HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-08-10, Page 3Xr tTt Oi n)10 1 §tan! deer** statea that' >'geren Qf tb.;tt 4ist ct tat:ttlting a formal claP14n4 J punt► Ne d(Maid £al''ti e ante of the Josuits: com- on bill, recently pt sued by uebee Legialaturo. The etnen complain that the taut Park compact, by which John undertook to pass an range incorporation bill for the Dominion, as an offset to the ap- pointment of Hon. Frank Smith.) to the Cabinet, and Mr John O'Donoghue to the Senate, has not been carried out. Tho Con- servativa.party, though they com- mand a fiteat majority in the HeUse of-Corantons and Senate, refused to puss the Orange bill. Sir John would not make it a government measure, and other- wiso'it could not pass. It seems that the .Premier imagined that the!, Chestnut Park covenant was obliterated by the execution o. L�iuit3 Riel, but the Orangonlen,t apparently, do not think tip. • The Conservative organs have been de- nouncing the Josuits' estates bill as an atrocious measure that ought ,#lever to be pormittodt to become law. The Josuits' hill was the principal theme of tho many Or- ange gatherings on the twelfth of July, and brethern aro logically asking themselves why the hill ,should not bo disallowed, if it is so bad as represented. Why not treat the Josuits bill just as the Ontario Streams bill, and the Manitoba railway charters were treated? Sir John Macdonald and his colleagues have constituted themselves a court of appeal from provincial legislatures. They have claimed and exercised very frequently the right to veto any act of a provincial' legislature which they considered objcction- •able.' Now the Jesuits hill is be- fore them for review. If it is a •. good hill doubtless they will' al- low it to go into effect, but if it is not approved, probably it will be disallowed. If Sir John and his colleagues fail to disallow the Jesuits bill they will declare in effect that it is a wise urn+ lllrud- ent piece of legislation an will give the lie to all the denunciat. ory statements that have been made by their organs and twelfth of July orators on the subject. �+ A NEW HOME TREATMENT FOR THE CURE OF CATARRH, CAT ARRHAL DEAFNESS AND HAY FEVER. The miscroscope has proved that these diseases are contagious, and that they are due to the. presence of living )parasites in the interlining membrane of the upper air passages and eustachlan tubes. The emi- nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea- le endorse this, and the authorities cannot be disputed. The regular method of treat- ing these diseases has been to apply an ir- ntant•retnedy weekly, and even daily,thus keeping the delicate membrane in a con- I stant state of irration, allowing it no chan- ce to heal, and as a natural consequence of such treatment not one permanent cure has ever been recorded. It is an absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any application made oftener than once in two weeks for the membrane must get a chance to heal before an application is re- peated. It is now seven years since Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh and formulated his new treatn.•int, and since then his remedy has become a house- hold word in•every country where the Eng lish language is spoken. CURES EFFECTED EY HIM -SEVEN YEARS AGO ARE CURES STILL, THERE HAVING BEEN NO RETURN OF THE DI- SEASE. So highly are these remedies val. ued, that ignorant imitators have started up everywhere; pretending to destroy n parasite, of which they know nothing, by remedies, the results ;of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix- on's remedy is applied only once in two weeks and from one to three applications effect a permanent cure in the most aggra- vated cases. Mr. Dixon sends a pamph- let describing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to pay postage. The ad- dress of A. H. Dixon & Son is 303--King- Street West, Toronto, Canada --Scientific Amercan. A LINE ON TEMPERANCE, To the Editor of the Clinton New Et.a. Sia,—Very little has been said or done of late in the way of endeavor- __.ing to stem the torrent of intemper- ance, which we find still wielding ils deplorable influence in otfr midst, with very little sign of decrease. we, as temperance people, seem to be folding our arms, while the enemy is making serious inroads upon our ter- ritory. Suffering defeat, as we have,; by losing the Scott Act vote, we feel somewhat cast down, but by no means disconsolate. Poor and deficient as that law was, of meeting the desired w end, yet it did, to a large extent, les- sen the tide of intemperance, by cur- tailing the sale of intoxicants, which those who dealt in the traffic were compelled to confess, though very unwillingly. Since the license sys- tem has been in force' we can see the sad effects of a nonrestrictive law, We must have a reaction, from the present state of affairs. we cannot submit to see the hogsheads of ale and whiskey pouring into our town, withoutvaising a voice of disapproval Let us, as Christians and lovers of the elevation of mankind, bestir our- selves, and agitate this, question or. take action in some way, ere the enemy begins to triumph. Yours, J, I..... For removing dandruff, Ayer's Hair Vigor has no equal. It restores faded and gray hair t) its original color, stim• ulates the growth of the hair, and gives it a beautiful, glossy, and silken appear. mice. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: $tin's 1o.ntQiikc, of Woad, 1t will p9t!.aavo tt shy) to, teat. dawn uta flag Oi' dell sss nor willit, to !lol,p a dop,gbt stricken roglan prtris4; rt tkititt'uluess. Yet this r0 the way lupe p. o.tectionistohttve set about Bain 'urting the farmers whose feed bus run short told who aro going to lose their stock. It is pot a usual thing that acting is easier hhap talking. Yet in this ease it would really be easier and much pleasanter to mend the mis- chief than to disprove it. Tq be- little the people's trouble instead of removing the duty on corn is really not partyism, for the drought has inju: ed Grit and Tory rtlike. It is nothing but proleo. ;ionest bigotry run mad. The -*hole of Ontario has not suffered from th ;drought. Tho Niagara peninsula, the counties cast of Brockville, and a large section of the western peninsula. will have splendid crops. But the Lake Huron and Georgian Bay counties, the region to the north of Toronto, and the great Midland districts, have suffoh•ed o _severely that good authorities, sten who know the farmers' resources and are perfectly • disinterested, declare that including the barley there will not, be feed enough to -winter the stock. The 'rains of the last fortnight have improved. the sit- uation somewhat, es the root crops have been greedy bonefittod there- by, but they will not supply the deficiency in fodder caused by the slimness of the grain crops. Are the protectionists so afraid of a cla,k in Their tariff dyke that they would rather ruin our natural in- dustries than see its weakestipoint meddled with. The present ques- tion is not whether Canada shall have commercial union, bat wheth- or the urgent necessities of the class upon which Canada must re- ly for prosperity are to be eon- siderQtt, by the Guvurntnent or not.—Montreal Witness. Ladies Only • The complexion is often rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and Yel- owness. These it is well known are caused from an inactive Liver and bad blood. Dr Ohase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions on how to preserve the complexion. By all druggists 'fhe Mormons have been mak-. ing converts at Salem, Va., by an alleged miracle. A; spall by had an old horse that was ill and nigh unto death, and his whole family had made every effort known to their skill to restore hits hut in vain. Al.out sundown ono day, however, whwn all !lope had well-nigh 'vanished, the miracle- vvtu•kiitL .\[urnronsappearcd. Sec- ing the brult;'s condition they gently laid their hands on him and bade him arise, which the horse did with agility, Mitt was so lively from that time he (':one Hour run Ding over his owner that evening in the yard. Waterbuirf ' r, Qom sr•rd' latolx T -i says: Qaptala. '� yon, of Woodbu.L- r, hors part41y41 �let i... GoNQ.t'ncuent pensionoi, baving erved in a.11, Jlltn)is: E 4 irncnt,. Ho flue leen married thirty ypals but fire some yu•,t.rti ago destroyed a hotel lie kept and with it his marriage license. In his feelhi: heulth,bas been arranging for his wife's support after his death and being -desirous that she should get a ponaion has made an investiga- tion which revealed the fact that bis marriage had not been retort'• el, and that the clergyman wl o married them and the witness- es of the ceremony were all -dead Ho sought legal advice, and this week all trouble for the wife was removed by the couple being remarried and the fact properly recorded. Tho Bard of Trade rettu•nrt of Great Britain show Canada to be receiving a larger share thin or- dinarily of old world immigration Ip the month. of June 42,229 per- sons left British ports, as against 37, 621 in June of last year,and of thew 6,787 wore bound for Canada as against 5,266 last year, an in- cr3aso of 1,521, while the increase in the immigration to the United States was 2,870, in a total of 31,- 000, and for Australia the depar- tures were less by 240. In the six monthts of the present year 32,909 persons have emigrated to Canada from British ports, or 8,- 250 more than in the correspond- ing period of 1886, while to the United States the increase has been 13,800 which is relatively much less than the gain by Can- ada. • Don't Wait Until your hair becomes dry, thin, and gray before giving the attention needed to preserve its beauty and 'vitality, Keep on your toilet -table a bottle of Ayer's flair Vigor—the only dressing yuu require for the hair—and use a,little, daily, to•preserve the natural color and prevent baldness. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., writes : " Several months ago my hair commenced falling out, and in a few• e,'':, toy head was ahnost lfald. I frit.! :;zany remedies, but they did no good. 1 finally bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the contents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recom- mend your preparation as the best hair- restor'er in the world." "My hair was faded and dry," writes Mabel C. IIardy,.of Delavan, Ill.; "but after using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it became black aid glossy." Ayer's HairVigor, Sulci by Druggists and Perfumers. • Pimples and Blotches, So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and neck, may bo entirely removed by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best and safest Alterati ve antl Blood -Purifier ever discovered. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. /Sold by Druggists; 11; eii betrles for ea. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing aliments peculiar to females, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription lathe outgrowth, or result, of this great and Valuable experience. Thousands of testimo- nials, received from patients and from physi- cians who have tested it in the more aggra- vated and obstinate eases which had battled their skill, prove it to be the moat wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Speciale for woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful invigorating tonic, it 'intends strength to the whole system, -1tAtL„.to....the...Nraut..r.apd its appendages in particular. For overworked, worn-out,' 'run-down, debilitated teachers, milliner's, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop—girls,” house- keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the 'llpatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, Favorite Prescription" is une- qualed and le invaluable in allaying and sub- duing nervous rfxeittttility, irritability, ex- haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing. nervous synq toms com- monly attendant upon functional Hud organic disease of the wotulr. It, induces refreshing sleep and relieves ntentltl anxiety and de- spondene,v. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a legitr'elate 10idit•ine, cm'efnib, contprmnded tit un experieucod and skillful physician, and idnptad to o' l En's delicate organization, n, it is purely i getnble in its composition and perfectly harmless in its streets in any condition of the system. For mooning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause tirising, weak stomach, intligestion,•dys- pepsiu and kindred symptoms, its use, in 81111111 docs, will prove very ia•netieinl. ' Favorite Prescription,' isaposi- tive cure for the 'auk li ltcatcd and ob- stinate eases of 1"neerncen, excessive, flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, lnrolapsus, or fulling or the womb, weak back, female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing -down ae0Rtl81011S, <:hronle congestion, intlamtnntion and uieerntion et' the womb, in- flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accompanied with ' intone 1 heat." Aa n regulator and promoter of func- tional action. at that eritie tl period of change from girlhood to wo* nhood, "Favorite Pre- scription " Is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and r:; . produce only good results. It le equally , mencious and valuable in its effects when taken for these disorders and derange- ments incident to that later and most critical period, known as " The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription'', when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medica, Discovery, and small laxative _doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgatt' "'Peitete (Little Liver !'hist, cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from -the 8,Fatern. "Favorite ProseriptiOfl" tmly medicine for women, Bold by druggists, ander a positive guarantee, from the manu- facturers, that it will give satisfaction it every ease or money will be refunded. This guaran- tee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Large bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or six bottles for $6.00. For largo, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, paper -covered), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association,, 003 l/.Tni , St., 111L'EFALO. N. V ORION !EI4` aka THE LARGEST , . AND BEST NEWSPAPER 1 N 'l' i'I E COUNTY. *4, One of the best equipped JobPrint- mci Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD 'YORK. (ASTO A for Infante end <Children, "C+atorlaleeowafladeptedtochfitdrentbat Criteria cures Colic, Constipation, , 1 recommend it assuperior loony prescription Sour Stomach, Piarnceea, Eructation. known to me." H. Samna, M. D., frills Worms, gives Bleep, and prowotes di - 11160. Wald 6t brooklyn ��hgo tion. , >Y. Y. W(tiYOuc igitufow medication. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. If VERYT HI 000 N6 NEW NEW DRY GOODS, New BOOTS A SHOES, NEST -- GROCERIES. Having just bought a stock of new goods at the present low prices, I am in a position .to ,sell goods as low as any rcbpectable holl.,e in the Dominion. Any (ne wanting good goods at lowest prices will save money by calling .on me. I always keep good Staple Gods, and will not be undersold by any one in the trade. BUTTER and EGGS taken in exchange for goods: A call respectfully solicited, x t x H. P LU M ST EE L, SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE• NEWTONS Harness c Grocery Det. Still in the Lrront Ili�Yi<lz�t. After thanking my many 2ustomers for past favors, I beg to announce to the gener- al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines 'as CHEAP as the Cheap- est. I am still offering No. 1 Gold Medal Soap, 12 BARS FOR 25 CENTS; No..1 Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brangs.at equally as low prices. COAL OI L AT THE LOWEST PRICES. I have un hand A 11111 stock of Field and Garden Seeds Of the very best quality and at lowest possible figures. A full Stock of FLOUR and FEED always on hand at Mill prices FIRST.CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND, I have a few sets of White and Colored'',ROC K E It 1' and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices that will astonish the closest buyers: HARNESS 1 Ya stock of harness is comlilete 1 un a?1 branches, such as 'franks, VALISES, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES, 1lAL'1'I:RS of all'kinds, LAP DUSTERS In great variety, COLLARS a specialty. Call and inspect my stock at d get prices before you purchase elsewhere. All Kinds Grain -and Farm Produce taken the same as cash. I )m;rt a fall stock of JIM. WARE, such as Forks, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Nails. Glass, Pu y, Saws, Squares utiles, Pig Rings, Ringers, iammon's Braces and Bits, Ac. 'GEO. N TON, - - LONDESBORO. ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: WORK (8SN * J' i1'1.O1,EO * NEN' LETTERS, NEW BORDERS N Ew URNAJ'EFTs,FLNE PAPERS, FIv E INKS, NOVEL. COMBINATION., Business . Circu lars ----A .4rEr'1.tl.Iv- NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. x>rSEE t)1'II• SAM PLES'&e Salo by Worthington and Comb Trade '.VE BE T.) INFORM. THE PUBLIC THAT 01.111 STOCK OF GR,OcR,zms Is complete in all its branches. We guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than he cheapest, quality considered. In SUGARS, wears as low as any in town CANNED GOODS' in glint variety. PURE SPICES glint PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town. CROCKER.Y=Special inducements in Tea and Dinner Sets. x x x A.ANGUS, 99 ALBERT ST HARYEST TOOLS ! Rakes,Scyths, Snaths, Hoes, Spades and all kinds of HarvestTools at lowest prices. . PARIS GREEN, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, 8zc. • -NT i e • 71 Clinton, The Mamnoth hardware, Stove and Seed House. CO es HYOID 7', oras Cooper 41 WE HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST 4. . SORTED STOCK OF G CDc E R i +ylgr. ^rte,/ ' 9 In town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant everything first -glass Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAIK- INGI POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give 113 9. call., Thos COOPER& SOIN CLINTON-. Change of Business X The nndersigusd begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carries on by Yi, L Newton And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars,Whlps, Trunks,Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harneee Shop, at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my Stook of LIGHT HARNESS, which I will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.- By O.By strict atention to business, and earefully.sttidying the wants of my customers,I hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a gall before purchasing else- where. REMMBEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET 1 G -EO. A, 8 3 &P.M AN CENTRAL GROCER P. It,0131EA'S Old St mad. The; subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting o GROCERIES,CROCKERY,GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, be is enabled to offer at the very dos- . est prises Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled." Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERYWBEK 0,- SPECiA ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST NANCY ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper, Veiling Decoratioll4, choicest pat, terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY, great variety EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND EXAMIN1 A.WORT'FTTTTGTON,Clinton T..9..ILORIIN G—. • NEW GOODS. That are all right in quality and style and away clown in price.. ANY , PERSON wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock as itis new am the latest styles. A J. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's Old Stand) OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. The Greet Clearing Sale r�wiLL (0i ON FOR Thirty days more. Heavy discount for Cash to run off old Stock to make room forlN ew. A. lot our own manufacture. Good value. At ofoluew FURNITURE Coming in. Now is the time to buy at J. 0. STE VF TSON'S RESIDENCE, OVER STORE. FURNITURE STORE. ---- — OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. srFOR THE HEATED TERM .TUBI llF ETVE1) Pure West India -Lime Juice TITE FAVORITE SUMMER DRINK. E no's FRUIT SALT. EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. J.A.MFiS3..0,0311E E, CHEMIST AND DRt'GGIST, CLINTON, ONT. Subscribe dor the NEW ERA now !