HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-06-08, Page 6• • i r. T. it. Eew8Qf, or Bele.e. Wi r . We are prepared for the Hot Weather with a splendid range of PARASOL. WHITE AND COLORED MUSLINS, LAWNS, Laces& Flouncings, Men's and Ohid's Straw Hats 7 IN PARASOLS we are showing a line of Black Satin at $1, worth $1.50. Best value in town. IN MUSLINS we have a full range from 5 e. IN LACES we can suit everyone. We have a stock of over 50 pieces, in White and Cream, which we are selling at lowest prices. IN STRAW HATS we haVe an immense variety, all sizes, all shapes and all prices. T. JACKSON, SR PROPERTIES FOR SALE ;,...HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -A frame X111 house and lot on Albert Street north. - The lot is one-quarter of an acre. Will be sold very cheap. Apply to MRS. WHITT, or C. A. HARTT, Clinton. 42cc��� WILL BUY THE HOUSE AND epleie'7U Lot owned by the undersigned, and occupied by Mr Lawrence, on Huron St., Clinton. Hard and soft water and good sta- ble, Terms of payment easy. Apply to JNO, CALLANDER,24 Stanly St., London South, PROPERTY •FOR SALE, -SUBSCRIBER offers for sale an acre of land situated at Alma, on the Huron Road, three-quarters of which is sot out with bearing Apple, Plum and Pear trees, and Red, White and Black Currant and Gooseberry bnshes and on the lot is a small Frame House, good stable and barn and good spring water, Will be sold on reasonable terms. Situate 5 miles front Clinton, and 31 from Seaforth. For pa•ticu- lara apply on the premises, or to Seaforth post office. MARGARET DENEVEN. 1" -PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN CLINTON. The undersigned has been instructed by his brother to offer for sale on very reason- able terms, the followin properties in the Town of Clinton: -1st, The property at pre- sent occupied by Mr James Walker, on the south side of Huron Street, consisting of two lots, on which is erected a frame house, sta- ble, and other outbuildings. 2nd, A house and lot at the terminus ofd Rattenbury St. 3rd, The store and lot on Victoria St., now occupied by Mr .r, 13, Crossett, Full particu- lars on applidatiol. (II. R, WALKER, Clin- ton, F1RM FOR SALi•E OR TO RENT. -'T'HA'I' splendid farm of 110 acres, on the Mait- land concession, being lot 77, Goderich town- ship, situated 1 miles from Holtnesville, and four miles from the town of Clinton. The soil is a good clay, loath, with a ueverfailing spring creek rutming'through the place; also good wells. There is about 8 acres of bush, which is one of the bent sugar bushes in the county ; also two frame barns, ono a bank barn, one frame horse stable, with room for ten horses, also two good • bearing orchards, being about six acres in all; two good In houses. About 45 acres seeded down. Will bo sold on reasonable terms, or rented to good tenant. ALEX IIADOUR, Holmesville Pest Office. MONEY TO LEND- ON GOOD MORT- GAGES, or personal security, at the lowest current rates. M. btc'l'AGGAItT, Clinton, -Feb. 91, 1588. BOARDERS, A LIMITED NUMBER CANbe accommodated with good board and .comfortable roosts; about throe minutes' walls from the post office, Townsend street MRS. VanTASEL. - T. WALKER, VETERINARY SURGEONJ Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Telegraphic messages promptly at leaded to. Ofhoe-Londesborough. Gilt. BUGGY FOR SALF,. - UNDERSIGNED 17 offers for sale, cheap, a top buggy, al- most new, Armstrong Improved Eureka gear. may bo seen at F. Rumball's Carriage Shop, Clinton, W. W. SPARLING, THOILOI3RED DURHAM 13ULL FOIL HER - VICE, -Subscriber keeps for serviee, on lot 34, 9th concession of Hallett, a Thorobred Durham Bull of good pedigree. Terms, $1, with privilege of returning if W. necessary. "PULLAIR FOIL SERVICE, --THE SUTISCR1I1- sa keeps for service, on his promises lot 12, and eon„ of Hallett, a first-eln.ss bull, two thirds thorn -bred, 'terms, ?1 at time of service, with privdlien of rcrrruinq if nec- essary, HENRY RRERMAN, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY P�1►1 I.. • For full information1.1V;!,,•'' in reference to travel to all parts oNt o world, write or call on e96 W. JACKSON (.P.11. AC,ENT, CLINTON, °NT. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: ACCIDENT INSURANCE. -IF YOU ARE going away from home, or if you are going to remain at home, take out an Acci- dent Insurance Policy, for there is no telling what may happen to you. A man does not require to be laid up in bed to draw his al- lowance, in case of accident. A. 0. PATTISON, Agent. BOARDERS WANTED, - Two or three young men can be accommodated with comfortable rooms and board, at reasonable rates. House only two minutes walk from thent post office, MR, S. HARTT, \'ictorla-st., almost directly opposite the residence of Mayor Whitehead. . ape -20-111). LUMBERILUMBER!LUMBERI THE subscriber has on hand and for sale, at his Mill, 16th concession of Goderieh Town- ship a good assortment of Hemlock, Rock and SoftElm Lumber. Cutting Bill Lumber a specialty. Highest cash price paid for first lass Saw Logs. E. BUTT. Clinton, Jan, 25, 1888. • ''I�1NTRANCE EXAMINATION.-'rHE; EX- .iJatntnatton for admission of pupils to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes of the County will be held in Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham on the 4th,5t11,t 8th (lays • of and 6y July,nomunencing at :301, ut, on Wednesday the 4th. All candidates who intend to write will send their names and addresses to the undersigned not later than the 24th of May, specifying at what place they wish to write. A fee of fifty cents will be required from each Pupil. This will be paid to the Presiding Ex- aminer on the first day of examination. DeMACU MALLOCH, may-1,3mts. Lisp, 4', S., N, Huron. NOTICE TO CREi)iTORS The creditors of Mnrtri:vnr:n• C'.1r,e1,ot,u1. late of the Township of (ioderic•li, in the Cotttty of Huron, widow, deceased, who died 'on or about the twenty-eighth day of March. A.D., 1888, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid, on or before the fourth day of Jtinc next, to Metiers C. and.J.IRiclont, Clinton P.o, executors of the last will and testament of the said Margaret Colclough, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, 8 state- ment of their accounts, lir Tthe nature of the securities (if an, )held by them, and innne- diately after the fourth day of June next, the assets of the said Margaret Colclough will bo distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been furnished, as -above required, and the executors will not be liable for the assets so distributed, or•any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by then at the time of such distribution, CHARLES IIIDOUT, j r.x,,cutors. JOHN 3tlDOUT, I Dated this 4th day of April, A,D„ Reis, 1:IOIITGAGE .4ATAL O1' 'Valuable Property in the Town of Clinton. - t'nder and by virtue of a power of sn.leeon- tained it) a ecrtain mortgage made by Melissa E. Walker and ,James 5, Walker, to Sarrtuol Fowler, assigned to the vendor and assign- ment thereof (which mortgage will be pro- duced nn day of sale) there will be sold by Public- auction, by JAs. Hows'N, Auctioneer, at the RnttenbTlrc House, Clinton, SATURDAY, JUNE JJNE 23rd, 1888, At the hour of 11 o'clock n.m., the following real estate, vies -,411 those certain parcels o• trusts of land and premises, situate, lying being in tho Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, containing together one rod and fourteen square perches of land, he it more or less, being composed of town lot number eight hundred and thirtoen,ir the said Town of Clinton, situate on the south side of Bur- en St„ and the north •part of town lot num- ber Dight hundred and thirty-five, situate on the north sideP n Mary St., in the said Town of Clinton and which said north part may he better described as comprising the whole of said last mentioned lot excepting the por- tion thereof heretofore sold to the London, Huron & Bruce Railway Company. There are upon said premises a storey and a half frame dwelling 18 x 22 and 16 x 18 with a one storey frame addition 14 x 20 on the south, a tramo stable 18 x 22. The pro- perty is conveniently andpleaiantlysituated• and is a desirable phaco for residence. TFRIIRR OP HALF., -19 per cent of the pur- ebaae money to bo paidtotbo vendor or his solicitors on the day of sate, and the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest. Further terms and particulars made known on day of sale or upon application to the un- dersigned. Clinton, May 29th 1888. 14MANNING ,te SC(4'T, Solicitors for Vender. vine, is considering an offer- frown the U0y0rn4101:1t of Japan to go to that country (Or sever ).rear' to superintend railway oQlnbtruction. He also has an offer from a rail- road in Utak and"Colorado. A number of Canadian and New Yorkers propose to buy from tho Canadian Pacific Company the section of its road between Ottawa and Quebec and make it part of a through line from Quebec to the Sault. Willie Grondin, 4 -year-old son of Alex. Grondin, farmer, living about seven. miles from Essex Centre, was on Monday afternoon burned to death. Ho and two other children were playing with fire in the stove while the mother was out, and in some way his clothes caught fire. Wild with terror ho ran out of the house and in a [moment was enveloped in flames. Before assistance reached him the child was so badly burnt that he died in about an hour. The mother's hands were severely burned while trying to save the boy. 1)r. Washington's Visits. A FEW FACTS TO BE REMEMBERED. 1. Dr Washington is a native of Ca- nada. 2- He is a regular graduate, passing his examinations in Toronto, in 1872, with honors, obtaining -the diplomas of M. D., L. C. P. S. O,, etv. 3. Since 1880 he has been devoting his whole time to diseases of the head, throat and lungs, having visited Boston and New York, taking a special Polo- clynic course of diseases of the "Air Passages," including Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Consumption, loss of voice, enlarged tonsils, removing Polipii, or growths of the nose, etc., etc. 4. He is the only Throat and Lung surgeon in Canada devoting his whole time to these special diseases. 5. His "new method" of conveying directly to the seat of disease by inhala- tion has proved the demonstration of the fact of its grand superiority over the old and obsolete system of dosing the stomach. 6• The [new testimonials he gives of the most wonderful and almost marvel- ous recoveries of some of the most pro minent people in Canada is a guarantee of the merits of his treatment. 7. He gives th'e name in full, post office address, (clot merely the initials, which might refer to any Tom, Dick or Harry,) and invites any who are inte- rested to write for full particulars. 8• He resides in Toronto.. 9. He makes monthly visits. examin- ing and treating all patients personally, and is, therefore, wholly responsible. His next visit to Clinton will be June 13, from 2:25 sharp till 6 p.nt. 10. This is the best season to test all diseases of the "Air Passages," 11. Procrastination is often the cause of patients landing beyond hope. 12, --Catarrh, in 90 cases in 100 leads to consumption. 13. Remember the dates, and if you desire to see Dr Washington you must come during the hours he advertises. 14. Consultation free. MONTREAL LIVESTOCK MAP;; ET About 100 cattle, 340 calves and 169 sheep and Iambs offered at the East End abattoir. The demand was very active The market was cleared before eleven o'clock. Prices advanced and butchers talk of advancing prices for meat. No prospects for cheaper cattle till grassfed stock comes in. Good beeves sold readily at.51, best at 6c. Calves more plentiful but good demand and full prices paid; common from $3 to $5 and superior from $6 to $10. Sheep and lambs in good demand from $3 50 to $6 each for sheep and from $2 50 to $6 for lambs. Hogs not so plentiful andadvancing.6ic Receipts of horses for th&week ending June 2nd, 262; left over from previous week. 27; total for the week, 289;• sales for the week,28 at from $100 to $180; on hand for sale and shipment,70. Busi- ness for the American markets is fairly active. Many buyers are asking for heavy horses. • TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Receipts of stock on the western cat- tle market here for this week were only twenty one loads. including about 200 hogs, 30 sheep and lambs, and about 40 calves. The market could have taken a few more of all kinds excepting export cattle, which were easy, Last week's re- ceipts were 1,198 cattle, -261 sheep -and lambs and 350 hogs. Offerings of but- chers' cattle were light, and under a good demand they were hardly sufficient and prices advanced about 120 per cwt. Tops brought $5.25 per cwt. Export cattle were slow, with the feeling easier in symathy with thelunfavorable advices from.England. Prices were not quot. abPy changod,'ranging from $5 to $5.25. Lambs are offered freely but at easier prices they have all sold. Prices steady at $3.50 to $4.25 per head. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, .lune 7, 1888. Wheat., spring, • - 0 95 a 1 00 Wheat, white and red • 0 95 a 1 00 Oats . Barley Peas Floor, per;cwt Potatoes Butter Eggs Pork • Hay • Sheep pelts Lamb skins Hides, • Wont, • - 0500050 - 065a070 O 65 a 065 200 a 225 050 a 070 014 a 015 O 11 a 013 11175 a 700 800 a 8 50 O 50 a 075 060 a 080 500 a 550 018 a 018 I3LYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for Nsw ERA every Thursday Blyth, June 7, 1388. Fall wheat, red, per bush, , 90 a 95 Fall ' new 9•i a 9.5 Oars 48 a 50 Barley , Oil a 70 Peas . 55 a 60 Potatoes, per bus • 60 a 70 Eggs per doz - 1 11 a 12 Butter,rolle . , 11 a 15 Cheese . 1:5 a 15 Lard , 10 a 12 Flour per cwt, . . 2 00 2 10 fiogo, , . 6 25 7 00 8EAFORTH MARKETS SEAFORTH, .June 7, 1888. Wheat, spring, • $0 95 a Red and white • • fJ 95 a Oats, • - . 0 44 a Peas, - - ^0 60 a Barley, • 0 60 a Butter, 0 15 a Lgge, • • 0 0 a Potatoes, • 0 50 a Pork, - • 6 50 a Flour per owt • 2 00 a 1 00 1 00 O 49 0 65 0 70 O 15 0 12 0 65 7 00 2 50 HAVE JUST OPENED OUT A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW ST.TN,1VIER GOODS. ( NEW LAWNS AND MUSLINS, NEW NUNS VEILING in BLACK and CREAM. NEW LADE BUNTINGS, &e. -----= MILLINERY OUR STOCK OF SUMMER MILLINERY IS VERY COMPLETE. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR. CASH. • JOHN WISEMAN Manager. ' Estate J. HOENB. OBERTSO N 'S Tremendous SlaughterSale IS STILL. GOING ON, THE WHOLE OF HIS IMMENSE STOCK o err Gey Cottons at 3c., White Cottons at 5c., Twill Sheet- ings at 10c., Pillow Cottons 12-c., Towels 5c., Towl- ings 5c., Table Linens 20c., Shirtings 8c., llc. and 14c., Cottonades 17c., 20c. and 25c., Prints 4c., 5c. and Sc. Gingham 7c., Best Seersuckers 11c. and 121c., Grey Hollands at 8c., 10c. and 121c., Dress Goods 5c., 10c., 121c. and 15c., Plushes 60c.. Velveteens 38c., Parasols 35c., Satins all shades 35c. and 40c., Lace Curtains 55c.1i Corsets 38c., Gents White Shirts 48c., Gents Linen Col- lars 10c., Gents Ties 5c., 10c. and 15c. HAVING BEEN CLOSED FOR THREE WEEKS ()U1: 1 Stook is now new and well assorted, it, would therefore pay you if you require any head gear, to buy from us, for you not only get a large va- riety, but you get what you want at cost. Robertson's thlat tori. 50Families Wanted TO BE CALLED UPON FOR ORDERS. EVERY ATTENTION' PAID, AND ORDER FILLED WITH THE G1IEATEST DESPATCII• S. PALLI SE R & CO. NEXT TO TOWN HALL. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the under- signed, its manufacturers of Organs in the Town of Clinton, and carried on under the firm name and style of W. DOHERTY & CO. has this day been dissolved by mutual con- sent, ' All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to William Doherty, at theotlice of the late firm, and all claims against the said partnership are to hz presented to the Said William Doherty. by whom the same will be settled. The business heretofore carried on by the said firm will henceforth be carried on by. W. Doherty. at Clinton aforesaid, under the sante firth name of W. Doherty & Co. W. DOHERTY. J. 0I101150S. G. H. 000K, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gradu- ate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the p011110ss extraction of'teoth. Office over. Jackson's Clothing Store, next to Post Office, Clinton. Will visit every Thursday at Dixon's Hotel Drucefdeld, from 8 to 10.10'R.rn., Varna from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Swart's Hotel, Hi,yftt el. from 2 p.111, Air Night bell answered. 1 y C1)FRH TY OF Sevondand HURO rdOln sl non-profes- sional examinations at the N Collegiate Insti- tutes and High Schools in the county, on Tuesday, 3rd July, at 8:40 a.m, First C., July 10th, at 6,40 a, m. Candidates who wish to write .tt either Clinton or Seafo to must ector, no- tify D. Al, MALr,OCTH, Idsq„ 1 Clinton p, 0„ not later than the 21st of May, stating which of the two schools they intone{ to write at, and those who wish to write at Goderich, must notify Join-) E. Tom, Esq., P. S. inspector, Goderich p.o., at the same date. The notice roust bo accompanied by a fee of $5, or $10 if the candidate applies for the lst class OR well as 2nd class examinations. No name will be forwarded to the Department unless the foe accompanies it, Head Masters of the Collegiate Institutes and high Schools will please send the applications of their can- didates to the Inspector of the division in witich School Collegiate dForeof tatmtit issitete application may be had front the Secretary. PETER ADAMSON, St•:c'v B. exM's, Gutty:lett, April IOIli, 1RRR'-_ _ (ALESM E. 1L1 WANTED, Permanent pod - tines guaranteed with SALAiItT and EXPE:NSEN PAID. Any determined man can succeed with 08. Peculiar in- cluding g manyfn'Lisollh g specintages to benners. alties. Outfit ck free. Address atBROWN 13R0111ERS.s paper) Nurserymen, • - • Rochester, 5, V. ap-22,2m, McKillop !Wool Insurance Co. T; NEILANS, HARLOCK GENERAL AGENT. Isolated town and village property-, os well as farm buildings and stock, insured. Insur- ances effected against stock that may be ]tilled by lightning, If you want insurance drop a carte to the above address. Dr. Washington's NEXT ViSIT 'I'Iiroat nini Lung Surgeon, OF TORONTO Will heat the Raticabary [loan JUNEI3- Will arrive on noon train from Goderich and retrain only till 6 o'clock p. m, Chronic i;ronCar ellitis ed. An English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Cornwall, Ont, DR \\-ASIIINOTON,- DEAR Sl13,-1 nm glad to be able to inform stat that my daughter is quite well again. An this is the second time 8110 has been cured of grave brmnch'al trouble., under your treat mind, when the usual remedies faltu1. 1 write to express my gratitude. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, C. R PETTiT. DTRRASEP TREATER. -Catarrh of the [lead and Throat, Catarrh, Deafne+s, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumptlnn. Also 108s Of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, Polypus of the nose removed. Coyne early. Consultation free, A few of the many cured by Dr Washiugton,s new method. li H Storey, ,,1 Storey & San, manufacturers, Acten, Out, abs Pres'd Mar ufact a ri1g Ass., of Cantela. permanently metre of Catarrh, by Dr Weshingtnn, trenouncel incurable by noted specialists in thin enttt,tr, end Europe. Write him for particulars. Mrs John McKeac. K'm- tr,n, ant, Catarrh and Consumption, )Mtn McKelry, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh, Mrs A Hopping, 1<ingaton, Ont, T3roocho Cm• semptien Mr 1) Scutt, King -ton, furl, Catarrh, heed and throat. Mrs John Rertrani, Ilarrowarnith, Out, Ca- tarrh, head and throat. Misr Mary A Bomhotirg, Centreville; Ont, Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, P Master Acton Ont, A E Fish, Gents Furnishings, Belleville, Ont cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P 0, Ont, (neer Na- panee) of Catarrh heed throat and lungs, Head office 215 Yonge Street, Toronto, Con- sultnt4 tt Free. J.0 DETLOR & Co ARE OFFERING A CASE OE LadiOs Straw Hats' At 25c. Regular prices 75c. to $1.25. , They bought the lot at a price to clear, and are offering them at the above won- derfully low price during this month. SEE THEIR SPECIAL LINE OF DRESS GOODS at 8c. —AND THEIR— Bonanza Parasol at 40c. Corsets 25 cents J C. DETLOR & CO., CIaN'TCN"- --OI A.P OOTS ; and ; SIIOES AT CHAS. CRUICKSHANK'S • Full lines in everything in the Foot Near, Very Low for Cash. See my Mens& BoysericketcPLacrosseShoes VERY CHEAP CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL - FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot _ Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRPCK BLOCK., CLINTON New . Stationery 50,000 ENVELOPES, best quality' and' will be sold Cheap; 100 Gross CHALK CRAYONS, 50 Gross LEAD. PENCILS,(Crane's finest Lin- en NOTE PAPER in pads, Stafford & Stev- ens' INK, Strong TAGS, Gum LABELS. BLANK BOOKS, PENS and BLOTTING PAPER. NEW FANCY GOODS—A lot of nice SHELLS, RUBBER BALLS, BASE BALLS, DOLLS, CARTAGES, FANCY BASKETS, ' HAMMOCKS, WALKING CANES, ETC. AT W COOPER, Beaver Block WOOT_.I - WTA1\TTEID AT THE-- CLINNTON WOOLLEN MILLS Either Cash or Tracie•. Having rented the Clinton Woollen Mills, I intomi running altogeth, r on custom work. Farmers leaving their wool with r.tc can have it manufactured into TWEEDS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL or YARN Having had 25 years experience, I know I can give satisfaction, I have on hand a large stock of FINE and COARSE TWEEDS, also fine and coarse FLAN- NELS, BLANKETS, YARNS and HOSIERY of all descriptions, which I will trade for wool or sell cheap for cash. Farmers give mo a call before you part with yourur) N S \wool.l.ROLL CAIR�DING/ as specialty. a1 Cxi 1 r7 ,TAYLOR &SONS Our Specialties are The bestgoods t market et WE HAVE CHEAP GOODS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST IFINE SEWED WORK A SPECIALTY EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 5 PER CENT OFF FOR CASii W. TAYLOR & SONS CLINTON AND BuYTB,