HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1888-06-08, Page 5X1341:41reMICE 8, •1048.
As we speed out of youth's bunny eta,
The traok seems to shine in the light,
But it suddenly shoots over chasms,
Or sinks into tunnels of night,
And the hearts that were brave in the
Are filled with repinings and fears,
As they pause at the City of Sorrows,
Or pass through the Valley of Tears.
But the road of this perilous journey
The hands of the Master has made;
With all its discomforts and angers,
We need not be sad or afraid.
Paths leading from light into darkness,
Ways plunging from gloom to despair,
Wind out through the tunnel of mid-
To fields that are blooming and fair.
Though the rocks and the shadows sur-
round us,
Though we catoh not one gleam of
the day,
Above ns fair cities aro laughing
And dipping white feet in some bay,
And always sternal forevar, .
Down over the hills in the west,
The last final end of our journey,
There lies the Great Station of Rest.
'Tis the Grand Central points of all
All roads centre there when they end.
'Tis the final resort of all tourists,
All rival lines meet there and blend,
All tickets, all mile -books, all passes,
If stolen, or begged for or bought,
On whatever road or division,
Will bring you at last to this spot.
If you pause at the City of Trouble,
Or wait in the Valley cf Tears,
Be patient; the train will move onward
And rush down the track of the years.
Whatever the place is you seek for,
Whatever your aim or your quest,
You shall come at last with rejoicing
To the beautiful City of Rest.
You shall store all your baggage of
You shall feel perfect peace in this
Yon shall sail with old friends on fair
With joy and delight at the helm.
You shall wander in cool, fragrant gar-
With those who have loved yon the
And the hopes that were lost in life's
You shall find in the City of Rest.
" The 01(1 Oaken Bucket
The iron -bound Bucket
. The Moss.covered Bucket,' •
is very likely the one that has conveyed
poisons to your system from some old
well, whose waters have become con-
taminated from sewers, vaults, or per-
colation from the soil. To eradicate
these poisons from the system, and save
yourself a spell of malarial, typhoid or
bilious fever, and to keep the liver, kid-
ney's and lungs in a .healthy and vigor-
ous condition, use Dr Pierce's Golden
Medical discovery, the greatest blood
purifier of the age.
T. M. Na i rn,M.P.P.,for EastElgin,
a Liberal, died of heart disease on
Friday morning.,
Rev It II Waddell,pastue of the
Mothodsst church, .11ount Forest,
is troubled with an affectron of
the throat and lungs to such an
extent that his doetur has ordered
him to ceasti his pulpit labors for
a time,
A. sound ho'dy and a contended
nthed are necessary to perfect
happiness. It you wish to possess
those, cleanse your blood with
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is per-
fectly safe to take, and is a
thoroughly reliable, highly con-
centrated, a 1 powerful blood
The Egyptiaes are digging up the
bones of English soldiers who per-
ished in the Soudan campaign and
selling them mixed with those of
giraffes, buffaloes and antelopes, for
fertilizing purposes. A ship load of
such bones recentlrarrived at Ali- I
erdeen from A1ex4nthia„
The new law abolishing slavery
in Brazil affects more than a million
of human beings—freeing over 600,-
000 slaves, and freeing from ap-
prenticeship about 300,000 children
of slave mothers. The freedmen, it
is gratifying to note, are hastening
to legitimize their children born of
unsanctifled union by after mar-
riages, which the .law wisely pro-
vides forthus making a bar against
any such difficulty as Judge Tuley,
of Chicago, has conjured up 'as a
peg own' blight to American citi-
zens who had the evil misfortune to
be born in slavery.
A Boston girl, retiring at night,
found n rat in her room. She
dosed the door, and started in
wild pursuit Of the creature about
the room. She was just about to
deal it a crushing blow with the
French heel ofler shoe when the
rat took refuge in the spring of
her bed, quite out of her reach.
Well,' said she, I guess after his
experience ho will stay where he
has found he is tare.' And then
she went tranquilly to bed and
slept all night, and in the morning
rho got a terrier at a _neighbor's,
and the dog ferreted out the rat
and killed it. There have been
able-bodied masculine pet -sons wbo
have leaped madly out of bed upnii
hearing what they supposed to be
a mouse burrowing in the mat-
Children Cry for
, 0
' Viance.gives the least,to charity
'any , civilized aatiow and she
has thefewebt tramps andheggars
1 The smallest circular saw in
praotioal use is a tiny diets about
the size of a British abilling,which
is enipleyed for cutting the slits
in gold pens.
Qsear Davie, of Jersey city
agreed to let two or three men
tickle his tbet thirty minutes for
.$5. In less than ten minutes ho
had offered them 410 to quit work
The largest tree in Ohio was
planted ,by Oliver Comstock, in
, 1823, and now measures 12 feet 7
inches in ,circumference, and cov-
ers a space. of .ground 70 feet it
ctiitThotr. _
A Swiss watch 'manufacturei
has just invented a watch for the
•blind, on the dial of which the
hours are indicated by twelve pro
jeering pegs, one of which sinks
every hour.
A writer in science points out
the fact that if one holds his
breath,, wasps, bees and hornets
( can`bo handled with impunity, in-
asmuch as holding the bl'eath
closes the pores of the skin.
TheSolleiring .it a litit of a fami-
ly who lived in the SUMO house at
Marshellville, Gae. ,up. to a. few
weeks ago .:—One great grandmo-
ther., ono grandmother, three mo-
thers, two daughters, ono grand-
daughter, .one sons ono grandson,
ono great grandson, and three
widows. ..
A man died in a .country -house
in Iowa the other day, who could
recall every public event for the
last 40 years, and could tell on
what days of the week and month
and year it had rained or snowed
for years past. The dime museum
man hotted of him too late.
A son of Sir Stafford Northeoto
is employed asa Clerk in tho Chi-
cago office of the auditor of the
Illinois Central Railroad. Ile is
punctual et his desk and a hard
worker. He is quite affable and
popular in the office, and a favor-
ite in Chicago society.
A record deer hunt near Martin,
Tenn., came to a queer end. After
the sportsmen had chased the deer
fey several miles, and_thesisoneds,
were close at his heels, the 'frigh-
tened animal turned suddenly,
and running up to one of the
hunters, tucked its head under his
arm as if for protection. No one
bad the heart to kill the aid mal,
and the hunt was abandoned.
A great parrot show is to be
held at Turin this summer. Prizes
are to be given for the polly who
tint use the most phrasessand for
the oldest paia•ot. It is.said that
a Polly who has seen 80 years will
be 'present. It is related that,
Cuvier, the celebrated naturalist,
had a parrot in his vestibule who,
upon seeing a strangerswould cry
out : ' What. dii you want with my
master ?' And when a reply was
given would respond : ' Don't talk
too Much.'
Dr J. I.I. Widdifield, of Now -
market, was on Thursday appoint-
ed Sheriff ot the County of York,
by an Order in Council under the
Act passed by the Ontario Legis-
lature during the session of 1887.
Dr Widdifield retired from politi-
cal life after a faithful service to
his constituents I'or fifteen years
or more in the Local House, and
will no doubt make as efficient an
officer of the Goveenment in the
performance of the duties of the
shrievalty es lie was ' a valuable
member or the Legislature. -
Talking of weddings, said a
writer in London Firago, I heard
a ,trang'e remark at .one 1 attend-
ed ;last week. Tho bride was 40,
ant has b.1,000a year, tall and
very handsome, and the bride-
groom was a small .curate of 25.
As they got to the door after the
ceremony a great many friends
earne forward to congratulate them
—the bride being a fiteorite—till,
apparently, the lady's patience
was exhausted, for, seizing hold
of' her husbands arm, she ex-
elaimed emphatically : ' Oh, do
come along; we've had enough of
this !' and, leaving their friends
still .gazing, off they drove.
A Florida newspaper says that
the killing. off of alligators is hay-
ing a -marked `effect on the supply
of water in the cattle country.
AS hen alligators took possession
of a water hole they always. kept
the mud pushed up on the banks,
and even when hundreds of cattle
went to thepool, and by crowding
and pushing filled it with mud,.
the alligators soon repaired the
damage by digging and pushing
back the mud. Nov the cattle.
sten .I around these holes, which
aro filled with mud, and almost
entirely dried up, and wait for
rain ; the only water they get
meantime being from the dew -
covered grass which they eat at
In the coarse uf his address ac-
cepting the pastorate of Plymouth
chnrch, Lyman Abbott said :-.--' I
cannot fi:1 Plymouth church or do
its work, but, with you and your
hands and hearts pulling together,
I have faith to believe that with-
out cross purpose's I can just sit
in the sheet and bold the rudder.
It does net require a very strong
arm to do this. It only requires
a quick ear to hear what the pilot
says, and a hand ready to obey.
If God has called mo he will give
me grace to do the work that He
has laid upon me. Or if He
should call me to fail in the work,
still I have faith to believe that
He will give me grace even to
Pitcher's Castoria;
:111#gata 0901.11. RallW4
Itf14, ttgeA 1uIt 1QtkteRlOtiairinea,
The new U1100010 tenmle in Ot-
tawa was dedicated on Thursday.
Bond StanieYt. of Predlant sated
from. Liverpool fbr Canada, on
No lengthy advertisement is neces-
sary to bolster up Dr Sage's Catarrh
Thirty-two mad dogs were kill-
ed in one day recently in Miller
county, Missouri.
Five men were drowned by a
boiler explosion on a steamer at
Quinoy, 111., on Thursday.
A large steel steamer for the
Canadian Pacific Lake Superior
trade is to be built in Toronto.
Rev 8 B Halliday, fur many
years assistant to Mr Beecher in
Plymouth church, has resigned.
It is estimated that Winnipeg
grain dealers realized $700,000 by
the recent activity in the wheat
The general manager of the
Ceylon railway is said to contem-
plate the introduction of two -sto-
reyed passanger canines.
General Clinton 13. Fitic was
unanimously nominated by the
Prohibitionists for the Presidency
of the States on Thursday.
Rochester's old mills at Ottawa,
of late used as n shook factory,
were burned on Thursday morn-
ing; loss, $100,000.
The cotton manufacturers are
to hold a meeting in Montreal
shortly to consider tho question
of over -production.
Tho schooner Maggio McCrao,
of Toronto, was sunk by the ice a
short distance outside of Thunder
Cape on Thursday. Tho crow
was saved.
A peasant has just died in Ans-
tria-Hungary wile was 142 years
of ago. 110 left a son aged 115
years, and a grandson of 85.
The rate of mortality among
the Indians increases about ten
per cent a year. Tho more they
are civilized the ,faster they die.
The cow -boys have fired so
many bullets into telegraph pules
in certain districts that a gust of
Wii snaps the' pole short off, and
mucn trouble results.
A St Louis physician has cured
a woman of chronic nervousness
by compelling her to Spend fbur
weeks in a boiler factory, where
she couldn't hear herself talk.
Martin Heisler, of Sauk Centro,
is the champion:gopher:catcher of
Minnesota. Last week he receiv-
ed $177.50 as bounty for s.calps
of the little pests.
Immense numbers of stoats and
weasels are being imported,- into
New 2ealand, in order that they
may destroy the rabbits which are
a pest in that country.
Mr John Ker, police magistrate
of Niagara Falls South, died on
Tuesday night, aged 82. For up-
wards of 60 years he had acted in
the capacity of magistrate, and
claimed,very many friends in the
Niagara district.
Moses Williams, of Brooklyn,
wrapped a newspaper around
$5,000 in greenbacks and left the
parcel on a dam in a Now York
hotel for three hours'. Those .who
noticed it seethed to think t , was
an old shirt, and several persons
were quite put out when Moses
rushed in and gave the contents
In the trial of a ease at West
Chester, Pa., the other day one of
the jurors used the soles of his
shoes on which to jot down cer-
tain figures and memoranda. On
one shoe was the debit account,
and on the other thecredit. In
the jury room these figures settjod
the question involved' in the case,
havieg first being verified fsem
the stenographer's notes.
A farmer of Liberty county,
Georgia, was struck by lightning
four years ago. Since that time
he has had peculiar magnetic and
electrical qualities. Whenever a
storm gathers he bee macs highly
charged. His flesh tingles and
tiny sparks aro emitted in myri-
ads. Small particles of mot)
eling to his fingers, while 'flies
which light upon him fall dead
M r. Bal Ian tyne, ii)!
South Perth, saw within the last
two weeks in London Hen. Mr.
13Iake, our great Canadian Li kraal
leader. We regret that Mr. Blake's
health has not even yet been fully
restored by his long respite from
labor in Canada, and his many
changes of scene and association
in Europe. Ho is still troubled
by insomnia or sleeplessness,
though not nearly to so severea
degree as when he left our shores.
Autumn, tve hope, will see him
once more "at home" and in full
vigor. The hon. gentleman eon -
versed enthusiastically on Canad-
ian politics, on whir:11,1)e keeps
himself posted, watching ; ev-
e 7 mo e and noting Every utter-
ance., and he was warm in eomen-
dation of the signs -3 service's ren -
dere' to the country by the able
leaders and supporters of the Lib•
ehlparty during the session which
has just been bronght to a dose.
It is evident that those services
are much appreciated by Mr.
Blake, who waerejoiced to see the
harmer so well upheld (luring his
enforced abseneo,
lie on Your 4.1nord.
Don't allow a cold in the head to Pilowly
and surely run into Catarrh, when you than
be cnred for 25c, by using Dr Chase's Ca-
tarrh Cure. A few applications cure n•
sipient catarrh - 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary
catarrh; 2 to 6 boxee are guaranteed to
cure chronic eatarth. Try it. Only Mc,
ani sure cure, 0,1 by all druggists,
Plt0 eQp,a a„dtress
Agstrgiamars :tiltYROVacilet
' Onxt110 left 4'14 night amt day.
Hers only ,sister locked it there be.
fore she sailed. for America to get
reartlixi. IN ship went down
with all hands, and the key is
with the drowned girl.
Vhf Atherns, wbo has just
died near -Clinton, Iowa, was seven
feet high, and wore a coat 70 inch.
es about the chest and 80 about
the waist. His weight was within
a fraction of 400 pounds, and a
special coffin had to be made for
him in Chicago,
Wm. Bell, a farmer, living in
Plym ton township,was killed on
&tta-day wester early Sunday
morning on Lhe track near Forest.
He started home up the track,
and it is supposed fell asleep on
the rails. His remains were dis-
covered a short distance west of
the depot.
Seventeen years after killing a
neighbor's horse near Independ-
ence, Iowa, the offender was con-
verted at a revival meeting and
one of his first acts was to pay the
farmer for his loss. As he also
wanted to pay interest, which the
farmer declined to accept, the
religion to be had at an •Iowa re-
vival may be considered of the
quality that wears. '
Several ofthe wealthiest merch-
ants of Moscow have been convict-
ed of adulterating tea. One of Clem
was deprived of his civil rights
and banished to Siberia for life.
The others cenvicted were sen-
tenced to different terms of impris-
onment. Tho adulteration offood
in Russia has attained alarming
proportions and is constantly in.
creasin_g despite the measures tak
en by Government to suppress it
Mr. Stephen Moseley, ofLon don
township,sustained a loss of over
$2,000 on Thursday afternoon by
the buening of his barn ansl con-
tents. His sons had been en-
gaged in setting' off firestream's
whoa spark -ignited a quantity ol
straw in the barn, and in an in-
stant the whole building was en-
veloped in flames. Mr. Mossiest
had a largo quantity of grain and
machinery in the barn, and several
head .of live stock in the stable be.
low. Tho framer was a complete
loss, and two -cows were, roasted
Children sometimes. hit upon it
phrase whieli conveys more than
pages in which their elders have
striven to set forth things clearly
and an instance was 'afforded re-
cently by a girl of 6. She had
been present while her mother re-
ceived. a call from a neighbor, 0110
of 'those' immeasurably voluble
women who are the terror of their
friends; and after the celler had
departed she said to her mother
with the utmost seeiorianess:
"Mamma I don't think I like Mrs.
Blank, She leaks words all the
The collection ofmortuary stat-
istics by theDomin ion Government
seems to bo an expensive' farce.
Take the returns for the month of
• April, published in our Ottawa des
patch yesterday. 11 is there stat
, ed that in the eity of London, with
a population of, nearly 27,000, 116
ascertained by the assessors, only
.14 deaths were registered last
month. No ono believes that this
is a correct record, yet from !ilia
returns expensive tables are com-
piled and labored deductions made
by Government officials who might
be better employed.
A dime Ml16.011111 in Chicago has
been showing this week a man aad
a woman alleged to be Chaska,the
Indian, and Cora_ Fellows,. the
young Washington society woman
who married him. The museum*
was overflowed with people all day
long, and lines of ticket buyers in
the streets have curled around the
block, A man who watt -hod the
couple closely declares that the al-
leged Mrs. Chaska is really No. 1
in a beauty show that NVIIS held
here five years ago, and that. her
noble savage is a tramp with his
face .shaved and colored. More
than 60,000 people latye.,paid to
see the couple so far.
A Russian official nOw in the
United States says that another
attempt to find NoalesArk is about
to be.matie by a company of Rus-
sian Oxplorers. After the deluge
recorded in Genesis, the ark in
whieh the human me was saved
rested upon the mountains of Ar-
arat, one of the two peaks of which
is in the Russian- territory, and is
the great landmark between Rus-
sia,Turkey and Persia,not far from
the eastern ere' of the Black Sea.
The summit is more than 17,000
feet above the sen level, and is
constantly covered with snow and
Some of the Canadian .journids,
we observe, are sounding Walarm
about the rapid increase of the
public debt, and consequent addi-
tion to the burthen imposed upon
trade and industry. The Ham-
ilton Times, for example askS
"Where is this thing to end?" and
then goes on to figure in We way:
"Twenty years ago the business of
the Domsnion Was well managed
at a cost of $13,000,000. Now it,
is over $86,000,000, Will it be
$50,000,000 ten years hence? Or
will the people in the meantime
come to their senses?" We guess
the people have no intention of
"coming to their senses," or they
would:turn the spendthriftsout n 1.
put in their place statesman
pledged to e(onomy and retrench-
ment. But pay-day will come all
the same, and though it may be
some time away, the taxpayers
will then no doubt "oome to their
Pences"and realize that something
is the matter. (N. Y. Commercial
The largest Wary paid to ally
of the bishops of the Protestant
4piseopal church of the United
State e is $10.,000 n year. New
York pays thia to Bisluip Potter,
and provides him a honse. The
next provides
amount is $6,000,aud
the bishops d California, Ohleago,
Long Island and Massachusetts
receive that figure. Only eight
receive $5,000. The ' Bishop of
Maine receives only $1,800, and
has to pay his travelling expenses;
but he receives about $1.700 RS
rector of St. Luke's cathedral.
Chief Factor Belanger, of Win-
nipeg, describes the destitution in
the north ..aa,every had. It was
largely owing to the fact that dum
.ing the period when the Indians
Amid have taken enpugb fish and
game to tide them over the winter
they were very sick. A virulent
type of measles had broken out I
among them, and they were sick
for a long time, many indeed dy-
ing. Mr Belanger says tho worst
is now over, and that they will be
able to manage to obtain a liveli-
hood by catching fish and shooting
small game.,
Dr Munhall, at a recant service
in St. Paul, chose for the subject
of his Bible reading. The resur-
rection of the Lindy.' He stated
that he believed in the literal re-
surrection of the literal body. Ho
quoted freely- from the Old Testa-
ment is show whet the Scriptures
say on the point, as opposed to
scientific statements of metaphy-
sicians. Ile stated that when the
body wont into the grave, and if it
does not rise agiin, then Israel
dies. He quoted the old story
about the apple tree planted on
the grave of Roger Williams. Ho
did not believe that the tree had
absorbed the body, for the roots
could not stri Ice down deep enough
into the emelt. In conclusion he
said : If it is not true that we are
to meet our loved ones again,thon
I wish 1 bad never met my father
and mother and her dear fl iends.'
The confectioners understand
the strategic part Of Unfit' business
as well as some of the other
tradesmen. A gentleman had oc-
casion to step into a confection-
ev's store, and while waiting
to speak to the proprietor saw
him servo several customers. In
each case he put Short weight on
the settles, 113.1 was compelled to
udil a little more in order to lal-
ance them. After the people had
gone out tee visitor remarked that
he should have thought that after
so many years' practise he might
be able to judge the r:orrect woight
more nearly the first timd. 611,1
that's one of the kinks of the busi-
ness,' he replied. Of' (tours°, i0!
don't aisount to anything, but 1
801110110W people' think they are;
getting more for their money than 1
they do when we put in too much
at, first and then have to. take
some of it out. It is only
nation, but then pretty nitwit
everything is , imagination where;
trading is eoncerned.'
The miscroscope has proved that these
diseases are cmtagious, and that they are
Inc to the presence of living parasites in.'
the interlining membrane of the upper air
passages and eustachlan tubes. The emi-
nent scientists, Tyndall, Huxley and Bea-
le endorse this, and the authorities cannot
be disputed. .The regular method of treat-
ing these diseases ,has been to apply an ir-
ritant remedy weekly, and even daily,thns
keeping the delicate niembr ne in a con-
stant state of irration, allowing it no chan-
ce to heal, and as a natural coneequence Of
such treatment not ,one permanent cure
has ever been recorded. It is an absolute
fact that these diseases cannot be cured by
any application made oftener than once it.?
two weeks for the membrane must get a
chance to heal before an.application. is re-
peated. It is now seven years singe -Mr.
Nixon discovered the parasite n catarrh
and formulated his new tread int, and
shies then his remedy has become a hause-
linld word in evely country when the Eng
lish language is spoken. Ct.' RES EFFECTED
SEASE. So highly are these remedies val-
ued, that ignorant imitators have started
up everywhere, pretending to destroy a
parasite, of which they know nothing, by
remedies, the results of the application Of
which they are equally igmorant. Mr. Dix-
on's remedy is applied only once in two
weeks and from one to three applications
effent a permanent cure in the most aggra-
vated cases. Mi, Dixon sends a pamph-
letdescribing his new treatment on the re-
ceipt of stamp to pay postage. The •ad.
drew; of A. H. Dixon & Son is 2(E4 King
Street West, Toronto, Canada Scientific
Want of Sleep
Is sending thousands annually to the
insane asylum ; and the dpctors say this
trouble is alarmingly on the increase.
The usual remedies, while they may
give temporary relief, are likely to do
more harm than good. What is needed
is an Alterative and Blood-puriller.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably
the best. It corrects those disturbances
in the circulation which cause sleepless-
ness, gives incteaSed vitality, •and re-
stores the nervous system to a healthful
- Rev. T. G. A. Cote, agent of the Mass.
Home Missionary Society, writes that
his stomach was out of order, his sleep
very often disturband some im-
purity of the blood manifest ; but that
a perfect cure was obtained by the use
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Frederick W. Pratt, 4¢4 Washington
street, Boston, writes: "My daughter
was prostrated with nervous debility.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to
William- F. Bowker, Erie, Pa, was
enrol of nervonsness and sleeplessness
hy taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about
two months, during which time his
weight increased over twenty pounds.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rearrange nv
Dr. J. 0. Ayer & 0o., Lowell, Mass.
solo Druggist, 'PON 51: *Is r,ie,
_ .
URES Nervous Prostration, Nervous
a**"*.—Meadache. ' Neuralgia, Nervous
Weaning,' Stomach and Liver
Diseases, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia'
and all affections of the Kidneys.
PSIES'el CELERY Cotoropsofs a Nerve Tunic
avid& never fails. Contain_ j_an Celem end
Coca:those wpiiilerful pimiento, it speed-
ily cures all nervous Menden.
PAM CELERY Comrotum purifies the
blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which
causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood -
making organs to a healthy condition. The
,true remedy for Rheumatism.
Pastes CELERY COMPOUND mdekty restores
the liver and kidneys to perfect health.
This curative power combined with its
nerve tonics, makes it the best remedy
for all kidney complaints. '
PensE's CELERY COMPOUND strengthens the
stomach, and quiets the nerveset the dip&
titre organs. This is why it cures even the
worst cases of Dyspepsia.
PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND is not a cathar-
tic. It is a laxative, giving easy -and natural
- action to the bowels. Regularity surely fol.
lows its use.
Recommended by professional and business
men. Send for book.
Price $1,00. Sold by Druggists.
Montteal. P Q-
The honor of knightliold ip; con-
ferred on Chief Justice Galt and 1
Dr Wilson, ',resident of Univsrsity
Mrs Carrie Harsingtim, of Chi-
cago, clemented through ill health
-saturated her elothing with oil
and set them 0 fire, bundles to
A 31on treat despateh says : Mrs
Jaynes Elliott,ot Three Riversaind
lately of Waterbury, N 11, report-
ed at the Central station Friday
morning, that whilst passing
through hereon her wily to Three
Rivers, she lost her husband in St.
Dominique street in ft Most extra-
ordinary manner. It appears that
110 was fOreinfin for 'Messrs Hall,
Neilson & Co., lumber merchants,
of Three Rivers, for 32 years.
Wishing to retire from work he
moved to Waterhury, but there
became week minded, and desired
te go back te his phiee of birth.
On arriving here he desired to see
some relatives in St. C011111110
street, but on the way up St.
Dominique street felt weak
and sat clown on n doresitep„ His
wife welked on it few steps, and
when she turned to look tint him
he ha I d kappa red. Think: ng
that perhaps he had gone to Three
Rivers she went there, but failed
to find him and returned,
Field and Garden Seeds of all
kinds, fresh and new, inelud-
ling Seed Peas, 011 • and Buck-
wheat, at the
CLINToN 1'1.3.:1) STORE.
Desire to announce that they have opened a
Shop 011 Albert Street, Clinton, next to olas-
gow's store. Being 'practical workmen they
believe they can give satisfaction to all who
entrust their work. PAPER HANGING, KAL-
DECORATIONS, &C., executed on the shortest
notice. • Orders respectfully solicited.
r. Chase
llass wp.rld-witle reputation as a physic:an and
author. His Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure is
triumph id inedMal skill ciirin.r 261 c cf
the Ki 1 ey 1,1,1 1,ti et% 8:, miaow.. of
hl DN1.1( uteY1 !INT. Tr!,tr..Nsing
VIM'S ;Mil 141:11, ill Ilie 4(1;(11111 pida or
sehrlit to the blaplplei and hose of the abdomen;
seal.him urine often POstruetedi frequent desire
to iiringts, sispechily at nizht, atingle' a,:ed per.
sin.; hot, dry 4in p'.11 comp:csiigi, red .and
stipation, ples, liter 5e.
LIVEIt 41407111.1.111iT. P'1111 mail the
shoulder blades, Jaunil:ce, itillow complexion, a
weary, tircil feeling, no life or ensrgy, headache
ilyspemia, 'Tuts,. pimple', Sic.
11140W ER mi).
shoerte.e sea Dandelion are aid tire,, Lieu ours
pupil when combined with Kidney remedies As in
Dr. Chase's Liver 'tire, will most 31'1'I Jetty euro
ail If triiiiblts. It anis like n chartn,
RtimuLturE the clouged Isor,stretiertluviing the
klilne" 9. and invigorating the u h!,le bo(y. Sold
by all dealers at 51, b Receipt 11 oli, Mel. a
lone is worth the money.
K 11) EY 1.1V Eft P11.1.11. Dr, Chase's
Pills are the only itelheyd.lver P14 mcule.• May
he taken (hiring any mph)" ment. They cure
Kidney.LIcer troubles, headatilie, billionsness,
eostirentsli, 55. One Pill a dose. Sold by n11
dealers Price 21i cents. '1'. ElEttA MOON
--dr-VEM"litturrrfacturarir, Prirdford, Ontario,
qmoo put] uoplulAiroas &ppm to
ZS n:8REE,r4
— erqb eee
4541 - 4541
VaRomo• a •
77197 aL 11
• I