HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-13, Page 3e
FRIDAY, JULY i', 18Se1. •
.Via; C1�ANADIAN A1iM1']13.
\ hopl'v '::". T wot is 1.e
Who u. ice ;„ uo I score
acres, 1k1t a r t fni. ;ma free,
1. • weeu the htk,,• toe Mighty three --
by St. Lttui t'S shore.
Ile kuows not of his ancestry --
Their deeds were never sung—
He knows Itis parents crossed the sea
in 'thirty-two' or 'thirty-three,'
When he was very young.
Ile can relneniber very well
How through the wood -bound way
They came, and on a gentle swell
fennalVe, tIQugb the latter gained
the .victory. fawn -Is flintthe
announcement of the coining 01 11
circus to their tt,tt'll at'ullsed l`!ie
indignation of rho Ii in;sbt idge
Division, S. A., t., (suet, a 'ill oh
that it was dett•, utiut t -i 10 Make
an attack iu rotve and prevent the
performative of the abominations
which the circus pus t rs thrtaton
ed. The circus came, and the
spectacle, of triumphal march
through the streets confirmed the
hostile intent of the Salvationists.
Accordingly,when the tent had
boon pitched,and tho ungodly por-
tion of the community had gather-
ed therein to witness the perform -
By where a creek ran through the dell, ghee, the Kingsbridge Division,
They pitched their tent to stay• S. A., \vas set in 'notion; and just,
The hardwood forest thickly grew, the aro told, at t ho most flu filling
But soon the sun looked in,
And smiling from the clearing drew
The blades of richly verdant hue—
No sickly braird nor thin.
.Days—years of honest, manly toil,
Passed all too quickly o'er;
Naught was there that could fright or
The mastered genii of the soil •
Unpicked their treasure store.
The church --the school soon came to
The weekly paper too;
The train rolled by a mile away;
Elections, fairs filled many arrday,
r Weddings and christenings too.
And there were days n hen tears were
• shed
As some brave pioneer,
Cone to his rest among the dead,
A long and sac' procession led.
Borne high upon his bier.
Gone are they all, save • some lune few,
Who carne in manhood's prime
'1'o lay far deeper than they knew,
A broad foundation, tried a't,l true,
To stand the shocks of Liute.
Brave souls, your memory shall inspire
Our weaker hearts to cline
The trial—be it as by fire,
And fill us with a.fierce desire
'I'o nobly do our share.
Ye toiled not for yourselves alone,
The faculty divine
Was yours—ye sought not all your own;
We reap the harvests that \vers. snwu
\Vith unpropitious sign.
Hardships ye kucw are knowu no more:
The axe and sickle rust,
The stony fields tarn faultless .cure, •
The stumps that oft your patience
wore, •
1 lave vanished into tlnst.
Nuw.year by year,rich autumn showers
Her horn of plenty forth;
Wealth oozes from a thousand pores
While spreads between gigantic' shores
•'.'lie nation of the north.
Unfelt, 1111S0e11 the pride of ',ewer
True reverence abounds.
air' And Faith—a bulwark and a tower
Against the evil day and hour,
• Her admonition sounds.
a'hen surely he should haply b(.
Who tills his live good score
Of acres, rich and fair and fr'ec,
Between the lakes—the mighty three
os by St. Lament's shore,
point of the performanCC,the divi-
sion formed line of battle iii front
of the tent. Nor was the attack
delayed, volley after volley of hal-
lelujahs was poured into 1110
enemy's camp, while the trom-
bones, bassoons, hautboys and
bass drum opened a heavy and
woll•sustained artillery fire. Tho
suddenness and fore° of this as-
sault were such that all within
the tent—performers and specta-
tors, men, women'
children and
beasts, wild and tame--- were
thrown into dice eonfnsion and
denloral izatiun. 13u t the proprie-
tor was a man of, resource, and
quickly perceived that there was
no necessity for death or surrend-
er. He had probably some
knowledge of ancient as wo'.I as
modern military history. Ile
formed his elephants into line and
drove them with resistless force
upon the howling rusks of the foe
It w;1s many l'ellt114105 51800 "the
boast that has between leis eyes
the serpent fur a (land" has, been
employed in European \vfu'fiu'e,
and it, etli'('t was the .ante as in
the earlier battles between Pyr-
rhus and the humans. The. Sal-
vationists were broken, routed,
utterly dispersed.
The New York Commercial Ad-
vertiser suggests that the police
would find the elephant a valuable
auxilary in breaking up objection-
able g:tthe•int s; and the sugges-
tion is perhaps not. unworthy of
(onsiticratiuu. .
lie on 1 our t;aartt.
I)nn't allow a e l•l in the head to ,torr\\'
and 4llrely run int, 1 ltut•rh, when you run
be cured for 2:1e. by pain 1)1 Chase's t'a•
1511!) Ctire, A. few applications cure u•
sipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes c,u•e ordinary
catarrh ; 2 to :, boxes are guaranteed to
clue eht wilt e•ttarth. '.I'ry it. Only 2`.0•
nn.I .:urs e:•. , 1 ,(! !n' :;Il ,trogvi>,ts.
— ....—
.t'11INl:-I; I'l'Nl,,Sl1UEN'1'.ti.
11-t.. ruen11 nlo,l 1'wic clays ago
.,t ..11 l,t-i•.rn'trr 11ITrr-irrrf It'yit'tl
hlnt'kulai on a u0n• grinner for
refusing to pat', and also 41 mall
11' h„asultpOscd t„ havi' inform -
oil the til' these pro-
eeUdiu-S:. The 11rtp:ur uUN' sa\•.:
OW the t;hr.hikien ,n' ula:;•istrete
lakieg itis .tat in court c,u
�hnnla�, lira lent the building
well guarded by braves and rat,
tiers 11)1d then sent fO1' 1h.'. prison.
ors.iu jail --there were twenty -
three confined there ---in batches
of tint'• at a time. The first fou!'
said they Lad nothing 10 do with
the trouble that had Mew 'e,1, but
that the jailor in charge of the
prison had induced the old priyon-
cr and leader to demand looney
of tho.nowcomer, and on his re-
fusing had flogged him.
• Two more batches of four each
and ono of seven gave the same
reply, when the remaining, four
among whom was tho leader',were
sent for. The leader said he
knew Ms crime had been greltt,
and he left himself in the hands
of the Che-hsion, who plight do
as ho pleased with him, and the
other three said the same. The
new prisoner who had leen flog-
ged was then brought in and in-
terrogated, when ho stated that
the jailor at two occasions ask, d
hip) to pay money, saying that ho
knew his family were well off,and
that on refusing he was flogged
by Ono of tho prisoners, and that
a friend who called on hint was
dragged into the prison and flou-
ged,and be identified the pri lon-
er who had flogged hitn, who
was not the l ador. The Che -hs ien
thereupon tiered the loader- to
receive 1,000 blows with the rat-
tan and 1,000 with the bamboo;
s socond. elan 1,000 with tho bam-
boo and 2,000 with the rattan; a
third 1,000 with the bamboo, and
a fourth 2,000 with the•rattan.
These punishments were in-
flicted ill tho courtyard, and in
addition the foot of the chief was
placed on a stone and ho received
thirty-three blows with an iron
hammer on the ankle, and the
second who had flogged the new
prisoner and his friend, sot lifts
blows with the salve hammer on
the ankle. Both men's ankles
wet e broken, and the men fainted
tinder the punishment. Tho other
two were kept, kneeling during
this time- This took place be-
tween five and six o'clock in •rho
afternoon, and it is said that the
rnon whose ankles were broken
were insensible until nine o'clock.
Three of' the men were placed in
cages, and yesterday morning the
leader, who could not walk, was
carried before the 1liagislrato,who
is preparing a special cell for his
detention. The leader is, we aroinformed,+tile s Ills mall who was
put in a cage lit this city to he
starved 10 death a few months.
No doubt all the men were
thorough -paced. rascals, and their
r'hief Or leader has broken every
law that it suite(' him to break.
Nevertheless, the sentences on
them worn barbarous in the ex -
1 resrne.—Shanghai Iter
Fortify the systetn,by the use of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, against the disease pecu-
liar to hot weather. This medicine in•
duces a healthy action of the stomach
liver and kidneys, causing them to pre -
1 vent the accumulation of the poisons -
Iwhich produce disease.
skewers The Original
rt'taliANie L
00 - eve t 8 P
sthenia that the best regimen 1'Or pre•
serving health may be summed up in.
the maxim, "keep the head cool, the
feet warm, and the bowels active."
'.'here is a world of wisdom in the ob-
servation. Obstinate constipation, or
costiveness,is an exciting cause of other
diseaseri; and, with many persons of
sedentary habits or occupations, this
inaction of the bowels is a source of
Constant annoyance, producing piles,
prolapse of the rectum, fistula and
various dyspeptic symptoms. ,All these
are warded off, and health is maintain-
ed, by the use of Dr Pierce's Pleasant
I'nrgative Pellets.
One 01 the strangest develnp-
inents of' modern religious fi:rvoe
is the Salvation army in India.
'.'his remarkable organization,
which may be disliked,but which
is not to be despised anywhere,
has taken a fortn in India entirely
adapted to the native sentiment
and imagination. its .I itropctul
members dress in Indian costnnle
and walk barefoot-- n terrible
thin; to do on the Lnruing soil.
They submit to privations which
the n.ltive fakir can hardly stir -
pass, and live on :111 avcra_'•e of
20 cents a week. They have
111 their .ranks (.'t_nlIn11nsi00el'
Tucker, an English official, who
has resigned a yearly salary of
$4000 to follow them, and who
marches dressed in the wretched
attire of a fakir, but under a red
canopy carried by foto' Salvation-
ists. These missionaries address
the natives in their own language.
At ' fadras lately they had a great
demonstration and preached in
their characteristic style to an at-
tentive audience of natives. Per-
haps this is the hest way 1')r
('hristitulity to get at. the 'lull
and debased myriads of 1 ndia af-
ter 811,-- -T lustun.'I'rati,eript.
ELEr'llAN1'S 1N A N Or.11
Tho army commanded by fie)).
llootli has frequently engaged in
battle with tin ungodly; but ns a
rule it has been the ungodly that
began the battle 1131 attacking the
Salvationists, who only fought in
self-defence. 'Recently, however,
an enc'onnter hctwcen th'' forces
ofgrh)rt and t'yil t•'r)C pine,' at
K ingeTll•i'Ige, in Ell 41(1.ot1. .
'vl ; •11 the
f.11'111,1' n'•,,' 1 IL.
ASH FOR 141(. PLEI 'E'S PIILLE'1'8, r)L(
Being entirely vegetable, they e,p- 'l'H E LARGEST
erate without disturbance to thesystem, diet,
or occupation. Put up in glass vials, hermeti-
cally sealed. Always fresh and relhllne. As •
a laxative, alterative, or purgative,
these little Pellets give the most perfect
Bilious Headache,
Dizziness, Constipa-
tion, Indigestion "? �,,; IN 'l'I[I•: COUNTY.
Bilious Attae •,andall
derangements of the stom-
ach and bowels, aro prompt-
)yrelievedand permanently
cured by the use of Dr. '
Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 1
In ex�pplanation of the remedial power of these r
Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it t,
may truthfully be said that their action upon 1 t_
the system is universal, not a gland or tissue equipped JobPrint-
escaping their sanative intICence. Sold by
Chemical in
druggists, 25 cents a vial.. Manufactured at the' Offices
1 C� .. , . the ,,
MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. YofPE.'�9AAY i l ll
One of the hest
is offered by the manufaetur- 1 OUR A IM IS NOT TO DO
ere of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy, for a case of
Chronic Nasal Catarrh which
;:•ay° they cannot cure.
heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal
passages, discharges falling from the head
pito the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, 1
and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, ,
purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are
weak, watery, and Inflamed ; there is ringing
in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to
clear the,. Au'oat, expectoration of offensive
inatter,"together with scabs from ulcers; the 1
voice -is changed Mid has a nasal twang; the ,
breath is offeneive; smell and taste are im-
paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with
mental depression, a hacking cough and gen-
ei'al debility. Only a few of the above-named
symptoms are likely to be present in any one
case. Thousands of eases annually, without
manifesting half of the above symptoms, re-
sult in consumption, and end in the grave.
NO disease is so common, more deceptive and
dangerous, or less understood by physicians. ,
By its mild, soothing,and healing properties,
Dr. Sa e's Catarrh Rmedy cures the worst
eases of Catarrh "cold in the bead,”
Coryza, and Cgiarrhal Headache.
Sold by draggists everywhere# 50 cents. i
"Untold Agony from Catarrh."
Prof. W. Hatt9N1:n, the famous mesmerist,
of Ithaca N. Y. writes: "Some ten years ago
I sufferer] untold agony from, chronic nasal _ Lt,t 5 I; 1:
catarrh. My family physician gave Inc up as
incurable, and said I must die. My case was
such a bad one, that every day towards sun-
set, my voice would become so 'bane I could
barely speak above a whisper. In the morning
my coughing and clearing of my throat would
almost strangle me. fly the use of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy, in three months, I tense well
man, and the cure has been permanent.'
"Constantly liawking and Spitting.»
THOMAS J. RusnINo, Eui., 1902 Pine Street,
St. Louts, Mos, writes: "1 was a event sufferer
from catarrh t'or three years, At tunes I could
hardly breathe, and was bonetnntly hawking
and spitting, and for the last eight months
Could not breathe through the nostrils. I
thou bt nothing could be done for me. Luck-
ily,Igwas tub/teed to try Dr, 'Sage's Catania
Remedy, and i am now a well man. 1 believe
It to be the only sure remedy for, ('atnrt'h now
manufactured, and one has only to give it a
fair trial to experience Wounding results and
a permanent care,"
Three Bottles Cure Catarrh.
Ear Romans, Maude P. 0.. Columbia Co.. '
Pm. Says: "My daughter had catarrh when
elle was five g3enre old,very badly. I saw Dr.
Sege', Catania limbery advertised, and pro-
cured a bottle for her, end Soon saw that it
helped her; a third bottle effected a perma-
nent cure. She is now t igl.ter n )4 Ws old and
won: and hearty."
for Infants and Children.
"Castorlalasowell adapted tocbfdreathat Canter% Cures CoUo, Cotutlpetlon,
I recommend it as superior to guy preeeripttoa eour 8tomat:h, Dlarrheea, Erudetdon,
1010Wit to the." H. A. Ascusa, Bt. D., ten", gives sleep, and promote. di-
113 80. Oxford 8f., Brooklyn, N. Y. W1WeutInjurious medic/Boo.
Tas CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y
000 -
Having just bought a stock of new goods at. the .)resent
low prices, I am in a position to sell goods as low as any
respectable house in the Dominion. Any t ne wanting
good goods at lowest prices will save money by calling
on me. I always keep good Staple Gods, and will not
be undersold by any one in the trade.
Burrell, and Fors taken in exchange for goods.
A call respectfully solicited.
x x
NEWTONS Harness & Grocery DM.
Still in the I(`i•oILritlElt alii7!t•'.
After thanking my many :ustomers for past Iaynrs, 1 beg to announce to the gener-
al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAT' as the Cheap-
est, I am still offering No. 1 Cold Medal Soap, 1.2 EAIRS F011 25 CENTS; No. I
Electric Soap, li'IVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low
prices. COAL OIL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 1 have on hand
A Lull stock of Field ;iiudl Garden denn Seeds
01' the very hest quality and at lowest possible figures
A full Stuck of FLOUR 11 and FEED always on hand at Mill prices
FIRST CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND. I have a few sets of White and
Colored I'1105'EERY aril GLASSWARE on band, which will be closed out at prices
that will astonish the clot-cst buyers.
t \lystockof harness, i5 atmplete
-ZARN �S t in branches, encs as '1'rneke,
LAP DUSTERS in great variety? COLLARS a specialty. Call and inspect my
stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere.
All Kinds Grain and Farm Produce taken the same as cash.
T have ti full stock of HARDWARE, such as Forks, Rakes, Spades, Shovels,
Nails, Class, Putty,, Saws, Squares Rules, Pig Rings, Ringers,
Ilammon's Braces and lits, ,(e,
- I
BuyYourG rocori s From
f'hornas Cooper & Son
G. R 0 C I MS
Ia town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant
everything first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAK-
ING POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand of
Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call. '.
Tilos COOPER& SOl�
Change of Business
1111111/1 14111111111111111411111)111
The nndersii uad begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that lie
halt bought the -
HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by W. L Newto11.
.jtitl that he is prepared to furnish
Harness, Collars,Whtps, Trunks,Vaiises, Buffalo 8'obes, Blankets
And everything usually kept in a first -°lase Harness Shop, at the lowest prices.
Specie attention is directed to my stock of LIa1t'r 11.1RNEss, which
1 will make a apeoialty.
By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my oustomera,I
hope to merit a fair share of patronage. (give me a gall before purchasing else-
G333O. A, S EI A T
CclobrPd ARCUS Sivetacls I�� t� lasses
IY �
rETE BEST iN ,115E
B . LAURANG E'S Spectacles and Eyeglasses at Cost
CALEDON I A Mineral Water Aerated.•
JA�ZFS H. P1'111311i].,
R013I3%.* ()Id -Sta.ild.
The Subscribes has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting o
Which, being bongh1 111 IOW rates, 110 is enabled to odor nt tho very clos-
est ln•ieee Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders
promptly filled. I10oltl, to let. ,
WEBS: '1') 1 Y 1 1 N Fi H1'\1 'Lift. PI;IILIC 7'HA'r OUR STOCK OF
Ie. complete in all its branches. We guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than
he cheapeat, quality considered. In SUGARS. Weare as low as any in town
CANNED GOODS', in, great variety. PURE SPICES &
000D WOi:K. PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES
at the lowest price in town. CROCKERY—Special inducements in Tea
and Dinner Sets.
x x—x
\\•oltic)t►:N A.ANG-U'S, 99 AL1333:1R,T ST
ONLY :-: (.'o lrr.TEN1'
N eft• 1,0r11- Ili, New BonnEas New
(InN.1),EYl'4,Fl xr PAPrrks, I'I`tE
1 'o< e, NOV ET. Co)tarNATIONe.
Business Circ ulars
--- I.tl.'fl'—
- O I' It
SAM i'L1:gt
Rakes,Scyths, Snaths,
Hoes, Spades and all
kinds of HarvestTools
at lowest prices.
NAILS, &c.
B_ • itroti I^e7
The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed
AilTI('f.ES. WE MAKE A SPE("TA'L'l'\ I'N
Wall Paper, Ceiling J)ecorations, choicest pat-
terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY, • great variety.
That aro all right in (141ality and style and away dO\Vit ill
wanting something nice in this lino should call and examine my stock as
it is new am. rho latest styles.
A. HOLLOWAY, F ischer's Old Stand,
The Great Clearing Sale
— —WILL i.0 ,IN von—'— ,
Thirty days more.
Heavy d1Sc0Uft 101' Cash '•t0 ran of .Old
• Stook to make room fol' New.
A tot our O\\'ll manufacture. Good value. i\ lot of new
Coming in. Now iy the Limo to buy at
i''UIINIThllll STORE. ---- . -' OPPOSi'l'f, rIU\VN 1[ALTs.
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