The Clinton New Era, 1888-09-14, Page 2.!xw-„......� --
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AR 9trh l,.et a h Illi list all oo►r> to d t'stad you ><i< this ,� r x4 b t �it� ,
[, lid rho tle>�"�ip,se of all lltbi,n case wher:hor yiau 11, 0 114 or not. I AfOrwardei
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p Q . a4,1� vo h W4 11f . of they Itap .i'"a .a a much hat dile y
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J. I 1 o'clock: ort Thursday' It �ltt."' can PI a, stn trolt>I�tca o rheas.,- �k y d you : leaca Iatul s,a ct •�
'. "Very probably," returned her sell events, l-,4lieve frons lil�l heart ; obruptly tae iy a jolXel?t
I fat er rc w rs tl ltlolted at h's '1lesiiaaQl' iu rAQ:r
father dr l ,,, but where , as, be that ou are lanocQ . , ands Qii roust ,a
lit I, o'.tllvck to Fxida : �s, V" w 1 y i t of the r•soners oc I�Q nif.aur rWe. � 4rWae tt an important paper?"
Y lib t.Itg r< A P 4 ... d ..>G a 4t I? :, tel slola't know,,,
" o.44t"s, ;Air Whyte left t; o free marl, it only far the sake of Because I detested hurt, he saw, „Alii twits a er, Ica can,
hullos longi, before Brian did;"' sots that naible girl who loves you.'" shortly. pap +Q
went an rd It+11 .. "Yorl mast ria- Bria did no.t renewer but u "Wh did ou detest •him?" see it in your face. And was that
member -it was when you gmirroll• out his hand, which the other grasp. No answer
paper of i6portanca-do yoli't
ed with .qtr Whyte." ed warmly. 't Was it becuam be hats adwixW `"WOT 40 yowask3"'
„ Callon fixed, ilia Keen gray eyes
llfydearllladge, said Mr l+rettl- I will not daily, went on Cal- Miss Frettlby, and, from -all a.p- 'lteadilyon Britin's.face,
11 Iby, stopping in front of her with a tun, '(that there ie. a little bit of peai'ances, wasp going to marry liext I 'cBecause" he apswered slow]
displeased looks, "you are incorrect professional curlosifiy about me. "W01. yes,.. sullenly. C ' y'
1. --Whyte and myself diel not quer• Tliis case is such an extraordinary " 1tid soar," said Calton, imprea the m rn to tvllaol t11at paler was
rel. He asked' me if .it. were . true one that I feel as if I. were unable sivel'y, "this is the whole point upon of such value murdered Whyte."
Brian started up, ghastly pals,
that Fitzgerald was engaged to you, to let slip an opportunity of doing which the case turns --Why dict you , Df. ; God!" he almost shrieked,
and I answered yes. That• -was all, somethtn wifit it. I don't care for get into the ab with hall -- ? ,,.
and then he left the house." yo,ar jlrimdrrm murdors with the "I did_mot'go into the cab." ,arekehing out his hands, it is true
`&:Yes, and Brian didn't go until poker, and all that sort of thing, "The cabman declares that you after all," and fell down on the stone
F, two hours after," said Madge, tri- but:l;.ibisi is something clover, and did.'., pavement, in a dead faint,
umobdritly. _"He never' saw Mr the.' fore interesting. When you 'He is wrong. I never came Calton alarmed, summoned the
Whyte the whole night." -are si'e we will together look for back after I recogdized Whyte." jailor,and between them they placed
"So he says," replied Mr Frettlby, the real criminal, and the pleasure "Then who was the man who got, col an the heel, -and dashed some
significantly. of the search will ba proportionate into the cab with Whytel" cold wetter over his face. He rle
"I believe Brian before any Due to the exciteruent when we find him "I don't ,know." covered, and m paned feebly, while
else in the world," said his don hter out." "You have no ideal" Catton, setting that he was unfit to
LoUT,with flushed cheeks and d4sh "Iagree with everything you say," "Not the least." he spoken to, !eft the prison. for a
ifig•eyes. , said Fitzgerald, calmly, "but I have "You are certain?" he got outside, ke stopped for e
"Ah! but will a juryV" queried no defense to make." ( "Yes, perfectly certain." moment and looked bank on the
her father. "No defense? You are not going _"Ile seemed to have been dressed grim gray walls.
"You have turned agaimt, him to confess you killed him?" g o exactly like you." "Brian Fitzgerald, he said to
too," answered Madge, her eyes "No," with an angry flush, ,,but "Very probably. I could name himself, you did not commit the
murder yourself, but you know who
£]ling with tears. "Yon believe there are certain circumstances, at least a dozen ofmy acquaintances did."
him guilty." which prevent me from defending who • wear light coats over their
1. '!I ant not prepared either to myself." evening dress, and saft hats." CHAPTER XII.
deny or affirin his guilt;' said Mr "What nonsense," retorted Cal- "Do you know if Whyte had any SIir WAS A TRUE WOMAN.
L� rettlby, coldly. "I have done ton,sharply;"as if any circumstances enemies?" Melbourne society was greatly
what I could to help frim -I have' should prevent a loan from saving "No, I don't; I know nothing agitated over the hansom cab mu'r. !
1. 1 ongaged Calton to defend him, and Ilia own life. But never mind, I about him, beyond that he came der. Before the assassin bad been I
li if eloquence and skill can save him, like these objections, they make the from England a short time ago with discovered it had been looked upon
yov. may Set your mind at reat." nut harder to crack -but the kernel a letter of introduction to Mr Fret- as a common murder, ,and one that
4AMy dear father," said badge, must be worth getting at. Now, tlby, and had the impertinence to
throwing her arm's around his neck, you have to answer me certain ask Madge to marry him." I society need take no cognizance of
g beyond the fact that it was some -
111 knew you would not desert him questions." "Where did Whyte live?" thing new to talk about. But now
altogether, for my sake." "I won't ptornise." "Down in St. Kilda, at the end the affair was assuming gigantic
,,My darling," replied- her father "Well, we shall see," said the of Grey street." ' g g
in a faltering voice, as he kissed lawyer, cheerfully, taking out his "How do you know?" Proportions, since the assassin had
her, ' th re is nothing in the ,world note book and resting it on his knee. , "It was in the papers, and --and been discovered to be Dna of the
Q g a „ „ most fashionable young men in
I Would bot do for your sake." "First, where were you on the - hesitatingly, I called on him. Melbourne. xUrs Grund was shock-
16anwhile Brian was sitting in Thursday preceding the murder?" "Why?" ed and openly talked about having
his cell in the Melbourne jail,think• "I can't tell you.", "Ta see if he would drop asking nourished
g " es you can m friend. Madge .to marry him and to tell a viper in her bosom,
in sad] enough abort his coition. Oh, yes, y y g which bad turned unexpectedly pettedly and
g Y o P 1
110 saw no hope of escape except You left St. Kilda, and came up to him that she was engaged to me." stung her. In Tooiak drawing
one, and that he did not intend to town by the 11 o'clock train," "And what did lie say;" '
,take advantage of. "Eleven twenty,"corrected Brian, "Laughed at me. Curse him." I matter was talked I rooms and about morn, noourne clubs n
"It would kill her; it would kill Calton smiled in a gratified pian- You had bigh words, evidently? � and night,and Mrs Grundy declared
her' he said feverish] as he aced nor as he noted this down. Brian laughed bitterly,
„� y, P " << „ posxitively that she never heard Of
to and fro over the echoing stones. "A little diplomacy is all that's Yes, we, had. . ; such a thing. Here was a young
"Bettor that the last of the Fitz- iequired," he said, mentally. "And "Did any one hear you] man, well born -1103P Fitz�erald,m0
gerald should perish like a common where did vol go 'then?" lee added; "The landladv dict I think. I I dear, el Itis]+ family, with royal
thief than that she should know the aloud. saw her in the passage as I lett the I ,
blood in tiles+• veins"—well bred—
. bitter truth, If I engage a luwver' "I wet Rolleston in the train,and i house." i "most igost charming manners, I"assure
to defend me," he went oil, "the I we took a cab from the FlinJers "The prosecution will bring her i you, and so very hood looking," and
- first question he will ask the will street station ui, to the Club. I forward as a witness. iengaived to one of the richest girls
be where was I on that night, and "What clab! Very likely,' indifferently, in Melbourne - "pretty'enough
if I tell him all will be discovered, "The Melbourne club." "Did you spry anything likely to madam no doubt ut e wanted
and then -no -no -I cannot do it; "Yes?" interrogatively. criminate yourself?"her money, sly dog." And this
it would 1ti11 her, my darlingg;' and "Rolleston went home,and I went lutzgerald turned a gay his head. young man, who had been petted by
throwing himself dowli on.the bed, .into the club and played cards for a ` "Yes," he answered in a low the ladies, voted a good fellow by
lie mored It% face with hid hands. tine. r voice, I spoke very wildly -indeed tics men and was universally popti-
4s,, was roused by the opedino of ,,When did you leave the clubl" I did not know at the time what I lar, both in drawing room and club
tl,e door Of his cell, Bind. on. looking "A few minutes to I o'clock in Said." „ had committed a vulgar murder
rip saw that it was Calton who the mornlna. Did you, threaten him? it was truly shocking.
entered. He was a great frienld of "Anil then, I suppose, you went "Yes, I did. I told him that I As to ]kir Felix Rolleston, it was.
. l�itzgerald's, and Brian waa deeply home?" would kill him• if he persisted in his a time of. great joy to him, know -
touched by his kindneaii `in,66ming Igo, IAN not." plan of marrying Madge." ing as lie did all the circumstances
to see him. DLncan Calton had a "Then where did you go." "Ah! if the landlady can swear of the case and the dramatis per-
i wll
rt a o t 1
. • that she
heard ou s s
• c ,
t s sit ee .
o D wn h Y Y e
VEioua t o n new evidence
•t and was as tier. When a n e
n 1 heal su
,{i d
help Brian, but there was also a "Bather vague. I ]presume you form a strong piece of evidence came to light, Rolleston was the
touch of self-interest in the matter. mean Collins street?" against you. As far as I can sea, first to know all. about it, and would
. He had received a note trout Mr -'.'Yes." there is only one defense, and that � go round to his friends and relate
Frettlby, asking -him to defend °'You were going to tweet some is an easy one -you must prove an it with certain additions of his own,
1,itzgerald, which he agreed ,to with one, I suppose?" alibi." which rendered it more piquant and
avidity, as lie foresaw to this ,case ''I never said so." No answer. dramatic. But when asked his
-in opportunity for his name beeom• - "Probably not; but young men "You say you diel not come back opinion its to. the guilt of the accus-
ing known throughout tics Austra• don't • wander about the streets at and got into the cab?" said Calton, ed he would shake his head saga -
liar colonies. It is true' that he, night without some object." watching the face of the other o'ously, and hint that both he slid
was already a celebrated-law�yer,but "I was restless and wanted a closely, his dear friend Calton -he .knew
• • Iris reputation •• was purely a" 'local. walk." "No; it was some one else dressed Calton .to nod to -could not make
. one, and as he foresifw that Fitz- "Indeedl ' How curious you like me." a their minds upon the matter.
eralci's ,trial for l�ilili lt=r s¢ori should oink into_ the Weare !`; ,end Qts t 'tL� tl�. - -. t*F,T E i�;^•don" oil know; �"off
- �_•�`��-�ti"se a great sects-cls't rou out - the clue y town for a walk to wast • served Mr Rolleston, wisely, "there's
Australia and New Zeklatid, ;there• strolling through the Fitzroy gard- . "No, I have-not.. . more in this than meets the eye,and
t ,
. Toro determined to tilik'e ,ettyantage era, s►iticli were on youtr'way home. Then, after you tett 1Vlryte and all thatsolt of thing -think tective
of it as another step iri,%e:ladder' It won't do, you had an appoint walked along It street, where fellers wrong myself -don't think
_ .which led to fame, wealth BRA � Issi- ment to meet some one." did You go? Fitz killed \Whyte; jolly well sure
r, u
• , r
1 u. ,
tion. So this tall, keen•eyed roan, "Well--yes."-yes. I can't tell yo he didn't."
with the clean shaven• face*nd ex. "I thought as. much. Mall or "Were you intoxicated'' Mr Rolleston however, in spite
Ipressive mouth, advanced into the woman?" I "Sol" indignantly. P
of his asseverations lied no grounds
evil, and Look Brian by the'hand. "I cannot tell you." "Then you remember?" for his belief that � l+itzsetald was
,,It is very kind of you to come I "`then I must find out for uly- i "Ye$•" innocent and in Ilia heart of hearts
paid age trip,!' said Fitzgeraldi--"itis self." I "And whets were you?'' I thought shim guilty. ,Fut then he
p;t a time like this that one appre- :,You can't." I can tell you." ' was one of those people who, having
t inter friendship." °'Indeed! . Why note" "You refuse?'' 1 either tender hearts or obstinate
' "Yes, of ,course,'' anawored the "Stull don't know' where to look "Yes, I do." a i
lAwyer, fixing his keen eyes on the for her." "Take time to .consider. yet' I natter-- al more particularly the
fitter --always make a Dint of com-
other's haggard face as if lie would "Her," cried Calton, delighted at may have, to pay a heavy price for ' in, forward as champions of those in
read his uttermost thoughts, "I the success of his craftily put•+gnes- your refusal. trouble with the world at large.
came partly on my own account tion. "I knew it was a woman," "If necessary, h will pay it. There is a proverb to the effect that
and partly because Frottlby asked Brian did not answer, but sat And you wont tell me where the world kicks a man when he is
me to see oil as to your defense," biting his lips with vexation. you were?" down; but if one half of the world
IMr Frettlbyl" said Brian, in a "Now, who is the woman?" ,,No, I wog:t.'' does act in such a brutal dmnner,the
mechanical way. "He is very kind; No answer. Calton was beginning to feel an- other consoles the prostrate individ•
I thought lie believed me guilty," "Come now, Fitzgerald, I know noyed. ual with half pence. So, taking
"No man is considered guilty un- that young men will be young men, "You're very foolish," he said, things as a whole,though the weight he has been proved so,"answered and of course you don't want these "sacrificing your life to some feeling of public opinion was dead against
Calton, evasively, things talked about; but in this lase of false modesty. Yon must prove the innocence of Fitzgerald still be
Brian noticed how guarded the your character must be sacrificed an alibi." had his friends and sympathizers,
answer was, for he heaved an im- .to save your neck. What is her No answer. „ who stood up for him and declared
1}aticnt sigh. name?'' "What time did y%i get home?' that he had been wrofigly accused.
.l "And Miss Frettlby?" he asked, "I can't tell you." "About 2 o'clock in the morning, , Calton was very much annoyed
in a hesitptting manner. 'This time "Oh! you know it then?" "Did yoti walk home?' at Brian's persistent refusal"to set
he g -)t a decided answer. "Woll, yes " "Yes - through the Fitzro-v up the defence of an alibi, and, as
"She declines to believe you "And you won,t tell mer' gardens." he felt sure that the young man
gmlty, anti will not hear a word "Nal" "Did you see any one on your could do" so,• lie was anxious to find
said against von." Calton, however, Ball found out way home?" " ont the reason why he would not
"(,*ad bless her!' said Irian, far- two things that pleag'ed him: $reg, "I don't know. i wasn't paving do so. 1•--'•
vently; "she is a true woman. I that Fitzgerald bad an appointment, attention." ' If it's for the aike of a woman,"
supposeIampretty well. canvassed?" and', second, it was with a woman, "Did any one see you?" lie said to Brian, "I don't care whc
. he added, bitterly. lie went on another line." "Not that I know of." she is, it's absurdly't,►uixotic. Self
"Nothing else talked about," said "When did you last see Whyte?" "Then you refuse to tell Die where reservation is the first law of nn•
Calton, calmly. "Your arrest has, Urian answers 1 with great re- you were between 1 and 2 o'clock Lure, and if my neck was in danger
for the present, suspended all in- luetance, "I saw hint drunk by the on Friday, morning?" I'd spare neither man, woman not
terest in theatres, cricket matches Scotch church." "Absolutely.'' Chill to save it." '
and balls, and you aro at the pro. "What! you were the man who Calton thought for a moment, to „I• dare say," answered llriaw
,lent moment being discuasea thread- (failed the hansom?" consider his next move. "but if you had m ro rsons� ou
Mare ill clubs and drltNing r',omv." "Yes," assented the other, hesi• "Do yon know that Wbyte car• slight think differently." y
Fitzgerald writhed. Ro was a tat'og slightly, "I seas!' tied valuable papers about with in ilia own mind the lawyer had
singularly proud man, and there ire thought Bashed through Cal. him." '-en - -
,, I.
ivas something inexprossibty balling ton'sttbrain as to whether the young I�itzcernld hesitated and tuned eMldrCry/ for
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Ice f�rr tri rn to toe hiskCAft
tXREATEa °, ' IN
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Tflp1 pdTTLa Of wales a►lr e4+lKa L arllelatTr.
character than leis life," argued Cal
On r' q tw9-man.s.
4 , O' d that 0101, to
itPeuls---lt' would l,u hold on her, I
�to.W Featgreg and 0rpud 1PSUibite, Tho beet
gttactioas t]tnt >stopey Dap eaonra.
. ---
The aboye ornamental traps and shrubbery wi
be sold at very low prices, aAd those wsatlq
Amita but when n 01446!0 neck i,$ in
for Prize X,iats efxd pyogrflta4ntea address the
anything in this connection will save metre°
danger she ought to risk anything,
y g
, beer100Oror
purebimpil here.
rather r than see him hanged."'
ES>3IEs t4o9E AIIoIISiI less,
Orders by ltfail will be promptly attend
J-J-Witit,Ro1Y, H.J, HILL,
ed co. Addriree,
PriselnaNT. Hoo„'I'i)RONTO1
JOHN STEWART, Peamiller.
' .
could'scaroely have eyed such pastas•
The 011nton Brannh Bible sooioty nave for
Mcglllop ntnal Insnra�cc Co.
tlo pranks they seem publect to the
pal1e ab. DR W-ORTHI:NGTON'�'
S PUB. Albert treet. na aa8 tm f
many so oaMm000nl0>ag the women
Of t4 -sax. Dr EI@retell# Favorite Fre-
soription is a legitimate medicine, care.
. , ,q n o
jiibllna Testaments. r e t
TeeT, .*Z Ts FaON' 80aM1 UPWARD
- Blnr,Es FR011 930ta UPWARDS.
fully compounded, by an eaiperienoed
and skillfalphysician,
and adapted to
woman's delicate organization. It is
Isolated town and village property, as well
purely vegetable in its comppoosition, and
rteotl harmless in its effects in an
perfectly y
aq farm btihdinge and stock, anaured• Inaur-
&noes ef►ected against stock' that may be
condition of the system. It Dares all
ki11edbyUgbtningg, Id yon want tn6uranco
drop a Decd to the above, address.
those weaknesses and ailments peculiar
Holds the exclusive right for the 0ortnty for
to women, and it is the only medicine
for women, sold by druggists, under a
the Hurd pepoeme, of adminlstQring Octal-
cu ly pure itrogen Monoxide, which is the
positive guarantee from the mannfae•
turers, that it will give satisfaction in
6 eat and best eyetem yet discovered for
the painless extraction of teeth. Oharaee
in prate satisfaction guaranteed. 011toe,
The twdoraigaeddeaires to intimate to thiiik,
pvoplo of Clinton and vicinity that tSe ha
ever case,or mane will be refunded.
3' y
This guarantee has been printed on the
EX.LIO.T1t'S BLOCK over Ranco'8 Tailor
shop, Huron street.] ]soros.
retuned to town, and intends to remain
here pe maaentiy, and is bettor prepared
than eveg,to do anything whatever In the
bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried
out for many years.
parntiug of paper hanging, line. All orders
etrlrundo to pini will receive prompt aad
°oasts] &treses°°.
GEORGE POTTS, Birk St., Clinton.
140e501ouland other (Drdo '
Barristers, Solicitors,
Cotum+eeioners for Outarioand Maititoba
_ Successor to F. R. Powell.
PRi1.1Tfi FL"NDB to loan at lowest rates of
Ofllco Searle -4 Block, Opposite Market.
Bought. Private Funds. O RIDOUT,
OtHce over Jackson's Store, Clinton.
the undersigned at the Library Roome,
Residence at Airs R. H. Reids, corner
of Huron and Orange Streets.
1t -L undeneigned, at!recidonce or drug store,
sums on good mortgage security.
moderate rate of interest. H HALE,ClintN
DRNcF. ou Ontario street. Clinton, op-
posite Euglish Chtlrch. Butrauce by aide
- _ _
Proviucial and Don,iuionlmnd Survey-
or, Architect and DraughrsmaL, PRanIN
BLOCK, Clinton.
t n.
Graduate of the Ontario Voterinarg CDL
Lego. Telegraphic messages promptly at
11ended to. OBlco-Londosborough, Ont.
1J St. Murray Block, two tioura east of
Hod0 I' entrance. Itosldunco apposite d.
Army Barracks, Huron St, Cl+ntou, Ots-
TIONZER for the Con uty of Huron. Saler
attended anywhere In the county, at rear
sonable ra'es. Residence Albert St r et
�-` CE OF HI
J_F Medical cat Depaetment of Victoria Unt
veteity, Toronto, formerly of the Ilospltab
and Dispensaries. New York. Coroner fop
the County of Huron, Bayfield, out.
ATE of Toronto University member o
the Celfege of Physlcia .. anis 3urReone
Ont. OFF IQE & RRBIDENCE the house for
merly occupied by Dr Reeve, AibertStree
Surgeon, Aceoueher, Lleontlate of thr
„ionpied.Ur-3LVZ- *, a6tosrFR2rauSop,-dkpau::
Clinton, Jan.10.1871
H. R. Elliot >d D W. ung D L
., I
G M• .1l,
L.R.C.P., Edinburgh, C.P„Edinburgh,L.B.
L.R.C.S.. Edinburgh, C. S., Edinburgh, Lr-'
Licentiate o
Ltc ate fthe Mid- oentrate of the Mld-
wifer ,Edinburgh.iter Edin e o
� rt .Otfi e n
Office 'at Brueeaeld, corner of Ontario end
William Sts., Clinton
. I G. H. COOK,
Licentiate of Dental Snrgel+y, donor Gradn
ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry,
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the
HE SCIENCE of Life ..Tthe great Medical
ease of bran. Office. No. 4
The Molson Bank.
Incroeporated by Act of 9ashament, 1856.
CAPITAL,, - $2,000,000.
THOMAS WORKMAX,.........Presideat.
J. li. R. MOLSON..,Vice=Pres.
F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAfr,'6eaeral Manager
Notes discounted, Collecs6ans made. Drafs
is.vsed, Sterling and American ex-
cOsnqe bought and sold at lowest
current rales.
interest at 4 per cont allowed on deposits.
i♦ 'A-RMIFE1f M.
Monny advanced to farmers on their own notes
with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re-
quired as surity,
H. C. BREN ER, Manager,
January 1867. Clinton -
Clinton Post Off a Time Table
!tails are due for delivery and close for despatch
at the Clinton Post Oaten as follows:-
_-_.-,-,_-____ . -irss l o -s_
Hamilton, Toronto, Strat-
ford, Seatorth, Grand.Trunk cast and interme-
diate offices ......... 6,30 a.m: 1.50 p.m'
Toronto, Stretford, Sea -
forth. T. and S. east...., 4.555 p.m. 8 a,m
Goderich, Holmesvills and
Grand Trunk west. , .... 1 pas. 8 a.m
Ooderich................. 8,45 p,m. 2,40 pan
Hamilton, Toronto. .... 4.15 p.m. 10.10 a,mi
London, L., H. & B; south a,m. P.M. a.m. P.M
And intermediate offlcea 7.3.5 4,1510.107.0.0
Blyth,Wingham, Klnmr-
dine• Lucknow,'L-,IL&B.
noir], and' InAermediate a.m. p m. a.m. p.m
offices ....... 0.20 6.15 8.25&05
Summerhill, -Tuesday and
Friday. 5.30' p. m. 6.30 p, m
British mai s Road , Ved-
nesday, TiiuradaV ... 6.30 a.ta.
Money Orders issued And Deposits received from
one dollar upwards.
Of$ce hours from 8 a.m. to -T p.aa.
Savings Rank and honey Order OB2e close
at 6.30 P.M.
TF10MAS FAiR, Pos:tauter.
Clinton, Ane. 10187.
.i' f. oturer aad Proprietor for the best Saw
)Milt Mot in use. Agent for the sale and
apj,lieatron of the I11 IrISO= PAUNT AoroMATtc
BoI Ctaatatn..STZAY FICTINGS turaisked
and applied '(?a i�t aoti
toners. IsnWllaes, anal all kinds lair
Sieebine}ry rol�elaellrod elevediil+►waly
• ,aril. w"leer.
Farm rmplementa. man faett
ed and repaired,
.Steam and . Water Pipes iurniehod and put in
position. Dry Kflna 9tt' up on application:
-_.-._.-_ Chargee moderate____. _-
$50,000- to Loan at 6 per cent.
J41 c. slyrEMON) .,
CWHIS, CASKETS, &,, tic.
On the shortest notice and at
removable rates. The best
Embalming Fluid used
�pienalid Iieal'se.
bohdory R
After beingrthorougNy overbauledaed re-iltted
with NEW UACH1NERY of the most approved
kinds, themmills are now in splendid rnaniag
viler, and will not be surpassed in the quality of
the Werk done, 3y any mill la the country.
Spacial Attent,W gives is GRISTING
Satisfaction rant d P ee . rbits wanting altY -
thingwhatever n lite 1 a
t t Ina will end it to their
interest to give ulta call:
_-,_. _ _ E. IMB&ER, Proprietor.
Stood are those wbo. read
aad thon act; they will tied
gme$t that will not take
homes and families,The
and sure for every' indnetri••
have madq,and era now
tuulreddollarsa•month, It
1 Is easq
I and ap
which we mail item. Address'.Jtiaeea & go.,
Portland, Maine,
. t.
,By e A 1 ,
_ H
Z ll�t
Z.t :m'
. iii
pai4less extraction of teeth. ; O
01nco over Jackson's Clothing Store, next I t I .1
to Post Otrlco; Clinton. t0
Will visit every Thursday at Dixon's Hotel Why pay "there i, 8; J and 10 per I .. C a
11 a. tleld, from 8 to art' aIfot Varna from cont when you can get money from ua I i _
11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Bwart's Ifotol; lfayllold, ,
from a pan. at 6 per c. =
qM' Night bell answered, Il% Firet•elaae jeans 6J per cent. Large I _-___ _- __ _- __ -
MONEY 1 MONEY t MONEY! loans 5 per cent. 4 Fire Tusurance.
Wo can make a tow good -loans from private TERMS made to suit borrower, re-
tunds lit low rates and moderate expense. �►arding payment and period of loan. All kinds of property insured at lowest tariff
Terms made to suitborrowere, rates. FtrsC-class companies,
MANNING & SCOTT, - Clinton '
---- .._ .__ .- - . _ - . Apply to TTCKETS ViA N, W. T. CO. WNE ROATI
FAIZhtlI `!i ��.t,, DALp and CA sit rail ACines FIC to the
K E E T E R. � 11 1J and CANADA PACIFIC fe as
J' li ' Use, Winnipeg, Brandon, ea, Daktta, Kaasaa,
er say point reached by cast, total er terelga.
_,_ _ I Cotne and see me iefore you buy tickets any
t�1•�rllam°� IHairRe>t>tloYer —
A tTV0,4t3. HAIRCUTTING Atte SHAbt• Is paiulees, lustantaneous and the oily de -
Poo / ' )�.ii ' j 3
INO done very neat and to suit trlatory ill the word which doer not injure J • 11 HOM PSS , Ol ut•Olt.
every person. the akin. Price $2 per bottle. E. G. LEi[- .. -.. . - . •- --- --
OHN EADES. - swith'sBloek AITRE,,258 Quebu St, west, Toronto, Do-
minion Agent. C11 r. T TU ti
Lo;iti arc Iovegtment Co'y J. BIDDLECOMBE. l�11Y1 Fill
Thi* Company is Loaning Nopley or
Farm Security at Lowest harps of � Watch Hock Idea
• JSWET,LER, &o.,
Whore ha keeps a aelest assortalent of , timn Snd furnished bill iter pkaiaa, Mo
S, 4 and 5 per Cent. fnlereet Allowed wink rtaelilnery of the latest latnraved pxtrarnx
v is new prepared to attend to�y ! er erA to bis
on Deposila,aeeordilig todMOttnt Wshkis Cieaks, Jeweller! line tntha.aostprOarptand+stiafaeterymann"r
aptd time lift, , S�f11��►rwIf#. and ■t real mAlele rotes. Ile would abs return
thanks to all who patreatsedtbe Old ae behar•a
OFF1f:E-Cerner or MrarketSgnarearpd North S ' iVbleh we will sell at rvfaAonnblO rates, they were burned *lit, and now being in a bot.
i10RACE NORTON, ter portion to executeorders etpeditiouilr
MANAORa. ' teals conldeot he Dan gir satiaAe trop to ill,
Underich. Auvist 6tb 081 Repatring of evt+ry deeoriptlou proral►tly 1
__-_ _-- __ _ . _ attested to, and nil work warranted. + fi'�!C't'OTi F-N+ar the (Tronas Trunk
i� - .t, 11rnDLEcoarYtF., Railway, C.lintor+.
Pitoheed Castorlea ; Clinten,VOV, I%S9. T1I0VAS It:X6NZ1V
V ';I
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