HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-20, Page 3FBgUA,'1F,11Ji:+"1€,'?01888, 11.t LS911 O]ll'.A, RT won INT $1JNPAT SC$AOL. , A paper t-• ra,d b:tt'ore the late Sunday School C.ous'en- thou by MISS 4UUII of Clinton. Missionarywork lu the Supdey 'Khoo) is a subject which has receiyed little attention, but we. earnestly hope we are awaking to a settee of our responsibilsty in this respect. In accepting the invitation to write ou tbissubjeet,.the writer desired that through meditation ot) it,' she might be quickened to more faithfulness in the Work, and hopes the few sugges- tions advanced may not be wholly uninteresting or improfitable. The subject has been divided (as will be seen by progyramme)into three parts. II 1. The interest the S. S. should take in the Missionary work of the church. First—They should take an interest in it, because Christ com- mands it, and "Whatsoever He saith unto you do it." "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." . If teachers employ time and talents in preparing others to go or in teaching them liberality iu order tosend others, are they not obeying this command? Second—The .whole Bible breatbres' a missionary spirit, thrrefore we cannot teach a single page of it,without teaching Missions. Third—Childhood is the real seed• time of life, and one of the earliest active faculties in the child's mind -is memory. In ttiis mind, it is oni duty to scatter seeds, which by God's blessing, shall grow up into Mission- ary zeal and devotion. Many devot- ed Missionaries of the Cross have said that in childhood they have listened to accounts of the sad, sad condition of those who have never heard of a crucified,risen Savior, and then received the strong impulses, which grew uutil they could no long- er withold themselves, and yielding to the call said—"lIere am 1, send me." Do not teachers here look back with regret to the days when --they•-were.--pupils--`;'n.. the Sunday School, and wish the needs of the Mission field had been placed more vividly before their minds. Let this regret stimulate u8, that our pupils rnay not have cause to reproach us in the like manner. Fourth—The Mis- sionaries in the field must soon cease from their labors, and from among our scholars must come those who will fill up the ranks. Can they be - gine f too young to receive information o which will be required in their life work? Fifth—God 'can and will use silts you always." may wn have a the interest our scholars take in Mis- c0tistant realization of that .Wert Mons, as a means of grace to them. presence, and then can wa say "1 can Their souls' salvation is our chief ob• do all things through Christ, who ject, and it is our duty and privilege strengtiwnth me." to use every means calculated to gain this object. When we have done so, we may and should, come before our The British trade returns tier classes, with unwavering faith, in the five months ending with May the possibility of their conversionllo not bear out the assertit,u, uf' We need this faith to arouse our ef- those who are constantly lnetel Il• forts. And we hope and pray that they may be earnest co-workers with God, Bone in the field at home, and some far hence among the Gentiles, to t.N *Aur ofiolle-04abrtyrltfigipk the 1Vg WO be ttrpidocithQW Mgr Chie 44k0 tit n to •repeat the' act !Flitch •ts(tet there PO 111.11p, and, el, eo tegcb them that it is more bledieed to, give than to receive. A, way in which tate Super ntendept Could aid in retai tiwig an sterol. in gatii t t►w ib ui I`f `ti.tt etit la' the Dalt Mall laitiTtptttt, -ether a Is 1 .r90111 or cot 'a t t 1L' 1'1 O f g. t'. la ia i. . an increats se of £O,dl 0,r the live 000 sterling slinwg 1 , stterl.iiig. compared with the same period 0t' loot. year, whilu the imports show Missions, would be by announcing a i Increase of .£7,97G,000. The t fy especial occurrencein the fields exports of manufactured goods in which they are specially'n`erested or preSt using ill" teacbein have in- etrucled theta, ask gaeatiiuos, and as he referred to different places, point them out on maps Here, we might say that every C S. should have good missionary maps. 8. Teaching the children liberality if the sympathy andP ye. rayere of. the d d e known to me. ILA.AiwsaS,/T.D., show a gratifying increase, and :n only one or two articles was there a !y t� failing off. Great l3ritain' trade with Canada dhows 4 con- siderable diminution during the five months just ended. Tho im- ports of British goods into tLe h cl• I Dominion ave a ins h avll for Infants 'end Children. 00..torinisaowell sdaptediechuttrtiothat 1 CYtorla otlteli Col o. Constipation, recommenditaiisuperior taanyprescriptioaa Bout Wom en, Dlarrheea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di Y. Wiltonioue medication TOM ()EMU= COMPANY, 77 IfulAy Sorest, N. children have been gained, liberality and- this shrinkage is likely to 11180. Oxford BR, Brooklyn, N. will follow as a consequence Freely seriously affect the revenue, they have received, freely they will give of time, talents and money. —'�— y no o. Your Gaited. But children generally do not have Pont'allow a cold in the head to slowly much money, so in order to give they and surely run into Catarrh, when you can must practice self-denial. See that be cured f: r 25c. by using Dr Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure. A few applications cure n• each pupil bas a Missionaiy box sipient catarrh ;1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary which shall mutely appeal for the catarrh; 2 to 5 boxes are guaranteed to coppers they intend spending in cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25e. candies, &c. We know of :+oys in a and sure cure, Sold by a druggists. Mission band in a city,who rise early in the winter mornings to clean the snow off their neighbor's sidewalks, and of girls who do fancy work, knit- ting, etc., iu order to raise looney for the work in which they have become interested. Let us ever bold before them Christ our Unspeakable Gift, and Elis example'of self-deolah Dery fellow-teachers,we know yous work is a laborious, arduous one, and von meet with many discouragements. Perhaps the most discouraging is the little interest the parents take in their own children, and in your work of faith and labor of love. But ever bear in mind that not according to results but according to faithfulness will the muster reward you. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give unto you a crown of life." Be faithful in teaching them the claims of the Mission field, and training them in the Bib lean basis ot all true Mission work. In that bright-eyed, keen boy, may be a David hiving- stone;In that mtschievnus,unmanage- able boy an Earl of Shaftsbury. In that girl who appears so inattentive, but in whose eye you sometimes catch a glistening tear, may be a Harriet Newell or a Mrs Moffat. At the mention of such names our pulses beat faster, and we long to devote our lives to such work as they en- gage in; but we feel our circumstanc, s will not permit. Let us not fail to do all we can to prepare others for the work, or lead them to uphold the hands of those already in the field. Remember you work not in your o,vn strength. He who gave the command gave also the promise. "1,0, 1 am Tho night nurse of the delirium tremens ward of' the County Hos- pital, Chicago, heard an unusual noise in the ward on Friday night, , and opening the door saw Annie Polinski in her night clothes danc- ing a jig on it table close to an op- en window. The table was cov- er'eti with dishes and glassware. When the woman saw the nurse coming she 'tore out tho iron bars in the window and tried to le ap out. The nurse caught her by the gown, and there she hung, head down, forty foot above ground. Tho nurse hold on and shouted for help, but the garment gave way and the patient fell four stories and was killed. R is Absurd For people to expect a cure for ^Indiges• thn, unless less they refrain from eatit,g what is unwholesome; but if anything 11 iihsitarpeii the appetite and give tune t., t!•c digc;five organs, it is Ayer's Sr. ict. Thousands all over the Lund • 1 , ..,,• Merits of this medicine. ;4aralt 1lurroughs, of 248 Eighth ref t, South Roston, writes : "1fy hns- h:ut t has taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for Dyspepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited." A Confirmed Dyspeptic. l'. ('anterbury, of 1.11 Franklin st., Moss., writes, that, suffering ears from Indigestion, lie' W:18 at i iditct11 to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla ,u; 1. by its.use, was entirely- cured. M s, Joseph Anbin, of ITinh street, I lolyoke, \lass., suffered fur over 8 year front iiysh,epsi:l, so that she could not out substantial food, became very well:, awl was linable to pare for her family. Neither tato medicines preseribed by physicians, nor any of the remedies advertised for the cure of Idy•.pe1•;.1 iilg that England's 'commercial helped Ler,. until site eommenecii till postige 18 on the wane, and that it iia ot Ayer's sar,:arar:lln. • Three policy of tn'ade, restriction should ' 1 ,u Iles of this medicine," uaittx__ where the fields aro white to the har• b: adopted. The foreign'lrusinesy "cured me." vest. of the United Kingdom during'' Ayer's Sarsaparilla \lay showed 011 impruvculent (.;mater than tut a long tune. Pitl1PAaPO MI "1Phen esport;t in'crense tunnel' Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, ' gg Price *1; six betties, r3, W drtlt 545 a butt le. every head and thele is an at re- 2. How to attain and retain an 111- f, terest in Mission work, as► Most decidedly the teacher must be thoroughly in sympathy with, and full of enthusiasts i 1 IIIissions,po: s ass a love for them. "Better is the love that drives than the conscience that drive-." Through feeding on the Word of God, we shall have the love awaken• ed and kept burning, "As new born babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby." "If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." Let us ask then for zeal in Mission- ary work, for a passion for souls. It is our duty as teachers to be well informed in Missionary work, .espec- ially in-tbe work tat en up by our respective churches. To take the Missionary periodicals they will keep us acquainted with recent evehts and increase our interest in people, customs and religions. Coming be - fare a class, with zeal for the work and a ktiowlege of it, with Cilia zeal and knowledie reduced to practice, our influence will be felt by those en- trusted to our charge. Will lead them to recogniie in all classes and races of men a common brotherhood. That the soull'of the Ethopian, or the ragged, miserable waif they meet on the street is as precious in God's sight as their own That God desires the Gospel of His Son to be preached to every creature. That to engage in this work is not forced on them, but a glorious privi- lege and honor He permits them to share. We willwessll the girls of the woes, miseries and wrongs endured by her sex, in all countries where the glorious rays of the Sun of Righteous- ness have not shone As we speak of the habits mid customs of people, of Missionaries who have gone from our midst to labor among them, and of their progress from time to time, we shall arouse an interest in those who can reau for themselves. Then we must suggest books for them to read. and these books should be found in the libraries, Children's Missionary papers are generally much enjoyed by them. We know of one excellent paper entitled "The Child- s, ren's Record." When ecord •- When an interest is attained, how shall we retain it? By each Sabbath reminding them of their privileges, and of their obligation to those who are not llo highly favored. By asking them to pray for Mission chil- dren, even large children often have the impressions that such prayers are only expected of Ministers, elders or their teachers. By getting them to work, and if they have received in- formation, they are able to work somewhat intelligently. We should ask them to repeat tb6 information that they have received. Give them Missionary leaflets and boxes to dis tsibttie. If there is a Mission Band in the church have them join, and bring others. Take tbem with us to the highways to gather in the uncur- ed for careless ones to the S. S. Have them preserve all their Sabbath School Magazines, that they may be sent to some outlying Mission Station where,the S. S. is ton poor to procure them for itself. Wo nsk the superin- tendent of that school to write a let - Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. f The treatment of many .thousands of eases of those chronic weakuesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invallde' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y„ hag afforded a vast experience in nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly tasting remedies for the cure of woman's peouliar maladies. Dr. Piercers Favorite Prescription is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of teatime - male; received from patients and from physi- cians who have tested It in the more aggra- vated and obstinate cases which had baflled their skill, prove it to bo the most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended es a "cure-all," but 118 a most perfect Specific for woman's peculiar ailments. As a powerful invigorating tonic, it imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and its appendages In particular. For overworked, worn-out,' run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners,. dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop -girls," house- keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription 1s the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nervine Favorite Prescription" is une- qualed and is invaluable, in allaying and sub- duing nervous excitability, Irritability, ex- haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com- monly attendant upon functional and orranie disease or tie. (0111),. It induces refreshing sleep and teliev 41 lin 1114,1 nnxit•ty and de- spondence. lair. Pierce's 1':r i' (.1110 1'resocriptiou sa a legit(' Mat 01.'411eine, caretutly c01)1(8 holed h;; 1oi •'1 .; i, acrd and skilllu! delicate phi ur';ani'ution. it i. I ;n1•I•r 1,;;,aable itt its econp0si:i 14 nn l .0, 7.1..).11,* harmless in its effects iu any emptition of the system. P'or morning. sickn,•,', ' r na04,'n• t1•ont whatever 08081. ariSlntt', u'r:11, i 1.,tanoh, infligestinn, dys- pepei1) and Id0,11.01 r} niptw,t•+, i1.3 use, in small dnPn4, lvitl preys 1.,;'. t„•ucacinl. «htrvori t0 1're•; crl pl i011 Ia a,/osl- tdve ear0 1'(.r ii:.. ., ,,) elauphknted nnrd ob- stinate cases of 1, n ^,n•i hon, excessive flowing, pain 1111 m0nst1.010100, imitators! suppressions, p roiupsus, or f ))lino ..I' the wroth, weak bank, "101na10weaku".,", • 'n telrr+ion,retrovtreioe, bearing -down s'':r;•thins, chronic congestion, Inilamnnttion nmi titers) inn of the wonth, in- flantmntior, pain and tenderness In ovaries, accompanied with " intermit heat." As a regulator and promoter of func- tional action, at that criticalperiod of change from girlhood to womanhood-, "Favorite Pre- scription"lsa'wave(ly sato remedial agent, rind can produce Only good results. It eqpualln eOteaclOue and valuable in its effects wain, 1,.';•,n for those difierdevs and derange- ments i ,•''•tent to that later and most critical verged, known as " The Change of Life." "Favorite Prescription'', when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Di. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes rancorous and scrofulous humors from the system. "Favorite Prescription" is the only torwomon a positive guarantee, from the menu- facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case or money will bo refunded. This guaran- tee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper' and faithfully carried out for many years. Large bottles (100 (logos) $1.00 ow six bottle, for g5.00.' For largo illustrated Treatise nn Diseases of Women pith pages, paler-eoveredl, send ton cents In stamps, Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association,, C63 'train Rt.. tliTFALO. N. V• medicine soldb druggists, ggfeta , under C61NTO EW IfftA, THE LARGEST AND BEST N EWSPAPER IN 'l'ltK COUNTY. • One of the best equipped' JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUP, AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BET GOOD WORK. • — ;'xx Oyn.v :: COMPETENT :-: WORKMEN e, EMPLOYED 8: NEIL• LErrt:us, NEW 11onu8)18 NEW Or,x.t'E1'rs,F 1 Nr•. PAi'Ens, FIN a' INKS, Nuvt;r. Co1rn1NlTln\9, 0 Business Circulars N EAT • s P8)'I,t,1.TY TASTY; ARTISTIC. ('R SAMPLES -Pit s u S I':1': sale by Worthington and Comb ERYTHING NEW —000 NEW DRY GOODS, New BOOTS SHOES, NEW -GROCERIES. Having just bought a stock of flew goods at the present low prices, I am in a position to ,sell goods as low as any respectable il.ou;e in the Dominion. Any (no wanting good goods at lowest prices will save money by calling on me. I always keep good Staple Gods, and will not be undersold by any one in the trade. Bu'1•'rElt and Errs taken in exchange for goods. A call respectfully solicited. x x H. PLUMSTEEL, SEARLE'S...BI4CK,..NEXT8TQ,,..CHEA.PSIDE• NE W TUNS Harness cE Grocery Dit. Still in the J'ront I�fanlz�., After thanking my many customers for utast favors, 1 beg to announce to the gener- al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAP as the Cheap- est, I am Still offering No. 1 Gold Medal Soap, 12 BAILS FOR 25 CENTS; No. 1 Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low Hili* ,pliecu. COAL.01 t. AT THE LOWEST PRICES. I have un hand A hill stock of Field and Garden. Seeds ` " "J _ -�` It he �erq best Rtiality and at lowest possible figures. A full Stock of FLOL11 and FEED always on hand at Mill prices FIRST CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND: 1 have a few sets of White and Colored ('110) K l:It1' and GLASSWAIIE on hand which will be closed out at prices that will astonish the closest buycts. RNESS�ly stock of harness as ii completes mn all branches, such Trunk, VALISES, WHIPS, CL'I1RY COMBS and BRUSHES, IIALTERS •of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS a specialty. Call and inspect my stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere, All Kinds Grain and Farm Produce taken the same as cash. Thaw a full stock of HARDWARE, such as Forks, bakes, Spades, Shovels, Nails. (;less, Putty, Saws- Squares Rules, Pig Rings, Ringers. Hammon's ITInccs and Bits, rte,. LONDESBORO GEC). NEWTON, 11% Trade,) WE 11l k '1'.) 1'NRt)Lt'1 'I'U}1 PUBLIC THAT OUR STOCK OF G -R OCERIES Froj,BuyYourGrocerles Thomas Cooper &- Son WE HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND 131':'1' AS- SORTED STOCK OF aaRCDC R 1 S [n town. Our pricea are as low as the lowest, and we warrant -verything first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAK- (NG POWDER.” Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand a' Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call. Thos COOPER& SOII CJLINTON. Is complete in all its branches. \Ve guarantee onr TEAS to be cheaper than he eheapeat, quality considerer. In SUGARS, wears as low as any in town CANNED GOODS' in great variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds, All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town. CROCKERY—Special inducements in Ten and Dinner Sets, x t a Change of Business 111j111 L111(111111L 1111111111E 111111 The nndersigu_d begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that„he , has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by N. L Nett i And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Gollars,Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest price?. Specie attention is directed to my stock of Lion HAMNEss, which I will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my oustomers,I hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing else. where. REMMBEER T1lE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET A.ANGUS, 99 AD BE P T ST loamsodrisemmirm HARVEST - TOOLS ! GRO. A, 31AR•M AN I�1 rEyegJasos CS�1 d A S S seta e �, The slsbcatc R �c � pp1' 'I'ITI: BEST IN�yUSE MB: LAURANCE'S Spectacles and Eyeglasses at Cost: CALEDONIA Mineral Water Aerated. JAI E} S Ia. k_)a01%1I31'., CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. CENTRAL GROCER r'. •11,01Ei13':s Old Stand. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting c GROCERIES,CROCKERY,GLA SSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to ober nt the very t.1o0- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. Rakes,Scyths, Snaths, Hoes, Spades and all kinds of HarvestTools at lowest prices. PARIS GREEN, PAINTS, OILS, %GLASS, NAILS, &c. B_ 13.A. -T Z B'7 _ Clinton, The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed House. w H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERYWELK' SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID' TO GETTING NEWEST FANCY AITICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY 1N Wail ['aper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest pat- terns, BOOKS STATIONERY great variety. EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND ENAMINE- A.WO]- � 1 FTTNGTON,Clinton NEW GOODS styleThat are all right in quality and down i'l l price. PARSON wanting something nice in this line should call andie,xamine my stock •as it is new ant- they latest styles, A 1. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's Old Stand, OPPOSITE THE PcrST.OFFICE, CLINTON. The €*reat Clearing Sale —\GILL (14) t,\ 111(1^ Thirty days more. Heavy discount for Gasi>t to rim off old Stock to make room for New. A lot our OWt1 manufacture. Good "value. At ofoluow M, •FUR115ITURE Coining in. NOW is the time to bay at J. 0. ST ETV 9N"SON'S RESIi)EN'CE OVi'T STORE. FURNITURE- STORE. - __ OPPOSI'I'l, TOWN 1[ALT,. Subs eribe for the NEW ERA now 1