HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-06-08, Page 7Men FRIDAY, JUN127 8, 1888. LOCAL NOT/CES. Hemlock Lumber for sale, inch boards, scantlin and Joist apply to.C,OttPoN PER- ItIN or to W. H. PERRIN. Car Fencing Wire, all Diads, Binding cord' Alabastine. R. M. RACF,Y, Clinton - Eggs taken in exchange for goods at CHRIS. DICKSON'S •Book Store, Clinton. Full Stock of Cut Nails, Best Coal and ilover. U. perM. II'ACEY., 8 w WHITE LIME. -- ANY PERSON RE- Qoiau+a White Lime for building pur- Fposes can be supplied by COOKER .dc-SWAF. IELD, e.t their will on Wellington St.. neat to Doau's tannery. 2i SHINGLES. -500 bunches of first-class Shingles at a 31.65 per square. No. 2 at .$1.15• Also, a quantity of Hemlock Lumber. JAS. TWITCHELL, Clinton. We would call your attention to the adver- tisement in these columns of S PALLISER & CO. Itis a well known fact•that this firm keeps the best quality of Groceries the mar- ket can procure. 11 HARDWARE: Just received a fresh supply of Barb and other. Fence wire, Steel nails, Tarred and Build- ing paper, Carpet felt,Spades, Shovels, Bakes, Hoes, and all kinds of guilders' Hardware. We have a large stock of the above goods and are offering them at very low prices. Rave - troughing and all kinds of tin work a specialty. Tinware at reduced prices. 8 milk pans for $1.00. HARLAND BROS, Clinton. NOTICE. DR. APPLETON has return- ed and resumed the practice of his profession. Clinton, April 14th, 1888. E011111 Belli 0. Goon Wortk.-Mr Jos.Rattenbury, sr., a man who is about 70 years of age, the other day .gut a cord of wood, a single cut,in one hour. This would use up men much younger 4in years. Seamen BUILDING. -A meeting of the school board was held on Tuesday evening, when the tender of Cooper & Swaffield, for the new school build- ing, at $1138, was accepted, it being the lowest of three. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. -A meeting of the West Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in Manchester, on Thurs- day and Friday, June 14 and 15, the first session beginning at one• o'clock p.m. Election of officers will take place, and the following gentlemen are expected to be present to deliver addresses: -Hon A, M. 'toss, Messrs Robert Porter and John McMillan, M. P's., and others. MINISTER OF A(uuCui,TURE.-We are pleased to announce that lion. Chas. Drury, Commissioner of Agri- culture for Ontario, in response to an invitation from the directorate of the society, has signified his intention of being present at the Central Fair, Clinton, to be held on the 19th, 20th and 21st of Sept. This will be the first visit of the hon. gentleman to this section, and as he is a practical agriculturist we have every reason to believe he will be heartily welcomed is in Canada. Our contemporary by bis fellow farmers. might have quoted that as against A JOLLY LOT. -A crowd of De_ 15', ceuts in New York. Canada trioters, among whom were Drs Len• heads the market so far. -News lie - cord. I Our cotem is begging the ques- tion. Eggs are quoted at New York shows his patriotism by shipping to at 161, not at15k, and Mr Canteion • 1iiR•Tklleg beegbt ,aplee44 tbreetsear+ aid, Tepti t sties eu Mr J. K', Anderson, eederieb' tow4- ship, this week, at y140, and could have sold her on arrival in town, at $175. FINEp.-A yaul4 darned Barge was up before the Pollee Magistrate, on Tuesday, fur comnlitting an assault upon Mr Freeman, on t3.uuday even- ing. liewas fined iF2 and costs, amounting in all to about $6. INDISPUTABLE FACT.•=•-Qlinton at the present time posseases railway ad- vantages superior to many other parts of Ibe county.- Godericb Signal. (You have known tbisfor a long time, but have not cared to admit it before. DOESN'T TRAVEL MUCH. - Mr Thos. Stevenson, one of the oldest residents of this place, concluded be would visit some friends in Goderich last week, and did so. There's noth- ing singular in this, but there is in the fact that he had not previously been there for thirteen years. THEFT. -On Monday night a num- ber of tools were stolen from McKen- zie's Planing Factory, and offered for sale in Holmesville the next day. The thieves were employees discharg- ed from the circus while it was here. A couple of persons were arrested in Godericb, on suspicion of being the guilty ones, brought here by Con- stable Paisley, and committed for trial by Police Magistrate Williams, on Tbussday. DIDN'T CATCH HIM. -On Tuesday night the sum of $130 was stolen from Bailey's hotel Goderich,and sus- Llittle JioeaI , tetele• Waage h M>ss $acge, of Detroit, is homer OH visit. DIM Hill; ofToronto,has,been the guest of Ml Mita Mgi'bersee, pf Weodstgek is visiting friends in town„ 'MRS Oc4villei sof ; '0120k ' Ke., is visiting her old ftiends here, sign. I. Bezzo has, started' a' dray. This makes the.-.iijird one running. MR John Steep has been confined to the house several days by illness. WE are pleased to see that the wife of Mr Chas. Wilson is now able to be out. Ma Petro, of Hamilton, succeeds Mr Lyon, as teller at the Molsons MRs John Wiseman has returned to town, after an absence of several weeks. GODERICH Caledonian games will be held on the 2nd of July, with un- usual attractions. Ma W. Rumball has gone to Sault Ste Marie, where he purposes work- ing for the summer. Miss C. H. `Mountcastle is enjoy- ing njoy ing the lake breezes at Godericb, stopping with Mrs W.T. Bays. J. J. KNIGHT, of Harriston, fora- erly of Exeter, bas taken the position of operator at the station here. MR James Ferguson, of Blyth, has gone into partnership with Mr D. Mulloy,in the pump -making business. MRs James Stevens, of the base pieion meting on a certain'ndividual• line, was taken soddenly ilLthis week Constable Yule, of Goderieh, was detailed to follow him. Yule took the morning train from Goderich for Clinton, on Wednesday, and the fel- ' and is yet unable to leave her room. Mas W. Martin goes to Paris this week, where she will remain a couple of mcnths with her daughter, Mrs low took the same train, but rode be- McLean. tween two cars. It is said the fellow MR Sam Booth has very much im- proved the appearance of the pro. perty he some time ago purchased on Victoria St. THE Doherty Organ Band has been asked to take part in a band tourna- ment at Walkerton on the 8th and got his breakfast at Reynold's hotel, came up town and 'started by the Huron road for Seaforth. Yule came up shortly afterward and found that the fellow had the start of him, but for some reason or other did . not capture ham. 64513'-153115= 9th of August. "PRAISE FROM Sin RICHARD Is PRAISE INDEED." -The following is furnished us by one who was present: There was a railway meeting at Brus- same time last year. sels on Friday last, attended by dele- MR John Campbell (at T. McKen- gates from the municipalities between zie's) received a telegram on Satur- that place and Goderich. Several day night informing him of the death men stood in a group, on the main ofa brother at Chicago. street of Brussels, discussing the merits of the differeut places in the MR Thos. Rumball, for some time county,when one remarked, " There's connected with the railway here, has no use talking, boys, Clinton is the been transferred to the freight de - liveliest place in the county to -day, partment at Stratford. Of course I would not say that to the REEVE Macmurchie and 1)eputy- Clinton people, but it's a fact all the Reeve Manning are keeping an eye same," Tho speaker was a delegate on the town's interest at the June to the meeting, from a neighboring meeting of the County Council. place, and perhaps had he known MR Smith, the new proprietor of that a Clintonian stood beside him, the Commercial, took possession on he would not have so openly acknow- Friday last, Mr Moore, we are in - ledged what everybody else knows to formed, will go to the Northwest. be true. MR John Middleton, of Goderich, Tam average attendance at the Public :School for the month of May was 440, being 15 higher than for the 1;GGSACTLY.-Quotations show eggs Township, sold eight head of young at 141 cents in Montreal and 15!) cents cattle to Mr A. Couch, the other day, in New York. Citizen D. Cantelo❑ which weighed a total of 9520 lbs. Clinton prefers shipping his hen fruit MR Geo. Robinson intends to go to D1nntreal rather than New York, back to Manitoba and work his land; which goes to show that Mr Caotelon he will be missed in both local sport - is either patriot enough to boycott the ing circles, and also its church work, tarnation Yankees or else he finds THE Saturdayexcursions to Gode- that 14' cents in Montreal nets him rich and Kincrdine commence to more money than 151 in New York.. morrow, Fare from Clinton to Kin - 1C ithout attempting to undervalue cardine $1to Goderich, 40 cents - Mr Cantelon's patriotic principles we good till Monday. rather thiuk he would take that other cent out •of the -Yankees -did the cir- Ma James Biggins, of Clinton, was cumstances permit. By theway eggs in town on Wednesday, calling on are worth30 cents in Edmonton which old friends. Mr Biggins is now 81 years of age but is remarkably active for his years. -Expositor. MR P. Reynolds was arrested on Wednesday afternoon by Inspector Paisley, in default of payment of a Scott Act fine, imposed some time ago, but he paid the fine sooner than go to Goderich. • REEVE Kelly, of Blyth, was seen eagerly reading tbe Glob;, at the station. on Tuesday. This no evi- dence that he has changed his poli- tical views, but shows that he is will- ing to take all the light he can get. MR J. Beesley, who has been in the Northwest for eight years,is down on a visit, having been granted two months' leave of absence by thee. P. R.,with which company he is engaged. Rumor says he will not return alone. MR Geo. F. Oakes was in town on Monday, and looks very well, con- sidering the long illness he has pulled through. It will yet be some time before he is able to move around with his former agility. He is stopping in town. A MAN belonging to a gang em- ployed on the railway was "run' in" by Constable Tedford, on Sunday, for being drunk and. disorderly ; he was brought before the Police Magis- trate on Monday, who fined him $2 and costs. • An exhibition of a chemical fire extinguisher was given on the market on Tuesday night; The apparatus showed that it would do what was required of it in ;:.sea of small fires, but the test•fire was too large for the capacity of the machine. Mit Chris Dale, sr., •and wife were in town on Tuesday, visiting an old and esteemed friend, Mr A. Dods - worth. Mr Dale is as vigorous and active as a three-year old steer, and looks better than we have seen him looking for some time. THE Expositer is incorrect in stat- ing that the population of Clinton was always ahead of Seaforth. It is true that Clinton had an existence before Seaforth, but if the Expositer will refer to its fyles of 1876-79 it will find that Seaforth had the start in poini of population. Now, however, Clintbn has the lead by 348. SOME of our subscribers have paid their arrears since our hint last week, but there are any number more who have not. $1.50 from each of those owing us, would take a heavy burden off, our shoulders, and make life brighter. Reader,if•you owe us,please pay it up, and if you.don't you can afford to smile at the way we are try- ing to wake up " the other fellow." We had a call on Monday from Mr James T. Johns. a well-known newspaper man, and lately connected with the Ottawa Free Press. He is now acting as special manager for Howe's Circus, and while he will no doubt make more money in his pre- sent connection.he will not exercise the moral influence he would have done bad he remained at newspaper work. For further iocn1 ne'vs see our first nox, Hunter and Pettingill and Messrs Weissinger, Campbell, Shaw, Watson, and Fleizell,of Adrian; came here on Wednesday to attend a wed- r•Buffalo- a similar -Market to New diug, and they determined to have a jolly time while here, so they hired York- in preference to Mon Bezzo's dray, and seated in chairs tical: Eggs at Denver are 40 thereon drove all around town. The cents a dozen, so that the compari- created considerable amusement,more son of their being 30 cents, at especially when the waggon took a Edmonton amounts to nothing. Why is it that sudden lurch and threw them all off. five car loads at a time are They were photographed by Dir sent to New York, if Montreal is a Foster. better .market . Just close the Ameri- r - can market against Canadian eggs Too LENIENT -Dr Williams,Police and see,where the price will go to. J Magistrate, may not be aware of the fact, but fact it is nevertheless, that IMPROVEMEN•I•S AROUND Tows. - his judgments, especially in cases of Accompanied by Mr Searle, a repre- drunkenness or asssult, have given a senta}ive of this paper drove around good deal of dissatisfaction among town to see what improvements were people who look upon these decisions going on, and the result fully justifies as being altogether too lenient, and 'the position we have so often taken calculated rather to encourage law- lessness than otherwise. Thd safety and interests ofa community are al- ways greater than those of an indivi= dual, and it is just possible to show mercy where it is undeserved; anyhow, we know a s,00d many people who would like to see wrongdoers snore rigorously dealt with. WORLD-WIDE REPuCATION.-The following clippingfrom.aNew York hat journal speaks well for the well known firm of Jackson tiros.: -Messrs Jackson Bros., Clinton, have an es- tablishment which fur appearance, style and convenience will compare favorably with . most metropolitan houses. This firm enjoys a very ex- tensive trade in clothing, hats and furnishing goods, which is pot con• fined entirely to the town of Clinton. They have a host of customers from the adjaceut towns and villages. Their reputation as a wideawake house who look sharply after the needs of the trade is well known. Once a year they visit the English market and their countenance is well known amony many of the leading hat houses in New York. CATTLE TRADE. -Clinton is daily becoming more and more a recognized centre for trade, and in no way is this more strikingly shown than in the cattle business, buyers getting cattle delivered here from remote parts of the county. Mr W. McLean shipped a quantity last week, some of which came from the neighborhood of Dungannon, and among tbe lot being the following animals :-W. Rion, Tuckersmitb, 3 head, weighing 1450, 1360, 1430 ; C. Lovett, Goderich township, 2 head, 1240, 1310 ; Mr Ivens, 2 bead, 1480,1500 ; W. H. Ball, Mullett, 7 head, 1280, 1350, 1:270, 1'230, 1370,1400,1200 ; G. Thompson, 8 head, 1240, 1140, 1300, 1250, 1290, 1340, 1313; J. Ferguson, 3 head, 1250, 1230 ; Mr Wilson, 9 head, 1420, 1800, 1200, 1270, 1460, 1230, 1250, 1190, 1320; W. Million, 4 head, 1180,1090, 1080, 1130; W. Robertson, Goderich township, 2 head, 1370,1450; J. Tews- ley,Colborne, l head,1280; W.Mutch, East Wawanosh, 5 Bead, 1300, ]340, 1380, 1180, 1240, that marked and material progress is being made in all parts of the town. The following list may not embrace all that is being done, but it will give those who do not go all over town an idea of what is being done. In St, John's Ward -Mr Joe. Pickett has a fine two-storey house nearly com• pleted, while immediately to the rear .f him Mr Angus Cole has material ready for a house. Mr Hearn has put up a neat fence between his pro- perty and that of Mr Doan. Mr A. Correll hits made an addition to his house, anis finishing a neat picket fence. Dr Thos. Cottle has his two- storey fradle house on Wellington St. nearly completed. Mr Thos. Walker has a new stable erected on bis lots near the railway ; Mr George Hanley has made quite an addition to his house ; Mr James Ross has the frame of his new house up.. Mr D. B. Ken- nedy is completing a two-storey brick; on Mary street; Mr Gagen has made an addition to his cottage. In St. James' Ward -Mr Joyner has put up a new stable ; Mr John Johnston has two frame houses en Townsend street; Mr Pay has added a summer kitchen, Mis Crich is putting up a frame house just off Ontario street, and Mr Perrin has a neat gas -pipe fence in front of bis brick cottages. In St. Andrew's Ward -Mr A McKenzie is adding a storey to his house, Mr James Steep is finishing up his brick house, Messrs Gilroy, Combe, Petrie and Clark are getting gas -pipe fences ; Mr Knox has made an addition to his house on William street, and put up a neat' picket fence. Messrs Mennel and Cooper are putting up new fences.and Mr D. Robertson is erecting a forme house on Mill street. In St.George's Ward --The barns on the Andrews farm, on Queen street, are being re- moved to the back of the farm;- Mr Jaeotf Miller is making extensive ad- ditions to his house, Messrs W. Steep, Wheatley and Martin are petting up new fences. Mr Bowers is improving one of hie houses on Huron street, and Mr R.. Fitzsimons is putting up a gas -pipe fence. This listonly em- braces work under way ; quite a num- ber of impravemtlnta have been fin - 71, from • LIS:II1O$$ Acting on the advice of my physicians in Edinburgh and Clinton, I have resolved to go out of business, unless my health improves satis- factorily. I will sell my large stock of goods at very Low Prices. Wall Papers, Window shades Spring Rollers, Baby Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Baskets, Walking Sticks Base Balis & Bats. ished that are not enumerated here. page• IN -:- THE :-: SAME :-: OLD :-: SPOT :-: READY TO DO BATTLE WITH ANYTHING ON THE STREET. ALWAYS remember we sell CHEAP ; we give you GooD GooDs, and will not, be undersold by anyone. See what we have to offer in. CHEAP PRINTS. See what we can show you in - DRESS GOODS. Cheap Corsets, - Low Priced Hosiery, Gloves and--P-arasols At Sacrificing Prices. ASK TO SEE THEM. CheapWAITE COTTONS, Law Priced GREY COTTONS We want to reduce our stock by, the first of July, and to clo that we have to give bargains, and we're going to give you great bargains. Come and satisfy yourselves that we sell cheap ; we 'can convince you no other way. GEO E PAY & CO. C h r i s. D i c k s o n, C I 1 n t O n THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. IBARGAIN$ --AT JACKSON'S FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE. OUR GREAT LINE OF PANTS AT - $2 00 OUR WONDERFUL SUITS AT - - 7 00 OUR WONDERFTJL SUITS AT - - $10 00 OUR BOYS SCHOOL PANTS AT - - 85 OUR GREAT CHILDRENS SUITS AT 1 50 It will lly, and pay big to buy your clothing from us. We are the Cheapest House in the County for re- liable Clothing, We manufacture everything ourselves, and for fit, make and price, we discount ordinary ready made clothing. We are always pleased to show people through our establishment. JACKSON :-: BROS Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, GL.INT()N. ., SMMZR M w ILLINERT 1 -A FINE ASSORTMENT OF White :Light Colored Hats FOR SUMMER WEAR. IMMENSE STOCK OI? NEW TRIMMINGS. -LADIES :-: SUMMER : -: VESTS - IN GAUZE, BALBI1IGAN AND CASHMERE. Ladies' and Childrens Reversible Circulars IN BLACK AND BLUE AND SLIN(4 sr,EEVE CAPE. -FINE LINE ON' - Lawns i Lawn Embroideries BARGAINS in COTTON, LISLE and SILK HOSIERY. LACE MITS in the latest styles andngs. GLOVES in Kid, Lisle, Taf- feta and Silk. A SPECIAL JOB LIME OF CHILDREN'S SAILOR HATS Pi5ICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. SEE THEM. IMMENSE ASSORTMENT RELIABLE, TRUSTY, SERVICEABLE GOODS MARKED AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium.