HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-09-07, Page 5v 1 1 1 1 ii in 1 SPECIAL .FOR TflIs WEEK. GENUINE CLEARING SALE OF CHILDRENS SAILOR - HATS In oral. r to clear out the remainder of our ST We will offer them at Cost Prices. 'This i; a chance to secure Big Bargains. No old stock. All this seasons goods. New shapes. Don't forget, all at cost price. T. JACKSON, SR The Hub Grocery IS OFFERING BIG BARGAINS IN S.A.P.AN , TEAS 60 cent Japan' Teas for 30 cents. 50 cent Japan Teas for 25 cents. Also a new arrival of English Breakfast Black k Tea, ver fine flavor. Neww lot of RAISINS, 4 lbs. for 25 cents. BI100M4-2 for 25c. Call and see our stock. Goods delivered to any part of town. CEO. SAN A LL ()w, CLAIN-TON ' AT DET-LOR & CO'S New JERSEYS, New Dress Goods With Dr:tided Sets t match. NewFress GIWS�. PANNELS. HUSSARS. ORNAMENTS. TRIMMINGS. New Loops and Epaulets, New 1Vjantle and Jaelret Cloths. New Mantle Ornaments. New Plushes, from 50 cents up. New I4:venin,:; Shawls, 'AliI`NToN' "t 'R AT13, f-; .:. Corr4o .d sxcr1='' buradey altjruooe. Tluridayl Sort 0a 1888. Whe•t,. 4 ring,,. 420, a, 1 00. Wheat, w *Ad red . t,,0 88 a. 1 04. Oat. - ,.. . - _ Od2a030 Birley • ,1 ''410 040 s 060 Pe.$► • • 1 r 0 6 s.. 0 ii5 mom t toeko'w owl s U 0 a. 2 50 • 504050 Butter 0 10 a 0 17 Eggs • 013.015 Park ; i!; 675.700< Rat '.' '• • 10(011200 Lamb skips • 00 0 a 0 80 Hideo, • • 5 00 a 0 50 Wool, 20 a 5 20 o2oao2o SEAFORTH MARKETS Seamen', Sept. 6, 1888. Wheat, spring, • Red •and wbiie Uats, . - Peals, • Butter, Egge, - Potatoes, • Pork, - • Flout per owt ;0 95 a 0 99 - 0 95 a 0 90 - 032 a 035 O 50 a A55 • 0 45 ' a40fi0 0 15 a 0 17 O 14 a 0 14 0 5.0 a 0 60 6 50 a 7 00 200 a 225 BLYTH 141ARKETS. Reported specially for New Efts every Thursday Blyth, Sept. 6, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 95 0 99 Fall ' . new . 95 a 99 Oats Barley Peas tatoes, per bus . gs per doz Butter,rolls . Cheese Lard . Flour per cwt. , • 31 a 35 • 45 a 55 . 55 a 55 • 50 a 50 13 a 13 14 a 15 • 15 a 15 • .10 a 12 2 00 2 10 Hoge, . . 6 25 700 • TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, Sept: 6, 1888. Wheat, fall 1 00 a 1 03 Wheat, spring - - 0 93 a 0 98 Barley - - - 0 57 a 0 58 Oats - - - - 0 35 a 0 35 Peas - • - 0 70 a 0 72 Butter, pound rolls - 0 20 a 0 23 Butter, large rolls - 0 18 a 0 20 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 15 a 0 16 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. About 550 head of butchers' cattle,1,- 160 sheep and lambs 20 calves and 40 fat hogs, offered at the East End Abattoir on Monday. Trade was brisk atslight- ly lower prices all round. None of the cattle sales exceeded 4c per lb., but more would have been paid for really fine. A lot of thrifty young steers was bought at Sic per lb., to be shipped to Prescott to be fed at the distilleries. Good butchers' stook 3. c Calves bring high Crates. Sheep and lambs more plentiful and rather•lower,though there was an active demand- for all but the poorest, shippers paying from $4.50 to $5 for good large sheep. Lambs at from $2.25 to $4.25. Fat hogs much more plentiful; prices easier. Most of the sales were at from 61c to ( c, J.CUDETLOR 8cC0.,CLINTON • TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. The market ou \Vednosday was de- pressedlinconsequence of the weaker cables 'and the large quantity offering. Over fifty Loads offered here and prices are lower. The demand was slack and the look is somewhat unfavorable. The best cattle were quoted in Liverpool on Monday at 12e, arid sheep were also lower at 13c to 131e for prime. Shippers here are holding off;ehoice steers quoted easier at 4fc to 4,c, and medium at 4c: a few stockers sold at 31c to 4c per Ib., and bulls at 4c. Milchcows rule at $ 30 to $45 a head. Thera was a limited de- mand for butchers' cattle,thebest quali- ties selling at about 4c ; good to medium at 3c to 3Jjc, and inferior at 2ic to 24e. Sheep for shipping in limited detnand and prices lower; those weighing 150 lbs. bring 4c per lb; butchers' sheep $3.- 50 to$4.50 a head,and rams 3ic to 31c per lb. Lambs in limited supply, andrices steady,at $2.50 to $3.50 a head. Calves in good demand and firm. Choice beasts of 200 to 300 lbs., sell at $12 to $15 a head, or from 9:}c to 10c dressed weight; inferior calves, or those weighing 125 to 135 lbs, sell at $6 to $7 a head, or 7c dressed weight- Hoge scarce and first; choice light fat soli at sic to 6Ic, store hogs at 52c to 6c and stags at 3tc. IT While this is now the great question in the political arena 0f Canada the people of Londesboro and surrounding country aro asking "Where can I get the best valuo for my money Y•' Come to ADAMS' Emporium LOi.\TDES'BCRO. Which is well supplied with FALL AND WINTER G000S 'Some extraordinary values in TWEEDS. sairBEAVTIFUL AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. ° "Great variety of FLANNELS, PRINTS ds COTTONS. ikr BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, and ' HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use. SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL KINGS OF GROCERIES TAILORING in connection. Highest price for Butter and Eggs. Sept F►th, 1888. Re ADAMS. e I VJTiST ! ?T ,EvD QO 'TLAlaE(`) ASBORTMV. ENT OF NEW LAWNS AND MUSLIMS, NEW NUNS VEILING in BLACK and CREAM. NEW LACE BUNTINGS, &C. MILLINERY =- - - OUR STOOK OF SUMMER MILLINERY I8 VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. 130DCENB $05.054 BOLD warCa Y Sold for osteo um 01 tately- Beat 4t s watch to the world, Per - feet time- keeper. Warranted. Heavy 50111 0011 limiting eases. Elegant and dgentslcou6 Both lworks a geots'elzef with works and Oslo. of in equal PERSON in each loontlty ran oe possible? We - How la this poeel per- son answer—to to wont one por- 000 hl esti locaIte i to keep 10 their homea,and show to those who call, s complete line Omit valuable and very uoofat 1000SEIIOLI) SAMPLES. Thele eamplee,ae well as the wach,wo send free,and after you have kept them in your lame for 9t menthe ood shown them Penton who may have rallo,l,tbey become your own property 11 is possible to make this greet offer, sending the SOLID GOLD watch and COSTS' semplca free as the ohowlug of the samples In any locality, always results in a large trade for us;after our samples have been In n locality for a mouth pr two we usually get from 93000 to 91 1000 In Irade trent the •urrouoding country. rills, the roost avoad, fid offer ever kaown,ls mode In order that our samples may be pilo d at once where they can be seen, all over America. Write at oars, and make:sure of the chance. Reeder it will be hardly shy 1rou1110 for you to show the samples to those who may call at your home and your reward will be most ,ntlsdwtory. A Venial card Oa which to write us costa but 1 cent and alter you I tit w all .1f you do not care to go further, why n0 dorm fe done. But if you do send your address at once, you can !Ware FRIEL' one of rho 51,05solid gold watches In the world and our Servs line of COSTLY SAMPLES. We par all express, freight, etc, £ddre0 GEO. S'TINSON p CO, DIA et 2, PUSTULE D, HAI NU. EE BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. Candian cattle sold in Liverpool on the 3rd at a decline of £3 per head from prices made the previous week,the price being. £10 per head. The only cattle heard from in London were in hands of Bater & Williamson, whose highest sale averaged £21. These cattle, how- ever, were very superior, Reford charges 65 shillings for space to Glasgow, insur- ance extra, and the Beaver line have raised the rate to 67s Od on the Lake Superior 'for next Tuesday. This com- bined with the bad prospects, make shipping now a sure loss. The Manitoba Wheat Crop. Up to the present Ontario people have been led to believe that Manitoba's abundant'orop of wheat was harvested without being injured to any great ex- tent by frost. But it appears unfortun- ately that an injury, and a very serious injury, has been done. Grain dealers in Toronto, who have been keepinganx- ious eyes on Manitoba during the har- vest season, and paprticularly during the past two weeks, al'b forced. to say that grave damage has been done to the wheat prop by frost.- If it be true that half of the crop is damaged it is a mat- ter of deep concern. Ten million bush -- elf of wheat selling at half price means a loss to the country of upwards of $4,000,000. A saving of 25 per cent. ou the purohaso of a first-class piano as an important item, but such is the offer of Octavious Newcombe & Co., whose new Plano Factory, Bellwoods avenue, Toronto, (just completed) is the fin- est in the city, and equal in its tnacbinery and equipment to the latest and best in the United States. Intending purchasers will do well to communicate with them, Use Barkwell's sure Corn and Wart Cure CORN FOR SALE AT THE Clinton - Mills. MONEYM - TO LEND -'ON GOOD MORT- cnolis, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. McTAGGAR'I'. Uliuton, Feb, 24, 1668. ``t1X STUDENTS CAN BE ACCOMMO- DATED with board at the brick house opposite the Collegiate Institute. Apply to MRS GIFFIN, BOARDERS 'WANTED — A LIMITED number of boarders can be accommodat- ed with good board and comfortable, rooms. MRS C. CARTER, South side Townsend St -1 TRAY SPEER—CAME INTO SUBSCRI- t BR RS premises, sometime in July last, a Yearling Steer. Owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and tette it awe v MRS H. J. W13ILELY, lath con., (iucleric(' 1'ownshil,. HOUSE '1.'O RENT— A COMFORTABLE frame house on Rattenbury Street, ten minutes' walk frenl the Collegiate institute, Hard and soft water, good cellar, and every convoniouee for small fancily. Relit reason- . able. \V H HINE, Clinton WHOLE OR GROUND. PRICES REASONABLE. JAS. 1, FAIlI, - CLINTON. The other day Isaac, a young son of airs :Fames Nowell, of Al-, viston, while practicing the feat of vaulting with a pole, as he had seen illustrated at the Caledonian games there recently, mot with a serious accident. After taking the spring and while in the air bis hand slipped, and in falling his cheek struck on the point of the pole, causing an ugly and very painful wound, from the effects of which he will not soon recover. `11TRAY CALVES.—STRAYED FROM SUIt- seli;tthtiapromises,lot10,eon.I1,Milieu, about the 1st of June, two Yearlings, with rings in their right ears. Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. SIMON WAIT - TIE, Londosboro, F011, SALE OR EXCIHANGE—A GRAl'H- scoPlc show car with a tent for exhibi- tion at fall fairs ; one of the best paying in- vestments for the right lean. Will sell for $150, or will take in exchange a good ilei se, or a Covered Buggy or a first-class cabinet Organ. Address A. LAWRENCE, ' Lourdes boyo• 2131 PROPERTIES POR SALE ' 1 OOD HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE J on Rattenbury St, First-class Faruk, good buildings, bard and soft water, in Hul- lett. Easy terms. R. M. RACEY, Iron and Hardware Merchant, Clinton. Or. Washington's NEXT' VISIT Throat and Lttng Surgeon, OF TORONTO Will beat the Rattenbury House MONDAY SEPT'R. 17th After arrival of the , Toronto trails Chronic Bronchitis Cured. An English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Cornwall, Ont. DR WASHINGTON,— DEAR Sia, -1 am glad to be able to inform you that my daughter is unite well again. As this I is the second time she has been cured of grave bronchial troubles under you 'treatmhnt, when the usual remedies failed. I writo to express my gratitude. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, C. B. PETTIT. DISEASES TREATED.—Catarrh of the Head and Throat, Catarrh, Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus. of the nose removed. Como early. Consultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr Washington,s new teethed. 11 H Storey, of Storey & Son, manufacturers, Aoton, Ont, also Pres'tl Manufacturing Ass., of Canada. permanently cured of Catarrh by Dr Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Write him fur particulars. Mrs John Mclielvy, Kingston, Out, Catarrh and Consumption. John McKolvy, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh. Mrs A hopping, Kingston, Ont, Broncho Con, sum ption . Mr D Scutt, K. imp ton, Out, Catarrh, head and throat. Mrs John Bertram, itarrowsmith, Oet, Ca- tarrh, hued and throat. • Miss Mary A Bonlbourg, Centreville, (1,11 Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, P Master, Acton Ont. A E Fifth, Gents Furnishings, Belleville, Ont Cured of Catarrh, throat. John Pjrippin, Sandhurst P 0, Ont, (near Na - melee) of Catarrh head threat 0101 1111155. Head office 215 Youge Street, Toronto. Con- sultation Free. $1350 WILL Ltd HOUSE AND eD J Lot owned b;1; the mtdereigued, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St. Clinton. Hard and soft water and' good eta ble. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO, CALLANDER, 24 Stanly St., London South, HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE—SITUATE on Osborne St. The house contains six rooms end good stone cellar ; there are on the premises, bard and soft water a number of fruit trees and good stable. The lot con - tins } of an acre, and will be sold cheap, W. ROBERTSON, Pop Works, Clinton. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT—THE undersigned offers for Bale or to rent lot No. 29, con. 12, Goderich township, contain - ,ng 80 acres, about 30 acres cleared, a barb wire fence across the front of lot new frame barn, frame house, a good well at the house; and a never -failing stream running across the back of the farm. For further particu- lars apply to E. C. POTTER, Waggon Maker, Holtnesville, Important Notice. TOWN LOTS >•OR SALE.—In the Brown subdivision,lote facing on Huron, Batten - bury and Prinoess streets, the most desir- able property in the vicinity of the active and rapidly growing town of Clinton, beau- tiful residence sights can be bought at velry reasonable prices and terms to suit any e contemplating a purchase. Apply to J S. BROWN, Huron Road. *2m IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE or THREE FARMS Being the Homesteads of R•itarkwell, on MONDAY, September 17th, —AND— hiIrlIlCa$h Storo NOTICE TO THE LADIES. Miss Currell, Of THE GREAT CASH STORE, the Leading Dress and Mantle Maker of Huron, has returned from her hol— iday trip, and with an eflrcient staff of assistants, is pre- pared to serve her many customers faithfully: MISS BUCHAN,AN Our Milliner, has also returned and brings with her all the Newest Styles. It would pay you to engage her ' to trine your Fall Hat. NEW GOODS DAILY ARRIVING. You could not do better than inspect our stock before buying elsewhere. Watch the papers for our advertisements, and we will startle;you with good goods at low prices. Robortson's jai ci� sty. '1IURON CENTRAL EXHIBITION, CLINTON, SEPT. 10-20-21. 0 TUESDAY, September 1Sth, Farm No, 1 contains 200 acres, good clay loam, being lot 6,14th con., Township of Ash- field, County of Huron, is situate only 2A miles west of Lucknow, and on the boundary of Huron and Bruce. This splendid farm has 175 acres under cultivation, the balance i being well timbered with hardwood. There is on the place a large frame house and out- buildings; the farm is well fenced and an- derdrained. It has a first-class young or- chard and is well supplied with water. This farm will be sold on the premises, together or in differentMondayparcels,Sept. 50I7thsui, at t 1 pup• rchasersm• , on Farm No. 2 contains 75 aores, being lot 25, Ilth con., Township of Mullett, County of Huron,adjoining the vile of Londesboro, on thleading gravel road, nd is only six miles from the rapidly growing town of Clin- ton. It is in first-class state of cultivation, with New Femme House, good outbuildings is well fenced and underdralned, has a splendid bearing . orchard, with never -filing creek running through the farm. Within 5 minutes walk of either Methodist or Presbyterian Churches. This farm will be sold on the premises, on Tuesday, Sept. 18th., at 1 p. m. Also, to be sold on same day and place, 13 acres of well timbered land, part of Lot 21 con. 9, Hullett. These are very desirable properties, all be- ing eligibly situated and in good order. and person wishing to purchase valuable proper- ty, should attend these sales. • TERMS CASK But persons who wish t0 proeare a loan can obtain it at at per et. For further particulars apply to 11. BARKWELL, Prop., J. HOWSON, Auct. .. Clinton, _ 'WARM nn 1toof Township f 3T ckersON ml h, is offered to rent, It contains 95 acres cleared, with good frame house and outbuildings, good bearing orchard; plenty of water. The farm is well fenced and in first-class condi- tion. Will be rented on reasonable terms. Situate about 7 miles from Clinton and about 6 from Seafortb. Full particulars may be, obtained on application to H.HALE,Clinton, FOR SALE—THE HOMESTEAD OF THE late Mrs Finkle, nicely situated on Vic- toria Terrace, Clinton, and on the bank of the Bayfield river, close to the London road bridge. 2)y acres of land, fine orchard and all kinds of fruit, lawn and shrubbery, car- riage house, stable and woodshed. sultabls for retired gentleman or any person who wants a good home at a reasonable price, Small aat 6nperocent. Al oone t long time balancehouse to rent in the fall. Apply to GORDON PER- RIN or W. H. PERBIN. FRM FOsp end dRfarm of SALE1 110 ar este the Mait- land itland concession, being lot 77 Ooderich town- ship, situated ley miles from holmesville, and tour miles from the town of Clinton. The soil is a good clay loam, with a nevertaliing spring creek running through the place; also good wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, countyis one ; also two frames barns, one ai bank ten hoses, alsootworse gcod bearing1e, with orcharm ds being about six acres in all• two good log houses. About 45 acres ' seeded down. Will be sold on reasonable terms or rented to good tenant. ALEX BADOUI't, Holmpsville 1 est Office. • TWO FARMS FOR SALE. South half of lot No. 29, on the 8th conces- sion of:the Township of doderieh, contain- ing 40 acres more or less, all cleared and un der s good state of cultivation. There is on the premises a briok house with all eonven ienoes, good frame barn with under stabling - good bearing orchard with neverfailing wee &o. Also lot No, 28, 7th eon., consisting or 80 scree more or loss, l5 acres hardwood bush balance dossed and under s good state of cultivation,excellentwetlwater. Bothtsprme in one parceell Weed. d Termibe s to suit purohseer. For further particulars apply to MARY ICANTE LON, on t e -premises, or to DAVID CANTE- The FREE LIBRARY BYLAW BYLAW NO. 12, FOR 1888, A. 1). A BYLAW to provide for the establishment of a Free Library in the Town of Clinton. WHEREAS more than sixty electors have petitioned the Counoil of the said Town of Clinton, praying for the establishment of a Free Library lander"The Free Libraries Act." Be IT THEREFOREenacted by the said Municipal Council of the said Town of Clin- ton, that, in case the assent of the electors is given to this Bytom', a Free Library be es- tablished in this Municipality, in accordance with the provisions of "The Free Libraryies Act," And be it furtherenacted that the votes of the electors be taken on this Bylaw on Mot -1 - MT, t110 TENTH day of $EPTE'MBER, 1888, A. D., commencing at Nine o'clock in the morn- ing and continuing until Five o'clock in the afternoon, at the undermentioned place,' ;— ST, ANDREWS WARD, Polling subdivision No. 1, at the Town Hall. Jae Scott, Barris - tor, Deputy Returning Officer ST JAMES' WARD, Polling subdivision No 2, in Jos. Chidley's. Furniture Warerooms, James Scott, Librarian, Deputy Returning Officer ST JOHNS' WARD, Polling subdivision No 3, in William H, Cooper's Marble Works w H Cooper, jr., Deputy Retorting officer ST GEORGE'S WARD, Polling subdivision No 4, in J. Curtis Stevenson's Furniture Wareroom J. C Stevenson, Deputy Return- ing Officer Tanen tho Eighth day of September next, at the Clerks Office, in the Town Hall at Ten o'clock in the forenoon the Mayor shall ap• point in writing, signori by him, two persons to attend to the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the per sons interested in and desirous of promoting the paining of this Bylaw ,and a like num- ber on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passage of this Bylaw THAT the Clerk of the said Municipal Cor- poration shall attend at the Town Hall, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, on the Eleventh day of September, 1888, to sutra til©Belonumber of votes given for or against WILLIAM COATS, Clerk NOTic.E BY THE Cream—Tho above i8 atrue copy of a proposed Bylaw, which will be tak- en into consideration by the Council of the Town of Clinton, after ono month from the 17th day of August, 1888, being the date of the first publication thereof, and the polls for taking the votes of the electors will be held at the hour, day and ameClerkthe said by-law, WM• , COOPERS MAMMOTH FANCY GOODS STORE STATIONERY AND DID YOU EVER know that every authorized text book for the Collegiate Institute, Public and High Schools and Model Classes, may be found at Coopers DID 'YOU EVER know what a tre- mendous assortment of Wools andYarns are found at Cooper's p1D YOU EVER know another place where Linen Goods, Splashers, Sideboard Covers, Toilet Mate, Tidies, etc., wee sold so low priced and of such fine quality. DID YOU EVER think of the{8fact that all the newest and staple stationery is to be found at Cooper's. W COOPER, YES I DID get some of the prettiest and most tasty wall paper I ever saw, at Cooper's. YES I DID get astonishing low prices on Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Hymnbooks and everything else at• Cooper's YES YOU CAN buy the;1 Beet de- signs in Window Shades on-Utii aint- ed linen at the Beaver Block Bifo. •Store YES I DID find Base 13611s, Bats, Rubber Balls, Lacrosse Stinks, Fishing Poles, Express Waggons, Dolls,' Toys, &o. by the car load at Cooper's Book Store. Beaver Block OOTS ;and : SHOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S. Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. See my Mensd BoysCricket&Lacrosseshoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL. FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C.Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON Discount - Sale oots and Shoes \Vo are giving Special Discounts off for Cash, for the next 80 days, on our stook of Boots and Shoes. GOODS MARKED IN PT.ATN FIGURES. W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BLYTH