The Clinton New Era, 1888-09-14, Page 513 11.1711�'•Ag„�'�•i'j ,�Fr+, •y.FIRl{w'enn. ....,.�,w� _,,.yam: .IL ry - . T9AN, 0. 7n
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_ ..�._. .-._.,_ _ • ' , The bill grant Mpg to Presiden g Clove -
W,``•' (kottericllt 'L'ut►'usltik►• 1'arltt;r'(� [11t. ( Huron preabyt,ery. � fArsond- the 0640tH ,, �
t1i oil a r Air Jas. litlaell, of buualtltte, ie The watij'lf tarn ill lfc�epipg t(►raac • "`""" I' T4Y1 q[rC' Afi�U�l�ult' ltr.nd tilt ratalit►..ory powers be asked- for
� " �" ...I* . friends 'sn this neighborhood. The Proobytery, of Ililurpa abet 1-p . l•�on.• A. M. RON..* Is stall euflfirbn f, . - �- LTIwa baso outsell by the Itited 13ts►tes
g $ baek in tiiei.t' fall crop. IJuiou bM r from 3#tSEPT. v
I 11ID A1, SEPT. >l.lai39. 11Tr Geor 1llcliee, kk'urpn Ruad, is , , r section rcl�,,f144RV,1'l!�«. 2n 'nt?tl,' P rascal atfttok of lyinbafso• AT CLINTON, SEp7 19, illi 31: kluuse of ltegresontativos. Tlie bill
�. _ _, the u ale povker# .fA this „ .. ,d,ay, ;ho lith NO, ev Air AI,RCny The taxes at Uruasols this year are a•a sup reit d b an alt s '
- - - 1"r'G�ln d �}+led fur a flash ip Gude- w e
't!]rgt the Ghveruor Gepj;'�l tat attll, g l are bust y engaged, several sbiporeVie presented the report of 1110 ldotire 2 cents on the dollar. Thie is the lo.v- ,P1t0QRAMME l l y pot gnanim
rich. hat t been tu:µde,
[,live after Using doused wi#la•aildiuses, r _ n �� • t:g itlirsgiytt t7utttttRi4tpt~ frpf>pt} rt►_ IIII k ,4st )Late for years. FIRST DAY.-Wecinexd&y Lvenitr�{, ou4•t01;* itt the House of Repeesentstiv as
was at TOl'OntO this meek, must 11t R9. A yt r b man employed Alrstp}eo. Qoa. Slr, and Miss Frank that a serlee ox ltt�aiotitf'.ry,..dnteenn};a Mrq Itossof rho bth Cait. of (trey. has ? I . Mq Granrlopeatrtg. Tq,ynspeolt but is likely to meet with serious oppo
ash` with Mr. H. B Evans got Ws hand. Ito ,erte were vi -i It fliends ntar ho held in thevarip a vbiii f '
lin due to tl:e wonderful briuiu€,g and re. b S g u t•heI of t be rented her furan to Thomas 1'odden, of evening- Fountain in till #`lwwyy. lr'lor- sitiafl to rile Senate. The Repnbliclta
pretty badly crushed whilst working Luvknow this [week. Prcebytery, apd pro}uldiu� that for the same concession. al exhibits display. Art gallery can- abuse President Cleveland and im uto
cuperai ve powers of our alifuate. Leal arougd the thresher, the other day. this purpose the 11tvollyter jge livid• plete. AIL indoor exhibits in place, p
estate It olswrs will please make it note HuktsEs.-- P. McDougall and J. dos: iieohio oP Waltoli, 1 a i rented Vocal do Instrumqutal Concert, do+, eta, all sorts of unworthy motives to him
Air S. Ferris, of tLe 9th can., has ed into jour d1.istricts, and that corn• the farm. of IY'Vm. McArthur, of Morrie,
Of thio 1.11&1. Ilansilton have disposed of two ver? wis5ioperd f'ronrt 1 !rash SECOND DAY. -Thursday, School but nevertheless they are not willing to
horses lately Thee salla yter .. be ap• to whioh he intends remo •ribs% in Oc•
Iuet completed a large bank barn valNable l►. Y• 6
- �- yr .
In a ft: vv days the country paper's will which adds, greatly to the appearance g1ep ktlpyy.,,.11ftw tat ices @ hpr6e in point tp-Mcldrr+a rie(tlip s,, supl1', lobar. b children's Procession 9 A.M. March take the responsibility pf voting agains
courmeuce. nt�licatiou Of a thrilling of hi., farce. It is the Grst ,job his o n y dietrtcL0, sifallow • from Madel school to Skating Rink. his proposition. In fact the Presidentit;
1 g g pd condition so its tit make rend Before leaving St. Agustine for God O . ntal ceremonies. Address by Hon.
brother George ever undertook alone and profitable 1' That Will Afessrs Anderson, opponents allege that he is simply car -
and that starts off "lloa+y' draught p $table sales. McMillan, a eriah, the members of Rev. T. West a Chas Drury and others. Musto by
and he deserves credit for the work- + ,U,* t :my ,gad McLean and congregation presented him with a purse DohertyOr r in out their policy,
Durham sheep, list John tiwitb, 2nd manlike manner in which ft has been Tuamaimi, - The threshing is Capt. 6}ib Qtr visit rite enggreggatian0 containingX275. gun hand. Exhibits of Y g p lin , so that no maty
7eruslia Junes;" and the story, error being done s0 rapidly in this part of of Clinton,rucefield, Ba field road Poultry. All horses in Harn9sa on ter which party wins in the coming
g executed. Try again George, , yL.
and oniisiuns excepted, will awaken as the country, that one is forced to and Berne, and Bayfield and Beth- Mr ni Hardy of Exeter, who has been (rounds. Exhibition of Riding•a a electoral straggle retaliation is likely
k BAm AGAiN•-Mr Henry ilaker,of come to the Conclusion that there sojourning in Manitoba since July hss driving vi ladies. Turnout otCarriages to be the ro asinine. Only four sou !•
"Feat interest ae Cleveland's retaliati°n Croderich '1'ownshi returned from any dosing the 15th, 16th and 17th P g Y
P won't be ap abundance of rain. A returned home. He reports that he ie and Driving Horses. &o., &c. -Tart the ressmen voted against the bili.
bill• his tri to the Northwest on Friday. a days October. well pleased with the country. evening. General Illumination of the g 6 .
__-e,_ P half a day seems t0 be long enough to 2, That Revs Messrs Forrest, Me• Town. All Indoor -Departments com-
having enjoyed himself immensely, clean out most barns in this vicinity. Connell, dim ou and Barr and Mr Rev. Father McGee, of Corunne, has lete in both buildings. Oen air con. Sale Register.
As an offset to the ouy the
duty oil yet glad to get hone. He says that P` succeeded Rev.Father West in the We- p g p --
iruit Ui+skate, i,t,l,osed by the Canadian rain t.owu earl lu the s riu es- \fie understand that the world Scott visit the congrPgationsul Gode• cert on the grounds. Doherty Organ
g y p g beater Tontine colt is Ofp to Tartu, rich, Goderich township and Lae• wauosli appointment. He is highly Band, Itiagntfiaent Display of Fire- FRIDAY, SEPT. 14. -farm Stock, Im-
(lovernment., the Autericasis Threaten caped damage by frost, but that sown going R spoken of as a popular priest. works• plements and Household Furniture o
to pat a doty•on the cases cuutainiDg later has bleu damaged, clidefly in to fair this week. We have heard the burn, Smith's Hill and Manchesfer' Dir Duncan ,mexiunon and family, of Mr W. Bransdon, lot 133, con. 113, Hal
Grand Trunk have offered to take it Londeshoro and Blyth, during the. THIRD and Friday, A.M.Ho- lett. C. Hamilton, auct.
Southern Manitoba � the 10th concession of Tuokeremith,
t4s, `lsil'l,ecl flour l'atiada. If this is down in a r leadid coach if Robert 22nd 23rd and 24th of October. John Carlin g and others, 1U A.M. Ad-
P ' intend to remove to the district of Al• dresses and Re lies. All Stock on the MONDAY, S$rh Con.,
el •200 U s,
crane Canfdiairi uca.r home will have QUITE A Loss -Tho other day Air would fix is up handsome Look out 3 That Rovs Mes,ri Fletcher, Mar oma in about a month, He has ur- p + being lot ti 14 ,
S,)me idea of the auuuyatic+c caused by John \VOOn, of the Bayfield road, for cowboys in the city, Bob. There tin,' Carrierre and Henderson and , P Grounds. Big Display of Thorn -Brads g, til Clow. Ashfield, on tit
Henderson, chased land near Port Findlay. Horses in Harness. Trials of S eed Howson, R. Barkwell, proprietor; J.
bought a pig ata sale, and pus it in may be some in Toronto as well as Mr Sutherland visit the cougregatione u Howson, Auct.
t+pe petty action of our govotiur►ent' with three others that he had in a in Chicago. of McKillop and Winthrop, Seaforth, Mr Christopher Dale, of the Huron and style. Exhibit of heavy draught -
--•'— pen. What was his astonishment to E mOndville, Ki en and Hi11's Road, Hullett, sold to an American horses. Carriage heaves and roadsters. TUESDAY, SnrT. 18.L Farm of 75 acres,
'Phe l3nspire tries to it,ect a Liberal find, shortly after, that the strange GO'r LIVELY.--Receollp at a 8 PP buyer, one of the handsomest heavy Sheep and Swine in place. The Doher, being lot 24, con. 11, Hallett, (nes
threshing near here, two men began Green, durirg the 15th, 16th and draught mares that township has pro- t Band will be on the rounds in the Londesboro . R. Barkwell proprietor
I•aper, by asserting that there is no pig had managed to kill the three g g 17th Of October. g p p Y g ) 1 p
room fu the Grit party as now led for others nod then broke out and wept discussing the qualities Of the fa duced. She sold for $260. afternoon. J. Howson, Auct.
mous trotting horse Oliver K. and, 4. That Revs AIessrs A]uzrave Me
,sper Which cannot swallow on short back to its old home. The pigs killed their blood stria healed the at last Donald, Acheson and McCoy, and D. Ransom, who recently escaped SPEcrnr ttroTlcss.-All Indoor Eahibitg THIIAH. J Sept. Whitely,
Farm stack, &c
I. were worth about $30. Do D. U• Wilson visit the sou re a from the'asylum at London, was cont• must be in place on Wednesday by 11 of Mrs H. J. Whitely, lot 34, 15th sou,
getting ' y g g a miles from Clin•
r:otice the ever•var•yiug sectional policy � struck a 2.`LO gait coming in on the mitred to the Goderich jail Tuesday osclock A. bi. Poultry must be in plans Goderich township, (:,
,: ,ted by the party managers." The H&URIA(m.-One of the papular borne stretch, making it ver inter- tions of Exeter and Chiselhurst, Kirk- morning charged with insanity. Ran- on Thursday b 9 A.M. Poultr wilibe ton, i T. M. Carlin Anct.
nun bachelors of this township, in g y too and Thames Road, Grand Bend g` y' Y , Y ) g'
young pg esting for the bystanders. Take it cool gain well probably go to London again, shown in Agricultural Hall. All borses FRIDAY, OCT 12, --Farm, and farm
fact that this is not true makes no dif• the person of Air Jun. Oakes, of the geotlemen,discuvs such matters quiet. and Corbett and Hensall, during the where he will be placed in the asylum. in liarness mentioned in CI&,tesI,11,and stock and Implements of Mr John Cal-
'erence to the I.mpire, whose editors Maitland oon, joined the noble army } no doubt, Oliver K. can et aloe 22nd, 23rd and 24th of October. ITI. must be on the grounds on Thurs- hick, Huron Road, Goderich Township,
B B A report liar been circulated quite
etre paid to prove that black is white, of henediefs on Wednesday last,when without either of you. The report was adopted, freely of late to the effect that Rev. J. day by 2 P.M. All ladies competing T. M. Carling Auct.
tar party purposes. There is more in. be was united in marriage to Miss SCF100I --VVQ understand that the Mr Scott, on behalf of the Sabbath II. Moorhouee had resigned the pas. I for the Ri3ing Driving and Prizes _ _ _
ependenee in the "lair" papers every Chrivtena Boyd, uF Soaiorth. The School Committee, reported that the torate of St. Paul's church, Wingham, must be on' the grounds on Thurs HORN
n bride was assisted by Miss Grace Directors of the Clinton Exhibition Committee recommended that the and intended going as a missionary to day by 2 P.M. All Horses tap Har• COOKS,—hi Eget W,r.wanosh, ou the 4t
day in the week, than call be found 1 Robertson of Clinton, and the room have sent an invitation to our school Sabbath School Conference, usual) ties% mentioned in Class IID, and &11 hist., the wife of Mr Ju.tCook, of a.dau .
' to attend on Thursday next School Y China or Japan. The report is untrue, ghtit
rt}I the Cunsercntive papers put together bq Mr Geu, F. OakeO, his brother. Y bald in connection with the January rho Lady hiders and Drivers, nrtnst &]go FARROW.—At Caorrlo, on the led Inst., til
The left for Toronto On their wed- children's day. We hope ail parents meeting of Presbytery,he not held On Tuesday, Nettie, danghterof Thos. be on the gr>unds on Friday. wire of Mr John Farrow, sato of Winghau,
`or a year. Y g Smith of Grey,was running in the - _ --- of a sun.
---�•••o ---- ding tour, John's many friends in will make no eff)rt to get their chit- neat January. The Committee also yard at Smith' hool house, when she
In rep! -to one of the nuu�erous ad- this township extend their very best dren there, for we are assured they asked for authority to act in regard felt and ranagteelcrochotneedlothyOugh NEWS NOC1 S. 1iA?tPtl);ll
lregkes tendered him at Toronto this wishes. ' will haven pleasant time. Only 5c to securing reports from Sabbath __
_ admission will be charged them it K P her wrist. Thelittle sufferer had to be T,byRev A.
SER—Ia Clinton, on the 7 Ili
:veep, the Governor-General, expressing, -'— _-a'�hools within the bounrps. The,,,,r( - put under chloroform before the needle of the Stan ard, W od ttLA„ AIr Maggie,
the march in the procession. AlA11 p r tt'aw a pt according to the asseserei a, of the Standard, �Voodatock, to Mng( ie, only
Seaforth . Y P port was adapted, and out h0tity given wits removed. has uuvv a puptrlation of 9,'.) 711• daughter of John Fraser, Esq., Woodstock'.
':,is disappointment at the rejection of should be on the grounds by 9,30 as asked.
PERSO\AL.-W. D, Fair, the Ken- Mr N. Fleming has rented the• Man- The damage done by frost in Maine SMITH -GRAHAM -On the 6th inst, 1,y
he fisheries treaty, said :- o'clock. Messrs Scott and W ilson, a oin`ed 1 , the Rev J. S. Fisher, at the residence of tb
hal, assistant postmaster of Clinton, PP chaster grist mill from Mr Cullis for a is estimated at t 1,000,000. groom's brother, 9th coin, of Goderich town
,,I may say that it is a source'of great was fn town one day last week visit- TEA ATEETIN(i.-Next Tuesday the auditors to audit the treasurers ac- term of years, and Mr John Murdock, Mr W. C. Caldwell has been nonin• I Al, f�; Mr Johu Snaith, of Goderieh township
,atisfaction to see the confident strength friends, Bethany church will hold their an- counts for the past year, reported that I of, this place, is about renting the saw abed by the Reformers of North Lan- to Mias Catharine Graham, of Clinton.
with which the Dominion, firmly rely- nual tea meeting, Tea served be- file accounts had been audited and mill from Mr. John Collis. 31r Cullis ark. UAAR$—le Rev.—In Seaforth, on the 12,
ing on the goodness of her own motives APPLE$, -Ales Cardno is buying tween 7 and 8 o'clock. We under- found correct, liar, also rented his farm to AIr Geo.test, ,o the Rev i w McDonaut, Mr Joh
,end the goodness of her own course, is large quantit'es of apples, Peter stand the following gentlemen will Air rough, a student under charge Beadle for a term of ears, the Kangas corsa� crop t cstiot rile at OaAes, of Goderiehltovenship,to Ames Elroy
y of Seni'orth.
U]e to maintain au attititude of c niet Klinkhave, our enterprisinK cooper, 144,417,845 bushels, about rite same as
and di ified observance and is ab4o to be present and will deliver speeches: of the Presbytery, read a discourse. The next meeting of theFTuron Teach- last year. Doxrn- b he R v, John M oil til
gn is tax -d to his utmost to supply him -Rev, Alevere Hill and Forrest, of The discourse was approved of, and i ers' Association will be held in the 5' 4th in:,t., by she Rev Jotin Scott, M.A.. A.
ieel certain that the volume of her trade wi h barrels. Tenders have been, called for the new John 'w. Dodd, to Aliss Adeline Mary Ke..
is increasing, as it aces, from day to DROVERS. -The town seems to be Bayfield; Rev Air Livingstone,ofClin• Mr Tough ordered to be certilled to . Wiugharn Public School on Oct. 18 and Government buildin % in Goderich, and nedy, both of vt•inalsam,
day. If it is denied channel it must ton; and Rev Mr Anderson, of Gode- the authorities of Knox College. Air ) Mr Houston of Toronto, will tape g M(•(;•r,,r-1)LANSHARD•—Atvvinghain,oil
unusual) full of cattle drovers. Pro- will he opened on Oct, 1.,.
)ind others, and thus, nothing, please y rich. The Goderich Knox Church Moore, H, A,, soother student who up the snbjcct of literature before the p Arc• )•nil, (io erich t000rehoito Nli s ma s,
(rod, which •can be done by man will bably they are holding conventions, choir will discourse sweet music, An was unable to attend seat a discourse; association, wader various basals, occu- A gentleman just rap from Murray tha A.•, a shardich tuvwushio, Lo Jlisa Na.r
stop advancing prosperity of the great we trust the result will be a good enjoyable time may be expected. read by the Rev Mr�A ndereon. The. Pyin„ about four hours. �ay, and who spent two clays there with tela A. lmiwshara.
Dominion. Ibonestly trust that nei. price for fat cattle. , discOurve was approved, and the mat- At a meeting of the Directors of the Hou, Edward Blake, says that AIr DIED
,.her inion.nor ends trust
may we be WAS LFFT.-Not long ago a young PP Blake's Lsalth is excellent. WALKER. -In Turnberr,y, on rho'Ird insit,
directly Y Y CLLV,9R -Hiss Ida Duff received a ter of Air Moore'a further studies re- I I;est If urou Farmer' Inatitute, bell cat wen tnI H., sou of Mr Georgo NN'niker, aged 2
tem ted from the path of calmness, man, living not 100 miles from here, ferred to a s ecial committee, with Wednesday afternoon, it was decided to They have eccentric weatlierdown in
p p special prize at the Caledonian games , pears, ri months and 5 days.
,Ound'ud went and ood felling towards went to a neighbor's house, Lied his p , hold two Farmers' picnics in the riding, (Lushes. On Sunday, at Quebec city, it
J g g last week for being the best round horse, entered the house and bad bis power to prescribe proper subjects of P \vid Van lstine, a Mortis, err rho `dna inst,
those with whom we are brought in con- dancer. Our amatuer dancers were stud to Mr Aloore and examine him one at Wroxeter about the 'Zfith Inst., was sweltering hot, he east at Martin David vanalscine, aged 6x pears,
tact in political and commercial affairs. tea. When the said young man bad Y ' and the second the day following in Me. - River, 200 miles to the east there was a BLACKWOOD—In Seaforth, on the 5tii
It is impossible to believe that where not far behind the professionals. enjoyed himself fur a short space of therein, and report from time to time Killop township. Particulars as to lively snowstorm. inst, Jane Patton. roliet of the late Alexan•
))&tions are closely allied in blood and GRAIN, -At present $1 05 is being time, he made bis adieus and de art- to Presbytery. speakers, &c., will be iveu again. der Blackwood, aged ss years and 1 month.
p } g� 6 A Washingtoi, cl.espa8sti says The
they can beput asunder, even for atime, paid for wheat and our streets pre- ed. But what was his astonishment Air Ramsay presented the report of Says the Post: •-• In speaking with "report of the Department of Agriculture KrRII-In Brussels, on the9r,l inst, Lira
and I hope and believe that these words sent quite a lively appearance with when he reached the gate to find his the Finance Committee, submitting G AY Deadman, the well•known�apiar. P o Rear, ugedinfant
2 weeks and 2 of
tl. and Ileleu
ee'imatea f s2 the current year, and for September 1st, makes the.ayeragge
wbich I have spoken will find a response farmers teams bringing it out. A horse being a ratberlively ani y o' ist of Brusssls, on tbo hone question, condition of corn 94,•2, wheat 77.3, oats AlclvOR-In Gorlorich, on the ;Rh ins• ,,
in the bosom of the community." few months a o it was the eneral mal, fears were enlertaioed for the recommending; that A rate of 12 cents Ire says he will not have honey encu +h 67,22, 'rye 92,7, barley 86.9, buckcvheet ruon, wife of D. Mclwor, aged l:;years. •
g g ter faints be levied. to realize the y !i8,7, otatoes•91'.6 and tOhascu 87• P:1raE-•tn Goderich, on the 5th Inst,
belief of farmers that wheat would safety of the buggy, especially as on } Y this season to winter his bees bnt e;c• P
Toronto Correspondence• never reach a %again in this province. the route homewards there were sev- amount necessary. The report was pacts to partly feed them on sugar. Mr A wealthy Elamilton ahaeru,au ;,gave 1.6 vett relict of rho late ,fauics Payne, ago,[
r eral dangerous daces. Pursuit was ado ted. 1). ],as no less than 17.5 colonies, and ;6 years,
PRT7,E � INNF,RS.-At the shooting K 1 P a lawyer tt•L0,0U0 t0 Inver -t sOuiC tini0 15H 10 -NON' -In Gudc+rich, on thn Eth ii,r„
12 1888. made and the animal found standing I A1r Ramsay presented the report as ha3 been very successful in bee farntdngg, ago and received the intPre&t regularly, i Edward Shaauun, n; ),,
ToxoNTO, Sept. at Ottawa last week two of our marks ---..-
'Toe period of provincial Exhibi moo, Major Chas W ileon and Lieut. quietly at its owner's gate, no damage i to systematic Christian beneficence, having his place cicely and convenient- ,blit the other clay, when be wanted some
tions, city, county, town and township ,Tao. Wilson, hasbotOf Seaforth, were boing clone. N o doubt it took its which subject bad been referred to 1; fitted up for the purpose. (of the principal, he discovered that the
:airs, excursions and sight-seeing in I successful n obtaining places on the time. , the finance committee. The report I A s nous accident occurred at John i money had all disappeared. I'rocee+l•
=;eneral has Cace more returned, and, i Wimbledon '1'c sub for next year. - ++-- contained the following, rrcommen- , It illit's, 9th C:uu. of Turnbarry, lt'hile tags hate Uemt instituted. �
therefore, nearly every inhabitant of r. •were an on , the f r d ..0 Selected. !
Th y+ n-Siutshiue, dations:- hitching a horse on Stmday, two child• fr Duncan hlciut}re, who hi= ic-
ibis Canada of ours is on the lookout Ptsvi� A ls.--= I%ev AIr Tone all- I - 1. That the subject of regular stor- ren beloiwill" to My Willit and two be• turned to Alontreal from rs 3i,u,itnba
for that place to go to which will ren I'OL'\I,RY,- 1f Air Hendry does uounced IAF, Sunday that a sashes of I in and proportionate contributing inn tug to a friend in in�ham, were tour. says damage has been:rlone in rile '
der to him the best return far his not rebuild hi-; foundry, there is a revival meetin i will be conducted in ! shot Only be brought regularly before iu the bug; y. The burse took fright (south and north p frost, Birt that the
tonne either fn the lea first class opening for a good Agricul g the people by their pastors, but also find ran aroaud the barn, throwing the , farmers are in a position to realise wore u�� :�- oxer
:itne and y P rural Im lament 1lanufaC u The `the {�unahine church beginning on little folks out. Una was slightly in. ,money that they slid las, yi•ar from tR6Y!-°.i6wrt$
sure of seeing the displais, or the count u emetaL wants an establish- Tuesday, Sept. l8th. The meetings be discussed at this year's missionary hosed aUout the face one adeepgaslI their crops. •++tu;tiv++e +int
,profit gained In baths more tli Trough Y to commence at halt' apt 2 and half meetings, by some one of the mem r . .
:y iustnicted either in 4rgriculture, meat of this kind at some central P hers of each deputation ;
across the temple, one of its legbiy+kcu \Nails hate been issued f>t ttrehot,liu g i
Dial and thele is no better o err' Past 7 o'clock. ,tad one escaped uuhtnt.
arts )s mechanics. Of course there P P � 2. That all members of session bo , 1 ; of elections fm' rise fotloaing constit- a B , °
' than here of course the"Hub's would . ACCIDES'f,—As 1.vhert J. Arm- bast week's R utgghani Times says : uencieg in the Provincial Legislature :- : ::
stroll and his mother were driving reminded that it is lhe'r duty to in-
are already a great many who, from g g g Colin Macduu gal, Q. C'., of St. Thomas, i East Elgin, Fast lvlorthnmberland, r
,est ex erience, know where these do. form themselves of the arguments in t"I
1 p �.a.� __ -- , to Brussels on Tuesday of this week-, was here �Vedueg<lay and Thursday Froatenaa and Nort11 Lanark. The ; L
Objects -may be best obtained, but favor of the ab)ve mentioned practice .1 .
the horse shied at some sheaves of ' holding nn investigation, cion with date of nomination in all the constit- I ;
there 'is also R great beat springing Stanley' fits which were lying on the road,up- so as to be able to advocate it among Aly Geo. i\lcliay, J. P., with a view to,; uenciesi is October 4, and the date of , i ,
up who have never witnessed the vast BRIEFS. -Mr Jae. Butchart left last setting the buggy sad injuring teem the people° and that they set an ex- throwing sone light oil the origin of the i polling October I I. ( , { 1 • " .
Humber of beautiful and useful articles week for Cincinnati, where he pur- both. Air Armstrong received a cut ample to the people in this respect; late fire at the Lower Wingham Milt. A despatch tiJr.on. l.lhas,'.Drtiry says i
gathered within the bounds of an in- poses prosecuting his studies in mast•
on the face and several bruises while 3. That it be recommended to the Some 47 witnesses were subpoenaed,but that atitlirax has, broken out in the
dustrial exhibition; for this• class, cine during the ,winter. Air Mal- Robert; who is a 4 foot man weighing congregations of the Presbytery, to Only about one half examined. The Guelph :district.. Tvto cows died and
¢?pecially, the sive a few initial items color McGregor was last week in the Over 150 pounds, fell on .his head collect money for congregational pur• evidence was not of suds a character the bides were disposed of. The letter
d the Fall Fair of the Dominion, dust employ of Air Thos. (Baird, be Rod with such force as to render him un- poses by the system of Weekly offer, as to warrant further heariugat preserit asked if there is no law to prevent the
ins and 0 organize themselves thor. and the case was dismissed. Detective ( sales of hides from diseased cattle. An
opened in this city. though now 63 years O age, conscious for atime. A doctor wire g ' g Mvirrav, Of Toronto, had been here for
The Toronto Exhibition was thrown ' still able to fill his twenty-five lcai, summoned, who pronounced neither contra 00'
,for the purpose of es of the some days working d the case. answer has been xeromas that there is KI
;)pen to the public on Afonday; and of manure a day. Airs Geo. Baird, of them seriously injured, contributions for the schemes of the r P Steps have been taken tostsmp out this
on Tuesday was visited by the Gov- Sr., is this week on a visit to friends PERSONALS. -Airs Baines, who has church ; Some time ago, My Geo. Thompson, i "lost contagions disease,
cruor.. several, who had received n in the County of Broca. Ur Alex. been sick for some time, is pry better 4. That inasmuch as beneficence of Zetiand, decided to replace his sat• ; Robt. Alexander, an Adelaide farmer,
loyal welcome by the citizens on the Walker is doing the County of Kent and very little hopes are entertained cannot be expected to be systematic, mill, which was destroyed by fire rec. I while returning home from Watford the �u ss it arises from a fes ent desire entl , On Saturday afternoon last, Other evening discovered that the buggyPOWDE
y ale v
day previous. Although tete fair. Is in the Interest of Avery's Felice Rail of her recovery. Mrs Husseini Titus•
opened, it is not yet fully ready to be Fastener. Ville Penn. is on a visit to her sister, for the rlory of Christ and the com• some fifty or three score oftheable bod• in whieh he and his wife were seated
tisited b the crowds who will come COUNCIL. -Special meeting. The Alra� Baines, as is also Mr Stephen }ng orhis- kingdom, we pledge our- ied, active yenned of the vicinity as- was on Bre, and before they could make Absolutely Parer.
Y selves to strive with redoubled dill- seniltied lit the site of the old mill and, I their escape Mr. Alexander's clothes
to view it, an not more than half the Council met on Saturday at the call Baines, of Sarnia. Mr Jos. Clegg Fe Cato to deepen the interest of people tinder the skilful direction of Mr Win. «ere badlyburned and his wife's dress re g h and. never varies. A o r,e of peril'-
articles breiO their places. That it of the Reeve. All the members pre- and Geo. Parker are busy shippiag p p- P strength ana.wnolasomoness, atom ecinowrc.i
at show there are already seat. Minutes of previous meeting cattle.. Air L. F�aven Who has been in the work of the church ; •lames, of I•last Wawanosh. worked with damaged by the fl&mss, which spread than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
will be a great P , a rest, skill, good humor and effective- with wonderful rapidity, The carriage coni petition with themultitudeof low test,short.
abundant evidences in sight. The g y u° That those who have the over- p ng g was almost destroyed Find the horse, rrtgan, alma or phosphate powders ala only
R read and passed. 1'be Council ap- engaged at the mi: l dere, for nasal a Hess characteristic of, a hooses log in
"Set s of Sebastapool" will ae one of. pointed Ate John McKenna, - of sight and instruction 0f the vou0g be st cans. Itorvt sasses. Poproaa c.>., too wan
g the show: The year, leaves with his family for Duk Thee, till the %nUgtantinl structure 70 scorched.._No cause can bo assigned for gtroet,}Yev York, _ - -
exhorted to use special efforts, not
the great Features of, Dublia, engineer for the township, ota on Saturday. Miss Grace Irvine, feet by 30 reared it% solid proportion% the origin oY the bre, as Mr. Alexander _
scenery } grand, showing the mals- providing the clerk can make the who has been sttendio a Missionary only to stir up in them a deep interest oil the old site. was noO smoking at the time.
koff in all its massive proportione,and neceetsry arrangements with him. school in Massachusetts- is home on in the work- of the church, but also to The general board of Missioiia of the elV �lnurht% C111tl1t$-
the Sea of Geoff, with sunken ships to The eouacil was empowered to act as a visit but will leave for China about impress upon them the teaching of Another Of the early pioneers of Mor- Methodist Clstirch met in Grace Church _
t US the English fleet. This alone to the Scriptures respecting ivin ria township has gone to ilia long home. Tuesda The Secretar s Mh3s F SERVAT -
the last of Sep p P g g g \Ve refer to Air David Yanalstine, who Winnipeg, y• Y'
a Committeetoexamine the side road September A telegram having been received LATE OF THE COA7sFRVATORY UG
tvhtlh coming a long wap see. The
lot 6, con. 13, and lot 20, L. } departed this life on Sunday morning, report showed a 'very encouraging state MUSIC, TORONTO.
piefure WiI)ggallery }e glen well worth a $• E. with a vise to havin it naso from the Rev ills Fletcher, atteadinq Of affairs. The income of the acetals
g HolntesvillC. '' Sept. '2nd, at the age of 68 years. De- 1; prepared Ito take, pupils i, music. Far'
•rjsit : the }urge palating of the FA* ed up for public travel. Council ad- a meeting of London Presb�tery,with s}ace the foreign work was begun fif- paitlottlsrsttlplyatrosicteao., Ractenburyst.
„ T'ERSONAT.,-AIr J. Wilson and his ieference to the call of Hensall con coaled was born in the county of Prince teen ears s o has risen from 9108,000
tbers of Confederation, for whioh j0arned to mea. again gccording to, two dao hten,from I3ri ht who have Edward, Ont„ and was the worthy son gY 8 -,-_ .•. - __-- .
,.be Association bad to pay $140 for previous notice. G. L. STF„ NgART, 91 g gregation to the Rev Alr Headere0a, of one of the good and to 'al men who to, an di00. The numerical gain in the
to freight from Ottslsvg, is on view. been vieltiog Air T., Potter, returned of Wendago, stating that the London left the United States at the time of the Japan dis ion n Chi t 60 per cent. Muitic-�-nasal aC Iuetrun[ental
Clerk. 0n Saturday. Presbytery bad sustained the call and The mission in Chinatown, Victoria,
There are alar, many Others of a very _ -. /�.rr-�.- - - kat Of 181.2 and oy have slice been B C. is believed to be on the high road XISS lir. I:. ITE ARN
PAIsr>?T..- Mr Stillwill Phipps that the tame had been accepted, known ns Ll. E. I,oyae ye lie settled
attractive Character. � Ba 'baht• b to succovs. The unjust tax of )1250 on ��,ttl pp
�otw;thi lan11ing the lack 0f spec J has been off work for several days y Wednesday. the 3rd of October, 'was ju Dlorris twenty -One years coo. in sivelessona, Termaons application at
T3 rEt s.-•AIr Wainwright Les re- Chinese missionaries onterin� thin rrstdunce, Juaonua Cottage, Canton.
rt„r6 said ,tie early stage of the fart, $ 6 a gathered hand, supposed to have appointed for the induction of Mr politics a (.'onservative, in religion a country is condemned. As to Indian _ t
burr Vrr fe ,suits s number of parties turned from a trip to the Emerald been caused by blood poisoning. We eaierson, the Rev' Mr Anderson tO ►1etUodiet' inissione the report says : The policy
p iD their hhrtee On the ria , i.a isle' AIr T. J. Marks and his dau!, don't mean that there's any bad blood preach the sermon, Rev Air Itartill to The Zurich corres )ondent of the 1::- Pt 1 S5 L. 1bV1LSO�T, A tTi�tT.
rl sed K ter, blies Lottie Marks, left on 1 rl- 1 of the Government in treating rho incl• }
re brativn fur the. di9erent One g in Stillwill, but the hand has gi,t address the minister, and I<ev AIr positoc gays :•-Air accident occurred fans as minors leas a most injurious BrA�'FR BLOCK, CLINTON.
l p o daps ,then tilre is hone- daY, for a trip t0 Kansas City; we p)isoned in some way. McConnell the people. about four weeks aglo to a horse belong- effect upon character, preventing, as it ,t'vrtairs,oypostte Foster's Photo Ga et Y.1
t•iblbitly ,l g believe Mise Marks intends aking up , There are slow no vacant charges in to D1r tVill. Bolter, of the Baby1un does the development Of a spirit of self
•.garb. tit 1.•a„t It it smog to l.e a GONE 1VI:sT.-Air C. McDonald, g line• Ile had his horses in a field with ' A l , branches of Painting taught, Painting
lair her residence permanently with her who has been in the employ of Air i within the Presbytery. reliance, without whioh the anilizatisut ,,,Ali 1g1„Rlr a specialty. Classes taught at
u at grandfather there. Same counters' `Vin Fors left somewhat suddenly On The next meeting of Presbytery ie his herd of cattle: a cove attacked one of of the tribe can never be thorough or tilytl, freta ►yednesday morning; until Fri.
Ili 16t rout,, buiAiag roans busy the i/orses and in some mysterious way abiding, In ]'tench work there Lias slay'..ftecnoon. Fapphitaion, toGrube, see.,
i aodr ►Arne at ivhrk putting things in ante beams with delight at the Atonday last, for the United ,States, •t0 be held in Blyth, on the .econd n,aspA�ed to book the boor Urate in rile os, appacation.
r and k,buve tLe din and racket I
thought Of being the happy p0ssesscr As the result some debts are likely to 'Tuesday of November. I been no marked advantage during the
.,rd( of another son, We• are glad to tee belly, making a terrible wound, About seal. The church now has 4ikt mis `'I'ltAl" hHrLP,-i, lot 2 , ' FROM SCIt.
of naw, ebir;el and Dammer, the wusi remain unpaid, at least for a lime. I an hoar afterwards MI• Bolter• noticed ;ions, 474 missionaries; 28 native assis• t 7 ,gibers prerniaos, lot 2•i, a[aitla.nd con.
L, st,'a,ur, u' '.i,e piano and organ i Air ,las. Foley at work in the shop Mr Alex, McGee accompanied him ; Ifensall there was something wt
with the tants, 40 teachers, la interpreters anti twr:saheb to th(lo p F.we,out hC of loteof it
u, a sin aper his britt illness. Aire
„ere ,,soot Lc wadi '1'Le di0playe ill West. animal and semi discoverers that a good 46,4!'2 members of the Missionary so• l"st, a 8oiithdowu lawn, not in¢rkod, n
} Y 'I'v ,chides to surpsm 1 ur,l(+r, of I,r,ndon, is the guest of 1.ev Joseph IT.Coo'k returned home g ,•
l,eiccstcr Ewe, with long tail and piece eft
tiietsG jugtrumu { :„ Neil McAule of + , on aturday evening last from }pis ,art of its bowels were trailing aloAf ctety ; income. 52Lr,d t0 ; surplus of the u,e fretaluing thein
indoitu vin thifor env
Mrs l.son. Airs y, 1.FAv[N,i,-AIr John Calbir:k who { ` 1, ouelrernruinl; them or gtphtg fuf�rnpatinu
P tri to AlontreAl• side of it. Ile speedily called it AIr yeas, fNL4,010, leading them. honey will be suuabl, re
t.'; Svnnr•r;un,-, and if the dui• S:,outbaru ,lila, is vkitinq her sister bas been a resident of tine tow I P Doane, N' S., Of Zurich, who was soon ,,
r arsstluur ut Eli, Are vv'urtU I D1rs'J'hof. (:arnerun, Aliases C . Ant for about hall -a -century, intends to The 1 tovincial exhibition wav f-111- warded: --- .R li, N'thLSpN,
,.0 '!tui' art<;udautt at this ,,how will sell lits about
lialtc., 0q (ire ]Cth of Oct.,, Mr Uould returned home from on baud, and after working the entrails ally Opened on 'Tuesday by Sir John A. -
y gg v ,t for that matter, { 1,. 1•;r%io }eft on Saturday to spend i ace j., F,uro pe ort Wedne%dA last looking back to their proper places, dressed the _ 3_'s` " - -
),,,,t ue(.d, t,,,.r v ar their va+ati,in It, Point 4=,tikard. The and will take t his reside } Y ' g Touchnald, before t vast salience. _
+,11 o t+.� au ' c.uucc rt, where nue of P lisle and hearty, lie left his com- wound and gave the necessary instruct- 'Pouching oil retaliation ho said that � � � �;�
t, 5 Iheit tajt Stir �tanlg y towushjP will Clinton, Ile has been a very active panion, Mr B1al6ford,at fort Ile ie ionefor nursing the animal. Last Sat- ata bo C!ansda would have to look to
t),use , usg.r umoute is used as an etc Le Lel gni Dl,,urfay end '1 unyday,(ha, man in his day,oue of the best Church he too is well And has enjoyed their tirday night My Bolter drove the horse its own resources in view of the action --
r,i,r))pu,n,ni('ul, tvr the following nix bib ILIA t) h ; arras err,t:nts aril bcin workers iu the neighborhood, and to to'Wn slid he thinks it is Jnst as able �y 3
u,vnl•bp, Ar ti.ey nay they have ru f3 g trip very much, of the United States. "Canadians, he -
ed tLr Li;Ot upus'saal talent to bring y ►,lade �, +"oke' los ,,ora Of lire rnrist his removal will be very generally re- � to do a day's work as ever it vv,i"' said, -are to Ile excluded for no act of '- '==� -'
ysg mucecKe• .1 cx+"ult,',os yet liold in gretted by his large circle of friends. Avery plCanin9 event took place ................ & theirs, Well, if they will oat allow ns POREST CITY jl�gIMS COLGNE?
„ut the Lir".)i r of their several in llue. m f LITFRIRI' SOC'[F.TI', -The Young in ( lorrie on Afonday last, the oc'ca• to trade with thein we call trade with
tgn,sr,(r,'t tion being the marriage of Mr Wrh. 'Thr Retaliation Bill v'as passed its ourgelves. We are not afraid or die- TheoprNIN(i of the FORr�TCiTYBCST
• • • People's Literary Society held last I
'I}1e ,,,,,� ,) Luildiu{{r and ig}.g},ur• .Johnson, carriage painter of this tlo• llonsc; of itepreso•Itat•iti•e0 no Snt' mused at any threatened attempt to NrSB ('OLhr•,(:F; on September :ird v..(•.
r • rgi ►.g, ex teu,iive tUat it u,ay A t f far' 1 u(I unt rJn I+ Atonday evening Was largely attended place, to Miss Della, fourth daughter urday by a vote of 17•t to L hamper our commerce or cripple Our re• PACULTl tit
nhasv been f 6TiitiI�Nc previous
i, ries, .i, to agltuese the spelling match, by
r• ,,1 V, lit a cit. 0 W iuiature, and �1„ shsutt of tt,+ 1•:xhib,ir at i i,u I �� the of Major Keine, Ranker, (rorrie. The Potatoes are ao plentiful in Mouth sources, The effect will be the same as gF.ATINIi capacity I\Cltl•.A`;ED to saran)
I, . ea y means of words dictated fro-
rtt r vu,lili,,l, slid appcaraucse is it) rJust„al 1':xlni,lu,n,. the l,lnbe ease , � ceremony was per formed by RevNit ,;sae: that it is diffirpalt to obt,.in a vvas sho'n•u after the abrogation oflReci- module rein atadonts, WESTERN Fa,T' K
Lrrt (Amt urgler, ' 1V, 11O111:1(J y d (,r), ((;l,l ",'l0.N I 1 hal' E11,.A, The CAptainA, Miss Etta Wright. The groomsman was Mr R. market for them at any price. procit•v Treaty of 1854. It showed that PORK. _ .,.- _. �. - _ _---
A1urrh and Mr Thos. Walter, took , r, r,no rhuuld culnc, fg r the pur' Am usual this Iirtn make a latuo noel their Plaeo at R.30 in., the young (}• Johnston, of Toronto, brother of AIr, Ifarvey Warmer, of Napanee, hila that we counld rely upon Our own re.
poke Of E.Eeilig (lie exhibition, with I exreAli,gly line display of their organo, pp th0 %roam, and the bride'mnid, biles nccrptrnl from a tenant, Who is linaipci- emn'Cest While we w should likeig con- C.P.R.\Ticket Office.
lady Navin first Oall. The floor was tinao to trade with our neighbors
the, jr,teotj(,r, Of ()ally staying in the I p;r, roll01 so that they roust atti ttlA fill gg ltarthg IiAint, meter of the bride. ally crippled by Uarl crops, rho sum of
held by Miss Etta Nlurch, captain, in the freest manner We can afford tO Pill
r lly Will,rrr two days ; it eanuat be , vialtnrs ll, the Maw liuildsriu. H,(,vr•ral and Adis 1';milq Igniter, the latter The Presents received were many and 5.20 in discharlie of rent anionill to do without it and can afford to wait with
dour; rvmf1,rlably or to profit and as ape, lel lnslnnvcme„tscovr:ral by then' costly, showing the esteem in which smo, calm srlfa'espect the outcome of the t
there will be s611)(I int and Cheap „wu patr„te al 11'alr phut¢,, 1'., Luttia'e >11riWalter's resulting
migin R ht not be they were held. We wish them a John Blakely, of the township of matter." A young lady of'iyraeuse,N,
Accommodation, in the shape of bed- add t, ,t ,r Iy l l 1 Ixtg, happy and Prosperous life. Posey', was foundguilty of putting Paris y„ created a feeling of delight when W. JACKSON
ding and boarding, it Nlll not sort of rn';It ttrhgtantiel ioerlt as to give timiss to have another spell from this Another of those pleasing events green in a neighbor's field to poison his %lie rushed to Sir John's side and grasp -
mu h V, rata lhre(; ur fou► or more than nunnfactrtrr<a pnsitivn;arlvantagO, week's Ntsty i:RA, and to include the look lace at the residence of Mr V. cattle, and sentenced to three months ing}liahand declared, "I am a loyal t,. V. Il AGENT, CLINTON,
1 The well,kimmi piano first of Mason its following: - bilious, balance, •defy- P
days, to tske in the exhibition and t g eiency, glycerine, allspice, cinnamon, Alitchell, brother of the bride, imprisonment• American subject, but T can tell you you
filo last otoexcursionT es Alaniwill
,they n0tablo Objects in the city. It Itfech represent thio make of or wu% in
tills airy, s fast whir.h, of itself, is rho eryeipelAm, poinard,putrefy, acquittal, when lir I. J.Wileon,of Wiiloe hall, Uu Saturday evuniug, as Dick Bur: ,don't mean to shut the door agarose you lesyr'Co•oitO on Tuesday, :'.�>, at
is advunta0 to us(,, the 6treet care, as this eAott endorsement Of Choir , is for Oerge wreak, chloroform, humiliate, was united in the holy bonds of den, a well-known comedian, was aiding we are going to Open it wide," Sir •Toho 11 iim fare 628. Tickets good for M)
it advionI7 Coxes four conte a trip, if you strongest
and of their hold on the upoirigeneral Celery, Teak,cocosalefotus, credible, matrimony to Airs }ferry, in the pre- to loud A blooded horse on a oar in Tor• laughed and said: "I am sure you (lays For tickets And infurmati',n tip,
bny aiz ticketA at since. All thilit Can ,rrbllc. Tho exhibit is in charge of Air credential,, emie,ar , symmetry, por- menta of A large number of friends corn, he was kicked by the animal and won't against aneli agoOd looking fellow pl. as above,
come 011011111 cone and have a %nod y{, 1t. Marcy. Ysand acquaintances. ilia IrR and jaw broken, as me."
r celain, suicidal, commieeary.
time. •