The Clinton New Era, 1888-06-22, Page 7'VT* 34"7171rirw
Car FencingWir,e, rlllkl>n�:ls,
dBintling ,cord, Alajtastj nes ,It
ll . BA(4E7w� , Clinton(+
Tgga tarsen in cxohapge, for $oda at
ciiitn DICKSON'S , B,o k ,Store:
Full Stock of Pat N'atils, heat
(Goal QiI 15c per gal.,1.2i, two
gall and ewer• • �1'I. RACEY.
13$INULES.-500 bunahea of first-class
Shingles at $1,6s per square. No, 2 at ;21.15,
Also, a quantity of Hemlock Lumber. JAS.
Ttw1Terosu, Olinton.
QUIn1Nti WW,to .Lime for buildin�p ur-
posee can, be anpplied by COOPER do yy.,*
FrELb, at them: mill on Wellington S , host
to Down's tannery. • • 2l , • ••
O1AhD to leave town shortly, I would like
AO diaposq of ally iyfuruiture byptxvate@ed4
Any person needing anything in tbislineean
secure home flrst•e ass furniture cheap, by
applying at MRS. SHAW'S residence, or to
ins at 1(r. (leo. Pay's atore. O. ROBINSON
ANNOAL, SALn of HAnNiss BII .iiia, .Tie.
undeipigncd will Bollrby public auction at
Ci A.S artnan's, opposite' market, Clinton,
On Ssigrai sY, June 23rd, one hundred. sets
Singleand ) oubie, lieavy and Light Harness,
Rea a, largo wientrty of Dustera,Currycombs,
tbiiippie, 133rushhe's, Fly Neta and every artiolo
usually ke tin a Silt -olds; Harness shop, Nu
shoddy, all manufactured for custom trade. •
Also a Ian,e.TFu;nbel' of Single and Double,
Open and Covered Buggies, -Carts and Luin-
e 1 utjo is, ((isle -by W.:1iayWard,,or,
t intoe. Como' aria secure :-bargains OM we
ell Terms --All naunts of $loa,uU to
der, cash ; oyer that amount 4 months'eredit
on approved notes. 10 per cent ger annum
cif for cash on credit amounts, Mr Sharman
not giving up business and while thanking
the public for past patrouaIe, solicits future
favors, Ally special line of harness made to
order. JAS. HOWSON, Auct. G. A. SHAR-
man, Proprietor.
Just received a fresh supply
of Barb and other Fence wire,
Steel nails, Tarred .and .Build-
ing paper, Carpet felt, Spades,
Shovel , dta1 es, -Hoes, and ' all
kinds of Builders' Hardware.
We have.a large stock of the
rove goods :and are offering
them at very low prices. Eave-
troughing,and all !kinds of tin
work a specialty. Tinware at
reduced prices. 8 milk parrs
for $1.00. HARLAND BitOS,
gown gopir.
CORRECTION.—Mr Jas. Bailey, of
Goderich, writes to say that the rob.
bery mentioned in our issue of the
8th, did not take place in his hotel,
as stated in the NEW ERA, but at an-
other, and adds that nobody ever lost
a dollar in his house.
ter, traveller, has bought seven acres
from Mr James Miller, situated just
outside the corporation, on the gravel
road, paying therefor about $1000
cash, It is a nice property, and will
make a fine residence site. Mr Foster
intends to build on it this fall.
On Tuesday Mr Henry Baker, of
Goderich township, tied his horses in
the shed of the Grand Union hotel.
When the town bell rang at 12 o'clock,
it frightened the horses, which broke
from their fastenings, backed out of
the abed, and were on the point of
running away when Mr Oliver John-
ston caught them. ,
special meeting of the town council
held last Thursday evening, a com-
mittee reported having had a con-
ference with the grocers concerning
the early closing by-law, and recom-
mended that the by-law be repealed,
in -so far as its provisions related to
the grocers. This was agreed to, and
the grocers will, therefore, keep open
hereafter as long as they wish.
REv DR SEa-rotr.-The friends
and admirers of Rev Dr Sexton in
this neighborhood will be pleased to
learn that he is likely to accept a
unanimous call he has just received
to the pastorate of the First Presby
terian Church, Dunkirk, N. Y. Our
American friends are to be congratu-
lated upon being able to secure the
cervices of such a learned divine and
such an invincible detender of the
PERSONAL, —Mr W. Saunders, of
the Exeter Reflector, was in town
on Tuesday, attending the semi-an-
nual meeting of the South Huron
Orange Lodge. Mr W. 13. Kerr, of
the Brussels Post, passed through
town the same day on his way to the
S. S. Convention at Exeter. Both
gentlemen were dressed in their Suu-
daygo-to meeting clothes. It's as-
tonishing what style these "'eotitieet
editors" do put on—when they are
away from home.
' DISMISSED AT LAST, --Over a year
ago Messrs Wanless and Govenlock
and other magistrates; acting as
magistrates for the, enforcement of
the Scott Act, adjudged bout a dozen
hotel -keepers to be guilty of violating
the Act. The hotel -keepers appealed
against the decision, carrying their
cases before the county ,fudge, who
after hearing the evidence, adjourned
them from time to time, and finally
gave judgment Last week, dismissing
all the cases but two.
A Goon DRIVER.—The other day
a horse- driven by Mr Crotty, got
frightened and ran away, bolting
down Isaac St., for all it was worth.
Rigl}t across the corner of Isaac and
Mary StreetsJoslin's dray was passing,
end it looked as if the horse would
land right into this, but the driver
managed to pull it around the corner
down Mary St., the rig running on
two wheels, and threatening to flop
over, but the horse was pulled up
without doing any more damage than
to break the dashboard and an iron
or two.
A CASE Or HARDSHIP. —The fail -
ore of W. Craig, cattle dealer, was
revived at the council meeting on
Thursday night by a l'ttle matter
that came under the beading of
'charity." Some time prior to the
failure a. Miss McMullen bad been
employed in Craig's houeeheld ; she
had saved up, by frugality and in-
dnatry, some $300, and to meet press-
ingengagements,her former employer
borrowed this sum. Of course when
the crash came he was unable to re-
pay it, Since that time she has done
her best to make a living, but serious
illness has prevented her doing this,
and on her behalf applieation was
made to the council for assistance.
Her case was referred to the Charity
Committee, the members to do what
they dewier/ best under the eirenm-
(OOD JorK.,-,'dr W, Piuglatee
has sold a thorn -bred cow and calf -t .
Mr }li G�Ilbrn e, Hallett, and a heifer
and sprier cad to .Mrs loboTanbdyn,
girlish He receive$ $3.5Q for the
four animals,
IMMPROVEuEN's We notice that
Mr John Eadee' tonosoriel etudiobas
beep repepered and otherwise refitted
in the most artistic manner. John
end his assistant Gilles seem to give
good satisfaction, and are kept pretty
if ids,
lleitb, of OaIb1adr & Reftfa..
Ida McMullen will put a otoue
fon>idatioq beneath the bongs pf Mr..
1 aleyzaY
loat4 o " r io w �.
glad to knQW U
ave mevpd ate
u''IOID4 3. pa41
get" eft .F
Paid. RNA here eTery-. trleUt t ie over
Ma Alm McGarva was elected
school trustee fer,St �amoo Walt,
(IA place of Mr ,Tani C:Sllr9the) 4}l.
Mooday, .,.
THosE who want to visit the voluu,'
tees camp at Stratf'i•rd, on Saturday,
cat( secure single -fare tickets, good
uu,4 Z ouday,
"Mt J, M; Green, of the I arkbil
Gazette, has a new printers "devil."
The only thing he is good for yet is
to drink milk. •
THn Model School term will com-
mence hereafter on the lst ofSeptem-
ber. I'hie is considerably earlier
thou .beretef'ore-,
IF You want your recently plunted
shade trees to' grow do not forget to
give them some water, and tell your
neighbors to do the sante.
MR W. Doherty' has .purchased a;
.bandeoare'diaver frons .'Wgodatook
he is now the owner of some of the
best horseflesh in the county;
SOME of'the sidewalks along the
front streets should be repaired, at
once, or accidents will ensile that will
bring the town in. for damages.
MR Gilbert Thomson, of Bayfleld,
left on Tuesday for! Winnipeg, via C.
P. R., taking return ticket from A.
0. Pattison, depot agent G. T. R.
Ma Mcllwain, (a Toronto real es-
tate dealer) and wife were here this
week, on their wedding .tour, His
wife,is a cousin of Mr Thee. Moon.
MESSRS Calbick & Reith are filling
a $300 order for furniture to be
shipped to Fort Edmonton, N. W.T.
This speaks well for a Clinton firm:
MR John Tedford bas bought the
property lately occupied by T Stan -
bury, payingtherefor �he._autn.._of.
$1200 ; he hasecured a good bargain.
t MR Will Evans, (son of Mr H. B.
Evans;) who bas been attending Galt
Collegiate for some time. is home
now, and will remain for the summer.
MR Robt For had the misfortune
to get his' lett hand severely cut in
the shaper, at the Foundry, on Wed-
nesday. It will lay him off work for
some time.
Mn P. 13. Sibley has the honor to
be one of the soldiers who, during
the American war, was with General
Sherman when he made his famous
" march to the sea."
Ma Walter Coats has disposed of
his grocery business in Brussels to
Mr J. L. Sturdy, formerly of Gode-
rich. " Walt" has some notion of
'shoving to the hub.
JUSTICE Falconbridge will hold
the autumn assizes at Godericb, on
the 16th of October. Justice Fergu •
son will hold the Chancery Settings
on the 10th of December:
As arrangements are made for a
special ventilated iced car leaving
Toronto every week for the east,parties
making small shipments of butter or
eggs should ship on Monday so as to
secure these privileges.
THE Signal last week had a column -
and a-balf of " County Currency"
items, 22 in all. Of these 16 were
clipped from the NEw ERA. The
Signal knows ,there to find good
THE Seaforth Expositor, Brussels
Post, and NEw ERA are the only
papers in the county, outside of the
Goderich ones, that take the trouble , •
to report the county council •proceed-
ings in full.
THE Mitchell Advocate advertises
"A comfortable dwelling with five
rooms and cellar, to � rent, $4 per
month." A similar house, in the
town of Clinton, would bring at least
$6 per month.
ON Monday morning Mrs'Jos.
Proctor, of Goderich township, Mrs
Proctor, ar,, and Mrs W. Tebbutt, of
the Maitland con., left for Detroit,
where they purpose spending about
a month visiting friends.
s«MUR1)ER, MUR.Aatit.'i.--Thtfl
as heard on a backstreet on fiunday
night, list these who heard it did not
go, to , the: rescue, ,;even though they
knew the voice to: be that of a woman,
because it was recognized as belong-
ing to a ,ptrson whose reputation is
unsavory, and it occurred to them
that it was a case of '' drunk."
CATTLE. - Messrs McLean and
Morgan shipped four car toad' of fine
cattle last week. Eight head were
purchased from Broadfoot, Tucker
smith, and weighed 10750, or an
average of over 1340 each. Mr Rana -
ford supplied 16 head, weighing 21,-
310i. MrsFair 20. head, weighin 26;=
05.9i Mr John Middleton.}10 head,.
weighing.12560. We,might just here
rewark,that.Mr R. Welsh, as weigh -
master, has given excellent satisfac-
tion this year, being courteous and
obliging under all circumstances.
semi-annual county meeting of the
South Huron County Lodge was held
in the Orange hall here. on Tuesday
last, E. Floody, W. C. M., presiding.
A good number of delegates were
present from- the different sectiotis of
the county. Iu the matter of the
coming 12th celebration the lodges
were given the privilege of celebrat-
ing it wherever they wished. The
private lodges were requested to at-
tend divine services in a body on
Sunday, July 8th, which will likely
in most cases be complied with.
week Mr R. Adams, of Londesboro,
started by train, as a delegate to the
High Court of Foresters, at Hamil-
ton. When the train drew into Clin-
ton station be stepped off to converse
with a few friends, and in the mean-
time the train drew out towards the
diamond. 111r Adams started after it,
and the way he skipped across the
ties would have done credit to a pro-
fessional runner. The train reached
the diamond ahead of him, but he
caught it before it lad turned the
Y, and it took nearly all the rest of
the journey to get the aches out of
his legs.
the Godericb, Dungannon,'Porter's
Hill and Exeter volunteer cgmpanies,
passed through here to Stratford,
where the members put in their an-
nual drill, and the probabilities are
that they will not k,3ow any more
about military tactics when they
come back, than they do dow. Clin-
ton company did not go out for tbt
reason that it has no officers. The
Exeter company, while being put
through their facings at the station
here, were so thorough and profi-
cient, that when told to"right-about,
wheel." they took the `'left wheel"
TEE MARIZEV.— Last Saturday
there was again a good attendance at
market, and neatly all artieles offered
were sold at good prices. There bas
been more butter offered than there
is a demand'for, and some farmers
have become dissatisfied because they
have not found ready sale for all that
is brought in; another. thing that has
worked disadvantageously is the fact
that as much as two cents a pound
has been asked for butter above the
market price. The townspeople are
willing to patronize and encourage
the market to the best ot their ability
but it is hardly reasonable to expect
them to pay higher prices than mar-
ket value,- We would advise our
townspeople to get to the market, if'
possible, not later than nine o'clock,
(earlier if they like) and they then
have a better choice, and farmers
would not be required to wait so long.
A little "accomodation to circum-
stances" by both farmers and people
of the' town,,,witl soon wear off any
friction that might exist, and will be
mutually beneficial, . ,
withstanding the announcement of
Mr Anthony Dodsworth's illness, no
gne anticipated hie aea_th ao soonaand
much surprise was expressed on -
Monday evening when it was learned
that he had peacefully passed away.
Deceased was one of that class so
rapidly becoming extinct--ao early
settler— having settled on the farm
now owned by Mr McTaggart, Lon-
don road, Stanley, in the year 1851.
He was born at Dalton,Eng., and after
coming to thia country,spent a couple
of weeks in Hullett, before taking up
his residence in Stanley. He lived
for some time in Granton,and about 18
years ago moved into town. He was
a quiet, industrious citizen, and
while well informed on all current
affairs, never took an active part
therein. He was for many years a
member of the Methodist church, hie
life being in entire harmony with his
profession. He leaves an aged widow
to mourn his loes,onei son ( sir Walton
Dodeworth) and three daughters,
namely, Mrs Alfred Moore, Clinton;
Mrs W. Robson, Kansas, and Mrs S.
Rumball, Dakota. Mrs Jas. Walker
is a stepdaughter.
Little Local Items.
THE heat reached 06 a in the shade
on Sunday.
Mao Riter, of Sault Ste Marie, is
here on a visit.
Mit M. Beckwith has taken a situa-
tion in Wingham.
MR James Miller leaves this week
for Sault Ste Marie.
Mit John Taylor left on a trip to
Detroit on Tuesday,
MR Chad. Gorrell,of Oscada,Mich.,
is home on/ a short visit,
MRs Oliver is visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs Robb, at Seaforth.
Mit- Tbos;• Stanbury and family,
took their departure for Detroit, on
Miss Mary Miller and Mrs Dri-
berer, of Detroit, are the guests of
Mrs John Miller.
Mit J. C. Stevenson has fitted up
the rooms over his store send taken
pep his, residence there.
4.ctiug on the advice of�my physicians; Irl Et#iQb41rg11 dui C1'ii}tou,
aro resolved to go out of business, gniess mq,bea?,th ?itirprovcs salla-
£ tR ; large stoc £goods very Low .Prices.
aotar +, � trill welt my is a �f; r p ...
all Papers,
Window Shades
Spring hollers,
Baty Carriages,
Wagons, Carts,
Baskets, .�
Walking Sticks
Base BalIs & Bats.
Monday's Woodstock Sentinel Be -
view says : "Rev Thomas Trotter is
still in a low condition. As yet he
has experienced no change for the
better." (This is a brother of Rev
R. Trotter, of the Baptist church.'
CONDUCTOR McKnight, who has
resided in Goderich for a number of
years, has decided on taking up his
residence in Stratford. He is evi-
dently tired of waiting for the boom
that was predicted to strike Goderich
Ton News -Record .asserts that we
have misquoted the price of eggs
from the Empire. We deny the as-
sertion and chi'llenge our cotem. to
prove it by giving the date of any
issue ot the Empire that we have
misquoted from.
WILLIE Keine, of Ciinton, who
nes for some time in the employ of
Mr Richards here, was in town for
two or tbree days visiting friends last
week. Ile was always popular with
the boys and received a hearty wel-
come.—Brussels Budget.
THE Wingham Advance, referring
to former residents of that place, thus
alludes to the son-in•law of Mrs
Morley :--Wm. Hele, a young man
whom it would be hard to find more
popular, is superintendent of a large
dry -goods house at Bellefontaine,
CouNclr,Lon Jackson, speaking to
a question of privilege at the council
board, the other night, said that resi-
dents of High Street were charging
bim with neglect of duty in not hav-
ing the street graded. He had, both
in the council and out of it, worked
bard to this end, as anyone who has
attended the council for slime years
knows, but the Street Committee did
not see its way clear to have the
work done.
Tun News -Record will evidently
admit into its columns any scurrilous
squib, even if anonymous, so long as
it is a drive at the editor of the NEW
ERA as witness the item under
Londesboro heading in its 'iesu'e of
this week, the writer of which the
editor admits he did not know. Now
if it be any consolation to know how
great a "discount" the NEW ERA is
at in Londesboro, we may state that a
good M„ethodiet friend of that village
petaonaily subscribed this week ,for
extra copies of the paper to be sent
to friends.
H TS -
The most wonderful
barg.ain in town at
present is our line of
$2.00 Pants; they are
cheap atS3.50. Weare
selling dozens of pairs
every week. Every-
body should see them
Our line of Light Clothing is
selling like wildfire
yy�� r y
urnis�hersand Hatters,
R I N wS—Must .go too, if price will take theta
off We show PRINTS and'MUSLINS at 5 cents per -yard that
make us blush for the man that made them. But don't take our
word for it—"SEE TILE Goons." What about the •
Embroidery, - Gloves, - Hosiery'
and - Parasols.
They go too—price price won't keep them, Tho
All go. SFIIRTINt„S at marvelous low prices. SEERSUCKEI;S-.--
we just got another lot, perfect beauties.
All very Low IN Pities: just now.
At prices no plan shall do Letter.
SEE the coa,bined. aggregation of prices and
quantities of goods. We aro determined to
meet in prices in all and every kind of compe-
tition. But we cannot convince yon unless
you come and see.
Hats and Gloves.
-By purchasing from a leading wholesale house them' complete.
"lines of these goods, we have secured beautiful wares at extremely.
Flow prices, and propose to give you the advantage of the transac•„i
"'tion. The special stock consists of.
Ladies; and Children's HATS,
Girl's SAILOR HATS and
Lisle and Tafiatta, GLOVES.
The STYLES are the very newest, the GOODS of excellent
quality, and the PRICES DELIGHTFULLY LOW. We
are offering also a very choice stock of
In spite of the "hard times" our business has greatly increased during
the past year. The reason for that fact is no doubt to be found in the
superiority of our wares slid the low price we charge for them.
jteesley's Great Millinery Emporiums