HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-09-07, Page 6• LIGHT ANDOHADUW.. No light e'er shines without its al had w• casting ' A gloom as deep and dark, the other way. A Oto attibttt Io4' lirtiitaitV god lliar< pet:. NEW ?QR:l\, Aug, :10.,-ltiTM Tiuitl London cable says *- It No earthily beam can stake itttdprce so tto�d g \ seethe( to be a fat,( f:hat. the lasting. O ofJt:1 necda,floen• 7,0,0%000But that the night may shroud its l0 80 ,006,0.00 buss i l3 .ofwheal,fading ray. more than the ha rest will pro. No human joy without its shaded sor: row, To spread as wide and deep its with- ering blight ; The fullest pleasures tinges often _ bor, row From coming grief which darkens like the night. No sounds of laughter with echoes wak- ing. The sunlight air in surges of light. But there are moans to show that hearts are breaking, As if the transient folly to r t t .94a. oi:tngFexpeotei ytn 1 ngla and the kiab ttt pried" of breed at i oa( . tread t et o on- account o .:. to 4Jur ld be' +?heat ca'op, anti( 3 "afittciptition.. of the sud,en scarcity of that cereal in the ifn- rn edip e future, the Unitod'St$ is etai'b , eongratidatRsi''., upon, Alje amo:z'nt of'wheataht'eady: harvests duet ,„ stir put it illi afC `h -CI way ' ed it 11 tf it..if we cea theeountricD•which always rave fcicotd.s-I)onta tto Au' buy wheat must this year buy .knows. an feed ourselves. some $79,000,000 4tlallol , while I Mothers the aunts 9s raising ,afore t:hait Cas o rtia h rceommended by physic): ..t..4.9.7consfltno will 'have' shod( ansifg ohildraeii tteething• 1,,tie; a Rure- lftfl(l vtfil1 ave to.ittaperir at. least 170,000,000 bushels. France, which next to the United SIA400i is the groatnts( wheat predcit in the world, has one of thettorst' crops ever reaped. A week ago it was estimates! that she won't! need to import 6S,000,0o0bushele. Now, since. the last storm and the requite. discovery by the first threshing The chandelier can never in its glowing of the bud duality oft he grain,the Light up the splendor of the halls, of. shortage is put at from 80,000,000 to 96,000,000 bushels. Yey little pride, if any, of this con bo 1'111/ to -good Uy Q.Igeries, where the grasshop- pers have decimated the crops. Get' iany, Ritts-, a.ild the 0,41 r - x -r 295,} 0fi0,0'00'tiushots to "Sett. En r-1 ly vegetable preparation, its In xedterits are published around each bottle. It is 4164001st -to the taste and,absolutely harmless. It relieves constipation, re- gulates the bowels, quiets pain, cures diarrhoea acid wind colic, allays ftjverish- ;ness,.destroys worms, and preventscon- vulsions, soothes the child and gives it refreshing and natural sleep. Castoria is the children's panacea—the mother's friend. 35 closes, S. cents. 23.12 But that the tallow dip is faintly show - int: The ghastly.sq,a1ur where the poor reside. At the first dawning of the new crea- tion, The evening and the morning made the day. So thro' the world, in every rank and station, The light and shadow hold alternate sway. Here through the shades thier sombre -- fit btt w • U1 a Whelk uz,,.,I this yu t•:`.•'Of the',' eat land, tau y nn oxpol'Ling connti�r7 , the Li ited i States and l;a y;�i0f fi an be counted ' on to supply Irtbi tit 103,000,00(1 Russia 90,000,0OOE. end India 35,- 000,000, but i4A. . Se latter coun- trieit there is•"mi Qh more 'ewer_ Wittily than it1'lhe former. ' The northern workhouse au-' thnritiee ltuvi their hands full with an army of ,Irish laborers • palls casting, who are tteeu-Wmed to come to We should not droop or falter through England for the harvest. This despair. year they Lind no work for then( I Here though the sweetest buds are to do, and the laborers have no blasting, means• with (which to get hones. The it shadows come Dot, for no light The potato crop in many parts of , is there. England and all along the west , Coast of Ireland is,also a failure. Till: NEW MECCA. The 'L'ilnes' View of -lite Situation. In this age of misrepresentation, when the irrepressible Quack walks the '!'imus• mays editorially:— abroad through the medium of the printing press, and with an entire dis- regard of the consequences to humanity seeks to impose his unskillful services or worthless decoctions upon the public we take especial pleasure in saying a word in commendation of a reliable and justly -famous Institution of I•Iealing. We . refer, to Dr R. V. Pierce's "World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute," the pride of the good City of Buffalo and the "Mecca" of a multitude of invalids who owe recovery to the skillful •treatment and attention ,there received. Dr. Pierce's establishment comprisestwo mammoth and artistic structures, con- nected by an open passage way: One an Invalidss' hotel and Surgical Iii. stitnte presided over by a corps of Eighteen Celebrated Physicians and Surgeons, and provided throughout with the most luxurious appointments and conveniences that taste can suggest and money can supply. Here are faultlessly furnished and decorated reception=rooms, readiug- roums, spaciows sleeping apartments, Turkish Baths, and every possible con- venienience of a magnificently -con- structed and liberally -managed hotel. with eitelt and every department a marvel of artistic fitness and complete. nesse The adjoining structtn•e- is 1anown as the "World's Dispensary." Upon each of its six immense floors a scene is pre- sented which, when once•observed, can never be forgotten. In the Labratory on the fifth floor, a large number of careful chemists are constantly employed in the preparation of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery, Favorite Prescriptions, and other world -famed preparations,which, at all hours of the busy day, goes sing- ing and gurgling through a system of ° tubing, from its birthplace on the fifth floor to the bottling and labeling de- partment in the vast basement of the building. T.he intermediate floors are alive with the buzz and whir -r of, not alone, fourteen printing presses, throw- ing off a countless variety,.of pam- phlets, circulars,' hectic , •and labels; but of folding, pressing, and pasting Machinery, -all operated by the deft. fingers of cleanly:dressed and intellig- ent young ladies, all operating together and filling the place with the music df a well -disciplined activity second to none in our country. Dr Pierce has • dorit and to doing,a great work for hum- ia 'ti' an accept tl a the lydrtoro and emoluments of his recognized position with a knowledge that no success was ever more worthily attained. To go through a detailed account of the myriad of mechanical and electrical appliances and contrivances here to be found le perfection of construction and application, or to lead your observation thrcug'n suit neon suit of cheerful and elegantconsultingandtreatment-roonis, and to dwell upon the other thousand - and -one attractive and useful feattires of the establishment, would be a pleas. ing task, but, at the present moment, for us en impossible one.Fnough for us to say that the people of the country should be prond of this arrest success• Unfit up, solely, on the elements of true Americanism, viz., Piocks integrity and Ability. Twenty two years of the daily and hourly -exercise of these characteristics has gained for Dr. Pierce the confidence of the entire public, and the heart -felt thanks. ofthepatronsofhis skill, "whose name is Legion." 'Judging from our special reports from the ;wheat-produeiig Saito_ published this morning, the Unit-, 'ed States will tint the in n position ' to furnish' very Much of the 70,' 000,000, or 80,000,000 bushels of wheat twhit•h will be required to meet the deticieni•v cau.aeif by the pour crops in the Old World.I The wcathcr has been unfavor- able here ns in Europe. to large harvests or the prineil al fond cereals, hut so titins'can 1>c.learn- cd; tt'e ,•ball h:tve unlple tt }seat fur Lonte wot,sntnitti(ni with pro- hably craniia tilt a great( deal, to spars', to supply n 1)0114)0 et' the 1 dematht act oss the geettn, Indiana avid..\Vi.secnsin appttr to be the only States in which the yield is above (Ito average, and can be eoneidercil really a great one. • In Ohio the crop is reported to be not over s'xty per cent. of the average an 1 oi•a ti interior duality, In Illinois tlr) quality it teat high though the quantity 'harvested is satisfactory and in lint;u, n loss of fully. one-third' has- been sus- Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. * Sold by Druggists; $1; six bottles for $5. t,tined by tle lig(iit �7 tle Steam threshers and self -bind. - ors are as common among the In- dians on the Oneida reserve as with the whites and are as well managed, Charles Edwards, n lunatie,who t was tramping from Brantford to Hamilton, fired the barn of Alfred Roberts, near Ancaster, causing a of"': 8;000:' EdWit rds. h;t4 bee•n'• jailed in Ilamilton.l Be on Your Boors. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can he cured for 25c, by using Dr Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure. A few appittations cure n• sipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes are guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure, Sokd by all druggists. The Baptiste eo rr egation of London South have extended a call, which has been accepted, to Rev J. W. McKay, of Toronto. Ile will begin his pastorate about Oetobor lst. The new church is snaking good progress. Don't Wait Until your hair becomes dry, thin, and gray before giving the attention needed to preserve its beauty and vitality. Keep on your toilet -table a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor—the only dressing yon require for the hair—and use a little, daily, to preserve the natural colorand prevent baldness. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., writes : " Several months ago my hair commenced falling out, and in a few weeks my ]lead was almost bald. I tried many remedies, but they did no good, I finally bought a bottle of Ayer's Ilair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the contents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recom- mend your preparation as the best hair- restor.Pr in the world." " My hair was faded and dry," writes Mabel C. hardy, of Delavan, Ill.; " but after using a bottle of Ayer's Flair Vigor it became black and glossy." Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Pimples and Blotches, So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and neck, may be entirely removed by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla; the best and safest Alterative and Blood -Purifier ever discovered. H0 -BE. t1ll Wood Furnace Sontetiting Entirely New. A Powerful & Economical IEieat- er. Thoroughly Tested. Suit- able for medium 'sized dwell- ings. Having had several years' experience :1t' rt in putting in Hot rFu Furnaces, and the -• , increasing demand for afirst-chase Fur- nace has caused us to intr..'" something new. We have taken into consider- ation the weak points in those now in the market, which in our new Gem we have fully overcome. Embodying all the requirements for a perf ect heater, and combining durability, simplicity andiefficiency with perfect safety and great economy of fuel. iTS ADVANTAGE -3 ABE 'I vas hui'prised,' raid a pro- nifti it pbysie'an,'at what I lean- ed of the details of the dietic ho- tels of .fapnn from so close an ob- server as John Ln Fargo, who ' has ieoedtl ' spent a number of )t oaths in aapau. 110.14111s me 'seat the rice gi•owerA, •-the ;peas- antry that grow the rico in Japan, are titr ton poor to he able to cat it. The ieivi'rty (hart is ton great to admit of at riv'i diet in,a rice- lifrowing country is beyond 011.1' Imagination. What do they eat ? That is what 1 as <ed. %Needs, 5totv(il weeds, 115 W1.11 0s i can leaf( . 1,l�co.cell'ra ittt,''.Ilextttiou till. yelp is '20 mill. , t1 t.be"dollat. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. • OPULAR 1-FYD (3OODS Hp RRIVALS4FALL TRADE Dress Goods very attractive Dress Melton Cloths large assortment: Wool squares and 1t can be pit into loss cellars or basements, It hag a casein;; of plate steel around the fire•hr x, ma'aiug it herfect'y gas and smoke tight. - It is easily cleaned out, which is a very important feature, as it insures the furnace heating as well in the latter part Of the winter as when first ,tatted in the fall. Immense i•adi,ttinsurface is given and great heat obtained by it'd Iizimg that (whirl, is natally wasted by passing into the chimney. rhe fisc door is doable, taking cell air io at the t•il, add carrying it dnn•n into tlic fire. preventing hent n!1.1 - p Irks escapini; into the caller. It has expansion b:uulc, aihln iu t fnru,u o t , upas 1 a.t 1 C 1:111',1 • v:th- nut any danger i f cracking. It is easily regulated by damper r r" l in fro,it of furnaes caasin„ the heat to pass down side tines. clear round tiro bis,making a saving of full''oue third in foal It is the most economical and cheapest first-class furnace mane. The cheap- est furnace to buy and nse for the economy of fuel, Every furnace warrtlitral to give entire satisfaction. Call and see it and • et p1i es. • Fascinators gee stir t1LL-W ODL F LAN N E L - GREY t:,t- 20c Top Shirt•sl.Cardigans UNDERCLOTHING. ALL WiLL BE OFFERED AT VERY CLOSE PRICES W. L. OUIMETTE, L ONDESBORO lS. New liquor Store The subscriber having opened a liquor store in PERRINS BLOCK, Market. Sq., Clinton, with a full stock of Liquors of the very best brands, consisting of French Cognac Brandy, - in wood or bottle. Best Holland Gin, •- hl Ih Bernards Tom Gin, - Irish and Scotch Whisky, - Finest Ports & SherrylWines, • BXSS ,\.LI•:, pts. and qts., GUINESS' STOUT, pts, and qts. WHISKIES, (:itiadiap ALES and PORTER, NATIVE WINES, 'its... Goods delivered to any part of the town. at A:04. SHEPpAIzD. 99 19 91 19 19 is H A LAND BROS. STOVES and HARDWARE, - • CLINTON 01E41 S E ll c1 �4.I YJ Y BLACK -B'LBNff-. TEAS HAVE. NO EQUAL S. PALLISER &NNCO., Family Grocer:4, next to3Town Hall. Oalbi�k Reith, �'1'IIE LEADING -s U NDERTAKERS I) EMBALMERS CLINYON in our like Of undertaking we fear no competition, as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods; an(l as Funeral Directors, we are bound • to- •give satisfaction. ..A. .call r.e spectfully solicited. Tic Lt flk Tnriitri stogy, £1irt it., D )1S CALBICK' & R'EITH .(7NDE1 D()1 A. ■ • 1'E3tT DOOR TO TIIE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS,'1'.ARLOR SETS,I LUNGES -SIDEBOARDS,- CHAIRS, ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VERT BEST MADE FURNI • TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. 1 • --J-4-)S. C H IL INL I 7 . Fa$I.'2iIy Grocaries. A FRESH AND FULL STOCK, WHICH INCLUDES FRUITS. CANDIES, NUTS, FISH, &c. —BESIDES A FULL S1'OiiK 01?--- € hoic's F`aillily (7 14 ro(•t`1•lE':►,Ciililtfl,y Cr0;101 :Pr 4a and (-jaspw Are. All .. t I3otrc�tu I'f-ir�E•�w. —A CALL Su LI('I'1'E D.-- PRINTS PRINTS PRINTS :x: N. RO'BSONI CHINA HALL -----A FENIE LOT OF• ---- Summer Underwear, Scarfs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Gloves, Collars, Silk Hats, Hard and Soft Hats, White Dress Shirts, unlaundried White Dress Shirts. I lisys, also in stock'tbe GLOVE F1' TING BRACE, which can not be excelle 1 for comfort and durability. Call and inspect the shove, lines of goods, and you will be surprised at the low priers they are selling at. SPECIAL OFFER ft'otn Monday, 11ay 28th, until further notice, -- Having a large stock of PRINTS, and this being the season to use them, I etre' as follows: TO THE PURCHASER OF 12 YARDS OF• ANY KIND, I WILL GIVE ONE YARD FRREE, with 20 yards I will give 2 yard,, will) 30 ynr,ls will give Fah yards; with 40 yards will give 5 yards of same price. S3ME OF THAT HANDSOME WALL PAPER LEFT YET { n 1 snrply of all gond'; 1:.'pt in general stole. While manly aro crJing lull tiitea affil hard tinges, and 50100 art clotting d>wit, trade in this house has berm !tisk, because 1 onl,l,: know where to get the worth of their,money 55 BARS OF SOAP FOR $1 Pi,0 I';- \iAItlED iN Pi..\IN F{CU'11ES. 11;iv 25t1), R. ADAMS. co=EG-i.IAsa-ow 1t1:3MCMBER TRIG STAND—Otte door north of the Dry (Roods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. OR W. H. GRAHAM'S British American Medicial & Surgical Institute. 170 I{ING ST. `VEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronic and Private Diseases. All Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Lungs & Heart. Diseases of the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, &c,, quickly cured. ''Nervous diseases and Diseases of the Brain indicated by Ileadache,Dizzi- neas, Sleeplessness, and a1LN'euraligia affections. Diseases of the Stomach, Liz rand Bowels characterized by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jattndice, OffeliSi$eBreath, &o., Diarnccea,COM iveness, files, Tuhners,tte., Diseases of the Ki 1neysluttl Bladder. Private Diseases and diseases of a private nature as Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele (the result of,ygutktful folly and excesses) Gleet, Syphilitic affect- ions &c., receive special atierition �•� -. • : • Diseases of Women, Pai$ ul, Profti.se • or •Snppressetl Menstruation,' Leu- corrhoea, (whites) Ulceration and all Displacement's of the Wemb. Call or write for particulars. Office hours. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p.m New Tailoring Establishment Thetxutneldyersi•b:nnih,dic 11typerutootIiriiftdaRill dece: pua tie stock of ere, Engsh,So ''na T eecds. Fr'e nch Worsteds, and all the latest;patterns P4anti,ngs. Which he wjli; gtkunpre jo J)il,yke, tilt at the lowest possible prices. i 1 uf.Lllie�lJst dttztlit,y, and it tit guaranteed of no Sale. call solicited. ir' • EttEra utas,,. ,13;lis�art Z.Chilton. r• �, f i4 1t EXT DOOR TO WATTS'. DRUG STORE. A, Positive Cure. "Mk A Painless Cure. FACTS i R SEs OF ALL AGES. DISEASES (7):E` MAN: WI. v- z tr23c rs EVMCIVIC iso- e TUG QRE.rfT IIMALTWA 21 rElr JR, Marvel el Healing, and Kohineer of Medicines, Chems the terrible eoncequeneem of fndlecretlon, Expo -erre nnet Overwork. Y©'C71•TG' MrDaZ.==41.G4•EID .A.1\ X) Or .T1 141=2, Who•axe broken down from the etfeets of ettu';e wain End in No. 8 a radical cure ter nerve, debility, organic weakness, ftlyppltinrsryvital tosses,tl)te. 41.'9987,0M P019 wrncn No. 8 990001,n A% U,ti0 —Wa:tt of euergy, vertfgb, 00,11t of purpos dimness of eight, aversion to society, scant of cunt,:ence, avoidn•uce of convereatioi desire for eoutude, listlessness end innhil lty to iix the attention ens particular subjee cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, irsaof iaemory, eccttabtiityattemper ape tnatorrboea, or loss of the seintnal aunt—tile re mit of aetf•abnse or tuarital excess—lmpt tonoy, innutrition, omseiation, h°a•renuc°s, pnit,itnrien of the heart, hysteric feelings 1 females trembling, molt ehely, dIPnu, 1)It,g (1t WI tis.tc.,a,cell ssmptomeofthis Unita habit, oftentimes innocently n,.(in i!ed, 1, 11 ab.,rt, ill', • 14,uC (if vital force having toes 1: to sion,eve;YfnnotIok(wanesinci.>dw}cr:I'.«'. soiontt11CicriIorsendtheauperintenden*, ofd si, 'eastda,ey'Inmt rite in Gerd )x to ILA effects of It if -„(rasa tiro great majority ,:. rm.° lipeb which en,n n tt'v' I tt armies. If vitt'. are ii,(io,upetegqt�Rat the armee:: u fefbittinetn, ilicais olatte'1 tdt tea el hymen tit of life No. steamers eseape(row tireeffect5bf early vi •e. If yah ale anv,r. oil in veil , No. l.w;if give roe fan'vlgger en; strength. It you aro l.. !:ti, Clots:,, 1 •• '1( �, I i V vial e r, e, v. 1,•�+ul early indiscretion, tb' result of ignorance ar. u.,:l v, tame Dor e r;•i,a•. �. + slid In c,- 1-1.1 in elan for M. V, Lvnoi'- Treatise in Book Form on ]liicasee et sins, ben'.( -,t rnei swmre from Observatie,. m Address all coinini':-••timIP to N. a'. 1,t't DN, d' 'Y' IIinatot%.St, E,, .i .ron/n A Mahwithoettllltdom its, : in a tsars wigs e GJ1iES CeJARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. f: . 7.'t......6:7:4 j >yy;;rt��vv.:"(�•n'+6wi FYihe t,"' "•iq qI(I,..,�Eq19rff:xf t -}r. -4%,..2..,,,r 1 t „alr �,.:3�`- > �ae :e�;::l,,m4V .>:.tli` '' .. t„"1tt.S`.414.1.y''T.Y:1,Vuiv A► Perri,' eat orelt ("`teem, �� FI riloPoPt,, .. (:costs