HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-08-31, Page 8�IIA����31�1;?,�� i111�1t •.n� ��-Git'1SS�I��.f1i�+Ri!i;T�ll' U�J�, �`��', 1 It t sltpp.9scd that •iltall11.7i at JAPa . S.$ 04,41•110P cue 1419 (Antainell, 0•1Q00,0QQ 19* B1byinn O taltie(t U 44000. • h9tis•nacauIn11D 1alea, altd 491.1d.ut► 0,411r1 0.411,11 . ; this tt'ae is felled it 12Q,, is tut up into chips, which are In the Eternal cit. there were laid in tub or a large iron pot 1,780. pal.4,es, and 46,002 houses • partially. t 1Ie with water and divided into lflats. placed over a •slow fire. Through The palaces of Ironic each no - holes in the. bottom. of the --tub cotnmodated about3G0,l0t: -pea• stoma slowly rises,. and heating plc. the chips generates• oil and •ealn• It tool* J,urlu1 rt d;ay to get into labor. Of egtli'soa, ti?Q, trips: With the riddle of Nineveh, which oc- tbe chips bas n closely ffttiirk coif- (Ivied, more spael than London. 01?. From this cgver a• bamboo pipe leads to a succession of other + is ANY "FLQIYJ; it BORN TO tubs with bamboo. connections, BLUSH 'UNSEEN ?" and the last of theso tabs is divid• The old wives tell ns' '•that blushing ed into two compartments, ono is virtue's livery." But alas ! to ►nany above the other, the dividing. floor a maiden, whose soul is purity itself, being perforated with ema1r11o1es has bee, denied the grapious privilege 1 of wearipg thedelicate crimson; ani all to allow the water and the oil to becauseher skin is covered with blotch- es, yellow 'liver spots," and pass to the lower •compartment, The upper Coplpar ttuout is sup - such discolorations. Who can tell how plied a straw layer, which Catches such a maiden loathes the very sight of yherself, or who shall intrude upon her and hold the camphor in crystal as she weeps bihor tears over her uu- in deposit as it passes to the eool- comely appearance ? Thrice unhappy sats a hand in the inat�e► by !tee- ing process. The camphor -is then she, if by the use of cosmetics, she shat! separated from e straw, packed seek to (ride her wretched complexion. ing all the parties arre'•ted.. p But if she will use Dr. Pierce's Golden 1.;]. Nvoodelt tubs; and is ready for ..Medical -Discovery, to regulate thelivet• TF�Y : >4I11F WIV44.'' Th91;U I I} l)1'�" setiSatlon 111 X1141 uJtot4h iekno QV4" t o iv Ii - pip ' 4I' wive Eby'W$ an ' ti',, r`oolsl,d4. e;; too* place three weeks. s ;Igo. VVtn .Fatten and Brooks went south two years aga from Michigan, and bought farms Ono naliles• from Oleveland. The fatuities baro al- ways been on the best of terms, there being two children in each family. By the consent of both hashands and wives the t'Ij'9 hien traded partners three weeks ago. anct the trade proved very satis- factory until the other day, when Van Patten went to Cleveland and r•oltsulted a lawyer to ascer- tain if he could not compel Brooks to trade back. Mrs Brooks is on- tircly satisfied with Van Patten, ar d is willing to live with him.— Brooks is said to have got the best of the bargain, as 11Irs Vita Patten is a beautiful woman. Prominent citizens of (Cleveland threaten to A SUCCESSL'IJL CAREER. merket. The, oil is used by the and purify the blood of all poisonous - pat ives oisonouspatives for illuminating and medi- cal purposes. Pullman Vestibuled Trait I1 is universally conceded that, not- withstanding the advent'of'old and new 'lines into the field of competition for paifA'enger traffic between Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the Chicago, Milwaukee Lir St. Paul railway maintains its pre•eminent position as the leading line, and carries the greater portion of the business between these points. It is not bard to account for this, when we consider that it was the humors, she will find that her "flesh shall come again like unto the flesh of a little child," It cares scrofula, .tetter, salt -rheum, pimples, blotches, erup- tions, and all skin diseases. Druggists. ABSENT MINDED i1I1•:N. A. story used to I.'e told Many years ago uf' a merchant who was peculiarly subject to tits ofabsent- mindedness. Once he was writ- ing; a letter, and thought absent- mindedly, that he had ti)rgotten his ('urre»gsondcnt's fiat name. first in the field, and gaited its popular- Titrnin.;' 1(t ono Of the tiler.;s he ity by long years of fiat -class service. said: It has kept up to the tithes by adopting '11'hal is all modern improvements in equipment John Jackson's first methods, the latest being complete Lame ' ? PullntanVestibuledtrains running daily between Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and its route being 'along the banks of the Mississiplit' Themerchantwrote lhcr. Icltet through the finest farming country, the most populous and prosperous towns (tut it in :tit envelope tied wrs and villages, it offers to its patrons the again at a loss. To tho same very best service their mcney can buy. Its dining cars are celebrated through. The clerk, aCcustutned to Ids employer's peen1iarity, replietg: `.John, sir.' clerk he said: out the length and breadth of the land ' Exctiso me, Charles, I have fbr•- as being the finest in the world. its gotten John Jackson's last name.' sleeping cars are the best belonging to But a better story than the, the Pullman company, being marvels of but'O i. told of a gentletttan in elegance, comfort and luxury; its day the Cil who was met bya friend are the best made, and its ens- ployees, by long -continued seri•ice in 0110 1001v11ng recently hurrying their respective capacities, are experts, back from the depot towards his courteous and accommodating to all. home. It is not at all strange, therefore, that '\V1I'11 is the Huai tet>?' the frielti an intelligent and discriminating tra- itslcecl. veiling public should almost exclusively patronize this great railway, with its • 'Oh, .I have left my %vale!, un - separate through lines running between der my pillow, and 1 ani going to Chicago, Milwaukee, Ht. Paul and Min- neapolic; Chicago, Council Bluffs and Omaha; Chicago, Kansas City, and ,St. .Joseph, Mo. A. V. 11. CARPENTi:H, G. I'.. & T. A., Milwaukee, Wk. A, .1. TAYLOR, T,P.A., No. -I. Calmer 1.1 ens, RITT k,'1'orotlto. ITNITI•:I) OVEN .1 CI! if.li',-4 lili:l\ E. '.Cho fi,ll'ttt•illg( in.ident was re- cently- e- c`een t ly- witnessed near the 011 V. o f `'1 Louis -- Last week in ane of the c.uic- teries here was enacted a seen, that was :lhnit as c'nrirurs and dramatic as 0110 00111(1 possibly wish to witness. A101t fifteen year's ago a dither 1011 mother separated over a quarrel about .some triyal matter. The mother left with her child, then a girl of about ten yours, 'for the 1Vest, •where she resided with her rela- tives, who sent her to school in a little town not far- front St. Louis. Abovttiveyearsagothe mother's heart was almost broken by, the news .that her daughter had eloped. from the school with a young man who had forntcnly re- sided in this city. The mother came to this eily- in the hopes of finding her child, and remained .here with relatives. About three weeks ago a letter was forwarded to her front the home in the west, and she found it was from her daughter's husband, asking her to come to St. Logi. 'immediately if she wished to see her daughter alive. She at once repaired to the home of her daughter in South St. Louis, and remained by her daughter's bedside constantly until the Daughter died last week._. At the newly made. grave in the cemetery knelt three persons. Two had apparently passed the fiftieth milestone of life, while the other, a young man of aboral 28 years, was praying in a low tone. The two elders, a than tuul a %yo- ntatt, responded with sobbing 'amens' at intervals,- and the sight was toti0}1;i0'. 'I'Ite yotu g man, the bushanl of the (lead ,+f11- lowed. his t'oic'e to die away, al- most to a whisper Os he uttered the eonelud1rig words of' the pi'ay- er: 'May her bright soul, rest in • eternal peat'.,' The 1 wo elders looked tip 1100 each of her's eyes. They gazed on each other fit. a few moments without speaking a word, 'Arthur,' said the woman hesitatingly, as she nin(lu an int - Nisi Ve movement towards the man. The 'Annie' he .poke was smothered in the woI18llI s tresses. Husband awl wile, father anti mother, were united over the grave of' their t•hil(1 Ayr years of separation. • 100,060 PEOPLE PER I :tlf' More than 100,00x• persons anntntlty die in this canna;y from Consumption, which is but she child of Catarrh. $(100 reward is offered by the proprietors of Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a ease of Catarrh which they eannnt viler.. The Tiernedy Is druggist -s ; .al rents, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, One of the most striking examples of what real native American.grit and in- telligence can accomplish in Op face of apparently insurmountable dithoulties, is presented in the career of the famous Dr R. V. Pierce, head of the World's Dispensary Medical Association tucl the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., and who, through the medium of his curatives, is known and honored throughout all christen1ont. Born in a little New York village,and reared in a small Pennsylvania town,his early youth was a struggle between dis- advantages and ardent desire in the strife for education. The public school and every other pos- sible medium of instruction was eager- ly utilized by the active -brained boy, uutil, at eighteen years of age, be felt and knew his ability to cope succeps- fully with a course of professional study; After live years of arduous and contin- uous effort, ire reaped the honors of a signally successful graduation in medi. cine. llis early professional labors were confined to a rural district of Pennsyl- vania until l$1i7, when a desire and de- termination to achieve success and win a name, brought him to the City of Buffalo, in his native State, where the field Was broader and opportunities more plentiful. Goaded onward by an active brain and tremendous energy, we next find hint located in a small roost on 00 ob- scure street, preparing and putting on the market carefully -prepared remedies and specifics for the relief of the multi- tude beyond the range of a narrow cir- cuit of daily calls. • Another change,anl we find him in a large building on Main Street, anis the recipient of the first fruits of growing public confidence. Dr Pierce, like every Other brainy et 11 Ulan of the age, was and is 0 firth be- '1•(ttt will miss yc•ut' train.' hover in the liberal use of printer's ink, 'Oh, no,' \vas t he aOsont mi tiled 1 and front his Main -street establishment he dispatchers the message of his heal• man s reply, 'See, I II;IVU gut ing power throughout the entire country (0111' minutes Vet,' and he pulled ( The Doctor knew; its now the whole ,111 lis wa1t'i, to enfot'co t he state. i world knows, the merits of ltisskill- ..1 t i f no t ixu I m. •' maul 1rd I e lid t I ut1 t-rle'ised ane1 prepared temedn5 �C'.ords what (t wri; that nisi lc 1 I dwas only eager fo- theirpublic test, :1 few more years and the largest and itis f'1'ietel laugh s., hea'tilv, : handsomest structures in the City of 11+ 11 tuffalo towered toward the sky in ne oa Your Guard. 1 Monumental acknowledgement of the Don't allow a c(Id in the head to slowly i vital energy and gifted learning of this and surely run into Catarrh, when you can our representative Amercan Doctor, be cared for 25e. by using Dr Chase's Ca. The Palace hotel, for invalids, as this tarrh ('nre. A few applications cure n- noble Institution was called, fell an sipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 bores cure ordinary ' catarrh ; '_ to 8 bines are guaranteed to core chronic catarrh. Try it. Only and sum' ('11 . Soli( by all druggist::. early victim to. the flames, bnt. like a r'hmnix, from the ashes of this confla- gration sprang up the present man m )tit dual structure, furnishing alike a hint - CRI' El. (iRO(')JIIN(;: plods resort of Health, Rest, and In- vigoration, and also the birthplace of those standard specifics which are going I 0'4 111 tycl•. 11 11:1 to Was 11„ Out in a never-ending flow to all the 1 yoti own 111e'e arnl c•omh yon r own countries of the earth. It is a pcs•tive Bair, and were (lollenrlotlt on your fact that will astound yon who doubt 'Wife or hi 1'0d man to al tend to the power of Energy to conquer, 'that Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is these matters 1(11' yell, anti should its well-known iu India to -day, as in they, .in doing it, take pleasure in New Ycrk City, and is yet only' on the slashing the soapsuds into your manners, and give them a better temper? t►r, you think you would love them more tenderly for half an hour's torture of this kind? Would you want them to use the sharpest comb they could find in order to irritate the .scalp ami invigorate the hair? Your an- swor to all the above questions may bo in the negative and • yet you may be one among the -Many of our• farmers who eubject our horsee to a similar treatment every day, and imagine that they are doing their duty : The cause of so many vicious dispositions in horses can be traced to rough treatment in grooming. The sharper the curry -comb the—bet- ter, is the idea of many, and the harder you bear on it, the better the result, no matter how the poor horse kicks and squirms to evade it. A few groomings of this kind, if grooming it can be called, and the horse dreads the operation as. they tin a whipping. If they have gno•1 home sense, they soon learn to repel such trent ment,an(1 in so doing form virions anti unpleasant habits ih:it make there (liaagreeable to handle, and del met from their yalnc. S(•t'n 5, fnla, in the blood, corrupt)) awl contaminates every tissue and'fibre in the whole body; but whether appearing in the form of swellings, erysipelas, or running sures, the malignant poisons of this disease are completely eradicated by the use of Ayer's Sarsap.illa. threshold of its destined usefulness. The World's Dispensary and the In- valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute is a combination of luxurious accommo- dation and every conceivable comfort and possible curative appliance known to science. It is a haven where chronic diseases and physical afflictions yield to the potent influences of skillful treat- ment. In conclusion, we can only say that it ranks in public continence just where it deserves"to stand—foremost amongst the reliable curativeestablishments of the world. • _1 LenisVille Colored ivnman re- (antly paid a local doctor '1 0 for a Betel man's finger, which she wished to use as a churut. The wont an claimed to lbc.- a voodoo doctor, and said•the 'linger would be •t sure mascot for any one wishing to bet on the races. King Ja Ja the "kidnapped" African king, eau eat a whole ham his breakfast and find room for other delicacies. It is appal.- ' eathat JaJa has not had to earn his living by the sweat of his brow, or he would have 1115, ap- 1 petite tinier better control. James 11fclkfillin, the Mielligan millionaire, it -ho aspires to till Senator Pauer's sent in tht� United States senate, is a Canad- ian Scot sty birth and is 51 years old. lie began life as a poor boy, and when 1fi was t•lerlc in It I)e- trOi1 hardware store :it .;1.i a month. Ills present fortune is estimated to be two or three times as large as that: of Senator Palm- er. (II.Tf, LF'FT c,IA,TAT Lr BLACK - BLEND - TEAS HAVE NO EQUAL. S. PALLISER & �CO, Fancily Gyocers, next to Town Hall, 0.1111111114114.1111.1•11 „ 4111111111111111111111111111111011111.11111111 Q»SA 6l. Out DZAZIZQT'►'i Bt ZIOC , O �i�.�. R NEXT 720Q T ' T R ..O 'Wig CITIT BOOT STOVE CI4IN[QNF. BEDROOM SETSR>t ialtLO. R SETS,140UINTGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, 40.1 ANN A oENEE4L ASSgigTAIENT AF TUE VERT BEST U&DE FURNI TURE A'1'` -REASONABLE FILMES. ?G ,t Bargains all along the line. Clearing out odds and ends and remnants at prices that will astonish you. All sum. mer goods must be cleared out. See opl' PRINTS at 8c. Former price 124e to 15c MUSLIMS 6c Former price 8c to IOc GINGHAMS 8c Former price 1.12c SEERSUCKERS 10e Former price 13c HATS 25o and 50c Former price $1 to $2 We cannot here quote the prices of many lines, but we assure our patrons that anything belonging to summer stock will be sold at prices tfiat will- clear the stock be. fore the end of August. We have brought forward another lot of ff f) ff fe BOOTS .AND SHOES Somewhat similar to the hundred pair lot that we cleared last week. We will Ileal them at .5Oe. and 75c. a pair. We are determined to have the boot and shoe stock en- tirely cleared of "shelf warmers" before the arrival of fall stock. We expect to have a busy time during this unusually dull Iuonth. The bargains we offer cannot fail to attract purchasers. In order to make the sale more attractive, we have decided to include early tall goods, now arriving. SHIRTS aid DRAWERS 25c each, All Wool GREY FLANNEL 20c. PRINTS, dark col- ors. new patterns, fall goods, 10c worth 13c We are negotiating with importers for the purcliaso of a large (grlantity. of TEA --and expect to- secure a line that will be better value than. we have been able to offer heretofore. Kindly,.reserve your order for tea until you see what we can.ofler Do not miss this opportunity of securing goods at ridicuously low prices. it W. L. O U I M E•T T E, LON DESBORO Calbick & Reith, THF. LEADING::: U'NDERTAKERS EMBALMERS CLEW In our line of undertaking we fear 110 competition, as we carry a very" large stock of Goocl Goods, and as .Funeral Directors, we are bound to give satisfaction. A call re- 5pectfully solicited. ThO flct hnitnro r store, £iirt st. CLINTUT\T C;ALBICK & REITH inavammoNimeariwommossam AMS'! Emporium, D N 13 Co:Ft O. PAINTS PRINTS PRINTS SPEC EA1, OFFER frotn Monday. Jley 28tlt, until further notice, -- Having a large stock of PRINTS, and this being the season to use thein, I offer as follows: TO THE PURCHASER O1? 12 YARDS OF ANY KIND, I WVILL GIVE ONE YARD FREE, with 20 yards f will give 2 yawls, with 80 yards will give 8Y, yards: with 40 yawls sill give 'i yards of same prioe. SOME OF THAT HANDSOME WALL PAPER LEFT YET Full supply of all goods kapt in general store. While many are crying dull times and hard times, and some ars closing down, trade in this house •has been brisk, because people know'where to get the worth of their nonny 55 BARS OF SOAP FOR $I Pl;t(!ES MAltlil(1) IN PLAT'S 11(0111J;`i, May 2.)th, MS,4, R. ADAMS. Jt)f . Ciarr1Loia c, Family Grocaries. A FRESH AND FULL STOCK, 1Vi-IICH INCLUDES - FRUITS, CAN.UIES, NUTS, FISH(, &e. —BESIDES A FULL STOOK 01'` --- Choice Fnrni j y Gl roeerie ,ClLilfmai, Crockery and V'lactti«are. All rl<r liottonl ylf'`iC'e ►i. --2t CALL SOLICITED.— :X , OLICITED. N. ROBSONI CHINA HAIL: ----A FINE LOT OF - Summer Uncleruvear, Scarfs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Gloves, Collars, Silk Hats, Hard and Soft Hats,. White Dress Shirts, wilaundried White Dress' Sirts. I have also in stuck the GLOVE FITTING B11 AC's:, which can not be excelled for Comfort and curability. Call. and inspect the above lines of goods, and you will be surprised at the low prices they are selling at. G -MC) G-L:.SGOW REMEMBER T.HE STAND—One door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. OR. W. H. GRAHAMS British American i\'Iedicial & Surgical Instit'u'te. . ---o- 170 KING ST,WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronic and Private Diseases. All Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Lungs & He,rt. Diseases of the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, fie., quickly cored. Nervous diseases and Diseases o£ the Brain indicated by Headache, Dizzi- ness, Sleeplessness, and all Neuraligia affections. Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels charactocized• by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Offensive Breath, fix, Diarrhoea, Costiveness, Piles, Turner', Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Private Diseases and diseases ofa private nature as Impotency, Sterility. Varicocele (the result of youthful folly and excesses) Cdeet, Syphilitic affiliat- ions &o., receive special attention. • Diseases of Women, Painful; .Prof use or Suppressed lletsstvital ion, Leu. oorrhoes, (whites)•Uleeration and.''alli Displacements e£ the Womb, Call or write for particulars. Olilcs•3►ours,-90.ln, ta,i3g,ut, Sundhws•ato.4p.m New Tailoi iig Establishment 'i'he undersigned has opened out in the tailoring business in the store lately occupied by Mr E. Floody, and will keep a.fine stock of English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds,, French Worsteds, and all the iatestlpatterrns of Pantings. 'hi''}r hewill c, bn,iratitee to make up at the lowest possible prices. Workmanship of the best quality, and a fit guaranteed or no sale. A call solicited. F'. SHEPHIERI), Albert St,, Cliaitoa. N H:A'I' DOOR TO WATTS' t DRUG STORE.. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MMZ N or ALL AGES DISEASES OF M. . M, V. Sr'tT801•T'S 812MC,Ir'IC No. e THE GRE.41' IfNV.4L?11 RE.rrif En, Marvel of Heating, and Kohinoor of Medicines, ai'L'lILriBm, the tervittle re pnesies lttada�Ieo ecverwoaflrk.dlaoretion. l:Yltoa StOVST(Ca-, ACxFr .49.11.1:)0T an Mr tVho are broken down from the effects of abuse will find in No, 8 a adiool euro for nevem debility,organic weakness, involuntary vital fosses, etc. li7MPTOMe Pon waren No. Rorr,n 111.1 Usno.--want of energy, vertigo, Want of pnrpos dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of eonfieeneo, avoidance of oonversatior desire for solitude, listlessness and (nubility to 1)5 the attention on aearthman sabie° cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, 1.59 01 mtv»ory, excitability oftemper, epe matorrheea, or loss of the seminal tlaitl—too result of self•abnee or marital eZeess—tmpc toney,, inputrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings i fomales trembling, melaueholy, disturbingdreams etc., are all symptoms of this tenni: habit, oftentimes nnoeenrly acquired, 10 short, the spring of vital force hbviug loin it tension, every function wanes in eo:r.rquettee. scientific writersand thosuperintendetsn. of Insane asylums unite In uteri )+°n to the elO its of self-ahn o the great majority wasted lives which come tinder ti,ric 001(00. If you are iecmnpetentfot tbeardnon. duties of business, ineapr.rltate.l for the o,,ioymet:r;of life, No. 8offerlaftossape'row the effeete of early vice, 11 you are edvanxu) in years, No. 8 will give gott 1111 riga anan,;strength. It you are broken down, physically and Morally, from early frigaistretion,.trtr result of~ittnorance and folly, send your address and 10 emits in stareps for M. V. Ltrnotv's Treatise in Hook Porto on Dlseteees 01 Mae, Scaled turd secure from Observativ,, Address all cummnnicatinrs to U. V. 1.11M1ri, 47 Wellington St. J , %%pronto A Man without wisdorn lives 1(t a tool's paradise, CARES GUARANTEED, HEAL ?HE SICK.