HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-13, Page 7t• The Tariff the 11ssne,p TO Week oVe pointed out .that +duff esLttental contest tied epec- fal interest for Canadians beeltuse Cleveland, it' returned, is pledged • to ft roduotion of the duties, and this means that Canadian ditties toast also bo lowered. Tho Chi- cago Herald, of Friday tart, has a leading article on the contest, 3ieaded"Tho tariff the only issue," and as the article has reasoning that will apply equally as well hero as therc,'.ve reproduce a por- tion of the article. It says:— . " There is but one issue in the present Presidcntal contest, and that is whcthet• the war tariff shall continuo or whether it shall be�modificd.so as to meet the just requirements of governmental revenne. That it is unequal and unjust was admitted by the Re- publican. p trty in convention in 1584. That there is an immense and constantly growing surplus in the Treasury caused by onerous tariff and internal ,taxation, and that tbieis a very great evil, is admitted 'by everyone not a Re- publican platform -Maker. That _taxation must_ be reduced is also widely admitted. Probably no- jddy would say that it is a good 'thing to pilo up money in the United States treasury, taken from the people, and kept out of', the channels of trade. Apart' from the mischief this docs to business generally, it also offers a vast temptation to unscrupulous legislators to squander the money on every kind of extravagant scheme. It is a constant allure - meet to robbers and a menance to every right principle of free government. Congress hasentire power over it, and can spend it in every kind of foolishness. Con- gressmen can give it away, as daily they aro trying to do. They can if they choose give every of- ficer, civil and inilitary,a pension. They eat) spend the stoney through •cernmiesions in trying all kinds of experiments. They can apprept•rato millionsofdollars in a4 railway to the moon, This is the 'ever•pie eat teioptation. The ►noncy is in the treasury; the people have paid it in; why not spend it, not for the benefit of the people, ton that is impossible, but in all sorts of wild-catcxperimetits and schemes. Now, nobody would dream of any of these wild projects Wafter they were voted the money had to be raised to meet thea,.. For this is at true condition of a popu- la-r gUVe1911001)1, 10- rat-i,sO money. from the people fully for the ac- tual needs of the govcrninent.' When more is raised then.. the• .eippeople are taxed excessively and unjustly. In a good government a surplus should heves exist for t' more than a year, because n sur- plus is due to the carne kind of miscalculation as a deficit would be. - The rate -of taxation has been misjudged, but it should be corrected at the earliest possible moment. A aurpius is a greater evil than a deficit, for the reason that the stoney is already exacted Brom the people, and is i`n danger -of hein.g_sq iandered. Whenever tbereis a bul'plus then honesty in statesmanship requires that tax- ation bo reduced until the surplus (lisappears, and the income of the government is made exactly cont.• lnensurate with its wants. FOUND IN Tati MOWS' UiiE4I1T. .iioury I%lnt'tin, who resides up in the dit'eetica), of 444090 Pa.,alo,, Wyoming Terrltoty,: teegfitly came acrQsa a g000y relic of early days wbioh might well form the foundation for ti tale of fron- tier life, lie was out Too peeling in n wild and broken part of the country., where in the midst of an elevated plateau it is not uncom- mon to suddenly find oneself on the brink of a crevasse or cleft in the rock, a )lu'ngo into which would inevitably prov'ttal, says the Laramie Boomerang. lt.was in examining ono of these strange openings formed during some tremendous ,co'pvulsion of the earth ages ago that Mr Martin saw pinned between the adamantine Li ORES 'tierveua► 4'postr tion, .nervous "'""'ileladttelte, tiltifSalgia, Nerv9ua Wcakaesp, Stomach and Liver Dilteaeee.Iihegmatism, Dystfepele, sand all affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES._ hwzl esters comment le a Nerve Tonle which never fails. Containing Celery and Coca, those wonderful .timu1ants, it speed- ily cures all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM PAINS'S CELERY COMPOUND purifies the blood. 11 drives out the lactic acid, wblch walls far below him the whitened causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood - bones of a man and horse. Ho making organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. made a circuitous journey around the hill which brought him to where it was possible to enter the narrow gorge, and by difficult climbing over jagged boulders to reach the skeletons. Ile cautious- ly picked his way through for a dis- tance ofseveral hundred feet,and at length reached theobjteetwhich had excited his curiosity. Thero was no doubt, from tbe position of the animal and rider, that they had plunged headlong to their death either -while being pursued or in some mad ride wbioh did not leave time to check themselves on the brink of the yawning chasm. The man must have boon fully six feet in height, and between 50 and 60 years of age, the latter. supposition being established by the fact that ho bad during his lite lost some of hie tenth and the bone had grown over the cavities afterwards. The skull showed a rattler intelligent forehead, the cheekbones were prominent and the general shape of the hoad'in- dieated that the bones were those of a Mexican. This theory was confirmed by the discovery of a rich Mexican sombrero, with heavy gold trimmings, all in a good state of preservation. The skeleton w as found in a • perpen- dicular position, the head clown - wards and tightly pinned between the two walls of rock. Tho rider had fallen from his steed and the bones of the latter were similarly suspended,but twenty feet further up. 1n a little basin at the foot of the gorge was discovered a copper (plate abort Hix inches square, and strangest el' all, a plug of tobacco of apparently anciellt manufacture, but seem- ingly as perfect as when the, dead man hod put it in his pocket to solace him in hie lonely ride ttcl'oss the hills. • --- - • "Like sunshine is a shady place," The poet called a woman's face That gladdened all who saw its beauty, A face, I no doubt, that beamed with health, That blessing wb ich is more than wealth . And lightens every daily duty, Don't disgust everftgdy by hawking, blowing and spitting But use Dr Safe's Ladies Only The complexion is often rendered un- sightly by Pimples, Liver Sprats and Yel- owness. These it ie well known are caused from an inactive Liver'and bad blood. Dr Chase's Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole system. See recipe book for toilet recipes. hints and suggestions on • how to preserve the complexion. By all druggists KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Purse's CCLEslV COMPOUND quickly restores the liver and kidneys to .perfect health, Thls curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA PAINE's CILEIY COxPOtiJtD strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This is why it cures even the worst cases of Dyspepsia. • CONSTIPATION PAINs's-CELsaY Cos O'0i p !inert It Cathar- tic. it is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol. lows its use. Recommended by professional and business- men. Send for book. Price *1.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop's Montreal, P Q. Mr. llendoreon, Conservative M. 1'. for Balton, was unseated on Thursday for brit cry by agents. Joseph Charrier was drowned in the Ottawa River- Thursday, the sawdust and mill refuse pre• venting him from swimming. John (toll, residing in Re,.lmon, Edgar county, 1 1 , is the owner of a horse that is twenty hands high, weighs 2,500 pounds, and is said to bo the largest horse in the world. It is five years old, never was off Roll's fau'm,never has been broken, and hae never been shod. The blaicics►nith at Redmon is afraid to shoo the horse. The deposits in the postoflico savings banks continuo to decline. in consequence no doubt of the governntent2,s prorosnl to loduce the rate of interest. The deposits during May amounted to $543,517 while the widen awalsaggregated $682,712, showing a net reduction of $130,195. Somp of • the char- tered bank, are still paying four per fent interest upon deposits. . On their return from theNorth- tvcst campaign in 1855, the East Durham eon ttnem! tof' the Midland -l-hitt-alioti-Imought'frotn frog Lake a church lied whielt they found on the It man (1111131i; chapel at° that station. The hell now adorns an Orange hallin Millbrook. The Bishop et' the Snskateltewan de mantled the restitution of' the bell anal the Minister of Militia sent Catarrh Remedy and be cured. Mr. r. \Card, M. P., to secure it, but the Millbrook boys refused to give NEWS NOTES. up the trophy and say that "it _ shall never again be sounded on a Mrs Charles Payne, of Sault Roman Catholic chiireh. • Ste Mario, was burned to death,• A case of sonic general interest on Wednesday night. was t led at the . Hamilton • divi- Bush fires destroyed },art of the sion Court. Ayoung man named C. P. 11. track between Montreal John McRobort came front Mil- ppi. _Ottawa, five freight cars at barn a short lints ago to take a commercial Course in—the city. There aro two business colleges there with names somewhat alike —the IIarniilton Business and the Canada Business College. it was claimed by McRober•t that he was in correspondence with the• Can- ada Business College principal and woo there to attend that in- stitetion, but fell' into the- of liie trends of the Hamilton Business College people, who deceived him into believing that he was in the right institution. IIe paid Mrs Rattray talc fees fin. a course, some $82. Afterwards be discovered his ere ror Anil asked 11I1•s,llattray to re- turn the money, but she- -would not. Ile thee sued her for it. She denied that -she deceived him, and claimed that she simply took his money like any other pupil who sante there seeking after commercial knowledge. McRob- erts got i verdict for the fnlf amount of his•elaiin The POPULAR' iNe. LON D ESI3OROUOH. Y ' We are showing a Large and Well -assorted stock of Gents' Ready-made Suits Boys' Ready made Suits, Childs Ready made Suits, Gent's SKIFF and Soft Hats, A NEW HOME • TREATMENT Fort THE CURE OF CATARRH, CAT- AIIRHAL DEAFNESS AND HAY k'EVER. The miscroscol',e has proved that these diseases are contag.ous, and that they are .due to the presence of living parasites to the interlining membrane of the upper air' passages and eustachian tubes. '1 he emi- nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and 'Bea- le endorse.this, and the authorities cannot be disputed. The regularmethod of treat- ing these diseases has been to apply an ir• ritant remedy wieldy, and even 11aily,thus keeping the delicate mcmbr ne in a con- ,atant state of irration. allowing it 1)o chan- ce to heal, and as a natural consequence of such treatment not one permanent e•nre has ever been recorded. It is an ahsohac fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any application matte oftener than once in two weeks for the membrane must get a chance to heal 1e fore an. application is re- peated. It is now seven years since tIlr. Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh andfottnulated his new treats int, and since then his remedy has become a house- hold word in cvc'l y (salary when the Eng lish langua;e is spoken. Crass ltr•rec1En Zti( Hon SINES 1E.t ft Aun ARE CURES STILL, %HERE 11AV11(t alit\ NO RETURN nr 'THE 1(1• ,EASE, So highly are there remedies val- ued, that ignorant imitators have Starttd tip everywhere, pretending to destroy a parasite, of which they know nothing, 1 y remedies, the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Ah•. I)i.a o((s remedy is applied only once in two -weeks and frorn one to three applications elect a permanent cure in the most oggrn• atettcases. Mr. 1)ixon sends a pamph- let describing his new treatment on the re- ceipt of stamp to pay postage, The ail. dress of A. H. Dixon Sr tion t+:103 King SItreet:Vest, Toronto, 1'alade Ncientific Amerenn. n 1 o' n excellent The prospect fruit sup ill the- greater—port of ° the country is 'a good thing for farmers and coesunl(rs alike. The abtntdaltee of fruit in this * 00011 y les ,jn81ly 1,0014 1)110(1 by able foreign stedcnt- of the con. ditions of life hero a8 one of tux' greatest advantages afforded the working (lessee, i! is as in eery and nn aid to health. Casscltnan and a saw mita The locust plague in Algeria is becoming worse. The whole country is devastated and: it is feared famine an'''pesti'enec will result. - Miss T.osa Jones, aged 18, of Argonia, Kan., has this season broken forty-five acros of ground and planted it in corn.and intends to cultivate it herself: She at- tends to the feeding of at large number of cattle every wiutc r. At Punxatawny, Pa.,last week, a little lad not 3 years ' Id e nc- how got in front of the ►ailway- train, and, while other onlookers held their breath in horror, Miss Chanler, young and p retty,rushed up and at imminent risk caught him from almost beneath the wheels and fainted amid the cheer's evoked by the heroic act. Mrs Williams, wife of Richard Williams, auctioneer, died very suddenly last hridary evening, nt a I.oarding huuse on, Simeon St., Woodstnc•k. A barber had been sell, tin• to eta her hair and he was just shoot 10 start when 8110_ tell back into his arms. She nem! rallied, ;and in fifteen minutes she Ives demi. Mrs Williams carte here with her 11 t.n au drle„SI en. Coe about twO months ago atad has been ailing since. The (loth! of Political Science ill the University of 'Toronto has been filled by the appointment of W. ,I. Ashley, 1I. A., Nellew of Lincoln College, Oxford, and lac 1u1'0r in modern history, political wiener and political economy. Mr Ashlev'5 recflt'd es a scholar, author and 10(111 ('1 sus clearly indienied his sr.perior qualifica- tions for the position 1o'v},ich 1(0 has been appointed, Although only in his twenty-ninth year, lie has obtained a +chola18hip in his- tory and law in 13nlliol College, Oxford, first class honors in mo- dern history and the Lothian (university) Pri'/.c as an essayist. In PS; he wns nppoinled secre- tary to the Oafilyd Ikonomic So- ciety and in 1887 exami11'0 to the University in Political Economy. Children -Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. To Save Life Frequently roptlres prompt action. An IO) '.,,lelny waiting for 1fie (lector may .bent tended with serious consequences, (.oe,•11(11y in cases of Croup, Pneumonia, and other (1(101tt. and lung troubles. !tenet', no family sluprld be without a sena; of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1.10,•11 has proved itself, in thousands of rag s, the hest Entergcney Aredicine ever Ilisrovered. It nivel, prompt relief and prepares the way Inc at thorough 440 , a•hieh is certain to be effected by its egra hilted use.. S. 1L Latimer, M. i).. M t. Vernon, t;a.. ti,t}s: ' 1 have found Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in all en:e.. 1 111(40 known the worst cases relieved in a very short time by its use; 1,1.l I a,1%all families to use, it in slid - t •n elncvgenries, for roughs, (roup, &e." .\. .1. 1'itlson, M. D., Atidilletow•n, 'Penn.. says : "I have used Ayer's t•herr1 Pectoral with the best effect iu no practice. This wonderful prepare- t„aro sated my life. I had a con- stant cough, night sweats, Wag' greatly reduced to flesh, and ;Given up by my skin it. One bottle null a half of the Pectoral cored me.,. • 1 cannot. say enough in praise. of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral," writes hrn�dnn of 1'alestine, Texas. •' hrltet- Ina its 1 do that. imt for its use, i should long sitter have died," Ayer's CherryPectoral, rcrPARrn t1Y Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. Field by all Draggiste, Price $1; six bOttles,$b. Dress G-oods and Trim- mings, Gloves and I3os- iery, Prints, Seersuckers and Gingh.arns. Best Quality Goods - - Lowest Prices. W. L. OUI.METTE, LONDESBORO Calbick Reith ;THE ' LEADING- UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS _._ GLIZV7Off In our line of undertaking we fear no competition, as we carry a very large stock of Good Goods, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound to give satisfaction. A . call re- spectfully . solicited. T nog'aigir hritato sore, £1rt it., CLINT<)N , CALBICK & REiTH DA Ernporitirn .nittire Stook Op no4 ! out 34414(571"13 (5 t + Tush► i c -.t )50 NEXT DpQ r TO THE QITY BOOK STQ#tEA CLINTON. BEDROOM SEINS., PARLOR SETS,iOUNGE$' SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, 8 c., 411`114 A OENERA,L ASSORTMENT OF TEE VERY BBOT MADE FURNI TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. J. CI- ID LEY'. Family Groc3ries. A FRESH AND FULL ;4TOCK, 1VHICH INCLUDES FRUITS. CANDIES, NUTS, FISU, &e. --BESIDES A FULL SrooCK. OF— Choice, i'nmi1y Oroeeriego,C'hi Croc3kery and (.-Iris;ware. Alt n t Bottom 1Priectii, ---A CALL SOLICITED. — K N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL Spring Hats Just received, a consignment of 2 large canes of the Liti:t dylei is atiE and mft 5‘1T 96�a Of English and American manufacture", IN THE GENTS FURNISHING DEPARTMENT I have a tine selection of American Ties, Collars, &e. of the very latest manufacture. (21-3110 CE=,ASGOW REMEMBER THE STAND — One door north of the Dry Goods Palace, Albert Street, Clinton. PRINTS PRINTS PRINTS SPEC:I'tt OFFER from Maeda', May 28th, until f.irtb'ar notice.— raving a large stock of PRINTS, and Otis being the season to use them, I offer es follows: TO TI•IE PURCHASER OF 12 YARDS 01? ANY KIND, I WILL GIVE ONE YAITI) EitE1', with 20 yards I will give 2 yards, with 30 yards will give 8!, yards: with 40 yards will give 5 yards of same price. SOME OF THAT HANDSOME WALL PAPER LEFT YET Full supply of all .goods k'pt in geueral store. While matey aro crying dull times and hard times, and some ar) closing down, trade in this house has been brisk, because people know where to get the w.arth of their money 55 BARS OF SOAP FOR SI PRICES MAI;KET) T,N PLAIN FItlirRES. May •'atll, l 1388. DR. W. N. ORA1' M!S British: American `Medicial & Surgical Institute:. I70 KING, ST. NEST, TORONTO) ONT. Treats Chronic and Private Diseases. All Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Lungs• & heart. Diseases of the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, &o., quickly cured. - Nervous diseases and Diseases of the rain indicated by •ilea,dache,.Dizzi- ness, Sleeplessness, and all Neuralfgia affections. . ' Diseases of the Stomach, Liver and:Bowels characterized, baa Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Offensive Breath., &c.; Diarrhoea, Costiveness, Piles, Tumers, &c., Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. ' Private Diseases and diseases of a private nature as Impotency,. Sterility, VarieO4ele (the result of youthful folly and excesses) Gleet, Syphilitio affect- ions&e.treceive special attention. Dirseases of Women, Painful, Profuse or Suppressed Meustrusation, Leu- corrhoea, (whites) Ulceration and all Displacements of the Womb. Ca11 or write for particulars. Of ioehours,-9 a.m. to 8 p.m. E,'unti'.a.,s 2 tee4 p.m NewTailoi ing Bstablishment The undersigned has opened out inthe tailoring business in the store lately occupied by Mr E. Floody, and will keep a'fine stock of R. ADAMS. English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, French - Worsteds, and all the latestIpatterns of Partings. ' Which he will guarantee to make up at the lowest possible prices._ Workmanship of the best quality, and a fit guaranteed or no sale. A call solicited. T. SHEPHERD. Albert Et , Clinton. 'NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' - DRUG STORE. A Positive Cure. ► A Painless Cure. -..117111114, .,f FACTS FOR MEN of ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAN. WI.C T(D'S. SPEC( E'IC NO. e • TIIE GREAT EA SE`.1L1'II REX EWER, Marvel of Healing,ad Kohinoor el Medicines, the terrible eonvepnences of!Indiscretion, Cures the - Isl,o.nre and Overwork. YOV1•70-f MITZDX-M-A01•=r) 'Vho are broken (town from the effects of abuse will--Ond in No. 8 a radical cure for gavot debility, organic weepiness, involuntary vital loses. etc. 1TMPTQMe Pon WRlen No. 8 SHOULD Aft Usen, —Vant of energy, vertigo, want of parpos dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of confidence, avoidance of conversatiO4 desire for solitude, listlessness and innbility to fix the attention ea.]. partioulor sublee cowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, epe matorrhwa, or loss of the seminal auid—the result of self•abus H amarital exe ss—imps tenoy, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of t he females trembling, melancholy, disturbing dreams etc., are all symptoms of this terrib. habit, oftentimes lne000ntly nerfuired, u short. the spring of vest force having lost i, tension, every function wanes in consoquoneo. .`Icientifie write•sand thesuperinteuden' r4 insane asylums unit() In nscribin, to the effects of self -abase the great majority wasted lives which come under then. notice. If yon am incompetent for the ardnot.., duties of business, incapacitated lar the enjoyment/ of pale, No. 8offerlianSscapefrau the effeots of early vice. If you ave advanced in years, No. Swill give you fall vigor an,; strength. If you are broken down, rltysi(ally aid morally, from early indiscretion, th' result of ignorance and felly, Pond ;Jour address and 10 oenta in stamps for M. V. Lvaos', Treatise all comm rlI(natilt(slt snea.s v f LIJBON 'Scaled47 Wellington St.E,,, oToronto. A Man without wisdom livrs inn foot's psredise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. Ww- V1( A Piesgork,* ellpf t4 Perns n prIft rt m r . .0, sTe