The Clinton New Era, 1888-06-22, Page 6•-•••• 11,11111.411.1,1r • 11111'.11r ' • —1..tel`tr.. 4 1 • raltiAT,JIJNE estsS, skalls Int Offili*S 10-1VITr6t old '•SebuTiC boa' a' Amba wbo box° Conie. front 131)C4 T"f4 •• Aatt Meeting ef. tint. ei)agrega- TUE TIP TURNING. ertObett him badly. The09.1•Prlora appeintedLie„,atenant-Govero. aa .ibtiricni gay ethat' y atiinlew tee ennui prying lipid layeare, WI'S? 4p4a4( 91i tbfl, boti$A651 btlt • • 0.00 of the Ploor.Streat (ToroutO PresbyterianCharelt.a. unapt/noes E , . • t - • the.. Feovinote 'of .4'0101' `weanded, ia ft fight with a tiv • - • • ' DA .044 tct hminary invesgatIm''' on and Tee. ea .00. evidence 'Of 0,.' deaett. wit- nessc. that the dead. man was one ll Mepowa, a resident, of the tlis- triot, and a bt.otheref two Metho- dist ministers. MeDowall's bro. thers were telegraphed to. Just the body was contibett, how. ever, another pocket was found containing a Roman Catholic ros- ary arida letter bearing the name of Lewifi ieachieller. • Inquiry dis- closed that a man in the. employ - of the railway had been missing since receiving his pay, and. his assistant and comrade identified the bot lye • ilia' wife- living at Alenereaf, gas .telegiiphet.1.0, and al3 cenilusive -avidenee 111 cDowal I „hienisolt entrind and denied em- phatically that he IV LI$ dead. The mistake was all the more singular eine° the face of the (Jeeettsed.wart. uninjured. 8 and that hair his escort deserted Sinew New Year's person -8 have suffered death under the rayl - rind wheels that roll akin the streets of New York. The maim- ed and crippled from the same cause number 189. The Manitoba Government ap- pears to have very nearly com- pleted negotiations with the Nor. thorn Pacific and Manitoba and Northwestern railways fop the 'construction of the line between Winnipeg and Portage la, Prairie. Burglars broke into ,tjte Grand Trunk station, " at "Kincardrne, Thursday night and blew the safe. In it was$28 of the agen t's-modey and about$2000 of the company's. The burglars overlooked the lat- ter/ and the agent was the only sugerer. Vskririambu ry, • W. Vtt.,ilospatcli Savik,ttel h farm& 'aged 75. living, on' the Ohio side of the river, was gored to death Tuesday by a bull. He was riding horseback, when a bandana hand- kerchief sticking from his pocket attracted the bull's attention and the ani al attacked him., country around Sudbury, Oat., is overrun with mining pro. speotors. Lot. the inexperienced ones profit by the late 'or thdOt- tawa county farmer, who bought, what purported to be a 42 -pound ruggot of gold from the Cascade Mountains, B.C.,from two strang- ers, only to find that it wee 'doe- tored.' Beware of' the 'salted' mine and the 'loaded' trick. • t• • • -• .• • .eeze, ' 'V zepb,$.cs, NOW.414,i • o .More. the trotttlb.e. VI*40•Wil IMZ.01 Wiellethiettuoiefigt brightly glowing.. FrOM the most trafit1YOKtitY formation obtainable, it is evident that the tide is turning in the al, fairs of the agriculturists of Great Britain. Farms. which until re- cently were tenantless, and net wanted at any .reutal, are being taken, and to such. an extent is this the ease, that few, it any, bolding 'Which are • offered tie anything like -reasonable rates are to be found vacant. .This means inereatied implement for a .eless „ Of peeple'vlio, have even. ap to quite recently boon, throng ono 4eesise or another; shipped off to • this,,:eoun try in a , most st1tiite eondidion. If farming .becom- ing more reintmeratiew in. the did *country it stands to reason that the agricultorists , Canada are on the verge of better times, a e fact which will be very agreeable to all tillerse of the soil—and to everyone besides. The period of depression i the old eountry has been protracted and severe, yet. in the end may result in 'ItdVelillge.. to all concerned. It is quite true rents have been greatly reduced, but they wore in most case.% tom high, and could only be .collsefed by resorting to harsh, and in Somo instances, cruel means. Par- ticularly so has this been the case among some of the Irish and the Skye Crofters. Although the • nominal revenues of the landlords may not be so high, it. is quite • probable that their actual receipts will be less than heretofore, while the danger of agrarian outrages and crimes must bo reduced. It is to bo hoped that, the news of profitable husbandry and more peaceful and profitable tittles in the old- land may . bo true, and • that an era of conlentment and thrifty enterprise s setting in to last a long time. All over the globe the last few years hare witnessed a great struggle for the bare necessai•ioe of life on the part of the greatemajori ty of I he •:people, hence the gleam of befter days is very eheeringewhether in • •the old or in the new %York A NEW HOME TWRATMENT FOR THE CURE OF CATARRH. OAT.ARRIIAL DEAFNESS AND. , HAY FEVER.. The miecroscope has proved that these diseases are contagious, and that they are due to the Rresenets of living parasites in the isterlimng membrane of the upper Mir passages and euetachlan tubes. The end- ' tient scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and.Bea- le endorse this, and the authorities cannot he disputed. The regular method of treat- ing these diseases has been to apply an ir- ntent remedy weekly, and even daily,thus keeping the delicate 'membrane in a con. stela state of irration, allowing it no chan. es to heal, and as a natural consequence of such treatment not one permanent cure has ever been recorded. It is an absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any -application made oftener than once in two weeks far the membrane intuit get a chancel.) heal before an application is re- peated. It is now 'seven. years "duce Mr. Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh and formulated his new treat' na, and since then his remedy has become a hmse. holdVaidlir el•eisi-country.whers the Eng lisle language is spoken, CURES EFFECTED , BY HIM SEVEN YEARS AGO ARE CUBES THERE HAVING BEEN NO RETURN OF THE In. reE.WE. So highly are these remedies val- ued, that ignorant imitators have started 'up 'everywhere, pretending to destroy' a parasite, of which they know.nothing, by remedies, the Melts of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Dix. , en's remedy is applied only once in two weeks and from one to three applications' effect a permanent cure in the most aggra- vatedeases. Mr. Dixon 8811(18 a pamph. . let describing, hie new treatment on the re. ceipt stantp to pay postage. The ad- '• dress of A. If. Dixon & Son is 303 Xing Street %Vest, Termite, Canada • Scientific ftniereatt., An olel man iS :t1 1 old wagon; with light loading Alia careful usage it will laid for yeat s; but one }Heavy load oisudden strain' will break it, and 111111 it for ever. • Many peoule reach the age of fifty, sixty, or even seventy, ineasin.ably free from n.ost of the pains anti infirmities of age, cheery in heart and sound in health, ripe in wisdom and experience, with sympathies •mellowed by age,. and with reasonable prospects and opper- tnnities for continued usefulness in the world for a considerable time -- Let snob omitting be tbankful,but lot %befouls° be careful. An old condi- hition is like an old bone—broken with ease, mended with difficulty. A young tree bends to the gale, au old one snaps and fells before the blast. A single bard lift; an hour of beating work; an evening of" ex- posure to rain and damp; a severe chill; an excess of foo(1; the unusual indidgente of any appetite or passion a sudden fit of anger; an improper dose of medicine—nny of these, or other similar things, may cut off a valuable life in un hour, itinl leave the Agithope of roefulnese and en- joyment by useless %vital:. It MILE MISTAKEN I ()ENTITY. Judge Doran, Itt' North l3ay, DOW in Kingston, tolls of a i emarkable efts° of' mistaken iden- tity. On Friday a man was kill - cd on the C.q.R. Ile was wtking down the track, when a shunting engine struck him, smashed Ids • • •--- • • Children Cry for „teweN • 74—eee Sena tor „Foeti 0' died' on Friday. . A Kentucky wedien had Patented a quid hold°. for gum chewers. ,Lt is curious how sweet a honey -bee Ket one end, and how better ut the other. More than a million men are em- ployed by the various railway lines of the United States. The Earl of Derby, whose seat.is in the suburb; of ,Liverpool, is a pronounced kleptomania c. TheQuebee Provincial Tee:mut- er delivered his budget speech on Friday. Mary Ann Preseott, the author Ctiti and poet, ,died at Newbury - port, Mass., last Friday night., "Big Ed.' Rice.was foundlty- at Cobourg on Friday of ro-bbine the Camelia') Express eompany $1,005. • Emperor Frederiek died at 11 Welock Friday morniug, and his son now reigns 111 his stead, with the title of William Second. Fifty thousand tons of soot are taken annually from the chimneys of Loodoe. It is used far fertiliz- ing. — At an auction in London ie4etitly an egg Of an extiubt bird, the great auk, of which ouly GI are known to he in existence, was sold tor bight hundred dollars. Anthony Delmore, a merchant of Akron, 0 , titino a blood -vessel t other day while laughing at one of his own ,jokes, and died instantly. President McCo411, of Princeton, says he expects every fresh studeut - who enters the institution torhyme his name with "by gosh," and it is only rarely that he is disappointed: A Pennsyleania man who had a landslideof about 1,00,000 tons come down 011 ilia eolv pestere,post- ed the following sign on the debris: " A new lot jost received. For sele cheap." Daring a yarge by a British ship emend Cape Hien the wind at one time blow itt the rate of 180 miles an hour, and the result was that the log waves were crushed fiat and held down for the Ulm being The greatest teat Of baptism in the. history of 'the Baptist Church in mod' ern times was that paterined in July, 1878, by J. 0: Cough, a missionary whe, with the assistance tui live native preachers, immersed 2222 per- sons in six hour'. In Elazelgreen Township, last 1Ved- nesday, ni, old man, Mr. Rothbaker attenl ted to whip his son, who ran away. The father gave -clime. keying captured the boy,- knocked him ' down and -cut his head nIf kith tat axe. • For chronic catarrh, induced by a scrofulous taint, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is j t he true remedy. It stops catarrhal d i s - never fails to thoroughly eradicateevery trace of the disease from the blood. Sold by all dealers in medicine. Christian K. Rosa father uf t; e charges, removes the sic ening odor,and lost Charlie Rose, Seems to have a permanent place in the sympathies of his countrymen, and his move- ments are always rend with interist. , He has just been re -appointed Mis- ter Warden for the port of Philo delphia for three years. This is front a reeent 'bison or the Tombstone Warblet. : It Nula •Twigg, the servant girl in Pot Carel, Ore., who recently fall heir to $200,- 000 will call at this office she will hear of something greatly to her ad- vantage.. We are It bachelor. As Thomas Dolan, of Bottom was ' 'crossing 14 street onTuesdat a ft ers (ten theshaft ofa passing vehicle slipped under his watchchein and whipped out his timepiece. ile jamped back to avoid being run over, and imme- diately afterwards starched for *kis watch, which had been eh -erected from his pocket in so remerkahle a manner, - The timepiece, (1rowever. was not emu& It was valued at E75. The loss by fire in Canada and the United States during the month (ir May Wile fil9,188,860 It is satisfactory tootote that there is a consider:dm- dOrease when compared with the lire *mite in the corresponding month of 1 1867, when the property destroyed 1 Was .valued at $.10,635,500. If there! are matey fires like that at Hall, the record for this month will not be so cheering.. The destruction of roe petty by fire is far too .arge. ' and .afteattly. L• 4' *TT Ataff94.- vas .010„alstA president and Rev Hugh 0Olinattit4 ii.gerotary the Toronto Iltethc- dist conference, The steamship .lbsdale, from London, Eng., direct to Chicago, passed -through the Lachine Canal on Wednesday. She is the first vessel ever directly consigned from London to Chicago. • , Sir John Macdonald is using his' best etibrts to get the muddle in Cardwell .settled by .getting Mr Evens to retire and beinging Me R. S. White, eon ofdlea late .mem- ber, into thwfield: . Toronto Methodist Con femme hes a• total, •membership of' 80,122 - increase, 2,653;; Moneys raised for . circuit purposes Outside 'of mis- eionaty and ministeral• suPport Nita:IP-18,000, e . • - Consiiible,Aleatander Smith and , his wife were discharged from rtchustodY. ut Tororlto,i oir Friday, hecharge of murdering,MrPeiest- . man having completely fidlon lthrough. The flood along the St. Louis River in .Northern Minnesota con- tinues to grow worse and . worse, and the water is still rising. The village .of ClOgnet is theoatened with total annihillation.. by the bi caking Of an enormous log jaht. Matthew W.Sedan, an eccentric old man who died at Torre Halite, Ind., last week, was buried in a eoffin which fier 25 years he hail kept in his bedroom. The monu- ment over his grave was erected aeoording to his orders fully 30 ye re ago. ley Jas. Boyd, Presbyterian . 1 minister of Crosshill, %vim has 1 bewail.' fbr some weeks is dead. i The Rev. gentleman has tilled the office of moderator of the Strat- i ford Presbytery, and was held in ; the highest esteem 1.y his co-pres- loytei.s and the public generally. A. fatal ateident ocetwred last -week just outside ef St..% rys. Mr. and Mrs Henderson and daughter or the River road, were on a visit to his father, Who is quite ill, and while driviog 'home the 1)01(1. back broke sending the buggy upon the horse's heels. The animal began to kick, striking the ehild, who was sitting at the hemt, 'nem head, killing it instantly. Mrs Hemi L tbouchere, wife of the editor of London Treth,hee been making .speeebes 111 behelf of the Gladstonian cause; She was Hen- rietta Hodgson, the actress, and her elocution is something of a treat to the English voters. Mr Lebotichet•g is an eloquent speaker, and with his • talented wife MAIMS n strong politi- cul tesm. A large owl flew neaitiet one of the windows of a car in a train on the Cumberland Val'ey toad near Newvillo, the other nights breaking the glass and creating some alarm among the passengers, Whe thought the train was being stoned. Their fears we,e allayed when the, cen- &weer captured the owl and exhibit, d it. to thew. Some years 'ego Franklin .11ilier, of Sugar Creek township,. itt Penn- sylvania, reeved to take care of an old couple, his neighbors, with the underetandirte that at their death lie should itherie a Wen of 86 acres owned be them. After their death, which occn rred 5 years later; 3filler discovered oil on the • farm and hes already received:0,5,000 in royalties front it.. Word coulee front 8 It bike 'ity diet the Saints have bought 400,000 notes lit land in the MOXICarl State of Chillittallela, :DO prOVIE0 to Pa- tablisle a polygamous CO1011y of west proportions. Doubt tney be expres sed, however, as to whether the Mormons would. be permitted. to settle in the great (embolic c niet•y of :11 ex km. It is. said -that alreadioffers arc pouring in upon Rev C. 0. John- ston, of Hemilton, who recently left the Methodist church. Among those mentioned is ono from the Bond Street Church, Torontue of 11 position as assistant to Rev Dr Wild at a salary of $2 500, also to take agree of the St John's Pree- byterian Almelo andanother to enter the Anglieun Ministry. His friends in Hamilton are urging him to allow them to hire the Opera Nouse every Sunday •uneil a church can be built. Mr John- ston says he will not decide on any ederse nod he has given t he matter (1110- consideration. Not long since a young machin- ist only a few weeks out from Scetlaud attended a party whore ho mot ayonng lady who ably 'fascinated" him. In the course of the conversation she nslo ed him hew it was he didn't got married, and he replied. he would as 30011 Its begot a job. -.oh said the ,fitirone„ "t hut needn't matter, firr I've got plenty rot. a • while." And she had. Shepaid two. weeks board for him, lettight the ring and the lieense and the necessat y flint lint.° to leoei hous0. keeping:. wi•th. They were inee- ried nettle Oxen ty .feu,- hoe re after the pi•opoeel, Mee says ddise't leap year ? Pontitie, Iieh., June 1 yen oang and Levi Allen have within :t few rods of cite!) other in Bloomfield, township, • Michelin. about five years. About a year ages Young beeatneangered Over 30,e0 dicker Nee iee they had, and si•nee that tithe the t we have not been on speaking tern lei, A house is at the feo of it 11111 ,,,11 wlikliYoung, reeently put 11 Iteel of earth,the etrcet of which wa, to flirt) the dr:migo from the hill Upon Allen's property. Alio) dug a small ditch to ehango the comae of the water, and -Young, iil keel the alteration, w hi le on his way to Pon tiao, and on his return tt tk tt spade, went to the place suit tr.,' a ditch to 11110 1)10 tei . on to A lien's property. 11 Was al,,afr 8.30 in tli ...NMI 1 lig ' who') ?iIi A i 1108111 040 :it wOrl: .01prt psilig• it to. im 1 110 0111 10 sc..° Witta, tvas' up. A moment 1 later Mr Allen s two deughters re - cote nixed l'eeing"is voiee and, fear- ing trouble, rtodsed out. They. , timed their father lying dirthe !gr.unul with bleed and brains (toeing franc a terrific. wound in his head, and Young digging his et' 1II0In as.ice,1 Young to assist lie,- tilt: JionsO with the won tried man ,to which he replied: • No,T am done with Min forever.' I Allen is about 50 years old mei it quiet peaceful man, who is well' liked. Young. is a p•twerflt1 man stean, who has aiNvass 1woe11 01111 reputation, lett was said to let a little (peer mentally :old te have an evil dispoei don when crossed. He stritek. Allen %Rh a spade which he was tieing, mak- ! ing a wound 8 inchee lone from the top of the skull te the left I temple, as (dean a ent as it made I1 with an axe. Allen is 3-0) alive, het jit it teennteiee eetelition, and eannet live. Voting ie io jail and refuses to say a word about the a ffair and nets perfectly tinc,011- . corned. 1 Children Orvfor There is a form of punishment to which English boys ere seleeetea against which tile London L meet feels it necessary to protest. Cer- tain British patents, too lazy to wield the chastening rod, employ nmettrd plasters in the place of the birch. The tittleet asserts that mustard ',lister applied to boy tney do hint permanent physicAl harm- There is no doubt that snar- ing the rod is indeed pernicious when it leads to spoiling It boy n ith • plasters. Prof. Otto Legger, of the Min - Telenet State University, who has just returne I from the loot- t infeste71 regiou about, perhrim: says there is an avernge ,,r12 10(•.• 1.1818 1') ihc square 1.001 ijii 109 square miles. They are genuine Rooky Mountain loetists, awl have been feed ing liven the Park region ofMinnoapolms fOt. Cele years. The insects i•edoi ng iDt ine ae fin to asj,, and Pr, d'. Legger says they will destroy all the vegeta t ion in t wo or thrdo •counties mikes some check is at otter, ti opt ied , gevernerMe- (1111 has seat roue carloads of (end 7d1 niel tar to Perham to be used in Idlliog off tet ewe es ems. Pitcher's *Weft. d'''' Pitcher's Castor's: Beek. Me to sleep; the hinds do sing, The streams ere gently flowing, Rook me to sleep while the church bell ring, And the cattle are gently lowing. Rods me to sleep, mine eyelids drop, Awake I will not be tong, While the robin npou the ground does hop, And I hear the milkonala's song. Rock inc lo sleep, 'twill not be long Bre siumberat chains have bounden°, For in ehildhood'ade.ysa know no wrong, Forell is fair around me. •,. - • P011 QUIET MOMENTS', • Honors ae-hieve tar exceed those that are Creat-ed,—Solon,B. 015y38; Birtite of the lhet that you are a Christian, you aro in_._.oe,to- mission 1.15 a twine missionary.— Preebytevian. God writes the elpel lint in the Bible alone, lett on the trees and fiowors, 011 the el ends and staes.—Luther. Every prayer that is really 311011 --that is, which flows from the inward necessity of tho soul— (3°-`1111elit'es"isel:18Othilieoin the universe that 1 fear but that 1 shall not know my duty, or !shall I lid, to do it.—Mary Lyon. Open and take Him ill who comes to sup with yott. 'Bohol (1,' He saye, 'I stand at the door and Til:now 114) biasing ISO 31111111 that can reasonably expected without prayer, nor ally so great but may he ettainett by it.— ..South. rejoice. 111 another' prosber- ity 13 togive coatent to (111 (ovn lot; to mitigate :mother's grief' is to diepel your amen. If we were naked what are the atvo greatest hinnee aids to pulpit power, we should eity selaNsses- site' and eelf ahastdoinent. lithe god'e Wool in thy heart. and it shall be as a tire. Yet not the molt reading, but the deep Miderstaindi ot litt llook is needed. A loviug cettlitlence in the God we have offended its the key to TVs heart, the key which unlocks the treasury ut His grave. The higheet limpidity, it tett in - :spired and vitilized by religioto is but as the marble statneo lie silent eorpso tel 111.1 living and perfeel. than. 'the Ina %vho sits tim!) :eel Avails to 110 appreciuted tvill 1111(1 IiiineeYarnotiget inwalleti-tar bug - :titer the litnitt.I eeprteei train has gone by. • I St vices leo. lint:Inge :eel noel - linkines. The 117.1.1 may be Hell fie. the ;pets end the peer.fie. the 1 rivir, the even Jetty be well for the t•tel the elete, sith for 71)0- 1. We. are AO:. side liv,e 1:10 111111 47 1 itt1 1 kllYe Be en our (maned. • 1) int allow . 041,1 in the head to slowly and purely run into ('attirrl. who] 3•mi can be cured for 27.e by usher 1)r Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure, t f.w one a- Silti..nt eau.' itt til 2 boxes cure ,rrlinory 044.tarth ; 2 to 1 hoses 1».1 , to cure :Ir.',.. c•d...th. Try it. (Inly 20e. 141 .1i ,1444..-.6.t.:, . I'. for pr,•; -444 ,44114100 0. III i.c i"•. r II s ennfl- 1 ?11 ‘(i:. 1 p .1 y an nr,11 i .1•11 ,11- op 'sit. i..11 le es.... a Ito 1 1 -attents a ;4.1 - _ . tI r .4 e.:11kly co4414.. • -44; ,o r• ;e! • 1, ittewake reet.,efe jot: 1! ee o.ee i.lry, and pri•-•4 .1,1..1, ore 1 i te vieg voted l'or4 ,.115ediept', ottilit,e. I1 t,t. 4.1 rec- ipreett y 1 11 the 7 'Jilted it a' e.. Don't Wait Until your -hair becomes 'dry, thin, and gray before givinn,°the attention needed to preserve its beauty and vitality. Keep on your toilet -table a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor—the only dressing you require for the hair—and use a little, daily, to preserve the natural color and prevent baldness. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., writes: "Several months ago my hair cominenced falling out, and in a few weeks my head was almost bald. I tried many remedies, but they did no good. I finally bosght a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, after using only apart of the contents, my head was covered With a heavy growth of hair. I recom- mend your preparation as the best hair- . restorer in the world." "My hair was faded and dry," writes Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill.:" but after using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it became black and glossy." Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumer. Pimples and Blotches, So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and neck, may be entirely removed by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best and safest Alterative an41111endLrurifier ever discovered. Dr. J. C. Ayer & CO., Lowell, MASS. Sold by Druggists ;, $1 ; eta betties for $S. e11. was.ext oiled to Rev. W. Wallace, of Georgetown. The salary is $2,0,o0, Wrn George, proprietor of the ho Lel at Springview, Neb. died in ter- rible evilly on Friday. He owned a valuable htmeled horse that was on June by Stine Yeterloary, Surgeon Gertlk, Ibe animal had the glanders. In caring for his horsedure ing its sick ties Ale. George contract, ed the disenee. The hone snorted and threw the poisonous pus over Itis head fame, ballad and arms. Ev- ery spot of flesh it witched developed into an ulcer lour tw.i weeks he suffered isetotol lerotte. Mr: George's lanrf11 were -7p0111 in the most tent cot n tint' pate att•I .7uefeeinasalen... httvir g :Welt red smell a field 011 his torment that relief Willi an im• possibilty. URES Nervous Prostration, Nervous --Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stomach and Liver Di ,Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all affections of the Kidneys. WEAK NERVES PAINE'S Matti COMPOUND 11 a Nerve Toni whigh.never fails. Containing Celery and coca, wonderful stimulants,. it speed. ilreutes all nervous disorders. RHEUMATISM PAINE'S CELligif COMPOUND purifies the blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood- Maklig organs to a healthy condition. The true remedy for Rheumatism. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS rAuurs Comity Downturn quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health, This curative power combined with its nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy for all kidney complaints. DYSPEPSIA PAINE'S GMAT COMPOUND strengthens the stomach, and quiets the nerves of the diges- tive organs. This Is why it cures even the worst eases of Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Is not a Cathar- tic. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol. lows its use. Reeommended by professional and business men Send for book. Price 111.00. Sold by Druggiats. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop's Mpotteal. P Q. mon I IF ALL KINDS. Field and (larden Seeds of all kinds, freak and new, ineltul- in Need Pew:, Oa and Iltiek- r. Wheat, at i110 vrox FEED wronE. • H. FITZSIMONS. , NEW PAINT SHOP. I( it !SEM Sr, WILSON. Deal re to aneouniethat they have opened a shop on Albert street, Clinton, next to (;lasRowe swore. Being pr.totical workmen' they believe they ca n give malefaction to all who entrust their work. PAPER HAX141V4, HAL- SOWNINo, ANI) creet.tNo DEconaTIONS, excmited on the shortest notice. Orders respectfulLy.solicited. r • Ohse Hito n-il)'v.i.11. I. 11.1:.6.11 I.-. a )'))-Ila nd Rattan111a Irdeep 4,. 1..%t 'i are is triumoll td tot (heal l. 11 ..-ring 1111 (11,411..os of the hi 1 oy need 1,A cr. unosi.E. 4 1 a 4lti.,1.11711n. In 11.t. lit.; a tiall 1M/IIir wevAla. 11 itt 1•10.10 .1 v 1.1sloomo; wadding urine (13.311.- 5,4 01411 diri to m;ffl,te, ill. Iri 11,, 4440.11.1.1t. :doll, reit and Milt, depo.lt•, 1I • 1/il4•, I 'Id 'jaw:, SVM(' LI' • LI Ert 4:4131 PII. 4 1 411'. rani mak,' t lie shoulder blades. fatnallas, %Allow emoulLs weary, (uvol feellaw, 11.. Ille or (agency, hou)selle (17 spot( la, itutlaltsrmo, -11 &e. • 1P413%4 11111118. g.ary nuturees Lilit -m.,: eel when 1,mbittod am!, 3 1tIne7 remedies, as lo Dr. Ideate's I.iver Mrs, a 111 most mull two.. cure not If W00% Liver troalths, It a -da Itis a alien», Aill1111ill7 615 the clogged !Ivor, Farmer betting the kidar;,m, and lovhcorat I IN* 1 he wlvdt- by all &Mors 5( 37, web Receipt. %%biota lone Pt worth the money. 114 118 IN V Id V Ell P11.144. Dr. clouse's •••ely 181(1ee3 -Liver Pill. made. May be taken during nay emplev went. They . cure Kidney -1 lvsr 1earhtek0,, bnlInuoneg. eta' I% an qa. tte. One Pill a 'lose. h (it elm's. Pike 25(18(18. 1. EDitanTSON at 4 41., '3fanntat fevers, Brsdford, ()mark). 11 )-4 Q z