HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-09-07, Page 849 • 07) • )AY, SEPT. 7, 1888. iCAL i oVe S. Car Feicing Wire, all kinds, u Binding cord, Alabttstirro. B. 1 . ItACEY, Clinton. Wo orders wanted for Sin to and Double longest i t Greatly Reduce Prices at JAS e . TcHETi;<.'S, Clinton I'iill`St9ck of Cut Nails, Best Ketal i11:15,c per rr ,12i. two gal. and Over, It.11I.JtAeBY. .tLrST 51.E We suppose it is of little use to talk aboltt it, but If the hun- dreds ofreaders (all good) who owe us little amounts, would remit either in stamps, money or `anything reseal ming rtto- ney,tbey will relieve our book - ,keeper from a good deal of anxiety and mental worry.'We are uotbegging; we only want you to convince us that you have a little regard for your honor, It is not ri .lit to allow subscriptions to fall behind, and then compell us to spend valuable time and hard cash in sending accounts for a year or so before you pay the bill. We want all who are indebted to us to take this hone to themselves. It has no appli- cation and is not intended for those who are paid.: up. Iowa uZopt(S. LEFT.—Mr 0. Carter, for a long time foreman on the Ransford farm lett last Friday for Port Findlay, Al- goma, where be has purchased 160 acres of partially improved land. He took enough stock with him to start „comfortably. FINED.—Mr Chas. Milne appeared before Messrs McGarva and Steep, J. P.'s, on Monday, on a charge prefer- red by Inspector Paisley, of selling liquor in a larger quantity than al- lowed by license. The charge being sustained, he was fined $20 and costs. TOO MI?CH OF THE SAME.—A new paper, called the Evening Times, has made its appearance in London. It is fairly well edited and will make a big push to secure a foothold. Before it will succeed in doing so, however, a lot of money will be sunk, because there is nothing that will run away with money faster than a new daily paper. However, if the publishers can make it a success, well and good, but our opinion is that it will be very difficult to do so, the field already being well occupied by the Free Press and Advertiser. The plain truth is that there are too many newspapers in the country—it is just like every other business, badly overdone. WHITE BRONZE MONCMENT.--'1he largest monument in the county of Huron was Last week erected by Me Gitlin, in the Blyth cemetery, for Dr Sloan, to the memory of his two sons. It is more than five feet square at the base and twenty-three feet high. .w.G14.IG OfiAtIGE--lir b. t.'owe lawiter, ha 04111$14 rttci Qnj bexe,,to a Ur, . 1,1 tttltd,1ato orrIe` Ls burg. wbQ,tli fourig min j w recoet, mend rand.woose caul }pe t tis else, where 'M'rXowell'wlll'removetoT�oi rq ntti, where he will filter an gid es- tablished practice. GRAND CHAMPIoasitlP LACROSSE M&Tell, Goderich vs Clinton.—Ocie of the ke'ries of gauzes for the Western Di.trictChampionship, will be played twe n toe sbotre te$ms o.0 the chow frotibd Ott, Wednesday, .l;21ht.imet„ all to be faced at 3 O'clock, sharp. This will no doubt be the best game of the season, Goderich having won only oue more game than Clinton, Miss Mason and Mr Boles, of and our boys are bund to make it a Wingbam, have been visiting friends here. le local' t9p Sa!j*t,14917,';/00,41,.1.P1)0,4111 ldtirpq flenteal silt, t'lligttl4i, ept* 19, Mr ►,.1ioi3geo ,pf oroato,ipe Blinds to town c.„ eft ye� to d R „ � .ti � * F.. « aco1 hiltr ow: tut the wales at 76. lbs.,. , " ' Miintkcilrrell and Buchanan clave returned froom TOront°. Mr H. B. Proudfoot„ surveyor, is expected home nest week. Mrs II. B. Chant Is visiting at the home of her parents, in St. Catbar- ines. tie. THIRD-CLASS CERTIF[CATE FAIL- UREe.—O wing to the large number of candidates who have failed to obtain third-classderti6catestb Department of Education have issued a circular to headmasters of High Schools per- mitting those who made 600 marks on the receut third-class examination to proceed with the course of study for second-class certificates. The number of marks required for this privilege last year was 700. A. ROUGH PASSAGE. --Messrs W. Swell and R. McMillan returned from the old country last week, and had an exceedingly rough passage, which resulted in quite a loss to them. M r Snell landed nine fine thorough- bred sheep, a yearling and antwo-year- old filly, but lost two sheep, which were drowned on the upper deck of the vessel. It was so rough that for two days all the passengers had to be kept below, and as there were 86 horses on board, in the lower decks, the sheep had to be kept above, and it being impossible to save the twbl which were uninsured. Mr McMillan started with two fillies, but one died OD the voyage, and had to be cast overboard. LECTURE.-1tTere was a good at- tendance at the lecture and dissolving views entertainment, held in the town hall, on Thursday evening of last week, under the auspices of the Mission Band of the Presbyterian church. The lecturer, Mr Campbell, who has travelled all over the world, increased the interest in the views by explaining and relating incidents concerning them. He also said, all things considered, climate, social and religious liberty and customs, that the Dominion of Canada was as good as any country he had seen. The en- tertainment vita exceedingly interest- ing and all present were well repaid for their attendance. MARRIAGES—The marriage of Mr Joseph •G. Dawson the well known Mail Clerk on the London, Huron & Bruce, to Miss Fannie H. Taylor, youngest daughter of Mr Henry Tay- lor, of London South, took place at the Memorial Church Loudon, Tues. day afternoon, the Rev. Canon Rich- ardson officiating. The young couple left for the East on the Limited Ex- press on their honeymoon tour. Mr Will Menne!, an employee of the Organ Factory and Miss Flora Mc- Kowen, both of this town, were made tablets for inscrip-happy at an early hour Wednesday There are eight morning and left by the 8 o'clock tions, two of which are occupied and train on their wedding tour. Mr Lu bear emblems of Blasenry,Oddfellow- I Smith and Miis M. Butt, both also ship and Forestry. The monument I well-known residents, were married presents a very imposing appearance, yesterday morning, and left for De - and as it is of White Bronze it will 1 troit, where they purpose residing in stand from, generation to generation. future. The lettering is in raised characters, and as clear as printers' type. We I HARD o:: THE TRAMP.—On Men - learn that the Company is shipping ; nay evening one of life's,unfortnnates, another the same size, this week, for who uses a crutch to help him along, Toronto: . asked for a night's lodging here, and was accommodated with one of the NEw FENCING --,1 new and safe cells in the town hall. It has been kind of wire for fencing is bang in- the custom to lock such parties in, so troduced in this vicinity. There are that they cannot do any damage, it no barbs on it to injure stock, but it so disposed, and' the rule was ob-' is spiral, which makes it. easily seen served in this instance also. Mr by 'cattle and horses. So many ani- Tedford Wended to let the fellow out mals are being injured by the barb next morning when he rang the wire, that farmers have been looking seven o'clock bell, but be had occa- for something that would make a sion tago out into the country before cheap and good fence and at the 7.a. m. and forgot all about .the poor same time be less injurious to stock. unfortunate, who bore his enforced Mr John Holmes, near this teen, is confinement patiently until about 3 firrit to erect a ck, when he 'on be front of his farce, which with lustence of this wire ilyappealed to the let afternoon, out. The to the turned posts, presen ts a very neat wn clerk And weigh clerk [vent to appearance. By a simple contrivance 'his assistance and wrench, ., the lock the wire can be tightened or Bracken- off the cell door, very n li' tp the ed for forty rods in • a very few tramp's .relief, and aftee.:'gattiug a minutes. quarter frpm one of the above gentle- ' men, he started' -for some place *here NOT WISE I>. MI E.—Several men trample Woill'ri reeeive.better treatment learned -tit the° Division Court that it' than here. talffdh-hour after, the woulirl .pay them if before rushing tramp h*d••) 0 iteleased, the'. town into lasysuits of their own accord they ,t actable Hd a:,.have been seen first" consulted a solicitor. Many, ,,hurrylog, to't a town • hall,._it" aving people imagine that If they have a , just dawned.upon him lmehe had a grievance against some individual- Man locked up who should bereeleas- they can bring on a case in any • slip- - ed, but of, course, the fellow eta" o ut. shod manner, and that the Judge will Mr Tedford, we believe, made'amends try' it. His Honor Judge Doyle on foil his forgetfulness, by a generous" Friday !made some remarks on thie bontributfoii to the poor fellow. point which were very sensible.' He said if people will try to do what they DIVISION COURT SITTINGS.—The ehouldaask a solicitor to do for them, counter attraction to the races on they must, if wrong, abide the con- Friday was the sittings of the Division sequences, which in some of Friday's Court. The Court Room was crowd - cases was the payment of very con- ed all day—some remaining to see siderable-costs. A word to the wise the fun, some on business, and some is sufficient. most unwillingly as witnesses. His Honor was somewhat late in ar,iving I OBITUARY.—The Woodstock Stand• and an unusually large docket kept and thus refers to the lady mentioned the Court until nearly 5 o'clock. The by. us last week :—The friends of Mrs bar was largely represented—Messrs Grant Henry, (nee Miss Todd,) who Manning, Hartt,' Scott and Powell was married only a few months ago, were all on hand,and from the County will hear with regret of her early Town pro ion came Messrs Holt, death. She hat) no sooner arrive at Campion and Proudfoot. The two her Iowa home than she was seized cases which attracted most attention with acute consumption, and after a were Racey vs Watson and Beatty vs brief Stay was brought back to Wood- Buckborrough. The former was an ac- etock a fortnightr so ago. The tion for rent brought against the Wat- doctors pronounced ger case hopeless son MfgCo., by R M.Racey .or a year's from the outset. The deceased was a rent. The action was resisted upon valued member of the typographical various grounds the cbien being that staff of The Standard for some months the contract was not under seal 'and previous to her marriage, baying that the deft having sold the premises learned the business with her brother, and not being entitled to the reversion one of the proprieto rs of the Clinton ,poutd not sue as landlord. Powell for News -Record. She•was only 17 years plff, Holt fur deft.. Judgment reserv• and a half of age. t ed. The second case was an attach - GOT Iils I>EssrifrIs.—J. Bidwell ment suit. Beatty bad a horse under Mills, the head, middle and tail of an the care- of "Prof." Buckborrough apparently bogus Collecting agency who used it so badly that he offered with headquarters at Hamilton, found to and did purchase the horse for $100. histevel at the Division Court here on He paid $50 and was -to pay the bar - Friday last Ele sued T. Cooper & ance by a certain time ; at the time Son for a 2nd year's membership in appointed he made default and *as his concern, and before the case was about leaving town when pill issued thetigh be found out that he had a writ of attachment and seized the • run his head againac a stone wall. horse, which had in the meantime After his manner of conducting bis been put under the care of Dr. Black - business was shown up and the nature all. A motion was made to set t'v of his worthless books expased the attachment aside, which was finally Judge very properly characterized the ordered though most stubbornly whole thing ns a fraud and threw Mr fought. Both counsel had any num- .f. 11Tdweil Mirrs' case out of Court. ber of authorities on hand but His 'rhe bogus association wax emphatic- I Honor held the defeeis ii, the ufi',dnvit with an actual bombardment, living ally sat upon and its manager diacov-fatal. The ease stands n^er until actors, mnenifrcent Ocenery and fere ered that this was an exceedingly tin • I next Mitt,. Manning for P1ff, Cam• works will he one of the special fen - healthy county for men of his stamp. I pion for deft. Ths oilier cases were tures. The Exhibition win be held So mote it be. , unimportant. from Sept. 10th to 22nd. Hre 11. Foster who has been away from tgwn for several weeks, returned on Tuesday. Mr H. B. Marcy has rented the house at present occupied by Mr Keeter. Mr Shaw, tate of Toronto, has taken a situation in the store of Det- lor & Co. Miss Leua Rowell, after spending the summer here, has returned to Toronto. Mr Alex. Winslow, of Merriton, is here on a visit to his brother-in-law, Mr 13. Tewsley. There was quite a heavy fall of hail here last -Friday [corning, but no harm was done. Misses Ada and Maggie Sturgeon, of Kincardine, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs Walsh. The town has this year received $593.45, as a first payment from the West Huron License Fund. A large shipment of cattle was made to the old country on Monday, by Messrs Bowden and Stevens. Miss Lucy Bellamy, of Almonte. sister of Mrs Alex. Armstrong, of Clinton, was married last week. Mr Chas Koine returned to Mor- den, Man., on Monday, being accom• panied by his brother William. Mr Thos. Calbick, of Wichita, Ks. (brother of Mr D. Calbick, of town,) came home on a visit on Tuesday. Mr W. W. Nugent, late of the Col- legiate Institute, has taken a position in the store of Geo. E. Pay & Co. Miss Doherty (daughter of W. Doherty, Esq.,) has gone to attend the Alma Ladies College, at St. Thomas. Mr W. Foster; and family, left on Tuesday for Sault Ste Maiie, where they will enjoy a three weeks' holi- day. Mr T. D. Hodgins,of London, well known in Clinton, has been confined to his home with illness for about a week. Mr Geo. Hanley, who has been confined to the house by illness for a couple ref weeks, is now able to be out. Sportsmen say that the black, squirrel has entirely disappeared. It is rarely ever seen in this neighbor- hood, at any rate. During the months of July and August Messrs W. and T. McLean shipped over one hundred car loads of cattle from this section. Mr Colborne Emerson leases for Rat Portage in the course of a month; if he likes that locality he will per- manently remain there. Mrs Harrison, who bas been here with her family for several months, returns to her husband at San Francisco in a couple of weeks. Mr J.W. Bill, ten dealer,has•taken up his residence on the property re- cently bought by his father, on the gravel road, just north of the town. Miss Beesley is enjoying a week's holidays and rest and has gone just where she can get away from the bustle of business. She is at Goderich. Private Roberts, of Seaforth, was the only rifleman from this section who attended the annual meeting of the Dominion Rifle Association at Ottawa this week. During the absence of Mr Pay in Toronto, and Mr Detlor, in the West, the superintendence of their respective businesses devolved upon their wives, who performed their work well. Mr Geo. Potts, painter,has return- ed to town from Detroit, and will re- main here. He says that times are very dull indeed there, hundreds of men being out of employment. One of the most readable columns in- the daily Globe is thaLunder the head of "Observations" written by a member of the staff, who is a native of•Stanley, in this county. Mr Andrew,Callander, formerly of s Clinton-, 'but lately in business in London South, is giving up on ac- count of i11 health, and will again take a position as Commercial travel- ler. It' Are W>lll a a t elegant stack dor 1Vew Window shades,Pulls, prz', .Rollers Etc., About the lath Sept. Prices right. Remnants of all kinds at SOcts on the dollar to make room for Fall Goods COMPLETE STOCK OF School Books & Supplies 6 largo GIa Gob1e ?5a Only 300 lei Only 2 Baby Carriages Left, Which will be sold at about half price WE ARE GIVING BARGAINS IN ALL. KINDS OF GOODS. Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Chris.Dickson,Clinton HURON CENTRAL EX1I[13[TION, CLINTON, Starr. 10.20.21 The writer has just returned from a visit to the Toronto and Montreal markets, where a week has been spent on • a hunting tour FgOR FALL STOCK W e will be safe in saying that nes°er before have we hown such a variety of goods, and at prices lower than ever before quoted in this place Mr E. Floody has returned from the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Orangemen, which was recently held at Winnipeg. It was chiefly through his efforts that it was decided to hold the next annual meeting at Goderich. 44,1 ARE, ARRIVING We have made Large Selections of cess Goo The Newest Patterns and Colors S 5 Plashes &Trimmings - TO MATOFi The great attention which we give to our CLOTHING TRADE enables us to offer goods that cannot be ap- proached in this section, and in a very short time we will make a tremendous noise about our stock of Clothing Farmers who tend to have auction sales will find three auctioneers in Clinton, all of bcm are competent men, and the N w . ERA has excel- lent Willies for turning out quickly sale bills of all kinds. Besides this, we given free notice of the sale in our columns. A few days ago Mrs Geo.H. Wright, of Berlin, (formerly of Clinton) re- ceived through the Merchants' Bank the sum of $3,000, the amount for which her late husband was insured in the Royal Arcanum. All the mo- ney Mr Wright had paid in to secure this large prize for th ►se he left be- hind was $75. Mr A. Macpherson, the well-known fruit dealer of Winnipeg, is down here for the purpose of purchasing apples for that markt. Ne states that although the frost has done some injury to crops, the xtent is eery limited, and he believes Manitoba rri will have an enormous amount of grain for export, THE TORONTO E\dl,itTION,—Our Fair going renders should not miss visiting the Toronto Industrial Ex- hibition, which promises °to be un- usually full and complete this year. The entries are greeter than ever be - tore and the programme of special at- trnctions is claimed to be the most varied and intetesting ever presented in Canada. The brilliant. ',Isloodless battle, the ",Siepe of Sebastopol," 0 u341,Sd.NL14':'4 4411 N +Ri• -•- 1 tl J. a ,kn ... "JWU�,`ve:i.i114 Our MANTLE Departm't Has not i,een overlooked, We have a large range of MELTON CLOTHS to choose from. Call and snake your selection. i MELTON DRESS GOODS in plain & checks Cases of FLANNELS, All -wool and Union Cases of CANTON FLANNELS, White and Colored Our endeavor will be to put the best- selected stock of Dry Goods before you at the very closest prices. We cannot convince you of that wititout showing you the goods. Call and be convinced. Remember the Huron Central kExhibition— 'Sept. 19-20-21. Don't fail to come and see the great attractions. GEO E PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON Buyers of Clothing should remember that we manufacture all our own Ready -Made Clothing, and it cannot be approached by ordinary Ready -blades which are offered at higher prices than what we ask. The evi- dence • of this is our large and increasing 'rade. Our New Stock is now full and complete and -we would like an inspection JACKSON : BROS., Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Ciit4TN,91N)Pd Heron ('enll'al Fair, Clinton, Sept.l9-20-2l Fail. ANNOTJNCEMENT.. Store full of Fall &Mnier Goods just arrived. OUR GREAT SPECIALTY ATS In this department our stock is most extensive and va- ried, embracing all the new shapes and patterns, and imming designs. FEATHERS, BIRDS AND RIBBONS Will se worn this season. We have them in bewildering and fascinating variety. We would like to give you a full description of our New Styles and Trimming Fabrics, but we cannot afford to pay for all the space in this newspaper and a large sup- plement besides, because we want to give you the bene- fit of the lowest prices possible, so you had better just call and see them yourself. Our TRIMMING Depart't Is under the management of At -SS LACK, an accom- plished artiste, assisted by a competent staff, and our patrons may expect every article of Millinery purchased from us to be a Gem of Art. liecsley's Great Millinery Emporium, TIS Lath Favorile EsiBishmeill Huron Central Exhibition, Clinton, Sept. 10-20-21.