The Clinton New Era, 1888-09-14, Page 3FRIDAY, SEM 14, 1,1188. ligilstori ta UN. g411. BT FERO Eli W, Hui . , TO BE CONTINUED. ,•',1 -,en let him prove hiti itnitee eenee, 'sajd her father,. Owl*. pacing :slowly up and down tlitie room; "if he did not get into the tab with Whyte he most hive been somewhere else, so he ought to set tlib defense of an alibi.' "He can easily do that," said Madge, with a ray of hope lighting up her sad face; "he was 'here till 1 1 o'clock on Thursday night." "Very probably," returned her father dryly; "but where was be at 1 o'clock on Friday nr.raing?" "Besides, Mr Whyte left the louse long before Brian did," she went on repilly. "You must re- member -it was when you (permit- ted with el( Whyte." "My dear Madge," said Ur Frettl- by, stopping in front of her with a displeased look, "you are incorrect -Whyte and myself did not quar- rel. He asked we if it were true that Fitzgerald was engaged to you, and I answered yes. That was all, and then he left the house." "Yes, and Brian didn't go until two hours after," said Madge, tri- umphantly. "Ile never saw Mr Whyte the whole night." "So he says," replied Mr Frettlby, significantly. "I believe Brian before any one else in the world," said his deughter, hotly,with flushed cheeks and flair ing eyes. "Ah! but will a jury'?" queried her father. "Yon have turned against him too," answered Madge, her eyes lilting with tears. "You believe him guilty." "I am not prepared either to deny or affirm his guilt," said Mr Frettlby, coldly. "I have done what I could to help bini-I have engaged Calton to defend blue_ and if eloquence and skill can save him, yon may set your mind at rest." "My dear father," said Madge, throwing her arms around his neck, "1 knew you would not desert him d;together, for my sake." "My darling," replied -her father in a faltering voice, as he kissed lier, "there is nothing in the world 7 would not do for your sake." Meanwhile Brian was sitting in his cell in the Melbourne jail,thinke ing sadly enough about his position. Ile sew no hope of escape except one, and that he did not intend to ,take advantage of. "It would kill her; it would kiil her,': he said feverishly, as he paced to and fro over tho echoing stones. "Bettor that the last of the Fitz- gerald should perish like a common thief than that she should know the Litter truth. If I engage n lawyer to defend me," he went on, "the Irst question he will ask tne will Le where 1 on that night, and if I tell hitte till will be discovered, and then--no-no.--I cannot, do it; ;t would kill her, my darling," and ilivowing himself down on the bed, he covered big face with his hands. LIP was roused by che opening of the door of his cell, and onlooking ep saw that it was Calton who entered.- He was a great friend of Fitzgerald's, and Brian was deeply vouched by his kindness in coming to see him. Dencan Calton had a indly heart, and was anitious to Brian, but there was also a ouch of self-interest in the matter. Ile had received a note from Mr Frettlby, asking hint to defend Fitzgerald, which he agreed to with avidity, as he foresaw in this case ran opportunity for his name becom- ing known throughout the Austra- 'Jinn colonies. ' It is true that he was already 'a celebrated lawyor,but is reputatien was pueely alocal ono, and as he foresaw that Fitz- . gerald's trial for murder would cause a great sensation throughout Australia and New Zealand, there- fore determined to take Advantage of it as another step in the ladder -which led to fame, wealtk.and posi- tion. So this tell, keen eyed man, with the clean shaven face.ind ex' ltressive mouth, advanced into the call, and took Brian by the hand. 4 1 ii Oda nnpleitaiint publicity. •4-41)144 t'4a IS all Ulla. oliattet,”- 444C1 Ff*.t.913i kokleg, seat. "Wif 11/1.0f pt to to heocteee.. OE ealy00, roportil ko.copt m'It YOW pod my doik?g,40,4'Ift: .00. IhivAigtoPfnily. 'The A** IC -47 Montrt!phodd the lotN.P1': *ay; 'Lo rope is ItIOC401 iekallItit he is on the 804 :tow. NOW, you need not say a. word," he went on, holding up hitt band as Brian was about to speak: "I au* going to defend you in this case whether you or not. I do not know all the facts, except what the papers have stated, and they exaggerate so much that one can place no reliance on them. At all events, I believe from my heart that you are innocent, and you must walk' out of the prisoner's dock a free wan, if billy for the sake of that noble girl who loves you." • Brian did not answer, but put out his hand, which the other grasp. ed warmly. "I will not deny," went on Cel - ton, "that there is a little bit of professional . curiosity about me. This ease is such an extraordinary one that I feel as if I were unable to let slip an opportunity of doing something with it. I don'teeare for year humdrum murders with the poker, turd all that sort of thing, but this is something clever, and therefore interesting. When you are s t'e we will together look for the real criminal, and the pleasure of the search will be proportionate to the excitement when we find him out." "I agree With everything you say," said Fitzgerald, calmly, "but 1 have no defense to make," "No defense? You are not going to confess yon killed him?" "No," with an angry flush, "but there are certain circumstances which prevent me from defending myself." "What nousense," retorted Cel- ton,sharply;"as if any circumstances should prevent a man from saving his own life. But never mind, I like these objections, they make the nut harder to crack -but the kerhel must be worth getting at. Now, you have to answer me certain questions." "I won't promise." "Well, we shall see," said the lawyer, cheerfully, taking out his note book and resting it on his knee. "First, where were you on the Thursday preceding the mut•der?" "I can't tell you." "Oh, yes, yon can, my ft iced. Yon left St. Kilda, and came up to town by the 11 o'clock train," "Eleven twenty,"corrected Brian. Calton smiled in a gratified RIAD.- ner as he noted this down, 1 we. torero him Wee 9r and he woe ehll54t9_c.enfeee Wog; loo vek714,91c #0.4g1grilLt "1.1104 *40' $1,1iffiowi,r4s 0.4h;r094,4ivIrA 400tt'groth -4�r‘Via rail or lope. - Itiglptoet ttOvi' wiiirnyta, whhVyoh';reuecl' pa y'run1 1104.03lieWtell clwrehr 'No, 1 did 3:t. Had I 'known it was he I would not have picked bitu up." "Of Course you recognized him afterwardsl" "Yes, I did. And, as the paper stated, dropped him and walked away." "Why did you leave him so abs uptlyi "No." • Brian looked at Ws questioner in "Was it an important paper?" . some surprise. "Because I detested him," he said, "I don't know." , "Ahl It was a paper. I can -shortly. see it in your face. And was that "Why did you detest him?" paper of importance to your' No answer. "Was it becuase he had admired nWhy do you askr Miss Frettlby, and, from all ap- I Calton fixed his keen gray pearances, was going to marry her?" I steadily on Brian's face. "Well, yes," sullenly. "Because," he answered slowly, "the men to whom that paper was "And now," said Calton, impres sively, "this is the whole point upon of such value murdered Whyte." which the case turns -Why did you Brian started up, ghastly pale. got into the with him?" My God!" he almost shrieked, "I did not go into the cab." stretching out his hands, "it is true "The cabman declares that you after all," and fell down on the stone did," pavement in a dead faint. Calton alarmed, summoned the "He is wrong. I never came back after I recognized Whyte." jailor,and between thein they placed "Then who was the man who got him on the bed, and dashed 'some into the cab with Whyte?" cold water over his face. He re - "I don't know." \ covered, and moaned feebly, while "You have no ideal" Calton, seeing that he was unfit to "Not the least." be spoken to, !eft the prison. When "You are certain?" he got outside he stopped fur a moment and looked back on the "Yes, perfectly certain." grim gray walls. "Ile seemed to have been dressed exactly like you." "Brian Fitzgerald," he said to I himself, "you did not cominit the "Very probably. I could name murder yourself, but you know who at least a dozen of my acquaintances did." ,who wear light coats over their evening dress, and saft hats." "Do you know if Whyte had any ene miee?" pal% "Nol I did not know." be said In. IuctePtkr. The law,yer testae a Mast $troke. Filaq 74,o1 tpie othom. 4onkbinit'e.' ' ' • • ' okth Noir' 4va4.00, ' :end AP it OA elit4fi; • . . tlir44.44, wall Imo. Why dht yen tahe di'd not talcs it. didn't ever, know him." "Indeed! Will you kindly tell ine what 'it' isi" Brianaaw the trap into which he had fallen. "No! I will not," he answered steadily. "Was it a jewelf" eye3 a theory which autijoLently aoe000t- I •Me doiege Pri Oat night. -FISOrah,t, ..1 ' 44 lor-43tittleaxeree4i1 tn. senses. kr ft)111°7174Q1k'ljble‘r141:1415,ili'01L:f.',.!' . ' Oa " 41 fal10#, awl pOahlY- his 00g4 '- rth, Ser'111;::;:)jbl:t7f4r4111741thh"eo,9:441 3,40i,„,.:. -It a,' eir:ridlri 4 9 ' ' '' 'I'l Lot -,;44,414 404 §9410 illtoi/Jge Sit §m" '''', ' ' ''' ' AVIaeliERVFX4Tat kOBIt A Merited women, and bad been CHAPTER XII. SHE WAS A TRUE WOMAN. Melbourne society was greatly ! "No, I don't; 1 know nothing agitated over the hansom cab Fur' about him beyond that ho came from England a short time ago with a letter of introduction to Mr Fret- tlby, and had the impertinence to ask Madge to marry him." "Where did Whyte live?" "Down St. Kilda, at the end of Grey street." "How do you know?" "It was in the papers, and -and -" hesitatingly, "I called on him." "To see if he would drop asking Madge to marry him, and to tell him that she was engaged to me." "And what did he say?" rooma and Melbourne clubs the "Laughed at me. Curse him." matter was talked about morn, noon "You had high words, evidently?" aryl night,and Mrs Grundy declared Brian laughed bitterlv. positively that she never heard of "A. little diplomacy is all that's "Yes, we had." such a thine Here was a young required," he said, mentally. "And 'Did any one hear your' with her on the night in question; hence his refusal to speak. If he did so her name would be brought into the matter ; the outraged hua- ba h might ha, would. interpose, and the whole affair would probably end in a divorce court. "It's better for him to lose his character than his life," argued Cal ton, "and that woman ought to speak -it would be had on her, I admit; but when a man's neck is in danger she ought to risk anything rather thnli see him hanged." TO DE CONTINUED. "TLIE MERRY WIVES OF WIND. SOR" could scarcely have played such fantas. tic pranks had they been subject to the many ills so commonamong the women of to -day. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription is a legitimate medicine, care- fully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization.' , It is purely vegetable in its composition, and perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition of the system. It cures all those weaknesses and ailments peculiar to women, and it is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufac- turers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years, rrofesolonaland other eardil MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers,Solicitors, CONVEYAN4,ERS, commissioners for On titrio and Manitoba OFYICE Nexr Molt TO NEW ERA, (MINTON. der. Before the assassin had eon - --- discovered it had been looked upon as a common murder, and one that society need take no cognizance of beyond the fact that it was some- thing new to talk about. But now the affair was assuming gigantic proportions, since the assassin had been discovered to be one of the most fashionable young men in Melbourne. Mrs Grundy was shock- ed and openly talked about having nourished viper in her boson), which had turned unexpectedly and stun e her. In Toorak drawing ce • min, well born --"the Fitzgerald,my where did you go then?" he added, ' "The landlady did I think. I dear,an Irish family, with royal aloud.. . ' saw her in the passage as 1 lett the I &loot' in their Nrein-well bred - "I met Rolleston in the train,and i house." , "most charming Mannere, 1.assure we took a ea!) from the • Flinders I "The prosecution will bring her you, and so very good looking," and street station up to the club.- ' forward as a witness." engaged to one of the richest gitis "What dab( "Very likely," •indifferently. • .' i ° ,' n Melbourne -- "pretty enough, "The Melbourne club."„ I "Did you say anything likely to madam, no doubt, but he wanted "Yes?' interrogatively. criminate yourselfr her money, sly dog." And this "Rolleston went hoine,and,I went Fitzgerald turned wavy his head. youne man who had been petted by into the club and played cards for a time." "When didsyou leave the club?" "A. few' minutes to 1 o'clock in the morning." "And then, I suppose, you went homer "No; I did not." "Then where did you go." "Down the street." "Rather vague. I presume you mean Collins street?" c,yes.o • "You were going- to meet some one, I suppose?" "I never said so." "Probably not; but young men -don't wander about - the streets at night without some object." , "I was restless .and wanted a walk." ' "Indeed! How curious you should prefer going into the heart of the dusty town for a walk to strolling through the Fitzroy eard- ens, which were on your way home!e It won't do, you had an appoint- ment to meet some one." "I, thought as , much. Man or woman?" "I cannot tell yon." "It is very kind of you to cone: "Then I must find out for my - and see me," said Fitzgeraldi-ftit is self." a time like this that one appre-,1 "You can't." iates friendship.' "Indeed! Why noti "Yes, of course answered the ..Awyer, fixing his 'keen eyes on the J tiler's haggard face as if he would mail his uttermost thoughts. "I came partly on my own account and partly because Frettlby asked me to see you as to your defense." "Mr Frettlby!" said 'Brian, in a mechanical'way. "lie is very kind; I thought he believed mo guilty." "No man is considered guilty un- til he has 'been proved so," answered Calton, evasively. Brian noticed how guarded the answer was, for he heaved an im- patient sigh. "And Nliss Frettlby?" he asked, in a hesitating manner. This time he got a decitred answer. "She declines to believe you guilty, and will not bear a word said against you. • "God bless her!' said Brian, fee vently; "she is a true woman. I suppose I am pretty well coin vaesed f" he added, 'bitterly. "Nothing else talked about," said falton, calmly. "Your Arrest has, for the present, suspended all in - tercet in theatres, cl icket, matches and balls, and you are at the pre. sent moment being discussed thread - ear° in clubs and drawing rooms." Fitzgerald writhed. 1Ie was a singularly proud man, and thero "You don't know where to look "Her," cried Calton, delighted at the success of his craftily put ques- tion. "I knew it was a woman." Brian did not answer, but sat biting his lips with vexation. "Now, who is the woman?" No aoswer. "Come now, Fitzgerald, I know that young men will be young men, and of course "you don't want these things talked abcut; but in this case your character must be sacrificed to save your neck. What is her name?" "I can't tell you." "Oh! you know it thenr. "Well, yes "And you won,t tell me?" "No!" Calton, however, had found out two things that pleased him: first, that Fitzgerald had an appointment, and, second, it was with a woman. Ile went on another line." "When did you last see Whyte?" Brian answerei with great re- Inetance, "I saw him drunk by the l•acotch churcli." "What! you were the man who hailed the hansom!" "Yes," assented the other, hesi- tating slightly, "I wasl'' The thought flashed throng)] Cal. was something inexpressitoly galling ton's brain as to whether the young "Ye,'he answered in a low 1 the helies, voted a good fellow by voice, "I spoke very wildly -indeed the 111011 and was universally popu I did not know at the time what I ler, both in drawing room and club, said." had committed a vulgar murder -- "Did you threaten him?" "Yes, I did. I told -him that I would kill him if he persisted in his plan of marrying Madge." "Ah! if the landlady can swear that. she heard you say so, it will form a strong piece of evidence it was truly shocking. As to Mr Felix, Rolleston, it was a time of great joy to him, know- ing as he did all the circumstances of the case and the dramatis per- sona.. When any new evidence came to light Rolleston was the against you. As far as I can see, first to know all about it, and would there is only one defense, and that go round to his friends and relate is an easy one -you must prove an it with certain additions of his own, which rendered it more piquant and dramatic, But when asked his opinion as to the guilt of the accus- ed he would shako his head saga- oously, and hint that both he and • his dear friend Calton -he knew Calton to nod to -could not make up their minds upon the matter. . "Fact .ia, don't you 'know," �b - served Mr Rolleston,wisely, "there's more in this than meets the eye,and all that stet of thing -think 'tective fellers wrong •myself ---don't think "Fitz killed IVIlyte; jolly well sure 'he didn't." Mr Rolleston, however, in spite of his asseverations, had no eerotiods for his belief that Fitzgerald was ! innocent, and in Tiis heart of hearts thought him guilty. But then lie was one of those people who, having ' either tender hearts or obstinate "Yes, I do." natures - Moro patticularly the "Take time to consider.. \-°" latter ---always make a point of com- may have to pay a heavy price for forward as champions of those in alibi." No answer. "You say yoa did not come back and get into the cab?" said Calton, watching the face of the other closely. "No; it was some one else dressed like- Inc." "And you -have no -idea who it was?" "No, I have not," "Then, after yon left. Whyte and walked along Russell street, where did you go'?" • "I can't tell you." "Were yon intoxicated?" "Not" indignantly. "Then you remember?" "And whet e were your' "I can' G tell yeti." "You refuse?- - --Y. • F. HILLIARD. Successor to 1'. It. Powell. UA RRISTER, SOLICITOR,, &c. Pro vaTit Ft'slis to loan at lowest rates of • interest. °Mee Searic'S Block, Opposite Market, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONT. 'IWONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES AU. Bought, Private Funds. C RIDOUT, Office over J Jacksou's Store, Clinton. ,TARRIAGE LICENSES.- APPLY TO 111 the undersigned at the Library Rooms, JAMES SCOTT, Clinton. of Ilarue anti Orange Streets. , is your refusal." , trouble with the world at -large. "If necessary, 1 will pay it." ' There is a proverb to the effect that "And you won't tell me where you were?" "No, I wont." Calton was beginning to feel an- noyed. 'You're very foolish,- he said, "sacrificing your life to some feeling of false modesty. You must prove an alibi." No answer. who stood up for him and declared "What time did Alit get homer thast he had ,been wroegly accused. "About 2 o'clock in the morning.' Calton was very much annoyed "Did you walk home?" • at Brian's persistent refusal to set "Yes - through the Fitzroy ! tip the defence of an alibi, and, as gardens.- he felt sure that the young man "Did '011 SCE. any .0l1e 011 your way homer' . could do so, he was anxious to find . "I don't know. 1 wasn't paviwr out the reason why, he would not 0 110 SO. attention." - "If it's for the s ike of a woman," ''Did any one see your. he said to Brian, "I don't care who "Not that I know of. Ate is, it's absurdly*Quixotie. 4elf "Then you refuse to tell nu' 'where you were between 1 and 2 o'clock on Friday moi ning?" "Absolutely. - Calton thought for a monieet, to „i (Lire 8,11.,- miswprol Briel: consider his next mdve. "but if you had my re 'sons you "1)o you know that Whyte car- ried valuable pipets about with might think differently." I it MS own mind the lawyer had him." Fitzgerald 'weltered and hinted , Children Cry for r ARMY: E LICENSES ISSUED BY THE OA. undersigned, attresiiiontic or drug store. JIBS A. WORTHINGTON. rONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR .01. Small sum• on good mortgage security, moderate rate u6f Interest. 11 HALE,Clinton DR APPLETON-OFFICE- AT PER - tiling no On tam street, Clinton, oP. %melte English Church. Entrance by Side gat.). _ • . IXB. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL Ebat !NEER Provinciai aud Dieniulott Land Survey- or, Architect aud Drafighismali, PERRIN IlLocK, Clinton. . . T J. WALKER, VETElt‘ell'ilY SUIIGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at tended to. Office -Loitdosborough, Out. I IR REEVE, -OFFICE. RATTENBUILY 11 St, Alurray 13lock, two doore east of Hodgens' entrance. Residence opposite S. Army Barracks, Huron St, Clinton., ottice hours, 8 a In to 6 p . _ AMES HOWSON, LICENSED AI.7C- U T10NEER for the,Coun ty 1,5 Huron. Sales attended anywhere in the county, at rea- sonabld Ikr We. Residence Albert Street Clinton. 1)R SANGGItY, GRADUATE (JF THE Medical Department of Victoria unt- vet eity, Toronto, forinerLy of the Hospitals and Dienentianee. New York, Coroner for the County of Hurou, 13aytield,'Ont. W. WILLIAMS. B. A , M. D., GRADU• IA, ATE Of Torouto University ; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. OFFICE & RESIDENCE II10 house for- merly occupied by Dr Reeye, Albert Street the world kicks a man when he is down: but if ono half of the. world does act in such a brutal manner,the other consoles the prostrate individ- ual with half pence. So, taking things as a whole,though the weight of public opinion was dead against the innocence of Fitzgerald, still be had his friends and sympathizers, preservation is the first law of na- ture, and if my neck was in danger l'd Spare 11011.11PF 1111111, WoThein Mop ebil 1 to save it.'' • - na WORTHINGTON, - PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, accoucher, Lieehtiate of the College of Physicians. and Surgeons of Lower Canada. and Provincial Licentiate and Coroner for the Comity of Enron. Of- flce and residence, -The building formerly occupied. by Mr Thwaltes, HuyouStrcet. • Clinton, Jan .10. 11371. --• DR -i. ELLIOT & GUNN. CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIALFAIR, BEN Al I 14 LER NURSERY riL11111111,10E. .lagAr# 041PITON. . kliiiht promptly ettenesa to al JO rites, 4. trial solleited.. ,N• mEolionve ineTans. .:ann Readier; Room*, ffOwa ,.. . Atta/Vg. Abottt 2,060 utplumtie all the Leading Nowt,- •PaPeftl)k.9 , etkIdlePle of tlie:floy on Ike ira_ PIO.% asoM ribip ticket SI per annum. WW1 freilll 5 to 5 P 111,, and from 7 to If p. In; APPIlditrIoIll tet- illelVaellblp rocoivo A ey the aalitarlan in the room. x 1E10 It 0 7:17.11 CI 0 SEPT. 10th to 22nd $ 0 50 00 PRIZES GREATER IN THAN EVER AND SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. New Features and Graud Exhibits. The best attractions that money can secure. For Prize Lists and Programmes address the Secretary. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST l&ret. J.J.W1 throw, H.J. HILL, PRESIDENT. SEC., TORONTO BIBLES & TESTAMENTS AT COST The uncoil Branch Bible Bode% nave for sale at DR WORTHINGTON DRUC4 STORE. Albert Street. a fine assortment of Bibles and Testaments. TESTAMENTS FROM Refl. UPWARD* BIBLES FROM 250L8 UPWARD*. COME AND SEE. DR WORTHINGTON, De- poeltory J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENTIST --- Ffolds the exclusive right for the county for the Hurd process of admintatdring chemi- cally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the safest and best system yet discovered for the painless extraction of teeth. charees moderate, satisfaction gua-ranteed. Offtee, ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Ranee's Tailor Shop, Huron Street rliuton. EXHAUSTED - VITALITY 1HE SCIENCE of Life 1 the great Medical Work of the age on Man- hood, Nervous and Physi- cal Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Yowth and the untold miseries consequent thereon, 300 pages 8 vol., 125 prescrip- tione for all diseases. - Cloth, full gilt, only 611, by mail, sealed. Il- lustrated sample free tcrall young and mid- dle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the National Medical Association. Address P. Ch Box 1895. Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col- lege, 25 years practice in Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Dis- ease of Man. Office, No. 4 Bulench St. . H. R. Elliot, M. D., W. Gunn. M.D., L. B. L.R.C,P., Edinburgh, C.P„ Edinburgh, L.R. li.R.C.S.. Edinburgh, C. S., Edinburgh, JA - Licentiate of tbe 35411. oentiate of the Mid- wi fer v, Edinburgh. wifery,Edin. Office,on Office at Brucefteld, corner 01 Ontario sad •• William Sts., Clinton G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gratin • Tho ?Jolson Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1.835. CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. FL R. MOLSON Vice -Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS Ceaeral Manager Notes dlecotinted, Collec- tions made, Draf ue issd, Sterlimern ng and Aicaex- chaage bought and soltl,,at lowest current rates. Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits, F' ATS 111M - IS. Money advanced to farmers on their (RVII notes with no Ir 11110 endorsm. cNO nuirtizsge re- quired as surity. 11. C. eiteu ER, Manager, January 111,7. Clinton Clinton Post Office Time Table Mails are due for delivery and close for despatch at the Clinton Post Office ai. follows:- • •. - t Lea 1 ruts ;Hamilton, Toronto, Strat- ford, Sealorth, • Gleeful Trunk east and intenne- t. 6.30 a.m.1 1.50 p.tn 1,55 p.m. 8 5.11i 1 p.m. S a.to 8.45 pan. 2,40 pas Hamilton, Toronto, 4.15 p.m. 10.10 a,rn London, L., H. k B. south cm. and intermediate offices 7.35 4.15,10.10 7.00 Blyth, Wingbani, Kincar- • dine. Luckuow, L ,ILkB north and intermediate p p offices 9.20 6.15' 8.25 5.45 Summerhill, Tuesday Friday 5.30 ere. 3.50 p.m British maDs„bionday,Wed. nesday, Thursday 6.30 a, wt. Money Orders issued and Deposit e received from one chiller upwards. Office haute from 8 a.m. to 7 p.ea. Sayings Bank and Money Order 0 -Stas close at 6.30 p.m. THOMAS FAIR, Postmaster, Clieem„Aue. 1887. Toronto, Stratford, Sea - forth, T. and S. east.... ,Goderich, Holmesville alkd Grand Trunk west ..... Ooderich. F RIIIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREEf NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN HINE, , TH5LATTER OF REICH WE MAU A VPROIALTY. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The aboye ornamental trees and shrubbery wi be sold at verylow prices, and those militia anything in this connection wffl ewe* mese purcbasmg bere. Orders by Nail will be promptly attend ed to. Address, I JOHN STEWART, lionmiller. ROBERT DOWNS, • CLINTON, 1MIRtilactterer and Proprietor for the best 8 a. Bun Deg in u*e. Agent ter the sib* Sod application of the MIFFIERIM PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on abort settee. 1101010p Epinal Illsoreoce Co. NEILANS, HARLIOCK GENERAL AGENT. Isolated town and village...property, as well as farm buildings and stock, insured. Insur- ances effected against stock that may bo killed by lightning, If you want insurance drop a card to the above address. PAINTING. PAINTING. The undersigned desires to intimate to the, people of Clinton and vicinity that he haa returned to town, and intends to remain here pe insolently, and is better prepared than ever to do anything. whatever in the painting or paper hanging Inc. All odera eptrusted to himwill receive prompt and dutiful attention. GEORGE POTTS, Kielt St., Cliuton. Boiler,. Engines, wed all kinds of Machinery repaired -erpeditiaisely MOM in a aatiatactery manner. Farm implements manufactured and repaired. Steam and Water Pipe furnished and- put in posittow, Dry Kilns fitted up on application. Charge* moderate. ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. _ Nitrous Oxide Gm administered for the 50,000 to Loan ot 6 per evil. painless extraction of teeth. 011ie° Aver Jackson's Clothing Store, next to I'ost Office, Clinton. , Will visit every Thursday at Dixon's Hotel Brucetield, from 8 10 10.30 5,111. Varna from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Swart's !Iota Hayfield. from 2 p.m. air Night bell answered. 1 y MONEY! MONEY MONEY! Wo ran make a few gooilloans from private funds at love rates and moderate expense. Terms made to s tilt borrowers. MANNINO & SCOTT, - Clinton DENTIST, • • COATS BLOCK. Why pay others T, 8, 9 and 10 per cent, when you can get money from us at 6 per c. • Eirst•elass loans 5i per cent. Large loans 5 per cent. TERMS made to suit borrower, re- garding payment and period of loan. Apply to FARRAN TISDALL, jrK E E „,yff CHARGES „MODERATE. • CLINTON. BANKERS, CLINTON. UNION SHAVING PARLOR. A It VINO, HAIR CUTTING *en SIIA3f POO [NO done very neat and to el* it every person. OFIN FADES. - Bloek HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y This Company ie Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lereat neea •f I iiterea. MORTO AGES - : - SAVINGS BANK BRANCII. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed 00 Deposits,areortling log inonne and time left. °Mc'''. -Corner of Market Square awl North HORACE HORTON. MANAGE*. M0derit.1%, VJilt Mb 1185 Pitcher's Castorla. , 0 ra h a nes Hair Remover 19 minimal. inetantamone and ties oily de- pletory in the world which does not Nitre the skim Fries $2 per brittle. E. 0. LEM- A ITRE, 958 Queen St, West, Toronto, Do- minion Agent. J. BIDDLECOMBE. 4921:110Vatch &Clock Maker JEWELLER, &c., 0 POSITE Tit E IIARK ET sql"A E, Wbore he keeps • iciest assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware. Wluuali w..-111 sell at res•ionanie rates. Repairing of every .14,noriptinte promptly rammed to. and all work warranted. • J. OMBF... Clinton, Mov.1ast Js C. STEVENSON, -THE LEADING - UNDERTAKER -AND- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE 01' COFFINS, CASKETS, &c., &c, FUNERALS FURNISHED On the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. The beat l•-linbalming Fluid used "J splendid Hearse. 1. . . . ALBE.HT S'1%, CLINTON, - OPPOSITE TOWN HALL rAIEMBURNEMINk Ltailesbum Roller Mills After being thoroughly overhauled and re -fitted with NEW MACHINERY of thse most apprevel kinds, these mills are now in splendid I -unwise iseler, and will not be surpassed in the quality si the work done, 5y any alit] in the country. Specia1 Attention given t GRISTING CHOPPING DONE ON suo..wr NOTICE. Satisfaction gearanteed. Parties wanting any- thingwhatever in this line will Hnd it to their interest to give u a call. E. IIKEER, Proprietor. RICH,LY a; hwoi 7,1 Sad e employment that will not take them from their homes and families. Time profiteers largo and sure tor every indttstri one person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month, It is easy for any person to make 16$ per day and upwards, who is willing to work. Either sex,young or old; capital not neaded.weetfart yea. Everythiag new. No 'peens' ability required:you, resder.can do it as wells* 587one. Write tom at mace for ftill partienlars, which we mail free. Address Stigma & 43o., Portland,,Moine. • cs csa Li 0 r -v n_ uJ Fire Insurance. All kinds of property insured at lewe.t tat ill rates. First -chi.. cumpaaie,i, /TICKETS VIA N. W. T. CO. LINF. BOATS 1TO WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POIIIITS, ALSO by all rail lines over the ORAN D TRUNK and CANADA PACIFIC GI any point ea tkit 1111*, Winnipeg, Brandon, kc., Dakota, or ary point reached by rail, local sr ferelea. ace me beim.' you hity ticket. ay whim Come and J. THOMPSON, Clinton. r_,TNTO Planing Mill --AND- DRY KILN - /THE SUBSCRIBER WAVING JUST COM 1. nerve and furnished bet 'sew raring, no with machinery of the lateat Improved pattern' is row prepared to atteed to all sniar1 kJ, line in the .aost prompt and 111M1OAGry1113n*.e, and at !Ia., InAble rate.. He Would Cie Now,. Omelet te all wit ) patreelzedthe old 01 they were burned ,,it lad sew heing no het. ter 'wawa to execute oriel' ex)oseliticia ;iv feels coafideut he ems sir sat Isla' tion t ) FACTORY-N,ar t7rord Trtmk Railway, r1intim 71(01558 if 'eiriZl