HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-13, Page 8,t flinten FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1583. LOCAL NOfICLS. Car Fencing Wire, all kinds, Binding. cord, .tlw,ltt,b7;stine, 11- lor,. HAGEN', cilitt01,t. SHINGLES. -5p0 bunehea of at 'Shingles ut SIMS per square. Nos d at x1.15, Men. a quantity of Rawl:mit Lumber. MS. 'iil'1TOfEI.L, Clinton. • Full Stock of Cut Nails, Best Geal' Oi11Ate leral., 121. two g&1 and over. t. 14. RAC]GY. A lot of Curtain Poles, Brasses, do. cow- plete, iu ebony and ornamental gilt from 75c. siiwaw, Gilt Afoul for pictures. New la'Iserein Bedroom Suite and Sideboards jts received, at STEVENSON'S Furniture Store, Clinton. Residence over store. NOTIC.F to the FARMERS As we have a special order for a large amount of TUB BUTTER, we propose to pn half cash and halt trade, in order to get it�he desired quantity. Not only is the rdaiingof d you sh ean are still offering our stock at eos rm. ROBERTSON'S GREAT CASH STORE, CLINTON. HARDWARE. Just received a fresh supply o • Barb and other Fence wire, el nails, Tarred and Build- s paper, Carpet felt, Spades, Novels, Rakes, Hoes, and all kinds of Builders' Hardware. We have a large stock of the above goods° and are offering them at very low prices. Rave - troughing and all kinds of tin work a specialty. Tinware at reduced prices. 8 milk pans for 81.00. HARLAND BROS, Clinton. �alult 1:npflra. TM a -�- lr A Caatelon, while LIttla Loral Items. walling a barn ou.the farm gf,Mr It. ;r�rHaN sltall the Civic holiday be? portion of ce Ustanc0osimilarIn wto iron ch a MFS$L. H.orris, of Toronto 'is visit - ole was found. ing friends to town. • Mr John Ross bas returned from FRavD.=Some private and eon- his visit to the "Soo;' fidentiai letters have come under our a Mrs Colville "Soo.returns to her borne notice advertising the sale of counter- felt American. greenbacks, . The ad• AO the west, tomorrow. dress iN H. Howard, Hoboken P. 0., Me. J. C.'L' iuklater, turd fetidly ,are, New Jersey, U. S.,, and the pot ce visiting in. East Wawanosh. ' should look after blas. MRs J,.'P. ,Martyr(, of Toronto, is MR H. S. 11IoLean, of the Colleg- visiting her old friends here. lave Institute staff, bas started on a Miss Lily Manning, of Toronto, is trip to the Northwest. He has sever• hero on a visit to her brothers. ed bis connection with the Institute, Mos Andrew Deihl, of London, ling will spend some time in travel- is home on a visit to friends here. ling before be again settles down. Mr McLean is a popular and able teach• Mas McCullagh, of Bellefontaine, er, and the good wishes of mauy O•, is ft guest at the Grand Union. friends go with him in his departure MR W. R. Lough and family wi 1 from town. spend the holidays at Vankleek Hill. THE 0ROOEu8N,--.After the or- Miss Jessie Oliver, who has been angemen of .this section got to the visiting on the other side, is back to station yesterday morning, it com- town. menced to rain, making it somewhat Mit A. W. G;arslake has been very unpleasant and dampening the nopee sick for several days, but is getting of those who bad counted on a fine better. ; Several loads of new hay have been marketed, ranging in prices from $8 a ton up. EAet.ix VEGETABLES.— Neighbor Joe, true to his promise, left us a basket of splendid potatoes, pelts and other vegetables, on Saturday last. Joe has been a good friend to the editor for a number of years. DEATIE OF A FORMER HURONITE.— The old friends of Mr W. Westcott, of Morpeth,to,merly of Tuckersmith, will regret to hear of the death of his wife,which took placeon.l!riday last. The deceased was formerly a Miss bmith, of the 2nd con. of Stauley. Mr Westcott is a brother of Mrs Henry Young, of Clinton. THE MARKET.—Everytbing ,eon- sidered,the market was well attended on Saturday last. All kinds of vege- tables were for sale, and in addition to some excellent butter. there was ri little poultry that found ready sale. As the season advances, and farmers have other things' for sale; •the ad- vantages of the market will be more fully realized. CHANGE,—Dr Dowsley left town on Wednesday, for Belleville, (bis family having preceded him) where he pur- poses residing in future. The doctor's removal creates a vacancy on the Collegiate Institute Board. His pro- fessional successor, Dr Iiorsey,late of Uttawa,is a young mann who is highly spoken of, and will, nn doubt, receive a_share-of business in - this particular 1iae. MOVING BUILDINGS.— Mr John Stephenson has been doing consider- able this year in the way of moving barns, etc„ out in the country, and has lately been adding to the im- provements bf the town. At Mr T. C. Doherty's he has been moving and fixing his barn, and at Mr Haw- kins', near the freight shed, he has very materially improved his house. IioirrS .s_r .=- 3i-r—I3rowirler; of —lsoderich township. left us a bunch of oats this week, which he says is a fair specimen of the crops in Gode rich township, and we do not wonder that ho is at a loss to know how they are to mit it with a self -binder. The bunch, roots and all,does not measure more than'eight inches long, and is out in head. The Lack of rain will certainly be a serious matter for farm- ers in this immediate section. ENTIRE HORSES.—Mr T. R. Mitch- ell, of Westfield, arrived at Clinton last week with four entire horses, which he had pprchased in the old country. They are all first-class ani• male. Mr Mitchell made the trip from Montreal in remarkably fast time. Leaving that city, at 8 p. m. on Tburedy, he arrived at Clinton 'at h b t t ly to be married to a Clinton lady. 9.27 p,m. on Friday,coming by freight were presented and several papers —Mitchell Advocate: Substitute the as far as Stratford, and' from there were read. Dr Worthington read an word "London" for Clinton, and the . being attached to the night train. instructive paper on "Ipjuries of the- paragraph will be correct. The lady Ilrain "relatin cases which bad come d day. What the day was like at Iiin- cardine and London, we know 'not, but we suppose the Orangemen would enjoy themselves even under the most adverse circumstances. For Kincar- dine 157 tickets were sold here, and for London 89. GooD RIDDANCE.—The family of Angus Campbell have left town for Orillia; it would have been better for some people bad their dealings eith him been on the c.o. d. prineiple�,and the same may be said of Mr Pittman, who bas moved away. Thetown can well spare such people. John Daley and family have. moved to Goderich ; be has not the same reputation as those mentioned before him, because he does pay his way, but his weak- ness consists in being his own worst enemy. fLLICIr STILL SEIZED. — Inland Reyen ue Collector Caven ,of Stratford, was in town on Monday, on his way Miss Acheson, of Goderich, has been the guest of Mr D. Calbick, for several days. TIIE town ' will this year pay a county rate of $812.75, being .$6 leas than last year. " THE county Model Scheidt open in Goderich and Clinton on the first of September, MR John Macpherson, of Fingal, spent a few days visiting relations here last,week. TUE.wife-•of Mr Geo ,Cole, of Tor- onto,(aister-in•law of Mrs Jas.Thomp- son) died this Week. THERE has not been a good, soak- ing rain in this immediate vicinity for about four weeks. Mn James Smith now drives a dandy little mare that he purchased to the township of Stephen, where he near Zurich last week. seized an illicit still, arrested, the A MR Welsh, of Blyth, was hunt - owner, bad him tried and sentnced ing a house to rent in town this week, to one month's imprisonment and a intending to move here. On the occasion of Rev T. M.Camp- bell leaving Owen Sound he was.pre- sented with a gold watch and chain. fine of $100 The still was found on the farm of Mr Stephen Middleholt,a hitherto respectable and well-to-do farmer, but as it was supposed the sill bad been worked by his sons,and Ma Chas Smith, formerly operator not himself, he was given the lowest in the bucket shop here, has taken a punishment that the law allows. Constable Gill took him to Goderich on Tuesday. NOT ACCEPTED. --Oar townspeople .Meeting Room, Pert'tn's Hall, on generally, we believe, will be pleased to know that Mayor Whitehead has declined to accept the resigna- tions of the Reeve and Deputy, Messrs Macmurchie and Manning re- spectively. Although the mayor takes advantage of a technicality (which re- quires all resignations to be witnessed) to refuse the acceptance of their resig- nations, the resultis the same and the town still has the services of two men who have 'shown themselves to be the right men in the right place. We have very little admiration for the plan of settling differences by resigna- tion,: and no doubt we have beard the last if it for this year. The Reeve's apology on Monday evening, was manly and honorable. He fills a place was fined $20 and costs. at the Counett -Bpard_w.hich_-few others Mr John Pleives, wan in Parkhill could do, and he cannot be spared last week visiting with his brother, Mr Jas. Plewes, who has been quite ill lately but is now recovering. position in the C,P.P. central office, Toronto. 'There will be preaching in the Sunday next, at 3 and 7 p. in., by Mr A. E. Boothe. It is reported that no less that four marriages will shortly take place among the membership of one of the town churches. Miss Carson, who has been on the 'other' side, for some time, is now home, as is also her sister, Mrs Hele, of Bellefontains, 0. Mr Doughty, for some time a resi- dent here, has moved to Inglewood, where he has taken a situation in Graham's Woolen Mill. INSPECTOR Paisley laid Information against C Spooner for selling liquor after hours, and on Wednesday he just yet. CA•rrt.u.—Last Saturday one hun-" dred and forty-three head of cattle were weighed here and shipped to the old country. They bad been bought by Mr \V, McLean, and re -sold by him to Mr Morgan, of Oshawa. They were fed .by the following persons,tbe weight also being given :—Hunter & Avery, Stanley, 31. head, 4.2090 lbs ; W-cl-r-ant; -London road 30 head, 41840 lbs.; James Fair, Clinton, 20 head, 23040 lbs ; Jas Brown. Hullett, 3 head, 3770 lbs ; Chris. Dale, jr., Hullett, 40 head,51080 lbs.; G Steph- enson, Hnliett,19,head, 24520 lbs.. It will be reafeiring to farmers t, know that not a word of complaint was. found about the weighing of this entire lot, Mr IC. Welsh, weighmaster, giving entire satisfaction. Farmers may always rely on nim doing this, as he is not a person who will deviate from the path of right one iota, MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. — The re- gular quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held in the class room of tbetMechanis' Institute, Seaforth, at 2 p.m. on July 10th. The president,,Dr Young, being absent, the vice president, Dr Gunn, occupied the Oak. Severalin res ing .cases MR R. Ransford states that the joint worm this year has done con• siderahle injury to timothy, a crop not hitherto attacked by the pest. Miss Eva Croll, of Parkhill, spent a couple of days among her old friends here last week. She seems to be very much in love with Parkhill (or some one there.) THE stock belonging to the estate of P. W: Hayward was sold by auc tion, on Tuesday, a number of car- riage makers being present. Fairly good prices were realized. THE only unmarried business man in the Union Block was enquiring the price of meat from one of our town butchers the other day. What did he want to know for, anywhow? MR Thos. Smallacombe, late of Hensel', but formerly with Ogilvie & Co„ at Seaforth, now fills the posi- tion vacated by Mr Swallow,at Irwin's Standard' Elevator. That he is a good man for the place is evidenced by his past experience. Rumor has it that the Rev. George Richardson, late of Listowel, is short - LICENSES. -- The Commissioners under his observation. DrCampbell, for the West held a meeting of Seaforth, and Dr Elliott, of Bruce- thMinton, ooSaturday,l licnes and follows field, related the history of interest - three additional licenses, as follows : P licenseto Jos. Wright,. ing Those n rt in Point Farm, and licenses to Mrs hdiscussion were Ds Worthington, McKid, Smith, Campbell, Nicol, Mc - Carlow. \ be hi le's license F,Ihad beenonagh, Lean, McTavish, Gunn and Elliott. withheldtThe latter's h p Several medical stodents were pres- becauseolbe had not paid he ; ent: McLeod, Gibson and Ewing. hie sameSa tiott ons fine,s but oh o him, the i The members were delighted with the a license was issued to him, meeting, and anticipate a prosperous Meats. CnANGEs.—The following i future for the society. The next changes are gazetted -;-33rd Huron, I quarterly meeting will be held at No. 1 Company, Goderich—To be 'Clinton. captain, Robert Crockett,vice Miller, Iy, p, C; r. S. CoN\ ERsezIONE.— permitted to retire retaining rank— —The garden convereazione at the To bo lieutenant provisionally, Dud- loy Holmes, vice Beck, appointed quartermaster—To be second lieuten- ant provisionally, James Henry Wells, vice Ross, left limits. No. 7 Company, Porter's l Till—Tobe second lieutenant provisionally, Private miters, while the host passed in and Edmund G. Courtice, vice Mussel. out among the throng shaking hands here, and -having a fewsv-words there, making all feel the utmost freedom and perfectly at home. The grounds being those of Mr Manning,end Mrs Coats, were nicely iilnminated with Chinese lanterns and torches. Both houses were also thrown open for those who preferred to be inside,— young ladies and gentlemen of the Young People's Christian Endeavor Society of the Ontario St. Methodist residence of Mr A. 11. Manning, on Friday evening, was attended by a very large number, and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The Doherty Band was constantly sur- rounded by a crowd of listening ad - OBITUARY,— Mr Joseph Reyce, brother of Mrs Thomas Stevenson, died suddenly at the age of 76 years, at Los Gatos, California, a few:days since. Ho came with his fathers' family to this country from England in 181(1, and spent his young days in Dundas. Being always fond of trav- elling, he started with his wife in 1849 across the great plains to the land of gold in California, where be has lived ever since. ' He was strong Church, were tireless in their endea- in his religious convictions and be- vors to meet the wants of all present. longs to the Baptist body. having a The stain ahject of the gathering was strong sense of right, Ile leaves a to give the new pastor, Rev. J. Edge wife and five children. Ilia son, who an opportunity to meet his people and is on a sea voyage from Boston to the result was very gratifying. At A t l' f s hihealth is a Doctor J the same time he bad an excellent in question has a married sister reel - ing in Goderich township.' -Mims Ella A. Rupert,of St. Marys, (niece of Rev E. S. Rupert) who has recently been attending Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, was so suc- cessful at the closing examination as to carry off the silver medal and dip- loma in the commercial course, and also a diploma from Pitman's Phone- tic Society, London, for shorthand writing. THE Ilellefontaine, 0., Examiner, of Friday last,saye:—Miss Tillie Car- aCer- amhas returned to her home in Clin- ton, Canada, after n protracted visit to relatives and friends in this city. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs W. I1. Hele, and Mrs S. A. Mc- Colloch, who will speed the summer on the Canadian shores. Miss Car- son made many friends during her sojourn among our people, and her departure for home is regretted by them all, DEATH or MRS MAcwiu rsoi.— The many, friends of Mrs John Mac- wbirter, formerly of this place, were more than surprised to see the an- nouncement of her death in the Globe; at Port Dover, on Thursday of last week. Deceased bad not been in good health since confinement last De- cember, and went to Port, Dover in- tending to spend the summer there, but bad contracted a cold, which troubled her. The physician who attended her says : - Although a stranger here (having made no ac- quaintances previous to her illness) the ladies that attended to her kind ugrato or of Philosophy in 11ava4d l'niversity, opportunity of meeting many others ministrations became deeply attached of our townspeople who were preson . to her. She must have been a very Refreshments were served during the evening, the net results of the soil being over $50. At the regular meet- ing of the society on Tuesday evening the parsonage furniture debt was vol antarily assumed by the society, and arrangemenfs were made to .purchase a large number of hymnbooks for the n=^ of stranger• atten ling the church. one of his daughters i9 a teacher in the Normal school, San Jose, (sill- fornia, bis son wrote the Common- wealth of California for • a Boston firm in which his mother gave him valuable assistance from her exper- ience in the early history of Califor- nia. While in California,last winter, Mr J. ll,Combe spent a very pleasant tines with the family. amiable and lovable person in so• ciety. She only regretted death on account of her children and husband. Her tu,ither did not arrive until two hours after her death. Iter body was removed to ('wen hound for burial on the day f.i,owing her death. She died ensily end without nny great ?uPrin,'. rest FQR fi VI.+Z!I 00 Dims £T DICKSON'S - BOOKSTORB ()1 1N'FO1N• On POCKET BOOKS we give a discount of 25 per cent On JEWELLERY " 25 " On SILVERWARE 15 On MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS "- 20 On BIBLES, old version " 95 " On PHOTO ALBUMS `` 25 On AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS 25 On TESTAMENTS ' '23 • On SPECTACLES 20 On CUPS and SAUCEVS , -Y5 On PIPES " 20 On VASES and CHINA GOODS " - 2 ' `` On VIOLINS and FIXINGS " 95 On CONCERTINAS and ACCORDEONS 20 41 ti ra it ,t 'On WALL PAPER On DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, On MOUTH ORGANS On BABY CARRIAGES i, _20 &c 10 20 •10 011 LADIES HAND SATCHELS " 30 On COMBS, WRITING DESKS and WORKBOXES 20 On VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS" 25 On BASKETS10 A large 'quantity of Remnants at 5()c on the • The above prices tiro for cash only. ,r t' it c, '' This is the greatest opportunity ever offered, to secure goods below wholesale prices. Our entire stock, a- mounting to $15,000, must be reduced to $10,000 within the next 30 days, as we commence STOCK TAKING on the 1st of August, and balance our books on the 15th, Come and see our stock, and get. our prices,whether you 1'uy or not. No trouble to show the Great Bargains we are• offering. Terms cash, or 3 months to responsible parties. Chris. Dickson,Clinton A_ GR'EAT SALE A visit to Hamilton ani Buffalo last week resulted in a heavy purchase of Hats at less than half regular prices, and during the next week we will slaughter these goods at wonderfully low prices. We will sell you Hats at 25c wortbi5c HATSat 50c.worth $1 ,25 ft will pay to attend this big sale as you will be thorough- ly surprised at the low figures we can quote. At this time of the year the wholesale people are anxious to reduce their heavy stock, and as a consequence we were enabled to get goods at our own figures. On Saturday next we will present every girl who calls at our establishment, with a SUN HAT, free of any charge. JACKSON BROS., Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, C11 AT1 P FOR JULY CHEAP HOSIERY, CHEAP GLOVES. FOR JULY - CheapPARASOLS, CheapSUNSHADES FOR JULY Cheap EMBROIDERIES and Cheap ORNAMENTAL LACES. FOR JULY Cheap PRINTS, Cheap GINGHAMS. FOR JULY Cheap DRESS GOODS, Cheap MUSLINS FOR 5PULY Cheap SHIRTINGS, Cheap WHITE COTTONS FOR, J ULY Cheap GreyCOTTONS, Cheap CORSETS FOR JULY Cheap COTTONADES, Cheap HATS. FOR JULY Cheap CAPS, Cheap UNDERCLOTHING We want to reduce our stock. 'We want to give you bargains, See what we have.' GEO E PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON Got •the Most for your°' MONEY. Quality amounts to little unless the price be fair. Low prices are not bargains unless quality is there.-Shakespere. We combine them, satisfaction in quality and price.. . These are yours if you make• selections from: - our stylish lot of • - Ladies & Childrens HATS at 35 cents and 75 cents. OR .FROM OUR 1.. Cheap .White . Lawns & Lawn E m broideries I4adies &Sic Children's Gi-LO %Tjj Lisle 'Faffatta, and Silk. For warm weather, a line assortment of Lace MITTS, Ladies Gauze VESTS and summer HOSIERY and PARASOLS (,'oltie and get goods at low prices. - lleesley's Great Millinery Emporium.