HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-07-06, Page 4VBIPAT, 41.114 I<'ll-',i;;"1 JQItr.P. f'IQI.1I.+o! TJL I moat a6 iY a kiratvleclgQ, '_d=irt 120 ilea o, h _tau ^1„' 'ro'tn�l, I', •lone a l,crala u t}12t ii', plowite up .lar iisllei gyeau . An' aathiu's beena pain:' au' acliin' me like yin-- treeltonerl 'twas dyspepay or watery creep:' M. At last I got my 'dander up, an' to my. self, sez 1, The biggest fool in names him that tells hisself a lie ; I've been tett:' on 'tie malary, an' my etummick, when I know It's my conscience that's a-hurtin' an' worryin' me so. I've been a-shirkin' this here thing for thirty year or more, An' I orto had this shakin' up an' set- tlin' down afore. I've been honsst fur as payin' goes, not a penny do I owe, But the kind o' oheatin' that I done,was l the kind that didn't show. My mind gots back to Hamner, when d fetched her here a bride- • • No apple bloom was sweeter, an' she nusaled to my side s Like she thought she had a right to, an' •r could trtist me without fear For the love I never hinted at for more'n thiry year. There was churnin', bakin', hilin', there was nussin' au the rest, From long afore the sun riz 'till he slumbered in the west, An' when the rest of us was done, an' lollin' round on cheers, Hanner was recuperatin' with her needle an' her shears. But when the life was ebbin' from that faithful patient heart, I had to face the music—I hadn't done my part ; AndI couldn't help athinkin', watchin' out that weary life, That there's other ways o' killin' 'xcept a pistol or a knife. It sounds like sacreligion, but I knew just whaty,she meant As I whispered, "Fly to meet me when my airthly life is spent".— "I'm tired, John, so tired,but I've allus , done my best, An' I may feel more like flyin' when I've bad a spell o' rest." " WHY Do I SUFFER SO with headache and vertigo, doctor ? I have a bad cough, too, and dell aches under the shoulder blades ; I'm losing weight, and am bilious all the tithe," The courteous physician answers : " If you inquire what is the cause of all this mischief, it is torpid liver. That organ you are aware, is•the largest gland in the body, and its olheeis to carry off the waste of the system. When it fails to do its proper work, the refuse of the body is re -absorbed and goes circulating , round and round in the blood,poisoning not nourishing, the tissues.. But why you continue to suffer in this way I ani at a loss to understand,sinceDrPierce's Golden Medical Discovery would give prompt !relief, and future immunity from such attacks." INUNDATIONS I N MEXICO. ST. Lout, Mo., June 26.—A City of Mexico special says during the past ten days the table lands - between Here. and Zocotas have been. visited by unprecedented rains. Every mountain rivulet along the Central Railway, • for more than 200 miles, has been converted into a destructive tor- rent, and the valleys present the appearance oflakes., cities and towns have been inundated, and Leon and Silao have been partly destroyed. • On the 18th inst. the following telegram was received from Silao: " It commenced raining heavily yesteklit nffe noon and continued all night, -raising the Silao River out of its banks, breaking at the north end of the town, and passing through the town with. irresist- bale force and volume. Most of the houses hero being adobe, they soon became saturated with writer and began to fall. About 325 houses have been destroyed: Tho station buildings are occupied by homeless people, who aro unable to obtain anything to eat except, watermelons and fruit found float- ing in the water. The rain has been general, and the whole coun- try around Silao is flooded. Seve- ral dykes have given away. It still continues raining. On the 20th it was learned that the floods had been more destructive in Leona tharrin Silao. On Monday, the 18th, the river broke over its dykes, and, notwithstanding all efforts to check its course, it made rapid headway and finally flooded the city. As the rain fell the river rose rapidly, its volume of' water flowing into the town, gradually wearing away the foun• dations of buildings, which com- menced to fall as night came on. Monday night people, believing themselves Seen re from the flood went to bed in those parts of the town whore the water had not found its way. The steady down- fall of rain with its extensive wa- ter -shed of the outlying country - _i.ncreased-the flow of the river and rapidly extended its channel until ...rover half of. Leon was under wa- ter, and the loss of life commenced, unparalleled in the history of any of the great inundations of modern times. As the buildings fell the unfortunate sleepers were either crushed to death or drowned. One whole night of terror followed. Men, women and children fled to the streets in their night clothes, some to fin(] shelter on higl: ground, and others to be swept away 12y th000ll. uesda' Tla;i.t niu ,:grin w114 still falling. An .:tight at' pniiiisJ -ontiVWednesdny rtrlrning saw the lakesurio11Atiiiig Iho i'y un li:n- 1ni41d in size, �s ::tli dtr tirlt' rain disturbing its su. the nftoriruon, however, it ceased raining, and the water., commenced to roods. It is esti- mated that 700 persons perished. There is a strong stench from the heaps of rubbish that once formed houses, and one is led to believe that there is bodies 'under thorn There are also bodies floating on the water. One hundred and el- even bodies have been recovered withont moving any of the ruins of the houses; and hundreds of bodies must be buried under them. The destroyed houses are esti- mated at 2,000, and the loss $2,- 00.0.000. Many other towns havo been badly damaged, but the loss of life is only reported from Silao and Leon. 'Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A Bangor, Mo., man is trying the experiment of grafting apple twigs into n pino tree. Ile wants to raise pineapples. No injurious effects can follow the use of Ayer's Ague Cure. It contains an unfailing antidote and specific for mias- matic poisons, together with remedial agents which pacify and reinvigorate the system. . Natives of Venezuela followed a waggon for nearly a week to SOO if the hind wheels would catch the front ones. As this did not occur the vehicle w as pronounced a fraud. The sparrow is becoming a primo favorite with farmer's in Ogdensburg, N. Y. Thorn this army worm ravaged crops to an alarming extent, until the spar- row sot itself up as the worm's enemy, At last accounts the bat- tle raged in a way that promises the extermination of the worm at no far distant (late. i)r W. li. Aubrey thus dose ribes a typical' American :—The passion for Ian( is nnboiuliled, and is only equalled by that for titles and and decorations. Nothing seems so delightful to'the average Ame- rican as to take part in the pro- cessions that are perpetually being got tip, and to wear the metallic or ribbon nibn'nments that apper- tain to then] Of political, labor and frien(ily organisations, to say nothing of secret _ orders with grotesque titles and parapl ornalia there is no end, ain.l members de- light to appear-: uniform, with cocked hats, covered with ('heap feat hers, and wearing the inevit- able sword and military gaunt- lets, Aiitt?ka S;s ,deadly b oot>afst, e,►vaitoo , r nt�w.'bus a boot Itt+q. d(ntlst''s ]rapt)? IJ)h411t nl))rr(.lr J?lF i;itt 1y bu i'(ti('r^, i,il, tt) i1 V ct Iowa ordain. 1 t is calculatedthat tJic'::e large tilOJ•e' 111 In 11 000 Miles of dead wires in Now York City. Emperor. Frederick diod within thirty feet of where he was . born., and at exactly the eagle hour of the clay. The late Rey dames Froornan Clarke, of Boston, 'was for many years in the habit of writing his Sermons before breakfast Sunday morning. The Yale faculty have just pas- sed a law forbidding absolutely the use of intoxicating liquor in any of the society organisations of the students. The Rev Anna Shaw declares her firm conviction that Ameriean baseball is doing more to destroy the nation's manhood than any- thing else. Another use for doors has been found by a Newark citizen. He tore one from its hinges and threw it at a man with whom he got in- to an altercation. A Boston man bot $50 that a barrel filled with gas would weigh morn than an empty ono. Ills eyes opened very wide when he saw that it did not weigh as much. Michael Cudahy, once a bright young Irish,hog-chopper, is now the partner of Phil Armour,and is worth $2,000,000, and he and his wife are leaders in Chicago's best society. The King of Spain fell fast asleep at Barcelona the other day at a reception given in his honor. Tho little 2 -year-old potentate doubless got tired of seeing his subjects "walking Spanish" before him. Mr Ronald Stewart, ono of tno Oxford pioneers, died at the resi- dence of his son, Ann street, Woodstock, on Thursday, aged 82 years. Mr Stewart settled in Woodstock with bis wife 37 years ago; coming hero from Nova Scotia. Ile leaves a family of seven, four of whom live in Wood- stock, two in Mexico, and one in Fargo, Dakota. It is reported that the Emperor Alexander III, recently in a fit of generosity, presented Count Vo- rontzoff•Dashkoff with no less a sum than 1,000,000 rubles, in or- der to relieve that nobleman's pe- cuniary embarrassments. Tho gift, it is related, was in .the form of a draft on the Imperial Ttea- sury,.which was handed to his favorite enclosed in an Easter egg. ife . on Vont Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for 25o. by using Dr Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure. A few applications cure n- sipient catarrh ;1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes are guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25e, and sure cure. Sold'bv all druggists. YOU? Do you fool dull. languid, low-spirited, life- less, and in i scribably miserable, both physi- cally and ,nentau)-^ experience a sense of fullness l'loatmg after eating, or of "gone- ness," or emptiness of stomach in the morn- ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth; irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred 'eyesight, " floating specks " before the. eves, nervous prostration or ex- .iauation, irritability of temper, hot flushes, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp biting, transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, Or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant. indescribable feeling of dread, or of Impend- ing calamity? If you have all, or any considerable number 01 these symptoms,you are suffering from that most common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated with ' Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more complicated your disease has become.. the greater the number and diversity of comp toms. No matter what ,stage it has reached, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will subdue it, if taken according to direc- tions for a reasonable iengtb of time. • If not cured, complications multiply and Consump- tion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease. Rheumatism, Kidney Disease, or other grave maladies are quite Mable to set in and, sooner or later induce a fatal termination. Dr. Pierce's Golden ]Medical Dia. eovery'acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that great blood -purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood -taints and im- purities, from whatever cause arising. It is - equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid- neys, and other excretory organs, cleansing. strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength, In malarial districts, this wonderful medicine baa gained groat celebrity in curing lever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Dr. Pierce's Golden medical Dino eevery CURES ALL HUMORS, from n common Inotil,. „r Eruption, to the worst alt-rn+ Scrofula. Sn,u, •' Fever -sores,' Sealy or Bonen SI(in, in short, all diseases caused .by bn,1 1lond are conquered by this powerful, prettying, tnul .io( igotating InOli- ciue,. (trent Eating 1.1),•rs rapidly heal under its henlµ'n inauenee. espc(•Ialiy has it mani- fesywl Itss, potents, netcy in curing Totter, Eezemn, Er,atpeli(`arbnnrl,Scrof- uhius Sores an+l Sw(•I!iuga, 11 i' -Joint Jiisease, .Swelli0 s," Guff,,', or Thick Neck, and Enlarged (lianas. Send ten cents in u etn,ps tora large Treatise, with colored ,,.,It. on 5I(h, Diseases, or the same amount ,, •1•r,•t,iise ell Scrofulous Affections. FOR YHE BLOOD iS THE'LIFE." 'I ; • r i hl • clr•nnse it by using Dr. Pierce's iol(ic11 Air reel Disrovery, rind good I dip Oion, n fair -elfin, buoyant spirits vital etrn•neth and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which SP :Repolula or the Lungs, is arrested and Con d by this remedy, if_taken In the earlier stages of the disease. Prom itS mar- velous power over this terribly fatal disease, wbe1, first offering this now world -famed rem- edy to the public, Dr. Pierce thought seriously. of calling it bis "CoxstratptroN Cunt," but nbt naoned that nifine as ton, restrictive for n medicine which, from its wonderful com- bination of tonic, or strengthening, altorntive or blood -cleansing, anti-1)f1lone, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for Consumption, but for nil Chronic' Diseases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Longgs, Spitting of Blood, Short - mess of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, ilron- ebitis Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold by Druggists, at $1.0O, or Six Bottles for 85,00. t Send ten cents in stamps for 1')r. Pierce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 003 Main Sty HVIVIVALOs 14. V. 'CLI? Toy fl� ERA. THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN VIE COUNTY. * ltilk*****a**!I' One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORh. a',N> — ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: WORKMEN EMPLOYED x: Nrsw LETTERS, NEW BORDERS Naw OiNAMENTS,FINE PAPERS, Fix s INKS, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. Business Circ ulars ----A SPECIALTY -- NEAT.. TASTY; ,ARTISTIC. OUR SAMPLESI,i sale by Worthington and Comb for 'Infants *rid Children. 4,Q. • �110�i.lAlW�fe1111d111►tg41tiA�11�F'a�?+lraR �1i�:0 44t'E4 00ee Q4nstlpgtipn, lroval eadittul:supeptortoaaryvvim tp$19a. eonrstow-ca, rtiarrisai. Xnuaatiott. k rise tio$4e X&*r R� $ilio_ 'A,orms,. E, yes .sleep, promotes di 111 030.9thol Iiia 01'104114.11- T. W1474 ?1R11glotte inedlcation. ,rte extrfl z cpaipA er, ST Murray Street, N. S ER NI ----coo - NEW DRY GOODS, New BOOTS SHOES, NEW - GROCERIES. Havingiust bought a stock of new goods at the present low prices, I am in a position to sell goods as low as any rospectable hou.e in the Dominion. Any t ne wanting good goods at lowest prices, will save money by calling on me. I always keep good Staple Gods, and will not be undersold by any one in the trade. BuTTEIt and EGGS taken in exchange for goods. A call respectfully solicited. -----xlx H. PLUMSTEEL, SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE. NEWTONS Harness c Grocery Det. Still in the li`rout, Rank. After thanking my many customers for past favors, 1 beg to announce to the gener- al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAP as the Cheap- est. I am still offering No. 1 Gold Medal Soap, 12 BARS FOR 25 CENTS; No. 1 Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at equally as low " prices. COAL OIL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. I have on hand A full stock of Fier] ait1 aider Seeds the very bestduality and at 10 lu st possible figures. A full Stock of FLOUR and FEED alwayss id1tand-lit'11Mtll-prtoes' FIRST-CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND. I have a few sets of White and Colored CROCKERY and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed o'utatprices that will astonish the closest buyers. HAR1\T SS 4 11y stock of harness is complete l in a?l branches, snob al Trunks, VALISES, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES, IIALTERS of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS a specialty. Call and inspect my stock and get prices before you purchase elsewhere. AU Kinds Grain and Farm'Produce taken the same as cash. I have a fell stock of HARDWARE, such as Fdrks, Rakes, Spades, Slfovels, Nails, Glass, Putty, Saws, Squares Rules, Pig Rings, Ringers, Hammnon's Braces and Bits, +' o, , GEO. NEWTON, - LONDESBORO ct'I. Bln .TO INFORld THE PUBLIC THAT OUR STOCK OF Ci -R OCERIM� Is complete in all its branches. We guarantee our TEAS to be cheaper than he cheapest, quality considered. In SUGARS,.weare as low as any in town CANNED GOODS' in great variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the ]owes_ price in town. CROCKERY—Special inducements in Tea and, Dinner Sets. X X A.A1 G tTS, 99 ALBS RT ST ARYE$T- TOOLS ! • Rakes,Scyths, Snaths, Hoes, Spades and all kinds of HarvestTools at ti lowest prices. PARIS. GREEN, PAINTS, OILS, . GLASS, NAILS, &c. B... ID . "CT' I Clinton, The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed House. G ceries Frc,uii Thomm Cooper'o WE 1LAVE TUE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST AS. SORTED ATOOK OF .In town. . Our prima are as low as the lowest, and we warrant ',verytbing first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAK- ING POWDER," Beat brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand to Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us a call. Thos COOPER& SOIN OLINTON. • Ohange of Business 11111m11111111111111113111111111! The nndersigu:d begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the • HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by ' . L Newts, And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collers,Whips, Trunks,Yallses, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept io a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices, Speds attention is directed to my stock of LIGHT HARNESS, which I will make a specialty, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my oustomere,1 hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing elec. where. REMMBEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET G'BO. A , AN The Colobraied ARGUSpoco1os & Eyrglasses THE BEST INLUSE B. LAURANC E'S Spectacles aid Eyeglasses at Cost= CALEDONIA Mineral Water Aerated. J A. M E S H . l_J'i. > IVY 131-x: , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. CENTRAL GROCER 11,00:1313's old Stand. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting a GROCERIES,CitiOCKERY,GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer nt the very �Ica- est prices • Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let: H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERYWEPJ% SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST. FANC}C ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest pat— terns, BOOKS. & STATIONERY, great variety. EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE A.WORTHINGTON,Clinton TAILORING. NEW GOODS That are all right in quality and style and away down in price. • ANYP1MRSOT�T wanting something nice in this line should call and exami:ie my stack rs it is new am the latest s+;yles, A J. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's Old Stare] OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON'. The Great Clearing Sale .---•`•-•-•W i LL (((1 ON FORS-•"--• Thirty days more. Heavy • discount for .Cash to run off old Stock to make room for New. A lot our own manufacture. Good value. A lot of new FURNITURE Coming in. Now is the time to buy at J. C. SrE33:1 T ] TSON''S RESIDENCE OVER -STOII.. • FURNITURE STORE. ---- — OPPOSITE To�r"N HALL Subscribe for the NEW -ERA now