HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-09-21, Page 5• • ChildrelV 4'11• f�r "Oastoristir so.wellidaPtodtOrldidrun dm; 1wnewersr; cures Collo. Constipation, recommend Am; superior to anyproceriptien Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Fauctation. knoWn 60 Me." Awn% D.• Mlle Worms, gives sleep; tual promotes cu- .t.i 111 8o Oztord131..ikooklyn, N. Y. 1 w4iii4twionn medication. . Ton CENTAIrallOturANv, 77 Murray ;levet, aummininnommininimmianumminglii. issitto • 18E3E3 FA LL ass CHEAPSI E. For the Fair Week we shall be prepared with Grand Selection of Fall Goods INCLUDING New..DRESS .GOODS NewMANTLE Cloths New Braid Trimmings NEW FLUSHES NEW CORSETS New Grey Flannels New Canton Flannels (All colors,) &c., and a fel assortment of GENERAL FANCY Y GOODS We extend a cordial invitation to every lady attending the Fair, to call and inspect our stock before purchasing as we are in a position to offer goods at prices that can- not be beat. T. JACKSON, SR AT DETI,011 & CO'S New JERSEYS. New Dress Goods, With Entitled Sets to match. Newnress PANNELS. HUSSARS. ORNAMENTS. TRIMMINGS. New Loops. and 1iplaulets, New Mantle and Jacket Cloths... New Mantle prnapients. New "'lushes, from 50 cent o_1; up. - New Eveninar J.C.DETLOR&CO,CLINTON EI4 0 1.:1 .. ct al 0 ril 'c,0 C' g E -i TI -4 al 4) <4 PI U2 bi.,. tila it P.' a) 'Ova §)4 W .1D, 4 0 +) 0 d a 48 0 rzi PI w 48 7.1-4 hIPA H I7XvPi p4 0 0 0 • rn — o asm al 4 WI cri 41 "CS rfi• „ ••1 0 El CD IP (4b) :11 rzi 4 wg a g o Li...v*4V' e . • A 444•TC.;-14;41StrAir 4 . 7-10.4%%17.101111 .....,, Cd1.111;i1Vizi, AIMMIT% • 41E* 'Arm, rtn,P01; i!OfrnOf** Tkatrodoy, 'Sap WbvAP4w.41.101401041; , 02 1. 05 Oltiv • • • 0g 0.20, BirIvy ,;;‘ 4 45, 4,0 45 eme, •0 00 II 0 0 FlOgr; 'ter 225 * 250 rotsois • 0 5 0 00 Butter ,;;17 0 16 A 0 47 Egg. . S14aOjj Port 75* / 00 H4y• - 10 00 s12 00 Shoop P414 • 0 50 a 0 74 Lomb oltinA I • . Oadgq 801 fIldEs; ; 41141 0 50 Wool, 0 20 a 0 20 SEAF0111,11 MARKETS SBAroBTR, Sept. 20, 1888. Wheat, apring, • $1 02 a 1 05 Red and white Oats, A d, Peis, 13;04. 11 atter; : Eggs,. - • Potatoes, • Pork, • • Flout per ewt • 1 02 a 1, 05 • Q. 34- A 0i18 50. it 0 55 O'4& 0 60 COW1 0 17 14 A 0 14 035 a 0 35 6 50 a 7 00 200 a 2 25 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for New Bea every Thproley Blyth, Sept: 20, 188ft. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 0 98 1 05 Fall " . new . 98 al 05 Oats •• 428 a 30 Barley . 48 a 60 Peas . . . . 60 a 62 Potatoes, per bus . . 45 a 50 Eggs per doz 14 a 13 Butter,rolls . 16 a 16 Cheese . 15 a 15 Lard 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. . . 2 00 2 10 Hogs, • • • 6 25 7 00 TORONTO MARKETS, •Toronto, Sept. 20, 1888. Wheat, fall - - . 1 00 a 1 03 Wheat, spring - • 0 95 a 1 00 Barley - - 0 57 a 0 69 Oats - 0 35 a 0 39 Peas - - - - 0 70 a 0 70 Butter, pound rolls 0 20 a 0 23 Butter, large rolls - 0 18, a 0 20 Eggs, now laid, per do z 0 15 a 0 17 GOHN FOR SALE AT THE Clinton - Mills. WHOLE OR GROTJND, PRICES REASONABLE. JAS. FAIR, - CLINTON. IVIONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- ir-1. °AGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates, M. MeTAGGART. Llinton, Fob. 24, 1888. • • • A7(TANTED—ABOUT :MOO, FOR TWO OR V 1' more years, at 12 per cent., on good se- ctirity. Address BUSINESS, box 74, Clinton P. O. B0ARDERS WANTED — A LIMITED Unlimber of boarders can be accomniodat- ed with good board and comfortable rooms. MRS C. CARTER, South side Townsend St HOUSE TO RENT— A COMFORTABLE frame house on Rattenbury Street, ten minutes' walk from the Collegiate Institute. Hard and soft water, good cellar, and every convenience for small family. Rent reason- able. W H HINE, Clinton • QTRAY CALVES.—STRAYED FROMSUB- seitinEICH premises, lot 15, con, 11, Hullett, about the 1st of June, two Yearlings, with rings in their right ears. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. SIMON McVIT- TIE, Londesboro. . _ MIOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.—A GRAPH- SCOPle show car with a tent. for exhibi- tion at fall fairs ; one of the best paying in- vestments for the right mW an. ill sell for 8159, or will take in ekchange a good Horse, or a Covered Buggy or a first-class cabinet Organ, Address A. LAWRENCE, Londes- boro tin PROPERTIES FOR SALE 11 OCID HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE N...5 on Rattenbury St. First-class Farm, good buildings, bard and soft water, in Hill. lett. Easy terms, R. M. RACEY, Iron and Hardware Merchant, Clinton, 411 3 5 0 rjoItLobw 115eUdYbrgel?,Y=T? and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on HuronnfiC Clinton. Hard and soft inter and good sta ble. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO. CALLANDER, 24 Stanly St., London South. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE—SITUATE on Osborne St. The house contains six rooms and good stone cellar ; there are on the premilies, hard and soft welter, a number of fruit trees and good stable. .The lot'con- tains of an acre, and will be sold chewy W. ROBERTSON, Pop Works, Clinton. VARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT—THE 12 undersigned offers for sale or to rent lot No. 29, con. 12, Goderich township, contain - ,ng 80 acres, about 80 acres cleared, a barb wire fence across the front of lot, new frame barn, frame house, a good well at the house, and a never -failing stream running across • tho back of the farm. For further particu- lars apply to E. C. POTTER, Waggon Maker, Hohnesville. . • Important Notice. .1,1•••m• TOWN LOTS FOR SALE.—In the Brown sub -division, lots lacing on Huron, Ratten- bury and Princess strects,the moat desir- able property in the vicinity of the active and rapidly growing town of Clinton, beau- tiful residence sights can be bought at vy reasonable prices and terms to suit any e contemplating a purchase. Apply to JAS BROWN, Huron Road. '2m FARM TO RENT.—LOT 33, ON THE 3110 con. of the Township of Tuokersmith, offered to rent. It contains 95 acres cleared, with good frame house and outbuildings, good bearing orchard; plenty of water. The farm is well fenced and in first-class condi- tion. Will bo rented on reasonable terms: Situate about 7 miles from Clinton and about 6 from Seaforth. Full particulars may be obtained on application to H.HALE,Clinton, FOR SALF,—TH HOMESTEAD OF THE late Mrs Finkle. nicely situated on Vic- toria Terraer, Clinton, and on the bank of the lirtyneld river, 01040 to the London road bridge. 2. acres of land, Inc orchard and all kinds of fruit, lawn and shrubbery, car- riage house, stable and woodshed, suitabl for retired gentleman or any person who wants a good home at a reasonable price. Small payment down and long time given for balance at 6 per cent, Also one house to rellt fourb t Nev.faun.. pnaletApii.v:i.te GORDON PER- I8INVARM FOR farm of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Goderich town- ship, situated 1 miles from Holmeaville, and four miles from the town of Clinton. The soil is a gbod clay loath, with a neverfailing spring creek running through the place; also good wells, There is about 8 acres of bite], which is ono of the best sugar bushes in the county ; also tWo frame barns, one a bank harm one frame horse stable, with room for tott 11011.0,8, also two good bearing orchards, being about six acres in alt' two good log 11011808. About 45 acres Beetled down. Will be sold on reasonable terms, or rented to good tenant. ALEX 11ADOIJR, Ilohnesville Pest (Mice. ' TWO VAR1S FOR SALE. South half of lot No. 29, on the Sth conces- sion ofithe Township of Goderich, contain - Ing 40 acres more or less, all cleared and un der a good state of oultivation. There is on the premises a brick house with all aonven iencea, good frame barn with under stabling - good bearing orchard with noverfailingwel .also lot No. 28, 7th con. consisting Of 80 acres more or less, 15 acres hardwood bush, balance Cleared and under a good state ot cultivation, excellent well water. Both farms are well fenced. Will be sold separately or in one parcel. Terms to suit purchaser, For further particulars apply to MART ICANTE LON, on the promises, or to DAVID CANT& LON, Clinton mesinagrama llWi A it'121 • • +•• • ' A' 1 pgZ1ING "OTJT ri 1 I ,THE STOOK WILL -13E OOMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS tr' ZIEXT WEEK. When doing -the Fair on. the 19th, 20th and 21st, do not fail to give them a call, as their Grand Display will be ' , one of the SpecialAttractions. FIVER4R-pENT OFF FOR CASII. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. 1-10DCENB. .THE POPULAR DRY GOODSHOUSE LON ,DESB4ORO Atintin calloi to au Rialyibig 'gnat CashStore We do a large and increasing trade in this line,. and this tall show better I NOTICE TO THE LADIES value than ever before. We show a line of TWEED SUITS from five to twelve dollars, and a line of BLACK and COLORED WORSTED SUITS, from ten to fourten dollars. These goods are equal in Cut, Style, Fit and Workmanship to suits made to order, and you will notice there is .;-1. vas i difference in the prices. If you buy one of our Colored Worster. Suits, at fourteen dollars, and do not give-away the price yourself, no ono will suppose you bought. it for less than $25. IN OVERCOATS WE LEAD THE TRADE, Weconurahuce,thenr-7ith..t:Corumon Union Coat at $3.00, which we do not ecowme bt yotrAmust have a coat, and money is scarce with yOri,ivhylere I thh Oat. .Next comes $5.00, $6.00, $7.00„ $8.00, $9.00, $10:00 lines, iinproving;-Of.course, in quality as the price advances, and all serviceable 'goods, well out aud well made. Our WORSTED OVERCOATS are selling rapidly. We have them in Black and Brown, first class Trimmings, -Velvet Collar, bound and cut and made as neatly as any coat made to order. We sell them at prices ranging from 86.00 to $12.00. We want you to see those goods, look. at them, examine the workmanship, if they please you, and you want a coat, buy them, if you do not want one, you will perhaps tell your friends what we are showing: 'We want you to see them, anyway, and will not press any one to buy. Don't ask how we can sell them so cheap, it takes time to explain, and with us time is money. The coats are here, and when you want ono you will have it at the low price at which it is marked Another spe..ial line we are showing is a very Leavy FULL CLOTH, or Eton, in plain.and check, at:t.9 cents a yard. Ask to see it—it's a bon- anza. We have good value in .CARDIGAN JACKETS and UNDER- CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES And for -the ladies we have KNITTED WOOL SQUARES, in a variety of beautiful shades and exquisite texture, WOOL FASCINATORS, very attractive. DRESS GOODS, in the loading fashionable shades, Plush ane Satin trimmings. A good range of Dress Melton Cloths, at 10c., 12,C. and 20c. -- • DO NOT FORGET OUR SPECIAL DRIVES IN TEAS We sell.you 10 pounds of tea for five dollars, we guarrantee the ten equal at least to any tea you can buy in the county at the same price, and you have the chance of winning a SEWING MACHINE, worth $60, or a DINNER SET of 85 pieces, worth $15.O0, or a set of MRS. POTTS' POLISHING IRONS, worth .$4,.00 Remember you get good value for your money, if you get the, tervonlY, and some one is sure to win the prizes, it may be you, your chance is just as good as that of any other person. Try it, W. L. OUTMETTE, LONDEABORO INIMW FALL GOODS A full rssortment of runiis goods just opened up A Phu) Assortment of FUR -:-GOODS Not to be excelled in the county /•••• • , • G-3330 GI-IJA.80-OW ltEMENII3E11. THE STAND — One door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. The Hub:Groceryl IS OFFERING BIG BARGAINS IN 60 cent Japan:Teas for 30 cents. 50 cent Japan Teas for 25 cents. Also a new arrival of English Breakfast -Black Tea, vory fine flavor. New lot of R AISINS, 4. lbs. for 25 cents. BROOMS -2 for 25e. Call and see our stock. Goods delivered to any part of town. Cr IE S'Wsrr.�w. CI_ANTCON "••••- • 2l.1,1C.: Miss 'Oureell (Of THE GREAT CASH STORE, the Leading Dress and Mantle Maker of Huron, has returned from her hol- iday trip, and with an efficient staff of astistants, is pre- pared to serve her many customers faithfully. MISS BUCHANAN Our Milliner, has also' ratitried and brings with her all the Newest Styles. It would pay you to engage her 'to trim your Fall Hat. NEW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING. You could net do better than inspect our stock before buying elsewhere Watch the papers fpr our advertisemelts, and we will startle:you with good goods at low prices. liebutiton's tirst COOPERS MAMMOTH BOON, STATIONERY AND. FANCY GOODS STORE DID YOU EVER know that every authorized text book for the Collegiate Institute, Piublic and High Schools and Model Classes, may be found at Coopers. DID 'YOU EVER know what a tre- mendous assortment of Wools andYarns are found at Cooper's DID YOU EVER know another place where Linen Goods, Splashers, Sideboard Covers, Toilet Mats, Tidies, eto., were sold so low priced and of such fine quality. DID YOU EVER think of the fact that all the newest and staple stationery I is to be found at Cooper's. YES I DID get some of the prettiest and most tasty wall paper 1 ever saw, at Cooper's. YES I DID get astonishing low prices on Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Hymnbooks and everything else at Cooper's YES Ypri%C-kX buy the newest de. signs in Window Shades on hand paint- ed linen at the Beaver Block Book Store YES I DID find Base Balls, Bats, Rubber Balls, Lacrosse Sticks, Fishing Poles, Express Waggons,. Dolls, Toys, (Sec. by the car load at Cooper's Book Store, 7AT COOPER, -- Beaver Block • 00T8 and SHOES • AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S... Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, 'Very Low for Cash. See my Mens d BoysencketdLacrosseShoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL. FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Cail 011 C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, • ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON Discount, - Sale Boots and Shoes NV/I aro giying Special Discounts off for Cash, for the next SO days, on our stock of Boots and Shoes. GOODS MARKED 'IN PLAIN FIGURES. W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BLYTH ...,••••••• • ,..,,a,....A.S.16.3.vatimr4liiiittd=3.6.64Llilliceiiia3;.!!:43.1!..4,....,,ki, 14•tta...,ersugugt4 " P.:311OttAltArAire,A,A....1.•