HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-06-22, Page 511111[ 11 CREAM ANOTHER. GREAT SLAUGHTER OF PRINTS JUST ARRIVED. ONE case EV. PRINTS and CIIAMBRAYS IN ORDER TO EFFECT QUICK 'SALES, WE Alit] OFFERING Tapir AT VERY LOW PRICES, A' SPLENDID RANGE OF GREY Dress PRINTS, NEW PATTERNS, SELLING AT 11 CENTS, WORTH . lib CENTS. GRAND VALUE IN Dark Blue Prints, LARGE 12?, ASSORTMENT OF PATTERNS, CENTS, (COLORS GUARANTEED WE ARE ALSO SHOWING NEWEST STYLES IN 10 CENTS AND FAST.) THE STRIPED CHAMBRAYS IN PINK, BLU E AND GREY, EMBROIDERIES TO MATCH. DOUBLE FOLD GOODS, FULL RANGES OF PARASOLS,MUSLINS,LACE, FLOUNCINGS, TAFFETA AND SILK GLOVES. T. JACKSON, SR PROPERTIES FOR SALE (k 13350 WILL IIUY THE HOUSE AND .D e� Lob owned by the undersigned, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St.. :ere Clinton. Hard and soft water and good sta- ble. Terms of Payment easy, Apply to JNO, CALLANDER, 24 Stanly St„ London South, • HOUSE AND LOTS FORSALE. — THE subscriber offers for sale hie property near the railway. The house contains sit- ting room, dining rooms, five bedrooms end kitchen, also woodshed and stable. Good well and cistern, a number of fruit trees, plum, pear and apple. Will be sold on'rwt- souable torus. Just suited for retired farth- er. Apply at the NEW ERA OFFICE or to (1E0. SWALLOW, Clinton, EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE OF 600 1 acres of land in Huron and Bruce, on THURSDAY. ,JUNE 21st, 1888, by John Pur- vis, Auctioneer, of Lots 16,, 16 and \VA of 17. \1'awanosh Township, County of Huron, and Lots 43 and 44, in the 1st con. of Kinloss T'p Coifttty of Bruce, comprising three improved farms. Also, 71 acres in St. Helens. Terms liberal. For particulars see posters and ap- ply to SEAGE1I & HAITT,13arristers, God- erich. .2i 1 HOPERTY FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER o i P • for sate au acre of land situated ated at .11ma, on the Huron Road, three-quarters of which is set out with bearing Apple, Plump and Pear trees, and Red, White and Flack Currant and Gooseberry busl.tcs, and on the lot Ma small Frame House, good stable and barn and good spring water. Will be sold nu reasonable terms. Situate 5 miles from Clinton, and 3; from, Scaforth. For particle. tare apply on the premises, or to Seaforth post office. MARGARET DENEVEN. 1' PHOl'F,IITIES FOR SALE IN CLINTON. The undersigned has been instructed by Itis brother to osier for sale oh very reason- able able terms, the following I properties in the Town of Clinton: -1st, The property at pre- sent occupied by Mr ,fames Walker, on the south side of Huron Street, consisting of two lots, on which is erected a frame house, sta- ble, and other outbuildings. 2nd, A house and lot at tate terminus of Rdttenbury St. ;3rd, The store and lot on Victoria S`, now occupied by Mr 'J: B. Crosson. Full particle - Jars on application. H. It. WALKER, Clin- ton. • FARM FOR SALE ORTO HENT,—THAT splendid farm of 110 acres, on the Mait land concession, being lot 77, Goderich town- ship, situated 11 miles from Holmosville, and four utiles front the town of Clinton. The soil is a good clay loam. with a neverfailing spring creek running through the place; also good wells. 'There is about 8 acres of bush, which is one of the best sugar bushes in the county; als('two from° barns, one a hank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for ten horses, also two aced bearing orchards, 1t`ing about six acres in all; two good lo' houses. About 45 soros seeded down. wilt be sold ou reasnunhle terns, or r,iited to goodte`itent. ALEX 111DOUIt, Hel•,,n•"',i,. Pest Otb eA��w POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity strength and wholesonmeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short wtght, alum or phosphate powders Sold only in c'tns. hove B.n,wt Pownea ('n., lee Wail 1.TONE1• TO LEND-•• ON GOOD MOt.T- ,L! c;Acas, Or. personal security, at the lowest current rates. 51, ele'TAGGAHT. [dinton, Feb. 24, 1888, • 3OARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER CAN be accommodated with good board and comfortable rooms; about three minutes' walk from the post office, Townsend street MRS. VanTASEL, JJ. WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at lauded to. Office —Londesborough, Out, BUGGY FOR SALE. — UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, cheap, a top buggy, al- most new, Armstrong Improved Eureka gear, may be seen at F. Rumball's Carriage Shop, Clinton. W. W. SPARLING. I IrHOROBRED DURHAM BU 1, L FOR SE R- vicit.—Subscriber keeps for service, on lot 31, 9th concession of Hullett, a Thorobred Durham Bull of good pedigree. Terms, 41, with privilege of returning if necceseryy. W. L. MAIlt, G00 ID HOUSE TO RENT—SUBSCRIBER offers to rent a b-'ood• frame house on Vic• tort« street,with hard and soft water,plenty of land,goodl ell« r Rc. Rent moderate. ALANSON, Clinton. . BULL FOR SERVICE,-1.1it SUBSCRIIt- Ln keeps for service, on hitt premises lot l 10 .. Intl cart. of tiullatt a first-class ball, two ' thirds thoro-bred. Terms fe1 at time of service, with priviline of returning' it m't•- essary, HENRY FREE MAN. A CCIDENT INSURANCE IF Y'Ofe ARF Z1 going away from home, or if you are going to reAlaiu at home, take out'an Acci- dent Insurance Policy, for there is no telling what may happen to you. A marl docs not require to be laid up in bed to draw his al- lowance, in case of accident. A, 0. PATTISON, Agent. OARDERS WANTED. —Two or 'three young men can be accommodated with comfortable rooms and board, at reasonable rates. House only two minutes walk from the post offipe, MR. S. HARTT, Victoria -sI., almost directly opposite the residence of Mayor Whitehead. . apr-20.1m. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION,—THE EX- initticn for admission of pupils to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of the County will be held in Clinton, Seaforth and ^Wingham on the 4th, 5th, and 6th clays of Jniy,comunenciug at 1:30 p. tn. on Wednesday the 4th. All candle ittes who intend to write will send their names and addresses to the undersigned not later than the 24th of May, spoof fyhag at what place they wish to write, A fee of fifty cents will be required from each pupil,. This will lie paid to the !'residing Ex- aminer en the 11r4t day of examination, In, M.\('l; MALLOCII, 11i-1), 1'. 14., N. Huron. Notice of Dissoltitiuli. ` „i i •e is l i i', i y !;;ren thnt the parttm'l.bip heretofore si:l,sistieg between ns, the under- signed, ns 1auufarturers of Organs in the Town of Clinton. foul carried on under the firm name and styli, of W. I)OHl•1it'1'Y & CO. IMF; 1,111S de!, been dissolved by mutual Cont• sent. All debt,' owing to the ':ail partnership are to he paid to W ill inni Doherty at the office of the lute firm, and n1l claims against the said partnership are to b: presented to the said William Doherty. hi whom tiit' manic will lie settled, The business heretofore carried on 1.t 111C -mid firm !sill henceforth bo carried on by , Doherty, at Clinton aforesaid, wider the +ainr I1ro •i i r o1 \l . hohrrtc R' ('o. \C. Doll E11T1. f'IOU NTY 01HURON EX \:llNATIONS I,w)t, Second and third cuss not -profes- sional examinations et the (Collegiate ,insti 611 ten anti High Schools in the county, nn Tuesday, 3r0 July, at 8:40 a.m. First C., .July 10th, at 8:40 a. in. Candidates who tisk to lu•ite ,tt either (Clinton or Scafnrttr must no- tify D. 51. MAr,r,ocu, Esq„ P. S, inspector (Clinton p. n, ndt later than the 21st of May, stating which of the two schools they intend to write at, and those who wish to write at ;od ria must notif • Jomc 11 TOM, Es P. ( e h, s5 (1 S. inspector, Goderieh p.o., at the same date, Tho notion must be.aceompaniod by at fee of $5, or fli10 If the candidate applies for the 1st mass as well an 2nd class examinationns. N5 name will he forwarded to the Department unless the too a000mpanies it. Head Mas tors of the Collegiate Institutes and high Schools will please send the applications of their can• didatesto the Inspector of the division ht which the Collegiate Institute or High School is situated, Forms of application may he had from the Secretary. PETER ADAMSON. S,.t•'v R, ex,e's, Gnderloh, April 101h, !else, NETS 1`It?TI1.1!1. Winnipeg bad iiia in..theshade .; : ea Neudity. • "Dr." Malting, convicted of 11410 ;00 assault, w5as sentelf.cedat St Thomas to -two years im- prisonnaeat and fifty lashes. It Is expected that the cath,any to construct the Winnipeg &For- tage la Prairie railway will bo controlled by the Northern Pacific. Lieut -Governor Dewdney has purchatel Dr Schultz's Ottawa re- sideuce,which is taken as proof of his appointment as Minister of the Interior. At noon on Tuesday, while bathing in the mill -pond at Mitch - all, a little lad named Fred. G. Attridge, nearly I2 years of age, got beyond his depth and was drowned. Itis body was found a- bout an hour afterwards. I'Iou. Wilfrid Laurier •avill prob- ably begin his tolir of On tario dur- ing the second week of August. He will be accompanied by Sir Richard Cartwright. It is likely. their first mooting will be the joint demonstration to bo hold under the auspices of the Young Liberals of Hamilton and Toronto. Jerry Cornell, a boy in the em- ploy of John Geer, Cunning, near Brantford, met with an accident a few days ago which may prove fatal. He went into a field to catch some horses, and becoming surrounded by them received sev- eral kicks, breaking his jaw, dis• locating his shoulder and fractur- ing a number of' ribs. Ho man- aged to stagger to ,the nearest house, and sank helpless at the (1001'. - Mr Allen McDougall, a prominent Lobo farmer, died on Friday under • peculiar circumstances. One day lately he was assisting in butchering same cattle, and, iu perforating au old strap, he wounded his hand, and to wash off the blood stuck bis hands into a pail where some old blood and water existed. The decomposing germs of the blood(plomaines) got into the wound, and be felt a sharp pain go all up his arm. The germ from the decayed blood immediately worked on the tissues of one finger, and got up the arm; in fact the whole system was rapidly filled with destrdctive germs. Pasteur, Klein and Koch have shown that bovine blood in certain stages of decomposition is a violent poison. and always results fatally in men and animals. Amputation was resorted to in the case of Mr McDougall, but the case was taken up too late. • TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Receipts this week were 25 loads of stock. These, with some 12 cars held over front last week, made the total of- ferings about 40 loads. There is no important change in prices since late last week. There is a fair trade doing in buchers' cattle. Foil choice stall -fed stock there is a good steady demand at $4.73 per cwt. with occasional sales about $5. Grassers are slow at a con- sideraole decline ; values range from $2.75 to $4.25, with the demand slow at these figures. Butchers are pretty well stocked' up, and are buying carefully. and there is but little shipping demand. The market could almost do without any more cattle this week. There were a good many unsold at the close on Tuesday. Export cattle in fair demand, but gond stock is scarce. The offerings are mostly mixed lots of partly grass. fed stock. Offerings are light, and dur- ing the past few days rarely brought over $5.25 per cwt. Choice stock is worth $5.50. A lot of ten, averaging 1,280 lbs., sold at 1164 per head; four oxen, 1,500 lbs., at $62.550 and one' choice bull, 1,600 lbs., at $4,75 per cwt. Sheep steady at a slight decline. None but clipped now coming forward.. Ileceipts light, but sufficient. Sales are made mostly at,$5 to $5.50'per head. Spring lambs steady and in good demand at $3.50 to $4,50 per head ; 29, averaging 60 lbs, sold'at $4.25 per bead, and 21 do. rp0 lbs.at �3.-i Calves in fair supply. •. if anything, there were too many in, as all have not been sold. Good average quality. 110 to 150 Ib;,, sold at $5 to $6 per head. Sales were 24 !end 118 lbs. a\eta C a t d- . _ I, 1 C1 head , nine do. 110 lbs, at 55. MON '1.'i1I AL LIVE STOCK NIAPti ET 1'ht. tsupply r'' yeas, a fair of butchers cattle, Comparatively few were prime and held the price; all other kinds dull. Prices downwards. The highest price paid at, the East End abattoir was 5c. per lb„ bit higher prices were .paid at the yards. The Cattle shippers are filn(ifi ii i"'ITic Desi. Pirel1y good sold at from le to 1(C, fair grassers from 14 c to 4c, and lead from 21.c to Sic per ib. No good calves offered. Sheep selling at from 83.25 EG 551.25 each, and lambs at from 82.50 to $4.25. Hogs scarce. and prices up to about 7c, but several ci rloads of hogs having been brought from Chicago checked the advance. The horse trade is not so brisk, Ship• meats to the United States numbered 1.211, costing 812,891.50, or a little over $100 each. The highest priced lot was 14, which cost 82,325. The demand foi small drivers and matched teams is good, but ,the supply id very short, Business in heavy draught horses dull. Advices received of several large ship- ments of thoroughbreds to arrive from. the other ,-tae. HAVE JUST O 'E1\TED ouir A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW SUMMER, GOODS. NEW LAWNS AND MUSLINS, NEW NUNS VEILI'G in BL.A.CIfi and CREAM. NEW LACE BUNTINGS, &c. OUR STOCK OF SUMMER MILLINERY IS VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN 'WISEM &N. Manager. Estate . J. HOEN5 xxxx** xxxx** XXX* $1 TEE J.C.DETLOR &Co ARE OFFERING A CASE OE MARVELiadjos Straw H-ats' . OF --- At 25c. , . . — . , Regular prices 75c. to $1.2�. They bought the lot at a price to clear, and are offering them at the above won derfully low price during this month. A sight to bo seen ; an opportunity you cannot effort to alight ; a bonanza to he grapeled with before it is forever beyond your reach is held out to you For Market Day, SA'I'1rJtDAV. J(iae 2•rlyd, in the shape of a TEN CEN'(" T-'[,KLE, on which are many articles worth 50 cents, at Robortson's- Griat hi store, McKillop Mutaal Ilsarance Co. CLINTON MAIIKETI. t' •rre'tctl every Themdny aftern11 11. Thursday, Jure 91, 1SSS. Wheat, spring, • - 0 95 a 1 00 Wheat, white and reel • 0 95 a 1 00 Oats • - 0 50 a 0 50 Barley 0 65 a'0 70 Peas 0 60 a 0 00 Flour, Ter cwt - 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes - 0 60 a 0 60 Butter • 0 11 a 0 14 Eggs . 0 11 a 0 13 Pork • 675a700 Hay - - S00a850 Sheep pelt- • 0 50 a 0 75 L'tmb skin• , - 0 60 a 0 80 Irdrs, 5 00 a 5 an Wool, . / - 0 20 a 0 20 RLYTli MAI1EET4, B1ytb,- .lune 21, 1493, r I a ,In wheat >d per bush,• 0 Fall tc 1 Fall ' r•ew . 05 a 05 Oats 4.a a 50 Barley 60 a 70 Peas ti a 60 Potatoes, per Lea . . 00 a 60 Eggs per do z • 11 a 12 Butter,roils . , 11 a 14 Cheese . . 15 a 15 Lard , , , 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. • 2 00 2 10 Hogs, . , 6 25 7 00 I, T: NEILANS, HARLO�,K • GENERAL. AGENT. Isolated town and village property, as well as farm buildings and stock, insured, Insur- ances effected against stock that may be killed by lightning, If you want insurance drop a card to the above address. MULLOY & FERGIJSON. AIr. James Ferguson has entered into part- nership with Air. D. Alulloy in the Pump snaking business. They are both practical and well experienced men, and are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line, such as Pump Making, u\e11 Digging ia g and Sinking Cisterus, on the shortest notice and most reasonable term, Orders solicited, D, it[l'LLOY, Clinton. Jame 7. .tAe. FERGUSON. T i'MII It! LUSIBEti! 1,D511 -1E (! '1'110 1-1 subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his 5E11,lUth concession of Godcrich'rown- ship, a good;assortutent of Hemlock. !tock and Soft Elm Lumber, Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty, H.igliest cash price paid for first lass Saw Logs. E. 1ICT'r. Cliutomeleu, 23, 18.8,4. V1/`raltlttn's Hair Remover Is pathless, instaiitiTlteous and the only de- platory intim world which does not injure the slim. Price .w2 per bottle. PL (1, LEM- AITLtE, 2311 (ween St. West, Toronto, Do- minion Agent.i ALESME WANTED. Permanent poli• t tions guaranteed with SALARY LAKY mad EXPENSES PAID. An W determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock complete, in- cluding many fast -selling specialties. Outfit free. Address at once., (Name this paper) BROWN BROTiIERS. Nu rserymen, - - Rochester, N. V. ep-27 9m• • Cr- (11) 1-7. 81('11 Caledonian : Games, The annual C'atledonlau (lames under the au -piece of the Uoderich Caledonian Society, will be hell on the magnificent new grounds • of the NOTUTIIWi STERN - FAIR, —0N --- MONDAY, the 2nd of .1.ULY COMMBVCtNO AT 1 n, M. some years the most successful gators held inC,ntarlahavetaken place in (iode•ioh, and nlrrady the indications are of n greater success than ever before. • SEVERAL INTERESTING, FEAT I'IIF.S have been added to the Prize List. For Partlellittrn see bins and progreme. All eo•respOndence must be addressee[ to M. C. CAMERON, W. 1.. if0itT0 N Cnn r. Colt. St:'. /. 1' STEWART, 1). M oiT,LICI'DDY I'ua.o Mon. Lee I, Mee SI';AFORTH MARKETS tir,\rtR•rti 21,1888. June Wheat, spring, Ile11 an,l white Oats, • Peas, Raney, Butter, Eggs, • Potatoes, • Pork, • Fl ,fit per cwt • MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town of Ciintuln, Under and by virtue of a power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage made by Melissa E. Walker and James S. Walker, to Samuel Fowler, and assigned to the vendor (which Mortgage and assignment thereof, will be producod'onday of sale) there will be sold by public auction, by J,ts,4fewsor:, •A-ttetiottcer_ at the RattenbUl'y House, 'Clinton, SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1888 At the hour of 11 o'clock a.tn., the following real estate, viz:—A11 those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying being Iii the Town of Clinton, in the County one rod and Huron, containing together oY H g fourteen s( aero {porches of land, be it more or less, being composed of town lot number eight hundred and thirtoen,ie the said Towti of Clinton, situate on the south side of Hur- on St„ find the north 'part of town lot num- ber nit I ••ci'ht hundred and thirty-five, situate )Ct b the north side of Mary St., intim said Town of Clinton, and which said north part may be better described as comprising the whole of said last mentioned lot excepting the por- tion thereof heretofore sold to the Loudon, Huron & Bruce Railway Company. • There are upon said premises a storey . and a half frame dwelling 18 x 22 and 16 x-18 with a one storey frame addition 14 x 20 on the south, a Mateo stable 18 x 22, The pro- perty is conveniently and pleasantly situated, and is a desirable place for residence. TERMS or SALE. -10 per rent of the•pur- chase money to be paid to the vendor or his solicitors on the day of sale, and the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest,. Further terms and particulars made known on -day of sale or upon application to alt(' Un- dersigned. • A Clinton, May 29111, 188't, :SIANNIN(l & SCOTT', Solicitors for Vcn•lor. SO 95 a 100 0 95 a 1 00 O 18+ a 049 O 60 a 0 60 0 60 a 0 70 011 a 014 013 a 013 • 0i0 a 060 • 6 10 a 700 • 200 a 2 50 SEE THEI1t SPECIAL LINE OF DRESS GOODS at 8c. —AND THEIR— Bonanza Parasol at 40c. Corsets 25 cents J G. DETLOR & CO., CL=NTCN-- --CHF7.AP— BOOTS ; and :SHOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S hull lines in everything in the Foot West Very Low 'for Cash.• See my Meir aP-B s o sGrticke • ��LacYoss echoes VERY ('HEAP CUSTOM WORK AS, USUAL. • FIVE PER CENT .DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE" Calf 011 C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON ew Stationery 50,000 ENVELOPES best quality and will 1l be sold Cheap,100 Gross CHALK. CRAYONS, Gross. LEAD .PENCILSICrane's finest Lin en NOTE PAPER in A pads, Stafford & Stev- ens; INK, Strong TAGS, Gum LABELS. BLANK BOOKS, PENS and BLOTTING PAPER. NEW FANCY GOODS—A lot•of nice SHELLS, RUBBER BALLS., I Tl ASE BALLS, DOLLS, CARTAGES, FANCY BASKETS, . IIAMMOCKS, WALKING, CANES, ET('. AT W COOPER, -- Seaver Block ashiii ton"s_.. v O O I — X71 -NTE 17 Dr. �v � NEXT VISIT Throat and Lung Surgeon, OP TURox't' 1 1V31 hent tlm. Ilaildibury Hose 1VEL/N I':SI),l.y JULY 14, • 11,2 U.\\ Chronic firon('hitis (.Citral, Aa Englt,h Church (.'ler}0man spells. Ittetory, Corm% al I, Ont, Drt \�'Asutxurm,- 1)t.An 81n,—J am glad to be able to inform y nu that my daughter k quite well :wain. As this IN the second time she hos been cured of grave bronch'nl troubles under) nnr tt•eit' mind, when the figural remedies failed. i write to expre,s my gratitude. Please accept my sincere thank,, Yours truly, 1'. B PETTIT. DIsEAAP.S Tar.ATon,—Cntan•h of the dead and Throat, Catarrh, Donft,e-s, Chronic Itronchltb, Asthma and Consumption. Alen less of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, i'ntcpus of the nose removed. Come earl,, Consultation free. A few of the mafie eoreil.bi Dr Vnshingtot,+ new method. II II Stnrey, of Storrs ,t Snn, manufacturers, Mien, Ont, also Prev'd Manufacturing Ass„ of Cnundn. permanently cur, o f Catarrh, by Or %Vnshinelen, fti5rouon eed incurable IT noted specialists In ilii, country end Europe. Write him for particuio"s, Mrs John AJc5(c'c}. I(im:-tee, Pint, ('ut,rrrh and consumption. Jelin Me11.lty, Iiinttdon, 0dt, Catarrh. Mrs A Iiopping, 1 ingct,m, Una; Broncho con, suniptlnn. Mr 1) Scott, I(ing,ten, (,fit, (.'atnrrlt, hand and throat. Mrs John Bertram, ilarrbe•stalth, Old, Ca- tarrh, head and throat. Atiee Mary A Bomhourg, Centreville, Ont, Catarrh, head and throat. Junes Mathews, P Master, Acton Ont. A E Fish, Gents Furnlshhtgs, Belleville, Ont cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Saui hunt P 0, Ont, (near Nn• punee) of Catarrh held threat and lung+, Heart office 21.e Yor'{c Street, Termite. Con. sltltotion Fres- --AT Tlli:---- CLINNTON WOOLLEN MILLS Either (':t -L fit• 'r•rad'. Having rented the Clinton Woollen Mills, I intend. ' running altogeti: r on custom work. Farmers leaving their wool with • 1.:2 can have it manufactured into TWEEDS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL or YARN Having had 25 years experience, I know I can give satisfaction. I have on hand. a large stock of FINE and COARSE TWEEDS, also fine and coarse FLAN- NELS, BLANKETS, YARNS and I[OSIERY of all descriptions, which I will trade fir wool or sell cheap for cash. Farmers give me a call before you , part with your wool. ROLL CARDING a specialty. ,aOHN O'1"`77. TAYLOR &SONS Our Specialties are KrisclifiregsawSINNINIfiram The best goods in the market WE HAVE CHEAP GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST ''FI!(E SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT DET FOR ('ASH W c, TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND MATH,