HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-06, Page 5Hilililill 1. 1 ANOTHER; GREAT SLAUGHTER OF PRINTS JUST .ARRIVED. ONE 0 CASE NEW PRINTS and CHAMBRAYS IN ORDER TO EFFECT QUICK SALES, WE ARE OFFERING THEM AT VERY. LOW PRICES. A SPLENDID RANGE OF raliT, 'RA4K'E` 8 I 4 y t4ttRFllR911, )4II, J41x 6 '1,888, 0 tG a, 100 96: ' 0 96 & 100 . 000 a 0.50 7,744;04a:et(j3r:174,::::4'`:7:7 - • . 0 6.01 +h 010 Fait;• . - 0 60 a 0 00 i?'tc1t4F, pelftarfk ▪ 9 00;.; 2 26. 1#!)ere • 0 BR 0i 0 69. F+4gN a-* 0 14 Pluck , -. 0 7G * 700: Bslr 800485.0 Sheep peIp. •0 50 a 0 75 Limb akanq • - 0 60 a A .&9 Hides; • - • 5 00 a 5 50 Wool, - - 7 0 20 a 0 20 SEAFORTR MARKETS ° SEAFORTl3, July 5, 1888. Wheat, -spring, Red and white °ata, • - Peae, - Barley, Butter, - Egge, - - Potatoes, • Pork, - • Flour per eat - • $0 95 • 0 95 - 0 48 0 60 • 000 • 0 14 0 13 0 50 • 6 50 • 2 00 a s a a a s a a a a 100 1 00 04.9 0 GO 0 70 O 14 O 13 0 60 7 00 2 50 BLYTH MARKETS, Reported specially for New ERA every Thursday Blyth, July 5, 1888. Fall wheat, red, per bush. , Fall . new . Oats Barley Peas Potatoes, per bus GREY Dress PRINTS,Cheese per dot Butter;rolle . Cheese � Lard Flour per cwt. Hogs, , , NEW PATTERNS, SELLING AT 11 CENTS, WORTH 14 CENTS. GRAND VALUE IN Dark Blue Prints, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PATTERNS, 10 CENTS AN 121 'CENTS, (COLORS GUARANTEED FAS`I'.) WE ARE ALSO SHOWING THE NEWEST STYLES IN STRIPED CHAMBRAYS IN PINK, BLUE AND GREY, EMBROIDERIES TO MATCH. DOUBLE FOLD GOODS, FULL RANGES OF PA4ASOLS,MUSLINS,LACE, FLOUNCINGS, TAFFETA AND SILK GLOVES. T. JACKSON, SR Business Cliaue 'r0 r 1_` LI F. ]Pi7 S I.I (''. I have this days disposed of my stock Wild gocd•wil1 to Mr George Swallow, who %ill continue the same in the stand as fo"rinerly occupied by we, and I trust that the. . liberal patronage that bas been bestowed on me in the pas', will be continued to' my successor. Yours respectfully, JOHN McGARVA. In refeieuce to the above, and in making my bow to the public, I would say that it is my intention to keep in every way a first class grocery. This stock has been bought at a very low figure, and we will have many special lines to offer, in order to make room • for an additional stock o`' • new goods, when we will use this space in giving full par ticulars, which will be carried out to the letter. I am in a position to buy for cash, so that the people of Clinton and surrounding country •may rely on having the very best goods at the very closest.pl•ices. • Soliciting your patronage,I remain your obedient servaf,t, ,c31-1Eco, oww 1% LT.UW, C.L.INTON 110,T1 TO E FARMERS 95 95 45 00 55 00 13 14 . 15 10 200 0 25 1 00 a 95 a 50 a 70 a 00 8 60 ag;13 a 14 a 15 a 12 2 10 700 ONEY TO LEND— ON GOOD MORT- oAoss, or personal eeourity, at the lowest current rates. M. McTAGGABT. Ulinton, Feb. 24,1888. BOARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER CAN be accommodated with good board and comfortable rooms; about three minutes' walk from the post office, Townsend street MRS. VanTASEL. JJ. WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at tended to. Office —Londesborough, Ont. IXTANTED—TWO MEN TO WORK ON A V FARM; good men requiredto whom liberal wages will be paid. Address ROBT. B. McLEAN, Kippen. GOOD HOUSE TO RENT -SUBSCRIBER offers to rent a good frame house on Vic- toria street, with bard and soft water, plenty of land, good cellar, &a. Rent moderate. JOS. ALLANSON, Clinton, BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE SUBSCR11.1- se keeps for service, on his remises lo 12, 2nd con., of Hullett, a first-class bull, two thirds thoro-bred. Terms, 81 at time of service, with privilige' of returning if nec- essary, HENRY FREEMAN. BOARDERS WANTED. — Two or three young men can be accommodated with comfortable rooms and board, at reasonable rates. House only two minutes walk from the post office, MR. S. HARTT, Victoria-st., almost directly opposite the residence of Mayor Whitehead. apr-20.1m. A CCIDENT INSUILANCE.—IF YOU ARE going away from house, or if you are going to remain at home, take out an Aoci- dentlnsurance Policy, for there is uo telling what may happen to you. A man does not require to be laid up in bed to draw his al- lowance, in case of accident. A. 0. PATTISON, Agent. L UMBERlLUMBERILUMBER! THE subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his Mill, concession of Ooderich Town- ship, a good assortment of Hemlock, Rook and Soft Elm Lumber. Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty. Highest cash price paid for first lass Saw Logs. E. BUTT. 'Clinton, Jan. 25, 1888. L UMBER.—THE SUBSCRIBERHAVING equipped his mill with a new 35 horse- power engine and boiler, is now prepared to 111 all orders for lumber, on short notice and in the most satisfactory manner. He has also on band a quantity of Hemlock and Pine Lumber, Shingles, Lath, &c., which will be sold at closest prices. M. SPRUNG, Mait- land Block Mills, Auburn, t 4 i N �J■�_T�j• D M N . �� jun o op U .,ne!T" f. ,R•i, i�ln SORT#IiT',nR4 �T&�1.T .MITBLINS, Nle .14,40K -and O E .M. NBLACE BUN GB e. ZillatanSTERT OUR STOOK OF SUMMER MILLINERY IS VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAINS_ I1V PRINTi9 AND D ,RESP OOODS. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. II,ETB Imo! DETLOR • 4HAVE BEGUN THEIR' • MAMMOTH Si MMER SALE LIME.—HOGS BACK LIME KILN, TWO miles east of Gravel Road on the 9th con, of Hullett. First -plass lime always on hand. This season's lime will be sold at 14ote. per bushel, cash, 2c. extra will be charged for credit. Delivered in Clinton or anywhere within 6 miles of the kiln for hots. per bush. Orders by mail promptly attended to. HY. LIVERMORE, Londesboro. 4i NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. Notice is hereby given to all parties hold- ing accounts or claims against the estate of the late Anthony, Dodsworth to forward the same, duly certified, to Mrs Dodsworth, not later than the 1st of August next. No claim received after the above date will be recog- nized. MRS. A. DODSWORTH, W. DODSWORTH, Executois JOHN RUDD, Clinton, June 29, 1888', 500 TUBS BUTTER WANTED AT ONCE FOR WHICH WE WILL PAY HALF CASH. And half Trade. This is an exceptional otter as it is well known we are now running our STOCK OFF AT COST Bring. along your butter and get cheap goods, &c.. also avail yourself of this temporary Cash Market, set up by the "Poor Man's Friend." Robortson's Ircat Ci:h sh TO CARRIAGE , MAKERS AND BLACKSMITHS. The stock of P W Hayward, consisting of Carriage and Blacksmith's goods, will be sold by Public Auction, on TUESDAY, July loth, 1888, At HAYWARD'S CARRIAGE SHOP, Clinton Job lots to suit purchasers Sale. without reserve Terma—$10 and under, cash ; over that amount 4 months eredid on approved joint notes. D. A. FORRESTER.1 Assignee. PROPERTIES FOR SALE The .public know, from past experience, that Detlor & Co. always carry >I~ out what they advertise. They now advertise GREAT SLAUGIITER IiY PRICES 0 MUSLINS., PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, QUILTS, CORSETS,TWEEDS, SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES, CURTAINS, 'ALLOVER LACES, and CLOTHING, P-AIAsois _ AT -PiIcrTr €L1AR. $1350 WILL BUY THE HOUSE AND Lot owned by the undersigned, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron 8t., Clinton. Hard and soft water and good sta- ble. Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO. CALLANDER, 24 Stanly St., London South, They bought 2 Cases of MEN'S and BOYS STRAW HATS at a reduction of 25 per cent. These are wonderf'ul. value. Your choice of our 100 LADIES STRAW HATS at 25ete., regular prices 75c. to x1;50. Comae and sa6 the Big Bargains. JC.DETLOR 13c, CO, Minton HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. —THE subscriber offers for sale his property near the railway. The house contains sit- ting oom, dining room five bedrooms and kitchen, also woodshed and stable. Good well and cistern, a number of fruit trees, plain, pear and apple. Will be sold on rea- sonable terms. Just suited for retired farm- er. Apply at the NEW ERA OFFICE or to GEO. SWALLOW, Clinton. • 10XECUTOIt'S AUCTION SALE OF 600 acres of land in Huron and Bruce on THURSDAY. JUNE 21st, 1888, by John Bruce, Auctioneer, of Lots 15, 16 and W7i of 17. VVawanosh Township, County of Huron, and Lots 411 and 44, in the 1st con. of Kinloss T'p County o f Bruce, comprising three unproved farms. ,Mao, 7i acres in St. Helens. Terms liberal, For particulars Soo posters and ap- ply to SEAGI1t & HARTT, Barristers, God - oriel); 2i FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—THAT splendid faam of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Godorioh town- ship, situated 11 miles from Holmesvillo, and four utiles from the town of Clinton, Tho soil is a good clay.loam, with a neverfailing spring creek running through the place; also good wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which is one of the best sugar bushes in the county ; also two frame barns, one a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for ten horses, alio two acrid bearing orchards, being about six acres in all; two good log house?. About 45 acres seeded down. Will be sold on reasonable terms, or rented to good tenant, ALEX 1tADOl'it, IfuhnPsrillo Pest OiUce. Notice of i)issoltitilnn. Notic.•is hereby given that the partt,'rship heretofore subsisting between ns, theunder- signett, as manufacturers of Organs in the Viten of Clinton, and carried on under the firm name unit style of W. DOITERTY & CO. has this clay been dissolved by mutual con- sent. All debts owing to the Sabi partnership are to bo paid to William Doherty at the office of the late firm, and all claims ngainet the said partnership are to ha presented to the said William Doherty. by when the same will be settled, The business heretofore earried on by the said firm will henceforth be carried on by %V, Doherty, at Clinton aforesaid, under the same firm nn.mn of W. ftnhorty & Co. Na'. DOH KETT. .3, OTBBTN(f9. WOOL — W AN'TEE • AT THE-- CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS Either Cash or Trade. Having rented the Clinton ' Woollen; Milis, I intend running altogether on custom work. Farmers leaving their wool with me can have it manufactured into TWEEDS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL or YARN Having had 25 years experience, I know I can give satisfaction. I have on hand a large stock of FINE and COARSE TWEEDS, also fine and coarse FLAN- NELS, BLANKETS, YARNS and HOSIERY of all descriptions, which I will trade for wool or sell cheap for cash. Farmers give me a call before you part with your `afoot. ROLL CARDINGF a specialty.. JOHN S4C071r77, Build your Wasted System up by using COW Which is most nutritious, and worthy the attention of all invalids or those whose system has some- , what run down. To be hacl only at t S. PALLISER & CO., Family Grocers, next to Town Hall, New Fancy Goods - V FELTS, CANVASSES, Pt)MP()NS, CORDS, EM B. CROCHET, KNITTING COTTON, TIDIEE'S, SPLASEIERS, FANS,. FANCY BASKETS, LAW FORMS, MORTGAt,ES, - DEEDS, HAMMOCKS, WAGGONS, LAWN TENNIS, CROQUET, RUBBER BALLS, • BASE BALLS, LACROSSE STICKS, HELIX SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, &o,, &c. 000P1 R, -- Beaver Block BOOTS : and ; SIIOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S • Full lines in everything is the Foot Wear, Very Low for Cash. See my Mensa BoysCricket&Lacrosseshoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL, FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. rGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON W. TAILOR &SONS Our Specialtie$ are The best goods in the market WE HAVE CHEAP GOODS AS LOW AS,THE LOWEST 16. L-clIKE SEWEO WORK A SPECIALTY EGGS TAKEN IN° EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT OF'eFOR CASK W,, TAYLOR & SONS C1dINTON AND BLATH,