HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-08-10, Page 5• .r • a 'f • 1 1 1 SPECIAL jos TOIS WEEK. GENUINE C'LE .RING SALE OF CHILDRENS SAILQR •'1r PIN ii0., '1'$. 4/5sreot d syar a • ThP ug syr .ust 9, 1885. . Wheat,,, ruprimb A 95*.t .t •Wheaf.,w14$ 4•511"ed , 4 05 s 1 00 P.OI�'leY - - 065i*070 Po ., 060&0,60 Flour, per cwt - - 295 ,a 2.50 'Batter • PorH k Sheep pelts Iamb akins Vales, 060:;x,060 ▪ 0 15�i 0 16 • 016ti015 675.x700' • 100a12o 050.075 - 060a080 0cool, -' - 020a020 SEAFORTR MARKETS SEA,ORT8, August 9, 1888. Wheat, spring, - 50 95 a 1 00 Red and white - • 0 95 a 1 00 Oats, •• •• •• •• 0 48 a 0 48 Peas, Barley, 0 60 a 0 60 - 0 60 a 0 70 Batter, • • 014 a 015 Eggs, • 014 a 015 Potatoes, • - 0 50 a 0 60 Pork,- • 6 50 a 700 Flour per cwt • • 2 00 a 2 50 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for New Ela every Thursday Blyth, August 9, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 95 1 00— Fall 0Fall ' . new . 95 a 95 Oats • . . . 45 a 48 Barley . 60 a 70 Peas . . 55 a 60 Potatoes, por bus . . GO a 60 Eggs per doz . 13 a 13 Butter,rolls , . 14 a 15 Cheese 15 a 15 10 a 12 200 °210 Hogs, 6 25 7 00. JTORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, August -9, 1888. Wheat, fall - - 0. 96 a 0 96 Wheat, spring - - 0 85 a 0 86 Barley - - - 0 50 a 0 60 Oats - - - ; 0 53 a 0 54 Peas - - - - 0 73 a 0 75 Butter, pound rolls - 0 20 a 0 22 Butter, large rolls - 0 15 a 0 18 Eggs, now laid, per doz. 0.,14 a 0 15 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle—There was an active do- mand for good butcher's cattle, but they were scarce. Other glades were plentiful but slow of sale. Receipts of choice were hardly sufficent for the demand and' prices adv anced $1 to $2 per head. At the opening trade dragged. a little es sellers were too:high for butchers. The lat- ter paid equal to 3z to 3ie per lb for good loads. and 4c strong for picked lots. Export cattle un- changed. M'orings liberal, but scarity of space checks the do- mand. Buyers would not go over $5 per cwt. for choice steers and heifers:• Sales wore made as low as $4 for cows and oxen. Trade in butchers' sheep is dull. Not many are coming in. Buyers, however, get all they want, but taking the culls out of export bunches. Sales are made at $3 to $4 per head. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. Lard HATS] Flour per cwt. ' In ord r to clear out the remainder of our ST We will offer them at Cost Prices. This i' a chance to secure Big Bargains. No old stock. All this seasons goods New shapes. Don't forget, all at cost price. T. JACKSON, SR BIG BARGAINS- IN JAPAN;.I TEAS. Having bought my stock;at a red in el rate, I would offer to the public ea l argain. 70 cent Japan Teas for 35 cents. 60 cent Japan Teas for 30 cents. 50 cent Japan Teas for 25 cents. 'Ibis is a big offer, but ninst snake room for new goods. All other gro eerios as cheap as any house in- town. Goods delivered. ,(-E0. S%% A LILQ.)W, tOLI1r'TO1' New Fancy Goods FELTS, CANVASSES, POMPONS, CORDS, EMB. CROCHET, • KNITTING COTTON, TIDIES, SPLASHERS, FANS, FANCY 'BASKETS, LAW FORMS, MORTGAGES, DEEDS, HAMMOCKS, WAGGONS, LAWN TENNIS, CROQUET, RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, LACROSSE STICKS, 1 HELIX SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, a&c., Ate. W Beaver Block ITONEY TO LEND- ON GOOD MORT- . u. oAe£s, or personal security, at the lowest. current rates. M. McTAGGART. Uliuton, Feb, 24, 1886. ACCIDENT INSURANCE.—IF Y0U ARE going•away from home or 1f you are going to remain at home, take out an Acci- dent Insurance Policy, for there is no telling what may happen to you. A man does not require to be laid up in bed to draw his al- lowance, in naso of accident. A. 0, PATTISON, Agent. STdAY OOWS.—STRAYED FROM THE subscriber's premises, Huron Road, on Monday last, three cows, one being all red aged; one red and white spotted, aged; and one young white farrow cow. Any, one re- turning them or giving information that will lead to their recovery, will bo suitably lo - warded. ALBEItT MAY, Clinton. ,UMBER 1LUMBER ! LUMBER 1 THE eubsoriber hag on hand and for sale, at his Mill, 16th concession of GoJerich Town- ship,a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and oft Elm Lumber. Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty. Highest cash price paid for first lass Saw Lo is. E. IBU'1'T, Clinton, Jan. 25, 1888, LUMIEER.—THE SUBSCRIBER IiAV INI: equipped his mill with a ucr. :;3 uorhe- ;power engine and boiler, is now prepared to all all orders for lumber, on short notice and in the most satisfactory manner. He has also oh hand a quantity of Hemlock and Pine Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Re., which will he sold at closest prices, M. SPRUNG, Mait- land Block Mills, Auburn. t 4 1 LIME.—HOGS BACK LIME KILN, TWO miles east of Gravel Road on the 9th con. of Mullett. First-class lune always on hand. This season's Ihno will be sold at 14cts. per bushel, cash 2c. extra will be charged for credit: Dcpvered in Clinton or anywhere within 6 miles of the kiln for 17ets per bush. Orders by mail promptly attendedto, HY, LIVERMORE, Londosboro, 4i ' Northwest- 'i rallsportatloil Co. • BEATTY LINE Dr. Washington's NEXT VISIT Throat and Lung Surgeon, OF TORONTO Will be at the Ratteubury House TUESDAY AUGUST 21, ALL DAY Until 6 p• in Chronic Bronchitis Cured. An English Church Clergyman speaks. De WA9il,xo'rox,Rectory, Cornwall, Ont. - DRAG Sin., i am glad to be able to inform you that my daughter is quite well again. M this is the second time She has been cured of grave bronch'al troubles under you',trea'mint, when the usual remedies failed. 1 write to express my gratitude. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, C. li. PETTIT. Diss,Ases Tex.vren.-Catsarrh of the Head and Throat, Catarrh, Deafnes¢, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Also loss of Voice,. sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Come early. Consultation free. A few of the many cured hy Dr 1Vashington,s new method. H H Storey, of Storey A Son, manufacturers, Acton Ont, also Prey tl Manufacturing Ass.,.of Canndia. permanently cured of Catarrh, by Dr Washington, trduounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Write him for particulars. Mrs John Mcltelry, hingston, Ont, Catarrh and Consumption. John Mcl(elvy,. lilugatnn, Oat, Catarrh. Mrs A Hopping, Kingston, Ont, ih'o eho Con- sumption. Mr D Scott, Kingston, (nit, Catarrh, head and throat. Mrs John Bertram, Ifarrewsoith; ,tn,t, Ca- tarrh, head and throat. bliss Mary A Bombourg, thtitre '.iIle, Ont, i Catarrh, bead and throat. , James Mathews, P Master Acton Ont, A E Fish, Gents Furuisliings, Belleville, Ont cured of Catarrh, throat - John Phippin, Sandhurst P 0, out, (near Na- pane8) of Catarrh head throat and lungs, Head ofltbe 218 Yongo Street, Toronto. Con- sultation Piet). Therewas:a slight improvement in prices,especially for best beeves. There werolfew sales at more than 4c. Calves in good demand at from $2.25 to $10. Sheep better, but not so high as a week -ago at from $3 to $6, and lambs from $2 to $3.50,, 'IIogs in good sup- ply; prices about the same, but not se) high as previous market. Filthy stables are always dis- ease breeders, but parti0ularly so in hot weather, when the purify- ing influence of the frost is missed. CORA FOR SALE tAT THE Clinton - Mills. WHOLE OR GROUND. PRICES REASONABLE. • JAS. FAIR, - Ci INTON. ' WANTED. 500 packages GOOD DAIRY RITTER wanted. Highest price paid in Cash. JAS. STEEP, Commission Merchant, Clinton. PROPERTIES FOR SALE $1350 WILL BUY THE HOUSE AND Lot owned by the undersigned; and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St., Clinton. Hard and soft water and good sta ble. Terme of payment easy. Apply to JNO, CALLANDER, 24 Stanly St., London South. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR TO RENT, Subscribers offer for sale or Ito rent one lot on Huron St„ .n which are five houses, one stable, hard and soft water. Must be sold on 5130. To rent, three of the above houses, Of notpreviously sold,l This pro- perty will be sold upon easy terms, Apply to C, A. HARTT, MRS. WALKER, o • W. DODSWORTH, Goderich Township. TIAVE JUST OPENED OITT MA L° ARGfrt SPORTIVIENT O- NEW SIMMER GOODS.' • Y 1 NEW LAWNS i. AND M.USLI ILS' , r NEW NUNS VEILING in BLACK and CREAM. NEW LACE BUNTINGS, &e. IiILLXNZRT OUR STOCK OF SUMMER MILLINERY IS VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAIN S IN PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. HOD GENS TiL R C/ 0' AS rent : hummer• . Sale Will continue 'this month. Come and see what bargains are offered. .T_C_DETLQR lac co, Minton New Liqu�r Store; The subscriber 'having opened a liquor store in PERRIN'S BLOCK, Market Sq., Clinton, with a full stock of Liquors of the very best brands, consisting of bottle. i 1, FOR SALE—THE HOMESTEAD OF THF. late Mrs Fickle, nicelysituated on Vic- toria Terrace, Clinton, and on the bank of the Ilayfleld fiver, close to the London road bridge. 24 ecres of land, find orchard and all kinds of fruit, lawn and shrubbery, car- riage house, stable and woodshed. suitable for retired gentleman or any person who wants a good home at a reasonable price. Small payment down and long time given for balance at 6 per cent. Also one hoose to rent in the fall. Apply to GORDON PER- RIN or W. H. PEltatIN. French Cognac Brandy, - in wood or Best Holland Gin, - - .. Bernards Tom Gin, - - 1" Irish and Scotch Whisky, - " Finest Ports & SherrylWines, - " 4f f4 sroinui BASS ALE, pts., and qts., GUINESS' STOUT, pts. and qts, WHISKIES, Canadian ALES and PORTER, NATIVE WINES, fic. Goods delivered to any part of the town. :9HEIP A,T1.13. TWO FARMS FOR SALE. South half of lot No. 29, on the 8th conces- sion of the Township of Godericb, contain- ing 40 acres more or lees, all cleared and un- der a good state of cultivation. There is on the premises a brick house with all con yen Minces, good frame barn with under stabling. good bearu)torchard with neverfailing well„ Ay. Also to No., 28, 7th con., consisting of 80 acres more or lees, 115 acres hardwood bush balance cleared•and under a good state of eultivation,excellentwell water. Both farm are well foneed, Will bo sold separately or in one parcel. Terms tomtit purchaser. For further partieclars apply to MARY CANTE- LON, on the premises, or to DAVID CANTE- LON, Clintotf. - LOW RST RATES 1st and 20(1 Class.-andReturn Tickets to .Soo, Port ArEGiir, Winnipeg, Duluth, St• Paul Victoria, Vancouver, San Francisco And all points in MANITOBA, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA and BRITISH COLUM1stA via NORTHWEST TRANSPORTATION SO'Y, Steamers leave Goderich on. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Mornings, Orly. WINNIPEG & Return *45. JOS. 0, BEATTY, Oen'l Mgr„ Sarnia. A .O.Pattison&.Tas. rhompsOn Agents, Clinton. EXHAUSTED - VITALITY. If f 1HE SCIENCE of Life 1/ the great Medical Work of the age on Man- hood Nervous and Physi• czar-irlMbinty, Premature t a line, Errors of Youth: and the untold miseries consequent thereon, 800 pages 8 vol., 125,roserip- tions for all diseases.— Cloth, full gilt, only 1 1, by mail, sealed. Il- lustrated sample free to all young and mid- dle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the National Medieai Association. Address P. O. Box 1898, Boston, MOSS., or Dr. W. 11. PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical Col- logo,95pars ,practice in Boston, who may be consulted confdontlally, Specialty, Dia. P550 of Man, Office, No. 4 Bul8nrh St, Ji, WALKER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege..._ Tele rw ilia messages prorilyy at Tended to. 08886 "..:;jibntlesborough, t, THE POPULAR JRY GOODS HOUSE LON DESBORO.. • X• OTIC;! TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND VALUED OLD FRIENDS. B OXESBALES OF NEW GOODS JUST OPENED AT ROBERTS-O.'8 Prints, Shirtings, Grey and White Cottons, Towels and Towelling, Table Linens, Sheet- ings, Hemp Carpets, Blankets, Quilts, Dress 1Goods, Plain and Fancy German Plaids and Stripes, Costume Cloth and Suitings, Plush - Ies,•Velvets, Mantle Goods, Ulster Cloths, Jer- seys—Plain and Braided, Plain and Fancy Bargains all along the line. Clearing out olds and ends and remnants at prices that will astonish you. All sum• mer goods :.lust be cleared out. See our PRINTS at 8c. Fortner price 121c to 15c MUSLINS 5e Former price 8c to .10c ,2 " GINGHAMS 8c Former price 12zc " SEERSUCKERS lOc Former price 13c " HATS 25c and 50c Former price $1 to $2 We cannot here quote the prices of many lines, but we assure our patrons, that anything belonging to summer stock will be sold at prices that will clear the stock be- fore the end of August. We have brought forward. another lot of tlOOD HOUSE TO RENT--SUBSCRIIIER UT offers to rent a good frame house on Vie, torte street, with hard and soft water, plenty of land, good cellar, sal. Rent moderato, JOS, ALLANSON, Clinton. • PASTURAGE. — GOOD PASTURAGE,— close to town, can be:secured Yor a lim- ited number of cows, on reasonable terms, and hy applying to either WM. FOSTER, Ai• hent St., or JAS. M1LLIR. BOOTS AND SHOES Flannels, &c., &c. Call and see the Poor Man's Friend, and get prices and be convinced that F oberts9n's Great Cash Store is the place to buy goods at ROCK BOTTOM PRICS. Robertson's hog iuti sion. Somewhat similar to the hundred pair lot that we cleared last week. We will cleft) them at 50c. and 75c. a pair. We are determined to have the boot and shoe stock en- tirely cleared of "shelf warmers" before the arrival of fall stock. We expect to have a busy trine during this unusually dull month. The bargains wo offer cannot fail to attract purchasers. In order to n .ke the -sale more attractive, we have decided to include early fall goods, now arriving. SHIRTS and DRAWERS 25c each, All Wool GREY FLANNEL 20c. PRINTS, 1dark col- ors, new patterns, fall goods, 10e worth 13e. We' are negotiating with importers forthe purchase of a large quantity of 'TEA --and expect to s?cure a line that.will be better 'value than we have been able to offer heretofore. Kindly reserve your order for tea until you see what we can offer, 1)o not miss this opportunity of securing goods at ridicuoitsly low prices. W. L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO tAks --OHMAP— SOTS :and : SHOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S. Full litres in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. See my Mensa BoysCYlcketLacrosseshoes VERY •CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL. FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON Discount - Sale Boots and Shoes We aro giving Special Discounts off for Cash, for the next 80 days, on our stock of Boots and Shoes. • • t1OODS 'MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. W„ TAYLOR & SO -N$ CLINTON AND BLYT$, •