HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-08-31, Page 5q l7 I'11I SPEGIAL \VEEK9 1 GENUINE CLE .RING SALE OF CIIILDIIE\S • SAILOR - H4TS I11 of l.1' to clear out the remainder of our ST TS We will otter then) at C'ust Prices. This is a chance to secure lt►ig Bargains. No old stock. All this seasons gob(ls. New shapes. Don't forget, all at cost price, T. JACKSON, SR '11'11.11' S'r1lEIt-C.\�i1: INTO S('11SC1U• 17 runts premises, sometime in .I Glp hist, tt TE Ycarlin; Steer. Owner is hereby uotilied to prove property, payvhargesfliiii sit' itawnv \I1tS 11. J. W111.1.l•:1,1', 15th con.• Godericlt 'I'uwuship. �'1'RA1' STEER- ('AIIE IN'r() S('Ita('Rllt- t:1ts premises, lot ;CI, loth 5011.• (luderich P111 1.R /''`.) � I �'{ � DRQ• , 1IB- 10 Ho U ..to �`,!T' take it tttvny', .1, \\ \I(•(:POIiD 't IMPORTANT :\LT11T1 IN SALE CLINTON KaitiO TS, potTeete(l ovary TIs rq,dP,y Ihiteruueu. . Thursday, Augy10 30, 16.1. Wheat, spring, - 0 05 1 1 00 \Vheat, while and red • 0 96 a 1 '00 Oiste old • 0 36 a 0 40 Oaks, new Barley Poi' Floor, per owl Potatoes Butter • 0 4 a 0 33 - 045a060 0 52 0 0 65 2 25 *2 50 •050x050 016 et 047 EgEle . 0 1,8 a 0 15 Pork • 0 75 a 700 Hay • 10 (0 812 00 Sheep pelta • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb ekine 0 60 a 0 80 Hideo, • 500a550 Wool, - 0 20 a 0 20 SEAFORTH SEAPORTS, Wheat, spring, Red and white Oats, • - Peas, • Barley, Butter, - Eggs. Potatoes, • Pork,- Flout per owt MARKETS August 30,_1888. • $0 95 a 0 99 • 095 a • 0 35 a 0 5Q a 0 .15 a 0 15 a 0 14 a '\050 a 3 50 a 2 00 a 0 t91 0401 O 55 0 60 0 17 O 14 01101 7001 2 '35 BLY TIl MARKETS. Reported specially for Kew EISA every Thur+day Blyth, August 30, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 115 0 99 Fall ''- new 95 a 99 Oats . 85 a 35 Barley 45 a 55 Peas 55 a 55 Potatoes, per bus „ 50 a 50 Eggs per doz 13 a 13 Butter,rolls . , 14 a 15 Cheese . . 15 a 15 Lard F . 9 , . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. 2 00 2 10 flogs, , 0 23 7 00 TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, August 30, 1888. \Vhest, fall - • 0 96 a 0 97 Whe t. spring - - 0 85 it 0 137 Barley • - - - 0 50 a 0 00 Oats - 0 35 a 0 36 Peas • • - - 0 60 a 0 70 Butter, pound rolls • 0 90 a 0 93 Butter, large rolls - 0 18 a 0 90 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 15 a (1 111 CORN F01; SA1,11 ,\'I' '1'111' Clinton - Mills. \\'If()LE (1R (IBBOUND. Plit('ES REASONABLE, JAS. FAIR, - CLINTON. J. WALKER. VETERINARY SURGEONJ Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. 'telegraphic messages promptly at landed to. Office -Londesborough, Ont. `"IX STUDENTS CAN BE ACCOJI\10- 17 uAw:le with board tet the brick hoose opposite the Uoik hale fustit ute'. Apply to MRS GIFFIN, "ARRIVALS�FALL THREE FRMS I I noun: the Homu'swads of ]tlt•kw•.'ll, 0n :110NU.�l", Scpic►►heP 1 it. Ay 1, Dress Goods attracti\'e Dress MeltonCloths large assortment. Wool SqGare s and Fascinators FLAN NE LS -'See OurEY at ALL-WO2OcOL GR Top shirts .Cardigans U N DE RCLOTHING Tl'I:SI)AY, September 18th, Farm No. 1 contains 200 acres, good clay loam, Luing lot 6,14th con., Township of Ash- field, Count • of Huron, is situate only 2.A miles west off Lucltnotv,'and on the boundary of Huron and 13ruce. This splendid farts has 175 acres under cultivation, the balance being well timbered with hardwood. 'L'here is on the place a large frame house and out• , buildings; the farm is well fenced and un- derdraiued. It has a first-class young or. chard and is well sn )plied with water._ This farm will be sold 011 the premises, together or in different parents to shit purchasers, on Monday, Sept. 17th, at 1 p. m, Farm No, 2 contains 75 acres, being lot 25, 11th son,, Township of Mullett, County of Huron, adjoining the village of Londesboro, on the leading gravel road, and is only six miles from the rapidly growing town of Clin- ton. It is in first-class state of cultivation. with New Foam House, good outbuildings, is well fenced and'undordra ined, has a splendid bearing orchard, with never-failing,crsek running through the farm. Within 5minutes walk of either Methodist or Presbyterian Churches. This farm will be sold on the premises, ou. Tudsday, Sept. 18th., at 1 p. m. Also, to be sold on more clay and place, 13 acres of well timbered land, part of Lot 21, ton. 9, Hullott. These are voty desirable properties, all be- ing eligiblySituated and in good order, and . • person wishing to purchase valuable proper- ' - • ty, should attend these sales. Timms CASH -.But persons who wish to ALL WILL BE OFFERED AT VERY CLOSE PRICES W. L OUIM•ETTE, LONDESBORO 1)i's i iaShlillet(oligS mi LUXI{1' TO LEND - ON rook nJort9'• ...IL (iA(,t•a, 01' prrsenr1 nt'('llritr, at the ':f:YT 1 iti Il' lowest current rates. .1..fel'Art'.1It'I'. 'I'lii•(,tt1 ,hilt 1,1ing StIrp,'l'011, Clinton. Fel,. 11, 1('.S, „I' '1'u1tuN9'u 'P'' 'atthe' 1)011,1'111411y Ilii<e MONDAY ‘,1;1''I'IC. 170 1!' , r•'ie l e,f th,• r u'en, ('lirntii(' iti'nn(•liitis ('nre(l. o�cten , e'ru,1 11,i1 1,1, Iles WA5•,i� 0 Brae 811.,-1 sin gial to be able t., e,form )on that in d:otghter i- ; ::c well ;wale, A. ti'i- 1, the sec.i"1 l�ar ah.- I,.eS l.nrn rm.(,l of grave bron,4l'aI 0 ,u! c, nota ) ou , trea'nlhnt, when the u•iol ren., •iici t • ,'••,1, f write to express n,y etatP•'d,`, P1e..e •, rept 1,,5' incere thanks. V»•.:rs tents, C. 1i. PETTiT. DIOsA11r4 Tse eiet -Cataril, of the (lead and Threat, Catarrh, Deefne44, CM•uoic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. A:s, loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils Rdspue of the nose reran(e.1, C'5me early. C,.usultalien free, A few of the many curet) by Ur Washiugtot.,v new methei. 11 11 Storey, of Storey & Son, tnnnnfacturers, Acton, Ont, ah.' Pre•'d Manufacturing Asa., of (Canada. permanently cerin of Catarrh, by Dr oil'ashIneten, I,rnnoun,ei incurable by. noted specialists i0 tl.n country end Rurrpe. Write him 20," Inr., (lire Joh! hi; Ke:e •', l ;i t,t,,n, (,,,t, c,tarrl, end CM,?' 1111• John 51, 4 .. le ,: 1, 5 1t„i Sir• A I1 l l• , 1e ,•t,nti „t, I e• „ snmp:u, Ile el et' rultatie. I ... t ,r,s:•.•101 I31)OARDEItii \1 AN'l'EIi - A 1,I11ITED nunlber of bon fliers eau be ace'onnuodat• c l with good hoard sod comfortable rooms, MRS (, (1(119'E11, South 41.1:4 'I'nwu40113 St F0I1 SALE Olt EXCHANGE. -A GRAPH - 1' s( °et( chow car with a tent for exhibi- tion at fall fair., ; one of the hest fraying in- vestments for the right tenor Will sell for $150, or will take in exchange a good Ilorae, or a Covered Muggy or es ti rot -c less cabinet Organ. A,Lh•ess A. ,l.A\1'R)N('h;. I,ondes- bnro iia HE\SALL RAGES (,tt.allo FAl,t. 111( I,s 55 'ret, Ncii iII ['ming Park ai(I Race Cour.e —,ON— MONDAY. Septenil►er 8111. ale'', iN PURSES, The aianegors bare pleasure in auuouhcing that the fall Meeting of the Mensal' Driving Park and Race Course will be held on Mon- day, Sept. sed, when the following very liber- al purses will be offered f0,' competition, Two Fpti'rv-Ftvi: TnoT.-Open to Trotter's and Pacers- -Purse :5120-$75, $39and $15 Timex MINUTE TROT -Open to Trotters and Pacers -Purse $115-675,130 and 110 11I er(rtio Race -Half -mile heats. best two in three -Purse $15-110 and 915. IP fens ro •Lr, -Open to Trotters and Paeors Purse 1'175 -1100. d 70 mod 4,20. ADMI:'NION lac. CARRIAGES 2.,c. Esi'sA lt.•dnrr•d Hallway Fares For particulars ep- Loy to 11'. ft, M(1.1']AN, secretary. 0 procure a loan can obtain it at i5 per et. For further particulars apply to it, RARK\VELL, Prop., .1, HOWSON, Aust. Chilton. The FREE LIBRARY BYLAW IT)(LAWY NO. - 120 FOlc• 1888, A. 1). ,1 BYLAW to provide for the establishment of a Free Library in the Town of Clinton. \\'HSSREA8 11101,0 than sixty electors have petitioned the Council of the said Town of Clinton, praying for the establishment of u Free Library 1111(151'The FrceLibraries Act,” BE IT •rtrt• II :roue enacted by the said Municipal Council of the said Town of Clin- ton, that, 1u ease the assent of the electors is g iecu to this Bylaw, a Free Library be es- tablished tablishel in this 'Municipality, in accordance with the provisions of "'rhe free Libraryies Act," Aud he It furtherenacte(1 that the votes of the electors be taken on this Bylaw on Blox- DaY, filo T1:x't'il day of•Stu,TemliEtl, Peel, A. 1)., commencing at' Nine o'clock in the morn- ing and continuing until Five o'clock in the afternoon, at the undermentioned places ;- •• S't', Aunnews Want), Polling subdivision No. I, at the Town Hall. Jas Scott, Barris- ter, Deputy Returning Officer ST JAMES. WART), Polling subdivision No 2, fit Jos, ('hidley's Furuitnre \Varerooms, ,fames Scott, Librarian, Deputy Returning Ofiicer ST,foHnS' \\'Atih, l'oiling aubeli vision No 3, in Williniu H. C'ooper's Marble Works \\' H Cooper, ,9'., Deputy Returning officer S'e Cirorlot;'s WARD, Polling subdivision No 4, in° J. Curtis Stevenson's Furniture \\'areroolll .1. C Stevenson, Deputy Rettu•n- ing Officer THAT 00 the Eighth (ley of September next, at tiro Clerks 011ice, in the Town Hall, at Ten o'eloelt• in the forenoon, the Mayor shall ap- point in writing, signed )ey 111m, two persona to attend to the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling ,)lace on behalf of the per- sons interested 10 and desirous of promoting the passing of this Bylaw ,and a like num- ber on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of npposing.the passage of this Bylaw THAT the Clerk of the Raid Municipal Coy - ',oration shell attend at the 'town Hall, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, on , the Eleventh day of September, 16)48, to 90111 up the number oft votes give) for or against the Bylaw WILLIAM COATS, Clerk Norm L: BY THE CLERK -Tile ahovttis a true copy of a proposed Bylaw, which will he tak- en into consideration by the Connell of the Town of Clinton, after one month from the 17th clay of August, 1888. being the date of the liret publication thereof, and the pons for taking the 500:5 of the electors will be bold at the hour, dev ani places named in the sail b1 -Ina SVM CO ATS. (Clerk r, I VE JUST oPENED OUT A LAROE ASSORiTMENT OF NEW SIMMER GOODS. NEW LAWNS AND MUSLINS, NEW NUNS VEILING in BLACK and CREAM. - NEW LACE BUNTINGS,- &e• _y MILLINERY OUR STOCK OF SUMMER MILLINERY IS VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. HODCENS H,BRaL 4 ,. OW elI- 00 �MCC TO o tr .D1AA1 . _ e ('LSfODIEItS AND, \_\1.[.E.D OLD hl,fl?:'rDS. Something 1'.utireiy New. .A. �t ^ . �It i'owerful& Economical Heat• 41'. Thoroughly Tested. Suit- ' able for medium axed (lWcll- it►;'s.! having had several years' experience y 1 r r k t in putting in 11ot,AirirFurnaces, and the ...�,� increasing' demand for a tirst•class Fur- naee )las caused us to introduce something new. We have taken into consider- ation the weak points in those now in the market, which in our new Gem we have fully overcome. Embodying all the requirements for a perfect heater, and -combining durability. simplicity and efficiency with perfect safety and seat economy of feel. ITS Ai)VAN'r.\G.ES ARE :— It can be put into Iuty cellars 05 basements. It has a casting of plate steel around the lire-beex, peaking it perfectly gas and smoke tight. It is easily cleaned out, which is a very important feature, as it insures the furnace heating as well in the latter P2 rt of the winter as when first started in the fall. Immcnse•radiatiug surface is given and great heat obtained 'by utilizing that which is usually wasted by passing into the chimney. The fire door is double, taking cold air in at the hip and carr, ir.g it down into the fire. preventing heat and sparks escaping into the cellar. 1t has expansion bands, allowing furnaceto expa1,t and 0)1Itrac•t with- out any danger of cracking. It is easily regulated by damper rod in £rout of furnace, causing the beat t,t pass down side Clues, clear 50011 lire box.nlaking :t saving of fnlly5ene third in fuel It is the most economical and cheapest tireet•class furnace made, The cheap. est furnace to buy and 1180 for the economy of fuel. Every furnace warranted to give entire satisfaction. Call and see it and get prices. OF NEW GOODS JC -ST OPENED- A'1' Prints, Shirting's, Grey and White Cottons, Towels and Towelling, Table Linens, Sheet ings, Hemp Carpets, Blankets, Quilts Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy German Plaids and Stripes, Costume Cloth and Suitings► Plush - es, Velvets, Mantle Goods, Ulster Cloths, Jer- seys—Plain and Braided, Plain -and Fancy Flannels, &c,, &e. 1'al1 laid see the Poor Man's, Friend, and het prices and Le convinc.' 1 that I;'lberts00s Great Cash Store i, the l+la,e to buy goods B(i)TTOl[ HARLAND BROS. Robortson's STOVES and HARDWARE, - - CLINTON Meati dash Store The Hub Groc ery COOPERS MAMMOTH BOOK, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS STOHE IS OFFERING Il1(. 13.\1iUA1NS IN J A.I"A N '2'E -AS. 60 cent Japan Teas for 30 cents. 50 cent Japan Teas for 25 .cents. Ali§o a new arrival of English Breakfast Black Tea, very Eno flavor. New 1. t of RAISINS, 4 lbs. for 25 cents, BROOMS -2 for 25c. ('a11 and see our stock. Goods delivered to any part of town, ( -T • SW 11,LI�e_)W, CLIINTON I)ID YOU EVER know that every authorized text book for the Collegiate Institute, Public and$ High Schools and Model Classes, way be found at Coopers DID YOU EVER know What a tre- mendous assortment of Wools and) ares are found at Cooper's DID YOU EVER know' another place where Linen Goods, Splashers, Sideboard Covers, Toilet Mats, Tidies, etc., were sold so low priced and of such fine quality. DID YOU EVER think of the fact that all the newest and staple stationery into be found at Cooper's. New liquor Store w COOPER, • The subscriber having opened a liquor store in PERRINS BLOCK, Market Sq., Clinton, with a full stock of Liquors of the very best brands, consisting of French Cognac Brandy, - in wood or bottle. Best Holland Gin, - Bernards Tom Gin, • Irish and Scof ch Whisky, • - Finest Ports & SherrylWines, - 11ASS ALE, pts, and qts., GUINESS' STOUT, pts. and (its. WHISKIES, Canadian ALES and PORTER, NATIVE WINES, &'c. Goods delivered to any part of the town. .TAS. SHEP�'ARD. • • (f fl 11 11 11 ll 11 11 ' AT DETL•OR& CO'S New JERSEYS. New Dress Goods e AVith Hr:(i(letl Sets to match, GIMPS. PANNELS. -iUSSARS. TTRIMMINGS. YES I I►iD) get x(111 1. f tlle•prettiest and most tasty wall lope). 1 ever saw, at Cooper's. YES I DII) t;et tistol:isii•ing bw4 prices on Miscellaneous 13r•oks, Bibles, Hymnbooks and everything else at Cooper's YES YOU CAN buy the ttwest de signs in Window Shades on hand paint- ed linen at the Beaver Block Book Store YES I DID find Bass Balls, Bata, Rubber Balls, Lacrosse Sticks, Fishing Poles, Express Waggons,, Dolls, 'Toys, (to. by the car load at Cooper's. Book Store. -- Beaver Block OOTS: and ;SHOES AT CHAS.. CRU ICKSHAN K"S ■ Full lines in everything in the Foot \\'ear, Very Low for (.'ash. neo rty Mensa Boysencketchacrosse8hoes VEIZY EAP . - .TO. WORK_ USUAL. (t 'FIVE PER CENT DISCOVNT 1:•-`U11 ('A5H. l;(it;s TAKEN IN I':\CHAN(II';. C�iil a ll ('s Cruickshank, the Boot lilaker, \ I,I11':ll'I' `'rr EE'r, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON New Lo-ohl and 'Ehaulets, New ilVlantle and :racket Cloths. New Mantle Ornaments.. New Plashes, from :5O eents *1p. Nev I+ivenine c11i11,�� lit. JCIDETLOR &COII,CLI.NTON i .tl.lr iscount -Sale Boots and Shoes 1Ve are. giying Special Discounts off for ('ash, for the next 14)1 (lay P, on our stock of Boots and Shoes. (:C)(►DS MARKED IN Pi.AiN ,FIC:I'CFS(, W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND 1►L1TH t.