The Clinton New Era, 1888-10-05, Page 6JrRIAA '. OCT. 5 1888 POINTERS ON .A,ORICVLrT. WORTH I OWING. �Ust�ful lu o tira Son torTillers of one quart of a variety �' ght it firth t i 1154 heti Ione r th :ifaLof Treble County, 0., arc Ii l more than *.10O,090 by the gain over d rhla tubes a eine what they would have had if the, pent ge, N4gts, Arndale togs Huxley and its be disputed• flhe Millar Method of treat - poor manure, I' stent state of rratipu, allowing it rio chap• heal, and ae iinaturalconse aeric, of tre ver ikti that t NE1lli` HOItfII TREATMENT`Wit THE CURL OF CATARRH OA's. D ENE' / D E& " at tbrsih they lire dee to tll0 prt.teice o lr - g I)ar oltoe In the ioterliailtg rllenbrane of the upper air phages lin eup .. n . ea- had contttluo i ttsiru 'the ok VD:e le ondoioethis sndtths outho11tisscannot, ilea, P Vattakpeellir silt lr^ Poor atoi,j4 lilld Iia ''f°'4 r tlh'tl; fn YL- Y.thua d r t � it h ina Con- or ' 'ui ood'g#ocl,:��t°ot'Ir� t. ted twill give u, rich manure. It Ltulieil should snake pl,paragositg• rlci me et ~lian4e,QU0. ithat the.ettlie ileus for taking in the flowol•� ), helit,A„ck that its fed and properly cared for wills,-` plants for the winter -window gar- • den. frost may put in an ap- pearance at any trine at this BOW son, and the location for the plants ; should be made and the supply of pots procured. Slips can bo made now with better advantage than Later on. While the work can be done be- fore the ground freezes, a large supply of dry dirt should be stow- ed f'ar wiuter use, It is an excel- lent absorbent and dcodorizer,and is cheap On the stable floor, in the pig -pens, and on damp places occupied by stock, it answers in place of more expensive materials. Quito a saving on unsaleahl e fruit may be made by converting it into jellies or pressing it. Not only can vinegar be made 'from the juice of appleff, but also from the juice of other fruits. That which, cannot be used in some manner for household purposes may be fed to the hogs. Waste of fruit should be avoided. - , Weeds are maturing the seeds rapidly now, and a•delay of a few days may result in the seed being perfected and in 'a condition for germination next season. Many weeds aro now in the 'milli,' stage, and can bo easily destroyed. If cut down now itwill bo too late or a crop beforo frost. Parsnips and carrots are not injured if I stored outside in mounds, and in sections where the winters aro not severe they may, bo left in the rows, with on- ly a slight e.ovcring. The proper way to store them, however, is in a cellar, in bins, so as to easily handle them when they aro want- ed for feeding. turn the best profit and give .a. better quality of manure to add to the fertility of the sod. It is encouragement 10 the dairyman to know that, if it be true as assts.(' d by a scientific feeds+t•, that one pound of butter can be made fur the same value in food as that required for ono and half pounds of live weight boot'. The market value of the first is 25 to 35 cents, and the ether t3 to Oi 00015 per pound. Hard grains eau be fed to ducks exclusively if fed very easefully. B11t'(114;s aro voracious cater, and when in conlineluent, there is groat clanger of overeating. This menus t rippled feet or legs sooner or Etter. if felt on soft food corn- , • posed largely of bran,' vegetable, �ttet s len+r cvnsttlul.iutt and' and i nl,thero i, out touch danger of overealite :uul it is hetter tier considerabledisagreenleut the the hied. grand jury at Anahver, N. I3., The m'+st of the suutli fruits lira brought iu a true bill against the less II" invnI tbly iufiueuce(l 1)Ya p11rs Howes, soners ritridtthe t itshooting trialbefore somewhat shady location than are vegetables. Protection from day mornings any applfeii err made oftener thanonce in ' twe+weekr-feerthe,G1A.¢ ;xilk4t set a chance to heal before an application is re- peated. It is now seven years since Mr. Nixon dlxcoveredtbe parasite n catarrh and formulated - bib new treata,nt and Educe thea his I'.gppefly hew ),come a nit', word in every. country Where the Eng fish language is spoken. CURE, EFFECTED EY Hca SEVEN YEAR, AGO AHE CUBES !TILL, THESE HAVI;rG BEEN NO RETURN OP TUE DI- sEAsE. So highly are these remediesVal- ued, that fggnorertttoeBat up everywhereg,.ppr ngto destroyd parasite, of.which they know APthing, by remedies, the results of the application of whkcth they are equals, ignorant. Mr. Dix• on'a remedy is applied only once iu two weeks and from one to three applications effect a permanent cure in the must aggra- vated'ca5es. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- let describing his uew treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to pay postage: The ad- dress of A. H. Dixon & tin is 303 King, Street west, Toronto, Canada -Scientific Amerce,n tlw petit jury c•umni0000d3'I`hurs- too much sun seems to be a decid- ) �t .od aclv:int:1; e. This is especially the ease with gooseberries, cur- — renls rod blaekberrie.s. The largest, mill most lucious of b tack - berries are generally found hol- den under the densest foliage. In storing apples a free circu- lation of air throurh the barrel may be of advantage. The fruit should be kept in a cool place;but should;bo beyond the reach of frost. Only sound apples should be used, as the slight touch of de- cay on a single apple will some- times cause the whole to lot. The wells on the farm should cleaned out .every fall. Despite all precautions but few wells are free from toads. It is not safe to wait until rho water becomes af- fected before cleaning, hut do it now, before the late rains conic on, so as to -•ender the work casicr. • Preserving eggs fin• winter use is not difficult, but care is requir- ed. Eggs.from hens not in coin - pally. with males will keep three .times as long as 'triose containing the germs of chicks. Keep the eggs on racks in a cool place, and tarn them over twice a week. (food, clean weed wheat of a variety 11,1el1 adapted to the. Soil should bo selected for seeding. There should be no delay now in having the wheat in, as the better the growth the lees liability of the young • plants being thrown out by the frost next spring. As the grass disappears let the change from. green to dry food be as gradual as: possible, in order to prevent the cows fi•om falling off in milk. To do this begin the use of hay and other dry food now, so as to .supply the deficiency of the pasture. Now is the time to secure rams if early lambs of the mutton breeds are desired next spring. Sheep should not • bo too fat at this season of the year if' intend- ed. for 'breeding purpose. Dry pasture is better for them than heavy grain feeding. All foundations for farm build - lags should be built before frost, quires time for a foundation, wall to give off the water in the mor- tar, and a heavy frost may dam- age the wall. The poorest house eau be made attractive by planting vines and climbing flowers in such a way that they run lip the sides of the house and form a l,eautiful drap- ery. NOt Mere than .t) per l•t'11l of symptoms are likely to be present in anyone Mothers Castoria is recommended by physici- ans for children -teething. It is a pure- ly vegetable preparatidt},its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is dleasant to the taste and absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, re• gulates the bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea and wind colic, allays feverish- ness, destroys worms, and prevents con- vulsions, soothes the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is the children's panacea—the mother's friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. 2 t-12 L. O. Ives, the photographer from Detroit, who Wa. so .cluvct'- 1y arrested on 'Cl esday night by Detective Slcmin,appeared.before the Magistrate ou 'ThursclaV, on a charge of forgery, when he n,4reed to go eaok to Uatroit with f)aiteet- , ice Blakeley, who teas iu co" 1.1 tot t1•ial. Ifo was handed over to the custody of the officer, and was taken Intel: next evening. It is charged that while employed as a retoucher for Mr Millard, pho'o;rapher, he forged Milard's name to cheek for $23, and got the pr +t)rietnr of Renaud's hotel to cash it. He is also charged with detr:uadinrr several tailors out of.guucls. It is Absurd For people to expect a cure for Indiges- tion, unless they refrain from eating what is unwholesome; but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sar- saparilla. Thousands all over the land testify to the merits of this medicine. .Mrs. Salah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth street, South Boston, writes : "My hus- band has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited." A Confirmed D yspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin st., Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at Last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla and, by its use, was entirely cured. Mrs. Joseph Aubin, of Iiigh street, Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year from Dyspepsia, so that she could not eat suhst:nt1ial food, became very weak, and was enable to care for her family. Neither the medicines prescrihr d by physicians,- nor any cd the remedies advertised for the cure of I)psprn,,:a. 110111 t1 her, until site connuen,'o,t (lie ase of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. •'Three battles of this medicine," site IN rites. cured me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. l'rice $1; els bottles, 53. Worth 55 a bottle. Solileglri g Ncvt(f'. Powea rte • ECQUorn:,Cttl Heat. er. Thoroughly Tested. SWAT able for medium sized ilevell- iugs. - y. 'WV I AY deo' .1-'r+,.h {IA +G fir) TER' �.a Having had several years' experience iu putting in Hot AirFurnaees, and the increasing demand for a first-olass Fur- nace • as canisus to introduce something new. We have taken into consider- ation the weak points in those now in the market, which in our new Gem we have fully overcome. Embodying all the requirements for a perfect heater, and combining durability, simplieit Qaany efficiency with perfect safety and great bcoITS ADVANTAGES ARE :— It:can be put into low cellars or basements. rr.Ihaa a casein, of plate steel around the fire -box, making it perfectly gas !e,C cies The Oritinal t'\ Nevis antLITTLE toy " `Ve�s �ei�PiL. • 00 e BEWA R OIr •l1ILITATIOXS. ALTP-4I'.S Asir BOK DR.'PIEIICE'S PELLETS, UR LITTLE SUGAR-CO4TED PILLS. Being entirely vegetable, they op- erate without disturbance to the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass vials, hermeti- cally sealed. Always fresh and reliable. AS a laxative alterative, or purgative, these little ;Pellets give itnt most perfect satisfaction. SICK HEADACHE, Ril1ono .Beddach o, Dizziness, Constipa- tion, Indigestion, 81liour Attacka,apd all derangements of the stom- ach and bowels, are prompt- lyrelieved and permanently cured big the use' lot Dr. Pierce's Plea.ant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it miry truthfully be said that their action upon the syatem3s universal. pot a gland or tissue eeeapin ' their eanatibe influence. Sold by drug ,29 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemioa Laborator of WORLD'S DISPENSARY MatrattrASEntrA otr; Ba1[tdo;:31:^Y. WHO is offer d b t o a factor- era•bf r: a C tarrh Reined,,:. f a lease of Chronic Nasal ata! hwhicb • they cannot cure. SYSIPTOIRS or CATARRH.—Dull, heaves, headache, obstruction of the nasal pareagea, discharges falling from the bead into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick. tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid • the eyes are weak, watery, and inflamed; there is ringing 1n the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice Is changed and has a nasal twang; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are im- paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen- eral debility. Only a few of the .above-named case. Thousands of caeca annually, Without chicks that are hatched are raised manifesting half of the above sy)uptolns, re- "tA Matlil'iiy: I''igUr'e up and Nee salt in Consumption, and end in we grave. No disease is eo common, more deceptive and how many millions of dollars dangerous, or Ices understood by physiclane. poulterers lose annnall - 1, • care- nyitemild,eoothm and healing properties, 3 Dr. Sago'a Catarrh ) erred cures the worst leanness. eases of Catarrly' cold in the head,,' :r Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Theodore Lewis, the nutetl Sold by druggists everywhere; 60 cents. swine -feeder of Wisconsin, takes 44 Untold Agony from Catarrh" such excellent care of his stock that while in a cholera infected district, his gripe, of which ho has 'buttdreds, entirely escaped the disease. Bloody milk is the rest 1 . 01101 - lure of some of the small vessels that supply the udder,which may ,IConlitoutiy nneSbittins•.,, be caused by injury or hjemorr- 'fRobrAs ,"{. ItUSaINO, 1184,, 43112 Pine Street, hagic tendency 111 the epipial. St. Louts, Dfo. writes: ' I was n great eutferor Very little can be done for it. It, hard!, breathotthree nd eye11eonstaiiilvhawking Some time8 <lissnppt`11'S Of its t+1t tt and spitting, and for the last eight months n cerci. b It is a envious fact that tt':tap•1 nests sottletimes take tire, as is supposed by the rhcmiral action of tho wax upon the material r,l apermanent curs." which the nest is composed, Cii- 'three Bottles cure Catarrh. doubtedly many fires of unknown Eta ROBBINS. Runvan P. 0., Columbia Co,. hay t 1 aria final Pte„ eaves illy daughter find tlatat h Nettie cured a bottle for her, and soon saw that it Prof. W. Musson, the famous mesmerist, n! Ithaca N. Y. writes: "Some ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic nasal catarrh. My finally physician gaveQ me up as incurable, and said ]f most d illy, Case was such p bad one, ,that bvery dM' towards sun- set, my voice *mild becoufe /0 normal I could barely speak above a whieper. In the morning my coughing and clearing of my throat would almost strangle me. By rho use of Dr. Sage', Catarrh Remedy, In three months, I was a well man, and the care has been pormanagt.' could not reathe through the noetrtls. 1 thought nothing could bo done for me. Luck- ily, I was advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and 1 am now a well man. 1 believe it to be the only euro remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and One Una only to give it ti fair trial to experredec astounding rt supe 11 ,I erigirl. 111 1Ay A ac :9 , nc. she wad Ave s ears of very sae y. caw r. bnilciin zs may 11145 -lie 0('r•01Ul11 rl Sage's Catarrh lternetly advertleed, and pro. for. helped her• a third bottle effected a penile - l Wept cure. Sho fa now eighteen veers old and l• 1 •,.n+ + "e car I. Thr sown, ;rid hearty' • CEO \1\\ HRA. and smoke tight. It is easily cleaned out, which is a very important feature, as it insures the furnace heating as well in the latter part of the winter as when first started in the fall. Immense radiating surface is given and great heat obtained by utilizing that which is usually wasted by pasfliug into the chimney. The fire door is double, taking cold air in at the top and carrying it down into the fire, preventippg heat and sparks escaping into the cellar. It has expansion 'hands, allowing furnace to expand and contract with- out any danger of cracking. It is easily regulated by damper rod in front of furnace, causing the heat to pass down side flues, clear round tire box,making a saving of fullytone third in fuel It is the most economical and,pheapest first-class furnace made. The cheap- est furnace to buy and use for tl afeconomy of fuel. Every furnace warranted' to give entire satisfaction. Call and see it and get prices. THE LARGEST AND LEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. ***#lk k*tek.kkkkkk4. One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. — ::: x It C310. It, O TpafE QK r•. In town. Our prices ars as lt?w tris thQ Taowcst,, *,rid we warrant everything fast-ela55 Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BA K - ING POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thouean Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us q call. HARLAND BROS, STOVES and HARDWARE, - - CLINTON 111•11\ ONLY :•: COMPETENT :-: WORKMEN EMPLOYED ,R NEW LETTERS, NEW BosDEns NEW On\A)1ENTa,FINE PAPERS, FIN E INics, NOVEL COMINNATt0SS, --o-- Business _p -- Business Circulars --� SPFa1 ki.TV -- NEAT. TASTY, ARTISTIC. 1•: E OUR SAMPLES't+ r1. OUR SPECIALTY BLACK - BLEND - TEAS 5 HAVE NO EQUAL. Tilos CO -OPE R & SO 1 CLINTON. l it lit l ltd ill hill t 11111111111 111 The nndersigead begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on.. by W. L Newtoo. And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars,Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Speen attention is directed to my stock of LIGHT HARNESS, wbicb - 1 will make a specialty, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my oustomera,1 hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing else. ' where. REMMBEEIt THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET 1 G -E10- -A € SHA1R•M AN CENTRAL GROCER �. R,o:gB'• cid Stam d. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting o S. PALLI SE R & CO., GROCERIES,CUOCKERY,GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very des - est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders • promptly filled. Rooms to let. Family Grocers, next to Town Hall. NEWTONS Harness c Grocery Di t. Still in the Irrout Rank+. After thanking my many customers for past favors, I beg to announce to the genes- al public that 1 am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAP as the Cheap- est. 1 am still offering No. 1 (told Medal Soap, 12 BARS FOR 25 CENTS; No. 1 Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low piicee. COAL 011, A'L' TH E LOWEST PRICES. I have vn hand A full stock of Field and Garden Seeds Of the very best quality and at lowest possible figures, • A full Stock of FLOUR and FEED always on hand at Mill prices FIRST CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND. I have a few sets. of White and Colored 1t0t, KE R V and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices . that will astonish the closest buyers. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERYWBEK •SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST FANCY ARTTICLES. W1+; MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest -pato terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY, jgreat variety EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND EXAM: A.WORT E-TTT NTGTON,Ctintoll 11y stockbof harness is complkte 1n allHALT such as Trunks, VALISES, WHIPS, CL'RRY'UO\II3a and BRUSHES, HALTERS of all kinds, LAI' DUSTERSin variety, ibefore COLLARS inspect my • stook getpror ytu purchase elsewhere.. All Kinds of Grain and -Farm Produce taken the same as cash. llhave a full stock of IIARD)WARE, such as Forks, Rakes, Spades,' Shovels, That are all right in quality and style and away down in Nails, Gloss, Patty, Saws, Squares Rules, Pig Rings, Ringers, • Halnnlon's.I3rnces (and Hits, hc. price. ANY 1PMRS01\T NEW GOODS GEO. NEWTON, LONDESBOKO dle BVI; BE 1 To INlc)11JI THE PUiILIC THAT OU11 STOCK OF Gr-�,ocEr�,I�s le complete in all its branches. We guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than be cbeapese, finality considered. In SUGARS, weare as low as any in town CANNED 'GOODS') in great variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town, CROCKERY—Speciiil inducements in Tea and Dinner Sets. 7i X X A.ANG-US, 99 A=JB331I1R/T ST HARVEST- TOOLS ! Rakes,Scyths, Snaths, Hoes. Spades and all kinds of H arvestTools at lowest .prices. PARIS GREEN, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, &c. B. ID ..'"IST IB', Clinton, The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed wanting something nice in`this line should call and examine my %tock as it is new ant' the latest styles. A. J. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's 011 Stand, OPPOSITE THE POSDFFICE. CIA NTON. The Great,. ClearingSale ox - r= Thirt Ila y s more. Heavy discount fur Cash to run off old Stock to make room for. N ew. A lot our own manufacture. Gbod \Alpe. At fool new h+' Gonling in. Now is the time to buy at FURNITURE J. C. STHIV-HINSON'S RESIDENCE OVER STORE. FURNITURE STORE. --- --- OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. itFOR THE HEATED TERM - JUST REC'EIVEi) PureWest IndiaLime Juice THE FAVORITE SUMMER. DRINK, . Eno's FRUIT SALT. EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. orA nim H• 4001'11)131B, CHEMIST AND DIRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. subscribe for the NEW ERA now