HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-09-21, Page 2?PAZ SVP.A. 1*'. to & i to P4w41e4 Fitzgerald", with get ir4i- ..11404e.pRO3 '41ib, Mw�r, w,aiatr • 141 F4etius To $.A UtD l l tNt11 o' 1 e: `t Volt to e - t. k I s_. It Q 1 c [, i[?i �� Caltt•ia• v.nnt d wlp •toy•,t#1t. 1.. haves a talk w.itlt Madgt Rkt M l,bti matter, and aisO to Serrif•titia would' help him to obtain the information he wanted. 110. had a great respect for Madge, knowing what a Clever w omaltii=&ha ...w ass >tnd thpught that, , Reeing Briar& was ao deeply in love r,vith her, if she saw bins ebont the matter he )night• be induced to con- fess evel'ythiiig. The lawyer found Madge waiting, • nxiously to see him, and when he cantered. she sprang- •foywiukd with a. cry of delig':t ., v I' Ott, tvltero have you been all this time?" she said, anxiously, as *hey sat down. "I have been count- ing every moment since I saw you East. How is be—my poor darling?" 'Just the same," answered Ca;l- �ou,. taking of his gloves, "still rybstiflately refusing to save hie life. Where's your father?" he asked,sed- (denly. "Out of town," she answered, im- patiently. "He will not be back for a week—but what do you mean that he won't stye hit.' own lifer' C+iton leaned forward; and .took her hand. "Do you want to save his life?"he tasked. 'Save his life?" she reiterated, starting up out of her chair with a cry; "Uod knows, I would die to saw him." "PiSl•," murmured Calton to hims-' self', as he looked at her glowing' faoe and onfsttetched bends, "these women are always in extremes. "The fact is," he said aloud, "Fitz- gerald is able to prove an allyl, and he refuses to do so." '"Brat why?" 'altou shrngeed his shoulders. -"That is best known to himself- -,ome Quixotic:idea cfiongr,I fancy. Now, he refuses to tell me where he was on that night; perhaps he won't refuse to tell yen—so you must womo `up and see him with mo, and verhaps he will recover his senses, and confess. "But my father," she faltered. 'Did you not say be was out of town?' asked Calton. "Yes," hesitated Madge. "But he told mo not to go." "In that Cas'," said Calton,rising and taking rip Lis hat and gloves, "I won't ask you." She laid her band ou his arm, •"Stopl will it do any good?" Calton hesitated a moment, for he thought • that if- the reason of ltr•ian's silence was, as he surmised, an intrigue w ith a married woman, he would certainly not tell thee girl he was engaged to about it—hut, cn the other Iland,there might ke some anther reason; and Calton trusted to 3Irde3 to find it out. With these d,hotighta in his mind I o turned round. "Yes," he answered baldly, "it may save his life." 'Then I will go," she answered, recklessly. "He is more to ma than my father, and if I can rave him, I. will. Wait," and she ran out of the .J100m. `"An uncommonly, pltioky g'r1," murmured the lawyer, as he looked out of the window. "If Fitzgerald • not a foot: lie will certainly tell tlher all-- -that is, of course, if lie is ;able to -- -queer things these women etre--1 .mite agree with Balzac's saying that no wonder mar. couldn't alnderstand woman:seeing that God, who created her, failed to de so." Madge cultic back dressed re go out, .with a heavy veil over her face. -"Shall'1 order the carriage?", she seized, pulling on • her gloves with trembling !ingots. s 1.Eatelly,'. answered Celton,dryly, • "unless you, want to see a paragraph in tile society .papers to .the select that Miss. Madge F'retelby.visited Ir Fitzgerald in ,jail,no—no—no— we'1l get a cab. Come, any dear," and tfi'king her -aria he led ' her away. They needled the station,' and .:;aught a train ,just as it started, yet notwithstanding Madge was • in a fever of impatience. "flaw slow it goes," elle said, fretfully. "J I ugh, my dear," said Calton, :,tying his hand on her arm. "Yon will betray,. yourself -we'll arrive noun- and save him, Oh Co.l grar;i we may," she with a low cry, clasping her hands tightly togs ther, while Calton uulrl sen the tears falling from nn • der her thick veil. "'Phis is not the way to do it," lit t:nid, ,littlest Toughly; "you'll go into hv°,tetit•s soon --control your- self for his yoke.. "Fur his sake," site murmured, and, with a powerful effort of will, t•alnie,l lim•s+lf, They soon arrived in \!,'{bons nn,101d,gottink'a hansom; drove up quickly to the jail. After going through the usual fortnula thry entered the cell Where, Brian was, and, when the weeder' who tio- oompanied thein opened the door, found the young man seated on his Led, with his face b,iriod in his bands. ITe looked up, and, en see- ing Madge, rose and hold out his hands with a cry of delight. She ran forward, and threw herself ou his breast with a stiffed sob. For a short time no one spoke --Calton being at the other end of the cell, busy with sonic notes which he bad .taken from his pocket, and the tAl l ind• ^�� 4, r1 „•;, woke ril 11' —:, -tip 1 tz1 1I. #1 V .' I IA Witte!, `Yaxe right t b� 4ta id "there Q5S*. .., i 4 �q`ii th• QU have gleesti for him "Tho salt ,a'" tJiinq s1Jfll►Jd iya', fiis tb6 � xhhttu It thq 43 ,, p•")3 I• .T' T. I + ,1'�1.,..' � . I ` moi �'�,"� ,..„• i , �.. :'.tRi". 'i'�j •,. ,.. .,: .: _ t ;_ t t' 't _ t' . wb r o ' .'\ hq I.4.' wtio(i l 1 , i .. . r►ty , , r Q m' .r, i. a .r4 . ,,; . sit t, P .. >$ e h e is � �. . ei i-� . A , E vial _ _„ 4%a , IAA_ ...,-... a, -M, -.•,moi.,. r. • - ':. : .T:.: ..... • i i+., 4 , .. i • ac , r @ e -dew**, a . n s tali;zl •nbo t: ,i>* eta ..Cana til),. >ru , � Lly;41,70 �t14wo, aha :atreel", �....�lta.. Vie,, eu find. out a4 aha ulub many letter: ...t .._4 .�. Ped I thi, valley of the head ac res, and it i$ uo l oixl, intend to Ido? was *siting foie liim on 'L4 bight, • er •to determige 'is feeltn s tc ' "O nurse not," retorted the law- She threw' back he* vetl,t and he said Calton, aa the call stopped at wards'is father when 'o died, .beia' yet; sharply, as be also sat down. was astouished to sea the sudden the door of the Melbourne club. carried oft'' by a chill, caused by the «rV r 1. @ e we 1 e @ r r@ and ITUll w i c ie. H,ih i b e c badoai '1 it @ n ocd Int u o A h. ha rwil b n until o.4 ]Vo.n4 come to `your senses, an'd tell 'lis "�beri+ were no tears noxi, and her word to Madge,he ran ul the teps. where you were; on that might." eyes were hard and glittering; while He went to the office of the club "I tell you I cannot."" her mouth was firmly closed. She to find out if any letters had been "Brian, dear," said Madge, softly, 1. o'i:ed like a woman who bad waiting for Fitzgerald, and he found taking his hand, "you wuatt tell all— determined to a certain thing, and there a waiter with whom he was for my sake." would carry out her intentions at pretty well acquainted. impatiently, as be opened the door Fitzgerald, sighed—this was the whatever oast."Look here, Brown," said the for her,—"Leave us fora short time, hardest temptation he had yet been "I am going to save Brian in spite lawyer, "do you remember on that there's a good soul; Miss Frettlby subjected to—he felt half inclined of himself," she said, very distinctly. Thursday night n hen the hansom and I want to 'have a rest, and we » t to yield, and chance the result—but "But how? Cala murder took place if any .otters will ring for yen when we are one look at Madge's pure face steeled "Simply this," she answered. "In were waiting here for Mr Fitz- going." him against doing eo. What Gould the first place, I may tell you that gerald?" 'his confession bring but sorrow and I do not. understand Brian's state- "Nell, really, sir," hesitated regret to one whom ho loved better menti that he keeps silence for my ' Brown, "it's so long ago that I al - than his lift•l sake, as there are no secrets in my, most forget." "Madge!" he answered, gravely, i life that can justify him ss,ying so, Calton gave him a sovereign. taking her hand again, "you do •not but the facts of the case,are simply "Oh! it's not that, Mr Calton," know what you ask." these:—Brian, on the night in ques- said the waiter, pocketing the coin, "Yes, I do!" she replied, "Wkly. tion, left our place, at St. Kilda, at nevertheless. "ButI really do for "I ask you to save yourself—to 11 o'clock. He told me he would get." prove that you ate not guilty of call at the club to see if there were "Try and remember,"said Cabot, this terrible trim.s, and not to sacci- any letters for him, and then go shortly. fice your life for the sake of a straight home." Brown made a -tremendous effort Here she stopped, anil 'looked "But he might have said that of memory, and at last gave a satis- helplessly at Calton, for. she hid merely as a blind." factory answer. no idea of the reason of 'itzgerald's Madge shook her bead. "No, sir, there was none!" tefusal to speak. "No, 1 don't think so. I never "Are you sure?" said Calton, feel - "For the sake of a woman," finish- asked him obese he was going, and ing a thrill of disappointment. ed Calton, .bluntly. the told me quite spontaneously. I "Quite sure,sir," replied the other, "A woman!" she faltered, still know Brian's character, and he confidently. "I went to the letter holding her lover's hand. "Is—is wonld not go and tell a deliberate rack soyeral times that night, and I —is that the reason?" lie, especially when there was no am sure there were none for Mr Brian averted his face. necessity for it. I am quite certain Fitzgerald." "Yes!" he said, in a low, rough that he intended to do as he said, "Ah! I thought as much," said voice. and go straight home. When be Calton,'heaving a sigh. A sharp expression of anguish got to the club he found a letter "Stop!" said Brown, as though crossed liar pale face, and sinking there, which caused him to alter his struck with asudden idea. "Though her head on her hands, she wept mind." there was no letter came by post, bitterly. Brian looked at her in a, "But who did he receive the let- sir, there was one brought to him dogged kind of way, and Calton ter from?" on that night." stared grimly at them both. "Can't you guess?" she said, im- "Ah?" said Calton, turning sharp - "Look here," said he at length, to patiently. "From the person, man ly. "At what time?" Wan, in an angry voice; "if you or woman, who wanted to see him "Just before 12 o'clock, sir." want my opinion of your conduct, 1 and reveal this secret about me, "Who brought it?" think you are an infernal scoundrel whatever it is. Ile got the. letter "A young woman, . sir," said --begging your pardon, my dear,for at his club and went down Collins Brown, in a tone of disgust. "A the expression. Here is this noble street to meet the writer. At the bold thin„ beggin' your pardon, sir; girl, who loves you with her whole corner of the Scotch church he found and no better than she could be. heart,and is ready to sacrifice every- Me Whyte, and on recognizing him She bounded in at the door as bold T�ONEY TO LOAN. a[ORTGAGES• i trcorpoaaced by Act of P,"lian,ent, 1856, thing for your s Ike, comes w im- - left in disgust and walked down as brass, and sings out, 'Is Lo in?' l� Bought. Private Ftrnds. C RTDOUT, CAPb"IIAL, $2,000,000. Blore you to save your life, and you Russel street to keep his appoint- 'Get out,' I says, 'or I'll call the per - coolly • over J Jackson's store, Clinton. coolly turn round, and acknowledge merit," lice.' 'Oh, 110, you -won't,' says she; MARRIAGE LICENgee. - APPLY TO DEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. 1A the un lerel ued at Librar Kol'ms, that you love another woman." "Then you don't think he came 'You'll give .him that,, and she JAMES SCOTTgCliuton. y THOMAS WORKMAM,....,..,„Pre,ideat. Brian lifted his head haughtily, I back!” shoves a letter into my hands, — - • _ - J. II, R. MOLSO'4 . , t iue•pre,, and his face flushed. "T am certain he did not, for as 'Who's him?' I asks. "I dunno,' she ��lts WHITT,-TEA" FbEK DtCS►C, F. WOLFEi STAN THOMAS, General 91ana;•er Residenceat Dire R. II, Kels',a, euruer— "You are wrong," he said, turn- Urian told you, there are plenty of answers. 'It's written there, and T of Ifittron and Orange streets, .Votes dlareteJltrd, Collresions made, I)rnfs ing round, sharply.; "there is the young msn who wear the sante kind can't read; give it him at once.'TAxlrtaciF LICENSES ISSUED BY THE L81ued,Sh�rhn!/ and AmPrdrnil ex- ing for w hose sake I keep si- of coat and bat as lie does. Who Anil then she cleat•r, out before I 1 lE iai k t'aiguod, atlrr e' leucu or drug store. c(rt trl boxyl.Ga)irl so.t, at to,wrat 1LKH :1.. WOiiTH[NO'1VN, curre)tt rn.tes, fence;" and rising up from the bed, the second man who got into the could stop her." Interest as 4 per cent ril}„a`ed ondcl,u.';..+. II 1 he pointed to Madge, -as she sobbed cab was I do not know, but I will "And the letter was for 31i Fitz ��rroNEY 'ro LEND SN LARGE OR 11 — „ ,SmallsowF' songoodmortgagesecurity, .Ali1�11'i;:RS. jbitteily'Onit, swear that it was not Niel's gerald?'' moderate retool' interest- IIlIALE,Clintw, Money advanced Lo fanners on their own notes She lifted ul, her haggard face "And you are going to look for "lies, sir, and a precious dirty with or more endorsers. No mortgage ra• R AI'PLETON-OFFICEICE- AT 'REST. I quirel as surity, with an air of surprise. that It tor?' letter it was, too. D DESCE on Ontario Street, Cliutou, n, 11• C. 91LE1i ER, Manager, i "For Dry sake" she cried in a 1 "Yes, in Brian's lodgings," `'Yon gave it to hirn, of course?" posite English Church. Entrauce by site ! January 1sAT. Ulintw, startled voice. "He [night have burn't it." 9"I did, sir. He was playing cards gate. .... "Oh; he's mad," said Calton, ''He might have done a thousand and he put it in his pocket, after B. PROUI)FOoT, CIV1I. ENGINEER Survey - shrugging his shoulders; "I will put things but he did not," she answer- r Provincial and Dominion Land Survey. having looked at the outside of 1t, (14,-, Architect awl Da,ai,,ttauiat., PERRIN in a defence of insanity." ed. "Brian is the most careless and went on with his genie." 1iLOCh, Ulltttu"' • flails are due for delivery and close lot despatch --.-._ _ "Di"No,dn't at I Clinton P. Office as ollow. . ther thef intheworld; he wouldput L)idn t ho open u?r Fitz- mon :tried 1 I am not mad,"J. WALKER, • , �• ` • • 1>,t,lt r, Ji l EB[N.1KY SURGEON' 'Uit(. ' gerald, wildly, as he catight. Madge letter into his pocket, or throve it "Not, , loge. eluateTelegraphic Ontario VeturinaryCol-• CLODS `j uuie then sir but he did later (:raduateof'the messages promptly at Hamilton, Toronto, Strut•, in his arms, "ley darling! My into the waste paper basket and on, about a quarter to 1 o'clock. 1 tOI1 Otto. Office -taonaeaborough, Circ. I darling! It is for your sake that I never think of it again." was in the room, and be opens it _ Trunk 05,1 and, Grana, f1R REEVE, -OFFICE, RATTENBURY ford, east and interne Ldicta offices ff.3U al". 1.5u "It keep silence, and will do so though "In this case he did, however. and reads it. Then Le says to him- St, afurruy Sleek, two doors east or Toronto, stracrora, sea-; _ my life pays the penalty. I could "Yes,, he thought of the conver- self. `What d --d impertinence, Army Hod gens' Barracks, Burma St, linton. Officeosite Guder chTfand tolmeevetlr ,u -i t..,) p.m 8 a.nl' tell you where I was on that night, sation he bad with the writer, but and puts it -into his pocket.' hours, A a m to 0 p m• Grand Trunk west 1 p.», 8 a.,li » ___.____. __ ---i. � - Gnderich. e,45p.w,12.4Ola': .m and save myself; but if I did, you not of the letter itself. Depend"Was he disturbed? •AMF,S FIOWSON, tit1ENSE1) AUC- Hamilton, Toronto, 4,15 p,10.' 10.10 a m would learn a secret which would upon it, we will find it in his desk, "Nell, sir, he looked angry like, . J TIONEER f —i -I. ouutyorBmon, ,A6. -Cee - ales l t)ndnn, L., II. k pe south a,m,, h.ni,la.,n, p.m curse your life, and I dare net speak or in One of the pockets of the . and put his coat and bat on and B„nahle�trn`'oe. heves dtheeuce eltniApi Street Blyth, intermediate n �o ie$ i. nisi Ace ;.aa 4,15 10.10 7.00 -I dare not."clothes he wore that night. walked out about five minutes to I. Clinton. dine, Luekn°w, L.,11,& B. n north and intermediate a n, , m.;a,tn. p n Madge looked up into his Joao ``Then there's another thing," said "Ahl and he met Whyte at 1, R STANi,UKY, GRADUATE OF TH2. ofiiee, .............. 9.20 1,-11 8.25 loll with apitiful sn►ile as her tears fell Calton, thoughtfully. "The letter muttered Calton. "There's no doubt D Medical Department of Victoria int- s,unmerhill, Tuesday and veiaity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals Friday, 5„A p,m. 5,30 pert fast. might Lev.) been delivered to him about it. The letter was an ap- and Dispensaries, New York. Coroner for British mails, btuaday,ived• "I)aarest,” she said, softly, "do between the Elizabeth street railway pointment, and he was going to keep the County orHuro.,, Bayfield, Ont•. nesdnp, Tharsdal 0.30 a.m. - Monty Orders issued and Deposits received from 'not think of me, but only of your- station and the club." it. What kind of a letter was it?" R w. WILLIAMS, B.A. M. D., (iRADU- one dollar upwards. self; better that I should endure "We can soon find out about he As d. ATE otToroutuUntyYerefty moonier et Office hours from 8 a.m. Co 7 p.m, the College of Phyeielaua and Surgouue, Savings Bank and Morley Order Office °lose misery than that you should die, • I that," answered Madge; "for Mr "Vey dirty, sir, in a square • Ont. OFFICE at RESIDENCE the house for- at 6.30 p.nt, do not know what the secret can be, Rolleston was with him at that envelope; but the paper wait good, Cllin`anuccupiedhy Dr Reeve, a14,ertstre°t THOMAS PAIR, Pustioaater, but if the telling edit will save your. time." and so was the writing." Clinton, Ate(.. 1887. life,do not hesitate. See," she cried; "So, be was," answered Calton; "That wilt do;" said Calton; "I D Su WORTHINGTON, on e000mber,'Lic PHYSICIAN, I oiit e failing on her knees, "I am at your "and here 18 Rolleston coming down am touch obliged to you," and he College of Physicians, and surgeons of r , p ybyMadge and Coroner for the Provincial ounty of Huron tint ROBERT It 1 DUWNS feet -e21 implore Cit all the •love the street. We'll ask him now. hurried down to V1'1161e. Dead o , you ever had for Me, dave,yourself, The cab was just passing • the 'awaited him in the cab. dee and reetdeooe,-The bulidiog'toemertpCLINTON, occupied by MrThwattea, Huron Street. whatever ths,consequences- may be Btlrke and Willis _monument, and "You were right, he said to her, cliuton,Jan.10,1811•Manufacturer and Proprietor fur the he,t>saw eti me." Calton's quick eye had caught a when the cab was once more in mo- Mire Dor in use. Agent for the ,ale aid '"Madge," said Fitzgerald, as he glimpse ofTolleston comingdown tion. "Ikegot a lethal` on that D1ti. LLIOT & GUNN. applicat)OR of the CLEANER.. F1611BIPATNSTAurnishe0 g p Beltaa CtEAsea,. STEAM FITTINGS furnished, reified her in his arms, "at one time the street on the .left hand gide. night,and went to keep his appoint -H. and applied on eh,rt netiu.. I might have done so, but now it The cab drove up to the curbing, ment at the time he met Whyte." L':11-2,1's':: .a G•P Elliot, nrghM. , PW. UEd Gunn, Edinburgh, iL.R, is too late. There is another and and Rolleston stopped short, as Cal- "I knew it," cried Madge with Licentiate'iibea a' en ., Ee lei tbaliit;'1- stronger reason for my ^silence, ton sprang out directly in front of delight. "You see, we will find It, witore, Edinburgh, wet ery,Edfv,Otfce,on which I have only found out since him. Madge lay back in the cab in his lodgings." office at Brueefteldl eornerwau,mfOntSta.,Clion od my arrest. I know that I am and pulled down her veil, not wish- "I hope so," answered Calton, closing up the one way of escape ing to be recognized by Felix,as she "but we must net be too sanguine; G. H. '000K, from this charge of murder,of which knew that if he did it would soon he may have destroyed it." Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor (hash I aro innocent; but as there is it God be all over town. "No, he has not," she replied; ' T ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. in heaven T sear that I well not "Hallo! old chap," saki .ltullestati, ';lm convinced it is there.'' Nitrous Oxide Gas administered f»,' the $50,000 -to Loan at 6 per cent. speak.'' • itt considerable astonishment. '"Well," answered Calton, looking painlessOffice over Jackson'extraction of s Clothing1Store, Wryer T There was a silence in the cell, "Where did you spring from?' at her, "I won't contradict you, for to PostotBoe, linton. only broken by Madge's convulsive "front the cab, of course," en- i your feminine instincts have dons Will visit everyCThursday at Dixon's Hotel , sobs,and even Calton, cynical man swered Calton with a loom'_. Rruceaold, fro", 8 to 10,30 a.m., Varna from Why pay „deers i , 8, ,a and 11) per y > g more to discover the truth than my 11 a.m. 10 1 p.m., Swart's Hotel, Millen!, Cent, when you can ,t(et looney ft ,n, ne of the world though he was, fctlt his "A kind of Deus ex macliii a," rensoniugs; but that is often the frotiru 1 p+>,`•- answered. eyes grow wet. Urian led ,Madge replied Rolleston, attempting a badat fi per c. I 1 r. case with women --they jump in the over to him, and placed her in Itispun. I dark where a nian would hesitate, arms. I `'Exactly," said Calton. "hook and in nine cases out of ten land "Take her away," lie said, in a More, 1 olloston, do you remember safely." broken voice, "or T shall forget 1 I the night of Whyte's murder you "Alas for the tenth!" said Miss am a nran;" and turning away ho lut't Fitzgerald at the tail way sta- i Frettlby. "She has to be the one threw himself on his bed, and coy• tion?" exception to prove the rule. ered his face with his hands. AValton "1n the train,' corrected helix. ', Site had in a great pleasure re- did not answer him' I but summoned `"We;1, wi ll; no matter yon tante i covered her spirits(' find seemed con- CRAW/1476 JIOI. ERATE, • CLINTON. BANKERS, CLINTON. the warder, and tried to lead Madge up with him to the club.- fitlent that she would save her away. But jnit as they reached `1'os and left him there." lover. 13ut Mr Calton saw that her UNION SHAVING PAB•LOR.1 the door she broke away from him, "Did you notice if he received I nerves were strung up to the high - and, running back, flung herself on any Message while he was with est pitch, and that it was only pier her lover's breast. you l•• 'strong will that kept her from "My darling! My darling!" she "Any message!" repeated I'elix. breaking down altogether, sobbed, kissing hint, "you shall not "No, he did not; we were talking 1 "By 'Jove," lie muttered, in an (lie. I will sav0 you in spite of together the whole time, and he admiring tone, as he watchel her, yourself;" and, as if afraid to trust spoke to no one but me." "she's a plucky girl, and Fitzgerald herself any Inger, s'ie ran oat 01 "Was he in good spirits" is a lucky man to have a woman likeThi; company i, Loaning Money or the cell, followed by the barrister. Excellent; made me laugh aw_ that in love with him." Farm Sernrify at Lowest hetes of CH�1P'TF:It ilii. fully- --!tut why all this thusnessi" They soon arrived at Brian's IntPfPat. "Oh, nothing,"answered Calton, lo lgings, and the floor was opened 1'1Olt'cUA h Eti - : -�� l MAOI11 SIAKSS .t nlSt O Ear, getting hack into the cab. I want- , by Mrs Sunpson, who looked very l RGNAsF:T Madge stepped into the cab, and el a little information from yon; . disaonso'ete indeed. The poor SAVINGS BANK. BRANCH. Calton paused a moment to tell the I Il explain next time 1 see you. cricket 116(1 been blaming herself t /ane? 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed cabman to drive to the railway.'' ,Good•b y seyer('ly for tete information she had on I)Pjrwsite,accordinq tee.lnottnt station, when she stopped him. "But 1 say," hegan Felix, hilk the given to the false insurance agent, and time we. tvatdel havingretired. "Tell him to drive t0 Brian's nth had, l eady ri t, led away, so Mr and the floods of tears which she ol•PIt•e, -roraernf Marketsgqesreasdrjierte a lodgings in Powlett street," she said, Rolleston turned angrily away, had wept bad apparently had an •IIORAOiC NORTON. "My poor darling," said Madge, laying her hand on Calton's arm. "I never saw Anything like these effect on her physical condition, for Hod.rich, Surest fifth len morsels. . _ etrokinr back the soft fair hair from "What„ _T_-,,�_ �. •, w- ____ Repairing of sear description promptly for? asked the lawyer, in lawyers, he said to himself, Cal- she crackled Less loudly than neral, i anointed to, aid an work warrantee. - •his Flushed forr'head, "how ill you astonishment. ton's a perfect whirlwind, by Jove.'' , •Pitcher's CiatSCOria; (Jlhtten,i4lt,v. tau. al, RtnnI,6:CONRE. gook. Micanttlill: C'altou way tal'aLta to Childrer1 Cry for ohan'effim otfo ldthcw e thI b that contrary:” They had arrived at Brian's site ing room by this, time, a Medge sank into a chair, while celton;an- xious to begin the searcb,said ;Atter 1'O BE CONTINUER, CURABILITY OF CONSUMPTION This has been a vexed'question among physicians, opinions, even in the same achool, being strangely divergent. Of this, howeye , tbe,publio, are ooliyi}}ged it is a terribly, prevalent disease, and;, the average, doctor meets with bl4jscgnt success in treating it. Consumption is in reality scrofula of the lunge.' and is liable to attack any whose blood is taint- ed. For driving out the scrofulous humors, and thus'removing the predis- posing cause, Dr. Pieroe'sGolden Medi- cal Discovery is a sovereign remedy. It purifies bad blood, heal?, agrofuloua ulcers, and, whatever difference. of opinion, it remains that many pronounc- ed "incurable” have been by ittibrought back from the brink of the gray ° to re- stored health and vigor. roie59ionalnnd other I:ar4ft MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS, &c. Commissioners for Ont- ario and Manitoba Orrice NEXT Douit • O -NEW ESA, CL,x•rex . T- 1. F. HILLIARD. Successor to F. R. Powell. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c. 1'6IrATE FUNDS to loan at lowest rates of interest. Mice Searle's Block, Opposite Market, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ON'r. w ` q sk 1+'t -° REASEtD to o iri Ctt�3 stn 'y s At Cow: L? .....g4+fl>�. T:vh+,S�'Fa1tYa L'J„' -47w. TORN:. 1 E.EWOOMBE a. ..r i r� N r .9 . � Elegant lei' design. Solid la BanstruCti,onil Excellent in Tone. Pronounced by Artists to be the Plnzst made in Canada. and equal to the beet United States instruments, at (when dull and freight is paldl 15Per et, less Exn llofol'o puroliasing commtpeulicatese with the Manufacturers OCTAVOS NEWCOMBE & ;CO. 107409 Church Street, Toronto. li._LuT+p I.k it T lj ;iy a1tsad.4 tot at A 5 it tot .?1,tFd. EcrtANIC'8 I,N8TITUTE. . •ilsiVAeatIlei Roow8, Tow A' ,4tai out 1l,0uO vo ewe I b all .14ie ,T.eadinr lTswr- vapAr and vola' of the slain ott.tbe telllo, ,#Cewberebipwtioket Si„per.anndw. Openfrom s to alp •.'andfrom 7 to f p. • a. ap lioatlone for wfembersjhipreoalved oy alio Librariien in the room. BIBLES & TESTAMENTSATCOST The Clinton Branch Bible Society nave for Sale at D.R. WORTHINGTON'S DRUG STORE. Albert Street. a tine neeortment of Bibles and Testaments. 'TESTAMENTS Faobt sets:,UJPwenIw. 1111tt E,9 i ltoM 25ets UPWARDS. COME ASD•SIIE. DR •'WORTHINGTON, De. RUSI Cury'. J. T. WICKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST Holds toeel[olueive right for the county for , the Burd process of adrutnistering chemi- cally ppntte Nitrogen Monoxide, "back is the satest.and bestsystem yet discovered for the painless extraction et toetti. Charges moderate. satisfaction guaranteed. Oatce, ELLIOTT'S BLOCK,' over Rance'S Tailor Shop, Huron Street '.lintou, EXHAUSTED - VITALITY. r. ono SCIENCE of Life A. the great Medical Work of the age en Man- hood, an•hood . Nervous and Physi- cal Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Xouth• and the untold miseries consequent thereon, 300 pages 8 vol., 125 )n'oscrip- tions all disoascs.-. Cloth, (,'1 t, only e1, by mail, sealed. "I1- lustrated sample free to all young and mid- dle aged' men. Bend now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the National Itledicat Associatiot,, Address P. O. Box.1895, Boston, Masa„ or Dr, W. 11. PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col- lego,85years practice in Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Dis- ease of Man, OMee, No. 4 Bulancli St. The Mason Bank. BENI' t WA It 'WOE W FRUIT AND QRNAVIENTAL TREE NOJEI tA,Y SP1iti(E, SCOTCH • AND 4STRAC,iIAN TItE 4ATTER OF MUSE WE ,IANC A ,UECLALTT, LARGE STOCK QN BAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery wi be sold at very low prices, and those wantin anything in this connection will Rave none purchastug here. Orders bly Mail will be promptly attend ed to. Address, JOHN STEWART, Benmlller. hIlcKillol mutual Iosuraace Co. Clinton Post Office. Time Table T: NEILANS, HARLOCK GENERAL AGENT, Isolated town and village property, as well as farm buildings and stock, ineured. Insur- ances effected against stock that may be killed by lightning, If you muds insurance drop a card to the above address. PAINTING. PAINTING. { Tho undereigned desires to intimate to 11`o people of Clinton and vicinity that be hp,' returned to town, and intends to remao. here pe manently, and is better prepared. than ever to do anything whatever in the painting or paper hanging line. All orders entrusted to him will receive prompt aha careful attention, GEORGE 1'OTTS, Kirk St„ Clinton. J. C. STEVE\SQ\ —THE LEADING -- UNDERTAKER —AND_ EMBAUYIER. AND— EMBALMER. A,FCLL LISE OI•' COFFINS, CASKETS, &e., &c. FUNERALS ;-, FURNISHES On the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. '1'be best vtibaiuiit,g I•'luitl used Splendid heet''( . ALBERT ST., CLINTON, OPPOSITE TOWS HALL Bolles. Engine'''. and all Bend's elf Machinery repaired e•pedltleuely And. In a salfafactory tasaaner. Farm tnailmaents manufactured and repaired. Steam end Water Pipes furnished and put in position. Dry Kilns fitted up on application. ' Chargee moderate, - MONEY ! MONEY ! MUNEY ! We can make a four good loans ft'otq private funds at low rates and moderato expense. Terms made to suit borrowers. MANNINO & S('o't^r. - Clinten First•elass loans Si per cont. Largo loans 5 per cont. TERMS trade to suit borrower, re- garding payment and period of loan, I All kinds of property insured at lowest t:.ritt ' rates. First-class compattle', I��sboCo 3oller will: Atter being thoroughly ,:uerhauled and re-itte,t with NEW MACHIN EBK of the most apprnre,t kinds, thew mills are new in splendid, running order, and will not he stumassed in the "plant,' at brie work done, by awy mill in the evuntry. Special Attention gi!ueil to GIIISTING CHOPPING DONE•ON SHORTNOTICE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting Any - thingw•hatever is this line will fine it to their interest to give us a ball. E. HUBER, Propri.t.,t R I CH LY Rrtewartded eare nah;os. ewho llri.ad honorable employment that willysot take them from their homes and tontines. The groats are large and sore for every industri- ous person, many, have made Rata are now maktngseteral hundreddollarsa month. It is easy iod1i�ny person to make ' gel :per els!, and upwarde,who is.wilting to wort' Either sex,yOUng or, old; eapitGalnot atieded,,irqq' start yon.Ifi,terxthing new. ' NO 'Spoofs!. abbility required;. yea reld.r,ctn lto•was w.11 Sit iiay one. Witte tottffa atone, torten par'tia(tlei r, which Ne meal fret, Add'ress'SttaaA* & 0.., Portland, Maine, t0 tIi CO O O W • H Fire Tfaura,nce. Apply to DENTIST, COATS BLOCR, star* K HE F li 11 r FARRAN & 11ISll ALL, A UPGOING d nie; Cry ueat(and to stiltCUTTIN4 AND SRADf- every pommy). OHN EAI)ES. - • Smith's lIloek HURON AND BRUCE Loom & Investment Co'y (,iri1•jtanl'A Hair Remover 1a palatine, instantaneous and the only de- pletory hi the world which floes not inlays the skim Price *9 per bottle. E. G. LEVU 11'1'00, tis Queen St. West, Termite, Do- minion Agent. J. BIDDLE JOMBE. Watch & Clock Maker JEWELLEII, oke•, OPi'OSITE THE MARK E'r a,.iI'A011, ,•liat.a. where be 1c.epn n select assortment of Melaka: Clocks, Jewellery; Silverware, Whist' we will sell at reasonable rates. 8 TICKETS ViA N. W. T, CO. LINE BOATS .11- TO WINNIPEG ANI) ALL LAKE POI N1is, • ALSO by all rail Ihtcs over the (II1AND 1'RL'Ns and CANADA PACIFIC to any point. on that lin., Winnipeg, Brandon, lc., Dakota, 1\ai.ia., or any mint reeehed by rail, local .r foreign. Caine and ser ,a• herone on buy 110, ets 1rr, where, J. THOMPSON, Clilltt i.-- tJGLreT t)INI Planing Mill —A NI.) -- DRY KILN- 81J- 1115 ILN" 81111E SUBSCRIBER HAViN° JUST CON, nitrite and funtish.d hie new Planing Mil with machinery .f the latestINrr.ved patterns is new prepared to attend to all maitre In kir line iu the ,scat preteptand tlatiefaotory miner Aad at reqs ,nabt4 rates. 14. would ateo retIte thinks te•all who patr.nleedthe.lI et before they were burned cut, and new being Ina het • ter position to eSconte orders expedtttbmlt feels cenlldeet be eau air satietaeti.a t. alt. FACTORY --Near the 0ranti'•Trtark Railway, Clinton. TBO5IAo ltJxviztS