HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-20, Page 5SPECIAL FOR 11118 WEEK'. GENUINE CLEARING SALE OF CHILDRENS :SAILOR HATS • In ordr to clear out the remainder of our ST We will offer them. at Cost Prices. This 1 • a chance to secure Big Bargains. No old stock. All this seasons goods New. shapes. Don't forget, all at cost price. T. JACKSON, SR • BIG BARGAINS IN JAPAN in TEAS. ' Having lough my stock at a reduce.1 rate, 1 would offer to the public a bargain. • 70 cent Japan Teas for 35 cents. 60 cent Japan Teas for 30 cents. 50 cent Japan Teas for 25 cents. MANTON NeWnS• .1, Nted rim Thjoatt*torapoa. • Thorodayi ;Ealy 40g 1,558gl_ Whet, spring. •• 0 91* L'99 litibtogatg Wb/le and red • 0 95 1 00 o • - • 0 50 • 0; 50 • 01 65 • 0 70 0 60 • 0 60 - 2 20 2 00 • 0 00 it 0 60 0 14 • 0 15 . 0 12 0 0 14 0 75 4 7 00 • 8 CIO a 8 50 • 0 50 • 0 75 - 0604080 • 5 00 a 5 50 - 0 20 a 0 20 Barley Peau Float, per eat - Potatoes • Butter Eff64 Pork • Hay Sheep pelts Lamb skins Hides, • Wool, . SEAFORTH MARKETS SEAFORTII, July 19, 1888. Wheat, spring, • SO 95 a 1 00 Red and white • • 0 95 a 1 00 Oats, • • • a 049 Peas, - - 0 60 • 0 60 Barley, • 0 60 a 0 70 Butter, - • 0 14 a 0 14 Eggs, - 013 a 018 Potatoes, - - 0 50 a 0 60 "lc,ut per owt • • 2 00 a 2 50 • • - 6 50 a 7 00 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for.Nsw ERA every Thursday Blyth, July 19, 1893. Fall wheat, red, per bush. Fall • new Oats Barley Peas . . . Potatoes, per bus. Eggster doz . ' Butter,rolls . . Cheese . Lard . . Flour per cwt. Hogs, . . . 95 • 95 45 • 60 55 60 13 14 15 . 10 200 6 25 1 09 a 95 a 50 a 70 a 60 a 60 a 13 a 14 a 15 a 12 2 10 700 TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, July 19, 188S. Wheat, fall - • • 0 97 a 0 98 Wheat, spring • • 0 85 a 0 86 Barley • - - • 0 50 a •0 60 Oats - - - 0 52 a 0 53 Peas ----073 a 0 75 Butter, pound rolls - 0 20 a 0 22 Butter, large rolls - 0 15 a 0 18 Eggs, new laid, per doz 0 17 a 0 19 MONTREAL LIVE „STOCK MARKET. About 200 butchers' cattle, 675 sheep and lambs and 110 calves offered at the East End abattoir. Trade was 'every slow, as the butchers have considerabla supplies from last week. No prime beeves offered and 41c was about the highest price paid. Pretty good sold at 4o do. and common at froni 30 to 31c. Shippers have been paying from 410 to 51c for fat oxen andfgood steers. Calves slightly lower than last week. Sheep and lambs dull and lower. Sheep at from $3 to $6 and lambs from $2 to $3.50. The supply of hogs is not large and prices are firmer, or 6ic to to a little over 61c per lb. for fed hogs. The receipts -of -horses at the Montreal Horse Exchange, Point St. Charles, for the week ending July 14th,- 1888, was 269; left over from the previous week, 1.7;' total for the week, 286; shipped during the week, 255; on hand for sale and shipment, 21; left stables for the city, 10. Trade during the week has been very quiet. Very few American buyers have been in and the local trade is slow. BRITISH CATTLE M.A.RKETS. ol Canadian lisle stock during past and current weeks were very moderate, being° considerably be- low the average of the last couple of months. Business is reported rather better, the shorter supplies and cooler weather favoring speculation. At Lon- don over 700 head were shown on Mon- day, the Barcelona consignments bring- ing up the total unexpectedly beyond the anticipated numbers. Sales were, however, readily Made at prices aver- aging nearly 61d, for best qualities, other sorts ranging from 6d, to 61d. per lb: A few sheep met a fair trade, at 7d. to 7/d. In Liverpool over 500 Canadians experienced a steady sale, the higher values current at Birkenhead and Dept- ford enabling holders to improve on the prices current here last week. For the top lots 61 would be realized, but it must be borne in mind that the pick of the consignments Went south. At Glas- gow- prices were also firmer, the very moderate supplies both of States and Canadians giving sellers the turn. Several car loads,railed on to Manches. ter,are reported as having sold wel1,61d. being made for good fleshy animals. Business in the leading meat markets continues steady at the higher range of prices touched last week, the average for States cattle (in the carcass) being nearly 63. per lb. As the supply is not generally considered likely to be in- creased for some time, the probabilities are that values will rema:n steady. In the open markets, however, the Irish grass,fed cattle are coming out excep- tionally strong in point of numbers,and above' the average in quality. This fact . will. have some influence in regulating prices, which seem, in the meantime,to have a decidedly upward tendency. It is to be regretted that the short Cana- dian supply will not permit exporters to participate more largely in the im- provement, as it is doubtful whether the present condition Of 'the • markets will continue until their grassers come forward.—Canadian Gazette, July 5. MP* Ihis is a big offer, but must make room for new of-- 7s :All other•ffi o- ceiies as cheap as any house in town. Goals delivered. 4GA30„ SW A "ALA )W.(Ld1N'I'0N N•TICE TO FARMERS! 300 TUBS BUTTER WANTED AT ONCE FOR WHICH WE WILL PAY HALF - •CASH. And half Trade. Thisis an exceptional offer as it is well known we are now running o:ir STOCK OFF AT COST Bring along your butter and get cheap goods, &c.. also avail yourself of this temporary Cash Market, 'set up by the "Poor Man's Friend.” Robertson's at h:11 Simi .UMBER.—THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING ..1.4 equipped his mill with a new 35 horse- power engine and boiler, is now prepared.to till all orders for lumber, on abort notice and in the most satisfactory manner. He has also on hand a quantity of Hemlock and fine Lumber, fibinglOR, Lath, gtc., which will he sold at closest prices, M. SPRUNG, Malt - land Block Mills, A ubnrn. t 4 i BACK LIME KILN, TWO miles east of Gravel Road on the 9th con. of Hullett. First-class lime always on hand. This season's lime will he geld at 14etsper bushel, cash, 2c. extra will be charged for *edit. Delivered in Clinton or anywhere within 6 miles of the kiln for lictsper bush. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. HY. LIVERMORE, Londeshoro, 4f NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to an partici bold- ing accounts or claims against the estate of the late Anthony Dodsworthto forward the same, duly certified , to Mrs bodsworth, not tater than the let of August next. No claim received after the above date will be recog- nized. ?MI. A. DOD:MOP TE, JOTiN RUDD, ,,,,, Jung, , Northwest ralisportatioll Co: 110.6, my / BEATTY LINE LOW EST RATES 1st and 24.41 Class and Return Tickets to Soo, Port Arthur, Winnipeg, Duluth, St. Paul, Victoria, Vancouver, San Francisco And all points in MANITOBA, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA and BRITISH COLUMBIA, to NORTHWEST TRANSPORTATION co Y. Steamers leave Goderlah on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Mornings, early. WINNIPEG ..t Return $45. 11 11FIATT7, Gen'l Min.., Sarnia. 5. 710:n pson A- lets, Clinton. oNEy TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- 1.7.11. GAGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. McTAGGART. Ullnton, Feb. 24, 1888. BQARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER CAN be accommodated with good botqd and comfortable rooms; about throe minutes walk from the post office, Townsend street MRS. VanTASEIN J. WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEON t/ Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at wended to. Office —Londesborougb, Ont. GOOD HOUSE TO RENT— SUBSCRIBER offers to rent a good frame house on Vic- toria street, with hard and soft water, plenty of land, good, cellar, &c. Rent moderate. JOS. ALLANSON, Clinton. A INSURANCE,—IF YOU ARE going away fronthome, or if you are going to remain at home, take out an Acci- dent Insurance Policy, for there is no telling what niay happen to yon, A man does not require to be laid up in bed to draw his al- lowance, in case of accident. A. O. PATTISON, Agent. UMBER LUMBER I LIMBER? THE AA subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his Mill, 16th concession of Goderich Town- ship, a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and Soft Elm Lumber. Cutting Bill Lumber a kpodalty. Highest cash price paid for first lass Saw Logs, E. BUTT. (llinton, Jan. 23, 1888. PROPERTIES FOR SALE wig)i1 A iLL BUY THE HOUSE AND 'P .1 Out/ Lot owned by the undersigned, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St., Clinton. Hard and soft water and good eta ble. Terms of payment easy, Apply to JNO, CALLANDER, 24 Stanly St., Lomb,, South. 11ARMF0It SA- LET 012---'1.0 RENT.—THAT J. splendid farm Of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Goderieh town- ship, situated li miles from Holmosville, and ofour miles from the town of Clinton. The a il is a good clay loam, with a neverfailing $ ring creek running t*ougb the place; also d wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which is ono of the bot sugar bushes in tho county ; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for ten horse, also two good. bearing orchards, being About six tem in all; two good log bongos About 45 acres seeded down. Will be .,1; 4 G. ?erocegAble terms, or rented to good tenant. ALEX RADOUlt, Holmesville Post Office. 11AVE JUST OPEN our A. EtLARSSORTNIENT OF NE STIMIVIGS. IOW LAWNS AND MUSLINS, EW NUNS VEILING in BLACK and CREAM. Ngw LACE BUNTINGS, &e. MILLINE11.7 OUR STOCK OF SUMER MILLINERY IS VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN pRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. HODCIENS • DETLOR & CO. . •+HAVE BEGUN AMMOTH SUMMER SALE The public know, from past experience, that Detlor & Co. always carry out what they advertise. They now adveitise GREA_T. SLA_IJGHTER IN PRICES MUSLINS,' PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, QUILTS, CORSETS,TWEEDS, SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES, CURTAINS, ALLOVER LACES, and CLOTHING. PARASOLS AT PRICES TO CLEAR. They bought. 2 Cases of MEN'S and BOYS STRAW HATS at a reduction of 25 per cent. These are wonderful value. Your choice of our 100 LADIES STRAW HATS at 25cts., regular prices 75c. to $1.50. Come and See the Big Bargains. a_C_IMETILACM lac GO, Clinton NewLiquor Store • • The subscriber haVialg opened a liquor iitore in PERRINS BLOCK, 'Market Sq., Clinton, with a full stock of Liquors of the very hest brands, consisting of French Cognac Brandy, - in wood- or bottle. Best Holland Gin, - - .1 Bernardi' Tom Gin, Irish and Scotch Whisky, - • 111 ft Flout Ports & Sher ry Wines, - " is , BASS ALE, pts. and qts., GUINESS' STOUT, pts. and qts. WHISKIES, , Canadian ALES and PORTER, NATIVE WINES, &c. • Goods delivered to any part of the town. .JA. S JELE P3E" AAR D. 119 !I ---01-.A BOOTS and AT SHOES CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S • Full lines in everything in the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. See my Mens d BoysenckeidLacrosse8hoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ew Fancy Goods EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, . BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON FELTS, - CANVASSES, POMPONS, .CORDS,, EMB. CROCHET, KNITTING COTTON, TIDIES, SPLASHERS, FANS, FANCY BASKETS, LAW FORMS, MORTGAUES, DEEDS, HAMMOCKS, WAGGONS, LAWN TENNIS, CROQUET, RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, LACROSSE STICKS, ' HELIX SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, &c., &c. • W COOPER, -- Beaver Block sar FOR THE HEATED .TERM .1 I TST E E(EIV ED PureWest IildiaLime Juice THE ILAVOEITE SUMMER DRINK. Eno's FRUIT SALT. EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. JA.31.Fis 4L.:4)1•1113 1E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. W. TAYLOR &SONS Our Specialties are siimimagsmissimmis The best goods in the market WE HAVE' CHEAP GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT OF} FOR CA:11.— W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON ANIr B Tu, • • .48