder of business, Messrs DtIsaty, Murch and T. Elliott. Mears A. gmbury, G. Sheppard, and Was B. Sherman, Resolution Isom., On re•assembling at 1.30 p. m., Messrs Rilty and Nevin were appointed speech, he expressed himself as thor- a committee to essist the Secretary in oughly in sympathy with the objects preparing.a report,of the proceeding of the teachers have in view in thus as - the Association for thepress. sembling together for their mutual The roll was called by Inapector o 1111p2 OV Tom and 62 teachers answered to their lug the means of educetion, and Con - benefit and also -with it view f ' • names. eluded by invitine the teacl e • f The Business committee then report- th neighboring municipalities to bring thelr ed that owing to the fact that Dr Me - pupils on a given day to join with the children of Goderich in visiting the fair during the coming week, The auditors then preseetecl their re- port, certifying that took s and vouch. ers had been found correct. Mr Einbury then introduced the die- cussion on School Management and Discipline dealing more particularly with the requisite (jualitications of it succeesful teacher. He said that such a teacher should possess tact in the n.flofali*teent of not only the school as a whole but in order to deal with in- dividual pupils, for all pupils did not require the application of the same principles of discipline. A properly qualified teacher should also be a per- son of culture, Ilan.° a large amount of sympathy and needed constant prepar- ation, dmotr3.is sonP.deNael tv icnin continuing the hI idly with the organi- zation and order of schools. He held that in rural mixed schools more dif- fipulties presented themselves than could possibly appear in graded schools in cities and towns, but by a judicious application of the principals laniddown by the previous speakers these difficul- ties could be overcome. The time of adjournment having arrived, the discus- sion on this subject was closed. Inspector' Tom then addresssed the teachers for a few moments urging up- on them the necessity of making their half -yearly returns promptly as the law authorized him to deprive any school of its grant should the half•yeraly report be delayed beyond 15 days from the close of the close of the school terni. On motion of G. W. Holman, second• ed by S. P. Halls, 13. .s,votes ofthank were tendered to all the retiring of. ficers. Aunanimous vote of thanks was tendered' to the Public School Board of Goderich for their kinnness in permit. ting the Association the use of the model school building on motion of Mr Halls, seconded by Inspector Toni. On motion of H. I. Strang, 13. A.,sec- onded by S. P. Halls, 13. A., the Associ- ation adjourned to meet at cell of the xectiti ve. Lenses has to leave early in the morn- ing, it is deemed advisable to allow the whole afternoon for the discussion of his subjects. This -Was agreed to,and the Dr then took up the subject of Psychology,and its relation to teaching, dealing particularly with the raw mater- iels of intellectual development under three headings viz.- sensation, interest and impulse, showing that these hi their order form the bases of intellect, emotion and well. The lecture which was conducted in the couversational , style, was full of terse and pointectee-e- marks, and was highly appreciated by the teachers, The President then gave his address on "the teacher as a public servant." The address wits carefully prepared and dealt chiefly with the following statements, viz: 1st. -The teacher is it more efficient officer than any other public servant. end.-Hts work is important as the life of a nation depends upon its intel- ligence, as obedieuee to laws is carefully inculcated. :'d.—The teachers' tenure of 'office, especially in rural districts, is too inse- cure, and the present law regarding superannuations very unsatisfactory. The address was listened to very at- tentively and well received. Dr McLellan then took up phonic reading. This subject proved very in- structive, and was very fully discussed, all the teachers being very anxious to pursue the best methods of getting the young pupils to recognise in the quick- est time sound signs. This being re- cognized as one of the most difficult things in school work, considerable cross -firing was indulged in, and no doubt mum good,,will result from the discusion. The evening session of the Institute was held in the opera house. Dr Mc- Lellan delivered a lecture on "English Literature and its value in education." Among the many grand and inspiring thoughts that the Dr gave expression to we have only space to mention it few. Literature was defined as a perfect expression of of a perfect human mind, and that the English literature was the gradest literature of the grandest people in the world. That no educa- tion was worthy of the name that did not cultivate thesympathetic part of man as well as the intellectual. That we are living in a fast age when there seemed to be too much of a tendency to read trashy and sensational novels, in. stead of cultivating a closer acquain- tance with suph immortals as Milton, G. W. Ileretie, See•Treas, - gkiliv.ertiotmcnts. . -- • RDooms TO LET-OVEli '.111E sTO- RE. AA, PALLISER & CO., Clinton. - - HOUSE TO Reser- NEXT DOOR TO Miss st mho. Huron. St.— Apply „to 'MISS :11•01'N'TCATL!..l. Possei• skin given lid of v,dubsr, Shakespere, Byron, and Tennyson. .._ . Teachers were particularly urged to a syst131.it ket4IN tor service. en ilis farm smi tIoNtt 1 F01; sep.- Con, of 11011011, a large bree4.1 Suffolk Boar, full bred, raised by that well known breeder. .lolin sl Itt time of ser- vice, with rho privilege of returning if nee- • essarv. 1-11;1:C11Y FitREM kN,FiCr,LETT. C0W.---S'1"lAVED FROM THE 1.7p9-ini141 of NV. `M. ti, near the Collug• iate Instituto, 1 oitl ni I cow with soniu white marlis aml 11 1.0111, ou her horns, any person giving inform•ttion t('; will len) to hoe recovery will hr suitably rewarded, W. M. avoid anything like mechanical teach - ng of thiti subject, which, if properly taught was calculated to stir up and create i,n every mind a love for the grand and sublime. There should be more memorizing of the beautiful gems to be found so plentiful among our even mom ordinary authors. That teacher's were to apt to complain of the recognized standing of the pro- fession, and that they should remem- ber that the p-ofession would never 4 rise higher than the individuals com- posing it. The lecture was very in- spiring, and was highly appreciated by the teachers. In addition to the lee. ture a splendid musical programme consisting of duets, solos etc, was cAr- ried out under the able suporintendnece of Mr S. P. Halle B. A. In addition to the President who occupied the chairehe following gentle- men by special invitation occupied seats on the platform, and made short addresses viz. -Inspector Tom, Messrs II. 1. Strang, 13. A., and A. Einbury. the lesson, Joshua 1st chapter, and i The attendance was good considering urged her hearers to be strong and of 1 the unfavorable state of the weather. good courage; the meeting was inter-! • SEPTEMBER 28th,, 1888. I The association met in the Model esting and will long be 'remembered. . Porter's Hill. School pursuant to adjournment, the president in the chair. Our popular merchant claims 0 G. W. Holman then gave a verbal, re. have pulled more tomatoes off one Port of the proceedings of the last P. T. eine than any man in the township, Associetion towhich he wastheappoint. as he gathered 893 fair-sized tomatoes ed delegate. After giving it report of oft the one vine, and there were from the matter' discussed:le then proceeded one to three hundred more just form- to give his impressions as to these vari- ed. If any person can beat this let OHS topies. On the whole he reported us know, that in his estimation the association was improving in the direction of use - Mr W. Millman, who has resided fulnest. Wallaceburg, in Essex county. The report of the delegate to the Pro - side at here for some years, has gone to re- lit) left some mourning friends around "Pees" Paid. vincial Association was a dopted and his here, who regret his departure to the The roll was then called and 69 teach - tune of dollars and cents. Let your ers answered to their names, . friends hear from you Wm as soon as The election officers was then pro. ceeded with and resulted as follows viz: , convenient. -President A. Embnry; Vice -Pres., Miss Mr D W Roberts made a visit to M. G. Robertson, Sec-Treas., G.W.Hol- Lticknow and places north of there man; Executive Cotnmittee, Messrs H. though he saw some good sites for Al- I. Strang, R. E. Brown, Thos. Gregory, last vreek,on a prospecting tour, and Misses Murray and Heise. sale and was well pleased with that part of the Country, he is Mr Delgaty then introduced ,tbe sub - j cided what ha will do. He leaves yet unde- estrngly advocated the of Arithmetic in Public Schools. Ile here about the first of next month, rhe principle teach - when Mr Potter, ot Holmesville,takes tion is frequently paid to rnles and not ing instead of rules. Too much attar:. enongh to principles. He held that ar his place, ithmetic should be taught in the morn - Mr W N Neal and sister,of Loudes- ing and feom blackboard not from the bow, were visiting D. W. Roberts book, this week. The steady downpour of The discussion then be.chme general. on farther west, and spending the some talkine, fining their remarks rain did not deter them from pushing , grammar and composi• tion, and others con ever.burning, never -failing fire of to arithmetic. The following took part in the dis• afternoon in younger company. The youth will make them face any diffi- cussions:-Messrs Kilty,Johnston, Ent- culty to a particular friend. More bury, Strang, Nevine, Brown and In- g than one face was vvreathed in wel- tlPieeamt°arinTo,sp,a,nios with what oh atf whom o ndn pi e laggarteye had ai d coming smiles as their eyes fell upon said upon the subject of arithmetic. his beaming face once again. Hill's was generally made too. prominent a Mr Strang thought that arithmetic about 15 feet o Just as it street subjects to yound pnpils to write into jf:Gewho•---kan:we erRe. 1 youngIld , NOTES -La: t colt Ie. subject in our schools, that it was rather overrated and not snfficiently longing to Mr o on the practical. In teaching composition Mr Parr Line, fell o containing deal of oral drill, that the giving of al,. Strang thought.it better to have a good reached the surface of the water, it a composition upon, should be avoided, caught in the rim of the crib and re. The reproduction of the same thought mined there partly immersed until in as many different ways as possible found. By the help of a number of would produce the beAt results in Ian - men from a neighboring threshint guage lessors Date work should be the colt was rescued, and though %veined as much as possible, in gram - somewhat stiffened, appeared to e mar and the memorizing pf cnnaber. little the worse. Rev Mr ?dcConnel some definitions was it serious error in reached in Hills Green last Sanday teaching this subject. Th e discussion on this subject was then concluded arid Miss Burritt illustrated her method of teaching and condncting exercises in simple song sineing, by presentingto the association 'le class of small girls and boys, ranging from seven to ten, who sang some beautiful selectione. The teachers were well pleased with ANN IVER8A1,Y. -The anniversary services of the Methodist church here took place, on Monday and Sunday last. On Sunday 'three very excel- lent discourses were delivereil, two by Rev C E. Stafford, of Mitchell, and one by Rev J. Livingstone, of Clin- ton. The custemary tea was dispens- ed with, and the more excellent method of raising the required amount by voluntary offerings was adopted. The sum asked was $75, and so liber- ally did the people respond that the full amount was realized On Mo day evening a free public platform meeting was held when addresses were delivered by ministers afore mentioned, both of whom delivered addresses which reflected credit to both their heads and hearts, and the result of which will doubtless have a salnrary effect on their large and at- tentive audience. The speeches were interspersed with music by the choir, who certainly never sang on any pre- vieua octagon with such good effect,, After the close ot the proceedings the QTRAY SHEEP. — es:RAYED FROM THR LT/subscriber's premises, ill .July last, two Ewes & two Lambs, all marked wial two notches under the rhIlit ear. One of (ho owes has alon, Finder will be suitably rewarded. 'Cl-f0S. J. POTTER, lot 16, lith eon. Goderich Township. ' QTRAY HEIFER.-STRAVED FROM THR lOsubscribees premises, abotit the 1st of May last, a three year old, all red Heifer, small size. Any one giving information as will lead to its recm cry. will be suitably rewarded. PETE RI PERDU'S, fluron Road, Godercili Township, ATALUABLE FARM FOR SALK.-SUB- V scnnita offers for sale his farm of acres, being lot 25,11(0 Con.' 8f Hullett, Joining the village of Londtsboro. All clear - cd. Good frame house and outbuildings. Will be sold on reasouable terms. Plenty of water. Excellent one for pasturing. If riot sold will be rented, Apply to JOHN BARN - WELL, on the place or RICHARD BARK - WELL, Clinton, Ont. FARM P00 SALE -SUBSCRIBER OF- FERS for sale his farm of 90 acres, being lot 0, Huron Road, Goderieh Township, a- bout 14 miles from Clinton. Frame house and barns, good bearing orchard, two good running springs, All cleared and in good slia,pe. Will be sold on reasonable terms. if not sold before the 10t0 Nov, will be offered by Auction at that time. JAMES PERDUE Clinton P. 0 Valuable Horses tor Sale. The subscriber having sold his farm, offers for sale the following vaiturble horses: One heavy -draught Mare, imported by 3no McMillan, M.P.'aged 8 years; in foal; took 151 prize at theProvincial, in Guelph; sweep- stakes as a three year old, for the best mare on the ground, in London, and prizes at all the local shows where exhibited. • one heavy draught Mare, imported about nine months ago; was a prize taker in the old country, and only shown once in Canada, taking first prize; aged 6 years; in foal. One throe -year old Filly, bred from import- , ed stock; has been a prize taker at every county and township show where exhibited. , One two-year old Filly. bred from imported stock, also a prize winner at ail the local shows. One year old Filly, from imporied stook also a prize winner, These horses can be seen any time at (ho farm of the subscriber, one mile south of the town of Clinton. They will be sold on rea- sonable terms, and time given fora portion of the purchase money, To any one want- ing the very best of stock, this is it rare op portunity, as these arc in every respect first class animals, ROBERT MART/N, Clinton OPERA HOUSE, CLINTON wort ONE NIGHT ONLY)." Monday. Oct. 151,h, 1888 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT of the distinguieli - cd Irish Comedian'and Vocalist, J. S. MURPHY III FRED MARRTIRN'S greatest of all Irish Dramas, The Shatun-Ithue, Introducing his great song, .1A IIANDFUL OF EARTH" Played by him with unparalleled sueress for eight consecutive seasons in all the - principal cities and leading the- atres in America. -••••— "A COMEDY -DRAMA WITHOUT EQUAL." Presenting not only Realistic Picturesof"Lito AND LOVE 1114 THE EMERALD tRLR," but an everyday- tate in EVERT LAND. Supported by the Talented ycung leading • actress, MISS LILLIAN DeWOLP, And a Superb Dramatic Coraps.ny, IRISH WIT. IRISH SONGS. 33 Cents, Reserved scats 50 ole. Reserved Seats to be bad st Jscxsos