HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-12, Page 1'rt1•r�•,``NTY-T1Tllip VOL tt \Thule Number Bold, NTON,, • ONT., OOTOB R 12, 1888. )lig}31w13T 13OA,1LES 1'ubllsher 1 II.00.4 year in Igraine. • • GODI+:ilicli FAILt. McLean. Fat cow or heifer, II McLean, I carie Fisher, W lia,wcleu. The Great No)•th Western Fair was held at Uurlerich, four days, last week, and proved a grand success, notwith- standing the unfavorable weather of the first three days. The committee of management are to be complimented for their untiring exertions to have everything carried out with the best of satisfaction, and we think we can safely say they succeeded. Large additious have been male to the stable accommo• dation, but the entries for stock $o far exceeded those of last year, that many exhibitors had to tied stabling for their animals elsewhere. One good feature was thepoultry hall, in which the featherywere t riU s o •shown to good na- vantage, and at night they were under lock and key, which prevented then from being disturbed. Where so much good stock wag shown it is difficult to particularize, suffice it to say that eacb was good in its class. There was a good display of agricultu- ral implements and machinery,, repre- senting these lines we noticed Messrs Weir and Sheppard, of Chilton; Moffatt, of Varna, and Stanley; of Holmesville. Mr Giffin, of Clinton, was there also, representing the St. Thomas White Bronze Monument Co., who exhibited a bronze monument four feet square at the base, and 17 feet high, which was highly commended by all who saw it, and was awarded a diploma. Mr It. M. Racey, of Clinton, made a grand dis- playof hardware and cutlery, all of Canadian manufacture, of which any Canadian aright well be proud. Mr Bell was here with the N.Y. Singer, and it is a pity it is not a Canadian too, for it is an Al machine. It would gladden the heart of any Canadian to see the fihe display of fruits, vegetables, grains, straws, minerals and scenery, from British Columbia and Manitoba, as a specimen of what may be grown in those countries. The fine display of fruit, vegetables and flowers proved be- yond the shadow of a doubt that the county of Huron is well adapted to the production of these, when anything like a fair chance is given them. The grounds, at night, were beauti, fully illuminated with electric light, which added net a little to the success of thefair, Another very commendable thing, which we must not forget to mention was, there was no intoxicating liquor sold on the ground, and not a drunken person was seen in the enclos- ure, proving, by its absence, the utter uselessness of these stimulants. One little incident we might mention. A tine blood mare got away from her driver, and galloped around the ring, trying to make kindling wood of the sulkey, and then turned- in among the people, but, aside from warping up the sulkey n little, no serious damage was done. Below is the prize list :-- HORSES. Thoroughbred. -Stallion, 2 cats old, Sturdy giros.; stallion, any age, Sandy Bros. Roadsters. -Stallion, 4 years ani up, Jonathan Miller, Alec. Bogie, • Win. Elliott : stallion, any age, ,Jonathan Miller ; filly or gehling, 3 years old, Dr. Whitely, T. O'Neil, Jno. Knox; filly or • gelding, 2 years Old, A. M. Polley, A. Chisholm; filly or gelding, yearling, Andrew Young, '1'. Tipliiig; brood mare with foal, A. M. Polley, C. Morris, Stev, Andress; foal, 1888, D. McLaren, A. M. Polley; pair matched, J. Ward: single horse, mare otttelding, Wm. Mc- ean, T. O'Neil, Wm. Smith; stallion with 4 of his progeny lama. \Vm, Elliott. Saddle. -Mare or gelding, Peter Cook, Isaac Salkeld, Robt McLean; pony, Beattie Bros., Peter Cook, Alf Polley; recommended, Wm Bawden. Lady Riders and Drivers, -Lady rider, Robt McLean, Beattie Bros, Josh Wilson; lady driver, Miss Bay, Wm Elliott, Jno Gardiner; lady driver, double, Miss Bay, Wm Elliott. Carriage. -Stallion, 4 years and up, A M Polley; mare with foal, C S Naf- tel; Jno Rosier; foal, 1888, Jno Rosier, C S Naftel; filly, 2 years old, Robt Beacom; gelding, 2 years old, Jno Porter, A M Polley; yearling filly or gelding, let and 2nd Jno Rosier; single carriage, C Morris, Dr !r,'l;:tcley, E Belcher; mare, any age, Robt Beacom; walking team, Jas McMillan; E Butt. General Purpose. -Mare, with foal, D McCurvey, Geo Green, J McCluskey; filly or gelding, 2 yeirrs old, S' Cox, Wm .Clark; foal 1888, Jae Johnston, Jas 'hose, Stallion, 2 years old, J Clark, Wm Fagan; yearling, Wm Cuningham, ;duo Avery. Matched team, F Sallows, W H Lobb, R Mutch. Heavydraughts.--Stallion, 4 years and tip, J P Fisher, F McDonagh, .1 1' -'isher; 3 years old, A Forsythe; 2 years old, Anthony Allen, *7 Clark; yearling, Anthony Allen, R Mutcb; stallion with 4 of his progeny 1888, J P fisher. Mare with foal, Alf Carr, .V Cunning- ham; foal 1888, \V Cunningham. Alf Carr. Canadian Bred.--Mat'e with foal, Iiy Taylor, Glenn Bros; filly 2 years old, Geo Currell;-Wm Clark; gelding 2 years old, Glenn Bros; gelding or filly, year. ling, D Ryan, .l Campbell, Alex Glenn; frill 1888, Jno McCartney, Andrew Young; span to wagon, Jas Reynolds, .1' 0 StewartalE Butt. SII ETINO TN THE RLN,,, Mare or gelding owned and driven by farmets only, C Morrie, Jno Cox and '1' Grey tie. Gentlemen roadsters, Mc- Lean, Smith., Whitely, Martin. Stal- lion race, Goderich Chief, Jay Gould, Archie Bourbon. Team race, I'; Bossen • 0 bury, T McLean, .1 Ward. CATTLE. Durhams. -Boll, 3 years and up, W 1 I3iegins, A Glenn; 3 years old, 11 Hnell, D A Pnr\;is; 1 -year-old, Isaac Salkeld, Isaac Fisher; calf,W J Biggins, II Snell; any age, W 7 Biggins. Cow/ in calf in millt,W J Biggins 1st and 2nd, lsaab Fisher. Heifer 2 years old, W T Biggins, Isaac fisher; 1 -year-old, \V 7 Biggins; calf, 11 Snell, 1 Fisher. Female any age, W .J Itiggins, herd, W .1 Big. :+,LEEP, Cotswold,-Iu alt classes Jobe emu - 'Mug made a clear, sweep, 12 prizes. Leicesters.-Raias, 2 shears and oN r, J 0 Stewart, ITy ('srwit3; shearling, 11 Snell 1st and 2nd; lamb, J 0 Stewart, Hy Curwin. Ew.s, 2 shears or over, II Snell let and 2nd, J 0 Stewart; shear - hags, II Suell let and and, Ily aurwin ; Iambs, J 0 St;nh'art, If Snell. tett of, LI Smell, Southta. -Rant shears;ce or over, Glenn Brus:;shearlings, Glenn Bros, J U Stewart, Glenn Bros; lambs, Glenn Bros 1st, and and 3rd. Ewes, 2 shears or over, Glenn Bros,.1 0 Sto wart Glenn Bros; shearltgs, .1 0 Stewart, Glenn, . Bros 2nd and 3rd; lambs, Glenn Bros 1st and 2ud. Pen of, Glenn Bros. l ►xfordshire Downs.-Iu all classes Jas Tabb made a clean sweep, 8 prizes,' Shropshire Dow ns,-ldam, 2 shears or over. Jae Cooper; ahearlings, Jas Mc- Farlane, II Snell, Juo Salkeld, sr; lamb, Jno Salkeld, sr,, Jas McFarlane. Ewes, 2 shears or' over, Jas McFarlane, H Snell, Jaa McFarlane; shearlings, H Snell, Jas Cooper, Jas McFarlane; lambs,.Jas McFarlane,11 Snell. Pen of, Jas McFarlane. Fat Sheep. -Pair of fat sheep, J 0 Stewart, Wm Bawden 2nd and 3rd. Pias. Improved Berkshire. -Boar over one and under two ye3u•s, Jas Tabb, John Clark, Geo Trott; 1888, Jno Clark, Geo Trott; any age, Hy Curwin; sow, two years and over, Geo Trott; over one and tinder two years, 11 Fitzsimons, Wm Andrews, Jno T Salkeld; 1888, R Fitz- simons, Jas Tabb; any age, R Fitz- simons. Suffolks.-Boar, 1888, Jas ,,Bogie, 5 Potter; sow, two years and, over, Jas Bogie, 5 Potter; over one and'amder two years, Jno W McDonald; 1888, Jas Bogie, S Potter; any age, John W Mc- Donald. -'-" Large Breed, any kind named. -Best in three classes, W Andrews; boar under one year, 11 Curwin; pen. of, 0 Trott. POULTRY.. Light brahmas, Robt McLean, istand 2nd; dark brahmas, Jas Munro, 1st and 2nd; white Cochin, Jae Munro; black Cochin, W Wright, Rod Adams; buff Cochin, 1H Rines; S 3 Homburgs, Jas. Munro 1st and 2nd; B and W Ham - burgs, Rod Adams, Jas Munro; white Leghorns, Jno A Naftel; Houdans, Wm Wright; spangled Polands, H Rines 1 & 2; Plymouth Rocks, Jas Dickson; Wyan. dottes, R 5 Walton; B B red game, Jas Munro 1st and 2nd; duckwing, game, Robt McLean; bantam B B red game, Robt McLean, JaeMunro; bantam duckwing game, Gregor McLean, Robt. McLean; bronze turkey, 5 L Scott; geese, any variety, . Salkeld, sr; Pekin ducks, Mines; ducks, any variety, —Juo Salkeld,sr; guinea fowls, Jno Salkeld, sr. Spring Chickens, -Light brahmas, .J.as Munro, Robt McLean; dark brah- mas, Robt McLean, Jas Munro; white Cochin, Jas Munro 1st and 2nd; black Cochin, W Wright 1st and 2nd; S G or 5 IIarnburgs, James Munro, Jno A Naf- tel; black Spanish, Jas Munro, W Wright; white Leghorn, Jno A Naftel; brown Leghorn, Geo Morrow, Robt Mc- Lean; Plymouth Rocks, Jas Dickson 1st and and; \Vyandottes, It L Walton 1st and and; game, 13 13 R, Jas Munro, (lea Morrow; Pile, R Adams; bantam B 33 R, Jas Munro, Isaac Salic• eld; duckwing bantam, Gregor McLean 1st and 2nd; any other bantam, Robt McLean. Geese, any kind,- 7w) Salkeld, sr: guinea fowls, Isaac Salkeld; best collection, 1 T Salkeld, PAM PRODUCTS 1Ulbs table butter, salted, J 0 Stewart. \Vm Howell, Thos Hamilton; table butter, salted, Jno Wilson, Miss Jack, ','hos Hamilton ; tub or crock butter, salted, Thos Hamilton, S L Scott; N Morrish ; 10 lbs in tub or crock, S Potter, N Morrish, Miss M Bogie ; cheese, 50 lbs, Gordon Young, I2Ibs do, do. Honey, Sugar and Syrup. -Best dis- play of honey, Robert Match. Honey in comb, James Aikenhead, R Mutch. ,Honey in jar, (' A Humber, 3 '1nClus- key. • gins. Ayrsbires. Caw in calf Biting milk, 3 P Fisher. Polled Aberdeen-, 131111 :t years old and up, Jas McFarlane; calf, .3 MoI'ar• lane. Milch cow, ,J McFarlane 1st. nntl and, Tno Andrews; heifer calf. 1).\ l'nr vis, ,Tno Andrews, Grade. --Milch cow, Tiy Corwin, Jno Andrews, Jos Mellardy. Ileifer 2 years old, Isanc Fisher. .T 0 Stewart 2 & 3rd; 1-year•old, Jno W McDonald, Isaac Fisher; calf, Wm McLean, 5 Purse, Pair 2-yenr-nld steers, J \V McDonald, 7 0 Stewart; yearlings, Wm Cunning- ham, J 0 Stewart. Jlet'd, 5 Verse. .T ('lark. Fat futile. -- Fat ea or ster, Mils rt Jno Hy ) reserves, Bread, etc. -Collection of preserves, C A Humber, Josh Beck, R McKenzie. Pears, J Beck, d Salkeld, sr. Cucumbers, C A Humber. Jellies, Miss M Bogie, C A Humber. Peaches,. C A Humber. ' Home glade bread, Mrs Peas reit', John Stewart. Tea biscuits, \Vm Stewart. John Porter, HOME MANUFACTURES. Home made • Quilt -Gordon -Young William Clark. Patchwork Quilt, woollen, Thomas Hamilton. Cotton patchwork quilt. ']'nomas Hamilton, Mrs F Elallows, Knitted cotton quilt, Mrs Ar cenhead. Quilt other than above, T Hamilton, Mrs Romp, Smyr- na rug, Robt Gibbons. Rag carpet,Liz- zie Buchanan, Mrs Colin Campbell. Rag mat, L Buchanan, Wm Swaffield. Woollen stockings, from home made yarn, G Young, T Hamilton. Woollen socks, from hone made yarn, G Young, T Ilamlltou. Woollen gloves, from home made yarn, Lizzie Buchanan. Woollen nuts. from home made yarn, L Buchanan, Wm Wright. Home made woollen yarn, 0 Young, George Green. Patch on old garment, T Hamilton, L Buchanan. Darn on socks, Harvey Howell, T IIamilton. Cloth mat, Mrs Sallows, Samuel Potter. Crochet work quilt, Miss G ,dutch, Gordon Young. AGniecLT1)1IAL PRODUCTS. Clawson fall wheat, S Furse, Jas Ale - Manus, Jno Porter; Scott or red, Hy Corwin; any other, S Coxa Thos Hamil- ton, 5 Cor; lost nation, spg.,' Hy Cur - win; any other, spg„ 5 Furse, Jno Salk• old, sr., W • C Potter; rye, .1 Wilson; barley, Thos Hamilton, Jno Marquis, It Thompson; large peas, `i Furse, Hy Curwin, Isaac Salkeld; small peas, S Furse, Wm Swaffield, H Curwin; white oats, II Curwin, Tilos Hamilton. \V Swaffield; flax seed, Isaac Salkeld, Jno Salkeld, sr; timothy seed, Wm Jones, .Ino Salkeld, Sr; best collection of grain, 5 I•'urse, Hy Curwin; -yellow peas, special, 5 1, Scott; black oats, Those ' HIamilton, Hy Curwin, dun Marquis, special collection of grain in the ear. recommended :\ir Burrows; 1' P it es hibit, diploma. 1.4.11, WnI;R, Novelty ln•ai,l lace, (' A iirnobe: crochet work in wool, Mrs Colin ('amp - bell, .Tno Salkeld, sr; silk embroidery on felt, Jno \V Salkeld. \Vm .100(5; on satin. Mitt Jack, It L Doyle; 4m plush, Moe; Payne; on cloth. Mrs .Iluichisntt. Etching, fine.Wm.Joees, Lizzie Bochum - an : coarse, Wm Swaffield, Lizzie linchanan. Arresina on plush, Miss Jacic, \Vin .Tones; no felt, \\'nt McLean. Mrs Colin Campbell ('rosy iy.n'k.0„s,1, Miss 0 Meitol3;, 51115, Wm.MvLeali, Mrs Hutchison. Stand, let 'spaded, J IS, Swaftlelcl, Gen 'e, shirt, linen trent, hend,l1n+.de, `t'il¢lnas Hamilton, 1.lBu- chanan;.'- (,ht's shirt, linen front, Ma- chine made, Mr04,0 Elliott, T. Buchan- an. Gent's , 010001 shirt, placableglade, l'[ligk;S ' ijliiott, Lizzie B_itullanan-. Gent's iititinel•shir't band made, L 13u- ohanan, Mrs \Y E.liott. Night dress, Mrs W 13111 Itt,4i\:'McI.eau. Tatting, \\' Uuningliain,kkA Humber. Crochet work, modern, Wf.luninghants, Sleeve - me work, Jos Ajnl(sou, Gordon Young. :Migu(irdise lacirsSH Howell. Embroi- dery on linen,'-'lifra McMichael, W nl Jones. 1-Iunitot} meat Wm Jones, Wm Swaffield. Fanny Teathe) ..wok; Mrs dcMichael Mies a 'ne, 1k embroi- ry, Mrs HFutchisoon. Fanny braiding, L Buchanan, Wm Cuningham. Rib- bou work, Wm Cuningham. Fancy knitting by hand, H Howell, w Cun- ingham. Fancy knittingby mavhine, S Potter, H. Howell. Plain knitting by machine, H Howell, Fancy patched work, W Swafheld, Mise Mrs McMichael. Roman embroidery on linen, (1 A Humber. Darned net, Mrs McMichael, Win Jones: Berlin wool work, stat, 3, Salkeld, sr, Miss G Match. Berlin wool work raised, J Salkeld, sr, Thomas Hamilton, Rick rack, Miss 0 Match, Mrs McMicheal. Hair pin net - ell, Thos Hamilton. Howell, Miss Mutch. , H Howell, W Jones. ting, 'Harvey Fancy netting, Motto on carbo, Sample work, \lin Jones. Painting on silk or satin, olid, (amateur), Wm Mc- Lean, P Adamson. Fancy tidy, Thos Hamilton, Miss G Match. Crewoll work, Wm Jones, Crochet linen lace, fine, Wm McLean, Miss Payne. Crochet linen lace, coarse, Robt Gibbons, Isaac Salkeld. FINE ARTS. Professional, jn oils -Any subject, Robert' Crockett. Landscape, marine view, flowers or -fruits, Robert Crock- ett. Water colors -Any .subject, land• scope, marine view, R Crockett. Flow- ers or fruit; copy, any subject, pencil crayon, R Crockett. Crayon portrait, 3- Andrews, E'Platt. Amateur, in oil - Landscape, 5 M Lloyd, Miss Naftel. iulu. .,le view, S M Lloyd, J Kidd, jr. Animals, 1 and 2 Mies Naftel.,Flowers or fruit, S M Lloyd, J \Villiafs. Any subjeot, J Williatns, J Kidd, jr. Water colors -Any subject, J Williams; Mrs Aikenhead. Landscape, Miss Allan, Mrs C Campbell. Marino, Miss Allan, Mrs C Campbell, Animal';, J Williams, Miss Allan. Flowers or fruit, Miss Allan. Any subject, (original) S M Lloyd. Sepia, Miss. Allan. Pencil or crayon-, Miss Allan, 3 Williams. Pen and ink sketch, J Williams. FLOWERS. Collection cut flowers, A. Watson ; 3 dahlias, A Dickson, E Bingham, A M Ross ; 4"dahlias, E Bingham, A. Dick- son, E Bingham ; 12 verbenas, E Bing- ham, A Watson; 8 verbenas, L'' Bing- ham, A Watson; hand bouquet, A Wat- son, E Bingham; table bsuquet,E Bing- ham; collection carnations, A Watson; dianthus (double), W SUbwart, A Wat- son; dianthus • fri%ig1e 4-A Watson;Zinr, nias (double), A Dickson, John Stewart; geraniums amglo and double), Jolut Stewart, A Watson; .perennial phloxes, A Watson; phloxes, Wm Stewart; eight gladiolas, L Bingham; four gladiolas, Jos Whitely, 33 Bingham; collection asters, Wm Stewart, Colin Campbell; pansies, Wm Stewart, E Bingham; bal- sams, A Dickson; stocks, A Dickson; petunias (single), A Watson, W Stew- art; petunias (double), W Stewart; 12 oleus, Jno Stewart, A.Watson; four begonias, Wm Burrows; four fuchias, E ]Bingham; fuchias in bloom, E Bing- ham; eight geraniums in bloom, John Stewart, ,A Watson; four geraniums (single) in bloom, John Stewart; eight geraniums (double) in bloom, Jno Stew- art; five geraniums (double) in bloom, John Stewart, A Watson; nine green- house plants, W McLean, E Bingham, A W Ross; nine foliage plants, A Wat- son; two hanging baskets, A Watson; one hanging basket, Wm Stewart, A Watson; collection of plants, Wm Stew- art; four verbenas, E Bingham, A Watson. For amateurs.-Gerani. urns, scarlet, Miss Allan. Do., pink, Mies Allan. Do., scarlet, single, W Stewart. Do., pink, single, W Stewart. Do., white,, single, \V Stewart. Hang- ing baskets, Miss Allan. Collection, of dahlias, special recommend, J II Wit. Hams. Knox' Chinch Band of Ilope display special recommended. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Mangolds, Henry Curwin, George Green. Swedes, Samuel Furse, Thomas Carroll. Field carrots, Thee Carroll, Robt Gibbons. 'White Belgian carrots, Hy Curwin, I Salkeld, Peck of onions, I Salkeld, Geo Sheppard. Field corn, Jas Aikenhead, Jn Porter. Pumpkins, Win Swaffield, J Aikenhead. Squash, I Salkeld, J Salkeld, sr. Garden Vegetables. -Rose potatoes, S Furse, Jno Andrews. Early Ohio, S Furse, Jos Gledhill. White elephant, J W Salkeld, f3 Furse. Beauty of He- bron, Abraham Smith, S Purse. Any variety named, W J Hayden, T Weath- eraki. Vegetable marrow, W C Potter, H 'Howell. Table squash, A Saunders, I Salkeld. Winter squash, \V Swaffield, It: Bingham. White celery, L Bingham, A Kirkbride. Red celery, A Kirkbride. Winter cabbage, 1 and '2 I: Bingham. Fall cabbage, E Bingham, W J Hay• den. Savoy cabbage, E Bingham, Geo Sheppard. ('itrons, J Aikenhead, I) Cox. Red cabbage, A Saunders E Bingham. Long blood beets, 11 Cur - win, S Furse. Turnip blood beets, Hy Curwin, E Bingham. Radishes, A Kirkbride, T Weatherald. Table tor• nips, T Hamilton, P Kelly. Long car rots, orange, T Hamilton, S Potter. Early horn carrots, E Bingham, Hy Curwin. Scarlet carrots, D Purvis, W Wright. Table parsnips, W Swaffield, R Gibbons. Red onions. (1 Sheppard, A Kirkbride. Yellow onions A lurk. bride, G Sheppard. Silver onions, Geo Sheppard. Collection sweet eorn, 1: Bingham, A Saunders. Table corn, •in Porter, 3 II Williams. Water melons, 7 Gledhill, J Andrews, Green flesh melons, J Stewart, A Watson. ('anli• flower, .1 A Naftel, l: Bingham. Red tomatoes, d Stewart. 0 Church. ('ol• lectins garden produce, I: Bingham. 1'ar'TT, \;,plcs. ':wayzePnmme(;ris^.1)('„e. S Verse; I'omme Crise. \V .I Hayden, .ino Stewart: Mann '1' ]Beatty, W Ell iott; Ontario, (' 5 NaftoI, .1 W iTunter: snnw..i Gledhill,T Beatty: Grnveustine, '1' Carroll, C 5 Naftel; St Lae retir',. (' S Naftel, Jas (int•don: 311 nr. ailTin, John Porter, W Wright; beauty ,;f Kent, .Jno Andrews, Jno Salkeld, Sr; fall pip- ping, Jno Salkeld, sfa„ (' 5 Naftel; Duch ess of Oldenburg, ;-i Forge, S I, Weil: s•tl)''.h'rrtr. •1'.. '1' 11/1.-1;.-- .1c ; (Ir named, D Cox, T Weatherald; grabs, T Naftel, J Bock; Ruinces, A M Ross, Wm Stewart; seedliug apples, W J Hayden; ally other named fall, .S' T, pcott,'W Elliott; 10 varieties named, T Car- roll, 3 Andrews, J Stewart. (i. varieties winter. W Elliott, J 1' Saikelcd, J W Salkeld. 6 var. cooking, W Bell, Ab Smith, J W Salkeld. 6 var. dessert, C 5 Naftel, W Bell, J T Dickson., North- ern spy, 1' Beatty, J Whitely. Groon- ings, T Beatty, J Whitely. Baldwins, Jn Porter, J Gledhill. 'Icing of Torep- ki D Cox, J T Salkeld. Spitsen- burgs, e S � burgs, W Jones, T ZVeatherald. Falla- water, Stephen Andrews, R Gibbons. Roxbury russets, T Carroll, J Stewart. ebb rds n's Nonsuch; H o oh' J T Salkeld J a , W Hunter. Golden russett, N Morrish, A Smith. 1libston pippin, J Andrews, J Gledhill. Wagner, J Salkeld sr, W Bell. Blenheim pippin, W J Hayden, W Bell: Ben Davis, A Smith, T Car- roll. Swan, J Porter. Hawthornden, Jno Stewart. Pears. -Six varieties, J W Hunter, Jno Stewart, A M Ross; three variettee, A Dickson; E Bingham, J W Hunter; Bartlett, Jno Salkeld, sr., J W Hunter; fiemisla beauty, Jno Porter, Isaac Salk- eld;, Vicar of Wakefield, W Jones, A MOD Allan; Duchess, T Weatherald, J W Hunter; de Jersey, H Horton, J W Hunter; B. D. Anjou, H Horton, 5 Furse; White Doyenne, J Salkeld sr, J Andrews, Beurre Hardy, A Watson. Benrre Diel, J W Hunter, J H Williams, Beurre Rose, L' Bingham, 5 Purse. Sheldon, H Horton,Jas Gordon. Beurre Clairgeon, P Adamson, 1 Weatherald. Howell, Wm McLean, Jas Dickson. Seckel, T Weatherald, J W Hunter. Clapp's, Favorite, W J Hayden, C S Naftel. Lawrence, E . Bingham, A Watson. Buffam, A Watson, 'IV Jones. Any other kind, W Stewart, D Cox. Plums. -Bradshaw, C A Humber; Lombard, W Stewart, R McKenzie; any other named, W Stewart. Grapes. -Four varieties, Capt Gibson, J W Hunter; Delaware, W Stewart, A M Ross; Concord, A M Ross, W Stew - wart; Hartford, W Stewart, A M Ross; Eumelan, J Tabb, A M Ross; Rogers No. 3, A M Ross, J W Hunter; Iona, A M Roes, J H Williams; Salem, Capt Gibson, A M Ross; Rogers No- 4, Capt Gibson; No. 9, Capt. Gibson; No. 15, Jas Dickson; No. 19, A M Ross, W Stewart; Creveling, A M Ross,Jas Dick- son; any other named, Wm Burrows, A Dickson; seedling, four kinds, J H Wil- liams; seedlings, J H Williams. Horse collars, patent, diploma, Albert Cullis. BAYFIELD SHOW. This fair was held on Monday and Tuesday. The second day was bitterly cold, but a good crowd turned out, nev- ertheless. The inside exhibit was con- siderably ahead of last year, while the outside was about the same. Below is the prize list: AGRICT;LTURAI. IlonsE1.-Brood mare with foal, A Sparks. Foal, A Sparks. Year old colt, A Sparks.. 2 -yr old filly, Trick,John Sparrow. .2- of Lp - y•r d geld- ing, R McAilister. Year old filly, ,rohn McCash, John Salkeld. Span working horses, W McClinchey, ;ileo Bates. GENERAL PURPOSE I;IOIIsEs. - Brood mare with foal, R McAllister, an Reed. Foal, John Tough, Thos Stinson. 2 -yr old gelding, W Sterling, Jas Burke. 2.yr old filly, W Elliott, John Stephenson. Span working horses, II McGregor, .1110 McKinley. CARRIAGE IIonsr•-s,-Brood mare with ',CARRIAGE Campbell, ,rohn Nicholson. Foal. Dr Stanbury, W Laing. Year old colt, A Sparks, W II Woods. Fear old geld ing, \V Blair. Span carriage horses, .1 E Swarts, Hiram Hill. Buggy horse, rohn Sparrow, W Smith, J Torrance. Saddle horse, W McClinchey, a S John- ston, W Elliott. Lady driver, Mrs El- liott, Miss Swarts, Miss Elliott. The third prize was a special given by D McIntosh, V.S., reeve of TtiSkersmith. GRADE CATTI.E.-Milch cow, any breed, Miss Woods, W H Woods. 2 -yr old helfer,"%V 11 Woods, Elcoat Bros. Year old heifer, 1 and 2 Elcoat Bros. Fat cow, heifer or steer,1 and 2 W H Woods. Heifer calf, John Reid, W H .Wooiis, Pair 2 -yr old steers, Geo Bates, W H Woods. Pair 1 -yr old steers, 1 and 2 Eleoat Bros.' Thoroughbred bull calf, Elcoat Bros. Pair 3.yr old steers, 1 and 2 W H Woods. LEICESTER SUEEP.-Aged ram, J 0 Stewart. Shearling tam, J 0 Stewart. Ram lamb, Elcoat Bros, J 0 Stewart. Pair ewes, haying raised lambs in 1888, .r 0 Stewart. Pair shearling ewes, J 0 Stewart, I Salkeld. Pair ewe lambs, 1 and 2 .r 0 Stewart. Pair• fat sheep, ,r 0 Stewart, John Duncan. SAROPSnIREDOWNS. - Aged' ram, W Cooper. Shearling ram, Jas McFarlane, John Dunkin, Ram lamb, in Salkeld, .fames McFarlane. Pair ewes, having raised lambs in '88, ,vas McFarlane, Jno Dunkin. Pair shearling ewes ,r jtIcFar- lane, an Dunkin. Pair ewe Iambs, Jas McFarlane, an Duncan. Sotrnnowxs-Shearling ram,; O.Stew • arts Ram lamb, I Salkelrt, .1 0 Stewart. Pair ewes, J 0 Stewart, I Salkeld. Pair shearling ewes, .1 0 Stewart. Pair ewe lambs, 1 and -2 a 0 Stewart. SCFrou st Pws.-Aged sow, Jos 'Wild. DAIRY PnonrcE.-Tuh salt butter, Jas Houston, W Swaffield. 25 Ilia salt but• ter, Geo Nott, W Swatgield. Table but•• ter. W Townsend, R McAllister. Home made cheese, 1 and '2 A Johnston. Home made wine, Jas Wild, A Johnston. Honey in comb, 1 and 2 T King. Home made bread, Miss Sterling, Mrs D H Ritchie. Honey in jar, R Mcllveen, A Johnston. GRAIN 1ND SEEDS, - - White ss -inter wheat, S Furse, A Johnston. Red win- ter wheat, as Burke, JOS Wild. New variety winter wheat, ,los Wild, Spring wheat. 5 Furse, an Salkeld. Large peas, S Furse, R McAllister. Small peas, R McAllister, 5 Furse. Barley, W McClinchey, I Salkeld. ' White oats, A Johnston, an Salkeld. Black oats, A Johnston. Timothy seed, A Johnston, .in Salkeld. Corn, A Orangor„ T San. amen. T, age peas, recommen(led, :\ Jnfitiston, 1 Salkeld, Fermi. --Collection of genpes, .1 Wild, Geo Weston. ]'all apples, P Campbell, So; Wild. Winter apples, T Salkeld, C Wild. Collection of apples, .fns Wiled. (' 'Wild. Pears, W Sterling, C Wild. Collection of pears, 1) II Ritchie, T3 l'enhale. (.rapes, 1 and 2 V Roth. Crab apples. .los Richardson, Jos Wild. Vrr,ETcnt.ea,-l:at'ly potatoes, 1' San derson, .1 Wild. Tato potatoes. Jas ME- I )nnnhi, (' 'Pivalett; hoirg red mengnlds, \\' it \Vws1s, Ii \Tcllveen. Yellow ,robe mangolds. lW 11 \Wnnrlo, (' Table beets, .r Salkeld. W 1i Woods. Cribbage. 7' Sanderson, P Kelly. Cauli- flower. A Johnston, ; Wild. l'arrnte, \\' 'f iwnsrnd, \V Sunfli' LI. 1'nrseips, W Swai ;std, John Salkeld, Pumpkins, W ii Waods, I Salkeld. itiquaohes, Jno Ferguson, ants Salkeld. English potato onions,,141 Westlake. Canadian potato onions, C Wild, W Swaffield. Other onions, T Sanderson, Ms Wild. Field turnips, 8 Furse, Jos Wild. Pieta car- rots, I Salkeld, W H Woods. White celery, P Kelly. Winter radishes, C Wild, J Wild. Citrons, W Townsend, Jn Tough. Musk melons, W ,d Woods, W Townsend. Watermelons, Jn Tough, a Wild. Largo beaus, J Wild, C Wild. Small beans A otnaton W Townsend. Large tomatoes, Mies Woods, A John- ston. Small tomatoes, A Johnston lifarw cTuIEs,--Home made flannel, white,Mrs' W M o linohe Y . Home made flannel, colored, A Johne foi. Full cloth, home made, G Nott, A Johnston, Home made woollen blankets, Mrs Mo- Clinchey, G Nott, home made carpet, G Nott, A Johnston. Woollen • yarn, Miss Sterling, John Reid. Stocking yarn, 1 and 2 A Johnston. Woollen stogkings, A Johnston, G Nott. Woollen socks, 1 and 2 A Johnston. Cotton stockings, Mrs J Tough, Mrs A Graing- er. Cotton cooks, A Johnston, G Nott. Woollen gloves, A Johnston, G Nott. Woollen mita, Mrs MoClinohey, 0 Wild.• Fine boots, J Castle. Buggy harness,. G A Sharman. Double harness, G As Sharman, T Cameron. Specimen;' cooper's work, Jas Armstrong. LADIES' Woax.-Knotted pillow sham4 Mrs Hodgins, Miss 5 J Reid. Braided: pillow sham, Georgo..Nott, Miss Elliott.. Crochet table mats, Jno Salkeld, Miss Woods. Toilet mats, Miss Martin, G Nott. Bracket drape, Geo Nott, Miaa Sterling. Table drape, G Nett, J Salk- eld. Sofa pillow, Geo Nott, Jn Salkeld. Crochet in twine, \V Swaffield, Miss Morgan. Hooked stat, 0 Nott, Miss Elliott. Embroidery in silk or satin, Large bouquet of flowers, 1) II Ritchie, Miss Woods. Small bouquet of flowers; 1 and '2 Miss Woods. Crochet work, G Nott, A Johnston. Embroidery in silk, O Nott, A Johnston, Fancy braiding, A Johnston, G Nott. knitting in wor- sted, C Wild, Miss Elliott. Knitting in worsted, fancy, W Swaffield, G Nott. Quilt in patchwork, Miss Elliott, John Tough. Fancy, quilt, Geo Nqtt, Miss Elliott. Log cabin quilt, Geo Nott, J Reid, sr, Knotted or crochet quilt, Miss Elliott, A Johnston. Gent's linen shirt, 1 and 2 A Johltetotr. Gent's fancy flan- nel shirt, G Nott, A Johnston. Plain hand sewing, Geo Nott, Miss Elliott, Fruit, wax, G Nutt.. Flowers, wax, G Nott, Feather flower's,. Geo Nott, Mrs MoClinchey. Specimen darning, A Johnston, Miss Elliott. Berlin wool work, flat, Miss Elliott, Miss Wallace. Berlin wool work, raised, A Johnston, G Nott. Tea cosy, I Salkeld, A John- ston. Crayon drawing, 1 and 2 J Burke. House flowers in pots, Miss Woods, C Wild. e IMPLEMENTS. -Lumber waggon, waggon, patent 'arm, R Thompson, A Kirkbride. Dou- ble buggy, single buggy, and covered buggy, John Leslie, Chilled plow with skimmer, John Pollock. Iron beam plow without skimmer, Jacob Miller. Pair iron harrows, A Kirkbride. Gang plow, L Beatty. Seed drill, L Beatty, w Keys. Horse shoes, Alex Kirkbride: Pump, w Laing. fanning mill, Me - Murchie & Co. POULTRY.-Duclis, C wild, R I'enitale. Geese, S Burke, V Rae. Brahmas, H F Edwards, Jas Wallace. Black Span. ish, Jas Wallace. Brown Leghorns, S Burke, Jurews.-Ilorses-\V Dixon, Bruce - field ; 1) McIntosh, 13rncefield ; .\ Dona - von, Seaford'. .�.- Ileigrave Fair. The Last \Vawanosh Agricultural Society Fall fair was held at Belgrave on Tuesday, and was well attended. The competition io the several depart- ments was not excessively large, still it was good. Below is the prize list, for a copy of which we,are indebted to the Secretary, Mr F. Anderson: --- HORSES- HEAVY DRACGIIT. -- Brood mare with foal, A Carr, A W *loan. Horse foal, A W Sloan, 1 and 2. Mare foal, A Carr. 2 -yr old filly, A Carr. 2 -yr old Gelding, 3• Rath.' Year old filly, N Cummings. GENERAL PUnPOSE:-Brood, mare, T Forbes, T H Taylor,jr. Horse foal, H Ross, T Forbes. Mare foal, T Bielby, T Forbes, 2 -yr old.filly, T H Taylor, jr, N Cummings. 2 -yr old gelding, T II Taylor; jr, A Carr. year old filly, R Reilly, J 'Nethery. Year old gelding, T Forbes, 1 and 2. Span agricultural 1 acs, T Anderson D Taylor. ARRIAGE HORSES. -Brood mare with foal, ,r N Perdue V 9, W 'Geddes. Spring foal, E A Chamberlaine, W Wylie. Sucking colt sired by Kentucky Star, E' A Chamberlain. 2-yt old filly, a N Perdue, V S, D Geddes. 2.yr old gelding, H Edwards. Year old filly E A Chamberlain, W Wylie. Year old gelding, .r N Perdue, V S, W. Geddes. Buggy horse, F Baines, T Wilkinson. Hack horse .r N Perdue, D Geddes. Span of carriage horses, T Agnew, T Brydges. Brood mare, A Carr. Team of horses in harness, T Agnew. CATTLE - '1•IWROS-0II11RED. -- ('OW. '1' Ross,G Sowlar. Ileifer calf, '.l' H Tay- lor, jr, j Barbour. Brill calf,(] Sowler'r Ross. , NATIVE ea na ADF: t'.1T'1'I. E.-COw, , '1' Ross, I3 Milne, T Wilkinson, 2 -yr old heifer, A Edwards 1 and 2. Year old heifer, T Ross, 11 McGowan. Heifer calf, T Wilkinson 1 and 2. Pair 3 -y -r old steers, T Rose 1 and 2. Pair 2 -yr old steers, T Ross 1 and 2. Pair year old steers, T. Ross, R McGowan. fair steer calves, R McGowan, T Wilkinson. Beeve, T Ross 1 rind 2. Yoke of work- ing oxen, R McGowan. Best herd of cattle, T Ross. SHEEP— LEICESTER.- • Aged rain. J Henry & Son, W Scott. Pair aged ewes, R Coultces, (1 yowler. Pair shearling ewes, R Coultes, H Deacon. Pair Ewe Iambs, H Deacon, R Coultes. Sorrlr novNs,—Pair aged ewes, W J Martin. OTHER DOWNl.• -Aged ram, 11 Ross, 0 Stewart. Ram Iamb, '1' Anderson 1 and 2. Pair aged ewes, If Ross, '1' Anderson, Pair shearling ewes, '1' Anderson, T Ross. Pair ewe lambs, IT Rossi' and 2, Fat sheep, T Anderson, T \Wdkingnll. ]Best pen of sheep. R, Coultes, • Pres -1. un, r. ur,rrn,-' Aged boar, ,1 Robertson. Brood sow. 1f Ed wards. ' Sirtt.l, nr,r:r•.D,-Aged bnar,TI Edwards 11rood sow, ,r Owens. Boar TI E,1. wards. P"1'Ift11y ,—Geese, .r ILvrisnn, 'l'nr- keys, J Iiarrison, 7' \\ilkiuson, Ducks Robertson, ,r TTarrison, Plymoth ltoeks, Leghorns, Spanish, ITamburgs, any other variety, J Harrison, I and 2. i\111.7mi vas, Limber wagon, baggy' double carriage, J. Brunedon. Plow, Edward', 1285 ; Miss Elder, $270 ; Miss TRobineen,. J Brunsdon. (long plow, KMiilc rap; #2tL5 Miss Watson, 1260 and I11 Rp€e. ]~Seed drill, J Brnnadon. re (QU3t®r, $ 315). GR4 ::.-jyll.ite fall, too MoDoufell, r 7'ila rev, Mark I)all y, st, lung and J Anderon. IIecl fell wheat, R G Mo- 1 IL 6. where he is promised work in favoraljtly known to Su man of our Gowan„ -a J .Anderson,• Spring wheat, - -_ -, ..- left Sekforth fur Winoua, Whs., Y d over are a good crop- in this locality. As The Brussele Post sity$:-Potatoet G 111oatt,,l #garrison, Rarley,C Proc- ter, Jiio,idasell. Fall wheat any kind, .1 J Andetaon. White oats, Joe Fells, T conneeticei 'with tin Presbyterian Anderson. Black oats, G Moffatt, J Ilarrisou, Peas, Thos Wilkinson, W Mason,, Timothy, R G McGowan, Jas Netlt-ry F -1t; • 'r FLOWERS. Golden russet a 1 seism Taylor, , hnT I Baines Bal - d Pp Y + wipi:llpbit Robertson,G Sowlar. Fam- tlen John Robertson, A W Sloan. R I ` uing, M Harrison, R Scott. ns blush 1 M” 1r Robinson,H i h - .!�w t g lucan,_ • No;ther'n Spy, E Robinson, J Robertson. Colverts, R Stonehouse, M Hardeen. Tolman sweets, J• Henry & Solt, T Winter apples, W Scott, John Wilkinson.Fell. Fall apples, A Carr M Harrison. Fall pears, G Bowler, A Carr,. Winter pears W Soott,H Wight - man, (crapes, Henry Wightman, Jno Fell. Crab apples, J Henry rt Son, M Harrison. Plums, A Carr. Collection. fruit,T Wilkinson,H Wightman. Bon- .qquet of flowers, C Proctor & Son, T An- ,(lerson, Flower in pot, T Anderson, A Proct r lt Son. M4* svacroREe.- Home made cloth, Mise` Pollock. Flannel, '1' Anderson, Miss Pollock. Union flannel, .vita Ow- ens, Mies Pollock. Pair of blankets, Miss Pollock, T Anderson, Sot single harness, Homuth & Buchannan, H V. Buchannan. Coarse boots, ting boots, Homuth & Buchannan. 110010 made wine, J. -Owens, 1 and 2. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES.- -•• Potatoes, 0 Sowlar•, Jno.Mc Dowell. Potatoes, mo Robertson, J J Anderson. (cabbage, T H Taylor, jr,W H McCracken. Cauli• flo\gero %V II McCracken, R Sellars. Blnpd Neots, W H McCracken 1 and 'a. Mangled wurtzeis, W H McCracken, ,Ino Taylor, Largest turnip, T Ane er. son. Swede turnips,W Scott, Jas Hen- ry;& Son. Field carrots, W H Mc- Cracken, J Fell. Early horn carrots, Jno Robertson, W H McCracken. On- ions from seed, A Carr, J McDowell. Onlons.any other kind, W II McCrack- en, 11 Sellars. Indian corn, 1t G Mc- Gowan, J McDowell. Water melon, T Anderson, W II McCracken. Musk melon, T Andersen, W 13 McCracken. Pumpkins, W 11 )TcCracken, C Proc- ter & Son. Squash, W II McCracken, A Proctor d Son. Citron, 11. Sellars, W H McCracken. Tomatoes, T Audcr- son, F Wightman. Beans, \V H Mc- Cracken, H Edwards, Daley totem:cu.-heg salt butter, U Moffatt, A Carr T H Taylor, jr. Crock butter, A Carr, Miss Pollock. Basket of butter, T ft Taylor, (1 Moffat Bread home made, T Anderson Miss Pollock. Honey in comb, w J Martin. Maple sugar, Jas Rath, H .Wightman. Maple syrup, A Proctor & Son, M Har- rison. Oat cake, T Anderson, 0 Mof- fatt. Factory cheese, w II Smith. Homemade cheese, T Anderson. LADIES DEPARTMENT.-- cTattiug, Mrs Dr To blin. Crochet work, Mrs God- Lovell: Bead work,Mrs_ Dr y: 0 > fin anA _. Fancyltni i 1 1 tting,M ss McLelland, AI's 0 Moffatt, Patchwork on quilt, Mrs 11 Milne, Mae Pollock. Gent's Linen shirt, Mrs (1 Moffatt,Dliss i14cClelland. Gent's fancy flannel shirt, Mrs Tamlyn. Braiding Mrs T Brydges, Miss McClelland, Pair woolen stockings.w II McCracken 1 and 2. Socks, Mrs G Moffatt, Mrs D Geddes. Pair woolen gloves, Mrs Moffatt, w II McCracken, Pair of woolen mits,Mist Pollock, Mrs 3 Taylor, Log cabin quilt, A Proctor & Sons, 1' A nderson & Sons. Knitted quilt, Mrs 1t Scott, Mrs T Forbes. Patched quilt, Mrs N. Cum- mings, Miss Pollock. Counterpane, Mrs llussell, Miss Pollock, Rag mat.A Proctor, & -Sons, 1 and 2. Berlin wool work, Mrs Lovell, Mrs Godfrey. Cot- ton stockings, Miss Pollock. Card work, A Proctor & Sons' 1 and 2. Leather work, Mrs Godfrey. Pencil drawing, Mrs Godfrey. Hair flowers, Miss McClelland. Embroidery on ,sills. Miss McClelland, Mrs Tamlyn. Em- broidery on linen, Miss McCle1land,Mrs wylie. Lace work, Miss McClelland, Mrs Godfrey. Twine lace, Miss Mc- Clelland, Mrs Moffatt. Rag Carpet. M rs.T Anderson, Mrs A Proctor. Re- commended -Pen and ink sketch, 7 Russell. Crazy work, Mrs Lovell. Darti,M and batting wreath,.Mrs Loy - ell. • , Around the County. Jno. Moony has been re -appointed tax collector for Morris. Huron Fall Assizes will commence, before Judge Falconbridge, in Goderich on the 10th inst. It is said that considerable gambling is carried on in Brussels, and a good deal of it on the Sabbath day. Mr Jas, Nichol, of Seaforth. has been engaged as teacher in school section No• a,Morris, near Belgrave. Last Monday afternoon 1 nspeetoo Miller had Wm. Biernes, of Walton, up for violation of the Crooks Act. 'l'lte case was dismissed The town clerk ot Lindsay spent last Sabbath in Mussels with the object of hearing Rev. J. Ross, 13. A., with a view of extending a call to hint. Thos. Bailanytne, ot Stratiord, pur- cbaesed 101j tons of cheese from the Grey & Morris factory, The price paid was 1;•I cents per pound. Gorrie appears to be a great place for growing potatoes. Mr John Bowyer on Wednesday dug over 13 bushels of potatoes from a piece of ground 39 by 40 Peet. Mr Charles Mason of Tnekersntith, is ,home from the old country. Ho brought two stallions and a lot of pon- ies and he lost one stallion in crossing the Atlantic • Master Frank Cesar, a nephew of Mr R. C'ornyn's Wingliam, fell • out of a rig on Wednesday last and broke one of his arms. The fractured limb is mending nicely, Miss Forest, who hat tanglit a num• ber of years in 'I'uckorsmith, !MS re- ceived a very lucrative and Important position )ts teacher in ono of tltr rity schools Of Toronto. Mr Tilos. Drummond, who has berm in business in \Vinglram fur several years as te hatcher. has sold out. to Mr Richard Rerkslake, of Stephen town- ship, near C'rodition. At a meeting of the Seaforth Public School Board, it was decided to offer re•engagement to all the present teach- ers for next year at the following ealar- aries : Mr ;rlcFanl, $800 ; ]Miss A, (be- an, 43s'0 ; Mist I(, (Silvan, 5:330 ; Miss • 60 bushels o c c l- lot this h i w s n quarter acre this season. Tie sold over 30 bushels. He's quite a farmer, on a small scale. A painful accident happened to Mr Geo. Trott of Seaforth. He was at. tending Goderich fair exhibition with a large hog, and *hen in the pen attacked himiby tearing a large hole in the fleshy part. of the right leg with its teeth. On Titnrsday of last week old Mrs Armstrong died at the residence of her son, 4th con of Morris, at the advanced age rai nearly 813 years. Her husband departed this life about six years ago at the good old age of 83 years. It ie over 39 years sieveMt's Armstrong moved into Morris. • Tho board of directors of the Howick Farmers .Mutual ]'ire Insurance Co., met in Gorrie on .Saturday last, 42 ap- plications Were accepted covering risks amounting to $62,825. The -Fate of as. sesslnents was also fixed for the current year at three per cent premium notes; making the even rate of 51:50 on each thousand dollars insured, The Goderich Godericb Star says: -Mr Geo. Rice, of the North American Chemical Ce4,;who . has recently returned front spendinga couple of months in the Western States, particularly Iowa, thinks that anything but the country to which Canadians ought to go. Farm hands where he was could only get 820 per month anal board during the har- vest season, and any amount of holt could be hired in town sat one dollar per day, Mr Rictas opinion's of Canada are higher than,ever. The Morris correspondent of the Ex• positor Speaks of the teachers in that township as follows :-Alton Anderson has been re-engaged for next year in School Section No. 9, itis salary being advanced $2:i. Jas. McLaughlin, teach • er in School Section No. 1. has resigned, and will leave at Christmas. Alex Mc- Call, teacher of School Seciion No. 1•, is re-engaged for 1888, at on advonce of 450. Miss Wrath, teacher df No. 4, and Wm. Potter, of No. 3, have resign• ed, and will leave at Christmas, . The awe-struck audience gazed ' On his figure, gaunt and gray ; ' 'Twas the murdered king, or the gl.tn,t of him, And Hamlet, was the plan. His hour was, brief, he said, Ile must go ere the light of day, To the place of torment prepared fur• him, Till his sins were purged away. - Yes purgedwas the word he used. And Iwhat r d thought � .tat a oiherTy 'Sore Would Pierce's Purgative Pellets prove, In his case. then and there. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pel• lets have no equal as a cathartic in de• rangements of the liver, stomach and. bowete.ESmall, pleasant an action, and f - purely vegetable. - Sale Register, • SAf•ttse* v, Orr. 1:1. • -Farm of Mrs M. Emerson, being lot 2l, 9ud eon. of I•Ini• lett, at the Grand t'niou, Clinton, at 2 p. ni. .1. Howson, Auct. Wawa; Oct. 15.-- I'arut null farm steak, on lot 21l, cop. 12, Mullett. • ('. Hain ilton , Amt. R. Sanderson, prop., Torsoer,.Otr 14,.- Vann stock of A. Lawson, Lot 13, Otlt Con. of Millet. James Howson Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Oct, 17.-I'arni stock. etc., of B.•Tvremau, let ll, eon.. s. ]Ing• lett. Thos. 13. Brown, Anct. WEDNESDAY, GCT. 17 -Chattel Mort- gage Sale of the stock .of Thos. She'. pard, lot 22, Ba,rfield Con. Goderich Township,, 1). Dickinson, Auctioneer. BORN CH.APMAN--At \\Ingham on lite-ith the wife of Ili- \\-..1. Chapman ; of a delight er. , BACON -At C'arbert•y,)tan„int Sept, 1t,d't r wife of 141r 13, Bacon, «laughter of Me A. (rue- rel, Clinton) of a son. CARTER. --At Stapleton,on the 141 inst,th,• wife of Boat 11, Carter of a son. •MARRIED C}.ff fF.VS-fIENRY-On the :W,1 inst'l. L, the Ree. Jolisi It. Brace, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr Nathaniel Ciento t , of theToWdtthip of Waterloo to&Miss Julia. A. Henry of East We.wanosh, PEAESON-Mei3\\'AN,-At the residence et My wiean DfcEwnn. 3rd eon of Stange., nn tboeth•inet, by the Rev. J. H. Simpson, Idr John Pearson, to Miss Kate MOFwae, ell of Stanley:' 1foKAY-LOTT- At Win 3 em. on the 31,1 inst., Disney, .Iohn Scutt )I. A., Mr Charles V, Mews ' of Asltaeld to Miss Ida l.eaul• Lott, of West R awattosll. VI13T-O'. APLES--At \1'im;ltant on 3rd Inst.,b Itev.John Sent t M. A.Mr Thole • as Vintto Mies Fanny O'Htaptes, both ,d west \Vawanosh. , LOUNT-LONGHI: D in West \Vawan- ash, on the 23th ult., at the residence of t b'- bride'sdather, by list-, U. Carson, Air \t R. Loent, to Hiss Adeline 1.oughoad, both o1 Wast rrawanosh. ,yOH138TON-SPEC'HT, --At the residence fir the bride's parents, on the 10th hist,. by the Rev. 3. Ridge, 'Mr John Johnston, to Miss Sophia 8peeht, both of Clinton, THOMPSON-MO0 1t -At their residene,- 19Htli street Detroit, Mich„ on Wednesday. Sept. 12th, by Rev. Mr Daw, A1r L'. F., Thom e sonMooro, both to Lottieformes y of dauClinton . Mr Hugh &MARQSHS--MONK.-On the lath inst., br the Rev. • . ie. Howell, Mr John Marquis, ot (txtevirh'iownship, to Miss N. Mouli,nf Ilnl- let. , DIED H,AI 5't'N.AD • It.Lower \\'inr;liani. on 1h-• 30ttb tilt, the infant child of )Ir I). Hel.retui age,, ► week. HAYWVARD. - in ('lintnn, n11 Ow 9th hist. lho infant non of Ah' 1', W. He yu DANCY-At ColliIgwond, on Ortoher sib.' Angelina Cherry 1)a.n1.y, n cw l 5) y rn.rs, rr•l i r 1 . of the lat4'Thomas Dailey, and mother ,o1' 'r'homae Nathaniel Dailey, of (1odcrieh, 1 S MURPHY. -13y reference to ad- vettisemei t elsewhere. it will be seen that the popular J ;; Mnrphy will ap• pear in the Town Hall on Monday eveuiug next, in the great Trish play "Shaun lthue,” and from present in- dications there will bo'a full house, as it great many reserved seats have already been taken. Clinton is the only in this section 1n which Mr Murphy will play. He comes from Stratfo•placer'l here and then to Strat.hroy, en -1 ', through the States to \f1ltllipeg. •