HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-10-05, Page 5�rA er • i9# , a• r�qp; evx ��yisl:e 1i .lM • 16, for Intents andera uCastosfaiaaowefl$4$ptedtoebildreftt44t C*4rip culee Collo, Constipation, [ recommend it an superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation.promotes dt- Pe Kills Worms, gives sleep, and Imowa to me." H.1„ &souse, U. D., 6estion 111 So. Oztord 8t., Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. THE CeNTAUa CosiewiY, 7; Murray Street. :i. CH E•APSI J O.Y.G. • b n { QQp ...... ,.,,'r!F.l uud 4147M!A+.r F: Y.tl>ft. .-. A vera lbw i•wouDt,of grala.lt.ae c 0.00100044111110) ! tl "e w k. rho 1 ad • , tlh : •rospec • UIi'll�i„ f!. e��JLlzt asauce will' 11l take place.- We rouli wit' aA�.. • vise fatmere) to hold oh i tbey'ehould always tell wblle sure of °;good price.. . Our, quotations for to dity trIll`'be - foubd correct, end farmers with grain to .elllehouldgovern themselves ac•• ` cordingly. Wheat, fall,white and red 1 07 a 1 10 Oats - - 6 32 a 0 33 i Barley 050a065, Peas 0 62 a 0 62 Flour, per owt 2 75 a 2 75 Potatoes • 0 35 a 0 35 Butter 0 17 a 0 13 ' Eggs . 0 14 a 0 16 Pork 6 75 a 7 00 Hay 10 GO a12 00 Sheep pelts • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins - 0 60 a 0 80 Hides, 5 00 e 5 50 Wool, - • - 0 20 a 0 20 BLYTl3 MARKETS. Reported 'specially for New else every Thursday Blyth, Oct. 4, 1888, This week we are giving excellent value in the following lines: - A11 -Wool Dress Goods At 25c. in all the newest strifes and checks _ln MANTLE CLOTHS We have a large variety to select from, to suit everybody in price and style Our Dress ME•LTONS At 10c., worth 121, all colors, are splendid value O u rGrey FLANNELS All wool, at 25c. will bo found hard to beat UNION FLANNEL The best in town for 1R cents. Colored FLUSHES From '50 cents up. Full lines in Ladies Jerseys, Dress Trimm- ings, Mantle Ornaments, Corsets, Comforters Canton Flannels, &c. Mantles Cut free Call and see the goods and be' convinced that we mean business. - T. ACKSON, SR OPENING O - SATURDA ATDETLOR &.CO'S 0 V 0 Fall wheat, Spring " Oats , Barley , Peas Potatoes, per bns Eggs per doz Butter,rolls . Cheese Lard Flour per owt. Hogs, , , Beef - - Pork - Hay - TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, Oct. 4, 1888. Wheat, fall - • 1 09 a 1 10 Wheat, spring - - 1 00 a 1 07 Barley • • - • 0 65 a 0 79 Oats - - - - 0 35 a 0 40 Peas - - - 0 66 a 0 67 Butter, pound rolls 0 20 a 0 23 Butter, large rolls • 0 18 a 0 20 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 17 a 0 18 red, per bush. . 1 00 1 07 . new . 1 00 1 051 30 a 32 ' 48 a .65 58 a 60 35 a 35 15 a 16 16 a 18 15 a 15 . 10 a 12 275 275 6 25 700 400 a 500 5 50 a-7 00 11 00 a 13 00 r --•r U� 1W rd ▪ 0 ,P4 cn r lv -81 rh O1-1 4 En ▪ 481 r�--1 *10 t1 ca rn Ei 1Prd in W ttd o1 g F"1 • MONTREAL DAIRY PRODUCE. BUTTER.—Thereisnothing new; the jobbing trade being very un• interesting. Tho quotations are as follows :. August creamery,19c to 204c ; Creamery, 18e to 191-c ; Townshps, 17c to 19c ; Westorr, 16c to 17c.; poors to medium sorts, 12e to 14c. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. There were about 474 head of butchers cattle, 800 sheep and lambs and a (low calves offered at this market. Trade was fairly active and prices had an upward tendency all round. A few head of -the best cattle were sold at 4c per lb., but not many brought over •3�c and much the larger number sold at about 3c per lb., while some of the leaner ones wore sold down to •less than two cents per lb., live weight. A lot of five cattle brought fl'oni. Manitoba (not will ranchers, but raised and fed l>y common farmer;) were of- fered for sale at the C.P.U. yards the price asked being 4;ie per lb., but the butchers seemed unwilling to pay more than 0,-c for thorn. There was an active demand for glutton critters. and good lambs sold for nearly 50 cents per head more than they did last week. Sheep Sold at from $3,50 to $6 each, and lambs at from $2.50 to $4 each, an(1 very fine lambs would bring more. Hogs are not nearly so plentiful as they were last week and good hogs are high- er in price. but poor porkers are still dull of sale. Prices are from 5? to 6.1e per lb. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor's, When she was a Child, she oried for Castorls, When she Inseams Miss, she clang to Caeteria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria CORN • ,FOR SALE A'L' TME. Clinton - Mills. WHOLE OR GROUND. MOOS REASONABLE. • JAS. FAIR, - • CLINTON. yy • a egetireetrieraseoesie GRAND OPENING OF 10 ery Show Awns We have much pleasure in announcing that our Grand Opening of Millinery Show Room will take place on - SATURDAY', OCT. 6tIi. We extend a hearty welcome to our lady patrons and friends to visit us. Will be open until 10 p.m. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. NO GEN B. PLUMS'f EEL & GIMNGS 000 We are now ready for the Fall Trade, with a full assortment in the following lines:— Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Woollens, &c Extra Good Value. Cloihs, Tweeds, Tailor's Trimmings, Gent's Furnishings, &c. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Very cheap and good quality. Ready - lt1ade, in Suits and Over - `Coats. Small advance on wholesale prlees. All kinds of Clothing made to order and guarantee], HATS, CAPS, FURS, &c. --ail New •►S les ("BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS and FFLT GOODS, in all lines, at near the Toronto whole.ale prices. • STAPLE LINES in GROCERIES as cheap as the .cheapest. We are in a position to buy our stock right, and wo intend to sell at the lowest possible paying prices. In fact we intend to take the lead for good staple lines at the lowest prices. Conte and see our stock and get our prices. 1.1.001) HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE. Vf on Rattenbury St, First-olase Farm, good buildings, hard and soft water, in Hal- lett. Easy terms. R. 151. RACEY, Iron and Hardware Merchant, Clinton, W 135 WILL BUY TAE 11OUSE AND �ePP r� Lot owned by the uudereigned, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St. Clinton. Hard and soft water and good Sta lite. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO. CALLANDER,24 Stanly St., London South, HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE—SITUATE on Osborne St. The house contains six rooms and good stone cellar ; there aro on the promises, herd and soft water a number of fruit trees and good stable. The lot con - taloa 3 of an acre, and will be eold cheap. W. _ROBERTSON, drop Works, Clinton, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE — WELL situated Frame house on Huron Street, (Tinton, contains three good sized rooms down stairs, and four looms up stitirs. Stwnmer Kitchen, Stone Cellar, hard and soft wateY'undsr cover. quarter acre lot wtth,Stahle thereon, Terms reasonable, and possession given at any time, MRS REDMOND, Clinton. Searle's Block, Clinton P.LUMSTEEL & GIBBING'S The Hub Grocory VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE— being lot 9, coo. 2, and lot 9, con. 8, Township of Stanley, each containing 100 acres. There are good buildings and about 87 acres clear- ed on each lot, and both are in a good state of cultivation. Those are first-class farms convenient to Churches, School, 4•c., and will be sold on easy terms, 'together or sepa- rately. M, MCTAGOART, Clinton. IloUSE AND LOT FOR SALE—Situated on the south side of Townsend Street, The lionise, which Is new, containa parlor, dining room, kitchen, a number of sed rooms and a stone cellar, the main part being heated with a fttrnfA0. Hard and soft water in abundance, The lot containa one quarter of an acre, and the property toi will fl gold On reasonable terms. Apply CARTER, Clinton. PROPERTY FOlt SALE — SUBSCRIBER offers for sale that excellent property et present occupied h, himself, oil the corner of Princess and Ragan Sareots. Thera is an acre of land all set out with choice fruit trees and grape vines, plenty of hard and soft water. Tito bonso containa throe rooms down attars, and four above, with good cel- lar, cloeots, &c. This 'property is vory 0011- venient to schools, and 1s In one of the best locations In town. *111 be sold entire, or the lots divided. 'rel -mo rcaaounbde, JOHN STEEP. Clinton, TS OFFERING BIG BARGAINS IN COTTON COMBINE USTED! A Tremendous; Crash. Cottonct away down. A YARD WIDE AT 4 Cents. NARROWER AT 3 CENTS. Also, a lar, a collsig IlreII t of DRESS GOODS to hand at 5c. Ca,11 a,ud see iii a t once R o b- e rtso n' $ bat Ci; 5tr. J -.A -PAN TE.A.s W. COOPER'S BOOKSTORE. 60 cent Japan Teas for 30 cents. 50 cent Japan Teas for 25 cents. Also a new arrival of English BreakfacSt Black'Tea, vory fine flavor. New lot of RAISINS, 4 lbs. for 25 cents. BROOMS-2.for='25c. Call and see our stook. Goods delivered to any part of town. GEO- rt.LI.4UW, CLANTON New liquor Store. The subscriber having opened a liquor store in PERRINS BLOCK, Market Sq., Clinton, with a full stock of Liquors of the very best brands, coosistineof French Cognac Brandy, in woad or bottle. Best Holland Gin, - - tt `t Bernards Tom bin, Irish and Scotch whisky, - Finest Ports & Sherry wines, PASS ALE, pts. and qta., GUINESS' STOUT, Wm. and (its. WHISKIES Canadian ALES and PORTER, NATIVE WINES, hu. Goods delivered to any part of the town, JAS. SJEIEPT)AMD. 11 )1 1, 11 f1 Important Notice. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE.—L1 the Brown sub-division,lots,facing on Huron, Batten - bury and Prineeae streets, the most desir- able property in the vicinity of the active and rapidly growing town of Clinton, beau- tiful residence sights can lie bought at very reasonable prices and terms to -'suit any one contemplating a purchase. Apply to JAS. B1. ,WN, Heron Road. "2m '0d1 SALE —THE HOMESTEAD OF THE 12 late Mrs Finkle, nicely situated on Vic- toria Terrace, Clinton, and on the hank of the Ibtyfiold river, close to the London road bridge. 2 acres of laud, fine orchard and all kinds of fruit, lawn and ehrubber,y, ca'- riage house, stable and woodshed. suitable for retired gentleman or any person who wants a good home at a reasonable price. Small payment down and long time given for balance at per cent. Alan one house to rent in the fall. Apply to GORDON 1'EIt• RIN or W. H. PElt,iIN. • j'� A1tAI POR SALE OR 'e0 RENT.—THAT 1 splendid farm of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Ooderich town- ship,situated 1} miles from llolntesville, and four miles from the town of Clinton, Tho soil' is a good clay loam, with a nevorfailing creek Music—Vocal & Instrumental MISS R. E. - IIEAIRN. 11111 give lessons. Torttis on application at residence, Julienne Cottage., Clinton. MSB i., 'WILSON, AItTi)+T. HEAVER BLOCK. - CLINTON. 1Upstairs, oleic site Foster's Photo Gallery.) rg tau gh1. Painting All brunches of Painting f. on Plush a specialty. ('lasses taught at Blyth from Wednesday morning until Fri- day -afternoon. Particulars as to terms. etc„ on application. MISS FOXTON LATE OF THE ('ONSERVAT'Ol1V I>F MUSIC, TORONTO. Ts prepared to take pupils in gnu+ie, For particulars apply at residence, Rat te0burybt. APPRENTICE WANTED -- '1'o LEARN the blackanlithing l�u.iness. A good. strong boy preferred. Appl) to T. TiPLIN(4 Clinton, _ - - spring wells. seri is about the place; also 11�f'0NEY TO LEND - ON (cOt)1) '>[C>1tT- good There Is about 8 acresof bush, 11l OAOE8, 01• 101801201 Baan ily, at the lowest current rates, IL. Mel 'A(iG.Ui'I'. Vliutou, Feb. 24, 15038. wh'loh is 0110 of the bust sugar bushes In the county ; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for trn horses, also two good bearing orchards, being about six acres in wll; two good log houses. About 45 acres seeded down, Will be sold on reasonable terms, or rented to ,god tenant, ALEX BADOU1t, Holmesville Pest Ofr11'e. TWO EA It MS FOR SALE. South half of lot No. 29, on the 8111 conces- sion of.the Township of (ioderich, contain- ing 40 acres more 01' ICAO, endeared and un dor a good state of cultivation. There is on the prouhtses n brick hotieo with all aQtksen Mimes, good frame barn with under etabling- gnod lies -ring orchard withnevorfailing wet Ae. Also lot No. 28, 71.11 con., consisting of 80 01.00 mare or loss,15 acres hardwood bush balance cleared and ender a good state of cul tlvat iou,excellent well water. Both farms are well fanned. win be sold separately or in one parcel. Terms tomtit purchaser. For further partioalars apply to MARY 'CARTE 1.04, ens the premises, or to DA's' iD CANTE- 1,ON, Clinton; nRESS'.IA dt 1 N0 --1t 189 TP.EWARTHA, while .1/thanking her many friends for their liberal patronage, desires to intimate that she has re• moved to her old premises; Albert Street, direct- ly opposite the residence of lir Blackball, whore .rhe will be glad to attend to the wants of all `QTRAY CALVES.—STRAYED FROM sun- k. RCM man's premises, lot 15, eon.11, Mullett. about the 1st of June, two YenningS, with rings in their right ears. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. SIMON MWVIT- -6 - TIEtve , Londesboro, (`1TRAY SL[R,EP.--STi:AYi:D FROM SUB - L scribers premises, int 25, Maitland oon. Ooderich township about the middle of July last, a Southdown Ewo, not marked, a Loieester Ewo, with long tail and piece off the oar; also a Sotitndow n Ewo lambs. Auy ono;returning them or giving information leading them, Money will be suitably re- warded. OT'TF.R 1(. w1LLSON, W ALL Paper, Wools& Fancy Goods This is the season for wools, and„wo have a very large and varied at* of all kinds. Berlin Wool . is , 4 and 8 foul, Saxony, , Andalusian, Crewel, Ice and other Wools, also Fingering Yarns from the cheapest makes to the best Peac'ck brands. illarCome and see our stoslceta We are now showing a new line of Wall Paper in Brown Backs, at IOc.. White backs, 122, 15 and 19. Gilts at 25, 80, 40 and 50, with nice bor- ders to match, bought from the best manufacturers, and are very tasty in pattern, superior in quality, and low in price. W ' COOPER, -- Beaver Block CBSilAP— OOTE ;and :SHOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S. Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. See m3 Mens& BoysCrircket&Lacrosseshoes VERY i.'1TEAP (CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL, FIVE PER Ii11NT DISCOUNT FOR I':l ;GS TAKEN 1N EXCHANGE. • Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, B11.T.CK BLOCK, CLINTON .Boots and Shoes TAYLOR & Sons Our Fall Stock is now complete. We have the best goods in the market, and our prices are as low as the lowest. per cent discoatit for cash. W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON ANI) MYTH. 1