HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-13, Page 5t .t t. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SPEGIAL von THIS WEEK. "GENUINE CLEARING SALE OF CHILDRENS SAILOR - HATS In ord r to clear out the remainder of our We will offer thein at Cost Prices. This i a chance to secure Big, Bargains. No old stock. n All this seasons goods' New shapes. Don't forget, all at cost price. T. JACKSON,S Busiuess Chaug.e r.[• r. [, Jl i J 1'1313 i ..1. ` '. I have this day disposed of my stock awl good -will to 1\1r George Swallow, who trill continue the same in the stand as formerly occupied by fee, and 1 trust that the liberal patronage that has been bestowed on me in the las', will 'be continuer) to my successor. Yours rea)ectfuily, • .1(.)11N ;Th.( RYA.. In refofeucc to Ow ithove, and in hulking my bow to the public, I world say that•it is my intention to keep in every way a first class grocery. This stock has been bought ata very low lianrc, :1ptl we will have • many special lines to offer, in order to make room for an additional stock 0: new goods. When 'we will t15e, this space in ;;rein' ttfll l+ar- tictthlrs, which. will he 1.i('i1 out to the letter. 1 am in,❑ l+ceiticil to bay for Nash. so Ihat Om people of (Tinton ni,fl snrronndill4 enuntry may rely on having the, v, ry h(.;t. go'n! 1 die very cel o,cst pi ices. Soliciting your int rou'+go, 1 1('eu,tin vets oliediert. serva,et, Q.wael1I 144+RKle(TS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, July 12, 188.8. Wheat, spring, • - 0 95 a 1 00. Wheat, white and red • 0 95 +� 1 00 Oats • - - 0 50 a 0 50• Barley - 0 65 a .0 70 Fes - 060a060 Flour, per owt 2 25 a 2 50 Potatoes • 0 60 a 0 60 Butter 0 13 4 0 14 012 a 014 676a70Q 800a85 050 a 075 060 a 080 500 a 550 020 a 020 Eggs Pork - Ray Sheep pelts Lamb skins Bides, - Wool, SEAFORTH MARKETS SEAFORTII, July 12, 1888. Wheat, spring, Red and white - Oats, - • • Peas, - Barley, Butter, - Eggs, - Potatoes, - Pork, • • Flout per owt - 0 95 • �0 95 • 0 48 0 60 0 60 0 14 O 13 O 50 6 50 2 00 a a a a a a a a a a 1 00 1 00 0 49 O 60 0 70 O 14 O 13 0 60 7 00 2 50 MATH MARKETS. &ported specially for New Eat. every Tharsday Blyth, July 12, Fall wheat, red, per bush. Fall • . new Oats Barley Peas Potatoes, por hug Eggs• per doz -Sutter,rolls . , Cheese • Lard Flour per owt. Hogs, . . . . if -T7,40). NV . C1 1 _I- `Tr.[740 47 1888. ii ')55 1 00 • 95 a 95 45 a 50 60 a 70 55 a 60 60'a 60 13 ag.13, 14 a 14 15 a 15 10 a 12 200 210 625 700 TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, July 12, 1889. Wheat, fall - - - 0 97 a 0 98 Wheat, spring - • 0 83 a 0 86 Barley' • - - - 0 50 a 0 60 Oats - - - 0 52 a 0 55 Peas - • - 0 73 a 0 75 .Butter; pound tolls - 0 20 a 0 22 Butter, large rolls - 0 15 a 0 18 Eggs, new la id, per doz 0 17 a 0 19 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Receipts so far this week have been 34 loads. Last week's receipts were 1,424 cattle, 2,288 sheep and lambs and 486 hogs. The market for butchardt cattle was off a little. Offerings were not large, but the demand was light,both on local and outside account. General run sold at equal to $3.25 to 33.50 per owt, while the best loads went as high as $4 to $4.50. A few pioked steers, sold at. equal to $4.75 to 35; but these were exceptional sales. Only a portion of the cattle were disposed of, the tre- mainder being held over. The outlook for the remainder of the week is not favorable. Several dealers wired their friends in the county not to ship any more this week. Spring lambs—Steady and in fair demand. Offerings, how- ever, were in ' excess of the demand. Most of the fresh arrivals sold at 33 to $3.40: but about 250 head held over from Friday found a very dull sale. MONTREALLIVE STOCK MARKET About 650 head of butchers' cattle at east end abattoir. Trade dull, and prices except for very best,.lower. Best annuals sold at from4c to 5c, tut few brought over 4}e. About 700 sheep of- fered, demand brisk. Shippers buying largest at from $5 to $6; other sheep at from $3 50 to $4 50. Lambs from $225 to $3 75, most sales at about $3: Fat hogti not so plentiful as last week,prices advancing at from a+c per Ib. IIorse trade fairly active during past week. 'Shipped from here to United States,106 costing 310,350 50, or an average of $97,• 776 each. highest priced lot 16 horifes, which cost 31,75.1,50, and lowest priced, six horses,cost $399. Business in cattle unussually dull during past week Gen- eral impression is that although plenty of cattls in country, good grass ship/ pers not so plentiful owing to dry weather. Receipts of horses at Mon- treal exchange, Point St. Charles, for week ending •,1 illy 7, 1s:8, 110; shipped during woek, 132: sale; for week. 2: averages 5.1 II. TH K pO ICU LA1�: •�..--nom.-- r�-m DRY GOODS HO.US F LOI� DESBORO. Y Wu are anxious to clear all summer goods, and during the month 1)f ,Tull', we Will offer special cash discount of 1) Derr,, cent o11 DRESS GOODS, MUSLIN'S,. SEERSUCKERS, PRINTS, - GLOVES, HOSIERY, PARASOLS, EMBROIDERIES and LACES - We show great value in We show great value in We show great value in We show treat value in \Ve show great value in HAVE JUST OPENED OUT+�A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW NE SUM1VIER GOODS. NEW NE LAWNS AND MUSLIMS, NEW NT NS VEILING in BJ ACK and CREA.. NEW LACE BUNTING S, &c. • �� W MiLLXNERT- OUR STOCK OF SUMMER MILLINERY IS VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PRIiv TS AND DRESS GOODS. H FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CAS. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. NOS GEN S . L. DE7'LOR & CO. • 4HAVE BEGUN THEIR • AMMOTH SUMMER SALE The public know, from past experience, that Detlor & Co. always carry out what they advertise. They now advertise GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES - - _ MUSLINS, PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, QUILTS, CORSETS,TWEEDS, SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES, CURTAINS,-4:LLOVER'LA.CES, and CLOTHING, PARASOLS AT PRICES TO. 'CLEARi4, - They bought 2 Cases of MEN'S and BOYS STRAW HATSat T � � a reduction of 25 per cent. These are ' wonderful value. amour . choice of our 100 LADIES STRAW HATS at 7UXKy .I 1) �.(1f)D11,1<'r. 25cts., regular prices 75c. to 1 50 I1 (;tr.r.,, ur pertiuluil ,ucrriro, ut tlu lowest current rates, M.MeTAtUt.UtT, ,,,,,,,;. i l,litttml, I: t!,. 21.1 0 O awl e the lig a gears o Mens Stiff Hats. White & Colored Shirts. Mens Ready Made Suits. Boys Ready Made Suits. Childs ReadyMade Suits. 7)0.\11DEliS. 1 1,1 yl I'l'l:l} 5l'a1117.111 -CAN 1 //be acroutnmdatod wleli good board anti comfortable runny: about three minutes' Clinton, y -.t y- 1 � • -,y wall: from the post nfilee,'rlwu-('•nil street 51135. \'i A.SEl•, 1 i .I. \V.\I,K1:1; VETERINARY'' 511((11'0\ tl:rnduait - of 1111' Ontario \ eterinary ('ul- lege, 'I'Uh'rl'u.1111iy ine'sq-ig''ri prow pt,c at to trod , twice Ln„ deshoi•ougll, telt. ISWIWWWWW • 1 OOh llhl'til': TO I:E 1'—SVIISCRIllElt li W 0 0 1 — '�A �"�' ID CI offers to rent a y;uod frame house on Vic - of land, good cellar, Re;. 9.cnt moderate,.\L' 11IL-- .— . JOS. 3 LLANtON, Clinton, • ti C( IDA N'I' I going.awac from frolu NC'l1. 11•' 1 Ot' NUENUEhome, or if you arc Either Cash or 'Trade. 'Having rented the Clinton 'Woollen Mills, I intend going to remain at house. 1niee out an :Devi running altogether on custom work. Farmers leaving their cvool• with dent insurance Policy, fortherei4 tie telling me can have it Ill all llfitetll l'C(1; into what way happen to you. Athan sloes not 1•,gnh'e to be laid n,, in heel to t1la.v his ttl- TWEEDSBLANKETS. FLANNEL or YARN ]ottance, 311 case of accident., , Having had 25 years experience, I know I can give satisfaction. I have en hand a large stock•of FINE and COARSE If WEEDS, also fine and coarse FLAN- NELS, BLANKETS, YARNS and IIO£iIEI1Y of•all descriptions, which I will trtule for wool 11cheap ool.ROLIr for taC AI(L)ING a specialtve mo a y before you part withtyour si� )1T.l\I Kati,4s()rFr 1,. toric street, with fiord rued soft water, plenty• • CLI TON 'WOOLLEN MILLS A. O. 1 A 1 rlhoa, Agent. 1UMBEL 1,t.' MIILlt! IA311131111! THE J subscriber hos 1111 hand and fol' Bale, at his 31i11, Kith concussion bt Go 1erieh Town- ship, a good assortment of Hemlock, hock e0,! Soft Elm Lumber, Cutting Hili 1 niitber a specialty, Highest cash price paid for first Inca Saw Logs, E. Clinton, t1), 1445. NDWI;,-.-THE SU11SC1tll114R HAVING I (, I equipped his mill with a new 3i ho'ac- powor engine and boiler, is now prepared to till all orders for lumber, on short notice anti in the, most sntisfnctot'y Inaneer. Ile has 8180 00 harm a quantity of Hemlock and Pine Lumber, Shingles. Lath, R•c., which w111 lie sold at cln8rst prices. \I. SOItUN(1, Mait- land Bleck Mills, Auburn, • 1 4 i 1I31hL---•IIOGS BACK L1NI1. KILN, TWO' J miles oast of (+ravel Road on the 11th col, of Huil('tt. First-class limo always on hand. This *1018lime will be sold at 14ets. per bushel, caste, 51. extra will be charged for credit. Delivered in Clinton or anywhere wiNlin li utiles u1 the kilts for 17eta, per bash, Orders by mail promptly attended to. HY, 'LIVERMORE, l,oudesbo'o. 4i XO'r1CIi TO (RD.1)1TOHs. Notice is hereby given to all parties hold- ittg ncenunts nl' eln,inls against the estate of the late :\nt.holly D0111worth, to forward the scone, duly certified, to Mrs hndswor'th, not later than Cit, 1st of August next. No ('lain, revels ed after the above tint, trill be recog- nized. 11115.:1, DOi SWOn'rll. \V, s DOOSNVORTH, uhn See our White Shirts at 50c., its a surprise. MIN RI-Dp. Ia.e, f'Hamm dune 2D, 14,r•,a. Full lines Harvest Tools and Machine Oils. P11O1'IS11T11;5 VOR SALE 1 •8'i� \1'11,1, 11TV'1'HE HOUSE. AXI) t)t)V I,ut otencd Iry the ndersiguerl, Rock Bottom Prices in Sugar and Teas. ;114i orrapie,l nit' Lntrr,neu, on goof SL, Cliu6o,t, llnrd and soft ortt r and good st:. hie. Terms of pnynumt ('ave. Apply t0.1\U, kCALLANDER, )l Stanly St., London South, Just opened one Crate Crockery. one Cas 'WARN! FOR SUd? Olt TO RENT,—'r11A'l rplcudid farm of 110 arena, ell the %tit- - Glassware, new Patterns and Low Prices. land concession, behl,t Tot 77, (loderiell town- ship, situated 1s miles from Dohnesville, and four miles from the town of Clinton. The gsspring creek miningthrotgh the place; also L1 soil is a good clay loan. with re tit vcrfalling wood worts, There is about S s(n•es of hush, Highest Market Price for Butter and Eg W. L. OUIMETTE• LONDESBORO New Liquor Store '1'lle subscriber having opened li liquor store in PERRINS BLOCK, Itattenbnry St., Clinton, with a full stock of Liquors t f the very best brands, consisting of French Cognac Brandy, - in wood or bottle. Best Holland Gin, - - Ai Bernards Tom Gin, - • - Irish and Scotch Whisky, - • 31 11 11 3, Finest Ports &Sherry Wines, - 11 r, t BASS ALE:, pts. and qts., OEiNESS' STOU 1', pts. and fits. \V1115E1ES Canadian ALES and PORTE11,, Nt TI VE the town. ES, 3T, Goods.delivere(i to any 1of a .AP. :� fEIF.1'1PA1;.I). hich is ono of the best sugar bushes in the I county ; also two frnine barns, one a bank 1 barn, one frame horse stable, IN ith morn for — ten horses. Mao t,wo gc0d bearing orchards, being abon't six neves in all; two good tog • houses. About 45 Hetes acedl`d down. Will be sold on reasonable terms, o' rented to goof tenant, Pest Otllce, ALEX 11:111(11 11, lfohl•u'svllle Family Grocers, next to Town Ha ()1T IEl, :r; l' IL-1; 11L I A v ' HAVE NO EQUAL. PALLISER & CO. 0i i - TS ; and ; SHOES _lel' CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S. Full lines in everything, in the Foot Near, Very Low for ('ash. • See my Mensa BoysCrlcketcLacrosseShoes VERY ('HEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL, FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR (:'ASII, I::OS TAKEN IN EX.CIIANC,E. (:all mi C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON ,TAYLOR &SONS Our Specialties are The best goods in the market WE HAVE CHEAP GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST i 'FINE SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY EGOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH W. TAYLOR & SONS 0 CLINTON AND MYTH-,